How to make a heavy anchor. DIY pvc boat anchor

Every fisherman dreams of owning a watercraft. The most affordable of them is a PVC boat. Many people make a PVC boat anchor with their own hands. Anchors are used to hold a ship in a certain place in a given position. The main (bow) weight is responsible for the boat’s resistance to wind, waves and current, and the stern (vert) weight is responsible for the axial position of the boat relative to the fishing sector and for safe lifting from the bottom. Anchors for inflatable boats are also a means of safety when fishing when the shore is on the leeward side. Fishing is a gambling and exciting activity; it is very easy to miss the moment when the wind or current takes the craft further than necessary. Afterwards, rowing against the undercurrent back to land can be a difficult task.

Many people make a PVC boat anchor with their own hands.

Russian fishermen are economical and skillful people, so most often they prefer to make a braking device for a boat with their own hands. The use of improvised means (bricks, stones, pieces of iron) causes inconvenience in transportation, loss of time for fastening and the risk of damage to the means itself. In addition, their use is possible only on reservoirs with a rocky bottom; in other cases they are ineffective. This is why real fishermen prefer to make homemade PVC boat anchors.

Among the many designs, the most common types of homemade products are:

  • Kurbatov system;
  • "cat";
  • Danforth system.

The Kurbatov system is a device that works perfectly on two-seater boats with low currents and wind strengths of up to 6 m/s. The design is a forked clamp made of strong wire and one paw with an inclination of 45º. The extended rod ensures the penetration of the paw into the soil bottom, regardless of the angle of incidence. This product is compact and light weight. For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • steel wire with a diameter of 7-8 mm;
  • steel sheet 3 mm thick;
  • steel rod with a diameter of 13-15 mm.

Having drawings and a welding machine, it is not difficult to make such a structure with your own hands:

  • the wire is bent into the shape of a spindle, to the top of which a bar is welded;
  • washers and a bar for fixing the paw in the open position are welded to the rod;
  • a strip of metal is welded to the ends of the spindle, connecting them together.

Kurbatov’s system is perfect for PVC boats up to 5 m long. Its weight is 2-3 kg, so when fishing in bodies of water with a noticeable current, you should consider the possibility of attaching an additional load weighing 4-5 kg. It is advisable to make tarpaulin covers for the weighting material and the anchor itself, so as not to damage the material rubber boat.

The Kurbatov system is a device that works perfectly on two-seater boats with low currents and wind force up to 6 m/s

The pyramidal anchor belongs to the gravitational class. Its production is possible in two versions:

  1. Jellied. You will need about 5 kg of lead, usually mined from exhausted car batteries, a piece steel wire and sheets of iron. The sheets are formed into a pyramid-shaped mold, which is filled with molten lead. The wire is twisted into a ring and inserted into lead that has not completely cooled down.
  2. Composite. You will need sheets of metal different sizes and a threaded pin. Pieces of metal are drilled in the center and threaded onto a stud, starting with the smallest size. Typing required quantity weights, the entire structure is fixed with a nut. A significant advantage is the simplicity of the device and the ability to adjust its weight, adding or removing sheets of metal if necessary.

Which option will be more convenient to use is up to the fisherman himself.

PVC boat anchor (video)

Anchor cat

Fishermen prefer lightweight anchors for inflatable boats, which can simply be equipped with additional weight in the presence of strong winds. A significant role is played by the compactness of the design and the absence of sharp protruding elements or edges. These requirements are fully met by the “cat” design, which has several modifications:

  • collapsible with legs at an angle of 90º;
  • folding with different angles paw tilt

Manufacturing a dismountable anchor will require the following materials:

  • 2 strips of steel 4 mm thick, 260-270 mm long and 40 mm wide;
  • steel tube with a diameter of 250 mm and a length of 270-300 mm;
  • nut and bushing suitable in diameter for a 25 mm steel tube;
  • 2 rings for attaching ropes.

Holes are drilled in the center of the steel strips. The sleeve is inserted into the tube, the strips are mounted on its protruding part and secured with a nut. Metal rings are located in the upper and lower parts of the structure. The tube itself can be filled with lead to increase mass. The lower ring and the second rope are responsible for lifting the anchor and releasing the paws from the ground. In a simplified version, metal strips are replaced with thick wire or reinforcement with a diameter of 4 mm without lower fastening. In this case, when the cat stretches out, the paws, freeing themselves, unbend - this is a real “non-hooking” anchor.

The folding cat looks similar, but thanks to the sliding coupling and separate hinge mounting of the legs on the stem, it has the ability to fold. When the clutch is in its lowest position, the paws move apart and are fixed, and when it is in its highest position, they close. Often the paws are attached to the rod using copper cotter pins, which, in the event of a critical hook, allows you to save the homemade anchor - the soft inserts are cut off, freeing the entire structure.

Danforth anchor

The Danforth anchor is an invention of the American R. Danforth, which has excellent holding power. The main difference from other products is the elongated bottom crossbar, which prevents the product from tipping over when it comes into contact with the bottom. The flat feet of the device are triangular in shape and located close to each other, which provides additional stability in the working position. The main advantage of the Danforth anchor is also its disadvantage - in some cases it buries itself so deeply into the bottom that it is extremely difficult or impossible to pull it out.

The homemade product will require the following materials:

  • steel tube with a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 600 mm;
  • sheet steel 3-4 mm thick;
  • 2 M5 nuts;
  • 3 M8 nuts;
  • bolt 8 x 60;
  • 2 washers D8;
  • 2 bolts 5 x 35;
  • eye nut and bolt for it;
  • metal ring.

Two triangular legs with beveled corners are cut out of sheet steel using a stencil. The steel tube is cut into two parts - 400 mm and 200 mm. In a shorter section, 2 cuts are made, suitable in size for the paws. A section 34 mm long and slightly more than half the diameter of the tube is cut out in the center. 5 holes are drilled - 1 for the ring nut in the center of the workpiece, 4 for mounting the paws (2 on each side). The paws are inserted into the slots and drilled coaxially with the holes in the tube.

Danforth anchor - an invention of the American R. Danforth, which has excellent holding power

On the second section, holes for the ring are drilled on one side, and oblique cuts are made on the other side in such a way as to ensure rotation of a relatively short (200 mm) piece of tube. Holes for an M8 bolt are drilled in the remaining ears.

The assembly diagram looks like this:

  1. A ring nut is screwed to a short section; a rope will be attached to it to remove the device from the ground.
  2. A bolt, washer and nut are connected - this is a blank for the axis of rotation.
  3. A longer piece of tube is inserted into a shorter one, and the rotation axis is threaded through the holes on it and secured with a nut. The washer is then applied and the axle is finally tightened with another nut.
  4. The paws are mounted using bolts, and to eliminate play, wooden plugs are driven into the ends of the tube.
  5. A ring for the main anchor rope is inserted into the upper end of the long tube.

If the device requires weighting, then lead is poured into the hollow tube. Among the minuses, one property of the anchor can be highlighted - it is poorly suited for a bottom strewn with pebbles.

DIY anchor (video)

Other known systems

The Hall anchor is a device used since the beginning of the last century. Its peculiarity is long and flat swinging arms attached to the box. The box itself moves freely on the lower cross member of the rod, and bosses are attached to it, which are responsible for turning the legs. When the product falls to the bottom, it lies flat, after which the tides turn the paws to go deeper into the ground. Serious disadvantages of the device include the shallow penetration of the paws into the bottom and their too wide location, which is why the anchor often turns out.

Hall anchor - a device used since the beginning of the last century

The Matrosov anchor differs from the Hall device by additional cheeks on the rod. It has good holding power, but works worse on sand than on pebbles. The disadvantage, like Hall's, is that the moving box jams.

The model of the “Plow” system is a plowshare hinged to the crossbar of the rod. Easily penetrates bottom vegetation, but does not work as well on muddy bottoms as on sand or small stones.

An anchor displayed in a store can have a fairly high price, and there is always a danger of purchasing a product with a manufacturing defect. Nowadays, fishermen prefer to make such a device for an inflatable boat with their own hands - this guarantees that they receive exactly what is needed for successful fishing.

Often, fishermen use sandbags, bricks and other similar things as anchors. But these devices cannot properly grip the bottom, and the boat constantly changes its position. All experienced fishermen know how to make it. You can make it yourself, and you don’t need a lot of knowledge and tools. And you can use improvised materials as a component.

To prevent the boat from moving, especially if the current on the river is fast, it is recommended to use two at once. Experienced fishermen recommend using two anchors: the main one and the additional one. An additional one will be used when necessary, but it will support in the right place.

Types of anchors

An anchor can come in many varieties. For example, fork, Hall, Porter, Admiralty, mushroom, plow and so on. Depending on the fishing location, the anchor is selected. All of them have their disadvantages and advantages.
But for successful use it is necessary to correctly select the species, its weight and, of course, take into account the fishing characteristics.

First you need to calculate the weight. It's not difficult to do it yourself. As a rule, for a boat up to 600 kg. You can take anchors weighing 5-6 kg. Typically, its weight should be at least one percent of the weight of the boat. For a boat weighing 400 kg. You can take it for a PVC boat weighing 4 kg.

Choosing a rope for an anchor

The rope must be strong and durable, because it must be in the water.
The rope can be synthetic or natural. A twisted type rope will be more reliable. And its thickness should be at least 1 centimeter. The length of the rope depends on the depth of the reservoir. But it is important that the length exceeds the depth by at least 5 times. This is especially important when fishing in a body of water with a strong current.

Collapsible anchor

This homemade anchor is convenient to use and transport to the fishing site.
Required materials:

  • Steel tube, length 27 centimeters, diameter 2.5 centimeters;
  • Nut and bushing with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters;
  • A piece of lead weighing 2 kilograms;
  • Two steel strips 260(40(4 millimeters;
  • Two smaller steel strips;
  • Two metal rings.

Manufacturing: First, you need to weld a sleeve to the end of the tube. Large strips around the edges need to be processed sandpaper. You need to make paws out of them. Smaller strips need to be welded to one of the paws. This is necessary to prevent the armature from spinning. Attach the arms to the tube and install the nut. Rings need to be welded next to the nut. They are necessary for ease of removal from the bottom and ease of assembly. Molten lead must be poured into the tube.

Kurbatov's method of making anchors

Most fishing enthusiasts make homemade boat anchors this way. They are reliable and easy to manufacture. This works very well in bodies of water with a lot of unevenness, stones, snags, and so on at the bottom. Required materials:

  1. Metal rod.
  2. Strips of steel 3 millimeters thick.
  3. Wire with a diameter of no more than 8 millimeters.

Manufacturing: You need to build a spindle from wire. Strips must be welded to one end of the structure. And to the other end you need to attach a metal rod. Instead of welding, you can use wire or strong rope. In addition to the above methods, an anchor for a rubber boat can have a cat and pyramid design.

The cat is used when fishing from boats 3-4 meters long. It has folding legs and can be adjusted independently. The couplings can move along the entire pipe shaft. You can weigh it down with molten lead. But this anchor is best used on bodies of water without current and in calm conditions. If the pond has a current or there is a strong wind outside, the sinker will not hold the boat. It will constantly need to be moved and put in the right place.

The pyramid can be made in two ways, but the final appearance resembles a pyramid. Homemade anchor for boat PVC is used for various boats. And the undoubted advantage of this type of structure is that its weight can vary depending on fishing conditions. If you need to lighten the weight, the plates are simply removed from the main tube.

To make a pyramid anchor you will need steel plates of various sizes, a metal rod, and rings. The plates are strung alternately onto a metal rod. A ring needs to be welded to the base of the rod. A nut is attached to the other side of the rod so that it can be unscrewed and the plates removed. This simple design works well on bodies of water with no current or low current.

You can also choose an anchor for a boat in a store. But they have significant drawbacks. The main disadvantage of store-bought products is their high price. In addition, a ready-made anchor cannot be adjusted to a specific boat. If you make it yourself, you can change it to suit the boat. For example, when using a different boat, you can change the anchor, simply weld a weight to it or use molten lead.

The method of making an anchor can be very diverse, and each fisherman independently chooses the one that is more suitable for him. It is much easier to pick it up in a store, but during operation, unwanted problems may appear, and the anchor has already been purchased. The choice of anchor may depend on the weight of the boat, the speed of the current, the depth of the reservoir and the topography of its bottom. Only in practice can you correctly determine the design and make it reliable.

An anchor is an important and mandatory element of any boat or ship, and a PVC inflatable boat is no exception. But specifically for PVC boats, the anchor system only serves to stop the vessel at the fishing site. It is very important to ensure a stable fixation, independent of current or wind, so that the anchor lies tightly on the bottom.

The most important requirements for any anchor are: convenient to use, small in size and easy to fit into small place. Such a product must be completely easy to take out, have as little weight as possible to reduce the load on the boat and, of course, must have high resistance to chemical corrosion.

Anchor design

Currently, there are about a dozen known and proven anchor designs:

The most common is the cat anchor, which is most often installed on PVC boats. This anchor model weighs from 2 to 10 kilograms. Most often, folding anchors are usually created for small boats. The advantages of this anchor are: heavy weight, compactness, small dimensions. There are two types of grapple anchors, differing in the way they secure the paws.

In the first case, the paws are straightened directly using a special rotary coupling; in the second case, the paw fixation mechanism is similar to an umbrella, that is, the paws extend from the center. The big disadvantage of this anchor is its low grip on muddy or rocky bottoms.

The second most popular is the Danforth anchor, resembling a plow. This model is not very light and small-sized, but it has great adhesion to the ground and stones. With the help of its flat blades, the anchor literally digs itself into the bottom to a fairly suggestible depth, then encounters dense soil and stops along with the boat. The Danforth anchor, which weighs approximately 2 kg, can support a boat weighing up to 80 kg. A clear advantage of this anchor is the ease of removing the underwater hook.

Also very famous is the river mushroom-shaped anchor, which in its shape resembles a mushroom. This model weighs approximately 3-10 kg. Performs well on rocky bottoms and has no large sizes and very compact.

Another type of anchor is the Bruce anchor, which has the shape of a huge hook, at the end of which different sides two shoulder blades stick out. When thrown, it burrows into the ground with the help of shovels and secures the vessel.

There is also a fork anchor, which in its shape resembles a double fork, between the two ends of which there is a foot. Thus, when casting, the paw buries itself in the ground and is fixed in it, and the fork provides even more grip. The downside is that the device is quite difficult to pull back out.

On PVC boats it is often rare, but the Northill anchor is used, having the shape of a star with four ends, on the two ends of the star, which are parallel, there are paws installed, with the help of which the anchor is buried in the ground, and two additional beams sticking out in different directions only strengthen the grip. The disadvantages of this model are its heavy weight and dimensions, high price, and difficult to pull out.

The Admiralty anchor is usually used on large ships, but there are also cases of using PVC on boats. It includes a spindle, transom, two horns, rod, shackle and eye. The most important advantage of such an anchor is its versatility. It can be used on reservoirs with absolutely any type of bottom. It is also distinguished by a large coefficient of holding force, as well as a very simple design. The main disadvantages of this type of anchor are: large size and weight, high price, difficulty in operation.

There is also another type of anchor - the Porter anchor, which is very similar to the Admiralty one, differing only in the method of attaching the legs, which are attached perpendicular to the rod using bolted connections. Thanks to this, the anchor can oscillate from side to side. An important advantage of this model is that when immersed in water, one paw clings to the ground, and the other to the spindle, therefore, a large holding force is provided, and the likelihood that the anchor cable will catch on a protruding paw is almost minimal.

Basic criteria when choosing an anchor

  • The most important requirement is the main purpose of the anchor, that is, the anchor must provide reliable and high-quality fixation on water, resisting current and wind.
  • Holding force coefficient, which is usually calculated using special mathematical formulas, is usually indicated on each anchor in the store.
  • The mass should not be too large, but not too small, the best option there will be an anchor weighing 7-9 kg.
  • Very important criterion when choosing is the type of soil, since each anchor behaves differently on different soils.
  • Weather conditions are also a very important requirement., depending on where the fishing will take place, where there is constant wind or calm.
  • It is very important to choose an anchor that will be protected from chemical corrosion. The most popular and high-quality protection method is galvanizing.

How to create an anchor yourself

If cash If you don’t have the money to buy a ready-made anchor, or you don’t have confidence in the manufacturers, you can construct a high-quality and reliable anchor for PVC boats at home yourself, having the proper experience and knowledge. Let's consider the creation of an anchor using the example of a welded Kurbatov anchor.

In order to make such an anchor, you must have:

  • Metal rod, 2 cm long;
  • Steel in the form of a sheet 2-3 mm thick;
  • Metal wire with a diameter of at least 6 mm;

The weight of such a product will be approximately 3 kg. Step by step instructions:

Such an anchor can leave the boat on any bottom and is an excellent option for a boat 4 meters long.

Also besides complex design you can make an anchor without resorting to welding, simply by pouring hot metal into the required shape.

For this method you will need approximately 5-6 kg of lead:

  1. First you need to melt the metal, preferably melt in a refractory clay crucible.
  2. Prepare the required form for filling, you can choose the shape yourself.
  3. Pour the molten metal into the mold.
  4. Drill a hole for the rope.
  5. Deform the workpiece so that there is a hook or foot, it is advisable to make three such feet, lead is a fairly soft metal and lends itself well to plastic deformation. Or make a blank in the shape of a mushroom-shaped anchor.

Thus, to create an anchor of this type you do not need to have great knowledge in design. You just need to have a little imagination.

You can also make a folding grapple anchor yourself, so that the paws of the structure will be attached to the bottom on hinges, and the change in the working capacity of the paws will be changed using a special ring coupling.

When you create it yourself, the design of the anchors turns out to be much more reliable, since all the work is done with your own hands, of course, the financial costs are much less.

In addition to the complex design, you can make an anchor without resorting to welding, simply by pouring hot metal into the required shape How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Correct fastening

It is necessary that the boat is securely fixed on the surface of the water with the help of an anchor, but an anchor alone will not be enough. It is very important to choose a reliable and high-quality anchor cable connecting the anchor to the boat. Today, stores sell a huge number of different cables made either from synthetic or natural materials.

With the same diameter, synthetic ropes are superior to natural ones due to their high abrasion resistance, high tensile and bending strengths, and these types of ropes are practically not subject to rotting. The most important criteria when choosing a cable are tensile and tensile strength, thickness and weight.

A very high-quality cable must have a tensile strength value that exceeds the mass of the anchor itself by eighty times. To determine the exact length of the cable, you need to know the exact depth of the reservoir where you are going to fish, and the length of the cable should be about six times longer, because the longer the cable, the better and more reliable the anchor fixation.

It is possible to use a chain instead of an anchor, but this will significantly increase the weight of the boat, but it has higher strength and reliability.

  • Before fishing, you need to find out what kind of bottom the reservoir has in order to fully decide on the choice of anchor;
  • It is necessary to know the depth of the reservoir to purchase the cable correctly;
  • It is safer to design the anchor yourself, but if this is not possible, then rely on reviews from previous customers;
  • You need to take the purchase of an anchor very seriously;
  • It is very important not to drown the precious anchor; use only the most reliable types of knots.
  • In case of strong currents, it would be advisable to use two anchors for better fixation.
  • The anchor can also be reinforced with a chain for better fixation and grip on the ground.
  • It is also necessary to properly throw the anchor into the water at the correct angle.

When fishing from a boat, you need to think in advance about placing the boat in a stationary state, and therefore choosing an anchor.

Types of anchors for pvc inflatable boats

It should immediately be noted that currently, about 2000 anchors for PVC inflatable boats have been patented. The most common ones are:

Today, the anchor plow is one of the most effective when used on silty or dense sandy soil.

In addition to the above types, the following types of anchors can be considered the most common and used: cat, mushroom, river and some others. For example, the cat anchor is quite popular, as it has extremely simple design and at the same time, it works effectively. The mushroom anchor is the best solution for those who like to fish in reservoirs with a sandy bottom. But the river anchor is, in principle, considered the most universal, since it can be used at any depth and in any rivers.

Choosing an anchor and basic requirements for anchors

When choosing an anchor, you should focus on the following criteria:

  1. Holding force coefficient. It is calculated either using special formulas or from table values. Experts recommend focusing more on the weight of the anchor. On average, its weight should be approximately 10% of the inflatable load capacity. The weight of the anchor can also be determined by the following relationship. It must be at least 1% of the length of the boat. For example, if the length is 4.5 m (450 cm), then we multiply this value in (cm) by 0.01. As a result, we find that for such a PVC inflatable boat, the weight of the anchor must be at least 4.5 kg.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the type of soil in the place where you plan to fish, as well as the nature and characteristics of the reservoir (depths, current strength, how often there are strong winds and other factors). For example, on reservoirs with great depth it is recommended to use a standard plow anchor, but on reservoirs with strong currents, either a mushroom anchor or a Norhil anchor.

Also important requirements requirements for anchors for PVC inflatable boats are: safety, ease of use, compactness, versatility.

How to make an anchor with your own hands

One of the most common and universal anchors, which is also quite easy to make yourself, is the cat anchor.

To make it you will need:

  • metal rod or pipe, length from 200 mm. – up to 300 mm. and diameter 25 mm. – 30 mm.
  • a small piece of hollow pipe, diameters 40 - 50 mm.
  • mounting rings– 3 pieces.
  • metal sheets – thickness 4-6 mm.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut from metal sheets:
    • Four stripes rectangular shape(dimensions: LxW) – 50x20 mm.
    • Four strips with rounded edges (dimensions: LxW) – 50x20 mm.
    • Eight strips with rounded edges on one side only and drill holes in them for attaching arms (LxW) - 80x20 mm (hole diameter - 5-7 mm).
    • Four triangles (anchor claws).
  2. Mounting rings must be welded to the main pipe (top and bottom).
  3. Weld four strips with rounded ends (4 out of 8) to the bottom of the base.
  4. Weld the remaining strips to the second pipe. It should move freely along the first one.
  5. Drill a hole in medium and long strips - firstly, along the edges - and secondly, only on one side.
  6. Weld the triangles to these strips (to the tapering sides). In the middle part of these strips, make small cuts and bend them. After this, cook in this place. Thus, the horns are given a curved shape. Attach the made horns using metal rods to the lower “ears”. In the same way, attach four-centimeter strips to the ears located on a piece of pipe and then put it on the main pipe. Drill holes in the horns so that you can connect them with rods to the holes in the other ends of the four-centimeter strips.
How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Kurbatovsky anchor

For anchor of this type you will need:

  • leaf part, 3 mm thick;
  • high quality piece metal rod, total length from 12 cm;
  • wires with a diameter of at least 9 mm.

The main sheet part is attached to a rod 12 cm long by means of a wire, which is pre-fitted to fit the bulk anchor and the whole thing is welded together. In terms of finance, this is one of the most affordable anchors, and manufacturing takes no more than 2-3 hours.

What is needed besides an anchor?

In addition to the anchor, to install the PVC inflatable boat in a stationary position, you will also need a special rope or cable. They are best chosen from synthetic materials. This is due to the fact that synthetics are stronger and more reliable, and secondly, they are more resistant to external factors.

The anchor cable also has certain requirements:

  1. Strength. To calculate it, you need to multiply the mass of the anchor by 70.
  2. Thickness. Cable, 7 mm thick. and withstands tensile forces of 1000 kg. Suitable for most anchors used for inflatable PVC boats.
  3. Length. There are also certain standards here. It is believed that this figure should exceed the depth in swimming areas by an average of 4-5 times. In addition, it is recommended to use special eye rings to secure the anchor rope.

In fact, it is possible to tie anchor lines to the limit.

It consists in the fact that the anchor cord itself is not passed through the nut earring - it is simply tied to it. The cord is attached to the anchor earring itself in a standard way and is additionally tied with fishing line or wire. In the current version, the risk of getting caught directly on any serious underwater obstacles also disappears. a loop that is formed by the cord itself between two earrings, but this also poses the risk of loss.

Proper use of an anchor

It’s not enough to choose an anchor correctly – you also need to know how to use it. For example, when using a grapple anchor, professionals recommend tying such anchors precisely behind bottom part loops, and not the usual top one. In this case, if you get caught on a snag or stone, you can break off the upper fastening and release the anchor.

Maximum competent installation boats - with the current. To do this, you should go a little higher than the parking lot and lower the anchor. The release of the anchor cable depends on the strength of the current and the size of the anchor (usually from 3 to 8 meters). In strong currents, it is recommended to install the boat on two anchors: one at the stern, the other at the bow. Here we first lower the anchor from the bow, and then - after the current has leveled the boat - we install a second anchor from the stern. You can also place the boat on two anchors, lowering them from both sides.

  1. It is important to choose the right anchor type.
  2. For infrequent use, it is worth using anchors that have universal characteristics.
  3. In case of frequent use of the anchor, it is recommended to use an anchor cable made of paracord material, which is characterized by reliability and durability.

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A lot of fishermen make their own bait and fishing gear. Such a fishing thing as an anchor is no exception.

An anchor is necessary when fishing from a PVC rubber boat; without it, the boat will be carried away by currents or gusts of wind.

Exists large number ways to construct an anchor. It happens that fishermen do without an anchor and use ordinary bricks, bags filled with sand and other things to secure the boat. But there is a big disadvantage here: they are not able to secure themselves to the bottom of the pond properly and you have to adjust the location of the boat (swim up) and periodically transfer the load. And this not only causes discomfort, but also scares the fish. Therefore, we advise you to purchase an anchor in a store, or better yet, design it yourself to save money.

Selecting an anchor and requirements for its structure

The anchor must cling securely and firmly to the ground in order to keep the boat in the desired place for the angler. To ensure that the boat stands very firmly and does not move during high river currents and winds, we recommend using several anchors at once (at least two). One of them will be thrown near the bow of the boat, and the other near the stern. Fishermen say to “stand up on the boat”, which means to secure it with two anchors.

The main disadvantages of using other types of boat reinforcement (stones, bags, bricks):

  1. Large dimensions and weight (it happens that you need to hold the anchor with one hand and do something else with the other, for example, this will not work with a bag).
  2. It is necessary to smooth out the sharp edges of the load so as not to damage the boat (for example, with bricks or rails).
  3. A lot of time is wasted on strengthening the load (it is difficult to firmly tie a large stone or brick).

Of course, alternative anchors can be used, but only on the bottom heavily covered with stones.

The main disadvantages of a store anchor:

  • Of course, the price is high;
  • Purchase of low-quality (defective) goods.

Therefore, anchor self-made will be the most the best option, if you make it according to all the rules, it will meet the following features:

  • Excellent ability to hold the boat in place. This is affected by the mass of the anchor.
  • Quick and easy way to get rid of snags. So that the anchor does not remain at the bottom.
  • Mobility during transportation.
  • Anti-corrosion abilities.
  • Optimal weight and, of course, comfort when handling it.

Determine the size of the rope and the weight of the anchor

  1. Make the necessary calculations.
  2. Or decide on specialized tables.

Basically, the weight of the anchor is calculated based on one percent of the length of the boat and its own weight. As a result, it turns out that a 420-kilogram boat requires an anchor weighing 4.2 kilograms; in general, five to six kilogram anchors can easily handle boats weighing up to 600 kilograms.

Ropes for tying anchors are divided into:


    Consisting of such material as hemp and the like (rarely found nowadays).


    Consisting of nylon thread or durable nylon (very durable, they are not affected by sunlight and do not rot).

The force to break the rope at the distance from its beginning to the anchor should be seventy times the weight of the latter. It is better to use twisted ropes with a diameter of at least 10 millimeters (smaller ones will damage your hands). The length of the rope should be five times greater than the depth (especially on rivers with large currents).

We construct a typical collapsible anchor

Let's consider the components of such an anchor:

  • A steel tube with a length of 270 millimeters and a diameter of 25 millimeters.
  • A molten piece of lead (about two kilograms).
  • Nut with sleeve M12 (25 millimeters).
  • Steel strip - two pieces (with dimensions 260x40x4 millimeters) and two smaller sizes.
  • Rings made of metal (two pieces).

Now the manufacturing details:

  1. We weld a sleeve to the end of the tube.
  2. We take steel strips and go along the edges with sandpaper.
  3. We make paws from the strips and weld a couple of strips to the beginning of one of them to prevent the structure from twisting.
  4. We strengthen the legs on the rod and secure the nut.
  5. A hole is made in the other side of the anchor and the prepared rings are welded to it with a nut (necessary for comfortable removal of the anchor from the depth and ease of assembly).

To make the anchor more firmly located at the bottom, you can pour molten lead into its rod. Most experienced fishermen prefer an anchor of this design.

Kurbatov method anchor

The Kurbatov anchor is considered the simplest to make, so this anchor, and not the one mentioned above, is more often made at home.

To produce it you don’t need any special material, just a few details:

  • Steel strips with a thickness of three millimeters.
  • Metal rod with a length of 12 millimeters.
  • A wire with a diameter of about eight millimeters (no longer needed).

You can start making:

  1. We take the wire and make something similar to a “spindle” out of it.
  2. We attach strips to the top of the “spindle” using welding (or rope), which will facilitate the rotation of the paw and also provide excellent traction with the soil of the reservoir.

When there are a lot of stones at the bottom, the Kurbatov anchor is replaced with a kind of blank.

Anchor cat and anchor pyramid

If you have a three-meter or four-meter boat, then you can’t do without a cat anchor. An anchor of this structure has the ability to fold and its legs can be positioned at your discretion. They move with the help of a special coupling along the entire “spindle” barrel. They are good in calm moments, but in strong winds the cat will not be suitable; it will slide off the bottom (to prevent slipping, they are weighted with lead).

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about the manufacture of another common type of anchor, which is the pyramid anchor. As you probably already guessed, the name comes from the appearance of its shape. An anchor can be made using two methods.

Method one:

  • To produce an anchor you need lead (solid) and the shape itself is like a pyramid.
  • They take metal sheets and bend them accordingly (so that a pyramid emerges).
  • The sheets are fixed with wire and the desired shape is obtained.
  • Now you can dig a hole in the ground and determine the shape there.
  • All that remains is to fill the mold with molten lead mass.

Before the lead hardens, it is necessary to install a wire ring in the mold (it will serve as a fastener).