Chipboard furniture stinks, what should I do? How to get rid of the smell of new furniture: proven methods

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Brand new furniture that has just been delivered to you. This is a wonderful sofa and two cozy armchairs. What could be better?

You can already imagine how you will relax with a cup of coffee on a comfortable and attractive sofa. Moreover, it has now become possible to receive a large number of guests, because now there is enough space for everyone. Agree, this is very positive qualities, with which it is difficult to argue. But one problem remains, namely the smell of new furniture, which spoils our idyllic picture. Of course, you immediately want to get rid of the smell of new furniture, but what is needed for this?

First of all, in order to find out how to get rid of the smell of furniture, ask your friends and acquaintances about this issue, because they have probably encountered this more than once and know a large number in various ways, which can ideally remove odors from furniture. After all, at one time or another, everyone acquired new furniture, so don’t be afraid to ask around, maybe you’ll get friendly advice and quickly deal with this problem.

I would also like to mention that you can always purchase new furniture on the recommendation of consultants, which will probably not emit any odors. This is a fact that is difficult to argue with. I think many will agree with this statement.

You can also find out how to get rid of the smell of new furniture by reading the necessary information on the Internet. After all, today you can find a large number of forums where people communicate on this topic. Thus, we have collected several real methods, which can protect you from constant unpleasant odor. First of all, in order to understand how to get rid of the smell of new furniture, it is necessary to determine the cause of the smell.

For example, it became clear to you that the cause of the unpleasant odor was that the furniture was made of chipboard. In this case, it is necessary to understand that, as modern practice shows, furniture made of chipboard weathers over a long period of time, and accordingly has a characteristic, bad smell. And there is a simple explanation for this, because in this case the smell of glue, shavings, various chemical reagents etc.

The question immediately begins to bother you: “How to remove odor from furniture made of chipboard”? We can say with confidence that, first of all, it is necessary to air out the furniture for a long time in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor. Therefore, open the windows in the room where the source of the odor is located. It is especially difficult for those who purchased furniture made from laminated chipboard.

In this case, it is necessary to make a decision regarding the issue of how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of furniture - quickly, because the composition of the laminated coating on chipboard includes formalhehyde. You need to know that this substance is hazardous to health.

But in order to rid furniture of an unpleasant odor, it is not at all necessary to buy special expensive products or try to wash and fill the chipboard cabinet with a refreshing deodorant. It won't help.

As for ordinary tea bags, they can help you. To do this, you need to take several unused tea bags of green or black tea and place them in all corners and shelves in the new furniture.

They must be left in the furniture for at least a week, and then you will be surprised how miraculously the unpleasant smell will disappear.

After all, as you know, tea bags absorb harmful substances, which come from new furniture, thus the unpleasant smell disappears with them. Once your new furniture stops smelling, be sure to collect the bags and throw them in the trash. As you understand, brewing tea from these bags will no longer work.

As you understand, this method does not work in all cases, but if you are faced with a choice between traditional methods fight and more modern ones, then, of course, it is best to use both, i.e. comprehensively.

Of course, we can’t help but mention old furniture. After all, as a rule, the older the furniture, the higher its value becomes. And as modern practice shows, today, an antique cabinet can cost more than the entire furnishings modern apartment. And these are not just empty words, but a reality that can be observed today.

But it is worth noting that old furniture there is a significant drawback.

Improper storage of old furniture in the past sometimes leads to the fact that the wood begins to become saturated with an unpleasant odor, which can overshadow the joy of owning an expensive product.

Remember that if your old wardrobe is a source of unpleasant odor, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

I would also like to mention the folk method of removing this unpleasant odor. For this procedure, you need to dilute the vinegar in water, and thus make a concentrated solution. To do this, you need to put on rubber gloves, a protective mask, moisten a rag with vinegar and begin to wipe all the internal and external surfaces of the cabinet with it. You can be sure that this procedure will not only remove the smell, but will also be an excellent disinfection for old wood. This way, in the usual way, you can kill two birds with one stone, easily and simply.

Then do not forget to leave the cabinet doors open, this is necessary so that the wood dries properly. You need to understand that after this procedure the smell will decrease, but will not disappear completely.

It also doesn’t hurt to sprinkle some vanilla sugar on the shelves and leave it like that for a couple of days to work. As you know, vanillin perfectly draws out the remnants of an unpleasant odor and impregnates the wood with its own. Agree that this is a very valuable quality that will not leave you indifferent.

For that category of people who do not like vanilla smells, you can offer cups with warm milk, ground coffee, or flavored bath salts in the closet. Thus, do not forget that it is necessary to change the contents of the cups daily so that they do not have time to deteriorate. You can be sure that this method will help get rid of the unpleasant odor.

In conclusion, I would only like to say that after reading this article, you will be able to choose the very option that is ideal for you personally. Thus, you can easily solve the problem associated with the unpleasant odor emanating from new furniture. Now, if you are ever asked by friends or acquaintances about how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of new furniture, you know what to answer.

Many people are familiar with the situation when, after purchasing new furniture, a characteristic, not very pleasant smell appears in the apartment. This is the smell from chipboard (chipboard), which is the most popular material for the production of inexpensive furniture. Where does the smell of chipboard come from, is it necessary to combat it, and what health risks does low-quality furniture pose? Read about all this below.

The smell of new chipboard furniture - what is the reason?

Back in 1985, WHO recognized chipboard as a carcinogenic material. European manufacturers furniture, for the most part, follow the path of refusing to use this material. However, in our country, cheap furniture made from chipboard is still widely used. in great demand from buyers. I want to update the interior, I don’t have the money for expensive furniture, and the smell from the new furniture will go away in a couple of weeks. The smell from the chipboard will probably go away after a while. But the harm may remain.

Where does the smell from chipboard come from and what is its danger? Chipboards made from pressed sawdust, which is glued with resin. And formaldehyde is used in the production of resins. This substance poses a serious health hazard. Moreover, it happens gradually. Inhaling the characteristic smell of new chipboard furniture, people often do not even suspect what consequences this can lead to. The first signs of poisoning are irritability, insomnia, and lethargy. There may also be external manifestations in the form of allergic reactions: rash, itching, eye inflammation, etc. Long-term inhalation of formaldehyde vapor leads to the development of cancer and can even provoke irreversible changes at the gene level.

It is especially unpleasant when the smell of new chipboard furniture is clearly felt in the children's room. Children's bodies are more sensitive, so characteristic symptoms of poisoning can appear quite quickly. Therefore, what you definitely shouldn’t save on is repairs in the nursery. By the way, back in the 90s, Russia banned the use of chipboard for making furniture for kindergartens. The reason is still the same - increased, causing a characteristic odor from chipboard.

How to deal with the smell from chipboard?

Knowing about negative impact formaldehyde to your health, you can protect yourself and your family. Of course, the safest thing is not to buy products made from chipboard. Then the question of how to remove the smell of new furniture will not arise at all. But what to do if the furniture has already been purchased and there is an unpleasant smell in the apartment? First of all, you need to do an air analysis. It is possible that the maximum concentration limits for formaldehyde have not been exceeded.

In this case, there is no serious threat to health, and you just need to decide how to quickly remove the smell of new furniture.

The intensity of the odor from chipboard depends on various factors: room temperature, humidity, frequency of ventilation, etc. Warm and humid air will aggravate the situation if the concentration of formaldehyde is high enough.

The smell of new chipboard furniture can last for about a month. Therefore, experts do not advise immediately moving into the apartment after the renovation is completed, much less bringing a child there. It is best to wait 3 - 4 weeks. All this time, the room must be intensively ventilated to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the air.

If after this time it was not possible to remove the smell of new furniture, then a radical solution would still be to get rid of such interior items. After all, the health of your family is much more valuable than the cost of repairs. But it is important to pay attention to the quality of the furniture even at the purchasing stage. It is advisable that the edges and edges of the furniture be sealed. In addition, the sharp chemical smell from chipboard can be felt even in the store. Of course, you should refuse to buy such furniture.

If you notice an unpleasant, chemical smell, do not rush to spray all the products you have in your arsenal. Mixing aromas can only worsen the situation, and it will simply be impossible to stay in the room. First, you need to find out what exactly caused the unpleasant smell from the new furniture.

There can be several reasons for the odor

The following are the main causes of excessive odor:

  • unpleasant aroma of the material. Furniture is often made from chipboard or solid wood. It is covered with a layer of paint or varnish, which has a pronounced industrial aroma;
  • room humidity. Sometimes putting it at home new sofa or closet, you can feel that they smell musty. This is explained by the fact that the product stood for a long time in a room where the humidity level exceeded the permissible limit. If the interior of the sofa under the upholstery has been damaged by dampness, then the smell of rottenness will be especially difficult to get rid of;
  • chemical treatment. To extend the service life of wooden parts and elements, as well as protect them from insects and negative impact external environment, processing is carried out using special compounds. Leather upholstery is also subjected to chemical treatment.

Such odors can cause a feeling of discomfort or even be harmful to health.

To minimize the discomfort of buying new furniture, it is recommended to buy quality products from famous manufacturers who use only high-quality parts and materials in production. They have a less pungent aroma, which dissipates much faster.

How to remove odor from new chipboard furniture at home

The sooner you start fighting the smells of new furniture, the sooner they will be over. There are various effective ways to eliminate foreign odors. Some of them cannot be called cheap, but others, on the contrary, can be classified as economical.

In any case, they will help solve the problem and restore a comfortable environment and a feeling of freshness in your home or office.

This method is considered the least labor-intensive, but it takes the most time to completely remove the odor. Its essence is to ventilate the room in which the furniture is placed as often as possible. This method is suitable for cases where the apartment is not yet furnished and occupied, so people are not in it all the time.

Regularly ventilate the room in which new furniture is located.

In this situation, it is possible to leave the window for ventilation and engage in further arrangement of the home. Please note that complete weathering may take about 2-3 weeks.

An ozonator is a special device that synthesizes ozone from room oxygen. In just a couple of hours, the device will clean the air and there will be no trace of the unpleasant aroma. Along with unpleasant odors, the ozonizer neutralizes any substances hazardous to health that are released into the air.


The device should be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, since turning it on too often can lead to a number of negative reactions from the body, such as headache, slight malaise and dizziness. Buying a device is not a cheap pleasure. Its cost significantly exceeds the cost of other methods for eliminating odors. But there are other advantages to purchasing the device. Having purchased it once, the device will serve for a long time, relieving home owners from the need to spend time and effort on constantly wiping and treating new furniture.

In the department household chemicals You can find special products to remove odors. Purchased products must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and only for those materials that are indicated on the bottle with the liquid. Some compounds are especially effective for working with products made of chipboard, wood or plastic, but it is not advisable for them to come into contact with soft upholstery even in small quantities. Such products are inexpensive and their consumption is quite economical.

Processing with special means

Store-bought products often contain their own fragrances, so after using them, an additional aroma will appear in the room. For people prone to allergic reactions, this method may not be suitable.


Among inexpensive ways to speed up, we can note the use of salt, activated carbon and tea bags. Around the arranged furniture it is necessary to place containers filled with the listed absorbent agents. The contents of the containers are updated every day, and the room must be ventilated. The surface of new furniture can be wiped with lemon juice diluted in large quantities water.

Masking the smell

In addition to trying to eliminate an unpleasant odor, you can try to mask it. To do this, citrus peels or peels are laid out on saucers around the perimeter of the entire room. coffee beans. You can also put soap self made with a pleasant aroma.

Which method of combating the smell of new furniture to choose depends on how quickly you need to get rid of the smell and what costs can be allocated for this.

The main feature of a comfortable life for any person is furniture. The acquisition of this important attribute in houses and apartments evokes a lot of positive emotions among housewives. Updating cabinets, sofas and beds not only decorates the interior of a living space, but also adds coziness and warmth to it. But unfortunately, spoil positive emotions Maybe emergency situation in the form of an unpleasant odor emitted by furniture. In this case, you should not be upset. There are many effective methods combat this problem. Let's take a closer look at the question of how to get rid of the smell of new furniture.

Initially, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving this issue. It is worth determining the cause of a specific aroma. The following sources of its occurrence are identified:

  • The smell of the material from which the furniture is made. It is made from wooden materials, which are covered with a layer of varnish or paint. This creates an industrial aroma. It tends to erode quickly, you can simply not wait for this and solve the problem today. Less toxic is furniture made from natural materials. Its main part is represented from natural wood and textiles.
  • Excessive room humidity. When you purchase new furniture and place it in an apartment where the humidity level is more than 60%, the furniture begins to smell rotten. If dampness in the house is not removed in time, cabinets and sofas become filled with mold, which is dangerous to the life and health of household members.
  • Chemical treatment of furniture. Manufacturer of cabinets, sofas and chairs processes materials chemicals. This is done to prevent insects from infesting the furniture. Thus, our furniture is protected from the negative effects of the environment. This scent is the most difficult to remove.

Only by completely removing traces of the specific smell of new furniture can you fully enjoy your new furniture.

Consequences of breathing polluted air

The specific aromas of new furniture bring us a number of inconveniences and great harm to our body. Sofa manufacturers treat materials with chemicals that contain poison. Over time, these substances begin to evaporate and fill the air throughout the house. A person begins to breathe this muck. Owner modern furniture and his family members get sick often. Such odors cause headache and nausea. In advanced cases, oncology may develop. For these reasons, action must be taken immediately. There are cases when apartment residents like a specific smell, but it negatively affects their health.

Household methods for eliminating odor

IN modern world There are many ways to combat the unpleasant smell of furniture. The main ones are:

Ventilation of living space. Before you start fighting the aroma, try to simply ventilate it. Open all windows. Open all the cabinets and unfold the sofa. After some time, the smell will definitely disappear forever. Carry out ventilation procedures several times a day. The more often you ventilate, the faster the unpleasant smell will leave you. Be prepared for the fact that this method of getting rid of the problem may take two to three weeks.

Usage technical device . If you prefer to use quick ways action, an ozonizer device would be suitable. He will help a lot. This device generates ozone from oxygen in the house. It will also help you refresh the air in the room and rid it of harmful components. It is worth noting that ozone in large quantities has a detrimental effect on the health of residents, for example, it can cause migraines. Therefore, it can only be useful in moderation. The cost of this device is usually high, as is its efficiency. Not every consumer can afford it. It can be replaced with a liquid that is applied to the surface of the furniture, covering it protective film. This film prevents the evaporation of chemical aromas.

Available means

There are many folk ways solutions to this problem. They consist in using the simplest means at hand. Usually every housewife has one of these. Namely:

  • Baking soda. It will effectively help remove the irritant. Most often, the smell comes from the varnish that covers the furniture. Therefore, place plates of soda throughout the room where the furniture is located. It quickly absorbs the smell.
  • Bagged tea. Tea bags must be hung on room doors.
  • Activated carbon. An excellent sorbent for neutralizing various odors. Grind a few charcoal tablets and place them in a saucer. Place in the corners of the room.
  • Ammonia. Wipe the surface of the furniture with the solution ammonia and water. Three drops of this product will be enough.
  • Natural coffee. Is an excellent air freshener. It is enough to pour a few grains into plastic cup or another small container and place it indoors. For prevention, you can put it in bags in closets and chests of drawers.
  • Vinegar solution. Its pungent odor can neutralize other odors. It produces disinfection. Prepare the cleanser. Half a glass of water and half a glass of vinegar. Wipe the cabinets with this solution using a napkin.
  • Essential oils. After the airing procedure, you can put bottles of water in sofas and chests of drawers. essential oils. With their pleasant smell they neutralize the remaining aroma of new furniture.
  • Salt, sugar or cloves. Place in small bags on closet shelves.
  • Heater. Sometimes, there are situations when a person purchases new furniture with an already musty smell. This happens when the furniture was stored in a damp room before purchase. In this case, be sure to dry the furniture thoroughly. Because you can’t dry furniture in the open sun. A simple heater or fireplace will come to the rescue. Turn it on for three hours in the room where the furniture is located. There will be no trace left of the dampness of the furniture.
  • Lemon or citric acid. Squeeze lemon juice and dilute with running water. Wipe the surface of the sofa. You can replace it with a solution citric acid in the water. This is very effective way, which quickly removes unpleasant odors and leaves behind freshness.

I would like to emphasize that improvised means are effective and budget options eliminating the problem. They are easily accessible and every housewife has them in her home. If these products do not help eliminate the smell, then you will have to replace it. For example, in a sofa, it might be worth changing the upholstery. It's cheaper than buying new furniture.

Purchased funds

You can find it in any household chemical store large selection special means to neutralize unpleasant air. The price on the market for such products is not very high. When using purchased products, be sure to read the instructions. Some of them may be intended only for chipboard furniture. Getting them on soft tissue can lead to irreversible consequences. Some purchased products already contain air fresheners. After their use, no additional refreshment is required.

There are quite a few ways to remove specific odors. They all differ in their effectiveness and the amount of time spent. In order to choose the right method, you must be guided by the following circumstances:

  • Availability at hand simple remedies. If you have chosen this method of struggle, then if you don’t have soda at home, you can, for example, replace it with vinegar, salt or ammonia.
  • Depending on the cause of the odor. If the source of a specific odor is the furniture upholstery, due to its treatment with chemicals, then methods for materials with chipboard will not be suitable. The main thing is to choose the right way to solve the issue. Otherwise, due to your inexperience, you can only aggravate the problem.
  • Depending on your budget. If you need to choose a cheaper option, then choose the means at hand. The most expensive way is to buy an ozonizer. In just a few hours you will forget about the problem of unpleasant odor.

To prevent the appearance of a specific smell of new furniture, you need to follow just a few simple rules:

  1. Buy new cabinets and sofas from trusted manufacturers and sellers. Furniture should be made only from natural materials. Sellers of new furniture should store upholstered furniture in dry areas to prevent moisture from penetrating the furniture.
  2. Furniture delivery should only be carried out by specialists. If the surface is damaged during transportation of a sofa or cabinet, this may lead to the appearance of a specific odor.
  3. After arranging new furniture, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  4. Wipe new furniture with a damp cloth.
  5. To prevent odor, place bags of cinnamon or vanillin sticks in the closet shelves and sofa.

If you follow all these rules, then the problem of the smell of a new sofa or closet will not overtake you.

Every housewife wants to get rid of the smell of new furniture after renovating and purchasing interior items. An unpleasant chemical stench takes away from the feeling of comfort, but things can be treated by various means, use flavorings.

It's nice to update old furniture by replacing it with new ones. But sometimes a sharp, suffocating odor is felt for a long time.


To decide how to eliminate an unpleasant odor, you should start by identifying its root cause.

Chipboard is a common material for the production of inexpensive furniture. The composition contains resin containing phenol and formaldehyde - toxic and poisonous substances. Formaldehyde irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat, and excess concentrations can cause an asthma attack. It is important that the formaldehyde emission level in the product description certificate is as low as possible. When buying new furniture, you should pay attention to chips, cracks, and untreated surfaces. They release a toxic substance and an unpleasant, pungent odor. The varnish used to cover the furniture has a strong smell. Do not place furniture near the radiator; heat promotes the release of toxic substances, increasing their speed of distribution throughout the apartment.

You can remove the smell of new furniture made of wood or chipboard by airing it out. Ventilate the apartment daily, open the cabinet doors, unfold the sofa, remove the pillows from it. This safe way, but it will take more than a month.

High-quality, certified furniture does not smell. Its surfaces are made of MDF profile, which is non-toxic. It is odorless, treated with natural ingredients, made of wood or textiles. A high-quality interior is safe for the family. When you decide to save money, think about the possible health risks.

Buying an ozonizer

People who want instant results prefer fast-acting methods using technical means— use of an ozonizer. Not to be confused with an ionizer. The purpose of the ionizer is to increase the volume of clean air in the room.

The ozonizer will quickly eliminate the unpleasant stench. By processing air, the device produces ozone, which neutralizes odors. The room should be closed and the device turned on for several hours. An additional bonus will be the disinfection of the air in the apartment and the neutralization of harmful chemical compounds.

Despite all the usefulness and effectiveness of the ozonizer, there are two significant disadvantages:

  1. Prolonged operation of the device is harmful to human health. It has been proven that ozone in large quantities is dangerous and poisonous.
  2. High price. Starting from three thousand and above, which gives the device a certain aura of inaccessibility. The majority of the population uses inexpensive products.

Overview of specialized tools

Household chemical stores sell liquid to eliminate unpleasant odors. It is convenient and easy to use, affordable. Diluted with water in proportions according to the instructions. Using a soft cloth and the resulting solution, treat surfaces made of wood, plastic, and chipboard. As it dries, a film is formed that neutralizes unpleasant odors. Later you need to ventilate the room.

This chemical agent, it is not suitable for allergy sufferers or asthma sufferers.

Features of odor removal from furniture of various materials

After purchasing and unpacking interior items, an item made of any material may begin to smell. Following all the recommendations and conditions will get rid of the stench forever.

A specific heavy odor from chipboard is felt due to painting or varnishing of the material. They use substances that absorb odor. They are always at hand, they are universal helpers - salt, tea bags, citrus peels. We lay it out for several days in closets, bedside tables, wherever there is an unpleasant smell. Keep cabinet doors open. Then we ventilate the room. We remove absorbents, wipe the surfaces with vinegar solution, moistening them.


Not everyone loves the smell of new upholstered or leather furniture. The lucky owners will have to be patient. At chemical treatment material, leatherette or leather, the smell remains for a long time. The characteristic aroma is removed by ventilation; it is recommended to unfold the sofas. Place absorbent substances around: salt, tea bags, coffee beans. The use of standard methods is unacceptable, as is the use special means, the leather upholstery may be damaged.


A repulsive odor may come from fabric upholstery. The nature of the occurrence of unpleasant odors is different. A musty smell in new furniture may result from improper storage in the warehouse, humidity. You can get rid of it by keeping it in a draft for a day and ventilating it well. Close the windows and warm up the air for about three hours. average temperature. Do not heat the air too much; the parts may dry out. It is forbidden to dry furniture under direct sun rays, the upholstery will fade.

If the source of the disgusting odor has penetrated deep into the upholstery, you should dry clean it or return it to the store under warranty.

If you can get rid of the cloying smell of new furniture in a couple of days, then the old one will only be absorbed more strongly. You will have to tinker to get rid of the unpleasant smell of dirt from old furniture. The cause may be spilled liquid, pets, small children. It is recommended to clean the surface with a vinegar solution or a product that absorbs car odors. Apply generously to the fabric and leave to dry. After the fabric has dried, put natural absorbents inside - salt, tea bags, coffee beans.

Review of folk remedies

It is not necessary to spend money on an ozonizer or other special devices. You can use popular advice.

Essential oils

Peppermint and vanilla oils applied to a cotton pad are excellent natural remedy absorbing the pungent aroma of furniture. Place unique sachets in cabinets and drawers.


They use natural coffee beans placed in small containers. Don't throw it away coffee grounds. After diluting it a little with water, we place it in containers inside the furniture.


Coal is a natural absorbent and will help get rid of various odors.


Cut the onions lengthwise and place on plates. It will quickly absorb the smell of varnish and paint, and the residual natural onion scent will disappear quickly.


Lemon is considered a natural neutralizer. Cut it into slices and place it on the inner sections of the cabinets.


Pour distilled vinegar into a bowl and carefully place in the required places.

If after all the manipulations you cannot get rid of the unpleasant fragrance, you should:

  • contact professionals, a cleaning company;
  • refuse to use an unsafe item for the sake of health.

Methods for getting rid of the smell of purchased furniture are effective to a greater or lesser extent. Which one to choose depends on how quickly you need to get rid of the smell or the family’s budget.