Roofs for the window opening of a house made of timber. Swarms are a must in a wooden house

The fact is that houses made of profiled timber- this is a modern, reliable and profitable way of building housing, today no one doubts it. It is not surprising that houses, bathhouses and outbuildings made from this material are recent years can be found everywhere. List the benefits timber houses can be indefinitely long. However, in this article we set out to tell you about one drawback of wooden (including timber) buildings and ways to neutralize this drawback. It's about natural humidity wood, and problems associated with it.

Houses made of timber: the essence of the problem

As you know, wood is natural material, which was once a living organism. Like all living things, wood contains moisture. Over time, some of this moisture evaporates from the wood, and the wood begins to dry out and crack.

This may not be noticeable to the naked eye, but nevertheless affects general design timber house A, causing deformation of window and doorways.

Shrinkage rate houses made of profiled timber may depend on many factors.

First of all, this is the level of humidity and variety wooden material for construction, type of wood, time of year and construction technology.

Typically, shrinkage occurs most intensively in the first three to four months after completion of construction.

Royki: protection of timber houses from deformation and shrinkage

In order to neutralize negative impact to yours timber house problem described above, two complementary methods are used:

  • To build a house, they use profiled timber that has undergone additional industrial drying. The percentage of humidity in such timber is no more than 20. As a result, there is less shrinkage and shrinkage of the finished house.
  • Used when installing doors and windows swarms.

If everything is clear with a decrease in the moisture content of the material, then what is swarms for wooden houses, We invite you to talk in more detail.

Royka for wooden house - This is a special block of wood with a square cross-section. This block (frame) is inserted into the prepared groove at the end of the window or doorway.

Royki help to effectively solve the problem of deformation of window and door openings. If we simply cut an opening in the wall from timber, and then install a window or door in it, then, after some time, the drying wood will make your opening too large, and the door frame or window frame will simply fall out of it. To avoid such a development of events, install between the frame or door frame swarms, reducing negative consequences drying and subsidence of wood to a minimum.

How swarms are installed

When installing mortars for timber houses, Typically, the following actions are performed:

  • An opening is cut out in the wall of the house for a door or window, and it is finished.
  • A longitudinal cut is made in the end part of the resulting opening. The depth of cut should correspond to the height of the saw, and the length should be 6-12 cm longer than the length of the used digging for timber houses. This will give space for shrinkage gap.
  • After that mortars for wooden houses are installed in the prepared cuts, and door or window frames are already attached to them. A gap (about 5 cm wide) is also left between the ends of the frame and the frames of windows or doors. This gap is then filled with special insulation, which is also necessary for safe shrinkage of the house.

Thus, by applying all the above technologies in practice, we achieve the absence of timber houses defects associated with shrinkage and drying out of such a valuable natural building material like wood!

Royki in the construction of houses made of timber.

With all the benefits and advantages of houses made of timber, the developer who has chosen this material will certainly be faced with a question that clearly will not give him pleasure. The problem lies in such factors that during shrinkage or shrinkage, the openings for windows and doors become distorted.

The level of deformation of openings depends on many reasons:

a) timber moisture content;
b) type of tree;
c) season of construction;
d) correctness of technological processes;
e) intensity of shrinkage of the structure.

Preventive methods can help avoid warping of openings for windows and doors. The first is to use when construction work only the timber that was subjected to additional technological drying. This will reduce shrinkage and shrinkage of the building material by 20%. The second is to use swarms.
If everything is clear with the first one, then for many developers the very concept of a “swarm” means nothing.
Roofs are a piece of wood that has a square cross-section, and are used for installation at the end of openings for windows and doors in a groove prepared in advance. Some builders call shoals a tenon for openings.
What does installing swarms do? They effectively solve an unpleasant problem, such as curvature of openings for windows and doors. If you exclude the use of frames and simply insert a window or door block, then under the influence of shrinkage or shrinkage the opening will become the wrong size, and the door or window frame can easily fall out of it. The swarms are the protective shield that makes the problem of deformation of openings minimal.

Roofs on windows

After an opening is made in the wall, an edge that is not restrained by anything is formed at the beam, and is not secured in any way to parts of the building. Having installed window frame, followed by fastening with fastening material to the end of the opening, when the structure shrinks or shrinks, the fastening in the beams weakens and they sag on the fasteners. And the beams located under the opening are partially released from the tongue-and-groove joints, which can even lead to their twisting. By using strips on window openings as an element of an intermediate clip, it is possible to avoid this process as much as possible.

Swarms on the door

The use of sash on doorways is as important as for windows. But the shrinkage pressure on the openings in which the doors will be located is more negative, since the doors are much larger in size. Consequently, the doorway is subject to greater deformation, which means that the use of frames is mandatory. The tenoning of door and window openings, as the technology of using slabs is called, significantly reduces the process of deformation during the natural shrinkage of the house. The swarms become a reliable barrier for twisting the building material. And in mandatory it is necessary to take into account that the gap between the wall and the frame is no less than the amount of subsidence of the structure, otherwise this can lead to bending and jamming of the door itself. When installing door frames, its lower part is lowered to the very bottom of the opening, leaving a gap at the top, which will serve as a mandatory space during shrinkage.

Design of swarms

For all work related to the installation of frames (studding of door and window openings), the following must be observed: certain rules and dimensions, on which correct shrinkage directly depends. The first thing you need to know is that the natural shrinkage of a timber structure is 1/20 of the original height.
Secondly, the thickness and width of products such as mortars must be clearly consistent with the depth and width of the sawn and prepared recess. As for the length of the swarm, its length should be from 5 to 10 cm less than the end opening. This question is quite important, since this distance is a gap that allows shrinkage.

Installation of swarms

The technology for installing swarms consists of technological operations:

1. Sawing a span for an opening, the operation is the same as for entrance group, and for windows.
2. The ends are processed clean.
3. At the ends of the prepared openings for windows and doors, longitudinal sawing, with the condition of constant swarms that will allow the house to “sit down” naturally.
4. Installation of the frames in already prepared cuts, and only after this, door or window frames are attached to the frames.
5. Filling gaps with insulating materials.

It should be noted that when installing a slab, its lower part is installed close to the very bottom of the opening, and the upper empty part is space for shrinkage. When driving the hammer into the groove, it should fit into it quite tightly, but not forever. The boxes are attached directly to the frames and to the bottom edge of the opening. The height of windows (doors) and frames must correspond to each other. Between the upper parts of the opening and the box there is a space of _+ 5 cm for insulation.

I would like to continue the topic of installing beams in houses and bathhouses made of timber. Today I was at a site where our company is building a bathhouse from lumber with natural humidity, so for this client we built a house a year and a half ago, the house is being shrinked, in the photo the house is dark brown, and the bathhouse has not yet been painted. When we built his house, the customer refused on principle to have frames in the windows and doors, but as time passed, he admitted that it was his mistake. Just now, a year later, problems with the openings began, our guys, when there was bad weather outside, started fixing the squeezed out openings and inserting frames, but not wooden ones, but metal ones. I will also say that it is much more difficult to do this now than at the time of construction, I had to drill the walls next to the openings and level the wall with a channel using bolts, then sawing and inserting a profiled pipe at least 50mm wide. The photo is shown below.

If the customer had not resisted and agreed to install the sinks right away, then there would not have been such difficulties in the future, and the bathhouse that we are building for him, also without finishing, is already being built with wooden sinks, not metal, since initial stage no metal is required, but a safety margin would be nice. Let me note, as I wrote in a previous article about swarms, they are quite thick, at least 50x50mm.

I also want to say that the house and the bathhouse are assembled using a spring assembly and, in principle, in a house that has stood for a year and a half, there are no gaps between the beams. But this is a separate discussion in my other publications.

Conclusion, if they are building a house for you or you are working on it yourself, then spare no effort and money on digging, ideally metal, and if construction company refuses to do this or asks for money for it, then you should think about it. These are obvious things that must be done, whether the customer wants it or not.

Wooden houses look beautiful and stylish at any time of the year. Houses made of profiled timber - practical solution, which is suitable for living in both summer and winter. Timber houses have a lot of advantages that remain even after 20 years of operation. The durability of the building, as well as its geometric integrity, depends on compliance with construction technology. Roofs are an inconspicuous part of a timber house, which has a significant impact on maintaining the geometry of the structure.

What are swarms and why are they needed?

Royka - small beam, which is installed in door and window openings to strengthen and prevent deformation. Houses made of timber, even when using forced-drying wood, shrink slightly, which can lead to cracks in windows, skewing of doors and other problems. The shrinkage of houses occurs almost imperceptibly, so it is difficult to predict in advance at what point and how much the house will settle. Timely measures taken allow you to minimize the negative impact of shrinkage on everything structural elements.

Roofs are usually made of timber with a cross-section of 50x50 mm - this size is quite enough to prevent shifts and deformation of door and window structures. Depending on the characteristics of the timber and the degree of its moisture, the slab is made 50-120 mm smaller than the door or window opening. If the frame is installed at an incorrect length, the wall will be deformed and the integrity of the windows or doors will subsequently be compromised. It is strictly forbidden to build a house from profiled timber without installing frames.

Another advantage of installing a shoal is that it prevents the free edge of the timber from being reconfigured. If the ends of the beams remain unfixed for a couple of months, they begin to deform, which can subsequently lead to the destruction of the house.

How are swarms made?

The material of the slab is treated with extreme care, since when the house shrinks, the beams will eventually rest on it. First of all, the type of wood is selected - soft types of wood are not used here. Most often, wood from the following species is used as raw material for swarms:

  • birch;
  • ash.

Roofs can, in some cases, be made from the same material as the house itself, that is, from coniferous species wood The use of identical pieces of wood allows us to make the structure as high-quality and durable as possible with high precision. Cutting in a small workshop will make the element as smooth as possible and thereby improve its fit into the groove.

Also pay attention to the method of drying lumber. It is highly undesirable to use naturally dried timber, as it can cause significant shrinkage. It is best to use force-dried wood with a moisture percentage of about twenty.

Installation features

At first glance it may seem that installing swarms is simple task, but this is far from the case. It is important to correctly calculate the distance that should remain on top of the swarm, and also make a hole for it. The beam must be installed clearly in the center of the ends of the beam. Sawing for timber should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the wood. The hole on top of the slab must absolutely not be filled with foam or any other materials that may affect the uniform shrinkage of the house. Ultimately, the beam on top of the doorway must rest on the stop, which is formed from the end of the beam. To calculate the space on top of the pile, it is better to involve specialists who have extensive experience in the construction of timber houses.

How the swarms are installed

The location of the swarms primarily depends on the thickness of the timber from which the walls are made. If the thickness of the external walls is usually 15-25 cm, then interior walls are made primarily from thinner width wood. The holes for the joists should be cut clearly in the middle. If the wall thickness is 25 cm, then the swarm will be located at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the beam.

The first stage is cutting out window and door openings according to the project. Their sizes are agreed upon in advance. It is important that the openings have an accurate geometric shape, since the slightest deviation can lead to subsequent deformation of the structures. Next, a groove is cut out according to the width of the groove, but its length should slightly exceed the size of the element. The width of the groove must necessarily coincide with the groove, since if the fit is not tight, the part will partially or completely lose its functionality. The groove must be cleaned and processed.

The next step is to install the mortar into a pre-prepared groove. The swarm should reach the bottom of the opening, and have a few centimeters on top free space. The socket should fit into the groove with little effort for the tightest fit. After installing the frames, the door or window structures are installed directly. A small space is also left on top, which will allow the house made of timber to sit without compromising the integrity of the structure. The remaining space can be filled with insulation, after which the windows and doors are covered with platbands. Platbands allow you not only to hide the remaining space, but also to complete the interior and emphasize the atmosphere and design of the room.

During the shrinkage of a house made of timber, the platbands are subject to slight deformation. Although the flaw significantly affects the interior of the room, it is easy to correct. The most in a simple way The solution to the problem of deformed platbands is to file the cash in modified places. If the house was originally built from naturally dried timber, then within 3-4 years after completion of construction it will be necessary to regularly check the condition of the platbands and periodically file them.

Possible deformation of door or window openings. This happens for several reasons:

  • High moisture content of the wood used to construct the structure.
  • Extreme shrinkage of the building.
  • A serious departure from construction technology.
  • Wrong type of wood.

It is quite possible to completely level out the curvature of openings or reduce them to a minimum. It is necessary to use wood for construction work that has undergone special processing, including drying, and to install cuttings.

Purpose of swarms

A royka is considered to be a simple wooden block, usually having a square cross-section. It is mounted at the end of the opening immediately before installing doors or windows. If this procedure is neglected, the openings may become significantly deformed or skewed.

In inclement and rainy weather, wood can actively absorb moisture and increase in size, and on sunny days, decrease. Over time, the opening becomes weaker, so if you do not use sills, then the window structure or door frame will only hang on the fasteners.

Manufacturing and preparation: tricks and subtleties

To make rokja, you must choose only high-quality, well-dried wood. The width and length of this element should correspond as much as possible to the size of the cut into which it will be mounted. The ideal length is usually 5-7 cm less than the height of the opening itself. Thanks to this difference, a strong stop is provided, designed to protect the opening from deformation.


  1. Using a chainsaw, you need to cut a hole in the wall for a door frame or window design. It must be treated with special compounds.
  2. It is necessary to make a longitudinal cut in the inside of the opening. Make sure that its depth exactly matches the thickness of the swarm. And the length of the cut is usually 5-12 cm longer than it.
  3. Now you can begin installing the swivels, after which you can begin installing doors and windows.

Between the swarm and top part opening, a gap 5-7 cm wide is formed, into which insulation is placed (for example, tow or flax fiber). They not only maintain elasticity for a long period of time, but also help prevent subsidence of the building. It is strictly forbidden to fill gaps with construction foam. It can glue logs together and disrupt the natural process of shrinkage of the structure.


If you are planning to build a reliable and comfortable home, then do not neglect the procedure for installing swarms. It seems that this is a primitive piece of wood, but its functionality is difficult to overestimate. Only in this case you don’t have to worry that the door or window openings in the house are deformed. Moreover, the whole procedure does not take any other time.