Homemade water filters. Making a water filter with your own hands

Water purification is required not only when using water supply, but also when taking liquid from other sources. It could be a well, a river or a lake. Such water often contains inclusions that are not beneficial for humans. In addition to mechanical suspension, which makes the water cloudy but usually harmless, there are also more dangerous components. These include bacteria, dissolved salts, including nitrates, heavy metals and much more. To use such water, it must be purified. However, most modern filters are designed for the presence of a water supply with a certain water pressure. In a summer cottage or outdoor recreation setting, running water is not always available. In this case, filter jugs or homemade devices are suitable. Let's take a closer look at how to make a water filter with your own hands.

Rice. 1 DIY camping filter device for water purification

To collect homemade filter for water, you need to select two main parts. A container for storing filter material and a container for collecting purified water.

Suitable for laying filter material plastic bottle. Its volume is selected depending on the required productivity. The optimal options would be five, ten or twenty liters.

The bottom of such a bottle is cut off, holes are made in the cork, or a mesh is installed instead. Filler is placed inside the bottle.

This filter is attached above a bucket or tank to collect water. It is convenient to use a container with a lid in which a hole is made for the neck of the bottle. Such an installation can effectively purify fairly large volumes of water.

Rice. 2 The simplest filter made from a plastic bottle

Filter media options

The operating principle of any filter is simple. The water passes through the filter material, which traps contaminants. There are several options for filter materials. For homemade filters it is convenient to use the following:

  • Fibrous - fabrics, gauze, cotton wool, non-woven material, for example, Lutraxil. They effectively retain mechanical impurities, but are short-lived and quickly become dirty. They are difficult to wash and much easier to replace. The most convenient are non-woven materials, which are more durable and easier to wash.
  • Sand and gravel – sand and gravel backfill also effectively retains mechanical inclusions. Bacteria settle on their surface, absorbing nitrogen compounds and dissolved organic matter.

Rice. 3 Quartz sand for filters
  • Activated or charcoal– an effective natural absorbent. In its pores, coal retains substances that cause the unpleasant odor and taste of water, eliminates color, and makes the liquid transparent. Coal retains a significant amount of dissolved salts. To fill the filter, you can use either ready-made granular filler or one you prepare yourself. Making carbon for a filter is not difficult. The hardwood is placed on a metal sheet, covered to restrict air flow, and heated.
Rice. 4 Coal is a filler that effectively purifies water
  • Zeolite is a mineral absorbent that is good at retaining iron, pesticides, nitrates and other pollutants.

DIY carbon filter

Coal is the optimal filter material. It is effective and affordable. If necessary, you can always make the filler yourself by calcining deciduous wood logs in a metal container. Those coals that remain in the fire or oven are also suitable. Their size should not exceed three centimeters and be at least one centimeter.

The cooled coal is wrapped in gauze and placed in a container in which water will be filtered. This filter option is easy to make in camping conditions.

For home use, for example, in a country house or in a private house, you can do more complex design. It is better to choose a large container with a volume of at least twenty liters. A hole is cut from the bottom used to install the tap. To prevent the faucet from leaking, use a sealant and carefully glue all seams.

Rice. 5 Flow-through carbon filter

A smaller container with filter material is installed in the neck. A container of ten liters or less is suitable for this purpose.

Place the filter material in a homemade cartridge. They take a segment for him plastic pipe, which has a diameter suitable for the necks of the vessels. Usually plastic bottles are used. Coal wrapped in gauze is tightly driven into the pipe. The resulting filter element is installed at the junction of two containers. Water should not seep past it, but only through the coal.

The first portion of filtered water may contain coal chips. There's nothing wrong with that. The first water is drained, and in the future only clean liquid will pass through.

Pros and cons of homemade filters

DIY filters have a number of positive characteristics and some negative points. These devices are convenient and functional. They are made from scrap materials, so the cost is minimal. You can do it at virtually no cost. The efficiency of homemade filters is high, and due to the large volume of filter material, they are productive.

However, we should not forget that a self-made filter technical specifications and durability will be somewhat worse than factory-made models. They are more reliable and last much longer.

Rice. 6 Homemade water filters

The disadvantages of homemade filter devices are the following features.

  1. Relatively short service life is more of a temporary option for summer season. From time to time a new design will have to be made.
  2. The filler has a small resource. Filter materials require frequent replacement, otherwise bacteria, microorganisms and algae settle in them, which further pollute the water.
  3. To get a filter you need to spend time and effort. Some options can be quite labor-intensive to implement.

Homemade filter convenient solution, but only for temporary use. For continuous use, it is better to choose a factory-made device that has optimal characteristics.

If you wish, you can make a high-quality water filter with your own hands; in terms of its cleaning capabilities, it will be no different from expensive purchased products.

In order for the human body to resist various diseases well, we must drink several liters of water every day. Moreover, it must be as clean as possible. Unfortunately, the liquid that flows from the taps of our apartments is not particularly clean. It contains dangerous microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria, and unsafe impurities.

It is clear that such water cannot be consumed. We have two options. Either constantly purchase bottled liquid for drinking in stores, or order filters made in the factory specifically for water purification. Such purchases require considerable funds. In addition, we are not always sold high-quality water, and not all filtering devices sold in stores provide a sufficient level of purification. A reasonable alternative to such purchases is to make a homemade filter at home.

Store-bought filters for water purification

We'll talk about how to make it from scrap materials. But first, let's figure out what a regular filter is. It is understood as a simple product with a special filler. The latter just purifies the water. Lutrasil, grass, gauze, cotton wool, coal, and sand are used as fillers. All fabric filters (made of cotton wool, gauze) provide quite adequate purification of drinking liquids. But they are very short-lived. They can only be used as temporary filter materials.

But products filled with lutrasil (polypropylene synthetic fiber) and charcoal are suitable for long-term and effective cleaning hard and contaminated water with various impurities. Lutrasil can be bought. You can also use homemade charcoal. It’s not difficult to make: put pieces of wood in a metal container and heat them well. Then let the charcoal cool. Then put it in gauze. Homemade carbon filter is ready!

Pay attention! Coniferous wood For self-made coal cannot be used.

Commercial pitcher filtration devices purify water very slowly. It is not always convenient to use them. You have to wait a long time for the liquid to clear. This option is unacceptable, especially when you are going to nature (for example, to a dacha), where you may immediately need a fairly large volume of clean water for preparing food for a large company or for drinking.

Jug filtration device

The way out of this situation is to make an excellent camping filter yourself from a bucket with a lid and an ordinary 3-5 liter plastic bottle. The manufacturing scheme for the filter device is as follows:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle.
  2. Make a hole of a suitable diameter in the lid of the bucket.
  3. Place the cut bottle neck down into the bucket. It is advisable to treat the junction of the plastic container with the bucket sandpaper and place a thick rubber gasket between them.
  4. Fill a plastic bottle with filler (you can use a homemade charcoal composition).

The mobile water purification device is ready for use.

The principle of self-manufacturing a simple filter described above, which is suitable for softening hard water and its high-quality cleaning from impurities, can be used to create a more capacious filter installation. The scheme is like this:

  1. Take a tank or plastic canister with a capacity of 18–20 liters. This container will serve as a water receiving container.
  2. Cut a hole in the bottom of the tank. Its cross-section should be such that you can tightly insert a small tap into the container (the purified liquid will flow out through it).
  3. Find a small segment (diameter - 4 cm). Fill it with charcoal.
  4. Now take a 10-liter plastic bottle and make a hole in the bottom (this is where you will pour untreated water). Then attach a pipe with filter media to the neck of the container (a standard 10 liter bottle has a neck with a diameter of 4 cm).
  5. Connect the pipe coming from the 10-liter container (it will be on top of the structure) to the receiving tank.

Making a simple filter from a canister

You can immediately pour about 9 liters of water into this installation for cleaning. A homemade carbon filter will make this volume of liquid drinkable in literally 90–120 minutes. Advice - bottom and top polypropylene pipe, in which you will place the charcoal, it is advisable to cover it with pieces of plastic with holes (perforated products) and attach them using any hot-melt adhesive. In this case, coal pieces will not float or spill into the purified water tank.

Stationary filter device consisting of three flasks

Now let's figure out how to make an effective filter yourself to connect it directly to the system. For these purposes, we will need three flasks with the same geometric parameters into which the filler must be placed.

From containers prepared in this way, we will make a productive stationary filter for purifying tap water, guided by the following diagram:

  1. Take two 1/4 inch adapter nipples. Use them to connect all three flasks into one structure.
  2. Seal the joints of the nipples (their threads) with fluoroplastic sealing tape (the so-called FUM material).
  3. Using straight adapters, connect the 1/4-inch holes of the two outer flasks to the tube.
  4. Cut the prepared filter into the pipeline (you will need a half-inch connector and a tee).
  5. Connect a regular water tap to the filter outlet tube.

Take advantage of an effective filter device connected directly to your water supply for your health!

Problems with tap water never ceases to torment its consumers. In fact, it is impossible to use liquid either for cooking or drinking due to lack of safety and other reasons. external signs. Untreated water can be harmful even if it comes from autonomous source, and is characterized unpleasant smell, lack of transparency and wrong taste. If possible, such conditions should be eliminated, which will help you make a water filter with your own hands, but for this you will need a drawing.

Household means of purifying tap liquid or well water do not always satisfy the owner’s conditions. This mainly happens due to insufficient volume and frequent replacement of filter modules at home. Such an acquisition is very expensive, so every owner is interested in the question of how to make a water filter with your own hands without special financial losses, without disrupting the operation of the well or well. We remind you that the work will look correct and durable if the diagram or manufacturing drawing is chosen correctly.

Step-by-step instructions for making a simple but productive filter

Important! In any case, water from a well requires purification, only then will it be drinkable. And, if you do not have a filter installed, you need to take care of other types of purifiers at home. The homemade water filter deserves special attention. An installation diagram or drawing will show how to do it.

  1. The entire manufacturing process begins with preparing a plastic bottle of the required volume. It is advisable to use options from 5.0 liters or more. You will also need charcoal material and gauze. Also prepare a small part of river sand and the same amount of fine gravel. Find canvas fabric, it won’t be superfluous. The drawing will tell you how to start installing a filter at home.

  1. In the selected bottle, cut out the bottom and lay several layers through it thick fabric for cleaning right near the neck. We do this exactly as the diagram shows.
  2. Next, grind the carbon composition and pour it onto the already laid fabric.
  3. Several layers of gauze are placed on top of each other. Several pieces of silver are placed on top of the gauze. (an old unnecessary chain or a silver coin will do). Silver is known to help kill bacteria. See the drawing for how and what to place.

  1. Afterwards, a layer of purified river sand is poured (make sure that there is no debris or organic matter in it). Gravel is laid on top and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the previous material for productive cleaning.

You can study the correct installation in our video.

Attention! The thickness of each layer of backfill should vary from 5 to 7 cm. Try to compact the materials, so carry out several careful but heavy blows directly into the structure. Please note: the diagram and drawing must contain all the conditions for the work.

Next we prepare from the well. An ordinary bucket with plastic cover, in which a hole is made, with a diameter like the cap of a plastic bottle (filter). We place our own charcoal purifier into this hole and pour water into it - wait until it is all filtered.

At home they can come in different variations, but the principle of the product is the same, as the diagram below shows. The difference may appear in its constituent elements and filtration speed.

Note! Try to design the carbon filter in such a way that the water pressure from it is not too strong. After all, for cleaning to occur, water needs to pass slowly through each layer of the filter. You can make charcoal yourself; to do this, you need to heat the wood in cast iron cookware over a fire until black crumbly material is acquired.

Important details to consider

The scheme for cultivating a homemade filter for water from a well may have fundamental differences, which depend directly on the location of its installation and the level of water contamination. We recommend that you study a few details before you begin to arrange homemade installation for water purification at home. So, you need to pay attention to:

You can also make a carbon filter yourself for cleaning using the same principle, if you have a diagram at hand. To do this, purchase the required number of activated carbon tablets and fill a plastic container with them, then run water through them. At this stage, water from a well, water supply or well will not contain hazardous chemical elements.

Therefore, it is not necessary to purchase a carbon filter from reputable manufacturers, because for household use, a small container is often enough to consume the purified product as food.

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How to make a water filter with your own hands: manufacturing features, tips for choosing a container

Takes ~6 minutes to read

IN lately The problem of clean water is of great interest to the population of the entire planet. Demand for wastewater treatment plants is growing every year. Moreover, the most popular remedy is ordinary household filter. If previously only city residents needed it, now residents of villages and towns also actively use it. Not everyone can afford to purchase new filters on a regular basis (which are not cheap), so the question of how to make water filters with your own hands is extremely relevant.


Features of homemade filters

At first glance, the water from the tap appears clean. In fact, it contains a lot of dissolved compounds. A water filter is designed to “retain” these substances: chlorine compounds, iron, etc. Their excess can lead to the development various diseases, and also affect general condition body.

What about well water? Many people believe that it does not require cleaning, and they would be wrong. It may contain nitrates, a large number of bacteria, and pesticides (leak through the treated soil). Also, the structure of the well can be subject to corrosion. All this affects the taste and useful qualities water.


It is not necessary to buy expensive store-bought devices - a homemade water filter is capable of good cleaning.

Of course, if you want to get crystal clean water, it's better to buy modern system after some time. This is due not so much to wear of parts, but to lower absorption and cleaning ability in relation to bacteria.

IN homemade structures there is no function for selecting the appropriate mineral composition for the equipment. And this must be taken into account to ensure the sterility of the water. For this reason, the filtrate should be boiled after each filtration process.

Also huge role plays a role in water pressure during cleaning. Unsuitable pressure intensity in relation to the filter system reduces performance.

How to choose a container and filter filler

When choosing a container for a filter, you need to take into account that it will contain several layers of filler. The material of the tank must be resistant to external aggressive influences. If you need a home household filter for drinking water, then you need to choose quality polymer materials, suitable for storing food for a long time.

To create a filter mixture, combinations of some of the following fillers are used:

  • cotton wool;
  • carbon (activated, charcoal);
  • sand (river, quartz);
  • cellulose napkins;
  • fabric made from natural material;
  • lutrasil, spunbond;
  • gravel, zeolite.

All of the above fillers have several various properties, therefore in the filter they are located on different levels when combined. However, you can select and use only one of them. Next, we will analyze the properties of the most suitable materials.


River or quartz sand

Let's figure out how quartz sand differs from river sand:

  1. Quartz has a more uniform composition.
  2. It is able to retain more particles due to optimal porosity in the space between the “grains”.

However, river sand has a significant advantage as a filtration media - the high strength of sand grains. That is, it is more durable.

Sand is used at the stage of filtering heavy metals and small particles. Most often, the choice of quartz is made when constructing a filter for a pool, because quartz sand is capable of providing filtration for a fairly large water reservoir.

It will not be difficult to build such a unit, because it has a simple structure. Savings compared to industrial filter is approximately 50%.

The quartz sand fraction should be in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 mm. You can make a multi-layer version, where the layers are arranged according to the size of the fraction - from largest to smallest, or where each layer is any other filler. It is important to find here golden mean. A sand fraction that is too small will clog the mesh and the system will stop working, while a sand fraction that is too large will negatively affect the quality of cleaning.

Charcoal or coconut shell

Coconut shell carbon (activated) is obtained as a result of thermal and chemical treatment original raw materials. Sold in 3 types: pressed, loose and granular. For the water treatment system, it is the latter that is purchased. Pressed and bulk types of activated carbon are not suitable as an adsorbent. The particles of the first are too large and therefore do not provide optimal cleaning, and the particles of the second will end up in the water.

Most industrial filters are made based on activated carbon. In order not to overpay, you can make a carbon water filter with your own hands. The only expense left is the periodic purchase of fresh coal. Due to the water passing through the filler (charcoal) many times, it changes consistency and becomes more like a black thick slime. This substance is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.


If we talk about industrial products, they usually add silver ions, known for their antibacterial properties, which helps extend the life of the carbon filter. It is clear that when assembling a homemade filter, no one will engage in silver ionization. You need to remember this and change the filter with sufficient frequency - as soon as it becomes noticeable that the water is being filtered more slowly.

When making charcoal yourself, you need to carefully calculate the degree of “roasting”. If this degree is strong, then the coal will quickly lose its ability. Most suitable deciduous trees, especially birch. Coniferous species - no best option, since the resin can give the water a corresponding aroma.

The production of charcoal is extremely simple. All you have to do is place the tree in metal container and heat on open fire or in the oven until red hot. After this, the material is removed and cooled in air.

Lutrasil and spunbond

These synthetic materials consist of polypropylene fibers. Essentially, it is agrofibre. It is often used in crop production to cover the soil in the fight against weeds, due to its ability to allow water and air to pass through it well. Lutrasil and spunbond differ in color and density. Lutrasil is slightly thinner than spunbond, has white, and spunbond, on the contrary, is black and denser fabric.

To create filters, lutrasil is often chosen because it is easier to determine the degree of contamination of the filter, and it also passes water through it faster due to its lower density, which is especially important if the filter has more than one layer.

Making a carbon water filter with your own hands

We remind you that this is more of a “hiking option” and is not entirely suitable for daily use, as it requires frequent replacement. However, for those who do not have the opportunity to regularly buy a cartridge, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the production method homemade device. It can be used in the countryside, since it does not require running water (filtration as in a jug mechanism).

  1. We choose as a container for finished water plastic tank. If the system is planned to be used in the long term, then the plastic must be of high quality to avoid entering the water harmful substances(common PET will not work).
  2. A container that will act as a cartridge (a reservoir with untreated water) can be made from any plastic bottle. The bottom is cut off.
  3. To connect 2 containers, make a hole in the lid of the bucket equal to the diameter of the neck of the bottle. If the neck does not fit into the hole, the diameter of the cut needs to be increased. If, on the contrary, you went too far with the cut out diameter, you need to wrap the neck with something that does not allow moisture to pass through. It could be rubber, or some kind of dense synthetic fabric.
  4. As a base, gauze is usually placed in several layers. Next, activated granular carbon is poured. You can dilute layers of coal, for example, with washed river sand or quartz.


A DIY water purification filter does not have to be small. At home, it is quite possible to make a system of relatively large volume. For example, as a loading capacity we take plastic barrel volume 10 l. It has a wide neck, so the filler will spill out easily. In this case, the cartridge is made differently.

  1. At one end of a plastic pipe with a diameter of 4 cm we make a tight packing of gauze.
  2. On the other side of the pipe we lay activated carbon and in the same way we make stuffing from gauze.

All that remains is to insert the filter cartridge into the neck of the upper container (into which we pour untreated water). We chose a 4 cm pipe because this diameter is ideal for a standard 10 liter barrel; no additional sealing is needed.

Service life and operating features of a homemade carbon filter

The more dissolved substances there are in the water, the shorter the device will last (this applies to both homemade and purchased filters). As already mentioned, soaked coal is a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, the service life of this material not long in any case. On average, you need to add a new portion every 3 days. But this is only if the water quality has not deteriorated.

An important point: when using charcoal, the water must be drained after the first filtration. If coconut shell charcoal is used as a filler, this is not necessary - it is completely safe.


There is nothing special about commercial water purifiers - you can get the same, or even more good result using available means. The question is: will it be convenient to change the filler every 3-4 days? If yes, then you can safely use a homemade filter, if not, then best choice- industrial product.

Currently, the issue of water purification is very acute. Every year one can observe a situation of increasing demand for cleaning equipment. In particular, we are talking about household water filters. Moreover, if previously only city residents needed this, today urban-type settlements and villages are also forced to use such equipment. Let's talk about how to make water filters with your own hands.

Why is filtration necessary?

There is hardly any need to say once again that the water that comes from the central water supply is not of particular quality. Large quantity various inclusions, mechanical insoluble compounds, etc. have a harmful effect on our body. Someone may say that it is not needed for a well, and they will be completely wrong. The fact is that water from a well or well is also not perfectly clean. Nitrates, pathogens, impurities that impair taste - all of this may be present to one degree or another.

For example, pesticides used by farmers seep into the soil and underground rivers. As a result, such water ends up in our well. Corrosion on metal or wells contributes to the appearance of water. In any case, it is advisable to have at least a filter for rough water purification.

Overview of suitable materials

As noted above, you can make water filters with your own hands, and sometimes you need to do this. So, paper, gauze or cotton filters are suitable as a temporary option. They are very effective, but since they are not very durable, they need to be replaced frequently.

As for regular use, the best option is charcoal. You can either buy it or get it by pyrolysis at home. But by itself it is useless. It is advisable to lay it in layers, alternating it with sand, gravel or grass.

It would seem that an ordinary household filter for rough water purification would be suitable. For the city - yes, it is good decision. But using it in the countryside is not always advisable. This is due to the fact that for its normal operation a certain water pressure is required. Let's see how to make simple water filters with your own hands. For this we need a minimum of time and effort.

Plastic bottle filter

If you don’t want to constantly change cartridges, then a homemade filter is ideal for you. To make it we need a plastic bottle. The bottom needs to be cut off. After this, take a regular plastic bucket with a lid. We cut out a corresponding hole on it for the neck of the bottle. After this, the bottle is inserted with the lid down into a pre-prepared hole and filled with a filter element. In our case, this is charcoal and the most ordinary paper napkins.

In general, such a design can be modified indefinitely. Nobody forbids increasing the volume of containers. For example, instead of a bucket, take a 20-liter container and attach a faucet at its bottom through which purified water will be released. In general, making water filters with your own hands is very simple and you don’t need to buy anything. Now let's delve into this topic in more detail.

Homemade carbon filter

It is charcoal that is most often used as the main filter element. Something like birch is ideal for making a filter. The main thing is not to use conifers. The process of making charcoal is quite simple. We take the workpiece and place it in a metal container, which is closed with a lid. Heat it red hot for some time and voila, the charcoal is ready. In principle, you can also use black coals from under the fire that have burned to the end. They should be medium in size, 1-3 cm.

After cooling, take the charcoal and wrap it tightly in gauze. Carefully place it in the funnel of the container into which the water will be poured, so that all the liquid gets onto the surface of the filter. This is the simplest and quick option, which can be produced in field conditions, being far from civilization. But a water filter for your home should be somewhat more reliable and practical. Let's talk about this now.

Reliable water filter for the garden and home

We will use the same charcoal as the main filter element. But this time you will have to work a little more. We take a 20-liter container and cut out a small hole at the bottom for the faucet, then put a seal and glue the whole thing. This container will be used as a receiver of purified water. A smaller container must be inserted into the neck of the receiver to contain the filter.

For these purposes, a 10-liter container or even less is suitable. In the very simple version You can take a 5-10 liter eggplant. In principle, the water filter for your home is almost ready; all that remains is to decide on the filter element. It is best to make a homemade filter cartridge. To do this, take a small piece of plastic pipe of suitable diameter. It should be placed at the junction of two containers, preferably with an interference fit; if necessary, it can be secured. A piece of pipe is stuffed with crushed coal and covered with gauze, possibly with cotton wool.

About filter performance

Once all the design elements have been prepared, you can proceed directly to testing. To do this, fill in the first batch of water. You will probably notice that it will contain tiny particles of coal. But it's not scary at all. You can confidently drink such liquid, but if you don’t want to do this, then simply drain it. As for how productive such a water filter will be for a garden or home, this largely depends directly on the cartridge.

The thicker and longer it is, the longer it will take water to pass through it, therefore the productivity will be lower, but the quality of cleaning will be higher. The optimal figure is 2-3 liters per hour. We can say that this is quite enough to get drunk big family. Moreover, under the filter you will have a 20-liter container installed, which will fill up over time.

Carbon filters for water purification: reviews

It is worth noting that this kind of construction, which we have considered, has been used for quite a long time. During this time, homemade filters have become extremely popular and in demand. They are cheap and yet just as effective as store-bought ones. The whole point is that the purchased cleaning element has the same filter material. Sometimes, of course, coconut shells that have undergone pyrolysis are used, but this does not change the essence.

Those who use carbon filters every day write that they allow you to effectively purify water from various impurities. In addition, the material for them can be made independently, so there is no need to spend your own money. Of course, productivity is not always pleasing, but within reasonable limits it can be increased. Carbon filters for water purification, reviews of which we have just reviewed, are effective and convenient.

Water filter

It is possible to make a full-fledged three-flask filter for cold water supplied by water supply under a certain pressure. To do this, we will need to purchase three identical flasks. They must be connected in series using a ¼-inch adapter nipple. Each nipple has a corresponding designation (In/out), which indicates the direction of movement of the carrier. These designations must be adhered to. To avoid leaks, it is advisable to additionally seal the joints. Using a straight adapter, the outermost holes of the flasks are connected to a ¼-inch tube.

A filter for tap water of this type should be connected to the system with a tee. As for which flasks are filled, it can be used in a wide variety of ways. For protection heating equipment A carbon filter is suitable for scale removal.

A few important details

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the design of the water filter may differ depending on the installation location. For example, it is not recommended to connect low-performance filters to well pumps. If this is done, then their performance must be consistent with the productivity. Only there can the efficient and harmonious operation of the equipment be achieved.

If the water flows by gravity, then it is better to use a homemade multilayer filter. The essence is that crushed charcoal is laid, then thin layer sand, coal again, etc. But you need to understand that with each new layer the permeability of water worsens to the point that it will barely drip. This is why any cold water filter must be done wisely.


Expensive filter units from famous companies in many cases do not make any sense. Of course, this does not mean that they are of no use. The point here is rather that there is nothing special about them. A standard filter element is used with only a few modifications. If you have no desire to do something yourself and, most importantly, if you are not confident in the effectiveness of homemade filters, then it is better to buy one. But it is unlikely that such an acquisition, especially a high-performance and really good one, will cost you cheap. In general, for a dacha or country house You can make a homemade filter. You will always find materials for it at hand. At the same time, you will definitely be satisfied with the quality of the water and its purity. But for this you need to strictly follow the instructions.