How to develop a child's brain so that he becomes smart and successful. Development of intelligence and memory

On this site, the topic of the development of intelligence has already been discussed in an article. However, I have found new ways to help you develop intelligence. These methods are not new, but they must be used in order for there to be visible progress. What are these methods, you will find out below.

What is intelligence?

First, it would be nice to know what is intelligence, and only then get acquainted with the ways of its development. Intelligence is, first of all, the human ability of a person, which allows him to think, analyze, remember and retrieve information from memory. As you can see, from this definition we can conclude that intelligence covers several parts of the brain at once. This means that for the development of intelligence, it is necessary A complex approach. Below I have listed the most better ways for the development of the intellect.

How to develop intelligence?

The first and most basic way is optimal time for relax. It is very difficult to develop your intellect if you are constantly sleepy. If you have a lack of sleep, then I recommend reading the article. After all, you yourself have noticed that it is very difficult to concentrate on something when your attention is scattered and deepened into yourself. There have been some studies that have shown that fatigue lowers IQ by several points. Therefore, for 100% activation of all mental abilities, I advise you to get enough sleep. To do this, go to bed on time.

The second way is analysis of information using recording. Sometimes ideas come to us, and we have the opportunity to make a choice: either write down the idea or remember it. I advise thinking about ideas not verbally (mentally), but in writing. In writing, you will record your every step, and it is in writing that you activate several parts of the brain at once. In addition, when analyzing information or an idea in writing, Your concentration increases at least three times. And this means that the analysis becomes very deep, and you can.

The third way is turn off the TV. Watching TV definitely does not develop your intellect, but the removal of the brain is provided. I think you know that the TV has a hypnotic effect, which means that you become controlled by a zombie. I strongly recommend that you be alone in a room with the lights off after work. In the dark and in silence, you are able to generate brilliant ideas and find real ways to. Peace and quiet help you develop intellect- remember it.

The fourth way is educational games. Playing chess will help you develop your intelligence. This one Best game for the development of intellectual abilities, as it requires enormous concentration, logical analysis and calculations. During the game, due to the endless thought processes, not only your mind develops. This game . And so, if you don't like chess, then you can find other educational games. Today there are a lot of them, and there will be no problem finding them.

Fifth way - communication with different people . Communication not only develops your horizons, but also develops your intellect. For the successful development of intellectual abilities, you need to communicate a lot. If you don’t understand a topic, then at least listen carefully to what they say to you. Listen to someone else's opinion, draw your own conclusions and so on.

Sixth way - read books. The most banal, accessible and powerful way develop intellectual abilities. The one who reads a lot does not allow his brain to relax, and he is forced to grow. this is great way pump brains. In addition, well-read people never experience difficulties in communication. They always have something to tell their interlocutor.

have always been and will continue to be powerful effective way for the development of intelligence. I prefer Rubik's Cube, jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles and riddles. In general, now you can easily find something of your own.

Eighth way -. I often say that man is a programmed limited being. We all do the same things every day in exactly the same way. It does not benefit your intellect in any way, because it does not strain. Therefore, you need to start doing everyday things in a completely different way. In this case, your brain will begin to strain. For example, you have decided today to take a different route to work. And here begins a long thought process. You begin to think about which road, what time you need to leave in order to arrive at work on time and other little things. In other words, you begin to experiment, and this contributes to the development of your mind.

activates several parts of the brain at once to implement the task. When drawing, your concentration increases, as if you are renouncing the outside world, further, thought processes work at full speed, and your brain is forced to develop. You can draw whatever and whatever you want. Don't try to be Pablo Picasso, just draw what you have in mind.

This is the tenth way to develop the intellect. In order for your intellect to develop, it must be constantly fed with something. And it would be better if this information is new. Start learning foreign language, or start mastering some program in which you are a complete zero. In short, learn new things and do it with enthusiasm.

The eleventh way to develop intelligence is more indirect than direct. Start running, pulling up, pushing up. At physical activity the neurotropic factor of the brain is produced - a protein responsible for the development of neurons, and neurons are a key link in intellectual abilities.

We are born in order to improve ourselves and no matter what your initial data is, everything can be brought to perfection: you can develop an ear for music by playing music, you can develop your body with the help of physical education, you can develop culinary talent, coordination, and much more. But most of us are more interested in another question: how to develop your intelligence. The fact is that the ability to think with your head is also not innate, otherwise the losers would never have turned into world-famous scientists.

What is the intellect

The size of the brain, and the number of convolutions, are given to us from birth, but in fact, these indicators do not play a special role: an elephant or a whale has a larger brain than Nobel laureate, surprisingly. For that, it is in our power to increase the number of neural connections in the brain, and this will only positively affect the functioning of the brain. But intelligence can be different, for example, analytical, logical, critical, predictive, deductive. The ability to figurative and abstract thinking, as well as the ability to concentrate, affects its development. Intelligence can be evidenced by the ability to distinguish cause from effect, and the speed of performing various operations, and the depth of the mind, and erudition ... why do we need all this? Yes, just for a more comfortable survival, both in an office environment or in a dangerous jungle. Either way, exercise your brain. Exactly how, let's find out.


Yes, do not think that games are for children. First, any game teaches right attitude to life: we enjoy the process itself, not the results, and we also learn to be friends with rivals. What kind of games does the brain need?

Firstly, there are many applications on the Internet, so if you have a free minute, it is not necessary to look at photos of cats. There is, for example, a memory simulator that is based on the N-back task, there is the Einstein game (a collection of tasks for the brain), there is the Brain of a Genius game. By the way, all these entertainments significantly increase IQ, which has been proven by experiments.

Crossword puzzles are also needed and this is not killing time. But it's better if they are serious.

"What where When?" and company. In all more or less large cities there are intellectual leisure clubs and fans of intellectual games. One should not think that only the children of Anatoly Wasserman or Alexander Druz are taken there - everyone is taken there and this is an excellent and interesting social circle. Sometimes talking to smart people is as useful as reading books. By the way, in Mind games fans play not only in the club, but also away, on buses, in the courtyard at the entrance. Here is the answer to how to become smarter.

Tetris. So what? Experiments prove that this toy increases the amount of gray matter. Those who played it for three consecutive months and 30 minutes a day noticed positive changes in their critical thinking, information processing and reasoning skills.

Chess, poker, checkers, preference. Also interesting communication and the opportunity to develop the rudiments of logic. Those who are good at chess or checkers may well try the game for a while.

Feed your brain

The right diet will help heal memory. Therefore, we focus on:
  • Walnut.
    The basis of the erudite diet, and there is also so much lecithin that five nuts a day is enough to quickly activate the memory;
  • Fish. Protein is! Plus iodine and omega-3s. These substances give the energy needed to transmit an impulse to cells;
  • Spinach. There is a lot of lutein here, which saves brain cells from aging;
  • Pumpkin seeds. Again, omega-3s, and also zinc, which helps you think faster than ever.
  • Sage. It not only soothes and relieves inflammation, but also does not allow the amino acids responsible for memory impairment to clear up. Drink sage tea!
  • Coffee. Of course, it is important not to overdo it with this drink, but with the right dose (up to 4 cups of a natural drink), the release of norepinephrine and dopamine is stimulated, which will help maintain concentration. If coffee is not available, caffeine tablets will do. green tea, chocolate bar, cocoa, energy drinks or coca-cola.
  • Tablets. And there is nothing wrong with them, especially if you need to work with your head a lot. We are looking for phenotropil, deprenyl, allertec or phenibut in the pharmacy. The latter, however, does not act too quickly. Also, dietary supplements with ginkgo biloba, ginseng root, guarana or eleutherococcus will be very useful.

Learn, learn, learn

This does not mean that you need to get a second, third, tenth diploma. If the soul and mind are not drawn to such knowledge, then there is no need.

The Internet has free courses, for example,, you can also start an unusual hobby and achieve perfection in it, sign up for ballroom dancing: this style of dancing, by the way, teaches not only to communicate successfully with the opposite sex, but also to think with your head - after all, you have to think here and about every movement, about what you need to do in a second, and you also need to learn to improvise. And of course, it’s impossible not to, without which the brain will simply wither. So, there are sites where Russian and English texts of films or books are placed in parallel. This is it!

Well, don't forget to read. You can, you can fight inner voice, singing something while reading, you can listen to an audiobook while cooking borscht. If the reader's voice doesn't match your inner voice, try the method of humming while reading...

And finally, if there is a free minute, we don’t look at photos of cats, but open Wikipedia and study a random article. Or we are looking for an answer to the question that has long worried, but the hands did not reach.


Indeed, keeping personal diary allows you to save intelligence until old age and is a vaccine against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as senile insanity. What's the secret? Yes, it's just an opportunity to learn how to formulate your thoughts correctly. Why is a personal blog better than a diary? Yes, by the fact that many people read it, which means that we try not only to express our thoughts correctly, but also think about what would be interesting to write tomorrow, and also about how to respond to the sharp comments of readers ...

We train memory

Without it, erudition is unthinkable, by the way.

  • The simplest thing that can be done with memory for its own good is to learn poetry from a third of an hour a day. Most likely, you have not done this since your graduation, and you memorize everything at the speed of an Estonian turtle, but the results will please you with time.
  • Going for groceries, we re-read the list several times and remember not the names, but imagine the route through the store. Having skimped, try to estimate the price of everything at once as accurately as possible. If everything worked out, reward yourself with nuts or spinach.
  • You also need to develop a sense of numbers. It is difficult to explain what it is, but if it is there and you can estimate by eye how much and what you have, the brain works better. When pouring coins from your wallet, try to say how many of them, but not counting. It is equally useful to pack things in a small bag - this is how the brain solves difficult problems. That's why you need to travel!


  • Listen to the classics. Better than Mozart, and even better a sonata in C major or a symphony 40. Whether or not there is a Mozart effect is not easy to say, but the classic relaxes and puts the mind in order;
  • Develop intuition by trying to guess what the interlocutor will say in the next few seconds;
  • Walk. Where without fresh air.
  • Engage in physical education. It is better if it is weight lifting or running. These exercises promote the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that develops neurons.
  • Drum on the table. The sense of rhythm also affects the brain positively.
  • Get enough sleep and rest.
  • Read! It's always fashionable.
Eleonora Brik

Brain training is essential for everyone. Without load, problem solving, information processing, the ability to think, analyze, and think is lost. To increase intelligence, you need to work daily. Impossible by drinking vitamins or reading one book in a year. New information makes the brain think and increases IQ. What to read for intellectual development, outlook and erudition?

Ways to develop intelligence

The level of IQ depends on literacy, education of a person, non-standard thinking. For intellectual development, train your brain daily. One of the ways to develop intelligence is reading books. Choose your bibliography carefully: best books for the general development of intelligence, vocabulary and speech in adults can really improve the quality of life. But modern detective stories, love stories will not saturate with information - such reading relaxes, but does not teach.

Before proceeding directly to the solution of the topical issue"what kind useful books must be read for the development of the brain, consciousness, memory, logical thinking, competent speech? ”, It should be realized that the development of intelligence is impossible without acquiring the following skills:

Memory upgrades. Needed to remember information. Data is captured and retrieved as needed.
Vocabulary increase. The conversation acquires an intellectual connotation if the interlocutor knows how to speak beautifully. An extensive vocabulary helps to give the impression of an intelligent person.
Ability to think figuratively. Intellectually stimulating audio books and speech-developing intellectual reading help as the person lives through the story. Experience is formed, images are remembered, in a similar case, information pops up and is used.

The skill of speed reading helps to assimilate information and process tons of literature. Interesting intellectual literature for reading and developing the mind of an adult, books on self-organization and efficiency motivate, make you follow your goals.

What books should be read to increase intelligence?

Most intellectual sites offer a list of books for developing the mind, improving speech and increasing vocabulary in communication - this list includes literature on various areas life. The development of memory, the improvement of vocabulary and the ability to think are the base that is used to process information: in order to become a well-rounded person, it is necessary to expand knowledge in the main areas.

Scientific works. This is not about reference books and encyclopedias, consisting of continuous incomprehensible terms. Read books that tell the story of the creation of the world, about natural phenomena development of culture and art. Remember Darwin's theory, read Hawking's works on the history of time.
Philosophical literature. Scientific books are built on theories, evidence and teach to understand the world. Philosophy is a branch that dedicates to the secrets of human actions and actions, studies the thinking of people. Include biblical editions of various religions in the list of philosophical literature. Today, many are fond of oriental authors, share in in social networks wisdom. A prominent representative of Eastern philosophy is Omar Khayyam and his Rubaiyat. Interesting to read, easy to learn by heart. Supplement the study of philosophy with the books of the Strugatskys, Nietzsche, Kant.
Works of art . Knowledge of the classics is like an exam in an intellectual society. The smartest books for adults that develop the intellect, brain and personality will be useless without the base received in due time - the foundations are laid from the school bench, a love of poetry and prose is instilled. If you missed this period, not wanting, then it's time to catch up. Artistic works help to replenish vocabulary, improve literacy. Start with the following books: Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, Prishvin's Forget-Me-Nots, Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Stendhal's Red and Black, Tolstoy's War and Peace. The modern intellectual writer Dyusimbiev Gazinur and his stories will perfectly complement the list of classic works.
History books. People are accustomed to comparing today's events with the past. An intellectual is able to draw parallels at a high level, as he knows the history of the development of his country and other states. Reading historical books gives knowledge about significant events in the world and reveals the features of life famous people. History helps to understand life. Find the works of popular authors: Lawrence, Bushkov, Yury Mukhin.
poetry reading. Poems one of ancient ways transmission of information to descendants. The genre is light due to rhyme, euphony and beauty of speech. Constant reading of poetry helps to improve memory and replenish vocabulary. For the development of intelligence, the work of Akhmatova, Shakespeare, Brodsky is suitable.

There is no definite list of literature for the development of intelligence. There are recommendations for reading for schoolchildren, students, applicants preparing to enter universities. The main thing is to develop the habit of reading. Use your free time to get information. Modern gadgets and audiobooks will come to the rescue. Over time, notice that reading will become a habit. There will be a need to dive into fascinating world filled with knowledge and discoveries.

List of books for the development of intelligence

The foundations are laid in school years. Therefore, many books have been published with the expectation of a growing audience. But, not when it's not too late to learn, gain knowledge, train memory. Intellectual development has no age limits. The main desire to become smarter and the regularity of action.

List of books for the development of intelligence:

"Intellect-training", Rodionova A. After reading the works of this business coach, a person receives the following results: thinking processes are launched, vocabulary is replenished. The book is built on the principle of educational literature: read and implement. The author makes it clear that human capabilities are unlimited, it is never too late to achieve perfection. The reader is offered options for the development of mental abilities.

"Develop the intellect ...". Carter Philip's writings include tests that help develop intelligence. Suitable for those who are ready to solve a variety of charades and puzzles. Practical exercises will help in the development of thinking, improve memory, make a person more quick-witted. The book is very addictive, the puzzles are answered.
"Brain at 100%." The author will tell you how. At ordinary person he is in a dormant state. Watching TV shows, performing monotonous work leads the brain to hibernation, the skills acquired at school are lost. Olga Kinyakina proposes to make the brain work. The book contains all necessary exercises, tasks and puzzles to improve memory, develop intelligence. The intensive program promotes the development of thinking,.
"Fundamentals of rote memorization". Zack Belmore's book is for all ages. Moreover, for better assimilation of information and to achieve results, the author has divided the book into chapters. Each section is for a specific age group. Performing exercises, a person learns to memorize large amounts of information and canvases of text. The memorization process is simplified, it becomes arbitrary.

The recommended intellectual reading for the mind, good classical literature for the development of speech are a set of exercises for brain training. As a person needs water for life, so the brain needs information for reflection. Take food for thought daily, dedicating to reading at least 1 hour per day.

What do smart people read for spiritual development and for intellect?

Literature that can start the processes of thinking and contribute to the activation of memory is suitable. Wanting to increase IQ levels, many people bet on the number of books they read. If the plot does not captivate, the described exercises seem ridiculous and useless, then it is better to put the book aside and move on to the next one. Just reading won't make you smarter because the material will not apply in life.

Works of Edward de Bon. If you want to learn how to think differently, ready to break away from the standards, then start with the book "Six Thinking Hats". During the study of the material, you will have the opportunity to play. To get the result, act, follow the tasks of the author. The book is interesting for the inclusion of various life situations to which the reader is invited to pick up their thinking hats. Workshops help to make thinking original and non-standard. Another entertaining book by the author is Teach Yourself to Think. The plot is based on Edward's technique, which helps to instill in the reader the skill to want to learn and develop. The proposed technique is aimed at improving the mental mechanism. The book can be called a tutorial, as it includes 5 stages. The gradual implementation of the steps leads to the desired result.
Books by Ron Hubbard. Good feedback received the book "Teaching Technology". It is a textbook, the main task of which is to teach the reader to learn. People who followed the author's hints increased their intellectual level by 15%. Ron Hubbard is convinced that a person's IQ is formed from several components. And the main one is the ability to learn or, in other words, the systematic nature of obtaining new information throughout a person's life. In the book "Introspection" the author focuses on the memory of a person. If you do not remember in time interesting fact or historical information, it is not worth talking about intellectual development. Read books will be forgotten in a few days, if you do not run the memory to its fullest. The book contains practical advice that help people improve themselves. Special attention the author pays attention to visual memory, believing that there is a possibility of its development.

"Memory Development for Dummies". The book's main purpose is clear from the title. Before embarking on a study, take as a basis that universal and simple ways there is no improvement in memory. To achieve the result, the methods are combined. The more ways you use, the better the effect. Interestingly, the combination of methods brings results regardless of age. John Bogosian Arden, the author of the book, is sure that the properties of memory are the same for a student and a pensioner, therefore they lend themselves to the same development.

Before reading books check the level of intellectual development. Tests are given on the Internet and time is suggested for completing tasks. On the first playthrough, do not rush to invest in set time. By answering the test questions, you are already developing as you solve problems and puzzles. The data obtained will help you decide in which direction to move, what you lack: vocabulary, creative thinking, the skill of remembering information. Then proceed to correct the situation by studying and practicing the suggested books.


Considering what people say, think and read in different languages, lists of intellectual literature from different compilers can vary greatly: it is impossible to make a universal list- it will be too big. Therefore, read always, try to continuously and consistently improve your intellect - let it become good habit prolonging life and improving communication with people around. Read with benefit and with pleasure!

March 17, 2014

Intelligence is a term whose meaning can be interpreted in different ways. Is the person who calculates the most difficult mathematical examples smart? Or is the mind more developed in someone who has good creativity, verbal skills, etc.? What is this about? How to develop intelligence in an adult and a child?

What is intelligence?

According to experts, intelligence is sanity, the ability to independently resolve situations, the ability to learn new things based on one's own experience, to adapt, to correctly determine the main contexts and relationships (including social ones), through which everyday problems are solved. Intelligence is a mental development, a thinking ability characteristic of humans and animals.

The degree of intelligence is extremely important for life. It is a key success factor in work, relationships, studies, business, as well as in entertainment (chess, sudoku, etc.). The level of development of the mind can be measured using the IQ test (this abbreviation stands for intelligence quotient).


Speaking of intelligence, one important, relatively new concept cannot be ignored - Howard Gardner's theory of mind types. Gardner defines intelligence as follows: "... it is the ability to solve problems or create products that have some value in one or more cultural environments." Therefore, he emphasizes that the importance of intelligence is always in a broad cultural context, closely related to real life. He divides intelligence into a number of relatively independent aspects:

  • linguistic - the ability to use language to convince other people, the ability to use speech to memorize, explain information, the ability to control one's activities, think about oneself;
  • musical - the ability to perceive melodies, rhythms, tones;
  • logical-mathematical - the area of ​​logic and scientific - research - thinking (from objects to statements, from activity to relationships, from abstraction to specific images);
  • spatial - the ability to transform and change initial perceptions, to form new ideas from one's own visual experience (creativity);
  • bodily-motor - the ability of mobility, the ability to move smoothly with minimal interruption after processing incoming stimuli (sports, dancing, acting, manual skills);
  • personal forms - intrapersonal and interpersonal - a dual formation that arises as a subject of research in 2 psychological areas and in social psychology:
    • intrapersonal form - the most important component is self-awareness, expressed by a culturally conditioned balance within a person, created on the basis of internal feelings, the influence of other people,
    • interpersonal form - the ability to recognize and understand other people, their mood, temperament, motives, intentions; the ability to distinguish them, to work with them.

None of these points can be ignored. This is due to the fact that a certain harmony and integrity can be developed only when a person's personality is harmonized. A balanced and harmonious personality is emotionally stable, sensitive to social processes, receptive to itself.

How does intelligence affect life?

The debate around intelligence quotient (IQ) is often very heated. Everyone wants to have an IQ of 120 (by the way, the maximum among the recorded results is 250-300). But for most people of adult (and even elderly) age, it is about 100. People who have a lower level of intelligence are considered stupid. The public often misunderstands IQ. Did you know that one unnamed but world-famous director with a reputation as a genius in his field achieved an average result on an IQ test? The explanation is simple. In his work, the director uses completely different skills that the test does not take into account. For example, creativity and communication.

Albert Einstein, greatest genius humanity, had mediocre knowledge in the field French. Consequently, high level IQ does not guarantee success or happiness in life. In fact, people with any IQ can be equally successful, so the level of intelligence affects the quality of life less than we tend to think.

How can intelligence be improved?

To increase intelligence and develop memory, remember the rule of three "study". Calmness is necessary for maximum concentration, but also constant mental activity, a desire to explore, consideration of problems, a combination of possible solutions, constant use of your brain.

Remember: intelligence is an innate quality, which, however, develops over the course of life. Contrary to popular belief, preterm babies are no different from full-term babies. It depends on environment and parental relationships.

Work in a cool environment

For maximum mental action, the temperature in the workroom should be 1-3°C lower than that at which you usually sit in front of the TV. Mild discomfort prompts the body to improve performance. Ideal working temperature individualized, but a range of 17-20°C is generally recommended for men and 19-22°C for women.

oxygen and stress

For the development of intelligence and thinking, a sufficient amount of oxygen is necessary. It has a positive effect on brain activity, therefore, improves thought processes.

Working under moderate stress can increase intelligence better than being completely calm. By overcoming stressful situations, minimizing them negative impact, you can acquire useful skills.

Eat chocolate

Chocolate is a pleasant way to increase the body's resistance, eliminate fatigue. This delicacy is also a way to develop intelligence. Thanks to chocolate, a substance that causes pleasant sensations is released in the body.

Bonus: chocolate improves mood, provides relaxation.

Drink coffee and stimulant drinks

Schedule work at a convenient time

Determine when it is convenient for you to work and when to rest. Compare the amount of work you did per hour under comparable conditions in different parts of the day.

Eat foods that are good for your brain

The diet should be as varied as possible. Its supplementation with food useful for the brain is good way for training brain activity, therefore, improving intelligence. Such products include:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • walnuts;
  • curry;
  • celery;
  • red meat;
  • blueberries.

Motivate yourself, set goals

Researchers at the University of Philadelphia demonstrated motivation in an experiment in which they asked students to take an IQ test. Half of the students were promised financial rewards if they best results. The motivated part of the respondents showed an average of 20 points higher.

Endless social media account checking, creating the perfect profile, constant monitoring of likes significantly reduce the motivation needed to achieve better results (an idealized vision of oneself is so satisfying for a person that he does not want to achieve more difficult goals).


The ability to focus on solving a problem, eliminating unwanted and distracting influences, is one of the most useful skills in developing intelligence.

There are many publications on relaxation exercise methods. Learn them and start practicing.

Make a cheat sheet

Yes, creating a cheat sheet is good. practical way develop intelligence in an adult and a teenager (used, for example, during the examination period). By writing it down, you are repeating and learning things, putting them in your memory.

Take IQ tests, read books

There are countless IQ tests on the Internet that will help not only determine, but also increase the level of intelligence. Preparing for tests, searching for answers to test questions enhance thinking ability.

Build a strategy

The first stage, from which the IQ test should begin, includes the consideration of all tasks. Then solve the problems that are best given to you, do not linger on the questions unnecessarily. Don't be afraid to guess the answers sometimes. Control the time, but don't worry about missing the test. IQ tests are designed in such a way that it is usually impossible to fail.

go in for sports

A good way to develop fluid intelligence is regular exercise. Physical activity It has a beneficial effect not only on the state of the body, but also on the functionality of the brain. For example, students are encouraged to train in running to improve their learning ability. Physical activity promotes blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, supports the production of new brain cells.

students high school Naperville in Chicago start every school day from a run. According to the teachers, with the beginning of the morning training, the results of the exams improved significantly.

Play games

modern card, logical games develop mental capacity. Games also have a social effect, as it's about fun for the whole family. Forget about crossword puzzles, play scrabble and sudoku. Crossword puzzles improve memory, but "trained" memory only works for the duration of the crossword puzzle. Creative logic games that support the development of intelligence include chess, tic-tac-toe.

Solve puzzles

Regular brain stress over quizzes, puzzles, puzzles will help to achieve a state in which a person is able to maintain a long-term mental load. It improves the performance of the mind and the level of intelligence.

Functional literacy training

Functional literacy is a combination of knowledge and skills that allow a person to navigate the world, understand and not be afraid of it, integrate into society, and communicate with others. Only a functionally literate person can be smart, regardless of IQ score.

Constantly learn

The world is constantly changing, requiring new skills and ways to solve problem situations. For the concept of new technologies, production processes and modern society, human learning should not stop throughout life.

They say that life experience is more important than all professions, and in many ways this statement is true. Thanks to rich experience, an “amateur” can solve problems more easily than a professional without it.

iodine intake

There is a well-known connection between the lack of iodine in pregnant mothers and the subsequent intellectual problems of their children, which manifest themselves already in the first years of life. Consume broccoli, cherries, chocolate, use iodized salt.

Don't be afraid to say "I don't know"

Sometimes it doesn't hurt to admit that you don't understand something. Don't be afraid to ask, it's better than pretending to understand the problem.

Looking for a company. You can get a lot of valuable advice and information from friends and new acquaintances.

Combine, combine things in context

Information obtained from different sources, combine into a mutual context. Intelligence means more than just knowledge a large number information, but also the ability to use it at the right time.

Don't be afraid to innovate

Change your desktop icons from time to time, choose a different route to work - changing your usual actions will help you get away from stereotypical thinking.

Sufficient, quality sleep

The need for sleep is individual. Napoleon slept only a few hours a day, someone needs to sleep 9 hours. Try to set aside different times for sleep after an equally stressful day and evaluate how you feel.

Learn to be silent

This proverb is worth its weight in gold. Think before you say anything. If you keep silent, you will be counted smart person despite the lack of knowledge in a particular area.

Learn to speak and debate. This is important at times when it is impossible to just be silent. It is important to learn how to work with an unknown audience.

Be active

A passive approach will not bring success in life. Therefore, take an interest in the events around you. Intelligence is also defined as an increase in brain activity.

Think creatively

Thanks to creative thinking a person has the ability to move in several separate areas of knowledge (for example, in the world of technology, technology and trade), to think classically and unconventionally, mutually combining these styles.

Ways to increase the intelligence of children

Is it possible to develop the intellect of a child, or is this property "given from above"? Both possibilities are valid. The basis of a child's mind is genetically predetermined. However Scientific research show that everything is not entirely hopeless. While innate abilities are the "starting point" for developing thinking skills, children's ability to think effectively and logically can be developed.

Logical games

Crosswords, cryptograms, puzzles, checkers, sudoku, chess are ways of entertainment and at the same time a simple method of increasing intelligence. Such games are suitable for elementary and high school students, i.e., for almost everyone age groups. Players must plan, build strategies, solve situations, make decisions.

video games

Of course, we are not talking about meaningless "shooters", but about strategic games. With their help, children gain experience, train creativity, look for opportunities, plan, form coalitions, learn group cooperation, develop observation.

As demonstrated by a study conducted at the University of Rochester in New York, video game players are able to perceive visual stimuli faster in everyday life.