Log houses with a bay window. Houses made of timber with a bay window

One of the best and most justifiable ways to add individuality to a private home is to use bay windows. It is precisely these projects of buildings made of rounded logs that attract the attention of others.

What are bay windows?

A bay window is a special element of a building that looks like a protruding part of the facade. Distinctive feature bay window - glazing. Thanks to this approach, houses made of rounded logs acquire a fresh and modern look, because the glass part of the building favorably emphasizes the entire architecture of the building.

Depending on the wishes of the customer and the features of the project, the bay window can be:

  • cylindrical;
  • rectangular;
  • multifaceted.

In addition, the location of the bay window varies. IN multi-storey buildings it can be located directly at the roof or above it, forming a kind of tower.

Are bay windows practical?

In addition to the unique appearance of the building, customers who choose house designs with a bay window achieve a significant improvement in room lighting. 100% glazing allows you to bring soft and natural light into the room, saving you money on electricity.

It is also important that the bay window will not remain only decorative element Houses. Marisrub specialists make sure that every detail of the home becomes functional and useful.

The bay window can be turned into:

  • an elegant greenhouse or small winter garden;
  • place of rest;
  • continuation of the living room or dining room (this option is only suitable for those projects in which a bay window is provided on the lower tier of the building).

"MARISRUB": building for centuries

Each customer of the company can choose one of the ready-made building designs with provided bay windows or prefer individual design. In the latter case, your imagination will be limited by almost nothing. Experienced architects will listen to all your wishes and offer several options for implementing the idea. Please note that this service is free.

It is also important that we build from reliable materials and always carefully check the quality of work. All rounded logs are created in the company’s production workshop and undergo careful control. Thus, only the best materials reach the construction site that can last for years and not require repair or replacement.

Our main credo is to build beautiful buildings that will last forever.

When developing a house project, the owners consider the layout and area of ​​individual rooms, the location of communications and the number of floors. To increase space, various architectural techniques are used, one of which is the bay window. The protruding glazed part of the facade changes the configuration of the room and the appearance of the building.

Looks especially beautiful on log structures. Another advantage of using a bay window in a project is the provision of good natural lighting. And this is very important for planning the construction on the site, because one of the sides ends up on the dark side.

An additional source in the form of a large piece of glazing compensates for the lack of light. In addition, the interior of a room with a bay window may well become the highlight of the home.

Options for designing a wooden house with a bay window

In houses made of logs, a bay window projection is used to increase the usable area and decorate the exterior of the facades, which distinguishes the building from neighboring cottages. IN wooden structure the architectural element can be located on only one floor or extend along the entire side of the facade over three floors.

Read also: Choosing the type of wood for building a house

The shape of the protrusion can be constructed in the form of any geometric figure, but preference is given to the correct configurations. It's easier to make calculations with them necessary materials, roof modeling, performing interior decoration. The bay window looks equally good for rooms, children's rooms, playrooms and even kitchens. Therefore, when planning, the question of the purpose of the room with a bay window element will not arise.

Proper design will allow you to avoid many problems with communication wiring, finishing and other work.

How much does a bay window make a project more expensive?

The cost of the project is influenced by many factors, in particular the calculation of the bay window. The more complex its shape and the larger the protrusion, the more expensive it will be to develop documentation. Pricing is also affected design features:

— number of storeys;

- quantity load-bearing walls and partitions;

- the material from which the bay window is built;

- the presence of one or more bay windows in one building;

- roof shape;

— methods of connection to the roof;

— thermal insulation;

- protrusion area.

Average price increase design work compared to simple houses suggests a 10-30% premium. The developer will be able to save by choosing finished project. It is allowed to include minor changes, which will help make the owners’ dream of a cozy and beautiful house.

Read also: Laying the first crown of the log house on the foundation

Features of building a log house with a bay window

The bay window requires careful selection of material for construction, since the perimeter of the building has a complex configuration. This entails extensive calculation work on the shape of the roof and rafter system. A facade with an architectural element needs additional rigidity, which is often achieved by using metal structures. 2-3 crowns are laid along the upper and lower parts of the facade, following the contours of the wall, and not the protrusion. To create curly forms Profiled or laminated timber is suitable. The use of these materials will make the protruding façade airtight. Load-bearing elements serve cantilever beams.

No fewer questions arise regarding insulation, because glazing is the main cause of heat loss in a room. Energy efficiency can be increased by installing two or three chamber double glazed windows. IN mandatory The floor is insulated. Experts recommend installing a “warm floor” system throughout the entire area of ​​the room or in the bay window area. This will create reliable thermal protection and a comfortable microclimate.

IN winter period It is advisable to equip windows with a special film. She has high degree transparency, will be practically invisible visually, but will serve as a reliable barrier. IN summer time the property of the film prevents the glass from heating up too much and increasing the temperature in the room.


The wall kit price includes:

Design drawings and house specifications (AR, KR);
- production of rounded logs for log houses. Northern forest, Kostroma region;
- waterproofing the foundation with roofing felt;
- backing board for the log house - 200 x 50 mm;
- treatment of the embedded crown with an antiseptic;
- external walls made of rounded logs Ø from 220 mm to 280 mm;
- interior walls from rounded logs according to the project;
- pediments chopped from rounded logs;
- ceiling height: 1st floor - 2.7 m, 2nd floor - 2.5 m;
- factory production bowls, openings for windows and doors;
- assembly of the log house wooden dowels according to technology;
- interventional insulation - jute fabric;
- floor joists - made of timber 150 x 100 mm in increments of 0.6 m;
- ceiling beams - made of timber 150 x 100 mm with a pitch of 0.6 m;
- compensation jacks under the terrace, porch;
- delivery and unloading of logs and components;
- installation of a log house by an experienced team (Russians);
- quality control of materials and work.

The price of a turnkey house is calculated individually.


The most suitable foundations for building a log house are:

Tape monolithic;
- pile - screw;
- from reinforced concrete piles;
- slab or USHP.

Our construction teams can build any type of foundation with high quality.


The basic package includes installation roofing system and covering the roof with temporary roofing:

Rafter from edged boards 150 x 50 mm in increments of 0.6 m;
- installation of rafters is carried out on sliding supports;
- crossbar for stops made of edged boards 150 x 50 mm;
- roof sheathing from edged boards 150 x 20 mm;
- roofing material (roofing felt).

At the request of the client, we can fulfill roofing work using metal tiles, soft bitumen roofing or ondulin.


The company's clients are offered inexpensive basic equipment for shrink-fit construction, which allows for the first initial stage put the frame of the house under the roof, and then begin to carry out finishing works. If necessary, the company’s specialists will calculate the cost of additional options.

The cost of this house is calculated taking into account the classic diameter of a rounded log of 220 mm. At the request of the client, the log house can be made of logs larger diameter up to 280 mm (28 cm). For the construction of private houses, in most cases, logs from 220 mm (22 cm) to 280 mm (28 cm) are used. Increasing the thickness of walls made of rounded logs will reduce the heat loss of the building, and will also give the house an elegant appearance appearance. The production time for a log house made from rounded logs and its assembly may depend on the complexity of the project. Processed mechanically using special equipment, the logs are shaped like a cylinder and have a smooth surface flat surface, which will significantly reduce the cost of turnkey finishing work in the future.

They have an original appearance and special characteristics. wooden houses felled by hand. For the manufacture of hand-cut log houses, environmentally friendly winter wood from the Kostroma region is used.

Stages of building a log house

Foundation installation

The foundation for a house should be selected based on the characteristics of the building site and the size of the log house. The choice of foundation for any structure should be approached thoroughly, and its installation should be entrusted to experienced specialists. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out engineering geological surveys, during which the properties of the soil are studied and the location for construction is determined. Timely geology of the site also allows you to avoid mistakes at the initial stage during design and select the appropriate type of foundation for the structure.

Assembling a log house

Assembling the wall kit of a log house from rounded logs onto the foundation can be done at any time of the year. For the construction of houses, rounded logs with a diameter of 220 to 280 mm are often used. If necessary, our company can make a log house from a larger diameter log. Delivered to your site ready set home, manufactured using modern equipment. Jute fabric is used as inter-crown insulation during the construction of logs. Our company also offers you to order a hand-cut log house.

Roofing works

Currently, a variety of roofing materials are used in the construction of log houses. The most popular are metal tiles, roofing corrugated sheets, ondulin and soft bitumen shingles. IN basic equipment Construction of a house made of rounded logs included temporary roofing with roofing felt. If the customer wishes, the company’s specialists can produce installation work"turnkey" using the most modern roofing materials, directly after assembling the log house.

Shrinkage of a log house

Log house made of rounded or chopped logs Before finishing work begins, it must settle and shrink. During the shrinkage process of a log house, the wood shrinks naturally. In addition, a slight decrease in the linear dimensions of the elements and components of the structure itself may occur. Technological break after assembling the log house until finishing may last up to 6 months. Modern technologies wood processing allows you to make a log house from rounded chamber-drying logs.

Turnkey house finishing

The final stage of building a house and the most important is finishing turnkey log house. During the internal and exterior finishing of the log house, the walls are sanded and painted, and the crown joints are finished. The finishing work process also includes: installation and insulation of ceilings, floors, manufacturing of door and window openings, their installation and cashing. Specialists of the company "Lesoresurs" affordable price will produce quality installation windows and doors, installation drainage system and hemming of roof overhangs, as well as wastewater treatment facilities. m.
Area - 195 sq. m.

Such real estate is purchased by people who value reliability, individuality and comfort. Currently the bay window is architectural detail in the form of a small protrusion. Timber houses with a bay window has a unique appearance, which can be made as a triangle, trapezoid, rectangle, pentagon, which makes the choice quite varied.

Presentable view of the house inexpensively

Typically, an architectural element is erected only at the level of the first floor, but if desired, it can be continued to the second and subsequent tiers, even ending in the form of a decorative turret. Inside, bay windows increase the living space of the building, for example, the living room, kitchen space or sleeping.

Projects of houses made of timber with a bay window can have different configurations, so the selection should be carried out individually depending on the requirements, as well as climatic conditions. For a region with sunny weather, a classic one is suitable timber house with a bay window, and for harsh areas you need to study the possibility of operation more carefully.

The Northern Terema company is engaged in the development and construction of wooden houses with a turnkey bay window made of timber in Moscow and the Moscow region. We also assemble objects of any degree of complexity with additions in the form of a terrace, balcony, or veranda. Our buildings are different high quality, since they are built from best material– northern wood.

Balconies, bay windows and loggias significantly influence the artistic appearance of the building, enriching the plasticity of the facade, making the house more expressive and prominent. However, in addition to decorative tasks, these architectural elements also perform another equally important function - they connect the surrounding space with the room. The desire to connect the home with the outside space has always been manifested, but has acquired different shapes depending on external environmental conditions. For example, for northern climates, where glazing large surfaces of walls has long been considered energy unprofitable, this type connection with the world around us, like a bay window has always been the most accessible.

What should you give preference to?...

Bay windows

Two-story trapezoidal bay window
Due to the harsh climate conditions, the bay window is widespread in Northern Europe, in countries such as England, Germany, Holland, France, Sweden, and Norway. In southern countries, where the abundance of light and heat opens up great opportunities for connecting the premises of a building with the surrounding space through the installation of balconies and loggias, bay windows are much less common.
The bay window reliably protects the home from various precipitations, which occur quite often in our latitudes so as not to be taken into account. In addition, it is designed to fill the house with light: the bay window allows you to increase usable area room, adding to it a volume that protrudes from the plane of the facade. This volume is well lit naturally and enlivens the entire interior. The bay window, protruding beyond the surface of the wall, unlike loggias and balconies, increases the field of view directly from the room and works as a “light lantern”.
Typically, bay windows are divided into three groups:
- Wall-mounted;
- Angular;
- Fit into a corner.
Many bay window plans have simple geometric shapes: triangular, rectangular, semicircular, multifaceted, trapezoidal. Our company can only make rectangular and trapezoidal bay windows; it is important that the “cup” angle is 45 degrees.
If you choose between bay windows from the point of view better lighting premises, then the least advantageous is a rectangular bay window. Moreover, other forms of bay windows, even if they have a small width, blend more organically with the volume of the room, acting as an element that connects interior space with outdoor space.
A corner bay window, due to its distance from the most used space in the center of the room, has a slight effect on its mode than a wall-mounted bay window, although the degree of increase in the viewing angle is much greater with a corner bay window.

A classic example of using a bay window in a house

For rectangular buildings it is equal to 270 degrees or 3/4 of a circle. A corner bay window breaks up the darkness and monotony in the corner of the room with a powerful luminous flux, which is created by the intersection of two (usually blank) sections of walls, enriching the interior with a wide view of the surrounding landscape. This way he turns the corner of the room, which is usually a subordinate and secondary part of the space, into the center of the entire interior. This concept interior with located light and compositional center in the corner of the room, which had no use in the classical architecture of Rome and Greece, is considered an achievement of the architecture of the countries located in the north.
In addition to the advantages that were listed above, a bay window can also give the designer the opportunity to use an unconventional solution - for example, to arrange a small winter garden in the bay window area.

The above price for roofing felt includes:

  • 1. Rounded log Ø180mm, winter harvested.
  • 2.Delivery of logs within the Moscow region
  • 3.Installation of logs on site
  • 4.Mezhventsovy insulation (jute fiber)
  • 5. Floors (floor joists) - 1-2 floors. (100x200x6000)
  • 6. Rafter row (50x200x6000)
  • 7. Lathing (25x100x6000)
  • 8.Temporary roofing (roofing felt)
  • 9.Installation of the roof under a temporary roof (roofing felt)
  • 10.Installation of floors (inset logs)
  • 11. Fasteners (pins, nails, corners, plates)
  • 12. Gidrostekloizol (under a log)

You can also order turnkey roof installation

Under metal tiles or flexible roof plus:

  • 13. Bar 50x50
  • 14. Vapor barrier film "Tyvek"
  • 15. Waterproofing film "Yutafol"
  • 16. Rockwool insulation
  • 17. Plywood
  • 18. Installation of roofing material

In addition, you can additionally order foundation installation from our company.