Making a jointer from an electric planer at home. Do-it-yourself thicknesser machine made from an electric planer, other design options Planing machine made of plywood

The jointer is an important attribute intended for carpentry work. External indicators and the principle of its operation resemble a plane familiar to everyone. However, the jointer has a more elongated shape, which allows it to process large surfaces. There are 2 knives on its sole. This device for processing wood has a plug that allows you to loosen its fastening and timely sharpen or replace a knife or handle.

Making a hand jointer with your own hands is very simple. You just have to learn how to handle basic carpentry tools. By attaching own strength and diligence, you can replenish your arsenal with important equipment.

Tools required for work

To make this yourself carpenter's tool, you need to stock up on raw materials. You need strong wood to create a strong block. The best option There will be natural species of oak and larch. They're incredible hardwood will ensure the equipment has a long service life.

The following tools will be useful:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • plywood;
  • bolts.

Planing techniques: a - with a plane; b - jointer; c - position of the legs when planing; 1, 2, 3 - pressure on the plane, respectively, at the beginning, middle and end of planing.

Taken wooden beam OK, in its center with the help of a chisel and a hammer it breaks through rectangular hole. The sides of such an opening are positioned at an angle of 45°. The finished knife, the dimensions of which correspond to 200 × 65 mm, is fixed on one side of the hole and reinforced with a thin wood plate. It is inserted into the widened opening. The impact plug is located in the middle.

The handle should be comfortable to use, so its shape is selected individually. This important detail can be made from multi-layer plywood. The finished element is inserted into the hole and tightly screwed with bolts on both sides. The grooves for them are prepared in advance.

  1. When choosing a knife for a jointer, you should give preference to a rectangular model.
  2. To ensure maximum convenience, the device is equipped with a handle and a blade, each of which must be presented in duplicate.
  3. The knife should not stick out on the work surface.
  4. Parts of short length are processed with a jointer, the length of the block is equal to 500 mm, the angle of the cutting plane corresponds to 45°.

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Making a jointer from an electric plane

You can make a jointer with your own hands in another way. For this we take:

  • durable box made from natural wood;
  • 3 plywood plates of different thicknesses;
  • electric plane;
  • fasteners (nuts, bolts).

On the eve of such work, drawings are prepared, the dimensions of the future equipment are estimated, and sanded sheets of plywood are adjusted to fit it. Such simple measures will allow you to avoid mistakes in the future and eliminate unnecessary actions during assembly.

The box for the future device can be ready-made or put together yourself. This container should have a rectangular, elongated base without a bottom. Ready box it is covered with plywood, in which a hole is cut in advance. The plane is placed here bottom up. 2 sheets are laid on top of the base plywood plate.

The uniqueness of this material used is due to the fact that one of these plywood will be 2 mm thicker than the other. It performs a receiving function; as a result of jointing, a wooden beam is received onto it. The other layer will be 2 mm thinner. This layer performs the promotion function. The blocks move further onto the plane knife.

The lower part of this equipment is raised above the plywood layer, appearing as one plane with the sole and the receiving layer. The feed layer will be 2 mm higher.

The body of the jointer is securely fixed with bolts and nuts, which can always be tightened or loosened.

These simple tips will allow you to quickly and efficiently make an important construction device.

Reismus is one of the most necessary tools for wood processing. Using it, a flat plane with a given thickness is planed, that is, the surface of the material for sawing is leveled. You can purchase this planing machine either ready-made or make it yourself. Purchasing ready-made equipment will be quite expensive, so you should resort to this option only if you plan to use it for processing wooden parts to order. For regular household work A handmade tool will also work.

Homemade surface planer from an electric planer

In production jointer DIY woodworking from an electric plane; it is the main component of the tool. They plan the lumber directly with it. You should not worry about the performance of a hand-made mechanism - as practice shows, the quality of products does not decrease much when using such a machine, in comparison with purchased equipment.

First, you need to decide on the size of the parts that you plan to create on the future tool. In accordance with the selected dimensions, the dimensions of the machine itself are already selected. The width and height of the equipment body, the length of the pin, and the length of the thicknesser guides are determined.

What is needed for making homemade surface planer with your own hands:

  1. Unoccupied manual electric planer.
  2. DIY drawings of a surface planer from an electric planer.
  3. Plywood and bars for assembling equipment casings, as material for assembling the casing.
  4. Not large number free time.

It would be best to draw up your own drawing, focusing on the specific features of both the existing electric planer and the parts that will be made using a tabletop jointer. You can, of course, follow finished drawing, but this is a more difficult task.

Studs and guides

Then you need to correctly determine the location of the pin with which the thicknesser will rise and fall. How well it will be located directly depends efficiency of the future machine in working on parts.

For example, you can place it in the very middle of the body of the instrument, which is done quite often by inexperienced craftsmen. But this is far from the most best option, as it does not provide ease of use, and also does not provide reliable and easy fixation. Ideally, in order to avoid any particular difficulties when working with the tool, you need to place the pin between the front and rear handle of the tool.

To provide the pin with the necessary mobility, a rolling bearing is installed on the top cover of the surface planer, converted from a planer. A nut is installed on the middle plate - with its help, the height of the thicknesser becomes easily adjustable, with a small step and increased accuracy.

Machine guides contribute to efficiency and precision when machining workpieces. They are made from the most ordinary wooden blocks, which do not require too much money. They should be slightly longer in length than the part for which they are intended, that is, they should not be made directly along the length of the workpieces, but leave a small margin.

Among other things, the lower plane of the marking machine must be arranged so that during operation it can be parallel to its knives. This way you can achieve maximum accuracy when processing a particular part.

If it is under an electric planer, achieving this accuracy will not be so easy, and the effectiveness of the tool will not be as expected. But if everything is done correctly, machines designed according to this principle will delight the master.

Thicknessing machines for wood

Any craftsman needs instructions on how to make devices such as homemade thickness planers for wood. Making this mechanism is not very difficult. The first thing you need to do is take a sheet of plywood 500 m long and 400 mm wide, with a thickness of at least 15 mm. It will serve as the basis for the future device. Then stands for the electric planer are made from another piece of plywood of the same thickness and attached to the base. They are secured with screws to the back of the plywood sheet.. An electric planer is also installed there.

Today, jointers have become quite widespread. They are used for planing wood. The planing procedure involves removing the top layer of material, giving the workpiece a certain shape and size. The cost of the industrial version is quite high, which is why professionals decide to create a jointer from an electric planer. Such modernization can be carried out by a master solely taking into account the features of such instruments. Let's take a closer look at them.

Various designs of jointing machines

Before remaking an electric planer, you should consider what types of jointers are. Modern jointing equipment is often manufactured in industrial settings, homemade designs differ significantly. Differences may lie in the type of material, technology and auxiliary equipment used.

There are a wide variety of jointers that can be used for planing wood. There are two main types:

  1. Single-sided machines. They are often made by hand due to the simplicity of the design. It is worth considering that when using such equipment, you can remove material from only one surface in one pass.
  2. Double-sided jointers. Such tools can be used to process two surfaces simultaneously. The only and main condition is that they must be adjacent. Such a tool is characterized increased efficiency, however, the design is quite difficult to manufacture independently.

Do not also forget that all devices are divided into two main categories. The main one is represented by stationary mechanisms, there are also mobile tools, which have become widespread

  1. The device is characterized by relatively low accuracy in use.
  2. The width of the surface that can be processed in one pass is usually insignificant and is only 110 mm.
  3. Lightness of the device. A tool that is too light is inconvenient to use, as it is characterized by low stability.
  4. Low power. Make homemade device with a high power rating is almost impossible.
  5. In most cases, wood is used in manufacturing, which has a short service life.

Despite the above information, there are quite a large number of advantages that have determined the spread of homemade planes. These include the following points:

  1. Low cost. As practice shows, industrial options executions cost several hundred thousand rubles, made by hand only a few thousand.
  2. Mobility and compactness. These qualities can also be called the main advantages of a manual jointer, which is made from an electric planer.
  3. Simplicity of design. This point largely determines that the device can last for a long period and at the same time it is possible to carry out independent repairs.
  4. You can make the tool to your own size. For example, the size of the table is being increased.

You can assemble the mechanism in a home workshop if you have a small amount of materials and components. Moreover, such a jointer can last for a long period.

Preparing the necessary accessories for work

In order to make a jointing machine yourself, you need a certain set of tools and materials. An example would be:

  1. Manual electric planer. It is this tool that is used as the basis today. It is recommended to pay attention to products from Bosh and Makita - the products are of very high quality and can last for a long period.
  2. You will need a drill press with a variety of drill bits or an electric drill. They are used to make holes.
  3. Wood screws are fasteners that are very widespread today.
  4. Plywood is used as a common material in most various works. IN in this case Chipboard can be called an undesirable option, since it is not suitable for such work.
  5. Solid wood is also required, which is used to create a side support. The thickness of the timber used varies within 15-20 mm.

Machine parts

A homemade jointer is represented by a combination of various units that are connected together. The manufacture of the jointer must be carried out taking into account the information below:

  1. Base. It is represented by the lower part, on which various nodes are based.
  2. Side wall. She acts as load-bearing element, to which various components are attached for basing.
  3. The table is rear or fixed. This element is attached to the side wall and forms the plane of movement of the workpiece.
  4. Front table. Often this element can change its height. A special mechanism is created for this.
  5. Side support. It is mounted on the back table; its main purpose is to direct the movement of the workpiece.
  6. Spacer corners. They are used to strengthen the structure and increase its stability.
  7. Electric planer. An electric planer is used as a basis in the manufacture of the structure.

This mechanism is characterized by a fairly simple design. To connect individual units, various fasteners are used.

Making a homemade jointer from an electric planer

You can make a jointer from an electric planer with your own hands, even if you do not have the required skills. At the same time, attention should be paid to all nodes, since the main components largely depend on the quality of each performance characteristics. You can make a jointer from an electric planer with your own hands, taking into account the following points:

  1. The project is downloaded on the Internet or created independently, it all depends on the specific case.
  2. The next step is to choose a suitable electric planer. It is characterized by a large number of features, for example, power or type of blade installed.
  3. When creating a machine from a plane, you need to pay attention to ensuring that it is stable. Otherwise, the quality of processing is significantly different.

You also often make a stand for a plane with your own hands. It significantly improves the quality of the processing performed.

Side wall

  1. In the workpiece the creation is carried out seat for electric planer. This is done using a hand jigsaw.
  2. Drilling equipment is used to create two slots that are spaced 70mm apart. These elements are used to secure the base of the machine.

The material used is characterized by high strength and can withstand significant mechanical stress.

Machine base

Most of the applied load falls on the base. This element is responsible for the stability of the device. Its creation is carried out as follows:

  1. The connection of two parts is made at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws.

You need to choose the right one fastener, since its low strength causes backlash and many other problems.

Back table

Making a table for an electric planer with your own hands. A material with a thickness of about 20 mm is suitable as a base. The back table is created according to the instructions below:

    1. A technological opening is made to obtain a special shape.
    2. The end edge is cut at an angle. A circular saw is used for this.
    3. After creating the technological hole, it needs to be countersunk. Due to this, the screws will be deeply recessed and will not interfere with the movement of the workpiece.
    4. The table is attached to the place of the previously removed sole.

Installation can be carried out when using electric drill or a screwdriver, which greatly simplifies the task.

Front movable table

The design of the front table is created in a movable form. It is represented by a combination of two parts that are fastened at an angle of 90 degrees. Strength can be significantly increased by creating side supports. Fastening individual parts is carried out using self-tapping screws, but strength can be significantly increased by using wood glue.

The next step is to create two through holes 70mm apart. Fixation is carried out using two screws, for example, with wings. Due to this, the position of this element is adjusted.

Side stop

Smooth movement can be ensured by a special side stop. At the time of installation, it is important to maintain an angle of 90 degrees, since otherwise the accuracy of shape and size will be low. In most cases, a massive block is used in manufacturing.

The jointer element in question must be attached securely and motionlessly. At the time of operation, the workpiece is pressed under the influence of great force.

Planing machine drawings

The planer drawing must be used at the time of work. You can download it on the Internet or develop it yourself. When considering the drawing, attention is paid to the following points:

  1. All dimensions must be included.
  2. It is often presented as a combination of several parts, all of which must be accompanied by technical documentation.

Drawings can be made in the most in various forms, most often represented by photographs with dimension lines.

Safety when working with homemade equipment

When planing, attention should be paid to safety during operation. Availability cutting edge may cause injury. The safety recommendations are as follows:

  1. Sharp chamfers, which can cause damage to the skin, are removed from all manufactured elements.
  2. At the time of planing, attention should be paid to the fact that the chips must be removed using a special vacuum cleaner.
  3. Work can only be carried out using various protective equipment.
  4. At the time of planing, the workpiece should be pushed with a special element, thereby eliminating the possibility of injury.

In addition, the equipment must not be left switched on. Each time after creating a product, the tool should be cleaned.

How to properly adjust the tool being manufactured?

Adjusting the plane allows you to obtain a product with the required parameters. Among the features we note:

  1. The required power is set.
  2. Attention is paid to the degree of protrusion of the knives.
  3. The appropriate position of the tool is established.

Only after correct settings tool, you can obtain a product with the required parameters. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of replacing the main elements in case of severe wear.

By making a universal thicknesser with your own hands, you can significantly simplify the processing of lumber, saving on the purchase of professional tools. Thicknessers are used for planing lumber and giving surfaces an ideal, even shape. Homemade machines are versatile in use, allowing you to guarantee high-quality processing lumber and giving them the required shape.

Description of the tool

Thicknessers are machines for processing wood, which allow planing and leveling the surface of lumber to produce boards of a given thickness. This type of wood processing is carried out when using lumber in construction and manufacturing various designs. Planing equipment is in demand on the market and is popular with ordinary homeowners who independently engage in construction at the dacha and in their own home.

Self-made surface planers are distinguished by their simplicity of design, which allows them to be made using an electric planer, grinder and other similar power tools as a basis. You just need to make sure that you have the appropriate diagram, which you should adhere to when making homemade equipment.

Advantages of homemade machines

A do-it-yourself jointing machine is distinguished by its versatility of use. The functionality of such equipment will be sufficient for high-quality wood processing. On homemade machines you can not only plan lumber, but also perform finishing boards, giving them the required thickness and a perfectly flat surface.

The advantages of hand-made surface planers include the following:

To make a homemade surface planer with your own hands, you can use an electric planer, which is used to create a machine that allows for high-quality wood processing, including planing, edge processing and chamfering. It is only necessary to select a high-quality project for the manufacture of a homemade thickness planer, which will be the key to producing reliable and universally-usable equipment.

You can find it on the Internet various schemes execution homemade jointers, which are distinguished by functionality and ease of manufacture. Subsequently, you should adhere to the scheme on hand, selecting the appropriate components and correctly assembling the machine, the functionality of which will fully meet the requirements of homeowners.

Required materials

There are many options for making homemade planing machines, which will differ in their basis. The easiest way to make such a tool is using an electric planer or jigsaw.

To perform a surface planer you will need the following:

Plywood and timber will be required to make the base of the machine and manual table, onto which the electric planer and other elements responsible for the functionality and safety of using the equipment will subsequently be attached.

It is necessary to use high-quality wood, which is additionally recommended to be treated with impregnations against rotting.

Step by step instructions

Making a surface planer is not difficult, so almost anyone can handle this type of equipment.

The following work will need to be done:

This is the most simple design surface planer, which can be done at home. On the Internet you can find various drawings of a thickness planer made from an electric planer with your own hands, which will differ in their functionality and manufacturing method.

Subsequently, you can upgrade the completed basic design of the machine by adding additional tools, which expands the functionality of the equipment.

Safe to use equipment

When performing any homemade woodworking machine, you need to take care of the safety of working on the equipment. If possible, the cutter should be covered with protective devices, and working on a machine where the working cutting element does not have any protection is prohibited. Majority homemade circuits Thickness planer manufacturers have high-quality protection for the electric planer, which eliminates injuries when working with such equipment.

  • Working with homemade instrument, you must use safety glasses and work gloves. In particular, the latter will be required when working with coarse, dense workpieces, when beating of a homemade surface planer from an electric planer is observed when processing the material.
  • The studs used must not have cracks, defects or damage. If cracks or damage are found, the defective parts of the machine should be replaced.

If you follow the simplest safety measures, working with a thickness planer will not present any difficulty, and the machine itself will last for many years. Using homemade machines, it will be possible to perform high-quality wood processing, saving on the purchase of industrial milling cutters.

Knowledge of the rules for working with a thickness planer will improve the quality of lumber processing, relieving the homeowner of any difficulties in operating the tool he has made.

The operating rules are as follows:

A correctly assembled thickness planer based on an electric planer functionality, efficiency and productivity will not be inferior to expensive factory equipment. All you need to do is find a high-quality plan for manufacturing a thicknesser on the Internet and then follow the drawings, assembling electric machine. The easiest way to make such a tool is on the basis of an electric plane, which is mounted on a plywood base. The simplest thicknesser, made independently, will differ in functionality in use, guaranteeing high-quality wood processing.


For any work to be successful, you must have good equipment and tools. The same statement applies to amateurs (or professionals) “tinkering” with wood. Masters in making furniture or other wooden products always trying to get various instruments and devices that can help them in their work.

For example, a jointer. This device significantly increases the productivity and quality of woodworking. But not all fans can purchase it, because its price is quite high. How to get out of this difficult situation? There is a solution, and it’s quite simple - it’s to make a tabletop jointer with your own hands. And the manufacturing process itself will be discussed in the article.

Why do you need a jointer?

A woodworking workshop may contain a variety of machines, but the most commonly used (of course, except circular saw) can be called jointer and surface planer devices. These two types of units are slightly similar in their function, but differ in the method of use.

If you need to make a wooden blank in the form of a board, beam or shield, then it is better to use a thickness planer. Such a device, the main tool of which is the same knife, is capable of cutting the source material into two parallel parts. In this case, both of them will be adjusted to certain sizes.

Thicknessing machines are available in both single-sided and double-sided types. In the first case, only one side of the workpiece is processed in one pass. A double-sided thickness planer is more productive. Here the output is an almost finished part.

Thicknessing machines have a shaft located above the table top. Moreover, the latter is made massive in order to smooth out large vibrations. In addition, the mechanism is equipped with a special casing, which is designed to dampen noise.

A jointer has a slightly different task. This device is used to create a smooth surface without significant roughness on the workpiece. This machine, like the previous version, is equipped with a shaft with knives, only in the jointer it is located under the table top.

The workpiece is fed onto the work surface from one side, and the output from the opposite side is already partially processed. This way, layer by layer, the desired evenness is achieved. After processing on a jointer, the part can be fed to a surface planer.

Basic Concepts

Such equipment will have numerous rotating parts. From this we can conclude that making such a machine with your own hands will not be so easy. Therefore, when starting to manufacture it, you need to calculate your strength. If you already have some similar experience, then you will cope with the task.
It’s worth noting right away that making a jointing machine entirely from parts self-made you won't succeed. Of course, perhaps in your “bins” there is a large assortment various devices, but this rarely happens. First of all, this concerns the shaft with knives and bearings. They will most likely have to be purchased or even ordered. But if everything you need is available, then you can safely start designing.

Some parts for the jointer: knife shaft, knife bearings, will have to be purchased or ordered

First of all, it’s worth understanding what kind of “package” you want to receive. There may be several options:

  1. just a jointer. It will only perform one function;
  2. set of jointer and circular saw. In this case, the functionality of the machine is doubled;
  3. equipment capable of performing the role of a jointer, a circular saw, a grinding device, a sharpening and drilling machine. Such a device will be very useful for your workshop, but it will be difficult to do it yourself.

The most optimal and easiest option is to make a jointer and a circular saw on the same bed. Plus, both tools will rotate from the same electric motor. This feature will greatly facilitate our task.

Let's look at the main components of our future tabletop jointing machine. It will include:

  • Bed. This structure will support the entire machine and the equipment installed on it. To make it, it is best to use durable channels with a wall thickness of 8-10 millimeters. The bed can be made either collapsible or permanent. In the first case, all its components will be connected using bolts and nuts. If you do not need a portable machine, then the channels can be secured together by welding. This option will be more reliable. You can do without a bed if its role is played by a desktop;
  • Working tool. This is one of the most important components of the machine. The jointer knives and the saw itself - it is with their help that you will saw and process the boards. The knives are firmly attached to the shaft. They must be made of reliable and strong steel. Circular saw with pobedit tips. Such a tool will last you much longer;
  • The rotor is where all the tools will be attached. Without this part it is impossible to make a single machine, planer or circular saw. Finding a suitable rotor can be quite difficult, so it is better to order it from a professional turner, having previously provided it with drawings;
  • Desk. For a properly functioning machine, you need three surfaces. One will serve as a workbench for a circular saw, and the other two for a jointer. The thickness of the material for the working surface must be at least five millimeters. Multilayer plywood or metal sheets are suitable for these purposes. In this case, it is advisable to make a slight difference in height for surfaces intended for jointing. The side along which the workpiece will be fed should be a couple of millimeters lower than the side to which the already processed side will go. This difference will make work easier and significantly reduce vibration.

Electric drive of the jointer

And of course, don’t forget about the drive. All mechanisms must rotate. This means that the drive will be the “heart” of the machine. Here are some recommendations for this design element:
- First of all, prepare the electric motor.

Electric motor for jointer

It is best to use a three-phase unit for these purposes. Of course, in this case you may have to redo the electrical network in your workshop, but it will be worth it. Three-phase electric motors operating at a voltage of 380 V are capable of developing greater power. In addition, the torque of such devices is suitable for our purposes. Minimum value the power should be 3 kW, but the maximum is at your discretion;

  • To transmit torque from the electric motor to the working shaft, it must be carried out using belts. A two-strand wedge-shaped shape is best suited for these purposes. Such belts are more reliable;
  • the electric motor itself can be mounted cantilever, directly inside the machine frame. This method will help solve the problem associated with belt tension. If you want to strengthen the engine more firmly, then you need to add a slide to the design, with the help of which adjustments will be made;
  • to increase the shaft rotation speed, it is worth using two pulleys. One, larger diameter, installed on the electric motor. A pulley with a smaller cross-section is mounted on the shaft.

Be very careful about providing power to the machine. Three-phase current is supplied through a four-core cable. In this case, reliable grounding must be organized. These requirements will help to avoid accidents when working on the machine.

Drawing. The main stages of creating a jointer

Tabletop jointer - drawing

Tabletop jointer - drawing (part 2)

A jointing machine, its simplest version without additional functions, can be made quite easily with your own hands. The general progress of work in this case will look like this:

  • prepare everything first necessary details, tools and materials;
  • We create a drawing of the future machine. Without this “document” you cannot start work. With the help of the drawing you can calculate all the nuances and prepare for them. In addition, having such a plan will greatly facilitate and simplify the task;
  • Next, we transfer all the dimensions of future parts to the workpiece and manufacture them;
  • Very important detail– this is the place to install the rotor bearings. It is made from several pieces.

When fastening, glue and clamp are used. The recess should ideally fit the dimensions of the bearing;

  • Next, we install the electric motor. For this, as noted above, you can use cantilever mount, or install the unit on a skid;
  • The next step will be to assemble the rotor with the bearing and install them in place. At the same time, a connection is made to the electric motor using a belt drive. Check that the rotor rotates freely in the bearing;
  • Next, the work surface is assembled and installed. It will consist of two parts - the serving and the receiving. In this case, the second should be a couple of millimeters higher than the first. The working surface can be made of multi-layer plywood, and for greater strength and increased service life it can be covered with sheet iron.

After creating the system for turning the electric motor on and off, the machine is ready for use. But so that your new tool brought only benefit and joy of work, it is worth using it correctly and safely.

A rotary machine, like any mechanism, needs correct operation. If you don't comply certain rules, the device may quickly fail. And in the worst case, you yourself will get injured. Therefore, when using, you should follow the recommendations from specialists:

  • In order for the machine to operate reliably, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive maintenance. Such a complex includes the following activities - checking the reliability of the location of the knives on the shaft, injection of bearings, checking the electric motor, inspecting the belt drive to ensure that its tension is sufficient, checking all contacts, and so on;
  • Rotating parts are always dangerous. And if they are also equipped with sharp blades, then the risk of getting herbs is very high. To increase operational safety, it is better to cover the shaft with knives with a casing. It will be revealed at origin wooden blank, and close again when idle;
  • When working on the machine, follow all safety precautions. This is especially true for the quality of workplace lighting. Hang a powerful lamp above the machine, and your workshop itself should be bright. Also pay attention to the quality of the floor. If it is too slippery, it is better to install a wooden platform or a rubber mat;
  • Do not use excessive force when planing or cutting material. Excessive force will not speed up the work, but will only spoil the workpiece or lead to breakdowns of the machine itself;
  • do not hesitate to invite an assistant during processing long workpieces. This way the work will be done faster, better and safer for your health.

Of course, it is worth keeping your desktop clean. After finishing work, with the machine turned off and de-energized, clean the device from chips. The same must be done periodically to perform large volumes. Turn off the machine and remove any accumulated chips from all mechanisms and surfaces. Cleanliness will make your work easier and help keep the unit operating for a longer period of time.

The video will discuss in detail one of the options for a homemade jointing machine.

Video: homemade jointer