A simple recipe for salted or pickled tomatoes. How to salt tomatoes in a cold way: recipes, tips, photos and videos

Be honest, do you know how to salt tomatoes for the winter? Salting a tomato for the winter is a very simple and not laborious process, but not all hostesses get delicious salted tomatoes for the winter. And today, Dear friends, I want to tell you about the recipe for salted tomatoes in jars for the winter, which my grandmother has been using for more than 50 years.

I tried a variety of salted tomatoes for the winter in a cold way: from the market, from the supermarket, visiting other hostesses, but my grandmother's salted tomatoes under a nylon cover for the winter remain the standard of quality for me. Grandma's recipe for delicious pickled tomatoes for the winter is to use a certain set of spices and roots, as well as the ideal ratio of salt and water.

There is nothing tastier in the world than salted red tomatoes for the winter in jars, with mashed potatoes and rich pork goulash ... As if yesterday I was a little girl, and my grandmother told me how to salt tomatoes for the winter in jars. I helped her with interest, and the maximum that I was instructed to do was peel the garlic and wash the jars for the tomato.

Today, my little daughter helped me cook salted tomatoes for the winter in jars in a cold way. She was insanely interested in filling jars with tomatoes and laying out spices. But most of all she wanted to know: why you can’t salt Lego with tomatoes

I hope I convinced you to cook delicious pickled tomatoes for the winter? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to pickle tomatoes for the winter simply and tasty.

Ingredients for pickling tomatoes:

  • tomatoes
  • parsley root
  • horseradish root
  • carrot
  • garlic
  • black peppercorns
  • hot peppers in pods


  • 1 liter cold water
  • 1 tbsp salt with a slide

How to salt tomatoes for the winter in jars:

The most time-consuming part of preparing salted tomatoes for the winter in jars is the preparation of ingredients for salting. I salted five liter jars at a time, so I had to work hard. We clean the garlic, at the rate of 5-6 small cloves for one 3 liter jar. We also clean and cut carrots, parsley root, horseradish root. Do not forget to prepare hot pepper pods, black peppercorns and parsley.

Next, lay out the prepared ingredients in clean jars. I added all the spices “by eye”, but if you are preparing salted tomatoes for the winter in jars in a cold way for the first time, it is better to follow golden mean, and use the following proportions per three-liter jar:

  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • 50 grams parsley root
  • 50 grams of carrots
  • 3-4 pieces of horseradish root
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1-1.5 pods (small) hot peppers

Following the spices, fill the jars with washed tomatoes. In the process of laying, the jars need to be shaken so that the tomato fits as much as possible. We put large tomatoes at the bottom of the cans, and we put small tomatoes closer to the neck. I will not advise varieties of tomatoes for pickling, because I know little about them. The main thing is that the tomatoes are small, fleshy and with a thick skin.

Next, we will prepare a brine for our future salted tomatoes in jars: we dilute one tablespoon of salt with a slide in one liter of cold running water. Salt is needed rock, and in any case not iodized.

Fill the jars with tomatoes with brine up to the neck to the level of the strips.

At the next stage of salting the tomato, we cover the jars nylon lids, and remove the jars of tomatoes in a dark, cool place for storage - in the cellar, or in the refrigerator. After 10 days, the brine in the tomato jars will become cloudy, and fermentation will be almost over.

At this stage, you need to pour one tablespoon into each jar of tomatoes. vegetable oil so that a white crust does not form. Fully salted tomatoes for the winter in jars will be ready to eat in 40-45 days.

Salted tomatoes for the winter in jars in a cold way have one significant drawback: jars with salted tomatoes must be stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Salted tomatoes are prepared for the winter without vinegar and without sterilization, so they will not survive storage at room temperature. But even if you don't have a cellar, I highly recommend that you prepare at least one jar of these delicious pickled tomatoes and store them in the refrigerator.

You yourself will be surprised how quickly these salted tomatoes disperse. Also, if you liked my recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter in a cold way, you can pickle tomatoes at the end of September, when there is no heat anymore, and store jars of salted tomatoes for glazed balcony until the first hard frost.

Summer is the time for preparations, which means it's time to start making them. Even green tomatoes are suitable for pickling. It is they who are preferred by the hostesses, since even after processing, unripe fruits remain elastic and firm. Salted green tomatoes for the winter different recipes: in a barrel, cans, even in a bucket. At the same time, the pickling method is chosen cold, since boiling water destroys all the beneficial substances in tomatoes. Green tomatoes in a barrel“Their taste is just amazing.

For pickling green tomatoes in a cold way, you can select any variety, not only suitable for it. sauces and salads. A selection needs to be made.

Identical medium-sized tomatoes, quite firm and without any flaws.

The presence of specks and irregularities indicates the chemical treatment of the bush.

"Golden apples" that are rotten or affected by a fungus should not be salted.

Seasonings that have a strong impact on taste are represented by cherry leaves, black currant, sometimes oak, dill, parsley, garlic, capsicum, peas, horseradish, celery, and tarragon.

Greens for pickling should always be fresh and well washed.

Can be held preliminary training in the form of drying or freezing in freezer. In the absence of this possibility, packages with spices from the store are suitable.

Green tomatoes contain the poisonous substance solanine, so they should never be eaten raw. At cooking going on destruction of toxic substances, and also helps to acquire fruits edibility and taste.

Tomato preparation

Before pickling, tomatoes are thoroughly washed: at home, they are washed with running water. Then carefully remove the stalks so as not to damage the tomatoes.

In advance, the locations of the stalks are pierced, which helps the fruit to be salted evenly. Some hostesses green fruits blanched in boiling water 1-2 to avoid roughness of the fetus.

Pickled tomatoes in a barrel

A barrel is used for pickling green tomatoes. To salt tomatoes in such a container, a little preparation is needed.

A wooden barrel is filled with water for a certain period to swell the wood, and as a result, blockage of all cracks.

In the case of using a new container, it is enough to pour boiling water over it a certain number of times, and the previously used containers should be disinfected.

Tara treated with a solution of vinegar or a solution of caustic soda(100 g of soda per 30 liters of water) and then rinse with boiling water.

Delicious recipes for tomatoes in a barrel for the winter are given below.

For the first recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter, you will need the following ingredients in the form:

  • green tomatoes (10 kg);
  • dill (300 g);
  • tarragon and parsley (50 g each);
  • garlic (30 g);
  • hot capsicum (15 g);
  • blackcurrant and cherry leaves (100 g each);
  • brine (70 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

The bottom of the barrel should be lined with cherry and currant leaves, as well as the third part of the spices. Further, half of the cooked fruits are laid out, the second third of the spices are poured. There you can add some spices in the form of horseradish, celery and peppercorns. From above, everything is covered with cherry and currant leaves and poured with brine. Now the container should be in a cold dark place 45 days.

Here are some more recipes for salting tomatoes in a barrel:

The second method of pickling tomatoes in a cold way for the winter includes ingredients in the form of:

  • green tomatoes (10 kg);
  • sugar (500-700 g);
  • dill (200 g);
  • hot red pepper to taste;
  • cherry or currant leaves (100 g);
  • chilled brine: 500 g of salt is added to 8 liters of water, all this is boiled and cooled.

Salted tomatoes are prepared according to the previous recipe.

For the third recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter, the following ingredients are needed in the form:

  • tomatoes (11 kg);
  • dill (200 g);
  • currant leaves (100 g);
  • cherry leaves and parsley;
  • celery and horseradish (5 g each);
  • garlic (30 g);
  • red ground or capsicum (15 g);
  • salt (700 g);
  • sugar (in the amount of 7 tablespoons).

Pepper and greens are coarsely chopped. This mixture in the amount of half is placed on the bottom of the barrel. Tomatoes are laid out on top and sprinkled with the second half of the spices.

Water, with salt and sugar added to it, is brought to a boil. All this is poured into a barrel, and put under oppression for 45 days.

For pickled tomatoes with cucumbers for the winter, ingredients are needed in the form of:

  • green tomatoes and cucumbers (5 kg each);
  • dill to taste;
  • garlic (30 cloves);
  • cherry, currant leaves and horseradish;
  • peppercorns.
  • For brine:
  • water (eight liters);
  • salt (500 g)

In order to prepare the brine according to the recipe, salt is poured into boiling water, then everything is cooled. Part of the spices is laid out on the bottom of the barrel. All cooked fruits in the form of cucumbers and tomatoes are stacked in dense layers, sprinkled with spices and poured with cold brine.

Salting in a bucket

Fermentation and salting are practically no different.

When the products are in a saline solution, salting occurs, while fermentation occupies a middle position between conservation and salting, produced due to biological acids.

A huge number of recipes differ in signs of both fermentation and salting, so there is no difference for cooking salted tomatoes in a bucket in a cold way.

This recipe for salting tomatoes for the winter requires the following ingredients in the form:

  • tomatoes (their number is determined by the capacity of the bucket);
  • sugar (for three kilograms of fruit, 1 tablespoon is required);
  • salt (two tablespoons are used per liter);
  • greens;
  • chilli pepper;
  • heads of garlic;
  • peppercorns.

So, salt the tomatoes in a bucket as follows: pepper and “golden apples” are washed under running water. Vegetables that are overripe or accidentally mashed are unsuitable for processing. Salting them is undesirable, but can be used for adjika and ketchup. Greens can be used in the form of dill, parsley, celery, cherry leaves, bay leaves, horseradish, currant leaves.

All that, in addition to leaves, in small pieces and laid out on the bottom of the bucket, completely covering it. Laurel leaves, black and allspice in the form of peas are also added there. Chili pepper cut into pieces.

The brine should be prepared. A bucket with a volume of 10 liters will require a brine of five liters. The required amount of salt is dissolved in water and poured into a bucket. A circle of wood is laid on top, oppression is set, and everything is covered with a napkin.

All this should stand for several days at room temperature for the fermentation process to occur, after which the bucket is removed to a cold place.

The following method of salted tomatoes for the winter in a bucket suggests the following ingredients in the form:

  • buckets of green tomatoes;
  • laurel leaf;
  • heads of garlic;
  • horseradish roots and leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • parsley, dill, basil;
  • currant and cherry leaves.

We salt the tomatoes in a bucket, preparing a brine from two glasses of salt per ten liters of water, a glass of mustard powder, sugar and twelve aspirin tablets.

Cherry and black currant leaves are placed in the boiling water, which are removed after 10 minutes. Salt, sugar are added to the liquid, and after the water has cooled, mustard powder is poured out.

Horseradish roots are peeled and cut into cubes. Pepper, various greens and garlic in the form of cloves are placed on the bottom. Next, the fruits are placed, and to give the salting a flavoring zest, they are sprinkled on top with horseradish and garlic, in small pieces.

Tomatoes are poured with brine, which has already cooled down, the bucket is closed with a lid and sent to a cool place. To prevent the emergence of tomatoes, oppression is placed on the lid. You can try after 14 days.

Attention, only TODAY!

Pickles and fermentation for the winter - milestone summer period, on the success of which the abundance of vegetable goodies in the cold season depends. The most frequent contenders for salting are cucumbers and tomatoes, which each housewife harvests in large quantities. In this article, we present you with several interesting recipes salting tomatoes in a bucket, because, despite the unusual nature of the container, the finished result will exceed all expectations.

How to choose tomatoes for pickling

The choice of high-quality fruits for pickling is the first and most important step on the way to getting delicious pickling, which is why it is so important to learn how to distinguish a good product from low quality.

Did you know? AT salted tomatoes absolutely everything is valuable: the fruits can be eaten with a side dish, and the remaining brine can be used to prepare a lush and unusual-tasting dough, which is facilitated by the magnesium and potassium present in the composition.

There are several main criteria for the very “suitable” tomato:

  • it must be ripe, but not overripe, otherwise the salt will turn into porridge;
  • for salting, it is advisable to choose varieties with a dense skin that will not crack during heat treatment;
  • it is better not to buy tomatoes on stalks, since ripened specimens would not hold on to it so well (green fruits will not be so juicy and soft, besides, they contain solanine, a substance dangerous to humans);
  • the color of the selected specimens should be uniform, without the slightest green areas;
  • the smell of tomatoes suitable for pickling must necessarily be fresh and "tomato", which cannot be said about many fruits grown for mass sale;
  • do not pay attention to too bright and shiny tomatoes, because such an appearance may well indicate the presence of nitrate compounds in them;
  • the surface of the selected vegetables should be even and smooth, without bumps, growths and other deviations indicating the possible use of hormonal fertilizers during cultivation.
In addition, do not forget about the freshness of tomatoes. Rotten, crushed or diseased fruits should also be discarded. You can spot the problem by appearance tomatoes: for example, diseased fruits often have gray or dark spots, cracks, white dots and putrefactive foci.

How to salt tomatoes in a bucket

Salting tomatoes in a bucket - by itself unusual way harvesting tomatoes, but here there are many variations of the procedure. We invite you to consider a few popular and very delicious recipes pickling tomatoes in such a container.

Recipe 1 (red tomatoes)

The first recipe is a recipe for pickling tomatoes, which will taste like barrel fruits.

To make this pickle you will need:

  • fresh tomatoes - 6.5 kg;
  • hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • roasted oak chips - 10–15 pieces;
  • horseradish leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 15 pcs.;
  • dill umbrellas - 10 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 heads.

Additional products will be needed to prepare the brine.

This list includes:

  • black allspice - 10 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • carnation - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 5 l;
  • salt and sugar - 250 g each.
The process of preparing pickles is not much different from other preservation options, but there are still some nuances at each stage.

Important! It will be possible to take a sample from salting no earlier than 1.5–2 weeks after salting.

The sequence of actions to be performed will be as follows:

  1. Tomatoes, dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves and cherries should be washed well, and the garlic should be peeled into cloves.
  2. Then put the first layer of tomatoes into the prepared clean bucket (the fruits should be pressed against each other as tightly as possible) and put it with a few leaves of horseradish, currant, oak chips, and on top with more cherry leaves, crushed garlic cloves, a few pieces of hot red pepper and dill umbrellas .
  3. Lay out the second layer of tomatoes and cover it with the same herbs and spices as the previous one. The alternation of spices and tomatoes is performed until the bucket is completely filled with them.
  4. Prepare a brine from the above products and, after cooling it, pour over the tomatoes.
  5. Take a round saucer and place it on top of the tomatoes, pressing down lightly.
  6. Close the bucket with a lid and leave it in the room for a day. After this time, it will be possible to transfer the pickles to the basement or other cool place where the workpiece can reach the desired condition.

Video: how to pickle tomatoes in a bucket (recipe 1)

Recipe 2 (red tomatoes)

This method of pickling tomatoes can be used both for harvesting in small buckets and for preservation in jars. characteristic feature this option can be considered the absence of the usual horseradish leaves in the list of components, but if you wish, you can still add them. The finished pickle is quite spicy and salty.

The following components are required:

  • strong tomato fruits, preferably of the same size - 4–5 kg;
  • currant and cherry leaves - 10 pieces each;
  • a large bunch of dill and parsley;
  • basil and tarragon - 2 bunches each;
  • celery - 2-3 bunches;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • hot pepper - 1-2 pieces (to taste).

To prepare the brine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • cold water - about 2-3 liters (how much will go into a bucket filled with tomatoes);
  • coarse salt - 3 liters 9 tbsp. spoons.
Having prepared everything you need, it's time to move on to the direct process of salting.

Did you know? Tomatoes help the body absorb glucose and insulin, which is very useful for people suffering from diabetes.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Rinse all prepared fruits and herbs thoroughly and let the water drain a little.
  2. Rinse the bucket (or other container for salting) well in warm water, better with soda or mustard powder.
  3. Take a knife and, before moving the tomatoes into the prepared bucket, make several small punctures in the petiole zone, that is, where the fruit was attached to the branch. In the bucket, the tomatoes should be placed punctured down.
  4. Having laid the first layer closely, take a clove of garlic and cut it into small slices over the tomatoes.
  5. Following the garlic, lay out a few leaves of cherries and currants, a small bunch of purple basil, celery, parsley and dill. Place a few sprigs of tarragon on top of the dill.
  6. When finished with the first layer, take the knife again, puncture the tomato fruits with it and lay out the second layer.
  7. Cut the garlic, put currant leaves, cherries, celery, dill, parsley and other greens that you laid out on top of the first layer. Also don't forget about hot pepper, which for convenience can be cut into several parts.
  8. Lay out the third layer of tomatoes, which is likely to be the last for a five-liter food bucket. On top, you can sprinkle the tomatoes with another chopped clove of garlic and cover with herbs: cherry and currant leaves, celery, dill, basil, parsley (as a result, the tomatoes should be completely covered with herbs).
  9. Prepare a brine, for which 9 tbsp must be dissolved in 3 liters of purified or well water. spoons of salt.
  10. Pour the tomatoes with brine, only so that it completely covers the fruits and greens.
  11. Take gauze, fold it in several layers and, covering the salt, sprinkle a layer of mustard powder on top (this will prevent mold).
  12. Bend the edges of the gauze up and press down on top with an inverted plate of suitable size (it should correspond in diameter to the diameter of the bucket itself).
  13. Cover the bucket with a lid, slightly pressing the plate, and place a tray or other container with sides under it, on which the brine that appears during the salting process will collect (the lid does not always adhere tightly to the bucket).
Ready salting should be immediately taken out to a cool place or placed in the refrigerator, where the tomatoes can be well salted, and the bucket lid will not swell.

Video: how to pickle tomatoes in a bucket (recipe 2)

Recipe 3 (green tomatoes)

Salting green tomato fruits - unusual option blanks, but with the right approach to the task, he will be able to please you with delicious fruits for the winter.

AT this case you will need:

  • green tomatoes- 4–5 kg;
  • dill - 3-4 large branches;
  • celery - 3-4 branches;
  • horseradish - 4 sheets;
  • tarragon - 2-3 branches;
  • currant and cherry leaves - 20 pieces each;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • mustard seeds - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pieces;
  • salt - 15–17 st. spoons (depending on the amount of liquid used);
  • black peppercorns - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3–4 l (not boiled, preferably purified).

Salting is best done in a small five-liter bucket of food grade plastic by observing the following sequence of actions:

  1. To begin with, wash the bucket of soda well, rinse the tomato fruits and greens.
  2. Put a few sprigs of celery, the same amount of dill, 2–3 torn leaves of horseradish, a sprig of tarragon, 5–6 bay leaves, 10 cherry leaves, a few heads of garlic (you can not remove the husk) on the bottom of the container. Also, along the bottom of the bucket, you need to scatter 1 full tablespoon of coriander seeds, a similar amount of mustard seeds and about half a spoon of black peppercorns or a mixture of peppers.
  3. On the prepared green surface lay a layer of large tomatoes, then another smaller one.
  4. Cover the tomatoes with a few more bunches of dill, celery, horseradish and minced garlic cloves.
  5. Lay the last layer of the smallest fruits on top of the greens.
  6. Prepare the brine. To do this, take 3 full tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water and stir them until completely dissolved (about 3-4 liters of liquid will be needed for 5 kg of tomatoes).
  7. Pour the brine over the tomatoes so that they are completely immersed in the liquid.
  8. On top of the vegetables you need to put oppression (you can use a strong plate) and install a load, for the role of which a three-liter jar of water is perfect.

The process of preparing pickles will take at least two weeks, and all this time the workpiece must be in warm room preferably in the kitchen. After the specified time has elapsed, it is already possible to take a sample from salting, serving salted tomatoes as an independent snack, or in combination with various side dishes.

Video: how to pickle tomatoes in a bucket (recipe 3)

What can be served with

AT winter period pickled and beautifully decorated vegetables can be a real decoration holiday table, and that's not to mention the possibility of using them as an appetizer at more modest events. They can be served with mashed potatoes, vegetable casseroles, and as a component of pizza or pie. Sometimes real masterpieces of first courses are prepared from salted red tomatoes, like Siberian cabbage soup, and vegetable salads based on them.

Important!When using pickles in cooking, do not forget about the high salt content in them, which will also affect the taste of cooked dishes. It is likely that some of them will not need to be salted at all.

Workpiece storage rules

Most pickles are almost immediately placed in the cellar or, in extreme cases, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, however, the latter solution can be considered appropriate only with a small number of blanks. The ideal storage temperature in both situations is +1…+6 °C. If there are no opportunities for long-term storage of salted tomatoes, then they can be preserved.
After five days of aging in brine, it is drained, and the fruits themselves and all green seasonings used with them are washed. warm water. In this form, they are placed in clean jars, and the previously drained brine is brought to a boil. At the end of the procedure, tomatoes placed in jars must be poured with ready-made brine and rolled up. Of course, the shelf life of rolled pickles will be much longer than the shelf life of vegetables in a bucket.

For beginners, even the simplest salting process can be challenging task, but over time, each hostess will notice some nuances that make it much easier.

  • if you want the process of pickling tomatoes to go faster, you need to make a cruciform incision at the base of the fruit;
  • for a greater aroma of the preparation, it is advisable to dry the dill and parsley beforehand, due to which, during the salting process, they will reveal their full aromatic potential;
  • the fruits of ripe and soft varieties of tomatoes are preferably salted in containers with a volume of no more than 50 liters, and hard or green tomatoes - in wooden barrels;
  • so as not to crush ripe fruits, they are in without fail lay out in layers, each of which must be covered with leaves of cherries, horseradish, currants, basil, dill and other herbs;
  • the optimal salting time is 2 weeks, after which it is advisable to transfer the tomatoes to another clean container or roll them into jars for longer storage.

In fact, pickling tomatoes in buckets is the easiest way to harvest them for the winter, and in order for the vegetables to turn out tasty, fragrant and retain their qualities for a long time, you need to control the process to prevent mold. Any of the above recipes can guarantee you a great winter snack, so we advise you to try each of them in turn.

Tomatoes, salted in a bucket or barrel for the winter, were not so long ago common everywhere in the villages. These are the most delicious and healthy tomatoes - they ferment due to the resulting lactic acid, have a slightly harsh sweet and sour taste. Such tomatoes are an excellent snack for boiled potatoes, kebabs. They have one drawback - they "puff" too quickly, i.e. lose elasticity, fill with gas and burst, therefore, by opening a bucket or a jar. Such tomatoes should be eaten as soon as possible - preferably on the first day.

When the tomatoes were salted in barrels, they simply went down to the cellar or basement, where they were kept cool, collected the tomatoes in a cup, and the rest were again covered with gauze and a wooden circle - they were always, as if only cooked. In the conditions of a city apartment, for preparing salted tomatoes for the winter in a bucket, I recommend taking small plastic buckets for salting.

For salting, we will prepare strong, slightly unripe, tomatoes, dill, garlic, peppercorns, bay leaf, horseradish and currant leaves, salt and water.

Let's make a pickle first. Boil water, take salt, depending on the size of the tomatoes - 1-2 tablespoons. If the tomatoes are large, then more brine will remain between them, which means that more salt is needed. Immediately add bay leaf and peppercorns to the water. Let's boil the brine and put it to cool in a cold place - on the balcony, for example.

Let's prepare plastic buckets - rinse them well and dry them, rinse the tomatoes and greens. Let's also let the water drain.

We put a chopped horseradish leaf, currant leaves on the bottom in a bucket (if you are salting in the fall, you can take dried herbs at a later time or get by with what you have), dill greens, chopped garlic.

Then we pierce the tomatoes with a toothpick at the base of the stalk - this will allow the tomatoes to salt more evenly, they have a very dense peel. AT free space we stuff greens and cloves of garlic - they will also turn out delicious.

Fill with slightly warm or completely cooled brine.

We close the tomatoes with lids, you can put oppression for the first 1-2 days. When the fermentation process has passed - after 3-4 days (this will be noticeable by the turbidity of the brine and the absence of bubbles), take the salted tomatoes in a bucket for the winter to a cold place - for permanent place storage.

After a week and a half, you can try (you can try earlier, salted tomatoes are also very tasty!).

Salted tomatoes are unlikely to ever lose their popularity among our compatriots. On the contrary, every year salting recipes are improved. And not only our grandmothers are already doing this, but also all lovers of cooking, wanting to treat themselves and their families to something delicious.

Why in a bucket?

Canned tomatoes don't taste as good as they do in a bucket or barrel. The thing is that preservation involves only one taste of these vegetables, but salting is many. Thanks to the fermentation process, tomatoes can be eaten at all stages of their salting. At first they will be lightly salted, then their taste will begin to gain momentum, and now you have incredibly spicy and tasty, almost vigorous, tomatoes!

AT recent times quite popular cold way cooking. Housewives do not always have time to mess with hot brine, especially in large quantities, and such tomatoes turn out to be no less juicy and tasty. By the way, they keep much more salted useful substances than canned and cooked.

In addition, it is much more convenient to pickle in a bucket a large number of tomatoes for the whole family. Even 10 three-liter jars will take up quite a lot of space, but relatives will want a lot of delicious pickles in winter.

How to choose tomatoes for pickling

You can salt any variety and color - red, brown, green. Even cherry tomatoes will do, however, the container will need to be taken smaller. Focus here on which of them you and your family like best to taste.

However, many advise using the "" variety. Firstly, the variety is one of the most popular, and secondly, it contains a lot of dry matter, so it is ideal for any type of processing - pickling, pickling or preservation.

Be sure to make sure that there is no white core inside the vegetables. Otherwise, the salting will not be as tasty and of high quality as you expect.

Also proceed from the hardness of the tomatoes. For example, salting red ones - you will get soft tomatoes, the juice of which will immediately flow down your hands. If you like hard ones, then salt the green ones. Even in the last stages of salting, they will not lose their hardness, but the taste will be no worse than that of red or brown ones.

The main thing is not to mix all types of tomatoes in one container. If in conservation it will look beautiful and interesting, and the difference in taste will be minimal, then with salting it is the other way around: red, brown and green tomatoes have different time cooking. Therefore, the salting will be rather strange at the end and the jump in taste will be too big.

Salting and pickling recipes

It is very difficult to catch the line that separates salting and fermentation. Salting is the storage of food in brine, and fermentation is a cross between salting and preservation with the help of biological, i.e. lactic acids.

Many recipes now have signs of both fermentation and salting, so the difference in cooking tomatoes in these ways is not at all fundamental.

As noted earlier, we will pickle in a cold way, since it will take less time, and the taste will be good, and useful qualities tomatoes will not be lost.


To begin with, it must be said that the dishes themselves must be thoroughly washed, even if they were completely clean and no one touched them. A controversial statement, because microbes do not care.

Rinse tomatoes and peppers under running water. Remove any wrinkled, overripe vegetables immediately and set them aside. They are not suitable for salting, but for ketchup or adjika - ideal.

Fresh herbs also need to be washed thoroughly.

What should be green? Well, it’s hard to give a specific answer here, since every housewife uses a proven set for years, “gotten” to her by recipes from grandmothers and mothers. If you are cooking for the first time, then you can take the following set: dill (twigs should be together with umbrellas), celery, parsley, bay leaf, cherry, currant and horseradish leaves.

Now we thinly cut the entire green set, except for the leaves, to a match length and about the same thickness. Mix it to get a homogeneous green mass. We spread it on the bottom of the bucket so that it is completely closed. Add a couple of bay leaves, the same number of clove buds, 2-3 peas of allspice and 8-10 black peas. Chili peppers can be cut into pieces, but it is not necessary.

Let's start preparing the brine. Assume that a container of, for example, 10 liters of brine will need about 5 liters. However, do more so that you can fill the bucket to the brim. We dissolve the required amount of salt (for the same 5 liters of water 10 tablespoons) in water and fill the bucket with brine.

Lay a wooden circle on top, press it down with something and cover with a napkin. Let the tomatoes stand at room temperature for a few days to start the fermentation process, and then put them in a cold place.

After about 2 weeks, start tasting your pickle.

little secrets