How to properly glue non-woven wallpaper on walls and ceilings. How to glue wallpaper in corners - the secret to perfect gluing

I'm drowning | 5.10.2015 16:12

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I promise you that if you follow the instructions below exactly, you will begin to receive much more more money‚What do you think‚ without putting any effort into it? special effort. Agree that it is simple and completely legal!!! Your contribution is only 70 rubles and there are very high chances of increasing your well-being! IMPORTANT: this is not a scam and you do not risk anything, but it WORKS! THE WELL-BEING OF ANY PROJECT PARTICIPANT DEPENDS ON THE WELL-BEING OF EACH PARTICIPANT. ATTENTION!!! Read this a couple of times. Follow the instructions EXACTLY and you will make good money within two months!!! All this works well thanks to the HONESTY of the participants. HERE ARE THE 3 STEPS TO SUCCESS: 1. Register in the Yandex.Money system. Familiarize yourself with this system and how it works. Then you need to walk to the nearest terminal cellular communications to transfer money to project participants. Take the first wallet number from the list below and send 10 rubles to it. via a cellular terminal!!! This is important! So that everything works exactly and in the future you can cash out your money. You are asking for a legitimate service that you are paying for. Next, starting from the second, by analogy, send 10 rubles each. for the next 6 wallets. Also, enter the wallet number carefully so you don’t make a mistake. 1) 41001222288871 2) 41001262057983 3) 41001230761288 4) 41001213074292 5) 41001797660746 6) 41001881331167 7) 41001239833 8078. I REPEAT, TO RECEIVE INCOME, YOU MUST SEND 10 RUBLES TO EACH OF THESE 7 WALLETS, OTHERWISE YOU WILL SIMPLY NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT AND CANNOT CASH OUT WALKS. Now ATTENTION!!! After you have completed step 1, STEP 2: write your own similar letter, you can copy mine. In the copied article, cross out the FIRST (TOP) wallet from the list of wallets and move the 2nd wallet to the place of the 1st, which you erased, the 3rd to the place of the 2nd, the fourth to the place of the 3rd, the 5th to the place of 4 -th, 6th in the place of the 5th, 7th in the place of the 6th, and in the 7th number, which turned out to be empty, enter the number of YOUR wallet!!!3. Post this article on at least 200-300 forums and news feeds (News Groups). Remember, the more you place, the higher your income will be, and this income will directly depend on you. When you post an article, do not write “Easy to make a million”, “Big money in a month”, etc., it is better to write “Manager required, salary 1000 $”. Posting this article on 200 forums, even the least visited ones, guarantees you an income of 180,000 rubles. - THIS IS THE MINIMUM!!! In just 2 months!!! More placements means more income (and geometric progression ). REMEMBER!!! 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According to experts' forecasts, in Russia alone by 2008 the number of Internet users will increase from the current 9 million users to 21 million!!! Well, and lastly, this is a really great axiom - to get something, you have to give something, and to get even more, you have to give even more! See for yourself... Good luck to you!! And now I will explain to you why you don’t lose anything in any case, but ONLY WIN!!! Let's say that out of 200 placements I will receive only 5 responses (a very low figure), which means I will make 50 rubles, being in 7th position on the list. Now these 5 people again make a MINIMUM of 200 placements with my wallet in the 6th position, and only 5 people respond to the first 5 - that’s already 250 rubles. Then these 25 people make 200 placements with my wallet on the 5th line and only 5 answer - my income is 1,250 rubles. Now these 125 people, having posted and received only 5 replies, give me 6,250 rubles in profit (I’m in 4th position). Then it’s funnier: these 625 people make at least 200 placements with me on the 3rd line and only 5 people respond - that’s 31,250 rubles. The most interesting thing is that these 3,125 people will make another 200 placements, but if only 5 people answer them, then I already receive 156,250 rubles (I’m in 2nd position). Now ATTENTION: these 15,625 people will make another 200 placements, 5 people respond to them - that’s 781,250 rubles and so on!!! Aren't they impressive numbers? And all this for an initial deposit of 70 rubles!!! Can you imagine that thousands of people from all over the world join the Internet and read these articles every day, just like you are reading this article now!!! So? Would you spend 70 rubles to find out if it works? ?? And lastly, in my opinion, the most important thing: HOW TO WITHDRAW MONEY FROM AN INTERNET WALLET? Click “withdraw money”, then select the appropriate bank in your city, better choose a bank where you do not need to open an account, then enter the details of the owner of the INTERNET WALLET program, and enter the details of who will withdraw money from the bank (passport details are required there, write the truth Otherwise they won’t give you money).

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis is more cheap option wall decoration, compared to completely non-woven material, but they are practically not inferior to it in quality. This type of finish is resistant to damage, environmentally friendly and inexpensive, which is why it has become widespread. To stick vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base (VF) correctly, it is enough to know the basic principles of operation and a few small secrets.

Characteristics of non-woven vinyl wallpaper

This finishing material is an excellent combination of practicality, reliability and flexibility, perfect for carrying out repair work on one's own. To properly glue this type of wallpaper, you do not need special knowledge or experience.

Advantages of the material:

  • resistance to moisture, which allows you to use VF wallpaper in the kitchen, bathroom or basement;
  • contaminants that appear on the surface can be easily washed off with a sponge and household chemicals;
  • such wallpaper can be repainted in a different color up to 15 times;
  • This finish has increased strength;
  • the range of colors is very wide;
  • VF wallpaper is resistant to ultraviolet rays;
  • vapor permeability properties allow the walls to “breathe”, which prevents the occurrence of mold and allows you to create a favorable microclimate in the room;
  • when gluing walls, small surface defects are masked;
  • long service life of the finish, which is at least 10 years.

The disadvantages include the fact that after gluing cheap vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, a specific smell may be felt in the room for the first few months. Applying wallpaper to the surface will help eliminate the deficiency. acrylic paint or primers. They will form a polymer layer that will serve as an obstacle to the contact of vinyl with air.

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing should be glued by applying adhesive composition only on the surface of the wall, which greatly facilitates the work.

Required tools and materials

Do high-quality repairs without necessary tools impossible. In order to glue non-woven wallpaper, you will need:

  • plumb line or building level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • spatula;
  • rubber roller (for smoothing wallpaper glued to the wall);
  • 2 brushes (a large one for applying glue to the walls and a small one for coating the joints of the canvases);
  • container for diluting glue (bucket, basin);
  • ruler.

Advice! You can make a plumb line with your own hands from a long rope by tying a weight (for example, a nut) to one end.

How to choose glue

High quality and reliable fastening Wallpaper can only be applied to a wall using a correctly selected adhesive composition. Save money by buying cheap analogues good glue, it’s not worth it, since non-woven fabrics are heavy and to stick them firmly, you need a high-quality thick composition.

Prepare glue solution should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the product packaging. Dry powder should be poured into water in a thin stream, stirring constantly. This will prevent lumps from forming. Leave the solution to swell for a while (how long exactly the mass should stand is indicated on the packaging), then mix thoroughly again.

Surface preparation

It is very important to properly prepare the surface of the walls for gluing. To do this, first of all, you need to remove the old finish with a metal spatula, after moistening it with water or a weak glue solution.

Any defects, cracks, or curvatures must be repaired with starting putty, and after it has dried, the surface must be treated with sandpaper. Differences not exceeding 1 centimeter can be easily masked by non-woven vinyl wallpaper.

Advice! The best option- cover the walls finishing putty completely, since in this case the surface turns out to be perfectly flat, and the finish on it will look much more attractive and neat.

Be sure to treat walls made of concrete, plasterboard or covered with plaster with a primer with antifungal additives. This is necessary, since such surfaces are characterized by increased absorbency, that is, they actively absorb moisture, including from the glue, thereby significantly reducing the quality of fastening the wallpaper to the wall. On non-woven fabric, mold (fungus) develops extremely rarely, but neglect additional protection still not worth it.

Advice! It is not necessary to buy a special primer; for this purpose, you can use the adhesive used to install the wallpaper. Apply glue to the wall with a fur roller and let the treated surface dry.

If wallpaper light color, then it is better to paint the primer the same way. This is explained by the fact that non-woven vinyl finishing materials are characterized by transparency, and therefore there is a high probability of stains appearing on them.

The primer applied to the wall must dry completely and only then should you begin gluing the surface.

Using a plumb line, draw a perfectly vertical line where you start gluing the wall. There is no need to rush; even if the glue dries, it can be reapplied to the surface. In addition, non-woven wallpaper can be torn off the wall and re-pasted if something goes wrong.

Gluing instructions

The process of gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base includes four main stages: cutting the roll, marking the wall, mixing the glue, and the actual installation.

Cutting cloths. After the surface of the walls is prepared, measure their height with a tape measure in several places. This is necessary to determine the length of the piece of finishing material. Add 10 cm to the resulting figure - this is a margin of 5 cm at the ceiling and floor. After gluing the first sheet, you will need to align the pattern, if any. To do this, attach the next piece to the previous one and carefully measure. It is also necessary to leave 5 cm for allowances. Each roll is 10 m long, if the ceiling height is 270 cm, then each of them will have 60 cm left in stock. Therefore, you should not be afraid to cut off the excess; one roll is always enough to fit a pattern on three full-size sheets.

Made with a pencil. To do this, you need to hang a plumb line from the ceiling and draw a line along the rope. Through a distance equal to the width of the canvas or roll (it is measured at the ceiling), draw another line using a plumb line. This technique will allow you to glue the finishing material strictly vertically and as evenly as possible.

Preparation of the adhesive composition. Pour approximately 5 liters of water into a bucket or basin (the exact amount is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging with the composition). Pour the glue into the water in a thin stream, while stirring with a stick or any other similar object.

Advice! To mix the glue thoroughly, use a drill with a special mixer attachment.

Leave the solution for 10 minutes to swell (how long the glue should sit is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). Mix the mixture thoroughly again.

Start gluing the wall from the window or door. Apply glue to the wall, moving from the ceiling to the floor; the width of the coated vertical strip should be equal to the width of the canvas (roll) or slightly wider. Apply a cut piece of wallpaper to the wall surface treated with adhesive.

At the top, near the ceiling, be sure to leave an allowance of 5 cm. Press the canvas along the entire width, first from above, then move down and press it along the marking line on the wall. After this, glue the remaining central, side and bottom part leaf.

Align the joints of two adjacent fabrics - this will not be difficult, since non-woven fabric is elastic and stretches.

Advice! To glue the joint to the wall as securely as possible, roll it with a hard roller or press it firmly with the narrow edge of a plastic spatula.

When the canvas is glued, cut off the allowances at the floor and ceiling. To do this, press the wallpaper firmly at the junction of the wall and ceiling/floor with a long metal spatula. Make a cut along the edge of the tool with a knife. When the blade comes to the edge of the spatula, leave it in place and move the spatula and continue cutting the canvas. The knife should move continuously; there is no need to remove it when moving the spatula.

Remove any air bubbles that appear by filling with glue using a syringe and expelling the air with a wide brush or a special rubber roller. In this case, you need to move from the ceiling to the floor and from the central part to the edges.

Remove excess glue immediately with a damp sponge or cloth so that there are no shiny marks left at the joints of the panels, as well as near the floor and ceiling, which significantly worsen appearance finishing.

When gluing a piece in the corner, make a two to five centimeter overlap of the canvases on one of the walls. In the central part of the overlap sharp knife, along the edge of a long metal spatula, make a vertical cut along the entire length. Thanks to the cut, thin strips on adjacent canvases are cut off. After removing these strips, a perfectly smooth joint is obtained.

All the walls in the room are covered in a similar manner. If the next piece covers a door or window, then simply cut off the excess (emptiness), initially gluing the material to the wall. When cutting, do not forget to make an indentation of 1 cm from the edge, this will provide the necessary margin of material if the opening is not completely level.

It is allowed to open windows for ventilation in a renovated room no earlier than after 48 hours, otherwise the wallpaper will begin to bubble and come off the wall.

The question is how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis, stands in front of almost everyone who decides to make it in the house modern renovation. Today, vinyl wallpaper is one of the most popular types of wall and ceiling coverings. They consist of two layers: polyvinyl chloride on top and non-woven fabric or paper on the bottom. In this article we will talk about non-woven wallpaper, because they are abrasion-resistant and more durable in use.

Wallpapering tools

To properly apply non-woven wallpaper, you will need:

  • a plumb line with a cord or a level (control of vertical gluing);
  • wallpaper knife or scissors;
  • a long ruler for cutting wallpaper with a knife;
  • brush/brush/paint roller for glue. A roller is usually more convenient to use than a brush and brush;
  • a wide spatula or another roller (smoothing the wallpaper after gluing);
  • special roller for processing seams and corners (smooth, narrow or grooved).

Wallpapering on non-woven backing

One of their main advantages is faster and easier gluing. All sellers write and talk about this everywhere. This is partly true, and partly a publicity stunt. The fact is that they are usually sold in meter versions. And it is extremely difficult to cope with such problems alone. To hang this wallpaper you will need 2 people.

  1. The first step in wallpapering is preparing the walls. It is necessary to clean and tear off previous coatings, including paint, if any. If the wallpaper is glued to the ceiling, then you need to wash it off the whitewash or remove the previous one painting.
  2. After cleaning the wall, you need to carefully examine it and eliminate any unevenness: plaster and putty.
  3. A layer of primer underneath wallpaper should be done to avoid any unpleasant surprises. If the walls are not primed, then over time stains may appear on the wallpaper or the wallpaper will begin to peel off. Typically 2-3 coats of primer are required. The sufficiency of the layers is checked as follows: run your hand, if there is no dust left on the skin from the wall or plaster, then you are done with the primer

    Attention! When dry, the primer smells very unpleasant. It is advisable to find another apartment to stay at least on the first day.

  4. Preparation of standard wallpaper: cut the wallpaper according to your ceiling height +5-10 centimeters. Don't forget about the drawing if you have one with the selection!

Non-woven wallpaper has good elasticity, and vinyl coating creates a durable surface with a large selection of shades and textures. Such wallpapers are easier to glue than paper ones. There will never be any problems with them at the joints after the glue has dried. Paper tends to absorb moisture during contact with liquid glue and, after the water evaporates from the adhesive, seams or blisters often appear at the joints. It is much easier to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing because they do not have this drawback.

Preparatory work, carried out taking into account all the nuances of the technology, significantly reduces the time and effort required for gluing. First of all, you should pay attention to the original surface of the walls. Ideally they should be as even as possible. To do this, the walls are first leveled with plaster, after which one or two layers of putty are applied.

If the task is to replace the wallpaper, then, after completely removing the old ones, a detailed examination of the walls is carried out to determine whether they are damaged. Any, even the most minor, defects will subsequently be clearly visible through the wallpaper. Therefore, in mandatory All recesses should be filled with putty. Small irregularities protruding above the plane of the wall are removed with sandpaper or another suitable tool.

Wall treatment sandpaper This is done regardless of whether the old wallpaper is being replaced or whether it is being glued to the wall for the first time. After taking all possible measures to level the surface, a primer is applied to it in one or two layers. It is highly not recommended to skip this step, since without a primer the glue will be absorbed very quickly after application to the wall. This will lead to the fact that the wallpaper in some places will simply be pressed against the dry plane and the canvas will certainly begin to lag in the future.

The better the wall is primed, the less glue will be consumed in the end. It should also be mentioned that before you start gluing wallpaper, the ceiling plinth (fillet) must already be installed. In the room where the work will be carried out, you need to do wet cleaning, which also includes wiping the walls with a rag. This is necessary to prevent the possibility of debris getting under the canvas. Every little lint or grain of sand will appear perfectly in the future. flat surface, and nothing can be done about it.

During the gluing process, the roll will need to be cut, so it is advisable to first prepare a solid gasket between the floor and the canvas. For this, a long rule or just a strip of drywall, no less than the width of the roll, is suitable.

Materials and tools that will be needed when gluing wallpaper.

The first most important point in this section is the required number of rolls for a particular room. To find out how many rolls to buy for wallpapering, you need to measure the length of the room around the perimeter, and also know the height of the ceilings. As a rule, ceiling heights range from 2.6 to 2.7 meters. This means that one standard 10 m long roll provides three full-size pieces of wallpaper, each of which will be completely sufficient from floor to ceiling.

Depending on the selected roll width, you can calculate their number. For example, for a room of 16 m², the perimeter of the walls is also 16 m, and for a room with an area of ​​20 m², the perimeter will be slightly less than 18 m. standard width 1 m 6 cm (rounded to 1 m) from one roll it turns out to cover 3 meters of the perimeter. Thus, a room of 20 m² will need exactly 6 rolls, plus 1 roll for reserve, for a total of 7. For a room with an area of ​​16 m², 6 rolls will be required, taking into account two spare strips, which will remain in the sixth roll if the work is completed without errors.

Important! Always buy extra rolls. This is done because from the moment of purchase to the actual process of wallpapering can take from several days to a month. If it suddenly turns out that, due to errors made during the work process, additional rolls are urgently needed, by that time the store may no longer have them.

The most popular and high-quality adhesive for vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis is Quelyd “Special non-woven”. As an alternative, you can also use Moment Flizelin wallpaper glue. The proportions for adding water are indicated on the packaging. For a 300-gram Quelyd, this is 4.5 liters, and for a 270-gram “Moment Flizelin” you need to store 5 liters of water.

A package of this volume is enough for an average of 25-27 m² of surface. With a ceiling height of 2.7 m and a perimeter of the room that will be covered equal to 18 m, the wall area will be slightly less than 50 m². That is, 2 packs of 270-300 grams will be quite enough. Obviously, there are also doorways and windows, but it is better to take extra material than to go to the store for it a second time.

In addition, the gluing technology will require the following list of tools:

  • Bucket or other container for glue
  • Tool for mixing the adhesive (drill with a mixer attachment or just a long stick)
  • Plastic wallpaper spatula
  • Metal even spatula for trimming fabric
  • Brush or roller for applying glue
  • Sharp construction knife with replaceable blades
  • Roulette
  • Optional: roller for smoothing joints, roller or wide brush for squeezing out air bubbles

All windows in the room should be closed to prevent drafts. Air circulation can cause the glue to quickly evaporate and not have time to create a sufficiently strong connection between the wallpaper and the wall. If it is not possible to avoid drafts, then a small amount of PVA is added to the glue. This is an exceptional measure that can only be used in emergency cases.

Instructions for gluing vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing

1 step. Wallpaper cutting

In a clean room with dry, pre-primed walls, the ceiling height is measured using a tape measure. This action is carried out in several places in order to determine the required length of one piece of wallpaper. 10 cm is added to the resulting value to obtain a margin of 5 cm at the top and bottom. Let’s assume that the ceiling height is 270 cm. The roll is rolled out on the floor with the pattern facing up and a piece 280 cm long is cut from it.

The next stage is adjusting the wallpaper pattern. It is performed if there is a certain pattern on the canvas, which must match in all adjacent pieces. In this case, the roll is placed next to the first cut piece, and the picture on both canvases fits exactly together. Don’t be afraid to cut off excess pieces - in a roll 10 m long, with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, there is 60 cm of reserve. It is always enough to accurately calibrate the pattern on three full-size pieces.

Step 2. Marking

It is advisable to first make a light vertical marking with a pencil on the wall. This line should show the exact boundary of the location of the second edge of the strip, relative to the adjacent wallpaper or door, or window opening. Ideally, for these purposes it is used laser level, but in its absence, you can take a simple plumb line.

At the top point on the wall, the exact distance from the adjacent strip or opening is measured, equal to the width of the roll. A thread is applied to this point, on which a small weight is suspended. This thread will hang completely perpendicular. Along it, light marks are made with a pencil, which are connected into a single border using the same inconspicuous line using a long level or rule.

Step 3. Preparation of glue

Now you can proceed to preparing the adhesive composition. 4.5-5 liters are poured into the bucket cold water(see the exact amount on the glue package), after which the glue is gradually poured into the water. In this case, the solution is constantly mixed with a long stick or drill with a mixer attachment. When the packaging is empty, the solution is mixed a little more. After which it is left for 10 minutes to completely dissolve the dry ingredients. After the specified period of time has passed, the glue is thoroughly mixed again.

Step 4 Gluing the canvas

You need to start gluing from the edge of the window or doorway. The brush or glue roller is pre-cleaned of debris and dust. Then, horizontal movements, starting from the level of the ceiling plinths in a downward direction, one vertical strip with a width equal to the width of the roll is completely coated with glue. When the wall is treated with glue, you can begin to apply a strip of wallpaper. Non-woven wallpaper does not require applying glue to the canvas, which greatly simplifies the process of gluing it.

Wallpaper is applied to the upper border, which is usually the ceiling plinth. There must be a small overlap of 5 cm on top, which was provided in advance at the cutting stage. The strip is pressed first across the entire width from above, and then gradually along the entire vertical marking line, from top to bottom. Then the center and the remaining side and bottom parts of the canvas are pressed.

At the joints, the wallpaper is pulled close to each other. This is done quite simply due to the elasticity of the non-woven fabric. For reliability, it is advisable to secure the finished joint by pressing it along its entire length with a special hard roller. If there is no such roller, you can use the narrow edge of a plastic wallpaper spatula or other suitable tool.

Trimming wallpaper under the ceiling is done using a sharp construction knife and a flat, long metal spatula. The canvas is pressed against the ceiling plinth with a spatula, and on top of the tool, almost parallel to the wall, the tip of a knife rests against the wallpaper. You need to make a continuous cut exactly along the edge of the spatula, pressing the knife under the baseboard. When the blade approaches the end of the spatula, the tip remains in place, and the spatula is moved further. After which the knife continues its continuous movement along ceiling plinth to the end of the canvas.

Air bubbles in the canvas are removed with a soft plastic wallpaper spatula or using a wide brush. With smooth, slow movements from the center to the edges, the air is gradually forced out from under the canvas. Excess glue will also escape along with the air. They should be removed immediately with a damp, clean cloth or sponge. If you do not do this right away, then later on the wallpaper there will be shiny traces of glue at the joints, under the ceiling and near the floor.

In the corners, on one of the walls you need to make a small overlap of the canvases on each other in the amount of 2-5 cm. In the middle of this overlap, a vertical cut is made using a sharp knife and a long metal spatula along the entire length. The cut will cut off a thin strip from both adjacent canvases, and after removing these strips, the canvases will form a perfectly even common joint.

All rolls are glued in the same way. If the new piece covers a door or window opening, then it is glued in the same way, and the void inside is simply cut out with a sharp knife with a small indentation of 0.5-1 cm from the edge, for reserve. When the entire room is completely covered, at least two days must pass before the windows can be opened for ventilation.

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Finishing with canvases on non-woven and paper bases has gained particular popularity and has deservedly taken a leading place among building materials in the world. modern market. Easy to use, high technical specifications and the environmental friendliness of such materials allow you to glue them with your own hands on any complex, uneven surfaces.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven fabric is a non-woven fabric that is made by pressing. Unlike paper base building materials, non-woven has a multi-layer structure, which makes it possible to hide minor imperfections in the form of cracks and unevenness when gluing. The non-woven fabric does not deform or stretch during operation. They have a wider canvas, which allows you to quickly glue the material to the entire working surface. These and other qualities make non-woven fabric widely used in construction.

Preparing the work surface

Before gluing any finishing materials, the working wall must be thoroughly cleaned of old paintings. The procedure becomes more complicated if the walls need to be cleaned of old paper residues that were previously glued with wood glue or PVA. Separate such residues by first soaking them for a while. warm water. When the paper is saturated with water, it is easier to separate them from the wall. You just need to soak the walls in parts so that you have time to remove all the soaked residues before they dry.

How to properly glue non-woven wallpaper

Gluing non-woven materials does not require any special skills or knowledge. Can be glued to the following surfaces:

  • wooden;
  • plastered;
  • painted;
  • concrete;
  • plasterboard.

Good breathability ensures free access of air and thereby prevents the formation of mold and mildew under the finishing material. In order to properly glue non-woven fabrics to walls, you need to know some of their features:

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing

Non-woven fabric can serve as a base for vinyl wallpaper. In this case, the top decorative layer is made of polyvinyl chloride. This is one of the widely used types of wallpaper. Such wallpapers have all the advantages of non-woven finishing material, but the big advantage is diversity color range, pattern and texture. Vinyl wallpapers are produced with smooth surface and embossed relief design. A wide range will allow you to quickly select a canvas for any interior.

It is possible to use such canvases in kitchens with high air humidity. Vinyl coating allows you to use a damp sponge to wipe when cleaning wallpaper. Dust settled on embossed wallpaper can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. The variety of textures of the vinyl layer gives ample opportunities for the design of any room.

Features of gluing vinyl wallpaper

When it becomes necessary to re-glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing, it is not necessary to remove the wall covering to the base. It would be more correct and easier to remove the top vinyl layer and leave the non-woven base for further use as a leveling base for new coatings. Vinyl wallpaper can be glued to both walls and ceilings. And the dense non-woven base makes them easy to use and durable.

The only drawback is the airtightness of polyvinyl chloride. This deficiency can cause the appearance of mold and a characteristic odor, so it is recommended to use an adhesive composition with antifungal properties. But modern technology The production of building materials is improving every day, and wallpaper with a breathable foam layer of polyvinyl chloride has appeared on sale. Although they are easily deformed, it is better to use vinyl foam wallpaper on a non-woven backing for gluing surfaces in children's and bedrooms.

Gluing vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing

Before starting work, measure required quantity canvases If this is wallpaper with a pattern, you need to number the stripes according to the sequence of pasting. Non-woven wallpaper is glued end-to-end. Behind the radiators, due to difficult access, you can not glue the material, but simply paint it to match the main color. But if necessary, glue not a continuous canvas, but small strips.

Sticking building material near sockets and switches performed strictly with disabled electric shock . Remove the fittings and glue the strips in the usual way. Make a crosswise cut in the place of sockets and switches, move the canvas aside, freeing the openings. After complete drying, insert the fittings into place.

To finish the surface of vinyl products, use only special glue for heavy finishing materials. The concentration of glue may be thicker than recommended on the packaging and when applying to the wall you should not skimp on it. Excess glue residue and air are expelled with a rubber roller or spatula from the center of the strip to the edges. Glue residues are quickly removed from the canvas. Otherwise, the entire process of gluing vinyl coverings is the same as for conventional non-woven coverings.

Ease of use and dismantling makes non-woven vinyl wallpaper very in demand and popular.