Epoxy glue is harmful. Epoxy resin - for or against? Of course yes! Is it harmful to wear epoxy resin jewelry?

Epoxy resins contain epichlorohydrin and toluene, which at temperatures of 60 0C and above are released into the work area and negatively affect human health, affecting the nervous system and liver. Epoxy resins can also cause skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema) both through direct contact with them and when exposed to low concentrations of vapors from these products. The maximum permissible concentration for epichlorohydrin is 1 mg/m3.

ABOUT Epoxy resin hardeners are also toxic substances. Failure to comply with safety rules when working with them can lead to changes in the blood composition of workers, a decrease in blood pressure, and depression of the central nervous system. nervous system, breathing problems and other disorders in the body.

Hexamethylenediamine is a highly toxic product: at a vapor concentration of 0.1-0.01 mg/l, it causes a change in the composition of the blood and a decrease in blood pressure; If it gets into the eyes, it causes serious illness.

Diameter X (3,3"-dichloro-4,4"-diaminodiphenylmethane) is toxic. The maximum permissible concentration in the air of working premises is 0.7 mg/m3. This diamine exhibits carcinogenic properties. It has a harmful effect on mucous membranes, skin, respiratory organs and is a flammable product. Protective measures: respirator, rubber gloves.

N-Phenylenediamine has a harmful effect on mucous membranes, skin and respiratory organs, is a sensitizer, and weakly accumulates. In acute poisoning, lethargy, weakened response to irritation, severe shortness of breath, and paralysis occur. When working with it, you should wear safety glasses, rubber gloves, and respirators.

P polyethylenepolyamine in large doses leads to respiratory failure and depression of the central nervous system; at long-term action on the skin it can cause lesions such as ulcerative dermatitis. Contact of polyethylene polyamine in the eyes causes prolonged conjunctivitis. Bottom residues from the production of hexamethylenediamine and complex amines are significantly less toxic.
Anhydride vapors cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and eyes, suffocation, and wheezing in the lungs.

Phenol-formaldehyde resins are toxic mainly due to the content of free phenol and formaldehyde in them, which cause diseases of the respiratory system, nervous system and dermatitis. Modified phenol-formaldehyde adhesives (phenol rubber, phenol polyvinyl acetal, etc.) are much less toxic.

Polyurethane adhesives are toxic due to the presence of isocyanates in their composition, the most toxic of which is toluene diisocyanate (TDI). It belongs to highly dangerous substances (hazard class 1), causes acute and chronic poisoning, and disruption of metabolic processes in the body. Isocyanates may cause headache, increased irritability, stabbing pain in the heart area.

When inhaled, they cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and in severe cases, asthma-like diseases with further chronic damage to the lungs. TDI has a cauterizing and irritating effect on the skin and disrupts some metabolic processes. In the air of the working area, the maximum permissible concentration of TDI should be no more than 0.05 mg/m3. If you are injured by toluene diisocyanate vapors, you must immediately remove the victim from the contaminated area. Isocyanates are removed from the skin with a cotton swab moistened with acetone or ethyl acetate, after which you should wash your hands warm water with soap.

Cyanoacrylate adhesives cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes, and if they come into contact with the skin, they cause an unpleasant burning sensation. Safety glasses and gloves should be used when working with these adhesives.

Adhesives based on acrylic acid derivatives are slightly toxic. They are not explosive, self-igniting or volatile substances. If acrylic adhesives come into contact with the skin of your hands, remove them with a cotton swab soaked in ethyl or isopropyl alcohol and wash your hands with soap and water.

Anaerobic compounds are low-toxic and belong to class 4 of low-hazard compounds (GOST 12.1.007-76). They do not cause acute inhalation poisoning even when exposed to saturated concentrations at 22-24 0C. They do not have a pronounced cumulative effect and do not cause local irritation of the skin, however, repeated contact may cause dermatitis. To protect the skin, work should be carried out in protective gloves and a robe made of cotton fabric with the supply and exhaust ventilation turned on.

Rubbers used in the production of rubber adhesives and for modifying a number of adhesives are non-volatile under storage and processing conditions and do not affect harmful effects on the human body. Some rubbers may be mildly irritating to the skin and may cause slight sensitization and should therefore be avoided in direct contact with the skin. If liquid rubber gets on the surface of the skin, it is recommended to wash it off with a heated (to -50 0C) washing solution containing 10% OP-7 or OP-10, 6% trialon paste, 1% sodium carbonate and 83% water. The toxicity of rubber adhesives is mainly due to the solvents they contain.

The toxicity of phosphate adhesives is determined by the presence of phosphoric acid in their composition, therefore, when working with them, the same precautions should be taken as when working with acids.

Substances whose toxicity must be taken into account when working with adhesives include flame retardants - zinc borate, chlorinated paraffins and antimony trioxide. The toxicity of zinc borate is due to the presence of zinc oxide, which can cause occupational disease- zinc fever, as well as boric anhydride, which has an irritating effect on damaged skin and mucous membranes. MPC of zinc oxide work area production premises 6 mg/m3, boric anhydride 5 mg/m3. When working with zinc borate, it is necessary to use personal respiratory protection and monitor permanent job ventilation units, observe personal hygiene rules, take a shower after finishing work.

Chlorinated paraffins are low-flammable, non-toxic substances. However, due to the presence of CC14 in some of them (up to 2%), when processing them at elevated temperatures (200 0C), respiratory protection measures must be observed.

Antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) is a toxic substance. The fog formed by Sb2O3 vapor and its suspended dust remain stable in the air. Contact with the stomach causes a metallic taste in the mouth, salivation, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Allergic skin diseases are possible. MPC (in terms of Sb) 1 mg/m3. Means personal protection- respirators, safety glasses, mittens or gloves made of thick fabric.

Some adhesives contain fillers, such as asbestos, boron nitride, aluminum powder, silicon carbide, etc. Prolonged contact with them may cause acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic bronchitis and other diseases.

Epoxy resins are often used in household and in production, the possibility of using the product is constantly expanding thanks to the development of formulations with best characteristics.

The material is not used in its free form; it exhibits unique properties only after combining with the hardener. Combination various types Resins produce products with different properties; they can be rubber-like, hard or as strong as steel.

Epoxy resins are characterized by resistance to acids, alkalis, halogens, they are not able to dissolve in esters, acetone. When hardened, the epoxy composition does not release volatile substances and exhibits slight shrinkage.

The material has a number of advantages over analogues:

  • high strength;
  • good wear resistance;
  • insignificant moisture permeability;
  • the best physical and chemical qualities.

Despite the excellent characteristics, the question creeps in: is epoxy resin harmful to health? How safe can it be to work with the material and products made from it?

Scope of application of resins

Epoxy resin is used to make all kinds of glue, electrical insulating varnishes, and plastics. Resin can become the basis for the production of materials for any industrial area. Epoxy resins are suitable for the manufacture of impregnating agents and epoxy adhesives.

The material is used as a sealant for instruments, circuit boards and devices; resins are used to make objects for everyday use. Epoxy resin is necessary to increase the strength of concrete and waterproof rooms. Resins are used as household glue; for this it is necessary to mix the material with a small amount of hardener.

Mixing is carried out at room temperature, this does not cause any particular difficulties, the exact proportion depends on the manufacturer of the components. Jewelry for women is made from the material; it can be a combination with natural leaves and flowers.

Manufacturing high-strength products that can withstand maximum loads, aggressive chemicals, involves the use of a hot type hardener. To date, the following compositions have been developed that harden:

  1. in a humid environment;
  2. in salt water.

Substance along with natural wood also used for making furniture: shelving, bookshelves, tables and even chairs. Such interior items amaze with their originality and sophistication.

The filling mixture allows you to obtain a product that is resistant to moisture, scratches, and other mechanical damage.

Why is epoxy resin harmful?

The greatest danger that it poses is severe skin diseases; they occur through direct contact with the substance and as a result of inhalation of its vapors. Dermatitis may be accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and eyes. The harm from the material is aggravated when hardeners with sensitizing and irritating properties are used.

If a person works with epoxy glue, he complains of a severe headache, burning in the eyes, loss of appetite, and swelling of the eyelids. A third of people working with this substance have been diagnosed with pharyngitis and rhinitis.

A third of the workers were diagnosed with pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system; the longer the experience of working with epoxy resin, the more serious the violations. Cases of bronchial asthma have been identified; the disease was preceded by asthmatic attacks and frequent bronchitis.

Harm epoxy resin manifests itself:

  1. damage to the heart muscle;
  2. diseases of the digestive tract;
  3. liver diseases.

Often, after long-term work with the material, doctors diagnosed disorders of carbohydrate, protein and pigment metabolism. About 20% of the people examined had a history of conjunctivitis and skin lesions.

During contact with epoxy resins on skin Itchy red spots, weeping eczema, papular-vesicular rash may appear, and swelling of the face may occur. Harm chemical material applies to both open and closed areas of the body. Negative manifestations for humans are allergic in nature, this is confirmed by tests.

When a person uses items in everyday life that contain epoxy resins, this cannot cause harm to health. The main condition is not to expose them to high temperatures.

If furniture with epoxy resin is used in the kitchen, it must also be varnished to prevent the release of toxic substances.

Instructions for use

The curing temperature of epoxy resin ranges from -10 to +200 degrees. There are hot and cold curing resins, cold type usually used in living conditions, in production with low power, where there is no need for heat treatment.

Working with epoxy resin is not difficult, the main thing is not to violate the technology, otherwise it is harmful to the human body. The work does not require special knowledge, skills, or professional tools.

The two-component resin is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3 with a hardener; depending on the intended result, the proportion can be changed (a lens-shaped or spherical surface can be achieved).

Next, you need to stir the mixture with a wooden spatula, if necessary, add dye, acrylic paint. The mixture is allowed to brew until the air bubbles are removed. The surface where the epoxy is poured will first need to be degreased with alcohol.

To avoid harm to themselves, when working with the material, people should wear:

  • protective gloves;
  • respirator.

The mixture is poured onto the surface of the product, then covered with a box to prevent lint and dust from settling. The products are left to dry completely, usually about 72 hours. Once the resin has hardened, the object can be polished and sanded.

It can cause serious health damage if it is washed away in solvents and enters the body.” Do I understand correctly that “industrial conditions” mean large volumes and this does not apply to small products? Gel polishes in the nail industry are considered almost healing, often even with the prefix “bio”)) The question is the same - how safe it is after curing. About polyurethane varnish Most of all, there are doubts; manufacturers were asked such questions, but they do not answer, because apparently they have slightly different production scales and applications. I know that there are such varnishes on water based, which are considered safe, but this information is more likely for the construction industry. Many thanks in advance for your help. Today all these compounds are very popular, but I would like to figure it out and not poison myself and others.

Harm to humans from epoxy resin: reviews and opinions

The two-component resin is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3 with a hardener; depending on the intended result, the proportion can be changed (a lens-shaped or spherical surface can be achieved). Next, you need to stir the mixture with a wooden spatula; if necessary, add dye or acrylic paint.


The mixture is allowed to brew until the air bubbles are removed. The surface where the epoxy is poured will first need to be degreased with alcohol.


To avoid harm to themselves, when working with the material, people should wear:

  • protective gloves;
  • respirator.

The mixture is poured onto the surface of the product, then covered with a box to prevent lint and dust from settling. The products are left to dry completely, usually about 72 hours.

Once the resin has hardened, the object can be polished and sanded.

How safe are varnishes and epoxy resins once cured?

If these insidious bubbles have formed in an already filled mold, and you don’t need them there, pull them to the surface with a needle.

  1. How can you color the resin?

Of course, there are special dyes and there is no hassle with them. But if you want to experiment, and the colors you need are hard to find? Ink from alcohol pens will be used (note that some can radically change their color, this is an experiment), nitro paints from construction stores and even coloring powders for laser printers.
Excellent result can be achieved using stained glass paints solvent based. Experience has shown that Vitrail paints from Pebeo are excellent.
One more secret, if you don’t want streaks, the dye needs to be added to the resin without a hardener, this will result in a uniform coloring.

  1. The epoxy has not cured completely, is sticky and cloudy.

Is it harmful to wear epoxy resin jewelry?

Looks like he's alive and well. Klingo posted 22-5-2010 15:33 The components of epoxy resin are very carcinogenic. Polymerized epoxy is biologically inert. In your case, despite the fact that there is no certainty that the components of the resin have completely reacted, the area of ​​contact with the hand is so small that there is no reason to worry.


It is more harmful to drive around the city in a car, where the exhaust gases are MUCH more harmful. DesignerHP posted 22-5-2010 15:39 quote: Originally posted by Klingo:Epoxy resin components are very carcinogenic.

Is the resin or hardener itself harmful? posted 22-5-2010 18:38 quote: Originally posted by Klingo: The components of epoxy resin are very carcinogenic. Is the resin or hardener itself harmful? Both components are poisonous, the resin itself is carcinogenic, and the hardener is simply not useful.

Epoxy resin - for or against? of course for it!

I removed the covers and carefully filled the holes for the screws. Then I sanded it. It turned out pretty good. I just read today that epoxy, even after drying, is terribly poisonous.

And skin contact is dangerous. The question is: is it really that dangerous? My coverage area is small - the holes are the size of a match head. Or will I have to drill it back out now? Tell me what to do DesignerHP posted 22-5-2010 15:30 I used epoxy wooden spoon sealed it about 6 years ago.

Quote: Peter M from February 20, 2017, 09:10:03 pm If you want specifics, look for the site yourself, contact consultants and get qualified advice. Do you seriously expect to get an objective answer from the sellers - on the manufacturer’s website? Life is beautiful (just choose the right antidepressants) Peter M Quote: foggy hedgehog from February 25, 2017, 06:40:27 pm Do you seriously expect to get an objective answer from the sellers - on the manufacturer’s website? Of course, this is for sure regarding security, but if a question is asked via mail, then the answer is an official document with all the consequences for them. Ivan776 Epoxy is completely harmless Wholesale trade of paint and varnish products and raw materials MAYT-YUGhttp://www.mait.ru/ ismywar Ask the administration of the group https://vk.com/ecovannamskThey have works related to your topic in their feed. Tables, countertops, even shells.

Epoxy resin products are harmful to health

Dear forum users, there is a question without an answer. Is cured epoxy resin on a kitchen table harmful? I know what such tables do. I read somewhere that I cover it with polyurethane varnish... Maybe those who made self-leveling floors will say something (reasonably)? Kesha Epoxy resin, application and properties of foggy hedgehog Kesha, thank you. A good educational program on epoxy topics, but without a clear answer to my question.

Life is beautiful (just choose the right antidepressants) ASDF Quote: foggy hedgehog from February 19, 2017, 11:20:17 am A good educational program on the epoxy topic, but without a clear answer to my question.

  • What can be added to the ES?
  • Yes, almost everything! Powder, sweat, broth, shells, feathers, horns, tails... ? The main thing is that the material does not contain water, which means it is well dried. So, if you pour fresh flowers, they will turn black and even begin to rot in the product.

    Flat plants can be dried perfectly in a thick book. Do you still have these in the era of electronic gadgets? Then put them to work quickly, just lay out the flowers first clean sheets paper, unless you have the goal of imprinting your favorite quotes on thin petals ;-).

    Bulk flowers can be dried in sand or semolina, rose buds can be hung by the stems with their heads down in a dark and cool place.

February 20, 2017, 07:20:43 am Food grade varnishes, those that coat the inside of epoxy cans. For the countertop... I don’t think so. Give it time to air out organic solvents and everything will be fine. Are there solvents in there? Life is beautiful (just choose the right antidepressants) Stepan K You still need to coat the top with varnish, I think it’s no more harmful than varnish. There is also harm from phenol in chipboard, but ... -

Tired of monotony? - Turn the cuckoo clock against the wall and get a woodpecker clock! Peter M If you want specifics, look for the site yourself, contact consultants and get qualified advice. And not the controversial advice to coat the plastic with varnish... Andrey Rodionov Maybe this is better - http://www.kras...cts/98 32.html We are all people. We all work for money.

  • 1 Scope of application of resins
  • 2 Why is epoxy resin harmful?
  • 3 Instructions for use

Epoxy resins are often used in households and in industry; the possibility of using the product is constantly expanding due to the development of compositions with better characteristics. The material is not used in its free form; it exhibits unique properties only after being combined with a hardener.

Combining different types of resins produces products with different properties; they can be rubber-like, hard, or as strong as steel. Epoxy resins are characterized by resistance to acids, alkalis, halogens, they are not able to dissolve in esters, acetone.

When hardened, the epoxy composition does not release volatile substances and exhibits slight shrinkage.

This is a synthetic resin that is a polycondensation product of epichlorohydrin and phenols. Epoxy resin is very resistant to alkalis, acids and halogens. Has very high adhesion to metals. Epoxy resins are used to make textolites (carbon and fiberglass), electrical insulating varnishes, plastics, epoxy adhesives, plastic cements and casting compounds.

It is correct to call epoxy resins not only ED, but also all polyfunctional and bifunctional substances that contain a glycine or epoxy group - a tense ring that includes an oxygen atom and two carbon atoms. Resins are obtained by polycondensation of epichloride with different organic compounds, ranging from phenol to edible oils such as soybean. In Kazakhstan, resin is obtained from residues from the production of leather goods.

How are epoxy resins made?

In addition to the method called “epoxidation,” some types of resins are produced using the catalytic oxidation of unsaturated compounds. This is how cycloaliphatic resins are prepared. The value of these resins is that they do not contain hydroxyl groups. Due to this, the resins have high arc resistance, tracking resistance and water resistance.

Depending on the brand epoxy resin is a clear yellow-orange liquid or solid brown mass similar to tar. Liquid resin comes in different colors - from transparent white to wine red (epoxidized aniline).

Epoxy resin is used together with a hardener. These can be acids, anhydrides or polyfunctional amines. Tertiary amines are sometimes used as curing catalysts, which are usually blocked by a complexing agent such as pyridine or Lewis acid.

After epoxy mixed with a hardener, it can be converted into an infusible insoluble solid. It takes about a day for polyethylene polyamine (PEPA) to cure at room temperature. Anhydride hardeners must be heated to 180 °C and kept in a thermostat for 10 hours. It is also necessary to take into account cascade heating from 150 °C.

Application of epoxy resins

A variety of materials are made from these resins. Subsequently, these materials can be used in a wide variety of industries. Epoxy resin and carbon fiber combine to form carbon fiber reinforced plastic. Boat hulls are made from fiberglass with epoxy resin and can withstand the most severe impacts. The mounting bolts for Earth-to-Air missiles use a composite based on ED 20. Epoxy resins used in the manufacture of material for body armor.

If the resin is cured to the right technology, it is considered harmless under normal conditions. But its use is limited. This is due to the fact that during hardening under industrial conditions, a soluble precipitate remains in the ES - the sol fraction. If it is washed out by solvent and enters the body, it will cause serious harm to the body. Uncured epoxy resins are poisonous and harmful to humans.
With this in mind, you need to follow several rules.
1. Dishes that are glued together using ES cannot be used for eating or storing food.
2. You need to wear rubber gloves when working with ES.
3. If ES gets into your eye, you should immediately rinse it with water and consult a doctor.
4. When working with solid hardeners and resins, you must wear a dust respirator.
5. ES should not be cured in a household oven.

Spring. It's time for blossoming and a riot of colors. Experienced craftsmen They don’t sleep and walk with all their might through the bright meadows, collecting materials for future masterpieces. If you are wondering how to capture eternity, preserve memorable moments or create an imitation of glass on almost any surface, then ideal solution will become jewelry epoxy resin.

Epoxy resin (ER)– a transparent liquid consisting of two components: resin and hardener. When mixed, gradual hardening occurs and, as a result, the product resembles transparent plastic.

We will not dwell on the stages of working with epoxy - there are a lot of master classes devoted to this on the Internet and. Let's look at the answers to the main questions that arise when working with this material.

  1. Is ES harmful to health?

Modern industry does not stand still and jewelry creators are offered the most purified, odorless product. Jewelry resin- these are not resins for construction work, from the very smell of which you feel how a third arm begins to grow :-). But it’s still worth taking precautions. Work with gloves and in a well-ventilated area, avoid contact with eyes. And yes, you can’t eat resin at all 😉

  1. Bubbles form in the resin. How to get rid of it?

Any epoxy needs to be given time to “settle”, that is, to rest for 30-60 minutes after you have stirred it. If there are still bubbles, warm it up a little with dry heat. For example, a hairdryer. For hair, of course. Construction material will not work - too good is also not good :-) The resin will become thinner and bubbles will come out. If these insidious bubbles have formed in an already filled mold, and you don’t need them there, pull them to the surface with a needle.

  1. How can you color the resin?

Of course, there are special dyes and there is no hassle with them. But if you want to experiment, and the colors you need are hard to find? Ink from alcohol pens will be used (note that some can radically change their color, this is an experiment), nitro paints from hardware stores, and even coloring powders for laser printers. Excellent results can be achieved using solvent-based stained glass paints. Experience has shown that Vitrail paints from Pebeo are excellent. One more secret, if you don’t want streaks, the dye needs to be added to the resin without a hardener, this will result in a uniform coloring.

  1. The epoxy has not cured completely, is sticky and cloudy.

When mixing epoxy resin, it is extremely important to follow the proportions specified by the manufacturer. If there is an excess of the first component, your product will not dry completely and will remain sticky. If you increase the amount of hardener, the resin will become very thick and you will have a long, and possibly unsuccessful, war with bubbles. Also, stickiness and turbidity can occur due to water getting into the resin. Monitor air humidity and do not heat the epoxy in a water bath. Yes, there are such tips. But if you are just getting your teeth into it, then it’s still not worth it.

5. What shapes are suitable?

Epoxy does not stick to plastic, silicone, or tape. You can even skip the molds if you want to cover a random image or object with resin. Just use a regular file as a background. The frozen product lags behind it perfectly. There are also many jewelry molds with a ready-made area for filling.

  1. What can be added to the ES?

Jewelry epoxy resin is a wonderful material with which you can achieve the most fabulously beautiful works of creativity. There are a lot of ideas for its use. We tried to collect the main nuances of working with it, so that you are not afraid to try new techniques. We welcome your comments and questions.

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