How to store garlic in an apartment during the winter. How to store garlic: unexpected laws of successful wintering

" Garlic

Garlic has long been an integral ingredient in many dishes and folk recipes. To all year round To have fragrant and fresh heads on hand, you need to know how and where to properly store them at home in the winter.

There are several common ways to store this vegetable, which allow it to remain suitable for consumption until the next harvest.

As a rule, the following places are chosen for this:

  • underground;
  • balcony;
  • fridge;
  • dry places in the apartment.

It is more convenient for owners of private houses to choose an underground floor, since there may not always be enough space in the refrigerator. Having a dry place in your apartment or house is perfect for placing garlic braids and bunches or hanging a net. Glazed balcony- a great place to “winter” this vegetable in jars and boxes.

Storing in braids

Time-tested method - This is a braided braid made from dried heads with a stem. The finished braid is left in a dark and dry room. A closet or pantry is suitable for this. Garlic braids take up very little space, but require skill and dexterity to weave the stems together well.

Storage in bundles

The dried heads with stems are tied into a bundle with a rope and hung in a dry room. The method is practically no different from the previous one, and the bunches can also act as interior decoration.

Using cans and boxes

Many people choose three-liter jars for wintering vegetables, without filling the heads with anything. This allows it not to dry out and sprout. Jars must be placed in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

To store garlic in a box, you need to sprinkle the bottom with salt, then lay out some of the heads, sprinkle with salt again and lay out in this way layer by layer. This option allows the vegetable to remain fresh and juicy for a long time.


Storage in bags

For this purpose, bags made from natural materials. R It is recommended to periodically sort through the contents of the bag to remove damaged heads.

In order to reduce the risk of mold and bacteria, you must first soak the garlic in concentrated water. saline solution, let it dry and then place it in a bag.

Storage in the refrigerator in a city apartment

To leave a vegetable in the refrigerator for the winter, it You need to dry it well and put it in paper bags. and place separately from other products.

To prevent the product from spoiling in the refrigerator, it is recommended to sprinkle the contents of the bags with salt or onion peels.

Freezing and canning

You can freeze whole peeled cloves, wrapped in foil or cling film, or finely chopped cloves to reduce cooking time when using them. This option is suitable for those who do not use vegetables in cooking very often, since freezing changes the taste and structure of this product.

For preservation, you can use wine or vinegar. To do this, cleaned cloves are placed in a jar and filled with dry wine or white vinegar. The tightly closed jar is placed in the refrigerator. This method allows garlic not to spoil for up to four months.

How to properly prepare crops for storage?

Proper preparation ensures that the product does not deteriorate during winter period in a city apartment.

Preparation for wintering should begin with the harvesting stage. It is important to know that there are two types of garlic, which determine the timing of its harvest:

  • Winter:
    • collection time: end of July;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn yellow, the scales become thinner, the skin of the inflorescences begins to crack;
    • storage temperature: +1-3°;
  • Spring:
    • collection time: first half of August;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn very yellow and begin to bend and lie on the ground;
    • storage temperature: +16-20°.

Digging must be done carefully, since damaged heads deteriorate much faster than intact ones and are more susceptible to the development of bacteria. For this purpose, a pitchfork or shovel is used.

Preparing garlic for storage - tying it together

After digging, the garlic needs to be dried thoroughly. It is better to do this in the open sun. The stems must be cut off, except in cases where braids or buns are intended.

After harvesting, you need to get rid of all:

  • damaged heads;
  • rotten or affected by bacteria;
  • empty heads.

Unsuitable garlic can be dried and used as a seasoning.

After carrying out all the above manipulations, you can begin sending the vegetable for the winter.

Problems encountered during storage

The most important and practically the only problem that can arise during wintering is damage to the heads. It can happen for several reasons.

First of all, this is a fungal infection. This can be avoided through very careful sorting. Also, the product may deteriorate due to improper storage conditions.

The following signs allow you to determine depravity:

  • an unpleasant odor reminiscent of overcooked garlic;
  • the presence of rotten lobules or whole heads.

In order for garlic to remain usable for as long as possible during the winter season, it is necessary to strictly follow the algorithm for preparing for wintering and the conditions of the method chosen for this purpose.

Preserving garlic for the winter at home is quite simple. The main thing is to follow all preparation measures and choose the most suitable method for yourself. By following all the established recommendations, you will be able to delight yourself with tasty and juicy vegetables until the next harvest.


About valuable and beneficial properties Everyone knows garlic. And about the fact that when improper storage majority useful qualities lost, not many people know. Preserving winter garlic is especially difficult. It lies worse than spring, but gives an excellent harvest. Therefore, it would not hurt us to find out how to store winter garlic so that it can benefit our health for a long time.

Timely harvesting - successful storage of winter garlic

Timeliness when harvesting winter garlic is just as important as when planting it. How long it will last depends on when the crop is harvested. Main task- this is not to collect it too early or too late. Therefore, it is worth focusing on some signs that characterize maturity.

Ripe, ready-to-harvest garlic has yellow foliage. Its tops are no longer so persistent and, basically, all lie down. If you dig up the bulb, the husk of the garlic that is ready for harvest should be thin and dry. Having noticed these signs, you can begin harvesting winter garlic.

Often the required degree of ripeness falls in July. Having chosen dry weather, we begin harvesting. There can be no talk of any before this operation. This will require work gloves and a fork. Digging into the ground with a pitchfork, carefully remove the heads, trying not to damage them. The harvested crop must be dried.

Storing winter garlic - preparatory work

Vegetables and tops are dried for at least 5 days. Place them outside or in a dry, ventilated area. It is important not to let the crop get wet. After proper drying, you can begin trimming the tops. At this stage, it is already necessary to decide how you plan to save it. Depending on the chosen storage method, the stem is left shorter or longer. And the roots are cut off in the standard way - leaving a short tail.

When cutting tops, you must carefully inspect each head. All damaged bulbs are unsuitable for long-term storage. They should be removed immediately and used in cooking. The same should be done with overripe bulbs. You can recognize them by their disintegrating teeth.. For long-term storage, leave only high-quality, timely harvested fruits without any damage.

How to store winter garlic - methods and secrets

Not everyone has good basements or storage rooms. Many, having harvested their harvest, are forced to look for ways to store it in their apartments. Let's consider several options for storing winter garlic. Those who have basements may not worry too much about how to properly store winter garlic. Everything is simple here - for him optimal temperature storage 2–4 degrees, and this is exactly the temperature that is set in the basement.

The heads can be tied into brooms or braids (for this case the tails are left longer), or they can be put in boxes or drawers and the harvest can be put into storage. It is much more troublesome for those who do not have a cellar. Let's look at how to store winter garlic in a warm room. It’s worth noting right away that this storage method is worse, but is possible as an option. Most effective for vegetables. To do this, it is wrapped in natural dense fabric.

Many housewives love garlic very much. This seasoning with a specific smell makes all dishes extraordinarily tasty. The vegetable contains large number microelements and vitamins. Having harvested her favorite garlic from her plot, every housewife asks the question - how to store garlic in a city apartment? Today we will talk about those methods that many housewives have personally tried, which proves their high effectiveness.

There are several types of vegetables. Actually, certain and known experienced gardeners timing and details of collection. For example, spring garlic, beloved by many, is also known as summer garlic. Traditionally, such a crop can be harvested from its plot in mid-August. Winter crops, which are also popularly called winter crops, are usually harvested at the end of July. The success of its storage depends on whether the vegetable is harvested correctly.

Cleaning must be done on time. It's time to dig when lower leaves purchased yellow, the tops are located on the surface of the ground, and the heads on the inflorescences are not only dry, but also cracked. If you are late with harvesting, you can end up with heads that have broken into separate teeth, as well as extra roots. And then they will not be able to lie down for more than 2 months. It is best to plan digging the crop on dry and warm days. A few weeks before the planned harvest, the beds should stop watering.

The bulbs can usually be dug out with a shovel or pitchfork. Next, they need to be laid out in such a way that they have the opportunity to dry properly. Leave the garlic laid out in the sun for at least 3 days if you want it not only to be preserved properly, but also to be just as tasty and healthy for the body.

Let's move on to the main issue that worries many. How to store garlic in an apartment in winter? If you do not comply simple rules storage, the crop will simply become moldy or rot. When storing garlic yourself in a city apartment, it is very important to control the condition of the bulbs, as well as create the conditions they need. One of the popular methods is to place it in a regular glass jar of a suitable size, which must be closed with a lid.

It is necessary to separate the husks from the heads, put the cloves in jars, then compact them well. Next, you can select one of the options. Add salt, flour, oil, and grind. Glass jars should first be sterilized and dried well. Then you can be sure that the garlic will not be affected by mold. Choose oil according to your taste. You can use olive, vegetable, flax or corn.

When you remove the cloves from the jar, the oil will acquire an unusual garlic aroma. It is acceptable to store garlic in powder form in a jar. To make it, the teeth are cut into plates and then sent to the oven to dry. The time is no more than 15 minutes. Next you need to grind the plates into powder. To do this, use a modern coffee grinder or food processor.

Storing with salt

How to preserve garlic in another way, using ordinary kitchen salt, which any self-respecting housewife has in the kitchen? You need to take plywood boxes or large pans. Pour coarse rock salt onto the bottom, place garlic, and cover with another layer of salt on top. It is advisable to fill the gaps between the heads especially carefully.

Ideally, they cannot touch each other. Storage must take place at room temperature. Thanks to salt, garlic will not lose its excellent taste and health benefits. human body properties. If at room temperature in salt it can lie for about 4 months, then when choosing temperature regime ranging from 0 to -3 – up to 8 months.

Oil and iodine for storage

Doing winter preparations, housewives sometimes use very unusual ways to preserve the harvest. How else to store garlic in an apartment? In addition to kitchen salt, it is often preferred to store this beloved vegetable in sunflower or other oil with the addition of iodine, sold in any pharmacy. Often it is already available at home. The oil should be prepared first. So that it can create a reliable barrier against air getting inside the container or film. This will prevent spoilage of the stored product.

Sunflower oil must be boiled for 2 hours. After which iodine is added to it at the rate of 20 drops of the product per 1 liter of oil. The garlic heads must be dried. They must be unrefined. Then, using a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab, you need to wipe each head of garlic with the mixture you prepared yourself. When the procedure is completed, place the garlic in an open space under sun rays. When the oil is absorbed, which can be seen by running your fingers over the surface, it is recommended to wrap each specimen in special cling film.

Store in a dark place

When wondering where to store garlic in the apartment in winter, most people, knowing about the features this process, set aside a dark and cool place for the vegetable. This could be a cellar or basement, which residents of multi-storey buildings often have.

Why is the crop preserved well there? Since high temperatures are harmful to it, which can cause mold or rotting. Which has already been mentioned earlier. One of the simplest ways to store garlic in a cool, dark place is to braid the grassy garlic tails. You can weave such an improvised braid using twine.

Next, the resulting braids are simply fixed under the ceiling or on the walls basement or cellar. Some people prefer to place the crop in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. The normal temperature range is -1 – 3 degrees. At higher rates, it is possible that garlic will begin to sprout. And if it is less than -3 degrees in the basement or cellar, the crop can freeze. And then you won’t have to count on its high taste characteristics and preservation useful substances as part of the product.

As the practical experience of many people shows, the harvest is normally preserved in a cellar or basement if it is placed in nets or nylon stockings. Such simple improvised devices have been used for many years. This makes it possible in winter and spring to enjoy the taste of your favorite vegetable added to various dishes.

Video “Save garlic in the apartment”

This video will show you how to properly store garlic in a city apartment.

Garlic is an important ingredient in many appetizers, soups, vegetable stews, cereals, salads and sauces. It gives them a pleasant aroma, sharpness and piquancy, so you can’t do without it in the kitchen. Knowing how to store garlic, you can preserve it in its original form throughout the winter and use it on the menu all year round.

Preparing garlic for long-term storage

You should think about the intricacies of preparing garlic for storage during the harvest period.

There are several varieties of garlic, so you need to understand the timing and characteristics of each of them:

  • Spring or summer. Collected in the first half of August, when the leaves turn completely yellow and begin to fall on the ground. Can be stored even until the next harvest.
  • Winter. It reaches maturity in mid-summer, when the leaves begin to turn yellow, the scales become thinner, and the skin of the inflorescences begins to crack. Stored at low temperatures.

It is very important not to miss the time for digging: if the heads fall apart into cloves, then they are no longer suitable for long-term storage. An onion ideal for storage is dry, hard, has 3-4 layers of protective husk, and the segments are well separated from each other. Wet husks are a sign that the crop is not yet ready for harvest.

Harvesting should only be done in dry weather, in the morning or evening. When digging, you need to be careful not to damage the heads with the tip of a shovel or fork. Damaged garlic is not suitable for long-term storage.

The harvested crop must be dried under a canopy. If the heads are planned to be stored in braids, then the stems are not cut off. In all other cases, the stems should be cut with sharp scissors at a distance of 1.5 cm from the beginning of the neck, and the roots should be removed with pruning shears. Under no circumstances should you leave shrunken, damaged, disease-affected heads.

If part of the harvested crop is not suitable for long-term storage, do not be upset. These heads can be crushed, dried, or frozen. Garlic prepared in this form is very convenient to use, but loses a little in taste, since freezing affects both the taste and consistency of the product. It is better to freeze garlic in chopped form and in small portions. It is advisable to store such preparations in two bags, otherwise the food in the freezer will acquire a characteristic smell.

Treatment with a special solution gives a good result: add 10 drops of iodine to half a liter of calcined vegetable oil and dip each head into it. After this, the processed crop can be saved in any convenient way.

Optimal storage conditions

How to store garlic so it doesn't dry out? It is best stored in a cool place. The temperature should vary from +3 to +5. If the crop is stored in a warm place, this will cause the heads to dry out and spoil.

Optimal humidity should not exceed 80%. But excessive dryness is also harmful, as the heads will begin to dry out. Therefore, you need to know how to store garlic so that it does not dry out or rot. By observing these conditions, you can save the collected raw materials in private buildings in the pantry, basement, attic and even in the apartment.

A prerequisite is a dark place. When exposed to light, the cloves will begin to sprout.

Periodically harvested need to be reviewed in order to remove rotten bulbs in time. Their presence is very easy to determine by their characteristic unpleasant odor. Damage to the heads occurs due to fungal infection and failure to comply with storage requirements.

Ways to store garlic at home

Garlic can be stored not only separately, but also together with onions in small rag bags, wooden boxes and cardboard boxes. If you plan to store the crop in the cellar, you need to ensure good ventilation. Constant circulation fresh air– the key to successful storage of the entire harvest.

In glass jars or boxes

It is quite convenient to store garlic in a jar. The selected heads need to be disassembled into slices and dried in the room. Then put it in a container and, without sealing it, leave it in a dry place.

Boxes made of wood or plywood are the most popular storage containers. The main thing is that they have holes for air circulation.

Refrigerator storage rules

Garlic keeps very well in the refrigerator. The only negative is that there is often no free space. Dry the selected heads and place them in paper bags. If there is excess salt or dry onion skins, you can also add it inside, this improves the quality of storage.

In salt

Many positive reviews heard about the method of storage in salt. Pour salt into the bottom of the plywood container, then lay out one layer of sorted and dried heads. It is necessary to ensure that they do not have points of contact with each other. The previous layer is laid out only after filling the previous one with salt. You can store no more than 5 layers of garlic in one box. Instead of boxes, you can take glass containers, but this is not so convenient.

Garlic mass through a meat grinder

This method is most often used at the first sign of spoilage. Rotten or overdried slices should be thrown away, and the remaining ones should be cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. Salt the garlic mass, mix, transfer to jars and seal. Keep refrigerated.

Purified storage technology

Peeled garlic is very convenient to use during cooking, as you don’t need to waste time on peeling. It just won’t last long, even in the refrigerator. It is best to transfer the peeled slices into a glass container and pour vegetable oil. Alternatively, garlic can be placed in pre-sterilized jars, closed with a lid and placed in a cool place. But the shelf life of such a product is too short.

How to preserve garlic in oil?

This method is good because in addition to a well-preserved product, you can get aromatic garlic oil as a bonus. The peeled slices are placed tightly in a jar, adding oil periodically. Store in a cool place with the lid sealed.

Sometimes dry white or red wine, wine or table vinegar are used instead of oil.

In linen bags

Such bags can be sewn from old clothes and scraps of unnecessary fabric. The main thing is to dip finished goods in a strong saline solution and dry thoroughly. Salt soaked into the fabric prevents pathogenic microbes from penetrating inside, so the garlic does not spoil.

In braids and buns

Only summer garlic can be stored in braids and bunches. This ancient storage method was often used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. In old photographs and paintings you can see real garlic garlands hanging on walls or beams.

For strength, use rope or twine, making a loop at the end for easy hanging.

To weave a braid, you will need a lot of skill, but it takes up little space, which is very convenient in a city apartment. It’s easier to tie the heads with the stems into bunches and simply hang them in a dry room.

If you don’t want to bother with buns and braids, you can put the heads in old nylon stockings or tights and hang them in a secluded place.

Unusual method - waxing

This method is rarely used, but its effectiveness is quite high. Previously, it was constantly used in vegetable storage facilities before sending the raw materials to the market or store. Heads in paraffin can be stored for at least 6 months in their original form, since this substance does not allow moisture to evaporate. Prepared high-quality heads are dipped in liquid paraffin, left to harden and transferred to a suitable container.

In flour

As an option, you can store the heads in glass jars with flour. The garlic is loosely placed in a container with the roots facing down and sprinkled generously. There is no need to seal the jars.

Sprinkling garlic with fresh sawdust

Storing vegetables and root vegetables in sawdust is a well-known method. It is best to use pine sawdust and wooden boxes. Heads sprinkled with sawdust should be stored in a cold and dry room.

Shelf life

Properly storing garlic in winter is not at all difficult, but you need to keep in mind that depending on the method, storage times also differ:

  • Garlic is stored longest in paraffin and other bulk dry products. The same applies to linen bags if they are stored in a dry room. If all rules are followed, the product will retain its properties for six months.
  • Next comes the garlic in the refrigerator, oil and jar. Maximum shelf life is 3 months.
  • Chopped garlic mass with salt is suitable for consumption for no more than 8 weeks.

It should be taken into account that summer garlic is stored better, and winter garlic should be used first.

It is better to store a large harvest in several ways. This will protect you from losing garlic in cases where some storage conditions are not met.

Garlic is a vegetable loved by many, a must-have addition to dishes, improving the taste and adding spiciness and piquancy to dishes. It is quite understandable that housewives want to preserve the harvest of this vegetable for the winter, avoiding spoilage and drying out of the product.

Only whole garlic heads without defects or damage are suitable for long-term storage, so it is important to properly organize the harvesting of the crop.

Winter or spring garlic: which is better?

Summer residents grow two types of garlic:

  • spring (planted in spring), harvested in August;
  • winter (planted in autumn), ripens at the end of July.

Spring or summer look, having more upper integumentary scales. The teeth are better protected from drying out and exposure to moisture, and winter garlic with a small amount of husk is sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.

Note! The usual storage time for winter garlic is until the end of December. It then deteriorates, sprouts, or dries out.

Heads of summer garlic are tied into braids, placed in bulk in boxes, baskets, cloves are stored in jars, in the refrigerator, on loggias.

Proper harvesting is the key to long storage

The vegetable is harvested when it reaches full maturity, trying not to miss the deadline. Signs of maturation:

  1. The spring ones turn noticeably yellow, then the shoots go down. The teeth are held tightly in the heads and do not fall apart.
  2. The green arrows of the winter crop turn yellow and the thin film on the inflorescences bursts.

Heads that fall apart into individual cloves are poorly stored. They are processed, eaten, and added to dishes.

For harvesting, choose a dry day, dig up the vegetables with a pitchfork, carefully prying up the heads so as not to damage them. The arrows are not cut off, the soil is shaken off, the vegetables are tied into bunches and hung in a dry place to dry. A cellar, shed, or attic would be suitable, as long as it is dry and warm.

After drying, the roots and leaves are cut off, leaving a short stem (up to 1.5 cm), the heads are sorted by size, and all damaged specimens are removed. The vegetable is ready for winter storage.

Storage conditions

  1. Humidity. Acceptable range: 50-80%, and it is advisable to comply with it. If the humidity levels are even slightly exceeded and dampness appears, the cloves quickly become moldy and rot. If the place is too dry, the garlic will dry out.
  2. Temperature. According to observations experienced summer residents, it is best to store the harvested vegetable at a temperature of +2ºC to +5ºC. Winter garlic can't stand it high temperatures(above +10ºC), summer weather is preserved well at temperatures up to +15ºC...+20ºC, but not higher. It is advisable to avoid temperature changes, as this will cause the vegetable to lose its piquant taste and pungency.
  3. Lighting. The harvest is placed for storage in a semi-dark place so that direct sunlight does not fall on the bags, boxes, baskets, and braids.

Garlic is unpretentious when creating optimal conditions store until next summer.

Storage spaces

The choice of location is determined by the capabilities of the summer resident and living conditions. The most suitable places for owners of private houses are:

  • cellars;
  • basement;
  • storerooms;
  • closet.

The heads are hung in braids, buns, placed in nylon stockings, in baskets, boxes, boxes. The premises are prepared in advance for planting the harvest:

  • ventilate;
  • dried;
  • process special compounds for disinfection;
  • check the ventilation.

Various vegetables are usually stored in the cellar for the winter, and garlic is stored away from potatoes, beets, carrots, and cabbage.

City dwellers store garlic in the kitchen (braids, boxes, in jars or bags), in the refrigerator (in bags, jars), on insulated loggias and balconies (in boxes, boxes).

Storage methods

Gardeners have more than a dozen in their arsenal in various ways storage healthy vegetable in winter, but which will be best in specific conditions can only be decided in practice.

In braids

A proven storage option used by gardeners, but quite labor-intensive to initial stage- braiding. You will need to leave long stems to braid them into a single bundle.

Attention! For any storage option, the heads are thoroughly dried, otherwise the teeth will deteriorate.

Braided braids are hung in the basement, cellar, kitchen or pantry.

In bundles

The method is similar to the previous one, with the difference: the heads are tied not into braids, but into bundles. For tying, ropes and strong threads are used. The finished bundles are hung in a dry, dark place.

In baskets

Garlic heads are preserved well in wicker baskets. They are put away on shelves in the pantry, cellar, basement, regularly checking and removing spoiled or dried out specimens.

In bags

In the apartment, garlic is stored in canvas bags, hanging them in secluded places. For better preservation of vegetables, the following method is recommended:

  • fabric bags are soaked in a strong salt solution;
  • dry the bags;
  • add garlic to them.

Salt “storages” will protect the heads from fungi, bacteria and mold.

In banks

For the winter, garlic is placed in jars; there is no need to cover the product with lids, and it is put away in a cool place. For convenience large heads divided into individual cloves without removing the outer scales. The jars are pre-sterilized and then dried.

In nylon stockings

An old proven method of wintering onions and garlic for city dwellers. It is convenient because such bags in the form of long “sausages” do not take up much space, which is important for city apartments, while the heads do not deteriorate, the vegetable completely retains all its taste and beneficial properties.

In salt

Housewives appreciated the method, since with salt the garlic is stored without damage for the entire long winter. Suitable containers:

  • banks;
  • boxes;
  • drawers.

After drying, the garlic is sorted, then placed in layers in containers, sprinkled with salt. Number of layers – 3-4 in one box. It is necessary to ensure that the salt completely covers the heads, but they should not touch each other.

The containers with the heads are put in the refrigerator (jars), on the loggia or in the pantry. You can replace salt with ash or flour, since these products also absorb moisture well and prevent mold from appearing.

In paraffin

This method is well known to flower growers, since this is how they preserve gladioli bulbs. It is suitable for garlic:

  • gently melt the paraffin in a water bath;
  • dip vegetable heads into it;
  • wait until the shell hardens.

The shelf life of such garlic “immured” in paraffin is 6-7 months without loss of taste.

In the sawdust

Sawdust helps ensure long-term storage of garlic heads in winter. The heads are placed in boxes or boxes, sprinkled with sawdust coniferous species tree. Store containers in the cellar or basement.

In the hay

Garlic is stored well in hay, retaining its full taste and not becoming moldy. First, dry hay is placed in a box or box, then a layer of garlic, then hay. A total of 3-4 layers are made, and the container with the heads is put away in the cellar or attic.


Dried garlic slices are ground into powder and used as a seasoning for cooked dishes. To begin with, the cloves are cleaned, cut into thin layers, and placed on baking sheets. Dried in the oven until crisp, then crushed (blender, mortar), placed in glass jars for storage.

Juice storage finished product– 10-12 months. True, not everyone likes this kind of garlic, so this method is used as one of the storage options.

In the refrigerator

Accustomed to loading all their food into the refrigerator, city residents try to preserve the garlic collected from their plot in the same way. But wet conditions on the shelves and drawers of the refrigerator are not suitable for garlic, and after just a couple of months (possibly earlier), the cloves deteriorate.

Therefore, if there are no other options, already prepared garlic is placed in the refrigerator:

  1. In jars, sprinkled with salt and onion peels.
  2. In bags (canvas, paper).
  3. Shredded. To do this, the cloves are cleaned of covering scales, twisted in a meat grinder, covered with salt (1:1), placed in small sterilized jars, and sealed. The shelf life of this seasoning is 2-3 months, use as an additive to dishes.
  4. In jars of oil. The teeth are cleaned, placed in clean, sterilized jars, and filled with vegetable oil to the top. Close the jars with a lid. Remove the garlic as needed; the filling is suitable for sauces and dressings.

Another way to “winter” garlic in the refrigerator is to freeze it. Various options:

  • freeze the peeled teeth by first wrapping them in foil, cling film, or special bags for freezing food;
  • chop the peeled cloves, fill the compartments in the ice-freezing tray with the mixture, put the cubes in bags and store in the freezer.

Storage problems and solutions

When storing vegetables for long-term storage, do not forget to systematically check the container with heads and cloves, and remove damaged or spoiled garlic cloves.

At the same time, a large number of spoiled specimens is a signal of improper storage conditions, and the situation must be quickly corrected.

  1. The appearance of mold or rot indicates high humidity. It usually appears when the heads are in a tightly closed container (without air access), when garlic is placed in boxes or boxes in several layers (more than five). Transfer the heads to another container, provide ventilation (make holes), and remove all “suspicious” cloves.
  2. Drying of garlic. It appears when the temperature is exceeded (above +20ºC), low humidity, or storage conditions are violated. The teeth dry out, become deformed, and become wrinkled. They sort through all the garlic; if it is impossible to create the optimal temperature, they twist the cloves in a meat grinder or pour oil into containers or jars. Paraffinizing the vegetable will allow you to “save” whole heads.
  3. Germination of heads. The appearance of green sprouts is an indicator of improper storage conditions. Such heads are used for food and seasoning. The remaining onions are sorted out; if there are no sprouts inside, they choose any of the above methods for storage: pouring oil into jars, twisting into a mass, freezing.
  4. Yellowing of the cloves. The appearance of yellow heads and cloves in them indicates that the garlic has been damaged by a fungal infection. Occurs when planting diseased garlic that is not dried, as well as when the temperature and humidity levels are violated. Damaged copies are destroyed, the rest are sorted out, and a different method is chosen for storage.

Garlic stored for the winter must be checked, regardless of the wintering method. They sort through the heads in boxes, baskets, in braids, in bundles, and examine the layers of heads in jars.

Note! When identifying diseased garlic heads, it is necessary to inspect the entire batch stored for storage. Infected garlic is unfit for food and should not be used for planting in spring.

The following signs indicate that the vegetable is infected:

  • pinkish color of the integumentary scales of the head;
  • watery structure of the teeth;
  • appearance unpleasant odor mold and rot.

The garlic is immediately thrown away, the container is destroyed or disinfected.

Garlic can be successfully stored in small quantities even in city high-rise apartments, provided that the vegetable is provided with optimal temperature and humidity.

What should lovers of the spicy spicy vegetable, growing garlic in baskets, do? For storage, several methods are chosen at once so as not to lose the harvest over the winter. For example, some of the heads are filled with paraffin, ash, and salt, while another batch is stored in the refrigerator (frozen, in oil). Another part is stored in braids in the kitchen or pantry, and a small number of cloves are crushed into a garlic mass with salt or dried.