Title of a section for an environmental school newspaper. Project “School environmental newspaper”

« New fairy tale» ANDREY DOBRYNIN Once upon a time there lived a ladybug. She herself was red with black spots. And when she looked around her, she saw big people, horses, goats. She was very scared and said: “Oh! They are all so big, bigger than me! I’m afraid they’ll crush me, because I’m so small...” And out of fear, she crawled to one small stone in order to climb on it and stand at least a little higher. But... then a Goat walked nearby in the meadow and almost crushed the Ladybug with her foot. Ladybug closed her eyes and already thought: “That’s it, the Goat will crush me now!!!” But a small pebble saved Ladybug, and nothing happened to her. When the Goat passed by, the joyful Ladybug flew to other similar ladybugs and kept shouting with joy: “Hurray! I’m so small that any pebble can save me and no one will crush me!”

Environmental problems related to environmental pollution are on everyone's lips. It is all the more important to tell children, in a form they can understand, about the relationships in nature and the consequences of incorrect human behavior in nature. Child with early age must learn that the Earth is our common home, and man is part of nature. It should be explained to children that man, considering himself the master of the Earth, has been using everything that surrounds him for his benefit for many years. And if he turns out to be a bad master: he destroys forests, exterminates many animals, birds, fish; builds factories that poison the air, pollute the soil and water, deteriorating environmental conditions, which immediately affects people and wildlife. It is important to lead the child to talk about how this can be avoided if you follow certain rules of behavior in the world around you. K.Yu.Belaya

Tell the children that man, considering himself the master of the Earth, for many, many years used everything that surrounds him for his benefit, forests, seas, mountains, rivers, the bowels of the Earth, animals and birds. He turned out to be a bad owner, he stopped caring about the planet: he destroyed forests, exterminated fish, birds, and animals. People hardly cared about the fact that factory chimneys polluted the air and water bodies, and mountains of garbage accumulated in the city and rural areas. As a result, some animal breeds and many plant species may disappear completely. 2. Why shouldn't it be like this? Carefully look at the pictures in sequence and answer the questions.

What is the difference between the first Who clears the forest from harmful picture and the third? insects? Why did the fish die? Why are the birds worried in the second picture? Think about what you can What is the difference between the first and third pictures? picture. Draw. Who makes honey for people? What is the connection between the fifth and sixth pictures? (Why did the destruction of flowers lead to a lack of honey?)

3. “Conversation with a Bee” Listen and try to remember the poem. I was stung by a bee. I screamed: “How could you?” The bee responded: “How could you pick my favorite flower? After all, I really needed him: I was saving him for dinner.” Marina Boroditskaya. Explain how you understand the proverb “Where there is a flower, there is honey.” Why was the bee angry? Why did she need the flower? In nature, everything is interconnected, and a person’s cruel and even simply careless attitude towards it worsens the life of the person himself.

Riddles 1. The boy has a round belly, striped leggings, a striped jacket, and a hook on the top of his head. 2. Move the flower, all four petals. I wanted to pick it off, but he took it and flew away. 3. What kind of forest animal is it? He stood up like a pillar under a pine tree. And he stands among the grass, his ears are larger than his head. 4. He put an earring on his nose, spread his tail like a crown, and walks with dignity. But everyone around him knows that he….. 5. He doesn’t walk, but is alive, buried in the ground with his head. There is a rope in the ground, and underneath there is a storage room. 6. He made a hole, dug a hole, the sun is shining, but he doesn’t know. 7. A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and gallops. 8. Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth. 9. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, Walks boldly and easily, spreading his horns wide. 10. Spreads, weaves, Sits and waits for prey.

Poems for preschoolers We want the birds to sing, So that there is noise around the forest, So that the skies are blue, So that the river is silver, So that the butterfly frolics, And there is dew on the berries! We want the sun to warm. And the birch tree turned green, And under the tree lived a funny, prickly hedgehog, So that the squirrel could jump. So that the rainbow sparkles, So that the cheerful rain pours. Even though the fly agaric is harmful, we will not touch it. Suddenly the Forest Dweller needs him.

So that the flowers bloom in the forest, We will not collect large bouquets of them all spring and summer. If the chick flies out of the nest before its time, We will help, no problem, Don’t crack, magpie. The fragile house of the ant must also be protected. He must definitely stand behind the fence. Bunny and hedgehog - Forest dwellers You better not touch! Keep them safe! Let's protect nature, preschoolers! We must not forget about her for a minute. After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers, This is all for us forever!

Date of publication: 05/13/2014 20:38:29

Ecological newspaper

as one of the tools for developing environmental behavior

Romanovtseva O.N., methodologist

MBOU "Secondary School No. 6" Yugorsk Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra.

We learned to fly in the sky like birds.

We learned to swim in the ocean like fish.

Now all that remains is to learn to live on earth like people.

George Bernard Shaw

The problem of new environmental ethics, environmental education and education are recognized by UNESCO as global. After all, no improvement in the environmental situation will occur until the broad mass of the planet’s population is ready to abandon destructive consumerism, wants to take care of their environment, each citizen about their small homeland and acquires a new environmentally oriented worldview.

The new situation requires from humanity and from young people, first of all, new self-determination and a meaningful program of action. Children, teenagers, and youth of Russia today find themselves in difficult situation, when old ideals are “knocked out” and there are simply no new ones, so they look for a way out in negative actions. All this obliges us to begin concrete actions for the social rehabilitation of the younger generation and their adaptation to the qualitatively new relationships emerging in society.

Solving environmental education issues today is not only about studying biological science about the connections of the body with the environment, but also the creation of conditions for instilling a sense of patriotism in the younger generation. In addition, environmental education is also the practice of human survival in conditions of an environmental crisis and an impending environmental disaster. It is no coincidence that the 21st century is called the “Century of the Environment” by the Institute of European Environmental Policy.

Ecologically moral and value principles and norms are learned if they are experienced as personally significant. The most important thing is to always remember that our future does not depend on anyone, but on each of us personally. And even though we can’t do much yet, at first it will be enough to at least not litter, not break bottles, and not break trees. It is enough to take a closer look at the life of the fragile spring flower and a lizard basking in the sun, listen to the singing of birds and the splash of river waves.

Why is the newspaper format offered? In fact, this form of the printed word has a number of advantages.

  1. It is relatively cheap to publish a newspaper. In terms of price-result ratio in influencing a large number of people, the newspaper has practically no equal.
  2. You can put a huge amount of information in a newspaper, and if you do it correctly and interestingly, people will read it.
  3. It is very important that even now in the 21st century in Russia there are a lot of people who do not have access to the Internet or do not use computer and electronic media.
  4. Our mission is to find and provide access to our newspaper to people who want to know more about health, environmental issues and nature.
  5. Students will receive a truthful opinion about existing problems and their solutions.

Justification for choosing the theme of the project “Ecological Newspaper”.

The children's and youth press has become a massive and ubiquitous phenomenon in our lives.

Children and teenagers need periodicals, where they themselves would collaborate and where topics that were important and interesting to them would be discussed.

When knowledge passes through the sphere of a person’s feelings and experiences, in the course of reflection, analysis, comparison with one’s own experience, it develops into beliefs

Practical experience in communicating with nature, including educational research on regional environmental problems, is of great importance.

Develops imagination and observation skills

Techniques are not rational environmental management cause internal protest, desire and readiness to protect the environment.

Pedagogical tasks

  • Create an environment for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities and project skills.
  • Deepen knowledge about nature and the role of man in it. To increase students' interest in the nature of their native land. Contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge in the field of ecology, biology, environmental protection, computer science.
  • Involve students in practical activities for nature conservation through the organization of actions and labor landings.
  • Develop interpersonal communication skills using ICT.
  • Exchange experience between project participants in organizing environmental education and environmental activities in their city or district.
  • To form in children elementary ideas about plants and animal organisms in their relationship with the environment, about the value of nature and human responsibility for its preservation
  • Use environmental knowledge as necessary condition for production correct attitude to the surrounding world.
  • Encourage knowledge to be emotionally effective and expressed in the form cognitive interest, humanistic and aesthetic experiences, practical readiness to create, protect all living things, handle things with care, not only because it was someone’s work, but also because materials of natural origin were spent on their production.

Possible options for publishing a newspaper.

NEWSPAPER APPLICATION. This is a satellite newspaper published by guys working in certain areas (sports, local history, national culture etc.)

NEWSPAPER-LIGHTNING. A special type of newspaper. It contains emergency information about one or more events in the life of the city, school (i.e. “lightning” - an emergency issue of a newspaper with a message about important event). Lightning information requires immediate response.

LIVING NEWSPAPER” - this is a thematic newspaper, showing pressing problems. For a “living newspaper,” relevance and topicality are important.

PRESS BULLETIN. This is a newspaper that informs the reader about the course of an event, highlighting its most important moments, giving an assessment, summing up the results. The press bulletin is issued at rallies, festivals, competitions, environmental press conferences, etc.

EXCHANGE NUMBER. This is a newspaper that is made for your friends, the group of guys with whom you are friends. It is usually prepared jointly by the editorial board of a newspaper from another school. The goal is to help friends publish a good newspaper and to learn themselves.

The purpose of the students’ activities is:

  1. Knowledge of the native land and specific environmental activities.
  2. Joint creative solution of local environmental problems, finding supporters and partners among various departments and authorities.
  3. Conducting educational work among your surroundings, notifying the local population about the results of your research and successes in nature conservation.
  4. Participation in environmental competitions, Olympiads at all levels, exchange of experiences with peers.
  5. Getting emotional pleasure from your creative activity.

What can you write about?

  • About people's attitude towards environment.
  • That people should take care of living nature.
  • How to cultivate “green” habits.

Specialized information and information and news sections:

Environmental news - “Only the facts”;

- “Red Book species of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra”;

- “Our park”;

- “The very best”;

- “Ecological calendar”;

- “Medicinal plants”;

An entertaining section with scanwords, jokes and much more.

Results of the project implementation.

1. Regulations on the school environmental newspaper have been developed.

2. There are several options for the names of an environmental newspaper.

3. The publication of environmental leaflets was organized: “Ecohouse”, “Ecopolis”, “My Red Book of Ugra”.

4. The following mottos and headings were used in environmental leaflets:

Think green!

Touch everything in nature only with your heart.

Let's build a "Green City"!

Let's make the world a better place!

More life!

5. 8 8th grade students participated in the implementation of the project and managed to:

  1. learn how to publish your own newspaper - a leaflet in one page format;
  2. get acquainted with the basic newspaper business;
  3. learn to find relevant material for the newspaper;
  4. learn to work with the Publisher-Point program;
  5. learn how to interview correctly;
  6. expand the scope of environmental education;
  7. to attract students in grades 2-5 to environmental activities through participation in competitions and promotions announced in the newspaper leaflet.

In the practice of working on the implementation of the “Ecological Newspaper” project, the following problems emerged:

  • on elective course“Ecology for All” some children came out of obligation, so they were not active in working on the newspaper;
  • there was no leader motivated to organize work on a common newspaper; each student published his own newspaper;
  • not enough time to publish a newspaper (1 hour per week);
  • lack of automated workstations with Internet access for students.

In order to develop key competencies of students during the implementation of the project, a system-activity approach was used. The main technologies used: design, research, information and communication technologies. Experience shows that the organization of practical activities of students is of particular importance in order to consolidate the primary skills of participation in environmental actions: modeling environmental situations, developing applied environmental skills, emotional and aesthetic perception of the nature of their region. Thus, 3 students from grades 2-5 took part in the competition “Animals of the Red Book through the eyes of children.” 30 students in grades 2-5 took part in the “Your Good Footprint in Nature” campaign. At the end of the event, all participants received gratitude from the school director for their active environmental behavior. Environmental leaflets were issued in the process of working on an “ecological newspaper”, under the heading “My page in the Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug” (Appendix-1). 5 students took part in the district environmental leaflet competition. Thus, we are convinced that the “ecological newspaper” is one of the effective forms of developing environmental consciousness and behavior of students.

Sources of information

  1. Vachevskaya A.Yu. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/580723
  2. Novosibirsk Environmental Social Movement "GREEN PLANET". VKontakte: Vkontakte.ru/club12777101
  3. Email: [email protected], [email protected]
  4. Organization Blog http://zelenaya_planeta_nsk.1nsk.ru//
  5. FEZ "Green energy and the house of the future"

http://isjaee.hydrogen.ru- “Alternative Energy and Ecology” - an international scientific journal.

The magazine contains detailed information about the latest projects, developments and research of famous Russian and foreign scientists in the field alternative energy, educational programs in universities and schools, scientific foundations, inventions and discoveries.

http://www.greensalvation.org/index.php?page=bereginya – “Bereginya” - newspaper.

The newspaper accumulates and disseminates advanced environmental practices from most Russian regions.

- “Biosphere” - magazine.

The journal is intended for publication of the results of scientific research and for comprehensive consideration, analysis and discussion of issues relating to: the emergence and evolution of the biosphere; the actual state of the biosphere; natural and anthropogenic processes and trends in the abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere and in the biosphere as a whole; conditions and possibilities for the improvement and preservation of individual ecological systems and the biosphere as a super-large and super-complex ecological system, etc.

http://www.ipdn.ru/rics/ve2/index.htm - “Bulletin of Ecology, Forestry and Landscape Science” – magazine.

“Bulletin of Ecology, Forestry and Landscape Science”, published by the Institute of Problems of Northern Development of the SB RAS since 2000, publishes theoretical, applied and informational works on the scientific disciplines included in its title.

http://www.geo.ru– GEO – magazine.

Magazine in Russian. Annotated contents of all issues since 2007 are available.

http://www.izdatgeo.ru/index.php?action=journal&id=3 – “Geography and Natural Resources” - magazine.

The magazine widely covers the geographical aspects of solving major national economic problems, paying great attention to rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, geographic forecasting, integrated regional developments, modeling of natural processes, and the development of cartographic methods.

http://jess.msu.ru- Reports on environmental soil science – electronic scientific journal.

DEP is a periodic and ongoing scientific publication in the form of an electronic document (group electronic documents), containing the results of theoretical and (or) experimental research in the field of environmental soil science, which has undergone editorial and publishing processing, as well as documents scientifically prepared for publication, intended for distribution in unchanged form, with imprint information.

http://www.biodiversity.ru/publications/zpnp/index.html - Bulletin "Reserves and National Parks".

Archive of issues from 1999-2006.

http://www.greenworld.org.ru/?q=nash_bereg – “Our Shore” is a newspaper.

The newspaper of the public environmental organization "Green World" talks about the problems of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland.

http://priroda.ru/bulletin- “Use and protection natural resources" - newsletter.

The scientific-practical and information-analytical bulletin “Use and Protection of Natural Resources” is the only magazine in the country that comprehensively covers almost all aspects of environmental management and ecology in the country.

http://www.izdatgeo.ru/index.php?action=journal&id=2 – “Cryosphere of the Earth” - magazine.

The journal publishes original theoretical and methodological articles on issues of the Earth's cryosphere: new data on the structure of various areas of the cryosphere, information on the structure and characteristics of cryogenic formations, their evolution, problems of cryogenesis, methods and results of modeling cryosphere components, questions of methodology for studying the Earth's cryosphere and others planets.

http://forest.ru/rus/bulletin- “Forest Bulletin” - information publication.

It talks about the work of non-governmental organizations to preserve forest ecosystems, the problems facing forestry and ways to solve them. A large place in the publication is occupied by materials devoted to legislation, problems of sustainable environmental management and relations between the public and government forestry authorities.

http://www.nat-geo.ru-National Geographic Russia – magazine.

National Geographic is a unique popular science geographical magazine, the official publication of the National Geographic Society (USA).

http://www.uniq.spb.ru/eco- “Society and Ecology” - newspaper.

Topics covered by the newspaper: energy, construction, education, youth issues, water, air, soil purification, sports, the fight against drugs, propaganda healthy image life, introduction of new technologies, support for environmental journalism, municipal solid waste, coverage of environmental holidays, formation of environmental culture, agriculture, and much more.

http://www.biodiversity.ru/publications/odp/index.html - “Security wildlife" - magazine.

The magazine publishes articles on nature conservation. Archive of issues 2001-2006.

http://pandatimes.ru– Pandatimes – a newspaper about nature and business.

The Pandatimes newspaper is a new Internet project of WWF Russia.

http://www.namsvet.ru- Nature and man. XXI century - magazine.

The magazine examines issues of ecology, human health, religion, morality, etc.

http://www.priroda.su – “Priroda.su” - a magazine about the environment.

Popular science notes about ecology, the environment and the relationship between man and nature. Comments, subscription to updates.

http://www.izdatgeo.ru/index.php?action=journal&id=9 – “Flora world of Asian Russia” - magazine.

The journal publishes materials on various problems of general and experimental botany, introduction and acclimatization of plants.

http://www.rus-stat.ru– “Russia in the world around us” - yearbook.

Web version of the analytical publication published by the International Independent Ecological and Political Science University: articles on applied ecology, nature conservation, environmental safety, etc.

http://savesteppe.org/sb- “Steppe Bulletin” - an environmental almanac.

Working bulletin on the conservation of steppe ecosystems and non-destructive environmental management in the steppes.

http://www.ecolife.ru- "Ecology and Life" - popular science magazine.

“Ecology and Life” is the only popular science periodical in Russia that broadly covers the topics of ecology and energy efficiency, climate change and environmental management. The publication combines a high scientific level and provides accessibility to complex problems of science about the nature and climate of the Earth along with a story about the development of a green economy and energy. A significant place in the magazine is devoted to issues of environmental education and the development of worldviews.

http://ekologiya.net– “Ecology and Industry of Russia” – scientific and technical journal.

Processing and purification of industrial waste, instruments and methods for monitoring and diagnostics. Archive of issue contents since 1999. Requirements for the design of articles, subscription conditions, contacts.

http://ecologia.by– “Ecology at the Enterprise” - production and practical magazine.

Articles about environmental technologies, changes in environmental legislation, interviews with experts in the field of environmental protection. Archive of publications since 2011. Possibility of online subscription.

www.ecoindustry.ru– “Production Ecology” - magazine.

The magazine “Ecology of Production” was created to provide the reader with information and methodological support in the field of industrial ecology. The magazine helps to formulate the main directions of practical activities at an enterprise to control emissions, discharges and waste to reduce negative impact on the environment.

http://elibrary.ru/issues.asp?id=9265 – “Human Ecology” - magazine.

The main activity of the journal is the publication of the results of scientific research devoted to problems of human ecology and having both fundamental and applied significance.

http://ecosinform.ru- "ECOS" and "Ecos-inform" - magazines.

“Ekos” magazine is a magazine on issues of environmental safety, environmental management and sustainable development.

Nina Shchetinina

Creative project – environmental newspaper

Program content: Systematize knowledge about the object of research. Introduce children to general scheme activities. Learn to create a joint project. Introduce the rules for designing an environmental newspaper. Show ways to independently acquire knowledge, Make creative project based on the collected material. Cultivate an interest in learning.

Methodical techniques

Part 1. Discussion of the topic.

Consider how a newspaper is designed (there is a name, sections, headings, articles, an entertaining page, advertisements)

Select newspaper title (teacher-led discussion)

Part 2. Collection of information.

Create a researcher's folder.

Paste a picture of the research object onto the researcher’s folder.

Where can I collect the necessary information? (Ask others, think, observe, conduct an experiment, look in a book, on TV, call the help desk, etc.)

Explain to children how to use the encyclopedia.

Gather available information. (Prepare books, encyclopedias, sets of pictures in advance.)

Watch a video on this topic.

Remember what children know about the object of study (riddles, poems, fairy tales). Write down information on pieces of paper or cards.

Create a crossword puzzle or questions for a mini-quiz

Part 3. Systematization of information

Summarize the collected material, distribute it by topic, select the important, significant, and interesting.

Part 4. Creating a project - publishing a newspaper.

The newspaper is placed at the stand for parents “Life on the Ecodoka Planet”, additional information from the teacher is in the pocket windows.

Publications on the topic:

Educational activity project “Ecological chain” Teacher-developer: Olga Anatolyevna Petrova Educational activities are carried out using the principle of integration, and integration.

Project on environmental education of preschool children “Ecological trail” Relevance of the project Familiarizing children with the world around them is closely related to issues of environmental education. The most important means.

Project "Ecological trail" Project: “Ecological trail”. Project: ECOLOGICAL TRAIL Goal: Raising a child’s conscious attitude through communication with nature. Formation.

During preschool childhood, the foundations for a child’s interaction with nature are laid, and with the help of adults, he begins to recognize it as common.

Project “Ecological path in kindergarten” for senior group No. 4 Project “Ecological path in kindergarten” SENIOR GROUP No. 4 Educator: Salimova. NABEREZHNYE CHELNY 2014 Project “Environmental.

Project “Ecological trail in kindergarten” Relevance. The preschool period is an extremely important stage in a child’s life. It is during this period that physical and mental intensification occurs.

Creative project “Winter” Slide 1 Information card project 1. Project: “Winter” 2. Author of the project: Sklyar Oksana Vladimirovna 3. Type of project: cognitive-speech.

In order to expand knowledge in the field of ecology, in particular in matters of conservation water resources, I drew for my children and their parents.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic
Department of Education of Alnashsky District
MBOU Udm. Toymobash secondary school
Scientific association of students “Young Researcher”

Social project

(Attracting public attention to the problem of household waste disposal and promoting fractional waste collection)

Project Description
Newspaper headings and materials.9
Project implementation26
Project effectiveness..27
Conclusion............................. 29
Literature 31
Documents confirming the implementation of the project
6.1. Black and white version of the newspaper
6.2. Color version of the newspaper
6.3. Photo report
6.4. Presentation

Justification of the problem.

The children's and youth press has become a massive and ubiquitous phenomenon in our lives. Children and teenagers need periodicals, but not only weekly journals with fairy tales and rhymes, but publications where they themselves collaborate and where topics that are important and interesting to them are discussed. A school newspaper can now be considered as a means of creating a real strong creative team at school, as a means of forming public opinion, a means of education, etc. For active, inquisitive children, the school newspaper is a kind of catalyst and generator of ideas.
Our school operates as an experimental site in environmental and local history areas. Therefore, we decided to create an annual environmental newspaper. One of the reasons for the chosen topic was the fact that the village has many environmental problems, the most pressing of which are “wild” landfills. The problem of “wild”, i.e., unauthorized landfills currently exists in any populated area. “Wild” landfills not only disfigure the landscape, but also pose a threat to human health. Rodents, which are carriers of various infectious diseases, breed in large numbers in landfills. Household waste dumps pollute the environment, creating an epidemiological and toxicological hazard. The atmospheric air suffers (from the release of methane, sulfur dioxide, etc.), soils and groundwater are polluted (from heavy metals, solvents, polychlorinated biphenyls-dioxins, insecticides, etc.) - soils and vegetation are polluted at a distance of up to 1.5 km from landfills . Near city landfills in the soil and groundwater compounds of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel were detected
The problem of household waste is also acute in rural areas, although compared to cities, there are no large industrial enterprises in rural areas and there is less population. But in rural areas no one collects or processes household waste. Therefore, despite the prohibitions, garbage is dumped in places that are completely inappropriate for this purpose.
Despite the implementation of various measures to eliminate this problem by school students, the board of the collective farm collective farm "Progress" and the municipal formation "Udmurt Toimobashskoye", it is not being resolved in any way. And this problem is given a lot of attention in the locality: this is organized waste collection in the spring - summer period to a special landfill, organization of cleanup days, actions and raids carried out by students of the school “Clean the streets of the village and river banks”, distribution of leaflets by school students, performance of propaganda teams. It seems that no one will dare to litter in the cleaned area, but a few weeks later bottles, cans, and bags are strewn everywhere. How to solve this problem?
We decided to try new method impact on the population - through an environmental newspaper.
Through our newspaper we want to show the results of the work done, the most significant ones, current problems our village, pay attention to ways to solve them.

Goal and objectives of the project:

Goal: To create an environmental newspaper as a means of promoting environmentally responsible behavior towards the environment;

1.Inform the population about the main environmental problems of our village;

2. To involve school students and the village population in practical activities for nature conservation through the organization of actions and labor landings;

3. To develop an environmental culture and environmentally responsible behavior among students and residents of populated areas;

4.Learn to collect, process information, write and defend projects;

Expected results:

Our newspaper will be one of the ways to influence village residents to involve them in practical activities for nature conservation. After reading the articles and notes of our newspaper, which were written by their children and grandchildren, they will look at problems differently, especially at problems related to waste disposal. If out of 200 families, at least a few dozen families are affected by our newspaper, if they treat the environment more responsibly, then our work has not been done in vain.

Project participants:

Authors of the idea: participants of the NOU “Young Researcher”, leader S. G. Izhevskikh
Project author: Alla Lebedeva, 10th grade student
Authors of the newspaper: students of Udmurt Toimobashskaya high school- 28 people
from 2nd to 10th grade.
Author of the design, assistant to the author of the project: Sergey Saramatov, 10th grade student

Implementation period and venue:

Implementation period: Issue and distribution of the newspaper - April - May 2011
Venue: Municipal Educational Institution Udmurt Toymobash Secondary School, Udmurt Toymobash village, Udmurt Vishur village, Shubino village.

2.Description of the project

2.1 Preparation

Collection of information. In order to collect information for our newspaper, we announced a competition among primary and secondary school students for environmental posters, notes, stories, drawings and poems about nature conservation and environmental problems in our village.
Processing. Selected for printing best works In addition, we used abstracts of previously written research papers by students of our school. The material is ready.
Design. First we had to choose the type of our newspaper. To do this, we studied several types of newspapers. From literary sources we learned that there are different types of newspapers. A zip newspaper is a special type of newspaper. It contains emergency information about one or more events in the life of the area (ie, "lightning" - an emergency release of a newspaper reporting an important event). Lightning information requires immediate response.
A combat leaflet is an operational newspaper published at the scene of an event. The name itself contains the essence of these releases - combativeness, speed, effectiveness.
"Living Newspaper". "Living Newspaper" is a thematic newspaper that shows pressing issues. It can be devoted to problems of peace and ecology. Relevance and topicality are important for a “living newspaper”.
Press bulletin. This is a newspaper that informs the reader about the course of an event, highlighting its most important moments, giving an assessment, summing up the results. The press bulletin is issued at rallies, festivals, competitions, environmental press conferences, etc.
Exchange number. This is a newspaper that is made for your friends, the group of guys with whom you are friends. It is usually prepared jointly with the editorial board of a newspaper from another school. The goal is to help friends publish a good newspaper, and to learn themselves.
By type - our newspaper belongs to the “Living Newspaper”, since topical, relevant environmental problems.
Now you need to choose a format. Will the newspaper consist of a sheet, A-3 format or A-4 format, consisting of 4 sheets? Perhaps we'll focus on the second option. The newspaper will be printed on A-3 format, which consists of 4 sheets. Then they came up with a name for the newspaper, a logo and a sequence of materials.

1.Name of the school environmental newspaper:

“We want to live in a clean and beautiful village!”

Epigraph: “The bird that dirty its nest is bad”
Worked on the newspaper:
Editor-in-Chief: S. G. Izhevskikh – geography teacher, head of the non-profit educational institution “Young Researcher”
Responsible correspondents: Alla Lebedeva, Sergey Saramatov – 10th grade students
Authors: students of Udm. Toymobash Secondary School

Appeal from the Administration of Udm. Toimobash secondary school, administration of the municipal district "Udm. Toimobashskoye".
Dear residents of the villages of Udm. Toymobash, Udm. Vishur, Shubino, dear students of our school!
Today we appeal to you through the school environmental newspaper with an appeal that together we try to preserve the purity of our village, our meadows, forests and rivers, which belongs not only to us, but also to our future generations. Every year the surroundings of our villages are littered with garbage, and “wild landfills” are set up everywhere. What will happen in a year, in a few years? If each of us does not clean up after ourselves, then this problem cannot be solved by organizing cleanup days only. Every person must treat the surrounding nature responsibly, because he lives in this nature, his children run through dirty meadows, pick mushrooms and berries near these garbage dumps. Students and teachers organize anti-garbage campaigns every spring, but unscrupulous residents again organize unauthorized dumps. We hope that our newspaper will help many people understand this problem and help them look at their actions differently. After all, everyone cleans around their home, wants to live clean and in order. Only together we can preserve the beauty of our native nature for our children and grandchildren.
The fight against household waste is maintaining the environmental safety of the population.
An excerpt from the research work of students: Tatyana Antonova, Olga Danilova. Head: S. G. Izhevskikh – teacher of geography and ecology
Currently, each inhabitant of our planet produces an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year, and this does not include millions of worn-out and broken cars. If all the garbage that accumulates over the year is not destroyed or processed, but poured into one pile, a mountain as high as Elbrus would be formed - the highest mountain peak in Europe, and if the waste is evenly distributed around the globe, then in 10-15 years it will cover the planet a continuous layer 5 meters thick.
Despite the construction of special landfills and the creation of more or less controlled landfills, unfortunately, “necklaces” of unauthorized landfills are growing everywhere around cities, villages and garden cooperatives. Garbage, despite the prohibitions, is dumped in places that are not intended for this purpose. Such areas are not fenced, there are no specialists monitoring correct placement garbage. From these “wild” landfills, the wind carries paper and other light waste. “Wild” landfills not only disfigure the landscape, but also pose a threat to human health. Some of the former landfills, once within the city limits, are being built up with residential areas. However, the biogas that continues to be released there - the result of the decomposition of organic substances - creates an explosion and fire hazard. A great danger to the environment and human health is waste, which is called special waste. They must not be disposed of with household waste. Approximately 600 highly hazardous substances are classified as special waste. These include:
pesticides contained mainly in industrial waste chemicals plant protection;
radioactive waste generated at enterprises using radionuclides and at nuclear power plants.
mercury and its compounds – chemical industry waste;
arsenic and its compounds contained in waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants;
lead compounds, which are especially common in waste from the oil refining and paint industries, etc.
Each of us uses many things every day, which after their use also become special waste, for example:
unused medications;
residues of plant protection chemicals (pesticides);
remnants of paints, varnishes, adhesives;
remnants of cosmetics (eye shadow, nail polish, nail polish remover);
residues of household chemicals (cleaning products, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols)
mercury thermometers.
The disposal of industrial special waste is regulated by law, special landfills are built for it, and household special waste generated by the population lies in landfills and poses a great danger to both children and adults.
Rodents, which are carriers of various infectious diseases, breed in large numbers in landfills. Household waste dumps pollute the environment, creating an epidemiological and toxicological hazard. The atmospheric air suffers (from the release of methane, sulfur dioxide, etc.), soils and groundwater are polluted (from heavy metals, solvents, polychlorinated biphenyls-dioxins, insecticides, etc.) - soils and vegetation are polluted at a distance of up to 1.5 km from landfills . Compounds of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and nickel were found in the soil and groundwater near city dumps
The problem of household waste is also acute in rural areas, although compared to cities, there are no large industrial enterprises in rural areas and there is less population. But in rural areas no one collects or processes household waste. Therefore, despite the prohibitions, garbage is dumped in places that are not intended for this purpose.
In rural areas, garbage is mostly dumped in “wild” landfills.
It would be good if residents dumped garbage in one specially installed landfill. But there are still such irresponsible residents who arrange a landfill anywhere.
Along the road, by the river, in a ravine, in the forest - anywhere you can see dumped garbage, and even, which is very blasphemous, bags of garbage were thrown near the cemetery, the garbage from which was scattered by the wind throughout the entire field in 1 day. It’s so painful and shameful for the actions of these people.
In terms of the number of landfills, Russia is in first place. There are a lot of “wild” landfills. The problem of waste is complicated by the fact that the natural decomposition of various materials takes a certain time. For example, it takes from 2 to 10 years for paper to decompose, 90 years for a tin can, 100 years for a cigarette filter, 200 years for a plastic bag, 500 years for plastic, and 1000 years for glass.
In order to see how much waste accumulates in one family, we conducted laboratory work according to the calculation of garbage for the week, and in order to find out how the residents of our villages dispose of waste, we conducted a survey among the population of the villages of Udmurt Toymobash and Udmurt Vishur. About 50 people took part in the survey.
Based on the survey data, we processed the information and obtained the following results:
Analysis of the questionnaire showed that residents mainly dispose of waste using the traditional method. Namely, burning. Because this is a faster and more efficient way of disposal. Many residents carefully collect their garbage in bags and then take it to a landfill in an orderly manner.
But there is also a problem, because not all waste burns. For example: batteries, medicines, pesticides, leftover paints, varnishes and cosmetics, bottles, iron cans, etc. And many wastes cannot be burned, like plastic, synthetic materials, because they emit substances hazardous to health. What to do with them? How to recycle? And not finding answers to these questions, residents simply throw them away, setting up unauthorized landfills.
What activities are carried out in the village for waste disposal?
Based on materials from an interview with the head of the Moscow Region Udm. Toimobashskoe”, and also, based on their observations, analyzed the situation in the village regarding the problem of waste disposal and identified:
The board of the Progress collective farm and the rural administration pay great attention to this issue and are interested in the improvement and cleanliness of populated areas.
1. On the territory of the collective farm there is a specially installed landfill, which was studied and approved by the district ecologist, adopted by a decision of a meeting of the village council and deputies. Analyzing the compliance of this landfill with the requirements, we can say that the conditions are satisfactory: the wind rose has been taken into account (our area is mainly subject to westerly winds, and the landfill is located in the northern part of the village), the landfill is located 2 kilometers from the village and has a sufficient area for accepting waste for a long-term period. There is a good asphalt road and a convenient descent to the ravine. But the landfill is not fenced and order is not always maintained. Tractor drivers or simply residents do not want to dump garbage into a ravine, but simply dump it on level ground. Probably, bulldozers should sometimes be used here to clear the access roads and push the garbage into one pile.
2. Organized waste collection with the assistance and participation of the Progress collective farm and the village administration. In the spring-autumn period, carts are placed on each street to collect garbage, and responsible tractor drivers then dump it in a special landfill.
3. Spring and autumn cleaning of areas around buildings, houses, and streets. A commission is being created to inspect the improvement of settlements, which identifies houses in exemplary condition and punishes negligent residents with fines.
4. The campaign “Clean river banks and village streets” is organized by the school and the village administration.
Students wearing rubber gloves collect garbage in bags on the banks of the pond, along roads, in abandoned areas.
And residents are holding a community cleanup to eliminate unauthorized dumps that have formed near their homes.
5. Clearing debris from nearby forests and plantings by students during autumn and spring hikes by burning or burying.
6. Distribution of environmental leaflets by school students with an appeal to the population.
7. Many residents of our village have learned to reuse waste:
- Sapozhnikov family from the village of Udm. Vishur built a greenhouse from plastic bottles;
- kindergarten teachers did beautiful fence for flower beds made from plastic bottles and old tires;
- school students use waste to make crafts, Christmas tree decorations, and create clothing models for the “Second Life for Old Things” competitions;
- old car tires are used by residents and organizations to create flower beds;
- schoolchildren and collective farms collect scrap metal;
- District stores sometimes organize collections of waste paper and bottles. The school donates waste paper as it accumulates.
Although a lot is being done to solve this problem, every spring we again face this problem. It seems that no one will dare to litter in the cleaned area, but a few weeks later bottles, cans, and bags are strewn everywhere.
What else can be done to solve this problem?
What needs to be done more efficiently and efficiently?
How to ensure that every village resident, every student of our school understands his behavior, understands that by littering nature, he harms not only himself, but also his children.
From the responses of residents and students, based on interview materials, the following solutions can be identified:
1. Place garbage cans on the streets, paint them beautifully so that they do not spoil the appearance of the street (There are such garbage cans in Yelabuga) Students can do this work during the holidays
2. The village administration must approve and adopt strict rules for waste disposal, 3. Deputies of the village council can promote the issue at the district level about organizing waste recycling in the area. After all, if they collected bottles, waste paper, plastic packaging at a good price, if we didn’t have so much garbage and this problem would solve itself. It’s not for nothing that in Germany there is a lot of competition for the waste market, which they call the “garbage mafia”

What can we, UDM students, do? Toymobashsky secondary school, in order to at least partially solve this problem:
- firstly, behave culturally in any place, and never throw garbage on the ground, you need to look for a trash can or put it in your bag, so that you can then burn it at home or dispose of it in another way;
- actively participate in all clean-up days;
- create interesting flower beds using old tires and plastic bottles;
- disseminate information about the dangers of waste to human health on parent meetings, reflect in wall newspapers, distribute leaflets;
The problem of waste disposal in Russia is still difficult and painful to solve. And until energy and resource-saving technologies are used in the country, waste will continue to accumulate, and landfills will grow and expand. According to scientific data, 98% of the natural substance used is thrown away, and no more than 2% of it is consumed.
But we can partially solve it by showing responsibility, conscientiousness, respect, and careful attitude towards nature.
The problem is in the person himself, and not outside of him, that’s why possible solution she is connected to him..
Even P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote: “The power of a country lies not only in material wealth, but also in the spirit of the people. The wider and freer this soul is, the greater the greatness and strength the state achieves. And what fosters breadth of spirit if not this amazing nature. It must be protected, just as we protect human life itself. Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the Earth, the desecration of what rightfully belongs not only to us, but also to them.”
List of used literature: 1. . Alekseev V. A. Ecology. 10-11 grades Saint Petersburg; 2000 g
2. Petunin O. V. Studying ecology at school. Yaroslavl: Development Academy;
Vladimir: VKT, 2008.- 192.: ill.

Campaign “Clean village streets and river banks”
6. From student essays about environmental protection and the problem of waste:
“I don’t like it when people throw trash: cans, bottles, cans. Because of this, our ponds, forests, and our village are polluted. When people do this, they kill nature. We need to plant trees, flowers, bushes to make our village even more beautiful. I ask that people do not pollute our village.” Peter Grigoriev, 2nd grade student.
“You have to throw the trash where it needs to go. We have a place called Kuaka Nyuk. There is no need to throw paper, cans, or pieces of iron into the water. We need to plant apple trees, take care of the spring, and make bird feeders. For our village to be beautiful, people themselves must see their village!” Kuzmina Eliza, 2nd grade student.
“We all say that nature is being polluted. But not even an hour passes before we forget about it. For example, let’s take our Toyma river. We want people not to throw garbage into the river, we put up warning signs. But people don't take this seriously. If we throw garbage into the river every year, the environment will change. The springs will dry up. All fish will die. And even willows can dry out due to bad water. There will be little water left for drinking and use. People, save water, don’t pollute the rivers and its banks!” Larionov Ivan, 6th grade student.
“People, stop throwing garbage anywhere. Think about your children and grandchildren. After all, they will have to live in such a bad environment: along river banks, along roads, in meadows - there is garbage everywhere. It wasn't like that when you were little. Think very carefully and make the right decision” Volkov Igor, 5th grade student.
“I would like our village to be clean and beautiful. But many residents of our village throw garbage anywhere. Among the garbage there is harmful substances. They can lead to illness and even death. And animals can die if they eat film or plastic along with the grass. That’s why we need to take care of nature and throw garbage in one permitted place” Denisova Alina, 5th grade student
“Don’t destroy the village, people!
After all, we all need it.
Garbage, jars, bottles everywhere
After all, you are probably ashamed!
Help nature, people!” Alexandrova Veronica, 5th grade student.
“Dear villagers! I want to make a request! Do not throw garbage bags near rivers, roads, meadows and fields! After all, then all this will come back to us! How unpleasant it is to look at this. Please think about your village! Some children also throw away trash wherever they can. They go and throw their candy wrappers and bags. After all, they do bad things to themselves, it’s unpleasant to look at such children!” Fedorova Nadezhda, 5th grade student.
" Nature! How beautiful she is! But if you think about it, people destroy this beauty with their own hands. What a pity to look at this dying nature. A world where there is a lot of rubbish, no animals and plants, is completely uninteresting and uncomfortable. If people throw garbage, our world will disappear into this rubbish!” Yakovleva Liana, 5th grade student.
“God created the earth, not us. Which proves that we have no right to litter or break trees. Even a bird does not dirty its nest. Before throwing garbage, think about the harm it will cause to our Earth, including us. People, don’t throw garbage anywhere!” Kalaev Volodya, 5th grade student.
“Every year you see more and more garbage and landfills in our village! There is also a dump in a ditch near my house. In spring, meltwater carries garbage with it, and that’s why you can see bags and bottles by the river. And in the summer, on a windy day, this garbage (bags, paper) “flies” to us. Because of this, our street is very dirty!” Dunaeva Lyudmila, 8th grade student
“Not only small children throw various food packaging, but even adults throw whole bags of their garbage near the roads, in the meadow. Shame on them! They clean their houses and throw their garbage, not even into a landfill, but simply into pure nature! Although you can burn it, bury it, and, as a last resort, take it to a special landfill! Really, when they drive along the road and see their scattered garbage, they are not ashamed! This is not the only problem in our village! And we need to fight this!” Evseeva Olga, 8th grade student
“People who throw out their garbage before reaching the landfill or right next to the road probably don’t think about the future of our village. What will happen if no one cleans up this garbage? Schoolchildren and some responsible residents of our village collect this dirty garbage along the roads, along the rivers, while others throw it away! There are a lot of bottles lying around in the village because drinking people who throw their bottles and packaging. These bottles are still breaking! How to stop the pollution of our beautiful village! Adults, what will you leave to your children and grandchildren? Polluted rivers, fields and forests littered with garbage? Shulakova Lyubov, 8th grade student.
“In our village, both rivers and ponds are polluted. It is impossible to swim in summer! They come here waste water from farms, from garages. Motor oil ends up in rivers in the spring. The water in summer is not suitable for swimming!” Aristarkhov Semyon, 8th grade student.
“Our village is very beautiful, but recent years it is littered with garbage. You can see this garbage everywhere! How do people not understand that this will all turn out to be the same for them? We need to protect nature! After all, this is our home, we live in nature, we take everything from nature!” Prokhorova Dasha, 8th grade student.

My village in the future.
Excerpts from the essays of 3rd grade students:
“I want to see my village in a new image in the future. So that people live following the rules, do not throw their garbage anywhere, but rather plant trees and flowers. I dream of cars driving through the streets and picking up trash. I want to organize a cleanup on my street. I want all humanity to love and respect their Motherland, because taking care of nature means loving the Motherland. Suvorova Yana.
“The forests are green, the birds are singing there. The grass is green and there is no trash anywhere. The water in the river is clean. Various fish and also beavers live in it. There are many different flowers and trees in nature. Clean fresh air. There are trash cans along the streets. When the garbage can is full, then the garbage is collected from the garbage can and burned or taken to a special landfill. This is the kind of village I would like to live in in the future!” Volkov Ilya
“I want my village to be clean and beautiful. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. I want people in our village to stop throwing garbage everywhere and to plant more trees and flowers.” Evelina Denisova
“People, protect nature. After all, for us nature is a second home. Plant a lot of trees, plants, flowers. They decorate our land" Nikitin Dima
“I want our world to be clean. You cannot catch butterflies, crush beetles, or throw garbage anywhere. Let our village be clean and beautiful. You can’t pollute the air, it’s impossible to live without it. It is impossible to live without mother, sun, village and most importantly without the Motherland” Shulakova Alina

«Floriculture in the village of Udm. Toymobash"
An excerpt from the research work of students: Alla Lebedeva, Veronika Ivanova, Yakov Nikonova, Alexandra Elkina
Head: Izhevskikh S. G.
There is nothing on earth more beautiful and tender than flowers. For humans, flowers have always been a symbol of perfection. Flowers have long been firmly established in our everyday life. Giving flowers means expressing to a person your sincere feelings of love, honor and respect. Flowers help us in both sorrow and joy. They lift our spirits, make us smile, and make us kinder.
Flowers, like people, are generous with kindness.
And generously giving tenderness to people
They bloom, warming hearts,
Like little warm fires.
A person in the modern technical world strives to take a break from the hustle and bustle, from working in nature: in the garden, in the park, in the forest, at his dacha. He tries to decorate his home and workplace with greenery and flowers.
Every year there are more flowers, flower beds, and various vertical flower arrangements in cities. Competitions for the best flower garden are held between city enterprises.
The village is now also engaged in floriculture. In addition to its aesthetic value, floriculture helps to protect nature. After all, in order to give flowers to someone, a person now collects his own grown flowers, and does not collect them in the forest. Previously, in our area, swimsuits were damaged by flower pickers, but now they are planted in front gardens. How nice it is to walk down the street when smiling flowers look at you from every house. The mood immediately lifts, you want to come closer and look at the flower, and get to know the person who grew them. After all, people say that flowers grow and bloom well with kind and affectionate people.
In the village of Udm. About 900 people live in Toymobash, and there are 261 houses here. This is one of the large villages in the Alnash district. In our village beautiful houses, straight wide streets, lots of trees. From spring to autumn it is surrounded by flowers. In front of each house there is a front garden with flowers.
But it wasn't always like this. Only in the last 15-20 years have villagers become actively involved in floriculture. And this is the great merit of UDM. Toymobashskaya avg. school and former biologist Pyotr Filippovich Vereshchagin. According to Pyotr Filippovich, in 1970–80, only a dozen families were engaged in flowers in the village. They mainly grew cosmos, marigolds, “golden balls”, and mallows. In 1969, the first dahlias appeared in the village. They were brought by a woman from Kizner. Pyotr Filippovich immediately noticed these flowers and began to grow them too. And when he visited the Porshurskaya school in the Uvinsky district, where V. L. Ivanov, a native of our village and known for his dahlias, worked as a biologist, Pyotr Filippovich also decided to grow dahlias at the school. From here he brought different varieties dahlias. Over the course of several years, the school plot turned into a beautiful flower garden. Pyotr Filippovich was so carried away by these flowers that he ordered them from Barnaul, the Baltic states and Asbest. There are about 40 varieties of dahlias on the school plot. In addition to dahlias, the school began to grow tulips, gladioli, and asters. More than once the flower garden took first place in the area. Dahlias quickly spread throughout the village. Many residents fell in love with these flowers. At first, there were even cases of theft, directly from the police station. The school initiated the construction of flower beds near the office and club. At first she supplied her with seeds and seedlings. So, gradually, the village was transformed. Every year new flower growers, new front gardens, new varieties of flowers, new species appeared. Residents exchanged and gave each other seedlings, seedlings, and bulbs. Both the school and the village administration supported the best flower growers: they were awarded certificates and prizes, and incentive prizes. IN rural house culture and the school organizes exhibitions of bouquets, where winners and participants are also awarded prizes.
Currently, every second resident of our village grows flowers at home, many of them are passionate about floriculture. The best flower growers in different years were recognized: Petrova O. V., Proneva E. S., Izhevskikh S. G., Vereshchagin P. F., Kutuzova E. F., Pechnikova M. V., Elkina T., Denisova T. S. and others.
The collective farm board does not stand aside. On the initiative and under the leadership of Chairman V.N. Lebedev, flower beds were created near collective farm enterprises: warehouses, farms, workshops.

Front gardens of residents of the village of Udm. Toymobash.
Lebedeva Alla, 10th grade student
Head: Izhevskikh S. G.
Work that participated in the republican competition "Green Planet"
There is one in our village Udm. Toymobash is an amazingly beautiful place. This is a school park. We are proud that our village, like a city, has a park. Not every village can boast of such a planting. Located in the center of the village, on a hill near a pond, the park is a decoration of our village. The park delights you at any time of the year: in summer with its lush greenery, in autumn with its golden attire, in winter with silvery frost on the trees, in spring - blooming trees, shrubs and primroses.
Now we hear the rustling of the leaves of slender birches and maples, the buzzing of bees and insects; enjoy the smell and beauty blooming lilac and bird cherry; We admire the tenderness of anemone and corydalis. Now the park has become a place of recreation for residents; holidays and sports competitions have been held here for several years. The school and kindergarten hold many events here.
And more than thirty years ago there was a vacant lot here, overgrown with weeds and weeds. This wasteland arose after the demolition of the former buildings of the club, kindergarten and office, since at that time new modern institutions were built on the collective farm. This place was located opposite the school and spoiled the view not only of the school, but of the whole settlement. Therefore, the director of the school, Edict Leonidovich Yuferev, together with the biologist Pyotr Filippovich Vereshchagin, decided to organize a park planting here. All students and teachers participated in the planting. Planting lasted for many years: it was necessary to replant and replant, weed and fence. Tree seedlings were brought from the surrounding forests and the school garden. And surprisingly, along with the forest trees, primroses also “came” to the park: anemones, lungworts, and corydalis. For decades, the school conscientiously cared for the seedlings. And thanks to the care of teachers and students, such a beautiful park has grown up, which has become a landmark of our village.
Being located near the school, the park has become the most popular place for school excursions in biology, ecology, natural history, a creative laboratory for research and design work. School students carried out research work: “School Park”, “Primroses of the School Park”. I myself participated in the regional competition “I am writing an environmental book” with the work “Secrets of the School Park” and performed research work"Primroses of the School Park"
I really like it in the park in the fall when she dresses up in a colorful outfit. Red maples and rowan trees, yellow birches and lindens, green lilacs and acacias. Such a variety of natural colors leaves no one indifferent. During the golden autumn, we often come here with friends: collecting fallen leaves or just admiring nature. But the park is also very interesting in spring. Primroses are especially attractive. It’s very surprising that primroses grow right in the center of the village. This is a real "oasis". In the spring we are not allowed to visit the forests because of tick-borne encephalitis, and we would probably never see snowdrops growing. Thanks to our park, we admire the fresh and delicate beauty of snowdrops.
There are about 300 trees and shrubs growing in the park, of which 56 are birches. The area of ​​the park is 11,200 m2. The park has a huge sanitary, hygienic, decorative artistic value. In recent years, its recreational value has increased. The trees in the park have grown and the park is now open to the public for recreation. In recent years, the collective farm holiday “Gyron Bydton”, “Children’s Day”, has been held here. Many events are held here during children's health camps. A stage was built here for this purpose. Not only amateur artists and students performed on this stage, but also Udmurt pop and drama theater artists.
But due to the massive use of the park, problems have arisen: trampling of plants and accumulation of garbage. At one time, no one needed the park. The school moved away, since there was no longer a need to care for the grown trees and shrubs. The park began to become clogged, the fence began to rot and break. But the village residents, the school and the leaders of the village administration and collective farm became concerned and took measures to improve and care for the park. The collective farm fenced it with a new fence, and the school took responsibility for caring for the park.
We are grateful to the students and teachers for this amazing corner of nature that they created with their own hands. How much knowledge, impressions, and joyful mood this park gives people. Every third person in the village takes photographs of the park; all of our students have at least once drawn the landscape of the park in class. fine arts. All students contribute as much as they can to caring for the park.
D. Likhachev wrote: “Love for native land, to native culture, to native village or the city, to one’s native speech begins small - with love for one’s family, one’s home, one’s school. And also - out of respect for the same feelings of people who also love their home, their land, their - albeit incomprehensible to you - native word.” Our school park teaches and educates, shows the respectful attitude of village residents towards their native land, the desire to decorate and take care of their land. The park is a landmark of our village. It should grow, bloom, and bring joy to people. We must save it

The park is beautiful at any time of the year. Spring cleaning of the park area.

Springs of our village.
The springs are the eyes of the village. That's what people say. But is this definition suitable for today’s springs? The “eyes” of our village became cloudy and unkempt. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, which means the springs are the mirror of our village.
But no one would probably want our village to be compared with these dull, unkempt “eyes.” The springs were forgotten because people had water pipes installed in their houses. But if there is no water, everyone runs to the springs. Springs are especially revered during baptism. And here it turns out that the springs are unkempt, even dirty. Everyone is waiting for someone, what someone will do. It’s good that there are people in the village who take care of some springs! And many springs need our help! Udmurtia is a spring region. We must take care of our precious clean springs. Don't pollute and forget about them!
Lebedeva Anastasia, 8th grade student.

2.3 Project implementation

Printing at a printing house
Presenting a project to students and parents - attracting public attention to the problem of household waste disposal
Distributing the newspaper among school students and village residents

Project budget:


Printing services
Mini-printing house at municipal educational institution Staro-Utchanskaya secondary school

150 pieces for 4.50 rubles per newspaper
Total: 675 rubles

Project paper
50 sheets for 1.80 rub.
Total: 90 rub.

File sheets and file folder
15 sheets for 1.50 rubles, 1 folder for 10 rubles
Total: 32.50 rub.

Distributing the newspaper among the population
Revenue bonus

797.5 rubles

Project effectiveness assessment


Newspaper release, newspaper, circulation,
Materials for designing the project
797.5 rubles
Sale of newspaper
150 pieces for 10 rubles
Total: 1500 rubles

Profit from the sale of the newspaper: 702.50 rubles
Profits will be distributed as follows:
For certificates for awarding newspaper authors – 200 rubles
Prize for the authors of the project and distributors of the newspaper “postmen” - 4 people for 50 rubles = 200 rubles
Income to the school for using a printer and copier - 302.5 rubles

2.4. Project effectiveness

Having first published several copies of the newspaper (test circulation), we distributed it among teachers, students and some residents. We were interested to know what effect our newspaper had on the village residents, how they reacted to our comments and requests. Therefore, when distributing the newspaper, we also distributed questionnaires.
Survey questions:
Did you like our newspaper? (Not really)
Did you learn something new? (Not really)
Was our newspaper able to reveal the environmental problems of our village?
(Not really)
Has our newspaper influenced your attitude towards nature?
What could you suggest to improve our newspaper, to improve the environmental situation in the village?
Having processed and analyzed the questionnaires, we were convinced that the newspaper was of interest to many. The answers to all questions in the questionnaire are mostly “yes”. To improve the newspaper, there are the following proposals: that the newspaper be in color, that the pages of the newspaper contain articles by collective farm leaders and administration about the events that they would like to carry out in the village to improve the environmental situation, that the articles be shorter, that the authors be highlighted.
The newspaper was printed on a mini-printing house in black and white. The color version was printed on a school printer in small quantities. The newspaper was distributed by 10th grade students, our classmates.
A large number of copies were sold during an environmental concert, before which we presented our project, and were distributed free of charge to pensioners, since part of the costs was paid by the Udm. Toimobashskoe".
To submit the project to the competition, we asked some residents to write a review about our newspaper.