How to remove a double switch. How to remove a switch or socket before wallpapering walls – Blog Stroyremontiruy

The need for knowledge and practical skills on how to disassemble a light switch arises when it is done major renovation in buildings and individual rooms. Sometimes there is a need to replace a faulty light switch.

Main types of light switches

There are two main types of wall mounting designs, which are fundamentally different:

  • for hidden wiring,
  • for external wiring.

To avoid mistakes:

  • short circuit,
  • burnout of expensive lighting fixtures, energy-saving, LED or fluorescent lamps,
  • burning of insulation in a junction box or wall,
  • defeats electric shock.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules of safety measures. Before removing the switch, you need to study the design of their fastening and connection. Products for external wiring are fastened with ordinary dowels and self-tapping screws, and the housing is pressed against the wall through the mounting holes. For internal wiring models, fastening technologies are more complex. The design of the case includes a mechanism of sliding strips that fix the case from two opposite sides in a pre-made hole with a diameter of 67-70 mm.

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  1. Regardless of the type of light switch, for what purpose you have to disassemble it, first of all to switchboard, the circuit breaker is switched off. This is done for safety reasons to prevent the possibility of electric shock to working people. You need to make sure that the shutdowns are made correctly, click the keys several times, the lighting devices should not work. On the circuit breaker in the distribution board PUE requirements(Electrical Installation Rules) it is necessary to put up a sign “do not turn on people working”. It is advisable to close the cabinet and keep the keys with you so that strangers do not have access to the switches. Having completed these steps, you can begin to disassemble the switch itself.

Disassembling the internal wiring switch

  1. Remove the plastic key strips and decorative cover from the switch.

On older models, to remove the decorative cover, you just need to unscrew two screws; they are located on the surface. In new models, these bolts are hidden under the keys, which are easily removed with your fingers or can be pryed off with a screwdriver.

Only then will you gain access to the screws securing the top cover. Taking off decorative elements, you will see the housing in the mounting hole. If it is fixed by a conscientious electrician, you will not be able to pry it with a screwdriver and pull it out.

  1. Unscrew the two screws of the spacer mechanism counterclockwise; the fixing strips will move away from the wall.

In some models, along the perimeter of the structure there is a galvanized plate with holes for fastening the housing with self-tapping screws to the wall. The plate has holes for attaching the housing to plastic socket boxes, which have channels for fastening screws.

There are cases when the entire structure is supported only by a spacer mechanism, or perhaps screwed to the wall and socket box. Check all options, disconnect all fasteners, then the entire mechanism without special effort can be removed from the mounting hole by hand.

  1. Once again, use an indicator screwdriver to check the absence of voltage on all contacts. After making sure that there is no danger, disconnect the wires from the terminals. In cases where the terminals are stuck, the insulation and the housing have melted, you cannot unscrew the bolts on the contacts with a screwdriver, bite off the wire with wire cutters. The wire must be bitten off so that no burnt insulation remains, at the same time, the length is sufficient for installing a new product. When the wires remain too short, it is not recommended to lengthen them by twisting them; the best option is to replace them along the entire section from the box to the switch, this is another topic.

Disassembling the external wiring switch

For external wiring structures, the disassembly sequence is similar, but it is necessary to take into account that instead of the screws of the spacer mechanism, screws are unscrewed that press the housing directly to the wall. The safety measures are the same, for reliability you can wear dry household rubber gloves, the voltage is low, this will be quite enough for protection. All operations can be done in one indicator screwdriver.

Having become familiar with the types of fastening and the sequence of operations on how to disassemble a switch, you can do everything yourself without inviting electricians. In addition to keyboard options, there are resistive and capacitive ones with a smooth change in light brightness. By appearance The housing designs are different, but the general principle of fastening and the disassembly sequence remains the same. De-energize the wiring, remove the decorative covers, unscrew the fastening screws and disconnect the wires; we haven’t come up with any other options yet.

When using household networks to connect electrical appliances and lighting of premises, switching switches and sockets are used. Due to natural aging, emergency conditions and excessive load, switches can fail. Therefore, the question may often arise about how to disassemble a light switch with your own hands.

Why disassemble the switch?

Most common reasons are:

  • Transforming the aesthetic appearance by replacing outdated models with more modern ones;
  • Appearance unpleasant odor burning from the switch or its excessive heating;
  • The lighting device powered by the switch does not turn on or malfunctions;

Therefore, disassembly is determined either by some emergency, or its obsolescence. Let's consider the procedure for disassembling the switch.

#1. Turn off the voltage

Rice. 1: disable double machine

The main step, before disassembling the switch, is to remove the voltage from all current-carrying elements that are involved in the power supply. As with disassembling sockets, the best option blackout is a shutdown introductory machines. If your machine breaks two wires at once - both phase and zero, then after turning it off, you can immediately disassemble the switch.

Rice. 2: disable single machine

If there is one machine at the input and you don’t know, it turns off phase wire or not, then after switching it you need to use an indicator screwdriver. Which will allow you to determine the presence or absence of potential in the network. If the potential is still at electric wire, then you need to turn off the phase at the distribution board or use dielectric gloves and safety glasses when disassembling the switch.

If the apartment has its own distribution panel, in which the circuit breakers are not labeled and you do not know the connection diagram, then turn off each one one by one. circuit breaker and observe the state of the light bulb when the switch is on. If the switch is broken and you are unable to supply voltage to the light bulb, use an indicator to check the voltage in nearby outlets, and if there are none, turn off the voltage in the apartment completely. Or use dielectric gloves.

Rice. 3: Use dielectric gloves if you cannot turn off the power to the switch.

#2 Remove the keys

In most cases, to disassemble modern switches, it is necessary to remove the keys. Because they play a role decorative panel, hiding the place where the switch itself is attached to the wall or box. In some older models, dismantling the key is not required, since their attachment points are located directly on the body, and the key performs only its direct function.

Rice. 4: modern two-gang switch

Look at the picture, here is an example of a two-key switch. In a model with large keys that occupy a significant area of ​​the device, you need to lightly press on one side of the key, lock it in the extreme position, and pull it towards you.

Rice. 5: Pull the key towards you

Some switch designs even provide a small recess for this purpose, into which it is convenient to place your fingers and then remove the keys from there.

Rice. 6: the key came off easily

If you cannot pull the key with your fingers or the force applied is not enough, you can use a flat tool. To remove the key, pry it from the side with a regular screwdriver.

Rice. 7: pry up the key with a screwdriver

Be careful when doing this as you can easily damage the key. Of course, you don’t have to regret the device being prepared for disposal, but in other situations you need to be extremely careful. If necessary, you can pry off the key alternately with different sides to ensure its forward movement. You should end up removing all the keys.

Rice. 8: switch without keys

#3 Remove the cover

IN various models the cover can be fixed using:

Rice. 10: fastening with frame

Look, the frame is fixed with small latches, there are four of them in this model. In order to remove the frame, it is enough to pry off two adjacent ones, and the rest can be easily pulled out from their mounting points.

After the decorative cover and key are removed, you can proceed to removing the mechanism body itself.

If there are bolts on the outside of the old cover, disassembly should begin by removing these bolts.

Rice. 11: Unscrew the bolts on the cover

Then proceed to unscrew the housing.

#4 Remove the housing

The most common option on new rocker switches is a bolt-on design located at the edges of the housing that secures the entire mechanism into the box. To remove from the body, the bolts at the attachment points are unscrewed one by one.

Rice. 12: Unscrew the housing bolts

The second fixation option is spring spacers, which, in addition to mounting in the box, also allow you to adjust the angle of rotation of the main block of the automatic switch. In such a situation, use a screwdriver to loosen the spacers until the switch freely comes out of the socket. This is done by unscrewing the bolts.

Rice. 13: loosen the spacers

In models with a bolt-on housing, you can also see these spacers that allow you to adjust the angle of rotation. But you don’t need to unscrew them to disassemble the device.

It should be noted that in the event of a breakdown, it is possible that the wires are burnt away from the fastening or they become loose at the crimp points. Then the core may fall out of the box. Such a fall with the voltage turned off, although safe from the point of view of electric shock, nevertheless, the main part of the switch may be damaged if dropped. Therefore, before removing the mechanism, it is better to support it with your fingers during dismantling.

Once the switch core is pulled out of the box, it should remain hanging by the wires alone.

Rice. 14: core on wires

Therefore, to disassemble it further, disconnect the wiring fastener from the slats. Power wires may have different way fastening to the lamellas, which is why their shutdown will differ. The most common options are:

  • Fixation with screws - in this case they are simply unscrewed with a screwdriver;
  • Fixation using clamps - in order to disassemble the fastening of the wires, you just need to press on the corresponding levers.
  • Using crimps is enough old way, V modern models is not used, since opening the sleeve is a rather labor-intensive task and its reuse is not always possible.
  • By twisting - the rules prohibit the use of twists, but in practice you can easily encounter such a connection. Which often becomes the cause of malfunction or failure of the electrical switch.

Rice. 15: unplug the wires

It should be noted that this procedure should be carried out carefully so that small parts do not fall apart. If your goal was to install a new double switch, you can simply throw away the old one. And if you disassembled the device to eliminate any malfunction, then after disconnecting the wire it must be inspected.

#6 Inspect the switch

If your goal was to identify any faults, carefully inspect the mounting locations of the phase leads. It is possible that traces of melting or oxidation will be clearly visible on them. If there is thermal destruction of the plastic, you can immediately replace the entire switch. Oxidation areas can cause poor contact, so they need to be cleaned.

Due to the fact that its cost is relatively low, it is simply impractical to make any replacements of parts and places where the housing is attached to damaged parts.

There is also a possibility that the switch remained intact, and electrical wiring suffered from excessive heat. In such situations, you may observe annealing of live parts, melting of insulation and other damage. These factors will indicate that it may be necessary to replace the wiring or some section of it.

If all parts do not contain any signs of burning, then there may be no contact in the on position. To check for such a malfunction, use a multimeter and check for the presence or absence of contact. In some models, it is enough to simply get to the mechanism and restore its normal operation. Therefore, it is quite possible to fix such a malfunction yourself.

Nuances when disassembling various types of switches

  1. For powering large quantity for spotlights, ceiling lighting and other lighting fixtures, three-key switches are often used. The design of such models is distinguished by rather thin keys. But, as for two-key switches, dismantling a three-key switch begins with removing each of them one by one. To simplify this procedure, many models are equipped with a small rectangular hole at the bottom of the keys, into which a screwdriver can easily fit.
  2. If you want to disassemble the dimmer (adjustable switch with rotary knob). Then its dismantling is fundamentally no different from classic model. The only difference is that instead of keys, you first have to remove the control knob.
  3. The touch switch can be disassembled by removing outer panel. For this purpose, you can use either a regular screwdriver or a special holder, which you can make yourself from wire if it is not included in the kit. In this case, special care must be taken to avoid cracking the glass.
  4. If the switch is paired with a socket, then to dismantle the first one you will need to remove the socket along with it. In this case, the socket cover will have to be removed, since one of the fastening bolts is often hidden under it.
  5. Pass-through switches have the same design as conventional ones, and, accordingly, the same disassembly procedure. The only difference is the number of wires, since the phase connection is made in several positions simultaneously.

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Nowadays, in many houses, high-quality electrics are initially installed, or during repairs they try to replace all elements of the electrical network, including switches. But a situation may arise when you come home, flip the switch, and the light does not come on.

If the light bulb works in another place and there is electricity in the apartment, then the problem is most likely in the switch, and it will have to be disassembled.

This must be done by first turning off the power and checking it on a lamp or lamp.

Now there are several types of switches, each of which has its own design and features. The following types of switches are distinguished:

  1. Simple one- and two-key switches. The most common type of switches.
  2. Pass-through switches can turn on lights from several places. In appearance they look like regular push-button switches.
  3. Dimmers are switches that allow you to adjust the brightness of lighting from twilight to bright light. They come with microcontrollers or mechanical ones.
  4. Impulse switches are essentially just buttons, like doorbells. They are connected to a pulse relay.
  5. Touch switches - there are different types: acoustic (triggered by a sharp sound, for example, clapping your hands), touch dimmers, with remote control, radio switches, etc.

Since key switches are the most common, we will consider disassembling them.

How to turn off the power supply

Before any electrical work, including disassembling the switch, it is necessary to turn off the voltage. As a rule, electrical wiring in our apartments is divided into three groups: sockets, lighting and output for an electric stove (if there is one). To disassemble the switch, it is necessary to de-energize the lighting group by turning off the corresponding circuit breaker at switchboard. But many people have a question: what kind of automatic machine is responsible for lighting?

The photo shows an image of a modern shield, where close up the ratings of the machines are shown (16 Amps on the right and 5 Amps on the left). The lighting wiring always carries less current than the group of sockets, therefore the rating of the machine for this group will be lower - this is what you need to focus on.

After turning off the machine, you must make sure that the voltage is turned off - to do this, turn on the lighting and if it is not there, then everything is done correctly and you can start disassembling the electrical switch

I can meet like single-gang switches, and two- and three-key. The most common are two-key ones, and the sequence of work will be shown using their example.

First you need to remove the keys from the switch. This is done quite quickly and easily without special tools. You need to press the key against the wall with your thumb, and with your other fingers take it by the protruding edge and pull it towards you. Many people are afraid of breaking the key because it is held quite tightly, in which case you can use a flat-head screwdriver or a knife and slightly pry the key. Still, it’s better to use your hands, and after a while everything will work out. Next, use the same principle to remove the second key.

After this, you need to remove the switch frame itself. It can be pressed against the mechanism by the black bet located in the middle. This is a latch type fastening, so you need to use a small flat screwdriver to pry this insert open as shown in the photo. After this, the switch mechanism itself will become accessible.

In order to remove the switch from the wall, you need to loosen the mounting tabs that hold it. To do this, loosen the corresponding screws (shown in the photo) and after that the mechanism should freely come out of the wall. Sometimes the switch may be secured with screws on the sides installation box, in this case they must be unscrewed.

Then the switch is removed from the box and the voltage on the connected wires is checked using a special indicator screwdriver. If everything is done correctly, then there should be no voltage. After this, unscrew the fastenings of all wires and disconnect them from the switch.
The removed switch must be inspected for melted contacts, and if this is the problem, then the switch cannot be repaired and must be replaced. If similar problems no, then the switch is inspected for other damage and all contacts are checked, especially in the places where the wires are attached.

In case of malfunction lighting fixture First of all, you should make sure that there is voltage in the power supply wiring. Then the performance of the lighting element itself and the socket is checked. If everything is fine with them, then the cause of the problem is most likely the switch. To fix the problem, you will need to disassemble it. How to disassemble a light switch? You can do this work with your own hands, you just need to know how to do it correctly.

How to disassemble a light switch with an indicator

In design and appearance, an illuminated switch does not differ from regular switch, only those equipped with light indication

The indicator on the light switch is LED backlight, making it easy to detect the device in complete darkness. The sequence of actions for disassembling such a switch is no different from dismantling a part without a light indication.

The tools you'll need to do this job are a flat-blade screwdriver, although cap screws are sometimes available. Phillips screwdriver. Disassembly is carried out as follows:

  1. The supply voltage to the electrical wiring is turned off. You can verify its absence using an indicator screwdriver.
  2. The switch key is removed. To do this, you need to squeeze it with your fingers on the sides and pull it towards you or pry off the connectors located on the sides with a flat-blade screwdriver.
  3. Then the facing frame is dismantled. It can be secured with screws or clamps, in the first case fastening element should be unscrewed, in the second - bent.
  4. The switch body is held on by screws. It can be removed using a flathead or Phillips screwdriver.
  5. The bolts securing the wires are loosened and the switch is removed from the socket. This completes the disassembly process.

Disassembling a two-key switch

The plastic fasteners bend one by one and the frame comes off

A two-key switch is disassembled according to the same rules. First, one key is removed, then another, the general principle of performing the work remains the same.


After turning off the electricity, use a tester to check the presence/absence of voltage at the output

When working on electrical devices, careful precautions must be taken to prevent injury from electric shock. You should completely de-energize the entire electrical appliance connection circuit and take measures to prevent accidental switching on of electricity.


Before performing any actions with electrical devices, you need to make sure that there is no voltage in the network using an indicator screwdriver.

If you want the wallpaper to look beautiful on the wall, then before pasting the surface, remove all sockets and switches from it. No amount of precision will help you bypass the fixtures without removing them - the wallpaper around the perimeter will be uneven, and after the repair there will be a bitter aftertaste.

Below brief instructions with a photo, after spending 5 minutes on it, you will not receive an electric shock, and the wallpaper will look beautiful in the interior of the apartment.

Step one - preparation

Sockets/switches are removed immediately before wallpapering; there is no need to do this in advance, as you can get an electric shock when turning on the lights or, as an alternative, sit in the dark with electrical appliances turned off.

  1. Removing old wallpaper
  2. Prepare the wall (if necessary),
  3. Prepare glue and cut new wallpaper,
  4. Turn off the light on the meter,
  5. Removing sockets
  6. Wallpaper is being glued.

This way you can avoid some inconvenience and use swear words with a close acquaintance with the discovery of Alexander Volta.

The tools you will need are a flathead and a Phillips screwdriver.

Step two - removing the switch

Let us remind you that we remove, not dismantle, sockets and switches, so it is important to keep them intact unless replacement is planned. Using the example of a one-button model of a Legrand Etika switch, the essence remains the same for other mechanisms.

First, remove the button, for which we use a flat screwdriver or a sharp knife. We insert the screwdriver into the gap between the button and the switch frame, pressing the pressure panel until the fastening tendril comes out of the side hole. Do not overdo it - you need to press the button until the tendril comes out - no more, no less.

Now we remove the protective panel, which opens access to the wires and the main fasteners of the switch. To do this, unscrew 1-2 screws at the top and bottom and hook up the protection with a screwdriver. The protective panel presses the switch frame to the wall; after removing the first one, the second one is automatically released and removed.

If the switch or socket has been standing for a long time and has begun to wobble, then at this stage the mechanism is secured. To do this, after removing the protective panel and frame, tighten the two main fastening screws. They are located on the sides of the push mechanism in the switch or to the right and left of the plug input in the socket. Tighten the screws sparing no effort – it is difficult to remove them.

There is no need to completely remove the light switch mechanism– just remove the button, protective panel and front frame!

Now all that remains is to glue the wallpaper, cutting the wallpaper sheets on the switch so that they extend 1 cm inside the perimeter of the switch, and install the mechanism back in the reverse order - the outer frame, fastening the protective panel with two screws and installing the button until it clicks.

  1. If you remove but do not replace switches, wash the button and top panel with soap and water after removal. Even a good housewife, over time, the switches become dirty, and it is impossible to thoroughly clean them on the wall.
  2. If the walls were not wet when removing old wallpaper and there are no small children at home, then do not turn off the lights when removing switches and sockets - do this immediately before pasting, when the wet sheets become a current conductor.