Do-it-yourself decorative plasterboard fireplace. We make a fireplace from GKL with our own hands: a drawing of a drywall fireplace with dimensions

A real fireplace is an unrealizable dream of many citizens, because in a city apartment it is almost impossible to obtain permission to install it, and there are simply no conditions for its safe use. But if you really want to build a hearth, there is a way to solve this problem: these are decorative drywall fireplaces.

This popular decorative element can fit into any interior if you give it a certain shape and think over the finish. For example, in the photo you see a hanging fireplace that decorates a room in a modern modern style.

It is also wonderful that you can make a drywall fireplace with your own hands, even if the repair in the apartment has long been completed. The construction of this design is accompanied by a minimum of dirt, dust, physical and financial costs.

Construction of a false fireplace from drywall

The materials for the manufacture of a decorative fireplace can be the trimmings of the wall plasterboard and metal profile remaining after the repair. In addition to them, you will need self-tapping screws for metal and self-tapping screws for fixing drywall. As well as finishing materials, but we will talk about them later.

The set of necessary tools is also small. This is a tape measure, pencil, level, screwdriver, metal shears and a hacksaw.

Create a sketch

You should start by determining the place for the future fireplace, its size and design.

  • In a small room under the fireplace, it is best to give one of the corners of the room.
  • In a spacious living room, it can be made against the wall, for greater credibility, by attaching a decorative chimney to the fireplace.

  • In a bedroom or library, a hanging fireplace will look great, which will be nice to sit with a book.

Advice. It is necessary to think in advance about how to fill the "furnace". If you plan to insert into an electric fireplace or an electronic photo frame, you need to know their dimensions in advance.

The sketch, according to which a decorative plasterboard fireplace will be created with your own hands, must be done on a scale, and then transferred to its size in place.

Frame installation

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of a decorative fireplace is the construction of a frame that will serve as the basis for drywall. It must be strong and stable.

General instructions for mounting the frame will help you avoid some mistakes.

  1. Measure the distances between the marks transferred to the walls from the sketch and cut the metal profile.
  2. Assemble the back of the frame by fastening the profiles together with short metal screws with a press washer.

The framework is a prime example

Advice. If the fireplace is located far from the corner, you can immediately mount the profiles on the wall. If it is close, then you will have to assemble the entire frame separately, and attach it to the wall only after facing its side wall, otherwise it will be impossible to fix drywall on it.

  1. Referring to the sketch or drawings, assemble the entire frame. To give it rigidity, insert jumpers between the uprights and horizontal guides every 30-40 cm.

  1. When using the remnants of drywall, try to fasten the jumpers according to their size so that the joint of the two sheets falls on the profile.
  2. To create an arched shape, cut the sides of the profile every 5-7 cm and bend it with an arc.
  3. Attach the finished frame to the wall with dowel-nails.

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Everything is simple here: drywall with a hacksaw, a jigsaw or a regular knife is cut into pieces according to the size of the finished frame and screwed to it with self-tapping screws for metal 25 mm.

The cladding technology can be studied by watching the video on this page.

Attention! If you plan to put candles or appliances with heating elements in the fireplace insert, it must be lined with a heat-resistant material from the inside, such as sheet metal, asbestos or magnesite.

decorative trim

The advantage of plasterboard fireplaces is that they can be finished to suit every taste - this material can be plastered and painted, any facing materials can be glued to it, including tiles, mosaics, and decorative stone. The most popular plasterboard fireplace decor is polyurethane or gypsum stucco.

  • If you just want to paint the fireplace, then even at the stage of lining it with drywall, make sure that the self-tapping screws are recessed into the thickness of the material, and there are no unevenly cut edges at the corners. Drywall will need to be primed, puttied twice, wiped and only then painted.

Note. The same preparation will be required for wallpapering or decorative film.

  • Before facing with tile material or applying decorative plaster, drywall must also be primed. Tiles or decorative stone are glued to the surface with a special adhesive, which is prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The seams between the tiles are sealed after the adhesive has completely hardened - the next day.

  • Decorative moldings, pilasters, columns and other decorations will give the fireplace a complete look. If you are not going to paint them, then they are glued into place after finishing the fireplace.

The final stage of finishing is the installation of a mantel, which can serve as a stand for a TV, books or decorative knick-knacks.


A fireplace is that element of interior design that gives it status and a certain chic. But its price does not have to be high. With the help of drywall, you can create a design of any, the most sophisticated form and finish it to your taste.

Decorative fireplace - one of the ways to decorate the living room in the apartment. This element can be made by an inexperienced craftsman. From drywall, you can build not only a straight structure, but also make curved parts.

  • Stage 1 - choose a design, draw up a sketch and draw a diagram;
  • Stage 2 - calculate and purchase materials, prepare the wall;
  • Stage 3 - make a frame, sheathe it;
  • Stage 4 - finish finishing, decorate the firebox.

Types of drywall fireplaces

1. Conditional. An obligatory element of such decoration is a portal protruding from the wall by a couple of centimeters. An electric fireplace or burning candles, flickering lamps are placed on a shelf imitating a combustion chamber. If the product will stand in the nursery, then several shelves for books, stationery or toys are made in the firebox.

2. Credible. In size and appearance, they fully correspond to the real ones, differing only in the absence of a chimney. A bioethanol burner is installed in the furnace. This type of fuel does not emit soot, smoke, does not form ash and soot, and has a thermal coefficient greater than that of firewood. But since the materials from which decorative fireplaces are made do not retain heat well, this element of the decor still cannot be a full-fledged source of heating. Such designs are unsuitable for a nursery due to the presence of an open flame, but are appropriate in a bedroom, living room or dining room.

3. Symbolic. From any available materials, a flat image is created on the wall - it is not necessary to match the size and external design of the real design. For this purpose, trimming plasterboard sheets remaining after repair are also suitable. It is easy to glue them directly to the wall, and then apply the image of the portal and the hearth.

Varieties of conditional and reliable options - corner fireplace or island (installed separately, not against the wall). The second is placed in very spacious rooms on a small hill. Corner is suitable for a cramped room, does not take up much space, does not look bulky.


Fireplace Ideas:

  • They cover drywall with ceramic tiles, artificial stone (including flexible), ordinary or decorative plaster, paint. At home, it is easy to make a gypsum or concrete finishing stone with your own hands. To do this, you will need molds and a special mixture (for example, "Smart Gypsum").
  • From above, the design is often decorated with an imitation of a hood. Looks good with wood frame.
  • The design option is to raise the combustion chamber, such a solution is especially appropriate in a room with a high ceiling. In this case, the fireplace is placed on the foot (step).
  • Shelves built into the firebox or fixed to the walls of the structure will increase functionality. It is convenient to arrange decorative details, books, dishes on them.
  • A niche is sometimes placed in the lower part. After installation, decorative artificial or real logs are placed in it. Natural ones are treated with an antiseptic, varnished or stained.
  • The corner option can have a five- or triangular shape.

Most often it is located near the main wall. In front of it there should be free space for arranging a recreation area. Do not install at the door, next to radiators or in hard-to-reach places.

False fireplace dimensions and sketching

Before drawing up the scheme, be sure to make a measurement. One of the most common mistakes is that the dimensions are disproportionate in relation to the area of ​​​​the room, as well as the width and height of the wall near which it will be located.

Approximate dimensions of the portal:

Room area, m2Width, cmHeight, cm
15 60 50
20 70 55
25 80 60
30 90 70
40 100 75

The combustion chamber is located at a distance of at least 30 cm from each edge of the portal. Often install imitation of the chimney. If there is an electric fireplace or lighting fixtures in the firebox, then they must plan a place for sockets. Their location must comply with the requirements specified in the user manual supplied with the electrical equipment. If the option with a foot or step is chosen, their height is selected taking into account the distance from the floor to the ceiling, the height of family members, the presence of pets in the house, and other factors.


1. Profile. You will need a galvanized metal guide (PN) and rack (PS). If it is not supposed to put heavy objects, then the narrowest one will do - 50x50 and 50x40 cm. It is permissible to make a frame only from a guide profile. If, according to the sketch, there is an arch above the combustion chamber, then the profile is cut every few centimeters and bent to the desired radius.

2. Fasteners. For mounting to the wall, you will need dowels, to connect its elements to each other - self-tapping screws for metal such as a bug. The sheet is attached to the profile with special screws.

3. Hangers made of galvanized steel strip. If the wall does not have deviations from the vertical, then it is not necessary to use them.

4. Drywall. For sheathing the frame, it is better to choose a fire-resistant type (GKLO) of pink color with a red marking. This grade withstands 25 to 60 minutes of direct contact with an open flame. If the fireplace is located in the kitchen, then a moisture-resistant GKLVO is suitable - green with a red marking. For a straight construction, a skin thickness of up to 12 mm is sufficient. Curved walls or other elements are easier to make from a flexible arched sheet with a thickness of 6.5 mm. If necessary, fix in two layers.

5. Putty - for sealing seams.

6. Reinforcing tape (serpyanka) - for finishing the corners and joints of the skin.

7. Primer - to ensure better adhesion to the facing material.

Frame manufacturing technology

Before starting the installation of the fireplace, markings are applied to the wall and floor in the selected location. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut the profile with metal scissors or a grinder with a cutting disc.
  • By marking with a puncher or drill, drill holes for dowels in the wall and floor.
  • Make holes in the profile for fasteners. Look at the step between them according to the drawing.
  • Install according to the marking and fix the sections for the base with dowels. Connect them together with self-tapping screws. To do this, you need a screwdriver or a screwdriver.
  • Place jumpers between the profiles of the crate base.

Cutting and installation of drywall

Before starting the sheathing of the frame, the GKL is cut into pieces according to the sketch. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Put the plate on the table.
  • Mark the drawing with a ruler.
  • Draw a construction knife several times along the markup using a ruler. Extend the blade of the knife to a distance not exceeding the thickness of the sheet.
  • Lay the drywall so that the notch is outside the surface of the table and break it.
  • Slit from the back and finally cut.
  • Finish the cut with sandpaper.

To cut the sheet in the shape of the letter L, a short cut is made with a knife. According to the GKL curve, they are cut with an electric jigsaw. The edges of the cuts are treated with a primer. If an electric fireplace is installed in the furnace, then ventilation holes must be made.

If, according to the sketch, the portal will have curved walls or decorative elements, then after cutting into drywall, perforation is applied with a needle roller, then moistened with water and bent independently.

The prepared sheathing parts are attached to the frame with special self-tapping screws. The seams between the sheets and the corners are puttied, the heads of the screws are covered. Putty tightly fill the joint, then remove its excess. The dried layer is treated with sandpaper. It is better to trim the corners with reinforcing tape or sickle, pressing it into the putty. Waiting for drying again, the corners are also polished with emery. If after processing it is not possible to achieve perfect evenness of the surface, then the entire GCR is covered with a continuous layer using a wide spatula. For those who have little experience, it is better to apply the material in two very thin layers.


The portal and the firebox are primed with a brush in two layers. Then the plasterboard fireplace is lined with the chosen method:

  • Decorative plaster. It is applied in the usual way in 1-2 layers. Venetian is especially suitable, it very accurately repeats the appearance of natural marble.
  • Dye. If the GKL is puttied only at the joints, then at least 2 weeks must pass before staining, otherwise the seams will show through under a layer of any thickness. The surface must be dedusted first. This work is done with a vacuum cleaner or a whisk to primer. The paint is diluted to the consistency of fatty milk and applied with a roller, in the corners with a brush. For a dense coating of GKL, at least 2 layers are needed - the second across the first, the last must be in the direction of the main light source.
  • Artificial stone, porcelain stoneware or tile. They are attached to a special glue for lining stoves and fireplaces or liquid nails. It is convenient to finish drywall with a “flexible stone”. This is a material that looks like natural, made from real stone chips glued to a textile base. It can be cut into irregularly shaped pieces and create an imitation of traditional masonry. Elements in the form of rectangles are very similar to bricks. Fix with PVA glue, colorless acrylic or wallpaper (for vinyl).


An electric or biofireplace is installed in the combustion chamber. If the false fireplace is conditional, then the firebox is decorated with decorative elements:

  • The easiest option is to put candles. They are better to choose the same design, but different sizes.
  • The combustion chamber, closed with a forged grate, looks beautiful. Artistic forging goes well with polycarbonate (tinted plastic glass replacement).
  • The fireplace is decorated not only with light sources, but also with vases with flowers, figurines, images of flames.
  • The back wall of the firebox is often finished with glass (colored, tinted, stained glass) or a mirror.
  • In the combustion chamber, lighting from spotlights or LED strip is appropriate. Light sources are mounted on top, if desired, additional ones are inserted on the sides and bottom. Pairs especially well with a mirrored back wall.

For decoration, elements made of natural stone, gypsum and polyurethane foam moldings are used. Attach the decor to the portal with glue with the appropriate composition. Stucco molding can be done at home on your own. For manufacturing, special molds and a mixture of the "Smart Gypsum Sculptor" type are needed.

From a luxury item, a fireplace is becoming a popular way of decorating an interior. Many who want to install it at home faced the problem of strengthening the foundation for heavy brick structures. The emergence of electric and bio-fireplaces has expanded their scope to city apartments.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of models for portals. Drywall has great potential for the construction of lightweight modifications. Drywall constructions allow you to decorate the fireplace according to your taste and possibilities: natural stone, tiles, refractory plastic. By making a portal with your own hands, you can give it any shape and size. Lightweight, non-flammable and durable frame will be the basis of great design solutions.

Features and Benefits

Fireplaces differ in their functional features. Real fireplaces - solid fuel or gas heating units - require a chimney, draft, fuel, and a ventilation system. The portal for this type of fireplaces is made of cast iron, steel, brick, natural stone. These materials have high resistance to prolonged exposure to high temperatures, drywall does not have such properties.

A drywall fireplace is a portal in the form of a real hearth, but inside the structure remains hollow, which does not allow it to be used for solid fuel or gas fireboxes. In appearance, such a portal, with the appropriate finish, is no different from a traditional full-bodied fireplace. Drywall frames are used to equip decorative portals and to place an electric or biofireplace inside the structure.

The construction of a decorative or conditional portal for a fireplace with your own hands is a fairly simple process. A frame is erected from a metal profile or wooden bars, and it is sewn up with plasterboard on top according to the pattern of the structure. For sheathing, cuttings are used from a whole sheet, which has dimensions of 1.2 - 1.3 meters in width and 2.5 - 4.8 meters in length.

Depending on the size of the frame, construction trimmings of moisture-resistant GKL are also used. The thickness of drywall is selected based on the required bearing load. If this is a simple niche protruding from the plane of the wall to enrich the interior video sequence with a decorative relief element, then any sheet thickness will do. In the case of using the top surface of the fireplace to accommodate heavy and bulky items, such as an aquarium, a drywall thickness of 20-24 mm is required.

Another type of portals for fireplaces that do not have a chimney, but which have a heating element, are electric and biofireplaces. They also use plasterboard lining. A heat-resistant analogue is used here, it differs in its composition. Fire-resistant properties are enhanced by a special layer of clay and reinforcing fiberglass. In the middle part of the sheet is equipped with crystallized water up to 20 percent by weight of the material. Outwardly, it is easy to distinguish it by the pink color of the cardboard.

Heat-resistant drywall is an excellent material for bio- and electric fireplaces. The standard sheet size is 1.2 x 2.5 m, thickness - 12.5 mm. The weight of the sheet is 25 kilograms, the structure and composition of the material are environmentally friendly, can be used in any residential area.

Drywall is the basis for any finishing material: it can be decorative plaster, painting with interior paints, facing with ceramic tiles, marble, decorative stone, metal slats, stucco rosettes. The frame allows you to hide communications inside to connect an electric fireplace or a lighting device inside the fireplace portal. The shape of the portal depends on the selected design style. A minimalist fireplace can have a simple rectangular shape without additional elements. Imitation of rustic French or Scandinavian fireplaces will require faux stone cladding. The classic portal is trimmed with elements of natural or artificial marble or stucco.

Thus, the cost of construction is affected by a set of finishing materials. Before starting work, it is worth studying the installation technology of a particular type of finish. As well as the technical characteristics of various materials, their compliance with the place where the fireplace will be built. The advantage of decorative and electric fireplaces is that their construction does not require paperwork for a building permit. The design can be placed in any suitable place in the apartment. It is only necessary to decide on the style solution of the false fireplace.

Models and design

The type of fireplace depends on its location in the room. The method of adjoining to the supporting structure determines the appearance of the frame, the consumption of finishing material. When determining the location, the size of the room, the height of the ceiling, the arrangement of furniture for visual contemplation are taken into account. The fireplace is installed in such a place that it does not interfere with the movement of residents.

Decorative portals are:

  • wall-mounted;
  • corner;
  • island.

Wall-mounted - located near one of the walls. A good view requires a lot of space, so in small rooms it is not advisable to place a fireplace portal along one of the walls. The wall fireplace plays the role of the main accent in the interior; sofas and armchairs are placed around the view point. An imitation of a live fire or a biofuel fireplace will bring the whole family together, there should be enough space in front of the fireplace facade.

Drywall corner portals are placed between two adjacent walls. The size of the room can be any. Even in a small living room or bedroom, this structure will not take up much space. Such a fireplace can be equipped with a decorative chimney to create a picture of a real hearth. Structural supports on two walls will allow the use of even heavy finishing materials. Corner fireplaces are a very beautiful design detail. The furniture around is set in a semicircle, which gives comfort to the room.

Island fireplaces are quite voluminous structures. Their construction requires experience and knowledge of building structures. The consumption of materials for this model is the largest, since the portal is formed from four sides. The room for them should be spacious. The portal should not be placed in a zone of active movement. Elements with sharp corners can cause injury, especially in families with children.

Compositionally island fireplaces become the heart of the living room, serve for zoning space and are visible from all points of the room. An island fireplace can be supported on the floor and reach a height of 1/2 or 1/3 of the height of the room. The design of the second option is built from the floor to the ceiling, such as a column with an opening for a dummy hearth or a biofireplace. The third option is possible thanks to the drywall construction, which is attached to the ceiling and descends to the desired height, where a niche or a through opening is formed. Any of these options changes the appearance of space and models functional areas.

The portal can be voluminous in an island location and quite small to decorate a wall. Such stylized fireplace designs solve the problem of decorating a room. They have a depth of up to 20 centimeters, act as a console for placement above the top panel of art objects or a TV. In a shallow niche there are art objects or an electronic imitation of fire without a heating function. In place of the firebox, decorative candles or other stove heating accessories are often installed.

The appearance of the fireplace portal is a key factor in organizing the interior. Recall the Russian expression "to dance from the stove", so in the design of the premises, the shape of the portal becomes the leading theme of the stylistic decision. Modern design trends have given a new dimension to the theme of fireplaces. Unusual materials and innovative forms of portals amaze the imagination. Stylish, finished with metal plates, a decorative fireplace in the Art Deco style erases the familiar image of the hearth.

Small-sized housing led to the emergence of a separate architectural style in the design of the apartment. Small areas called for abandoning frilly furnishings, suggesting the presence of only the necessary multi-functional furniture. The color used in the decoration is white. It visually increases the size of the room, but has some amorphousness. To create an interior frame, add a brown or black color scheme. The fireplace portal has simple rectangular shapes, and the lack of decor, monochrome tinting have become signs of minimalism.

For the construction of a portal in the Art Nouveau style, the frame is made with smooth bends. A niche is decorated with forged details with floral elements or an insert is made from a stained-glass window with a floral ornament. Behind the stained-glass window, a backlight is placed, which inside the hollow structure has a connection to the mains. The backlight can be controlled from the remote control, have different modes of brightness and color segment. The rest of the furnishings are also selected in the Art Nouveau style.

Decorative false plasterboard fireplaces of a simple rectangular shape are very easy to install. The exterior decoration material plays a major role in giving artistic qualities to this structure. Consoles have a small surface area, which means you can afford more expensive finishing materials: granite or marble. Manufacturers offer a wide range of textures and colors of both natural and artificial stone. The original styling scheme, the use of contrasting colors creates an atmosphere of African style.

It takes a little effort to create a real work of art in your home. A shallow portal is installed on a pedestal, the entire structure is lined with several types of tiles from one ensemble, these kits can be picked up in hardware stores. Marbled tiles, ceramic panels on the side panels, a top plate with marble moldings give an expensive look to the fireplace portal. Watercolor paintings, pastel colors of the fireplace trim are recognizable touches of Art Nouveau style.

The suspended ceiling is structurally transformed into a protruding plasterboard panel. A rectangular niche is made in the panel for a decorative firebox. The firebox has a flat frame that can be painted in the color of the panel or highlighted with contrasting colors. These colors are best repeated in the decor of the room. It is enough for a fireplace to add one or two original details to destroy classic stereotypes, move the frame of the fireplace at an angle to another - and futuristic features of high-tech style will appear.

The stylish design of fireplaces suggests a simpler external form, but a complex positional component. Suspended models are common, such designs are the best suited for plasterboard execution. A complex scheme of a frame made of a metal profile must be provided with a design and calculation of the bearing load, since the suspended portal for a false fireplace must withstand the weight of the suspension itself, the weight of the finish, items and equipment.

The classic wall portal is more simple in terms of design. For complex original flash fireplaces, a foam plastic layout is preliminarily made. It is better for beginners to study the selections on construction sites and evaluate their capabilities.

How to make yourself?

Let's get acquainted with a detailed description of the construction of the simplest design for those who want to make a fireplace portal with their own hands. Consider step-by-step instructions for installing the box. You will need to stock up the following materials: metal profile, drywall, brushes, metal mesh, sickle, self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, a knife with removable blades.

You will need graph paper, a building level and a plumb line, a triangle with a right angle.

  • The first step is to determine the location of the fireplace in the room. We choose the form and function: to install an electric heater or a bio-fireplace, to arrange shelves for decor items or to place a TV. The height, width, complexity and constructive content of the frame depend on these tasks.
  • The next step is to make a scale drawing of the future structure. The drawing reflects the scheme of the frame from a metal profile or wooden bars. As a basis, in the absence of experience, it is better to take a finished project and make the necessary changes to it. For example, let's take a drawing of a classic portal. The sizes are accepted standard, they can be varied at will.
  • According to the finished drawing, the required amount of profile and drywall is calculated. For a complex design, life-size patterns are made of paper or foam and tried on on the wall. On the wall and on the floor, draw a diagram of the portal with a pencil according to the pattern and, if necessary, correct it. According to the corrected pattern, parts are cut out of drywall.

  • Proceed to the installation of the frame. This will require drywall profiles, self-tapping screws and dowel-nails. The profile is cut into segments of the desired length and the frame is mounted on the wall along the marking lines. The upper rail, the ceiling of the decorative firebox and the two lower horizontal rails are connected to the vertical posts. The profile frame of the parapet on the floor is also performed.
  • The next step is to mount the facade frame, fixing it with the help of transverse strips. In the manufacture of arc-shaped elements, it is necessary to make cuts in the side parts of the profile in increments of 2 cm. After that, slightly bend the profile with your hands. With insufficient strength, stiffeners are added from profile segments. All stages of work are controlled by the building level and plumb line in order to avoid deviation from the vertical. Stiffener details are regularly measured and ensure that their location is strictly at an angle of 90 degrees. This will ensure proper load distribution and will contribute to the good performance of the future design.

  • After assembling the frame, electrical wiring is placed. Install switches and sockets. The wires are insulated with corrugation and fixed to the wall in places that will then be covered with drywall. Sockets and switches for convenient and safe use are mounted in visible, accessible places. Electronics for controlling LED lighting from the remote control are also placed here.
  • Proceed to plasterboard sheathing. The details are cut out with a construction knife: the outer part of the cardboard is cut on the front side, the rest is broken. Curvilinear parts are cut with a special drywall hacksaw. The finished parts are screwed to the frame with drywall screws, which are fixed after a maximum of 15 centimeters. A homemade fireplace box is considered prepared.
  • The edges of all joints are cut at an angle of 45 degrees to a depth of 0.5 cm and glued with a sickle. Serpyanka is glued to a special putty for drywall. Then one or two coats of primer are applied. After drying, the top layer is leveled with putty to hide defects from self-tapping screws and sickle strips. Dry putty is rubbed with a metal mesh manually to prepare the fireplace box for finishing.

The construction of a box for a decorative portal requires patience and some skills; at the first stage, advice from professionals will come in handy. The most interesting and artistic part of the work is the finishing of the front part.

The traditional way of decorating is wallpapering. Wallpaper hides surface irregularities well, and one layer of putty is enough. Wallpapers are selected to match the walls from one collection, using a border with an ornament for finishing the facade. The option of pasting the box and walls with the same tapestries looks good only in fashionable stylish interiors - Scandinavian, minimalism, hi-tech. In this case, it is better to prefer a monochromatic color. The fireplace, pasted over with wallpaper in a flower or with monograms, looks out of place.

What to paint?

The preferred method of finishing an artificial fireplace is painting. To do this, a primer is applied to the rough layer of putty. After drying, the finishing putty is performed, which is rubbed with a fine mesh until a smooth, even top layer is obtained. Then another layer of primer for painting follows. The paint is applied in two or three layers, less often in one.

The current generation of water-based acrylic paints have good technical performance., dry quickly, have no smell, can be tinted in any desired shade. The acrylic paint coating is not afraid of moisture, withstands several wet cleanings. Oil-based paint is more resistant to external influences, temperature extremes. When installing a fireplace with a heating element, it is necessary to choose a composition with a refractory component. Interior acrylic paint is available in glossy and matte versions. Gloss gives a beautiful shine to the surface, if a marbled coloring method is used, where beautiful stains are specially created, you need to choose this type of paint. For classic fireplaces with stucco, it is better to stay on the matte structure, it gives a silky effect.

Painting is a traditional way of finishing a stove or fireplace. With its help, you can get any kind of decor, from artificial marble to a shiny metal surface. Bronze, gold, silver components are used to give the stucco a gilding effect. Pilasters, rosette and moldings made of polyurethane foam are glued to the front part, painted in white, green or blue. A golden strip is applied to the thread of the pattern with a thin brush; it does not have to be perfectly even. Small changes in the width of the gilding will add a high cost to handmade for a fireplace in a classic palatial style.

The portals made in the technique of "artificial aging of the surface" look very interesting. This finish will decorate the interior in the style of chebi-chic, loft, Provence. The technology of work is as follows. The first layer is painted with an active bright color. After drying, cover with pastel-colored paint. Next, you can apply one or more pastel layers of a different color scheme. After waiting for complete drying, lightly rub the surface with sandpaper so that the lower layers of paint begin to shine through. A vintage fireplace will take on the appearance of noble antiquity.

It is worth paying attention to such staining techniques as applying patina and artificial cracks. Patina is a very thin layer of shiny gold, silver or bronze paint applied to the base color. Then the gilding is slightly rubbed with sandpaper, creating the feeling of a very old valuable thing. Artificial cracks - craquelure - are performed by applying several different layers of color. From above, everything is covered with a special varnish, which cracks, raising layers of paint behind it, and a very interesting “antique” texture is obtained.

How to sheathe a pipe?

Drywall is a unique material, lightweight constructions from it are of great use in interior decoration. Often, a chimney is mounted above the fireplace portal to give greater reliability, as well as to decorate plumbing pipes. If water pipes will be located in the box, they must be painted or tested for strength in order to prepare for conservation.

The top plate of the fireplace or the floor is mounted on the basis of the first contour of the frame according to the marking. The same contour of the desired size according to the drawing from a metal profile is mounted on the ceiling. Then these floor and ceiling are connected by vertical guides, which are reinforced with stiffeners. The chimney frame is trimmed in the same way as the portal body. The presence of a decorative chimney will bring rustic features to the interior. The decoration of the fireplace in a rustic style will look very nice. The optimal location of the fireplace with a chimney is angular. There is enough space to create an imitation of a real firebox.

Today it has become very fashionable to install real fireplaces in private homes. This is not only a beautiful element of the interior, but also a way to heat the room.
Due to a number of features, only false fireplaces can be installed in the apartment. Here they will perform only a decorative function, since even the fire in them is just an imitation.

Such designs in apartments have gained popularity because, with due diligence, they can be made by hand without involving professionals.

Today, craftsmen will make a decorative hearth from any material, even from old furniture. But the most popular here is drywall. Why is it that he has been holding the palm in this matter for several years in a row? The following advantages of this material will help answer this question:

  • availability in terms of pricing policy. Today, the construction market is represented by both domestic and foreign products;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • security for indoor installation;
  • the possibility of implementing various projects of fireplaces;
  • the ability to assemble the structure in any style;
  • the ability to place the device anywhere in the room;
  • ease of installation. Any person can handle the assembly, even without a special construction education.

In addition, using drywall, you can make concave and curved surfaces on the design portal. This will allow it to fit perfectly into the existing surroundings of the room.
Also, a drywall false fireplace will allow you to carry out exterior decoration with any finishing materials, completely changing the look of the room.

What does it consist of

Before you start assembling a decorative hearth with your own hands, you need to know its constituent parts. A false plasterboard fireplace consists of:

  • frame or base;
  • hearth;
  • portal;
  • artificial flame source.

To take into account all the nuances of the design, you need to draw a drawing. Drawings of false fireplaces can be found on the Internet. In this case, you can simply take any already prepared drawing as a basis and make some changes to it.

The sketch should indicate all the main points of the design:

  • its parameters (height, width, depth). Moreover, these parameters must be specified for all structural elements;
  • external design of the portal, which acts as the main decorative element in the fireplace;
  • parameters of the base and mantel top shelf, if any.

Note! When drawing up a drawing, be sure to observe the scale, so that later you can clearly and correctly transfer the lines from the drawing to the wall and floor.

If you can’t decide on a specific option, but you like several at once, you can make several full-size layouts. To do this, it is enough to use plywood or whatman paper. With layouts, it will be much easier to decide which option is best for your room and its interior.
For non-professionals in drawing, experts recommend taking ready-made drawings and only slightly transforming them. So you can prevent obvious drawing errors and be able to assemble a beautiful and correct fireplace.
Also, beginners in this business are advised to build a layout in order to assess in volume the correctness of the chosen design and its parameters. Having made the right layout, you can easily reproduce it already in drywall and metal frame.
Note! It is better to spend half a day on a layout than to disassemble and remake an already erected metal frame later.
The layout will immediately show you all the flaws in the drawing, its assembly, as well as the selected design. Such a layout is very light, and moving it around the room, you can find the most advantageous location for a decorative hearth.
Thanks to all this, you can make a false fireplace with your own hands without any problems.

Imitation fire

A false plasterboard fireplace suggests imitation of a flame in the hearth. Since it is impossible to make a real flame in a decorative fireplace, before starting to assemble the frame, it is necessary to choose a simulation method so that it can be done without problems in the existing hearth.

Imitation fire

There are several options for creating artificial fire:

  • to make with the help of special equipment and accessories;
  • with the use of salt lamps;
  • candles;
  • embedding a liquid crystal TV in the portal and much more.

Depending on the type of simulation, its implementation will be simpler or more complex, and also require connection to the electrical network. Therefore, all this will need to be taken into account even before proceeding to the installation work.
The best option, but rather expensive, would be to install special photo frames and liquid crystal displays, which will display a record with fire. And the simplest and most affordable is the installation of candles in the hearth. But remember that open flames are a potential hazard to your home.

What you need

Circular Saw

Working with drywall requires a certain set of tools. Then do-it-yourself fireplace imitation will be implemented quickly and without complications.
But there is one tool that will help you several times to facilitate the work of assembling a decorative fireplace with your own hands. One such tool is a circular saw. The specialist is recommended to purchase a hand saw. It has small dimensions and is equipped with a system for efficient dust removal. This is very important, because during the cutting of drywall there will be a lot of dust, and it is harmful to human health. In this situation, due to the size of the fireplace, you will have to cut a lot. The saw will be an excellent replacement for a jigsaw.

In all other respects, the set of tools will be standard.

Choose a place

The place for the future decorative fireplace must be chosen very carefully, since with its stationary assembly, which excludes mobility, it will be impossible to change its location.
As noted above, the best way to determine a place to build is to move around the design layout room.
Here are some recommendations for placing a false fireplace:

  • there should be enough free space around it;
  • the fireplace should not huddle between cabinets and chests of drawers;
  • it is better to make this design in the corner or in the separation from doors and windows. This will create the maximum atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Fireplace assembly

Any design, including a decorative fireplace, has the following assembly steps:


  • removal of the construction box from metal profiles. Here you need to use starting, guides and rack profiles. From the starting and guide profiles, we derive the bases of the frame according to the standard method. And with the help of rack profiles we form jumpers to stabilize the structure and make it more rigid;
  • sheathing the frame with plasterboard sheets. At this stage, you need to sheathe the frame with sheets with minimal gaps.

Note! Be sure to use perforated metal corners to create even corners. They need to be placed both on the outer and inner corners of the hearth.


Both of these steps are carried out according to the standard scheme that exists for assembling any drywall construction. The main thing is to make adjustments to the fireplace and not deviate from the drawing and step-by-step instructions.

We give beauty

When the fireplace is already mounted and sheathed, you can proceed to its final decoration. Therefore, it is very beneficial that the structure was sheathed with drywall, as it serves as an ideal basis for a wide variety of finishing materials.
Such a false fireplace can be finished in the following ways:

  • install an artificial stone;
  • paste over with ceramic tiles;
  • sheathe with wood;
  • attach plaster decorative elements;
  • paint or wallpaper.

Fireplace finish

Of course, for a fireplace, artificial stone and wood finishes will be the most preferable. In this way, you can achieve maximum resemblance to a real fireplace.
But the fireplace portal itself can have a finish for a specific style that is available in the room. It can be classic, modern, hi-tech or any other style. The main thing is that the decorative fireplace does not stand out from the general interior or emphasize it in an advantageous way.
Also at this stage, you need to install a photo frame to simulate a fireplace or prepare the hearth of the structure for another way to create artificial fire.
Following the instructions for assembling drywall structures, as well as a correctly drawn drawing, you can easily decorate a false fireplace for any room in a house or apartment with your own hands. A well-chosen imitation of a flame will allow you to make your dream of a fireplace in your apartment come true in the best possible way. And you can spend winter evenings in coziness and comfort, as well as create a romantic atmosphere for your loved one.

Every person dreams of making their home warm, cozy, beautiful. The interior of the house should have paraphernalia that creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. A plasterboard fireplace is such an attribute. The design of the room becomes "soft", modern. When there is a desire to have a fireplace in your apartment, the question arises “how to make a drywall fireplace”?

Project and design of a plasterboard fireplace in the hallway

Do-it-yourself decorative plasterboard fireplace is easy to do, without requiring certain knowledge. There are many options and types of fireplaces, as well as the decoration of this portal.

This plasterboard fireplace portal can carry many functions, from a special niche to just a designer piece of jewelry. Types of fireplaces:

  1. Definitely made a niche for an electric fireplace.
  2. It is easy to make a false plasterboard fireplace, because it is a design trick, an imitation of a natural heating stove. In some cases, a biofireplace can be installed there.
  3. Imitation of a plasterboard fireplace. This "fireplace" does not carry any functions. It's just a room decoration.

    Design options for an artificial drywall fireplace

    The shape of the fireplaces are:

    1. natural size. An electric fireplace is installed in this portal.
    2. A corner fireplace can be either a natural size or an order of magnitude smaller, and serve, for example, for a vase or a candy bowl.
    3. Polyurethane fireplace. The material is attached to the wall and the result is a decoration. A picture of fire or other decorative elements is also glued into the niche.

    Manufacturing technology of a decorative fireplace

    To make a portal for a fireplace with your own hands from drywall, you should go through step-by-step instructions: drawing work, frame design, fireplace lining and decoration.

    Project preparation and markup

    To make a decorative fireplace, you need to answer a few questions:

    1. In what part of the apartment will the fireplace be located?
    2. What size will this design be?
    3. What elements of decor will be the components of this design?

    Stages of installing a plasterboard fireplace

    When choosing a location, it is, to a greater extent, a living room. In the largest living room, the fireplace can be along a “blank” wall or a corner one. It all depends on the size of the room and its interior. In a small room, a fireplace and TV space are connected. Where the basis for the TV is the upper part of this design.

    And also, if the fireplace is small, the TV is hung on a bracket above the fireplace. This not only saves space, but also a noticeable design approach.

    After choosing a place, measurements should be taken for the future drawing. They will be based on the size of the fireplace in height and width. A niche for a fireplace can be made small in size, which will also look original. But, if the room allows, you can make a portal of natural size. It will be not only beautiful, but also functional. The drawing of the fireplace is done progressively, recording each measurement and putting each point.

    Dimensional drawing of a plasterboard fireplace

    The basis of the fireplace is a metal frame, creating it with your own hands, you can give the fireplace a shape different from the standards.

    Tools and material

    For the manufacture of a drywall fireplace, a number of materials should be purchased:

    • profiles for a metal structure for drywall;
    • or ;
    • dowels for concrete or others (depending on the base coat);
    • painting net;
    • sandpaper for grouting;
    • putty "Start" and "Finish";
    • decor material - artificial stone, ceramic tiles, paint, modeling.

    In the case of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"make a real fireplace", first there must be a base (chimney and so on). Purchased materials must be heat-resistant and refractory. Required to buy for the fireplace. The calculation of the required material comes from the dimensions and the drawing. It depends primarily on the size of the structure.

    Drywall fireplace design options
    • Screwdriver Set;
    • and blades;
    • screwdriver;
    • roulette;
    • spatulas;
    • scissors for cutting metal;
    • drill with drills.

    You may need nails, a hammer, a hacksaw.

    Frame assembly

    Before starting the installation of the frame from, it is necessary to mark the base. Points and lines are applied from the finished drawing, in compliance with all pre-made dimensions. Do not neglect millimeters, they can ultimately play an important role. Exact measurement is transferred exactly to the corner or wall, as well as to the floor. All transferred lines must be clearly even.

    To do this, it is best to use a level and a corner. The intersection of the lines passes at an angle of 90 degrees.

    Otherwise, the curvature of the structure will occur, which threatens fragility and fragility. Basically, the markup for the frame of the fireplace takes a lot of time and patience, but it's worth it, because this stage of work is basic.

    An example of assembling a frame from a profile for a plasterboard fireplace

    After marking on a basic basis, you should fix the main profiles. For this, are used. Profiles are attached to the wall according to the markup, using a level for evenness. Two NPs () attached vertically and 2 horizontally. In this case, the lower horizontal profile bases the height of the parapet.

    Now comes the attachment of a profile that defines the combustion chamber. The contours of the camera must be drawn on the basis in accordance with the dimensions. Then comes the construction of the frame on the floor. The installation of the front pillars will be at such a distance as the depth of the fireplace is indicated.

    Drawing and dimensions of the depth and width of the fireplace

    Racks in front are interconnected by transverse profiles, which lie on the same plane with the rear crossbars. The front and rear racks are connected by jumpers in a strictly horizontal position.

    Now you should make a parapet and crossbars, which should be located symmetrically. Now, in front of the structure, racks for the combustion chamber should be placed. These profiles are connected to the main profiles using jumpers. The video tells about the design and installation of a drywall fireplace with your own hands.

    Camera dome

    This requires the profile to be bent into an arc line. Cuts are made on the sides of the profile every 2 cm. All profiles are fixed to each other with self-tapping screws ("fleas"). If the design turned out to be not rigid enough, it is necessary to put stiffeners (additional jumpers). In order for the frame to be perfectly even, a meter is also used. For vertical evenness, a plumb line is used (a weight suspended on a thread).

    Sheathing the frame with drywall

    After completing the metal frame, the next stage of work is finishing the fireplace with drywall:

    Finishing and decoration methods

    There comes a creative process, finishing a plasterboard fireplace, in which all ideas and fantasies come true. Consider several finishing options:

    And the stone is glued to a special refractory glue (somewhat reminiscent of cement mortar). In the course of work, make sure that the glue does not get on the material. If this happens, it should be removed immediately, because it cannot be done after.

    After the solution dries, the stone is covered with a protective varnish. If the interior of the room is light, then a white fireplace with molding elements will serve as a classic option. The top of a plasterboard fireplace is always distinguished by design work. Sometimes it is made of marble, sometimes of a rare breed of wood. The corner false plasterboard fireplace is mounted in a similar way, observing the evenness of the surfaces and accuracy in the design of the metal frame. The design of drywall fireplaces can be seen in detail in the photo.