Summer and winter modes of plastic windows - the main points. Winter mode in plastic windows: what is it for and how to transfer How to transfer windows to winter operating mode

Plastic (even high quality) windows with high level thermal protection and high-quality waterproofing in winter, they are susceptible to both sweating and freezing. This is not at all a sign of defective or incorrect installation. Most likely, you simply did not take care of the proper seasonal preparation of your own windows.

Today we will talk about this current topic. So, how to convert plastic windows to winter mode, get rid of drafts and achieve additional insulation of frames? To answer this question, let’s take a closer look at all the “weak points”.

Winter mode of plastic windows and fittings

About her - first of all. Basically, modern windows are equipped with fittings designed for 2 or 3 seasonal modes. This is either “summer-winter” or “summer-winter-autumn”. Some window owners are not even aware of this and when it gets colder they begin to curse the “hack-working” manufacturers. But we will correct this misunderstanding - we will talk about how to switch plastic windows to winter mode. The photos posted in the article will help the reader in terms of clarity.

Most often the situation is fixable: it all comes down to turning a couple of bolts. We switch our windows to “winter” and forget about the problems. To do this, pay attention to the pivot pin. What is it? A pin is a miniature mechanism with which the sashes can be held in the slammed position, most often its location is along the perimeter of the window. Remember the click when the sash slams shut? It was the trunnion that worked.

How to find her?

It may look like a ring or an oval lever. If this ring is in the form of a nut, there is a hole mark on it. Check: when it is located close to the frame with the seal, this is winter mode. This ensures the greatest possible fit of the sash to the profile. Why you shouldn't use it all year round? Yes, simply because the seal will quickly wear out and go into circulation.

The trunnion (given its oval shape) is adjusted very easily, without any tools. In the form of a nut - using a hexagon. By turning the ring with it, we achieve the movement of the small circle-mark closer to the seal. Going back to “summer” is as easy as switching plastic windows to winter mode - by turning the ring.

Handles and hinges on the eve of cold weather need to be lubricated by machine or vegetable oil or special means from a tube-syringe.

Let's take care of the seal

We are talking about a rubber gasket between the sash and the frame. It is also considered a sealant for the edges of glass units. At the end of autumn, feel it around the perimeter and make sure it is elastic, especially in the corners. Normally, it bends easily and quickly takes its original shape.

If this is not the case, it is impossible to revive it by any means; you will have to change it. If everything is in order, then before you switch the plastic windows to winter mode, take care of its preparation by purchasing it in an aerosol or tube with a syringe.

The lubricant is applied with a brush to a well-washed and dried seal (it is better to use dish gel, but not alcohol or abrasives). If the sealant is multi-petal, first place the product between the petals.

Don't forget about the sealant around the edges of the glass unit. If there is no bead in this part of the window (not provided for by the design or simply broken), the glazing seal is lubricated in the same way as usual.

What to do with seams?

We are talking about the seams between the profile and the window opening. This is where the main heat from the room “leaks away”. Before switching plastic windows to winter mode, make sure there are no drafts. In addition to the latter, condensation and even ice on the window will indicate damaged thermal insulation. An additional layer of polyurethane foam will help get rid of these problems. Even more reliable are plastic plates or drywall in combination with mineral wool.

It is not recommended to insulate plastic windows using “folk” methods - cotton wool, homemade putties etc. Most of these products are not only ineffective, but can also cause harm - fabric and cotton wool retain moisture inside, which leads to fungus and condensation, and by covering the gap with wax or melted paraffin, you risk ruining the factory seal.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode (roto)

We are talking about a popular product widely known to the consumer market in various modifications and supplied by various manufacturers in many countries. The principles of its adjustment are the same for any model.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode if you have such fittings? Modern models are adjusted with a 4mm hex wrench, older ones with pliers and a screwdriver. What are the main problems that require our intervention?

If, when closing the window sash, we touch the frame below, it is sagging. A slight lift is required: remove from the bottom loop (at the top) protective cap, using the hexagon inserted into the recess, we lift (rotating clockwise) or lower (counterclockwise) the frame a couple of millimeters. Usually this is enough.

When the sash “collides” with the frame in the middle part, you need to adjust it in the horizontal direction. This is done with special screws on the upper and lower hinges. If you rotate them clockwise, the sash will come closer to the hinge (the interference will decrease), and counterclockwise, it will move closer to the frame. The displacement is possible no more than 2-3 mm. We deal with distortion in the same way.

Other problems

If, despite this, you still feel a draft (it’s simply blowing from the window), better pressing of the sash is achieved with eccentric locking pins (you can detect them by looking at the end of the sash in the open position).

Some ROTO fitting models contain several adjusting eccentrics; try to act on them evenly.

If suddenly, when opening quickly, the lock did not work correctly, and the handle got stuck in the middle position between the open and tilted window modes, find the “clip” (tongue) below the handle itself and turn it parallel to the seal. The handle will be able to turn smoothly. Doesn't work? This means that the contact of the tongue with the lock is broken - unscrew the mechanism and place a thin plate inside so that the parts can come into contact again.

Sometimes it happens that the handle is simply loose or needs to be replaced (you decided to install a “children’s” lock). Rotate the bar that covers its base by 90 °C, unscrew the screws and install a new one. If replacement is not needed, just tighten them.

Don't forget about caring for your fittings

In order for the mechanism to serve for a long time and efficiently, the fittings need lubrication. To do this, take silicone or automotive lubricant WD-40 and apply it to the points of contact. This should be done at least once a year, before switching plastic windows to winter mode, and preferably twice as often.

Other, more complex problems require calling a service technician.

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Winter and summer mode in plastic windows: switching methods, faults and their elimination

The topic of this article is winter-summer mode in plastic windows. Together with the reader, we will understand why this function of window fittings is needed, what problems may arise when using it, and how to eliminate these problems. So, let's go.

What is it

Summer and winter modes on plastic windows differ in the pressing force of the sash and, accordingly, the maximum gap between the opening sash and the frame:

  • In winter mode, the sash is pressed more tightly to the frame;
  • In summer the gap is a couple of millimeters larger.

The pressing force is changed in the simplest and most obvious way - by turning the eccentric rollers, which are responsible for fixing the sash in the closed position.

Why is this necessary?

Remember physics? There is such a term - thermal expansion. It describes the behavior of almost any material when heated: the linear dimensions of an object made from it change upward.

Window profiles are no exception.

When cooled, the size of the object decreases accordingly. For those materials used in manufacturing modern windows, the coefficient of thermal expansion takes the following values:

A little, right? However, when heated to, say, 60 degrees, a modest five to six hundredths of a millimeter per meter will turn into 3 - 3.6 mm.

Thermal expansion - simple and clear.

In terms of the standard thickness of the metal-plastic profile (60 mm), the expansion when heated from winter -30 to summer +30 degrees will be about two tenths of a millimeter.

This seemingly small difference may well mean the presence or absence of a cold draft around the perimeter of the sash - a draft that will lead not only to understandable discomfort, but also to unreasonably large heat losses. Which, for a moment, is what you pay for.

Excuse me, the surprised reader will say, but what about elastic rubber? Doesn't he compensate small change sash sizes?

Of course, it compensates. However, rubber tends to lose its elasticity over time. Over the course of several years, a constantly compressed rubber profile will acquire the shape and size of the gap between the frame and the sash.

Since the size of the gap changes following seasonal fluctuations in street temperature, after a couple of years in winter it will begin to draught. Simply because the seal, pressed by the profile that expanded in the summer heat, will no longer completely close the gap in winter. However, it is worth increasing the gap between the profiles during the warm season - and the problem will be completely eliminated.

How to regulate

When installing hardware, its pressure rollers are usually in the neutral position.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode when cold weather sets in? You just need to rotate all the rollers 90 degrees - so that the larger radius of the oval roller is directed towards the sash.

The mark on the video in winter mode is directed towards the house, in summer mode - towards the street.

How to do this? The instructions depend on the type of fittings. There are two options:

  1. You can rotate the roller yourself, without tools. To do this, it is enough to pull it along the axis in the direction from the sash and rotate it to the desired position;
  2. The roller turns with some effort using a hex key.

A set of hexagons suitable for adjusting windows can be found in any bicycle or car shop.

How to switch windows to winter mode if you don’t have a hexagon on hand?

  • Using a flat-head screwdriver, insert it into the groove of the roller;

Not all hardware kits have a slot for a screwdriver.

  • With pliers. Under their lips you need to place a folded one several times thick fabric or thin rubber (for example, a piece of old bicycle camera), so as not to wrinkle the surface of the roller.

How to switch plastic windows to summer mode when it gets warmer? In the same way, only for the summer, the roller turns with a long radius in the direction from the sash.

Special case

How to switch windows to summer mode if their sashes are equipped only with central locking, without pressure rollers?

The pressing force of the sash can be changed by adjusting the mating part of the lock. To do this, it is equipped with a pair of adjusting screws with hexagon heads located at the top and bottom of the movable bar.

Alas, the benefit of such an adjustment will be rather dubious. Deformation of the profile over time will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks at the top and bottom of the sash. A window without pressure rollers will never close completely airtight.

Problems and solutions

What problems may arise when switching seasonal window mode?

  • The roller does not turn.

You may be trying to rotate the roller without pulling it out of the lock slot. Try lifting the roller and turning it 90 degrees.

If this is not the problem, lubricate the roller with WD-40. Price small (100 ml) aerosol can This lubricant costs about 150 rubles. Thanks to the kerosene contained in WD-40, the lubricant can penetrate any thread in a few minutes and allow it to move out of place.

  • In the winter position the window continues to show through.

It looks like the window seal has served its purpose.

You can purchase a new seal from any company that sells plastic windows and deals with them. service. To replace it you need:

  1. Pull out the old seal from the grooves of the sash and frame;

  1. Trim it at the corners stationery knife. In the corners the seal is welded to the profile;
  2. Insert a new seal around the perimeter and frame and press it into the groove until it stops with your hands or a dull steel spatula.

Replacing the seal has one subtlety. The absolute tightness of windows is not always useful: it often leads to the fact that the room completely ceases to be ventilated. To ensure air flow, frames are often equipped with supply valves, however, there is a simpler solution.

If you cut a couple of pieces of the seal (bottom on the frame and top on the sash), you will ensure a constant limited flow of fresh air at no additional cost.

The presence of two “winter-summer” modes in plastic windows allows it is easy to adjust the pressure of the valves, increasing the air flow in summer and, on the contrary, limiting it in winter.

Translation function plastic windows from winter to summer mode it is quite convenient. IN summer time in the “summer” position the sash is less tightly adjacent to the frame, allowing fresh air enter the premises.

In winter mode, the windows are closed tightly, which allows you to save heat.. However, the function of switching plastic windows to winter and summer positions is not provided in all models.

This opportunity is only available in products on which appropriate fittings have been installed.

Adjusting plastic windows “winter-summer”

High quality window fittings is equipped with quite convenient mechanisms with which you can easy to adjust the position of the shutters.

At the end of each window for these purposes eccentrics (trunnions) are installed, which are responsible for the clamping density.

Their turn carried out using a hexagon. Some windows may have a slot for a screwdriver instead of pins.

For a tighter connection of the sash to the frame (“winter” mode), you should turn the trunnions slightly to the left. Total around the perimeter of the harness there can be up to ten trunnions, each of which must be rotated by the same angle.

The only condition is that each eccentric must be set equally.

For reference there are notches on their ends. To loosen the pressure, all eccentrics are turned to the right. Do not tighten them too tightly so as not to damage sealing rubber bands .

To make sure that the window fits tightly enough to the frame, you can use a lit match. When there is a draft, the light will fluctuate slightly or even go out.

Before adjusting the fittings all hidden parts of the window are thoroughly cleaned.

You can see the process of adjusting a plastic window in this video:

Particular attention should be paid places where the sash contacts the frame and pressure rollers, which often accumulate dirt and old grease.

Subject to availability large quantity dust it off remove with a small brush.

Replacing the rubber seal. Lubrication

You can replace the rubber seals by removing worn and inserting new ones into special grooves using a flat-head screwdriver. So that they do not allow air to pass through, don't stretch them too much.
The fittings will last much longer with regular care. For lubrication, you can use automotive, household machine oil or silicone grease..

All rubbing parts need treatment - trunnions, adjusting screws etc. Before lubrication, the fittings are cleaned of dust, dirt and old dried grease.

Modern window systems, contrary to the opinion of ordinary people, they require constant maintenance. Of course, they do not need to be sealed for the winter or painted every season as is the case with their wooden counterparts.

For full functioning, metal-plastic double-glazed windows need to be switched to a mode appropriate to the time of year. How to implement self-adjustment plastic windows for the winter? And how important is it to do this?

Seasonal Maintenance

The main feature of opening windows is that they do not have vents. For better ventilation of the room, the system provides rotary doors. During operation plastic double glazed windows You may notice that in winter there is a draft. Don't panic - this is not a manufacturing defect, but simply the seasonal mode is set incorrectly. Switching plastic windows to winter and summer modes is a mandatory maintenance procedure.

The tilt and turn mechanism of the glass unit must be adjusted depending on the season of the year

During long-term use, drafts may also appear. This occurs due to the loosening of the hinge screws of the rotary-locking mechanisms. By independently adjusting the windows for the winter, you can easily save 3-7 thousand rubles on calling specialists.

Leak test

How to prepare plastic windows for winter? With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection of the state of normal locking of the sashes in winter mode. Leak tightness can be checked in several ways:

  • Tactile. By running your hand along the frame, you can determine the presence of serious drafts.
  • Fire with a match or lighter. Deviation of the flame from the vertical indicates the presence of blowing.
  • A sheet of paper. They leave him in the closed door and try to pull him out. If the leaf comes out easily, the sash does not close tightly.

If the paper sheet is easy to pull out through the sash, then the window is not airtight

Having identified problem areas, we begin to regulate the system to optimal requirements.

Switching winter/summer modes

When installing double-glazed windows, installers set the initial neutral parameters for locking the sashes. All positions will be adjusted for optimal functionality. However, then it is necessary to adjust the settings - ideally twice a year.

Why is this necessary?

Seasonal adjustment is often forgotten, leaving the sash pressure in a neutral position. As with any violation of operating rules, consequences arise over time:

  • drafts from under the sash even with correct installation adjustments;
  • if the summer mode is set, then in winter this will not provide sufficient pressure locking mechanism, which will cause heat loss from the room;
  • if you leave the winter position, then due to the constant strong pressure of the sash on the seal, the latter will quickly become unusable;
  • in the absence of seasonal adjustment, the normal microclimate of the room is disrupted, including an increase in humidity levels (there is a risk of condensation and mold).

Improper operation can lead to condensation forming on the glass

To do this, you need to correctly set the winter and summer modes of plastic windows in the sash settings.

Adjustment mechanisms

Before you begin changing the mode, you need to determine the locations where the adjustment devices are located. In most cases, the system provides for the presence of special mechanisms - trunnions, which, depending on their position, determine the degree of pressing of the sash required for the season.

They are on the ends metal-plastic window or doors. The number of such mechanisms may vary depending on the size and manufacturer of the glass unit (from two or more).

Locations of possible locations of eccentrics - at different manufacturers they are in different places

The trunnions may differ in appearance, but they perform the same adjusting function.

Options appearance eccentrics

At the edge of the eccentric there is a mark, which serves as an indicator of the desired mode. By default, it is set up - this is a neutral position, which needs to be changed in accordance with the season.

Risk indicating the selected mode

How to switch

The process itself is quite simple, you only need one tool - a simple hexagon (usually 4 mm), or less often an asterisk.

You need to set plastic windows to cold season mode before the onset of frost, when the temperature is still plus 5–10°.

Open the glass unit and inspect the ends. Usually there is one eccentric on the side, the second on top.

Mark indicating adjustment mode

Most likely, the regimes will be in a neutral position, and the risks will point upward. Having picked up the right tool, change the position of the marker.

To set a plastic window for the winter, turn the notch on the regulator towards the outside of the room. With the onset of the warm season, the position of the marker should be moved by the mark inside the room. Accordingly, if there are several such regulators, then the modes are transferred by turning all available eccentrics to one position.

You need to constantly switch modes according to the season - this is what will ensure normal functionality, balance of ventilation and sufficient energy saving in your home.

What other adjustment methods are there?

If, when checking for tightness of the locking cold air still penetrates from above or below the sash, then most likely the problem is in incorrect alignment of the sash geometry.

The figure shows the main points where adjustments to the fittings may be required. The window design provides several adjustment options:

  • horizontal and vertical shift;
  • setting the position of the lower corner;
  • degree of pressing against the frame.

Location of adjustment points

How are optimal modes set?

Setting the vertical position

This is done by adjusting the bottom loop. Remove the protective cover. There are two adjustment points here - horizontal and vertical. To raise or lower the sash, adjust the screw located on top of the hinge. To raise it, turn it clockwise, and vice versa if you need to lower the height.

Vertical position adjustment

Horizontal adjustment

To perform this operation, both loops must be configured.

There is a second screw on the side of the lower canopy, designed to change the horizontal position. When it is turned from left to right, the sash moves towards the hinge, and vice versa when turning it back.

Adjusting the lower canopy

Drafts can also form through the upper corner of the window that cannot be locked. To do this, set the clamp top loop, the adjustment screw of which is located on the side. We twist it and achieve the desired result - evenness and tight fit.

Setting up the top canopy

When changing the horizontal position, it is necessary to leave a gap of several millimeters between the hinge and the sash. Otherwise, if you tighten it too tightly, the ventilation mode will not work.

Changing the degree of sash pressure

The clamping mechanism is another device in the form of a plate located on the frame. It is designed to prevent burglary by pressing the sash from the street side.

Pressure plate ensures tighter closure

When turned clockwise, a tongue extends, which will contribute to a tighter closure.

Adjusting the top corner fit

There is another adjustment screw to press the top corner of the window against the frame. To get to it, you need to open the window in two directions at once. To do this, press the lock on the end of the sash, as shown in the picture.

Locking loop and tongue locks allow the top corner to be pressed against the frame

Pull it all the way, turn the handle to ventilate, and then pull the top edge of the sash towards you. Access to the clamping mechanism is open. One of the plates has space for a hexagon. By turning it, you can adjust the tightness of the upper corner of the sash.

These are the main problems that can appear over a long period of operation, when the operation of the system gradually weakens the initially set modes. But immediately after installation, all these settings are regulated by the installers themselves from the supplier company - they are obliged to ensure correct work systems.

Of course, if you have no experience or it is not clear how to make the adjustment yourself, it is best to contact an installer. They will send their specialist who will perform all the necessary procedures, placing the valves in the desired position.

If the adjustments don't work

A situation may arise when the sashes are adjusted correctly, plastic windows are converted to desired mode season and all the mechanisms close well, but problems still arise:

  • draft;
  • condensate;
  • freezing.

Such nuances can arise in several cases:

  1. Defective windows. This happens quite rarely and only when ordering from dubious companies.
  2. Incorrect installation. At installation work must be respected the right technology: maintaining the gaps between the frame and the opening, high-quality fastening and mandatory sealing with construction foam.
  3. There is no finishing on the slopes. Polyurethane foam without protection, it quickly deteriorates under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and moisture.
  4. Seal wear. Possible due to prolonged or improper use of double-glazed windows.

When a malfunction is identified, it is eliminated. The windows should now function correctly and provide a sufficient seal.

PVC windows have many advantages compared to ordinary windows or other types of double-glazed windows. Take, for example, one of the most significant advantages is the setting of winter or summer mode. Not all plastic structures provide such modes, but many do.

The functionality of a window depends on the fittings it has. It may be functionally limited, or it may have many useful functions.

Hardware classes

Depending on the class of fittings, the ability of a PVC structure to transition or not to transition from one mode to another is determined - from winter to summer and vice versa. The quality and functions of the fittings depend on the class. The manufacturer is also important, but not so much.

The following classes (or types) are distinguished:

  1. Budget. Fittings of this class are installed in windows with the lowest price. Allows you to only open and close windows.
  2. Standard. The fittings are provided for medium-priced PVC structures. Allows you to prepare windows for winter or summer.
  3. Specialized. Such fittings can be combined with anti-burglary fittings. Allows you to configure the window to the required mode.

What are modes for?

Modes are needed for one simple reason - the weather outside is constantly changing. Winter is replaced by summer and vice versa. Accordingly, there is a constant drop or rise in temperature. Thanks to the ability to close the window more tightly or, conversely, less tightly, it becomes possible to adjust the “climate” of the room.

Summer mode

On summer period time, the main functions of PVC construction are to minimize the passage of heat, dust, dirt, and so on. This is why it was invented summer build. It allows you to adjust the pressing density of the valves to maximum loosening, which is very important to do after long winter. To do this, the nut is unscrewed counterclockwise, and the effect of the eccentric on the frame is thereby weakened.

Winter mode

For a while winter period I want to keep as much heat in the room as possible. To do this, the position of the eccentrics changes in the direction of “sealing” the PVC structure. By moving, they allow the sashes to be fixed more tightly to the frame insulation. By the way, during operation the insulation can wear out greatly, so it is important to make transfers of modes on time.

Transferring from one system to another can be done independently, but everything must be done carefully and slowly. An error in action may result in damage plastic construction. To avoid this, you can invite a specialist from the company or store where the PVC was purchased.

Blowing out of a plastic window can be caused by:

  1. Poor compression of glass with glazing bead. This is especially true in winter, since materials tend to shrink when exposed to cold. Accordingly, the glazing bead can fly out of the grooves, and the glass, in turn, from the glazing bead. It should be replaced if necessary, but it is best to entrust this work to professionals.
  2. Incorrect selection of fittings for the structure. If the rubberized seal is of uneven thickness or is pressed unevenly by mechanisms, then gaps may appear to allow cold air to pass through.
  3. Poor quality material from which the profile is made. It may simply crack over time.
  4. Incorrect installation of the frame. As a result, the doors may not function well and may not close properly.
  5. By passing air at the junction of the frame and the vertical profile element. The gap should be sealed with liquid plastic, which comes with the PVC.

Change modes or not

There are a number of reasons why the regime must be changed:

  1. The doors begin to close when opened, or no longer open at all. This may be due to the sagging of the sashes, which in turn are attached to the frame using hinges. It is also possible that the winter mode was set incorrectly using the adjusting screw.
  2. The seal may wear out. In this case, dust and wind will freely penetrate into the room. If it is warm outside, then you should immediately replace the insulation gasket.
  3. The sashes can also be shifted in the horizontal plane. This directly indicates that the setup was initially performed incorrectly.

One of the reasons was about the seal. So, in order to avoid its wear and tear, it is not always necessary to adjust the PVC structure specifically for the winter. When pressed tightly, the seal wears out greatly. Therefore, winter mode is necessary, but if possible, its use should be limited. It all depends on the weather; if the winter is windy with snowstorms and blizzards, then cold and frost will penetrate the house.

How to find out if a window can be set to winter mode

In order to find out functionality PVC structure, it is necessary to inspect it from the inner end. There should be a hole for a screwdriver in the handle area. If there is one, then the plastic window can be converted from one structure to another. But you also need to know that the hole must be suitable for a hexagon.

If it oval shape, then there can be two options: either PVC is transferred to summer and winter modes, or not. You need to check with the seller.

How to switch a window to winter mode and back

The transfer is carried out by performing the following steps:

  1. To begin with, the inner end of the sash is inspected to find eccentrics. Their number may vary, but each one needs to be configured separately.
  2. The eccentrics are moved primarily clockwise until the sash is tightly pressed against the seal. Here you need tools such as a wrench or pliers.
  3. All that remains is to check whether all actions have been performed correctly. Here you will need a regular sheet of paper. He's being pinched PVC sash. If after this procedure, the sheet is easily removed from the gap between the sash and the frame, then the window still has a summer frame. If the sheet cannot be removed, the PVC is installed with a winter orientation in mind.

Thus, summer tuning is performed in reverse chronological order.

Step by step instructions

In general, the whole translation process is as follows:

  1. Initially, the inner end surface of the valves is thoroughly cleaned. Should be given special attention joints and connections. The end of the frame also needs to be cleaned. This is done to ensure that no dirt gets on the mechanisms or fittings of the doors.
  2. The fittings themselves are additionally cleaned with a hard bristle brush.
  3. Seals and surfaces that come into contact with them are wiped with a rag. This is necessary to remove old grease and dirt accumulated on it.
  4. Seals can be replaced if necessary if they are worn out, for example, due to long or improper use.
  5. Upon completion of the preliminary work, the eccentrics and hinges are lubricated with silicone.
  6. Next, the trunnions are adjusted with a hexagon or screwdriver. They are turned in a certain direction, adjusting the pressure of the valves. Some types of eccentrics must first be pulled a certain distance from the end of the sash. They are turned by the protrusions and then returned to their original position.
  7. The adjustment is now checked. If the trunnions are adjusted to winter mode, then when you turn the handle, it will function poorly. If the summer mode is set, the handle will turn easily.

Removing a worn seal:

  1. The old rubberized gasket is removed from the frame grooves.
  2. The profile must be wiped with a cloth, thereby removing dirt and dust.
  3. The corners of the frame are filled with special glue for rubber.
  4. The grooves are laid with new insulation. This is done carefully, without tension.
  5. All excess is cut off, and the joints of the seal are glued together.

Incorrect setting

First, a little about the correct setup:

  1. A correctly adjusted window does not create any sounds during operation, for example, the sounds of rubbing parts or surfaces.
  2. The parts responsible for the correct position of the sash in space should be located approximately the same.
  3. The rubber gaskets between the sash and the frame must be elastic and easily return to their original shape after opening the sash.

The setup can be done independently, since no special knowledge or skills are needed. But it is still necessary to carry out all work carefully. Even with small adjustment errors, the window may break, therefore, urgent repairs will be required.

What needs to be done before starting adjustment work, and what can result from non-compliance with the rules:

  1. You should find and use the instructions supplied with the PVC. If you randomly change the positions of the eccentrics, they may become unsuitable for further use and the entire adjustment mechanism may be disrupted. The pressure rollers and rubberized seal may also be damaged.
  2. It's worth checking first technical condition windows. If some parts are very worn, for example, a seal, then it will not be possible to adjust the winter mode. But you will be able to break the bolts.

Thus, seasonal modes have many advantages. They allow you to adjust the “climate” indoors, at home. Winter adjustment is especially important, since constant drafts can cause a lot of trouble.

Transferring modes should not be done more often than once every six months. More frequent changes may cause wear of some parts of the PVC structure or even breakage. To ensure that breakdowns occur as rarely as possible or not at all, it is worth taking care of PVC construction. It must be cleaned and lubricated on time. Instructions contain detailed descriptions care instructions, the main thing is to follow them.