White fireplace made from boxes. How to create a false fireplace from boxes with your own hands

A false fireplace made of cardboard boxes is a common interior item in city apartments and photo studios. There are several ways to make such a structure yourself, but all of them do not require construction skills or serious financial investments.

A decorative fireplace is a solution for those who want to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in their home, but it is impossible to install a real fireplace. A false fireplace can be built without difficulty and expense from ordinary cardboard boxes.

Options for decorative fireplaces

There are many tips on the topic: “How to make decorative fireplace from boxes with your own hands? This article will discuss the three most common options for creating a false fireplace from cardboard:

  • fake wall fireplace;
  • fake corner fireplace;
  • Christmas hearth.

Making a fireplace from boxes is a simple and inexpensive process. The installation of such a piece of furniture takes no more than 2-3 hours.

Creating a wall fireplace

A fake wall-mounted fireplace made from boxes is very often found in the apartments of city residents. To make such a piece of furniture, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

Step-by-step instructions for creating a false fireplace from boxes:

  • First, a sketch of the future structure is made on paper. Craftsmen without imagination can find a fireplace diagram on the Internet. The dimensions of the parts are indicated in the figure.
  • For convenience, the installation layout is transferred to cardboard box. To make it easier to work, all main lines are drawn with a pen or marker, auxiliary lines - with a pencil.

  • At the bottom of the box stationery knife(with a cutter) make a combustion chamber rectangular hole for "fire". The cut off blades of the box are glued to the back wall of the package. If the box is very large, then the excess part is simply cut off.

  • After creating the main frame, proceed to finishing works. The surface of the box can be covered with wallpaper, film or tracing paper. Many craftsmen apply Chinese ornaments using special prepared templates. If you plan to do classic version fireplace, then most often they resort to the following decoration technology. Individual parts are cut out from foam borders to create decorative decoration. They cut the foam at an angle of 45 degrees, so that later the parts can be easily assembled into squares/rectangles.

Advice! You can buy parts for decorating the fireplace (curbs, baseboards, etc.) at any hardware store.

  • Squares and rectangles are made from the cut out strips on the walls of the future fireplace and glued to the surface of the box. Typically, the figures are placed symmetrically to each other, two rectangles on each side relative to the combustion hole and directly above it. The place for the “hearth” can also be decorated with such borders.

Advice! As decoration, some use foam plastic parts in the form of angels, flowers, etc.

  • At the top of the decorative fireplace made from boxes you need to glue the baseboard. It forms a mantelpiece and gives the structure a finished look.

Important! The mantelpiece is made from thicker foam or plywood.

  • The material under the shelf is glued to the top of the fireplace.

  • Next we start painting the box. Most often used water-based paint white. If you plan to make a decorative false fireplace in an antique style, then instead of painting compounds, use ordinary putty for drywall. It is applied to the future fireplace and dried with a hairdryer.

Advice! The paint is applied in several layers using a brush, in hard to reach places use a sponge to cover.

The wall-mounted fireplace made from boxes is ready, all that remains is to decorate the structure. To simulate fire, you can glue a photograph of a live fire to the inner wall of the fireplace. You can put homemade “firewood” in the firebox or put candlesticks. It all depends on the flight of fancy of the master.

Master class on creating a corner fireplace from boxes

A corner false fireplace is most often installed in small spaces. The creation of this design takes place in several stages:

  • Selecting a location, taking measurements.
  • Place a cardboard box in a suitable corner. It is advisable that its parameters correspond to the parameters of the corner space - this will make it easier to make a fireplace.

  • A semicircular slit is made in the front wall of the package so that it can be folded inward.
  • At the top of the cut part, two arcs are made so that it takes the shape of a triangle. The resulting part is fixed with tape or glue between the sides and front of the fireplace.
  • The back wall of the box is cut off and the structure is “adjusted” to an angle.
  • The walls of the box are glued together with tape.
  • The resulting false fireplace from the boxes is wallpapered or painted. The “hearth” covered with paper or film “like a brick” looks impressive.
  • The fireplace tabletop is made of plywood or thick cardboard, glued in several layers. The shelf is covered with paint or pasted over to look like wood.

The mantelpiece can be made of lightweight building material- plywood, thick cardboard, etc.

You can decorate a corner decorative fireplace made from boxes using any attributes - candles, garlands, figurines, etc.

Homemade fireplace from boxes for Christmas

To create a festive “hearth” you will need three cardboard boxes - one large and two smaller. They are glued together - the big one is in the center, the small ones are at the edges.

New Year- a holiday of magic and miracle. Both children and adults are looking forward to it. It is on this holiday that there is an opportunity to get at least a little into a fairy tale, hear warm words and wishes, spend time with family, loved ones and friends. The New Year requires thorough preparation - from gift wrapping to decoration festive table. The main place in the pre-holiday bustle is home decoration. The presence of a fireplace in the house creates a special warmth and mood. According to tradition, they usually lie near it New Year's gifts. Therefore, a beautifully decorated fireplace can be the highlight of your home this holiday.

Advice! If the boxes have different heights, then they are trimmed and made the same size.

In the central box, the front wall is removed and a combustion hole is obtained. Visually it is distinguished using a foam border or plinth. To make a fireplace “like a brick”, small rectangular pieces of the same size are cut from cardboard or polystyrene foam, glued to the surface of the boxes in checkerboard pattern like brickwork. The fireplace is primed in several layers so that all parts are the same color. Next, the installation is painted brown, and the borders are painted yellow. To make the “bricks” more textured, gold paint is applied pointwise to them using a sponge. The finished decorative fireplace is decorated with New Year's tinsel, toys and garlands. We advise you to study the material in more detail and add the article to your bookmarks.

You can easily make a decorative fireplace from boxes with your own hands. Such a structure will make the room warmer and more comfortable.

By technique fire safety Installing a fireplace is not possible in all rooms. To build it, the owner of a private house needs to provide for a lot of nuances, not to mention the residents of apartment buildings, who are completely deprived of the opportunity to have a fireplace.
Fortunately, hopeless situations doesn't happen.

People who dream of decorating their interior with a fireplace can afford a bio-fireplace, or false fireplace.

Let's consider making a false fireplace from PVC, cardboard, plasterboard, polystyrene foam and thick paper. Its creation does not involve complex construction processes.

Advantages of a false fireplace made of paper and cardboard

The advantage of any artificial fireplace is the ease of assembly using inexpensive materials. There is nothing difficult in dealing with cardboard and paper. The situation is a little more complicated with drywall and PVC. The use of these materials to make a fireplace requires certain skills and tools. Therefore, most often, in order to avoid complications, a biofireplace is made from cardboard boxes and paper. To create your first fireplace, a beginner will spend no more than 4-6 hours of free time. Upon completion of the process, such a fireplace can be decorated to suit any room. Making paper fireplace exclusively design project, which will allow you to realize the idea associated with arranging a decorative hearth.

A false fireplace made of cardboard or paper does not heat the room, since it consists of fake elements, but only imitates original design. But it perfectly hides the visible imperfections of the wall and floor in the place where it is installed. These could be stains, pieces of peeled wallpaper, or something that has lost its presentable appearance. flooring, defects in interior finishing.

Arranging a paper fireplace is not only useful, but also creative. The decorative structure can be decorated to your taste by completing the design in accordance with the interior style of the room. Fortunately, this does not require special tools or skills. The ability to make a fireplace with your own hands and use available materials opens up possibilities for imagination.

Making a fireplace out of paper with your own hands

To create a false fireplace, cardboard boxes and white paper are used. Often these materials are combined. Cardboard boxes are used to make the frame, paper is used to make decorative elements. But if you decide to use only paper to create the fireplace, glue it in several layers so that it is rigid and you can shape the fireplace.

For making paper or cardboard fireplace use the following tools, mixtures and devices:

Before starting to make a fireplace, choose a place to install it. The best option placement of the future decorative element - a flat wall without protrusions, not cluttered with furniture. An alternative option is an angle.

Scheme for making a paper fireplace

Now we will tell you how to make a fireplace from scrap materials simply, quickly, inexpensively and beautifully. The entire creation process is divided into several stages.

1. Design

When the location has been determined, you can begin to measure the proposed fireplace and draw up a drawing, in which you should show in detail the design and dimensions of all elements using a pencil and ruler. We do not recommend including rounded elements in the design of a cardboard fireplace, since there is no guarantee that you will be able to draw and cut them evenly and accurately. If possible, it is better to make the drawing on a large Whatman paper. Subsequently, the diagram can be cut out along the contour and placed on cardboard to make it easier to carry the elements, or cut it into individual elements and use them to decorate the fireplace. If there is no Whatman paper, draw on a regular sheet of paper, subsequently checking the dimensions against the drawing.

Usually a false fireplace is not made too large, but one that is too small will look unsightly. Therefore, the average height and width parameters of 70x80 cm are taken as a basis. The size of the firebox is usually 40x50 cm. Deviations from the average parameters are acceptable. It all depends on the wishes of the fireplace manufacturer. Decorative elements are made in arbitrary sizes, also depending on the design and personal wishes.

2. Preparing boxes

To make a fireplace, you can use a large box from a TV or refrigerator. If you couldn’t find a large box, you can use several medium-sized boxes, gluing them together. In the second option, you need to ensure that the boxes being glued have the same dimensions.

3. Creation of the firebox and base

If one large box is used to make a fireplace, the firebox is installed inside it. To do this, using a stationery or construction knife, as well as scissors, cut a hole in the box along the previously outlined lines of the central quadrangle.

There are two ways to cut the firebox:

  1. The cutout can be made on the sides and along the top line of the quadrangle. There is no need to touch the bottom line. The base of the fireplace can be formed using a cut piece of cardboard, bending it along the bottom line of the quadrangle. This base can be raised and a picture of burning firewood pasted on it. To form the side walls, additional cardboard is cut out and glued to the sides inside the firebox to create something similar to pillars.
  2. IN The cut is made vertically in the center of the quadrangle, as well as along the top and bottom lines. In this case, you can form side walls firebox, folding the cardboard along the side lines. The base is formed by laying an additional piece of cardboard.

To make the cardboard easier to bend, you can draw it along the marked lines with a stationery knife, lightly pressing it.

4. Creating the back wall of the fireplace

An additional piece of cardboard serves as the back wall. It should be wide enough. The size of the fragment should not be equal to the size of the firebox. It is necessary to cut cardboard with a significant margin. The back wall is necessary if the fireplace is made from prefabricated boxes. IN big box the back wall is already there.

5. Making a mantelpiece

This design element is a must. The shelf, like the end of the fireplace, which is always in sight, is made of different materials. The cheapest, most accessible and easiest to use is polystyrene foam. Before performing it, measure the finished frame. After the top of the fireplace is ready, it must first be fitted to the structure and the corners joined. As a rule, the mantelpiece is made in the form of a stepped trapezoid or rectangle.

6. Leveling, decorating the fireplace, giving it a certain style

For this purpose they use wallpaper, paints, souvenir crafts, garlands. But first, the corners of the fireplace are covered with construction tape for reliability and durability. Next, the fireplace is puttied, thereby eliminating all its unevenness. Putty should be done carefully so as not to damage the frame. Each layer must be dry. As an option, in order not to wait, you can cover the fireplace with white adhesive plaster, which is sold in rolls. The putty adheres well to it and does not penetrate through the adhesive plaster onto the cardboard, thereby not softening it.

To attach materials such as wallpaper to the fireplace, glue and double-sided tape are used. If some parts must be left untouched during painting, construction tape is applied to them.

Corner fireplace made of paper

Creation corner fireplace made of paper differs in the technology of frame formation. First, a cardboard triangle is made, then the firebox is cut out. In a corner fireplace, the firebox can be made semicircular. Next, the top shelf is arranged, and then the corner fireplace is decorated with the help of improvised means and materials.

When the soul requires change, and there is sorely not enough time for a radical change of environment, updating the interior and creating additional comfort in the house will allow you to distract yourself. Perhaps building a fireplace out of cardboard and paper with your own hands is a great way out of the situation.

DIY paper fireplace was last modified: March 21st, 2017 by paradeeva

One cannot but agree that creating comfort in the home is first and foremost good mood. In connection with this, many people make a fireplace from boxes with their own hands for the New Year: step-by-step instructions with photos are an example in this fun task. It’s no secret that making a decorative fireplace is not at all difficult, you just need to prepare an idea and auxiliary material.

The comfort created for the New Year is necessary for every home. After all, it was then homely atmosphere becomes pleasant and warm. Making a New Year's fireplace with your own hands is not at all difficult, because the main assistants in such a task will be nothing more than cardboard boxes. It is best, of course, to take " former house» from a plasma TV.

I would like to immediately note that in order to make a fireplace for the New Year with your own hands, it will take a certain amount of time, that is, it will not be possible to quickly build a decoration. Sometimes after the work is done artificial fireplace it is very difficult to distinguish from the real thing, so the result will not leave indifferent either the guests of the house or the owners of the craft themselves.

To begin with, you can select the necessary decoration from the photo. The picture (sample) will help produce correct calculations and element sizes. Of course, you will have to start from the cardboard box that was selected for the craft.

Next, you need to draw a layout on the box. Make the markings clearly so that all lines are visible. Then a window is cut out to simulate fire using a stationery knife. The blade of this tool is thin, so it will not be difficult to carry out such work.

You should cut it so that the edges can be bent afterward, and not torn off. That is, after cutting, you will need to bend the edges inward and fix them tightly with glue. This will be the basis for further step-by-step actions.

A fireplace made of cardboard with your own hands looks stylish and original, so photos with such decor delight many people. And it’s not surprising, because if you look at the algorithm of the work done, you can immediately understand that such a craft is being done with high quality.

The step-by-step instructions for implementation include painting, putty and precise execution of all cut out parts. In general, you still have to try to realize such a masterpiece. After the window is cut out and the concave edges are fixed, you should proceed to the next stage of the work.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a fireplace

Because preparatory stage completed, you should begin finishing the fireplace. To do this, you need to make borders from polystyrene foam, although they can be bought at any hardware store. But if you still do it yourself, then you should take into account the angle of inclination; it should be 45 degrees, so that in the future it will be easy to fold the blanks into a rectangle, since they will act as the edges of the hearth. Then these elements are glued with glue.

Where the side elements are located, you can decorate with any foam figurine. The upper edge is decorated with a plinth to create a future mantelpiece. Looking at the fireplaces in the photo, these elements are easy to see and you can come up with your own.

Then, from any material, you can cut out a shelf from polystyrene foam and glue it with glue. The stages of painting are always chosen individually; it all depends on what the owner of the craft wants to see, that is, what effect he wants to give to his product.

For example, an aged surface that has small cracks can be achieved using the following steps. First, the entire surface is filled with white putty, and then dried with a hairdryer. To achieve a smooth layer, coat the surface with water-based paint. It is advisable to carry out the work in several layers.

Next you need to simulate fire. This is best done with garlands or candles. Christmas tree set glowing suitable color garlands will give a real reflection of the fire. Quite often, many experienced specialists in this matter glue a picture on the back wall with a real flame of fire.

This photograph allows you to convey the real flame as much as possible. A New Year's fireplace made from boxes can be decorated to suit your taste and liking. Moreover, it should be noted that such decorations can be found not only as crafts for the New Year. It is not uncommon to see such beauty in office premises or studios.

It should be noted that planning a real fireplace will take a lot of time and the costs will be much higher than a completed episode out of the box. In addition, after complete decoration, everyone will want to decorate their interior, because this option can stylishly highlight the interior as a whole.

False fireplace

You can make a fireplace from boxes with your own hands for the New Year in different styles, for example, many people like a false fireplace. This corner decoration is available to those who do not have much space in their apartment or house. In addition, you will get an additional shelf, which will always come in handy.

First, you need to decide where it is best to place this decor, because the shape of the product itself looks good in the corner. And depending on where this product will be located, its parameters will be planned.

After this, you need to prepare a cardboard box of the required size and fold it into a triangle so that all the elements fit tightly in the corner. A window is cut out in the middle to simulate fire. Many people make the window in a semicircle, some in a square. This is how anyone likes it. When cutting out the edges, it is better to bend them inward and fix them with glue. Then it will be easier to finish later.

It will be more convenient to make a triangle from a box if you cut off one wall and then fix the remaining sides together with tape. Then you can try it on in the chosen place. The fireplace should fit clearly into the corner space. Then the base is pasted over self-adhesive film. It will be beautiful if the color is chosen in a brick style.

You can make a shelf on top of the product. To do this, you need to cut out triangles of suitable size from thick cardboard, glue them together, and then fasten them on top of the finished fireplace. You can cover such a shelf with the same film, or you can use a different color, for example, wood. The density of the shelf allows it to be used under various items household items. You can create a fire in the fireplace using candles or Christmas garlands.

Fireplace for Christmas

It's no secret that fireplaces are often associated with Christmas. After all, it is with the help of them that among Western people Santa Claus can sneak into houses and put gifts there under the Christmas tree. Despite their beliefs, many of our children know that Grandfather Frost comes at night when they are sleeping, and somehow enters the house and leaves gifts.

To create a fabulous atmosphere on the eve of the New Year, you can organize a cozy and warm atmosphere in your home. This is exactly why you can do such a craft as building a fireplace out of cardboard.

First you need to select three boxes, but one is flat, and the others are rectangular, which will be located on the sides. If they are tall, then you can cut them to the required height. Then glue them together. A flat box in the middle, the rest on the sides, but they should all be on the same level.

Next you need to prepare the border. It can be glued together from cardboard, or you can pick up a box. The length of the curb should be the same as the glued side projections. It is glued on top and then decorated. Acts as a shelf on which you can put New Year decorations.

Then you can cut out many bricks, which are applied to the fireplace blank using glue. Next, the fireplace needs to be primed and painted. The bricks can be highlighted with a different shade, it will look more beautiful. Imitation of fire can be made from Christmas garland red. The craft is ready. Such a decoration will delight with its appearance and create a festive mood, especially if the fireplace is decorated with various Christmas tree decorations and spruce branches.

As you know, people have been using fireplaces since time immemorial. After all, such decorations are an excellent alternative to real hearths. But unlike real fireplaces, these artificial decorations do not need cleaning and constant cleaning, and with their appearance they will wonderfully decorate any interior and decorate the house for the New Year.

Modern fireplaces have long ceased to be solely a source of heat; they have now become a stylish and fashionable accessory. Now this design element can be installed even in apartment building, since there are many alternatives to the wood-burning option: electric, gas, and biofuel fireplaces. It is possible to recreate false fireplaces: polyurethane, plasterboard, foam and even paper.

You can create such a fireplace with your own hands without special application effort. Let's figure out how to make a fireplace out of paper. There are many options on how you can make a fireplace out of paper with your own hands. Let's look at some of them.

Advice! You can glue several layers of paper, but it will be much easier to use cardboard. Even boxes from large appliances: refrigerator, TV, etc. will do.

False fireplace, simple cardboard or paper

You will need:

  • box;
  • decorative plinths and foam figures;
  • drawing;
  • scissors, construction knife;
  • a pen, a simple pencil for marking according to the drawing;
  • construction tape;
  • specialized glue;
  • putty, as well as a spatula;
  • ruler;
  • water-based paint: brown or white and other shades;
  • brush.

Manufacturing stages:

  • Creating a drawing using pre-prepared dimensions.

  • Transferring the design onto cardboard or paper, which is glued in several layers. You will need a pencil as well as a ruler.

Electric fireplaces are extremely popular. There are several types of installations, the most common being corner electric fireplaces. To give the hearth the appearance of a traditional fireplace, a plasterboard portal is made. You can do this yourself, following the suggested instructions.

Advice! You cannot use markers or felt-tip pens, as they will show through the paint, and you will need to apply putty before painting.

  • You need to make slits for the hearth; they will be bent to the back wall and secured with tape. In this way a portal is formed.

  • When the base is ready, you should begin finishing. The foam parts need to be fixed to the base, according to the sketch.

  • A wide patterned plinth is glued on top. It will be the basis of the future fireplace shelf made of paper.
  • Foam supports should be placed behind the fixed baseboard. On top you need to put a slab of the same material.

Advice! To make the fireplace look beautiful, you should pay attention special attention corners. There should be no gaps at the joints. Well, if it doesn’t work out, then putty will help correct the situation.

  • After all the parts are in place, you need to carefully apply putty to paper fireplace.
  • When the coating is completely dry, water-based paint should be applied. The false fireplace is ready.

  • You can put figurines on top.

Corner fireplace made of cardboard or paper

A model of this type will look great in a corner. She will add zest to interior design solutions. Anyone can make a paper fireplace, the master class of which is presented.

You will need:

  • cardboard box or glued thick paper;
  • self-adhesive film or wallpaper with a brick pattern;
  • scissors or a construction stationery knife;
  • scotch;
  • garland, LED strip or battery-powered candles.

Manufacturing stages:

  • From the box you should make a base in the form of a triangle.

  • The workpiece must be covered with wallpaper or self-adhesive film.

  • The tabletop should be made of several layers of cardboard.
  • The top of the fireplace should be covered in the same way.

  • You can place a garland in the firebox, LED strip or battery-powered candles.

Advice! The tabletop can also be made of foam or fiberboard.

Cardboard or paper fireplace with hidden shelves

A decorative model is not only an interior decoration; at the same time, you can create a hiding place or small shelves for small items in its walls.

You will need:

  • a large box or several;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • putty;
  • decorative skirting boards.

Creation stages:

  • You should create a fireplace out of paper with secret shelves starting with the formation of the “base” or “skeleton”.

Advice! When creating a skeleton, you need to take into account the required size of the shelves.

  • When the base is ready, it should be covered on both sides with cardboard or paper glued in several layers.

  • The podium or tabletop is made of several layers of cardboard.

Advice! If desired, the cardboard can be replaced with a sheet of foam plastic. For reliability, the joints should be glued with newspaper using PVA glue.

  • A wide decorative plinth should be glued to the top of the paper false fireplace. Its top edge should be flush with the tabletop.
  • A seventh sheet needs to be glued on top of six sheets of cardboard and baseboard.
  • The corners are closed with a construction corner.
  • The firebox can be covered with wallpaper with a pattern or cut out bricks from cardboard with a stationery knife and painted.

  • A paper fireplace should be puttied.
  • After that it needs to be painted. When the paint is dry, it can be decorated.

Advice! You can glue a false fireplace from several boxes, each of which will be a separate shelf.

Paper fireplace, the master class of which is presented in step by step instructions, easy to create. This does not require specialized skills or special financial costs.

Video: DIY cardboard fireplace

Modern owners of apartments or houses are increasingly seeking to build fireplaces. Of course, it is impossible to install a wood-burning fireplace, but a false fireplace is possible. There are many manufacturing options, they are not complicated. A fireplace made of paper, created with your own hands, will be no worse than others. It will harmoniously complement the interior design. When it comes to the firebox, there are many options. You can make it yourself or buy it electric version, which will create the illusion of burning wood. Modern hearths can also produce sound and create various effects.