How to get rid of cereal moths? Food moths in foods: how to get rid of them? Do food moths eat clothes?

Surely, any housewife knows who the food moth is. This small insect, slightly less than a centimeter long, light beige color, with wings covered with pollen.

The adult is quite resourceful and is able to crawl into even the smallest crevices. Reaching the most secluded corners, she lays larvae. The main pest is the larvae, because they eat products of plant origin, so they are often found in cereals.

The lifespan of this insect is no more than three weeks, but during this time it is capable of laying more than two hundred larvae. The color of the caterpillar varies from milky white to beige, giving off a yellowish tint. The head is dark brown or black at the base. The main difficulty in removing these pests is that they are quite prolific.
Food moths are especially active at night, so it is in the evening hours that it is possible to encounter them. However, having an inconspicuous color, plus a rather small size, the moth can easily hide from human eyes.

Food moth photo

Is there any difference between food moths and clothes moths?
The clothes feed on woolen clothing or fabrics of plant origin, such as silk or linen. The clothes are slightly smaller in size and have a lighter color. This type of moth is easier to exterminate, since things can be treated special means, air out your closets, dry clean or wash your clothes. Bags of lavender or special cartridges will serve as deterrent measures.

What a food moth looks like can be seen in the photo.

Where do food moths come from?

It can start even if kitchen area purely. The insect is a good flyer and can travel long distances, so there is a possibility that it could simply fly into you through a window, door or duct. There is a danger that larvae will persist in poorly processed foods. Therefore, when buying cereals, give preference to transparent packaging so that you can view the contents of the package.

When coming from a store or market, it is possible to bring moths into the house along with food. Since in warehouses, before packaging, a couple of larvae may get into the bags.
And it is not always possible to find out where food moths come from. Since it is difficult to track in what conditions the products were stored before they were sold to you, what is the situation with moths in warehouses, and how do the authorities that inspect and control the quality of products work.
You can carefully check the products you buy and monitor the cleanliness of your kitchen cabinets.

What foods contain food moths?

An adult eats practically little, but when it arrives in the caterpillar stage, it is quite voracious and capable of causing significant harm.

Most often, larvae can be found in dry foods, cereals, pasta, peas, beans, nuts and dried fruits. In addition to feeding on your supplies, caterpillars also leave waste products behind, making the foods they were found in unsuitable for consumption. The larvae leave behind cobwebs, scales, feces and other unpleasant things.

food moth is capable of spoiling seeds for sowing by simply gnawing out the embryo. It can also grow in candies, seasonings, tea and crackers.
A remarkable fact. If a moth starts in a bag of grain, it can envelop a layer up to 10 centimeters deep with its web. In this case, the grains lose their nutritional value and are completely unsuitable for food.
Therefore, when answering the question in which products food moths are found, it is only possible to illuminate big list, which you may consider incomplete. Since moths will start or not depends on the conditions under which you store your supplies.

Food moth, how to get rid of it

To eliminate insects, it is not enough to simply kill them. During its stay with you, the adult probably managed to lay eggs, from which voracious larvae will soon hatch. And since we are dealing with food, the use of aerosols is dangerous to health.
First, you need to inspect your food for the presence of larvae.
Where food moths have already been noticed, it will be cereal or pasta, throw it away without understanding. Since there is no other way to get rid of insects that are already in bulk products. In addition, you may not see the larvae, but the adult has already laid eggs.

If possible, heat what is beyond doubt in the microwave or oven (applies to cereals), and then store it in a container with a tight lid.

Wipe the walls of cabinets in which contaminated products were stored with a rag pre-soaked in acetic acid. Clean up and ventilate your cabinets.

Food moth, how to get rid of it using folk remedies

Food moths are quite adaptable, however, in order to say goodbye to moth larvae and eggs, you need to take the food out into the cold, this will not leave them a chance to survive.

Any woman who has encountered this problem can tell you how to get rid of this insect using folk remedies. Since it is clear that when dealing with food, people try to avoid the use of aerosols due to the risk of poisoning.
Taking into account that moths do not like the smell of lavender, you can place special bags in cabinets; this will scare off adult moths, so they will not be able to lay eggs there. Mint and wormwood have similar effects.

Don’t forget about measures that will help you not to miss the appearance of insects. And to prevent moths from multiplying, store cereals in tightly closed jars. Conduct general cleaning cabinets or rooms in which food is stored.

Ecology of everyday life: Kitchen moths multiply very quickly, and getting rid of them is not very easy, but with the right approach, it is quite possible.

Kitchen moths multiply very quickly, and getting rid of them is not very easy, but with the right approach, it is quite possible.

Moths lay eggs in almost any dry food (tea, nuts, cereals, dried fruits and many others) that they can penetrate. Soon the larvae of food moths appear, which spoil the food, not only by gnawing holes in it, but also with their excrement, as well as the skins left behind after degeneration into adult insects. It is clear that it is no longer possible to eat foods spoiled by moths.

Kitchen moths easily tolerate lack of air and lack of ventilation. It can live well and reproduce well in a hermetically sealed jar if the purchased dried fruits or cereals contained insect eggs or larvae.


If a moth or traces of its larvae in cereals are noticed in the kitchen, it is necessary to remove it as soon as possible. Considering that the butterflies themselves do not eat anything, and the eggs and larvae are found in food, it is quite difficult to breed this insect. But, knowing the peculiarities of his life, you can understand how to get rid of food moths at home and protect your food supplies from their appearance in the future.

The first step is to review all bulk product inventories. If there are moths in cereals, legumes, nuts or flour, these products must be thrown away immediately - no one will use them for food anyway. If there are products that are not badly damaged by the larvae, then you can try to save them - sort them out and heat them in the microwave or oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, after cooling, put them in an airtight container for storage. This method will not harm the products, but it will destroy the remaining oviposition and insect larvae. In the same way, you can process all dry bulk products in which moths can settle, both stored at home and brought from stores.

Shelves of cabinets and tables, as well as containers for storing food, must be thoroughly washed outside and inside. All grooves and crevices where insects can hide should be coated with table vinegar, then rinsed clean water. The doors of tables and cabinets should be left open until completely dry.
In case there are still insects somewhere, a trap for food moths, which should be placed directly in the cabinet between the containers, will help get rid of them. The remaining butterflies, attracted by the smell, will stick to the adhesive tape and die. In any case, this measure will not be superfluous: firstly, based on the presence of adhered insects, it can be concluded that the pest could not be completely removed and repeated treatment is required, and secondly, the adhered insects will no longer be able to produce offspring. The Aeroxon food moth trap has proven itself well, and the well-known Raptor trap is also suitable.


Kitchen moths cannot tolerate fresh air, therefore, regular ventilation of the kitchen, as well as kitchen cabinets and tables, can be used as a remedy for food moths. To prevent larvae from appearing, it is important to keep adult butterflies out of the room.

Garlic is often used as a repellent, a clove of which is placed in cabinets and tables, as well as in containers with flour and cereals, although there are claims that cereal moths can adapt to its smell. To get rid of harmful insects, it is better to place bags of pepper, oregano, bay leaves or cloves on the shelves. The smell of spices will not spoil the food, but it will repel butterflies. In addition to spices, they repel this insect well peppermint, lavender and sweet clover. Bags of dried herbs are placed in cabinets. Food moths do not tolerate the smell of citrus fruits, so orange and lemon peels will also help get rid of them.
It will be useful to place a pot of geraniums on the windowsill in the kitchen - a well-known preventative against many insects.
But how to deal with food moths if they constantly fly into the apartment from somewhere? Only people can help here mechanical methods control: ventilation holes and windows must be covered with a thick mosquito net, and all cracks through which insects can enter the apartment must be sealed or sealed.
For obvious reasons, it is not advisable to use sharp-smelling substances and insecticides in the kitchen. But if, in order to get rid of moths, you still decide to resort to chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions for use and use personal protective equipment.

Knowing how to get rid of food moths, this will not be so difficult. Once all measures have been taken to get rid of moths and larvae, it is necessary to check products for their presence for several weeks before use. In addition, acquiring the habit of constantly taking preventive measures against kitchen moth, such as ventilation, bags of aromatic herbs in cabinets and geraniums on the windowsill - will not require much labor and time, but will help prevent the appearance of this enemy in the house. published

The food moth is an insect familiar to each of us, like the cockroach. But the latter, to the great joy of all homeowners, were removed, unlike moths, which continue to fly around the kitchen and spoil food products - bulk cereals, sweets and other groceries. Is it possible to get rid of it and how to do it?

Types of insects

There are several types of moths - food moths, but in order to get rid of them, it is not at all necessary to know all their features appearance. Suffice it to say that food representatives differ from clothing representatives - that is, those that feed on woolen clothing.

The latter rarely catch the eye of household members, but they do their job properly, but the food ones fly freely around the kitchen and, if desired, the housewife will always find a place from where they appear.

Many people are interested in: do food moths eat clothes? No, they eat only groceries and wardrobe items are of no interest to them.

This insect has a fairly short breeding cycle. Room temperature and air humidity of about 50% are ideal conditions for their existence and from the appearance of one clutch of eggs to another, it can take about two months, and sometimes much less.

Professional entomologists claim that an adult does not eat anything at all, and only lives for about a week, but each female lays up to one and a half hundred eggs at a time, and in places where future offspring can eat fully and normally.

Where do the larvae develop and why are they dangerous?

Where do food moths most often start? She does not disdain many of the things that are stored in every housewife’s kitchen cabinet - dried fruits, cocoa, nuts, sugar, flour, cereals, crackers, cookies, not very hot spices, etc.

Moth larvae not only eat the above-mentioned foods, but also weave themselves into a cocoon of silk. As a result, the cereal or flour clumps, and neat nests with a worm inside appear in the nuts.

With the beginning of active economic relations between countries and continents, food moths quickly spread throughout the world, destroying and rendering the contents of granaries unusable. This is precisely the harm of food moths for humans - it is no longer possible to eat food contaminated with moths.

And if in African countries fried maggots are a delicacy, then for our compatriots the pleasure from such food is very doubtful. Infected grain in warehouses is sent for processing, as a result of which the buyer purchases grain that is no longer suitable for consumption in the store and brings it into his home.

Fighting food moths

It is difficult to fight this domestic insect. Having defeated it at least once and completely gotten rid of such a neighborhood, you cannot guarantee that it will not enter the apartment again with contaminated flour or bread.

To destroy it, the most different ways, here are some of them:

  • Whatever method you decide to fight the flying moth, first of all you need to destroy all its infected products. Go through all the cereals in the kitchen cabinet, carefully inspect the contents of all the packages and throw them in the trash without regret. If you feel sorry for throwing away all this stuff, you can sort through the cereal, removing the larvae from it, and then heat it in the oven at a temperature of at least 60 ⁰C. This way you will destroy the laid eggs and will be able to use bulk products for cooking;
  • how to remove food moths? You can destroy eggs and larvae located on the surface of cabinets and bedside tables using aerosol insecticides. The most widely used drugs are “Raptor”, “Combat”, “Armol”, and “Antimol”. However, under no circumstances should they be sprayed onto food, as the toxic components they contain can be harmful to human health. If for this reason you are afraid to use such means of control, take ordinary vinegar and wipe all the walls and compartments of the kitchen furniture with it;
  • Traps for food moths have a good effect. The fact is that it is not so easy to catch flying butterflies with your hands, and a special trap with a sticky adhesive base attracts them with its smell and ensures complete destruction of the insect caught in its “net”.

Folk remedies

What else are food moths afraid of? Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not have the opportunity to use special insecticides, and they fought this insect with medicinal herbs and other ways. For example, it was noticed that moths are repelled by strong-smelling herbs - wormwood, tansy, lavender, rosemary.

She also doesn’t “like” the smell of citrus fruits, laundry and strawberry soap, or horse chestnut cones. However, once you start using any one of the remedies for food moths presented, you may encounter the fact that the insect will get used to it, adapt to the smell and cease to be afraid of it.

Many people prefer to stock up on food for future use: cereals and other groceries do not spoil for a long time and can be safely stored on the shelf. However, if you do not follow food storage rules, you may encounter a number of problems.

The most common problem that often happens with food supplies is the appearance of food moths.

Main enemy groceries - food moth

Let's see how to deal with it and whether its occurrence can be prevented.

How does food moth appear and what is it?

Visually, the kitchen moth is similar to the clothes moth familiar to many - a small grayish butterfly, sometimes reaching one centimeter in size. The insect feeds on cereals, bread, flour, and cereals, so it tends to be close to food.

Adult moths rarely appear in the kitchen. Most often the larvae appear first. You shouldn’t be surprised at this cycle disruption: you often bring them from the store yourself.

Most often, you bring food moths yourself

There is an opinion that moths can only appear in kitchens where cleaning is neglected. This is far from true. The main source is store-bought cereals and groceries that were improperly stored. They may contain larvae, which over time develop into adults and begin to actively reproduce.

Adult moths can enter the kitchen through a ventilation hole from neighbors. It should be noted that in the butterfly stage the insect causes almost no harm - it lives no more than a week, does not eat anything, but only drinks water. However, one butterfly for your life cycle can lay up to four hundred eggs, from which larvae hatch.

Signs of kitchen moth infestation

Having figured out how moths appear in the kitchen, we move on to the next stage - getting rid of them. It is important to understand that the sooner you begin the process of “treating” the kitchen from food moths, the less effort you will have to put in.

Carefully examine all the cereals you bring - there may be an uninvited guest in them

If you are not sure whether you have moths in your kitchen, use our life hack. Turn it on at night small flashlight in the kitchen and wait five to ten minutes. Adult butterflies always flock to the light.

Many companies now offer services quick removal“unwanted guests” in your kitchen. However, we believe that it is not worth going there when it comes to food moths.

Firstly, they often use aggressive chemicals that are undesirable to come into contact with products and work surfaces. Secondly, their services are quite expensive. And most importantly, it’s not difficult to get rid of moths on your own, just be diligent and carefully follow our instructions. step-by-step recommendations.

You need to check all stocks

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the premises. First, take a look kitchen cabinets and their contents. Check all containers with cereals, flour, spices and other groceries. You should be especially careful if you store food in plastic bags.

By the way, hungry larvae can easily chew through bags and even plastic containers, so if the package is closed, this does not mean that it is not infected.

Check the tops of cabinets, baseboards, cornices, and chandeliers. Adults may be hiding there and must also be destroyed.

Don’t forget about ventilation: moths can hide there

First, throw away those foods that are obviously contaminated. If you are not sure about something, remember that it is better to be on the safe side than to have to deal with multiplied moths again later. Therefore, do not skimp on cereals that seem suspicious to you. Throw away anything that causes even the slightest suspicion of contamination.

In this way, treat all surfaces where larvae may be located.

This may be familiar to everyone adhesive tape, which is used in summer time as a fly trap. More modern version— a trap with pheromones. It emits a pleasant aroma for moths, which attracts them. Then you just need to throw away such a trap. The trap will neutralize the males, and the females will not be able to reproduce and will soon die out - remember, the life cycle of a moth is only one week.

Trap - reliable way catch adults

Just in case, vacuum the ceiling and cornices - most females are very slow and this way you can significantly reduce their number.

Saving food: measures to combat larvae

As we have already said, the most effective way kill the larvae - throw away all food. However, if you do not agree to such sacrifices, then it is necessary to secure the remaining supplies.

You can do this in several ways:

  • Hand-sort the grains and sift the flour and salt through a sieve.
  • Place the food in the freezer for at least three to four days.
  • An alternative way is to bake the food in the oven at 60 degrees for 40 minutes. However, this method is not suitable for all types of groceries. For example, the flour will darken or spoil. Semolina will also lose its quality, so this method is recommended only for whole grain cereals.
  • If you have a microwave, pour the cereal into a bowl and microwave for 2-3 minutes at maximum power. Like the previous method, this one is only suitable for whole grain cereals.

These methods are very effective, but require careful preliminary mechanical processing of cereals and other products. You need to pick out all the larvae and eggs, otherwise they will remain in the food, even if frozen or baked.

All inventory must be checked manually

In our opinion, not the most appetizing seasoning. Therefore, we advise you to throw away your groceries anyway - cereals, pasta and flour are not that expensive, and the larvae, even if thermally processed, can cause an allergic attack.

Preventive measures

After you have completed cleaning the kitchen from food moths, you need to ensure that they no longer enter your home.

To do this, use our tips:

  • Buy groceries only high quality in good stores. In markets and small retail outlets, food storage conditions are often violated, which means there may be favorable conditions for moth colonies.
  • Immediately pour all products into sealed iron, ceramic, glass, tin cans and close tightly.
  • It is better to rinse even the cleanest-looking cereal and bake it or freeze it before putting it in the cupboard. It is worth sifting the flour - this way you will avoid the risk of infection with almost 100% probability.
  • Use one of the folk recipes for moths given in the next section.
  • Don’t try to buy food for future use. It is better to purchase cereals, flour and pasta as needed. Ideally, the packaging should not sit in your closet for more than a couple of months.
  • Carefully monitor the expiration date of your groceries. If something is no longer suitable for use, do not regret it, but throw it away immediately.
  • Food for cats and dogs, grain for birds is best stored outside the kitchen or at least, in a separate cabinet from the grocery store.
  • Wipe down shelves regularly with a mild soap or vinegar solution.
  • Conduct an inspection once a month to promptly identify potential sources of infection.
  • Show your neighbors this article to avoid moth infestations from them.

If you are not lazy in following these recommendations, your kitchen will be almost one hundred percent protected from the possibility of moth infestation.

The best folk remedies for food moths

First of all, it should be noted that natural remedies protection against food moths only works as a preventive measure - therefore they must be used after cleaning.

Folk remedies may become excellent helpers in getting rid of moths

The kitchen is the holy of holies of every good housewife, and uninvited “guests” are treated with hostility here. Especially when it comes to real pests like kitchen moths. These nosy insects get into the most nooks and crannies, where groceries are stored: cereals, flour, sugar, and they make their nests there. And the most annoying thing is that its appearance practically does not depend on your efforts to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, or on any other conditions. Moths in cereals can enter your home from a store or market where the products have been contaminated with moth larvae. Therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent her “visit”. It is all the more important to know how to get rid of moths in cereals as quickly as possible.

How food moths start, and what is the harm of food moths
Food moth has several names: bread moth, barley moth and simply grain moth. By the way, the last name is most common in scientific world, which may be useful to you when looking for means to combat this insect. With that moth that spoils fur coats wardrobes, they are relatives, although not close (from different families), but they are similar in appearance: the same medium-sized size up to 1 cm in length, the same inconspicuous gray-brown color. However, you still won’t confuse the food moth with any other, because it settles, as in the well-known saying, “closer to the kitchen.” For shelter and reproduction, insects choose jars with cereals, flour, tea, as well as supplies of nuts and dried fruits. There, food moths lay microscopic eggs.

So catching intrusive gray butterflies that flicker before your eyes and periodically fall into a cup of tea, of course, brings a certain amount of variety and extreme excitement to evening gatherings in the kitchen, but does little to help eradicate the pest. Even if you manage to swat the nimble moth, somewhere in the depths of your kitchen cabinets its offspring are probably lurking, ready to come out and take “revenge.” Therefore, liquidation grain moth you need to start right there, destroying it in the bud, that is, in the form of eggs and larvae. By the way, they are the ones who get into the house unnoticed along with loose products purchased in a store or at the market. Less likely, but not excluded, is the presence of moth eggs in packaged cereals. Another way moths enter your apartment is from neighbors from whom you borrow cereal or other groceries. Finally, a small butterfly may well fly into the apartment through an air duct or window. In general, there are several options, but the most likely is still purchased cereals and legumes that were stored in improper warehouse conditions or were poorly cleaned in production.

Adult insects do not eat our products; they are interested in them solely as a suitable place for the development of their offspring. From the laid eggs, larvae appear, which eat the cereals, leaving feces, scales, dead particles in them... In general, they make the products completely unappetizing and even dangerous to health. And the butterfly you notice is a sure signal that it’s time to conduct an audit in the buffet, which will most likely reveal these uninvited inhabitants. Most likely, most of the supplies will have to be thrown away after this. Firstly, together with them you will remove the lion's share of pests from the house. Secondly, who wants to eat “bitten” nuts and legumes, spoiled cereals and tea, as well as flour mixed with insect waste.

In fact, the grain moth is not a carrier of any specific diseases, but the harm it causes is quite enough to directly combat it. On food enterprises it should be carried out in the form preventive measures: sudden cooling or heating of grain. For example, at a temperature of about -10°C, a moth will not live longer than two or three days, and at 60°C, after an hour and a half, not a single caterpillar can survive. Additionally, before shipping grain, chemical disinsection is carried out (destruction of insects), but this is undesirable for the products themselves. In any case, if you received a moth-infested batch, it means that at some stage the manufacturer acted dishonestly, and now you will have to fight food moths in the kitchen on your own.

How to remove food moths. Ways to fight moths in the kitchen
Removing grain moths is not a quick and multitasking process. You will carry it out in stages, so prepare in advance for the fact that it consists not only and not so much of searching for nests and removing contaminated products from the house, but also of disinfection, as well as preventive measures. All this does not guarantee that someday in the future moths will not enter your home again, because they appear even in very clean kitchens. But today it is in your power to throw her out along with all her numerous and voracious offspring. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Revision. First, review all your supplies, carefully examine bags and jars of cereals, flour, sugar, dried fruits and all other “long-lasting” products. It is not necessary to sort through them manually - if you see that there is even a hint of the presence of moths inside, then mercilessly throw away the entire package. Do not try to save at least part of the cereal, which seems to you not yet spoiled. Visually, you may not notice moth eggs or their particles. But all the garbage and viable larvae will probably go to the trash heap.
  2. Sanitation. Wash all the insides of cabinets, pencil cases, cupboards, all surfaces on which grain moth larvae and their metabolic products could get caught with a solution. laundry soap or any other detergent. Then wipe, dry in the open air (preferably in a draft) and do not use for at least 24 hours.
  3. Drying. The surviving stocks of cereals, which the moth did not have time to reach, still need to be processed. The best option at home - heating in the oven at a temperature of about 60°C. To do this, pour the food onto a dry sheet and place it on the middle level of the oven for two hours. A similar procedure can be carried out in a microwave oven.
  4. Freezing. If you don’t want to bother with the oven, you can just put the food in the freezer and forget about it for a couple of days. Lasting influence low temperatures will also destroy any surviving remnants of moths and disinfect the cereal. The products themselves will not spoil if you freeze them dry and packaged in whole bags (preferably paper).
  5. Redeployment. After heating, pour the products into new and/or perfectly clean and dry jars. They can be glass, metal or plastic - the main thing is that they have hermetically screwed lids without the slightest holes. Place a peeled clove of garlic in each jar, and place a few more of the same cloves in the cabinets in which you store food. It is believed that food moths and other insect pests cannot tolerate the pungent smell of garlic and the phytoncides that it produces.
  6. Removing moths using folk remedies is not limited to garlic, especially since in lately Many housewives notice how insects have adapted and sometimes even begin to eat garlic along with cereals. Against such mutant pests it will be necessary to use more powerful tools. For example, after you thoroughly wash and ventilate your cabinets, wipe the insides with table vinegar. Special attention Pay attention to cracks and corners. Leave surfaces coated with vinegar for a while, but no less than an hour, and then wash off the acid with soap and water. After such treatment, the kitchen will have to be properly ventilated, but the moth will have no chance of surviving in these conditions.
  7. Fighting moths with lavender based on the same assumption that insects do not like strong aromas. On the one hand, it is supported by numerous folk recipes. Among them, for example, you can find recommendations to place in the kitchen not only sprigs of lavender, but also/or wormwood, mint, as well as bay leaves, cloves, chili peppers, and even have fragrant geranium in a pot. But, on the other hand, if spicy aromas really frightened kitchen moths, then they would not settle in bags of spices and dry fruits. Just in case, try laying out or hanging bunches of any of these plants, to your taste, in the kitchen. There will be no harm from this in person, and you can tell your guests that these are elements of original decor.
  8. Fighting moths with citrus peels- a method similar to the previous ones. Lemon, orange and/or grapefruit peels are unlikely to serve as interior decoration, but they will cope with the task of aromatizing the room. IN fresh they secrete essential oils, which continue to act even after the crusts dry. They can be placed both in cabinets and directly into jars of cereals instead of garlic. What is valuable is that neither garlic nor citrus peels leave their odors on food, but insects still feel them.
  9. Modern remedies for kitchen moths These are artificial traps. They attract butterflies with special smells and chemicals, but do not affect eggs and larvae in any way. But the caught butterflies will no longer be able to continue their race. So a moth trap in the form of Velcro or in another compact form (depending on the manufacturer) can reduce the number of flying insects, and you will have to deal with their offspring using other methods.
  10. Insecticidal preparations will help you to be guaranteed to defeat moths in the kitchen. Their assortment is quite large in household goods stores and markets. But such chemicals must be used very carefully, strictly adhering to the dosage and other instructions in the instructions. Careless handling of insecticides can result in chemical burns to hands and mucous membranes, food poisoning and other troubles.
To prevent moths from appearing in the kitchen in the future, you will have to adhere to certain rules. Firstly, do not buy food for the future for a long time, so that you can quickly use cereals, legumes, and nuts before they are discovered by a “vagrant” pest butterfly. Secondly, periodically check your grocery supplies and newly purchased goods for the appearance of insects in them: these could be lumps, cocoons, caterpillars, pieces of food glued together, or simply winding passages in grains, gnawed by voracious larvae. Thirdly, never store dry foods in plastic bags, which moths can easily gnaw through - only in sealed containers made of glass or metal. Folk remedies for fighting moths suggest that you always keep sprigs of plants that repel moths in the kitchen and update them periodically. This is really a good way of prevention, because it is better to prevent moths from appearing in the kitchen than to get rid of them later.