How to grow good beets: planting, watering, fertilizing beets. How to sow beets in the spring so that they sprout quickly Where to sow beets

The benefits of vegetables are undeniable. Everyone knows that they should be included in our diet without fail and preferably daily.
And grown in the garden, with your own hands, they are many times healthier and tastier.
Vegetables are an integral part of most dishes.
Having summer cottage plot, small quantities can be grown different types these useful plants.
We will devote today's article to growing beets and caring for them.
Fresh young tops, sweet juicy root vegetables rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements are worth spending your time caring for the plant.
Characteristics, popular varieties
Beetroot is a biennial plant, which is represented by a rosette of succulent leaves. different sizes, and also has a fleshy, juicy root vegetable, the color, shape and size of which are determined by the variety.
It gained popularity for its simple cultivation techniques, valuable properties, and the possibility of long-term storage. Contains sugar, fiber, organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins C, B, B2, P, PP. It is also high in calories compared to other vegetables.
Contains many alkalis with a small amount of acids. Beetroot juice is used to cleanse the blood, is good for the digestive system, and is used to treat colds and viral diseases.
Table beets are quite demanding of heat, so temperature regime very important when growing it.
The best varieties are the result of foreign and domestic selection. In the first case, these are such as the Polish Chervona Kulya, Regala, Bikores, Bolivar, in the second - Bordeaux 237, Diy, Bagryannaya, Smena, Delikatesnaya.
For consumption in the autumn-winter period, the Egyptian Flat variety is recommended, for canning and storage - Cylinder, Detroit.
How to plant beets?
The key to a bountiful harvest is a sunny, well-lit place. You can also plant where cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, and tomatoes used to grow. And on next year The place needs to be changed, but it can only be returned after 3-4 years. Acidic, swampy soils are not suitable for beets, but they will take root well in organic-rich, loamy soils.
In addition, the land must be well cultivated and cleared of weeds. Before planting, the bed is dug up, fertilizers are applied: ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride, humus or compost, and, if necessary, lime.
There are two ways to grow beets:
sowing seeds directly into the beds;
In the first case, the sowing pattern is mainly single-line (45 cm between rows) or two-line - 25 cm between lines and 50 cm between tapes. Plant to a depth of 3-4 cm and mulch the rows.
The seedling method involves sowing seeds in a greenhouse in nests of 3-4 seeds, and the seedlings are subsequently thinned out. On permanent place The seedlings are planted when they reach a height of no more than 8 cm, and they should not be deeply buried. The width between rows is 30 cm, between plants - 15-20.
When to plant beets?
You can sow beets both in spring and before winter (late October - early November). In spring, the ground should warm up well (8-10˚C to a depth of 10 cm).
Advantage autumn crops– getting more early harvest at the end of June. In order for the seeds to germinate better and faster, they are pre-soaked in water several days before sowing.
The timing of planting beets to obtain seedlings is 10 days earlier than on a ridge in open ground.
Vegetable care
It is important not only to plant beets correctly, but also to carry out proper care measures: fertilizing, watering, thinning, weeding and others.
Fertilizing is carried out immediately after rooting of seedlings, and after 4 weeks - a second one. Potassium and nitrogen should predominate in the fertilizer.
Water for the first time when young, well-developed shoots appear. The last one is 15-20 days before harvest. Moreover, it is necessary to water so that the water reaches a depth of 20 cm. Then the soil is loosened.
Beetroot is characterized by dense seedlings, since each seed is a cluster of several seeds. Therefore, it is very important to carry out thinning to avoid stretching of plants and deformation of root crops. It needs to be done as early as possible.
The first is carried out in the phase of two true leaves, leaving 2-3 cm between plants, the second - beets have 4-5 leaves, the distance is 6-7 cm.
It is also important to carry out weeding and loosening, and this work should not be delayed.
Before frost sets in, beets are harvested, carefully digging them up, cleared of soil, the tops are cut off, leaving a petiole of no more than 1 cm. For storage, it is better to choose specimens measuring 7-10 cm in diameter.
First, the root crops are sorted, dried and placed in boxes, sprinkled with bulk material (sand, dry peat, sawdust). It is better to store in a cellar, a cool place with good ventilation.

You can’t do without beets when preparing borscht, “shuba” and “vinaigrette” salads. That’s why there are beds with this not the most popular, but necessary crop on almost every farm. If you don't have years of experience growing this root vegetable, but are planning to do so, you've come to the right place. Today we'll talk about how to plant beets with seeds in open ground.

Preparing an area of ​​open ground for planting beets

If you don’t want to bother with growing beet seedlings, you can safely plant the seeds directly in open ground. By the way, this is exactly what most summer residents do. However, it would be wrong to arrange beds on any free piece of land. The place for beets must meet two basic requirements:

1. Free access sun rays . Do not plant beets near trees, bushes, sunflowers, corn - anything that can cast a shadow on them.

2. Good drainage. You should not plant beets in places where moisture stagnates. If there is no other place, try to correct poor drainage by adding sand, sawdust or compost to the soil. If the site is in a lowland, correct the situation by pouring earth onto it at higher elevations.

Select a well-lit, well-drained area of ​​open ground

The next thing to consider when selecting a site for planting beets is crop rotation. It can only be planted in its original place after 4 years. It also doesn't grow well after cabbage. Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes and greens are considered good predecessors of beets. Feel free to plant this crop in the spring in the place where green manure grew.

The area of ​​open ground chosen for planting beets must be properly prepared. In the fall, dig it up with the addition of organic fertilizer (except fresh manure). In spring, loosen the soil and add mineral fertilizers to it. Ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride are suitable.

Beets love fertilized soil

Planting beets in open ground on time and correctly

For quick consumption, beets are planted in April or May, when the ground warms up to 10ºС, and for winter storage- in the first half of June. Beets can be planted in open ground in the fall, but only before the first frost - in October.

If you want to improve seed germination, do not skip preparatory activities. Soak them in a growth stimulator solution, strictly following the instructions. A solution prepared from 1 liter is suitable for this purpose. warm water and 1 tbsp. l. wood ash. The seeds should be kept in it for 24 hours.

The next stage is seed swelling. They should be placed between layers of wet cloth, cotton wool or napkins for three days. Maintain the same humidity all this time. During this time planting material activates its internal forces and becomes fully suitable for landing.

Swollen seeds germinate better

If you want the rows of beets to be even, stick sticks at the two extreme points of each row and stretch a thread between them. It will serve as a ruler under which you will make even furrows. Deepen them by 2-3 cm. Suitable furrows can be made using a long board.

Furrow depth - 3-4 cm

Keep a distance of 40-45 cm between adjacent rows. The places where the beet seed will fall must be thoroughly watered. The beet seeds are quite large, so you can easily place them in the groove at a distance of 10 cm from each other. By planting them more often, you will create the need for subsequent thinning of young shoots.

Often sown seeds will need to be thinned out

Now you know exactly how to plant beets with seeds in open ground. You will definitely cope with this simple task. You can easily find information on how to care for beets from planting to harvest. Even those who have been farming for the first year can grow this crop.

Watch a useful video: rules for planting beets in open ground

In this article we will discuss how to plant beets, and also analyze the basic requirements for obtaining a good harvest.

Beet varieties for growing in open ground

The choice of variety depends on the purpose of use. Everyone chooses the type they need. For use in culinary purposes The table variety is excellent. You can also plant a sugar group for food consumption. If the root crop is planted for further feeding of livestock, then fodder beet is suitable for this purpose.

The best culinary properties The following mid-season varieties of table root vegetables have:

  • "Bordeaux 237";
  • "Bordeaux single-seeded";
  • "Single-germ";
  • "Gribovskaya";
  • "Incomparable A-46";
  • "Pablo";
  • "Podzimnyaya A-474";
  • "Renova".
Most high yield are varieties such as “Lola”, “Modana”, “Diy”, “Mona”.

Did you know? Aftermany years of researchscientists did interesting discovery: the most shelf-stable (high-quality) vegetables are obtained from those beet varieties whose growing season is less than 150 days.

Landing dates

When to plant beets in open ground with seeds, the soil temperature will tell you. Sowing seeds too early in unheated soil can lead to the formation of flower stalks, which causes significant damage to root crops.
The required soil temperature for growing this crop is this is 8–12 °C. Sweet root seeds germinate when 4–5 °C. It is customary to begin sowing work in mid-May.

Choosing a place in the garden

When choosing a sowing site, take into account two important conditions: the absence of shade and protection from drafts. The presence of these negative factors leads to rotting of the roots.


The most important condition Growing sweet root is to ensure maximum light. The place for the root crop should be well illuminated by the sun.
Otherwise the root vegetable stops developing. In addition, light promotes more intense coloring of the sweet root.

The best place for sowing is an open area protected from the wind. Avoid places under trees, in holes or on hills.

What kind of soil does beets like?

Beetroot requires fertile soil, enriched with mineral or organic nutrients. The soil for beet usually consists of medium loamy chernozems and peat bogs.

The acidity of the soil should be neutral or slightly alkaline (pH 5–8). If the acidity level does not correspond to the above indicators, root vegetables will be vulnerable to various diseases.
To help the young root system take root, the soil should be light, loose and deep.

Important! The use of fresh manure as fertilizer for beets is unacceptable.

Sowing root crops in open ground

Let's move on to a direct consideration of the features of growing table beets.

Soil preparation

The soil for root crops is prepared in the spring (early May). Before sowing, the soil is moistened and enriched with mineral and organic fertilizers (humus, compost). Then the soil is loosened to a depth of 5 cm. On the day of sowing, funnels 3–4 cm deep are made in the beds. The distance between the funnels should be about 20 cm, and between the rows - 40 cm.

Seed preparation

Beet seeds are sown both dry and after the soaking procedure. Thanks to moisture, sprouts will appear much faster. Solutions of growth stimulants are used for soaking.

The procedure should last no more than a day. Then the seeds are rinsed warm water, transfer to a cloth and dry carefully. It is also acceptable to use ordinary ash.

Monitor the temperature in the room where the seeds are located. Temperature shouldn't be too low, otherwise your seeds will not germinate.

Planting process

The root crop planting pattern resembles a trellis. Seeds are sown in rows followed by thinning of the sprouts. Pre-prepared funnels are filled with water.
You should wait a bit until the water is absorbed. Sowing beet seeds is carried out individually. To make the future thinning process easier, it is recommended to plant seeds less frequently. After sowing, the grooves are covered with earth. Then the soil needs to be weeded and loosened.

Did you know?Worried that seedlings may not appear, many often put several seeds into one funnel at once. But since beet seeds are quite large, more than one plant sprouts from one seed. That is why gardeners recommend placing seeds in funnels only individually.

Rules of care

Beet- unpretentious frost-resistant crop. Care consists of moderate feeding, regular, timely loosening and proper thinning.

Top dressing

The soil begins to be fed when the first shoots appear. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of fertilizer.

This vegetable crop prefers organic matter, and minerals can cause cracks and voids to form in the vegetable pulp.

It must be remembered that the use chemicals harms, first of all, humans.
At a distance 5 cm Make grooves from the sprouts and fill them with a solution of nitrogen fertilizers. When the tops on the rows come together, this indicates that the time has come to apply potassium fertilizing.

Proper watering

Beetroot is a moisture-loving crop. On average, per season, the irrigation rate per 1 m² is 15–20 liters (2–3 buckets). The time to water comes when it dries out. top layer soil.
The need for moisture is especially high in a young plant, as well as during the period of thickening of root crops. The best way irrigation - sprinkling. This method helps to wash and refresh the leaves of the plant. It is advisable to carry out work in the evening.

Excessively abundant and frequent irrigation of the soil leads to fungal diseases, and a month before harvest it worsens the taste of vegetables. Irrigation should be stopped completely 2-3 weeks before harvest.

Beetroot is an extremely demanding plant temperature conditions, and to lighting conditions. In order for this healthy root vegetable to grow tasty, juicy and contain a maximum of healthy substances, it is important to comply with the norms and sowing conditions.

Preparing for sowing

Before planting beet seeds, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the site for future sowing. The most optimal “base” for growing beets are beds with added organic fertilizer, on which plants of the legume, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbage families used to grow. The beds should be located in a well-lit area of ​​the garden where there is no stagnation of water.

Before sowing beet seeds, they must be kept for a day in a specialized nutrient solution consisting of one liter of water containing ash, soda and superphosphate. After a day, the seeds are washed running water and leave until swelling appears, carefully wrapped with absorbent fabric.

Sowing time

You can sow beet seeds both in spring and before winter. The best time for sowing in spring is considered to be April-May, when the air temperature is not lower than 10 degrees Celsius, and the soil warms up to 5-6 degrees, while maintaining good moisture. It is best to sow beets when the threat of frost is minimal, because... sharp temperature fluctuations greatly affect young shoots and can lead to complete loss of the harvest.

Autumn sowing is carried out in the last ten days of October - early November, with deeper seeding of seeds into the ground: about 3-4 cm and maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm between them. Winter sowings must be mulched with peat or humus.

Features of sowing

Beets are grown, taking into account the size of its future root crops, or on the edges of the beds - this method is called border; or by the compaction method, when beets are sown together with other crops: cucumbers, potatoes, etc. When sowing in spring, a flat bed with a seed depth of 2-3 cm is usually used. winter sowing beds with transverse furrows are used. Beets should be sown before winter only in dry soil, without first soaking the seeds.

After the young plants have formed 2-3 true leaves, the beets need to be thinned, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between the sprouts. Secondary thinning is carried out after the appearance of the 5th leaf, leaving 10-15 cm between the plants. Most best time for thinning - after rain, because plants are easier to remove from the soil, it is easier to replant them without damaging fragile leaves and stems.

Table beets are an indispensable root vegetable in cooking. But not everyone knows how to plant it correctly and care for the crops.

Let's take a closer look at how to plant beets and care for them.

Varieties and characteristics of beets

The most popular variety of this root vegetable is table beet. This is what every summer resident grows. It has a red fleshy root vegetable.

In addition to the dining room, there are the following types:

  • fodder beet;
  • sugar beet.

These two types of root crops are rarely cultivated by summer residents, only if there is a need to feed animals with them. They are not suitable for human food.

There are many varieties of table beets. For our area, it is better to choose varieties of domestic selection:

  • Bordeaux 237,
  • delicacy,
  • crimson.

They tolerate climatic conditions best and have good productivity.

How to prepare the soil before planting beets

Since beets are a very light-loving plant, for sowing you need to find an area in the garden that is not shaded by tall plants. Before sowing the root crop, the soil needs to be fluffed up a little to ensure a sufficient flow of oxygen.

In addition, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers. Manure is not very suitable for beets, since it will release nitrates into the root crop. The best option will use such fertilizers as:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • superphosphate.

When planning a place for planting beets, it is necessary to take into account seasonal crop rotation. Beets can be planted in the same place no more often than after 4 years.

The best predecessor for it may be:

  • cucumbers;
  • white or cauliflower;
  • potato;
  • tomatoes.

After these plants, many minerals remain, which are necessary for the growth of beets.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Seeds also need to be prepared for sowing. To do this, they are soaked in a special solution.

A solution to stimulate growth is prepared from 1 liter of warm water, temperature 30 degrees, to which is added 1 spoon of ash, one teaspoon each of soda and superphosphate and a quarter of a teaspoon of boric acid.

Leave the seeds in this solution for a day, after which they need to be washed in clean water. After washing, the seeds should be wrapped in a damp cloth and left in a warm place for 3 days. After this time, the seeds are ready for planting.

When to plant beets

Beets can be planted in spring or autumn. In the spring, seeds can be planted in open ground only when the ground reaches a temperature of 10 degrees, at a depth of 10 cm. This usually happens in early May. But experts advise sowing beets in early June, so they will be better stored in winter.

Autumn sowing is carried out in October – November. The main thing is to do this before the first frost.

Beet root planting methods

There are 2 ways to sow beets:

  • immediately into open ground;
  • growing seedlings.

The first method is the most common. Beets are sown in rows, at a distance of about 45 cm. The sowing depth is within 2-3 cm. The distance between the seeds should be no more than 13 cm.

You can plant thicker, but when seedlings appear, it will be necessary to thin out the sowing, since several plants grow from one seed. It is necessary to remove the weaker ones to give more nutrients and moisture remaining.

Growing seedlings involves obtaining a harvest earlier than when sowing in the ground. In the greenhouse, seeds are prepared and planted in the same way as when planted in open ground. After the plants reach 5 cm in height, the weakest ones are removed.

When the height of the selected plants reaches 8-9 cm and they have at least 4 leaves, they can be transplanted to the garden bed. To do this, plants are cut out with soil from the greenhouse and planted at a distance of 17 cm from each other in rows. The distance between rows should be at least 33 cm.

Beet care and pest protection

A growing plant needs care and fertilizer. You shouldn't water beets often. This can lead to cracking of the root crop and loss of its color and taste.

During the growth period, beets can also be additionally fed mineral fertilizers, diluted in water.

Beets love care. It constantly needs to be cleared of weeds and protected from pests. Aphids cause great harm to it. You can fight the pest folk ways. An infusion of onion and dandelion peels, which are poured with boiling water in equal proportions, helps well. The cooled infusion should be sprinkled on the beet leaves. Aphids also do not tolerate wood ash.

Beets are harvested after the leaves begin to turn yellow. The main thing is to have time to collect before frost. Before storage, excess soil is removed from root crops and the leaves are cut off. It is best to store beets in the basement, folded in separate boxes and sprinkled with sawdust.