Clean the oven at home with ammonia. How to quickly and easily clean the oven from grease

Good afternoon, friends!

Agree that we spend most of our time in the kitchen, cooking and baking. Of course, hardly anyone succeeds in using the stove carefully. But, if you wash it immediately after cooking, then no problems will arise in the future. But, unfortunately, this rule is not always followed; we are all in a hurry to get somewhere and especially leave cleaning the oven for later, when it is more difficult to deal with the carbon deposits. But anything is possible. Cleaning your oven isn't as scary as it might seem.

How to clean grease from the oven? I'll share with you in different ways how to clean an oven folk remedies.

How to quickly clean the oven

I won’t hide the fact that I still often resort to chemistry. I really like the Edelstar oven cleaner. I know that Amway has something similar.

These products cope perfectly and without much difficulty with the most stubborn stains.

When cleaning the oven, you must follow Security measures:

  • Be sure to wear gloves
  • Open the window to ventilate the kitchen
  • Keep children and animals away from the kitchen
  • After cleaning, rinse the oven very thoroughly with water.

To clean the oven from carbon deposits and grease, you need to apply the product to all the walls of the oven using a special brush, a shaving brush, or a regular brush for painting surfaces. For individual narrow hard to reach places I use an old toothbrush.

All these brushes must be washed thoroughly after use, otherwise chemicals are able to eat them.

They applied the product, closed the oven and forgot about it for two hours.

Then simply wipe all surfaces with a sponge and rinse thoroughly with water.

This way we clean the oven not only inside, but also the oven door.

I probably don’t need to tell you how to clean glass in an oven. To do this, you need to unscrew all the bolts on the door and remove the glass. And after cleaning, put everything back.

Despite the effectiveness of this method, chemistry is still chemistry with all its shortcomings. But our friends vinegar, soda, and soap can perfectly replace it.

How to clean the oven with baking soda and vinegar

The safety rules described above also apply to natural cleaning products. So we wear gloves.

How to clean an oven with vinegar

Pour some table vinegar into a cup. Using a sponge, wipe all the walls of the oven and leave for about five minutes.

If the oven is not very dirty, you can wipe it with a soapy sponge and rinse with water.

In case of severe contamination or burnt fat, wipe the oven with another mixture of vinegar and soda.

Most likely, the vinegar that we poured into the cup will become dirty, replace it with a new one, add soda (about a third of the pack), stir well until it becomes mushy.

Using this composition we wipe all contaminated areas of the oven. Leave again for a while.

We wipe everything with a damp sponge, if necessary, we rub off the stains, now they are easy to clean.

Do not use hard washcloths, as they leave microcracks in the enamel.

We wash everything off with water and wipe dry.

You can try cleaning the oven from carbon deposits as follows.

Add more to the vinegar and baking soda mixture laundry soap. It needs to be grated. Mix thoroughly, apply to the oven walls and leave for two hours. Then wipe with a sponge and rinse with water.

This composition can be used to clean glass, baking trays, handles, and grates. This method does not damage the enamel and copes well with old stains.

Read about other ways to use vinegar at home.

Effective ways to clean your oven

What else can you use to clean the oven? There are many more effective methods.

  1. For example, you can put a heat-resistant dish with water in the oven, pour in a little of any dishwashing detergent, or add laundry soap.

Turn on the oven, heat to 100 - 150 degrees and cook our mixture for about an hour.

At this time, under no circumstances should you open the oven. Otherwise you may get burned.

Turn off the oven, be sure to let it cool, and then wipe the walls with a sponge and wash with water.

  1. There is an old, very effective way to clean the oven with ammonia.

I’ll tell you now how to clean the oven with ammonia; I used to do this myself often.

Place a bowl of water in the oven and pour a few drops of ammonia into it.

Close the oven, seal the door around the perimeter with tape and leave overnight.

You can also first wipe the walls with ammonia solution for a better effect.

The next day all that remains is to wipe and wash the oven.

The disadvantage of this method is the unpleasant pungent odor. Follow the rules, ventilate the kitchen, keep children out.

  1. Well, and last method, which I want to talk about is the best in my opinion.

We use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Add 3% hydrogen peroxide to ¼ cup of soda gradually, stirring immediately, so much to form a porridge-like mass.

We apply this porridge to the walls of the oven and leave it for a while, wipe it, rinse it off.

I want to say this excellent remedy, simply amazing! It cleans not only the oven, but also cast iron frying pans, grill, even nickel-plated dishes can be cleaned with it.

So, we found out how to clean the oven from carbon deposits and grease using folk remedies, maybe you can suggest your own options?

How and with what to clean the surface of the stove from soot and grease, handles and grill from gas stove, read. It wouldn't hurt either

Most housewives clean up their kitchen every day. In this case, all contaminants can be easily removed from the inner surface oven. To those who violate this rule, you will be interested in how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home. We have collected the most popular methods. In this review of the site we will tell you how to bring your stove to its original appearance without damaging the protective coating.

Read in the article

Safety precautions when cleaning the oven at home

When starting to clean the oven at home, you should take care of safety precautions. You must purchase a mask and gloves in advance. With their help you can protect the skin and mucous membranes from possible damage. Considering that most substances have an unpleasant odor, cleaning should be done with open windows. Let's look at how to clean using various means.

Take note:

How to clean the oven from old burnt grease using household chemicals

Large assortment household chemicals allows you to select suitable remedy for cleaning internal space soot cabinet. Most preparations contain alkalis and acids, which allow you to remove the most difficult contaminants.

It is worth giving preference to the following products: Faberlic, Amway Oven Cleaner, Siyanie, Schumanite. These oven cleaning products are applied to the dirty surface and left for the time recommended by the manufacturer. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

When deciding how to clean the oven from grease and fumes, pay attention to the reviews of other housewives.

Review of Faberlic oven and stove cleaner

More details on Otzovik:

Review of the “Magic Oven” oven cleaner

More details on Otzovik:

How to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using traditional methods

During the cooking process, various contaminants appear on the inner surface of the oven. It is not always possible to purchase household chemicals that allow you to break down the resulting dirt. We suggest you learn how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using folk remedies.

Related article:

How to clean a microwave using home remedies, how to clean with lemon, how to clean with vinegar and soda, folk tricks, how to clean a microwave orange peels, cleaning a microwave with grill function, care tips - read the publication.

How to quickly clean the oven at home with salt

Rock salt contains minerals that help soften old fat. How to quickly clean the oven at home, having nothing at home except salt? You should proceed as follows:

  • pour salt in a thick layer on a baking sheet and the inner surface of the oven;
  • we heat the cabinet to 150°C and wait until the crystals of the substance acquire a characteristic golden-brown color;
  • remove the salt, and wipe the walls with soapy water, then with warm water.

How to clean the inside of the oven from grease with soap

Laundry soap belongs to the category of environmentally friendly and safe substances. It can cope with old dirt and the question of how to cheaply and effortlessly clean the inside of the oven from grease will be closed for you. Let's look at the sequence of work:

  • rub half a bar of soap. It’s worth taking a fine grater;
  • dissolve soap shavings in hot water;
  • Place the prepared solution inside the cabinet;
  • heat to 150°C;
  • remove carbon deposits after half an hour using a hard sponge;
  • wash all internal surfaces clean water;
  • Leave the stove open overnight so that the specific smell characteristic of laundry soap disappears.

How to clean the oven with baking soda and vinegar

Baking soda can remove old grease and carbon deposits. With its help, you can clean the glass door from any dirt that has formed. Baking soda will not only remove dirt, but also help get rid of unpleasant odor. To do this:

  • The surface to be cleaned is well moistened with a damp sponge;
  • pour soda onto the wetted area and rub in with a hard sponge;
  • After waiting about an hour, wash off any remaining dirt with a sponge.

To clean a surface with vinegar:

  • saturate the sponge with acid;
  • treat the inner walls with vinegar essence;
  • After waiting a few hours, wipe everything with a regular sponge.

You can clean the oven with baking soda and vinegar at the same time. When they interact, hydrogen is released, which can destroy old carbon deposits and grease. This is done as follows:

  • wipe everything inside with vinegar;
  • Having wet the sponge, dip it in soda and rub it over soot and grease;
  • leave the composition on the surface to be treated for several hours;
  • wipe everything with a hard sponge;
  • wash off the residue with warm water.

Attention! Remaining dirt can be removed with baking soda.

Lemon juice as an oven cleaner

Citric acid should be considered one of the affordable and effective means for cleaning ovens. It allows you to get rid of fat deposits without significant mechanical impact. To do this:

  • prepare a solution consisting of a liter of water and 20 g of lemon;
  • the stove heats up to 180°C;
  • after complete dissolution citric acid the bowl is moved to the lower level;
  • after the water boils (after about half an hour), turn off the oven and leave until it cools completely;
  • The internal surfaces are wiped with a cloth and washed with water.

How to quickly clean the oven with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is important for persistent stains. How to quickly clean the oven using it cleanly and without special effort? It is enough to mix soda (a quarter cup) and 3% peroxide to make a paste, apply it to the surface and rinse off after an hour.

Advice! Use the paste for more than just cleaning household appliances, but also cast iron cookware.

How to clean an oven with ammonia

Ammonia helps to effectively get rid of old fat. When deciding how to clean the oven, you can choose one of two options:

  • Having moistened the sponge generously with ammonia, we wipe the contaminated surfaces. Leave the composition overnight. In the morning, wash off the dirt with soapy water;
  • Place a cup of water inside the stove, heated to 100°C. After the water boils, turn off the cabinet and place a container with ammonia inside. Both cups should remain in the cupboard overnight. In the morning, clean the surface with a solution consisting of water, detergent and ammonia.

How to clean the oven at home with baking powder

To remove carbon deposits, you will need several packs of this substance. How to clean the oven at home using this product - simply moisten the dirty surface, sprinkle baking powder and wait a few hours. To remove dirt at home, you should use a hard sponge.

How to clean the oven from carbon deposits using steam

A steam cleaner helps to effectively remove deposits that have formed. Spraying small drops of water when high temperature ensures removal old dirt. How to clean the oven from carbon deposits and grease using steam? We take everything out and turn on the steam cleaner. Under the influence of highly targeted steam, the fat will begin to melt. All that remains is to decide how to clean the oven. You can take a cloth or sponge.

How to clean an oven mechanically

Melamine sponges can be used to mechanically clean a contaminated surface. Thanks to their structure, they allow you to effectively deal with dirt without damaging the coating. In this case, how can you clean the oven efficiently without any problems? The solution is simple - just wet a sponge and gently rub all contaminated surfaces.

What products should not be used to clean the oven?

When choosing how to clean the oven from carbon deposits and grease, you should definitely take into account the purpose of this or that product. Some compounds containing aggressive acids cannot be used for cleaning household appliances. Before giving them preference, you should read the manufacturers' recommendations. You should also carefully use compounds containing abrasive particles. They can cause damage to the coating. The cooked food will subsequently begin to burn.

How to clean an oven with a self-cleaning function from grease and deposits at home

Manufacturers offer them with different functionality. The cleaning procedure will depend on design features specific model. The choice can be made in favor of:

  • hydrolysis purification. Such models are not self-cleaning. Carbon deposits and grease are removed manually;
  • pyrolytic self-cleaning. In such devices, leftover food turns into ash. After completing the self-cleaning function, remove any remaining dirt with a damp cloth from all walls of the stove;
  • catalytic purification. No need to worry about how to wash electric oven inside. Cleaning is carried out continuously. Special spraying prevents the appearance of carbon deposits.

Knowing how to clean an oven, you can start cleaning. Share in the comments which method or remedy you consider the most effective and how often you use it.

Any oven, if not taken care of, over time can turn into a source of smoke and soot that will be released during operation electrical appliance and spoil the taste of dishes. Experts advise cleaning the “insides” of the unit from grease and carbon deposits immediately after finishing work. But modern women whose day is planned literally by the minute, there is not always additional time for frequent washing oven.

How to clean an electric oven at home without making much effort and without spending money on expensive household chemicals? For owners of an oven with a function pyrolytic cleaning no need to rack your brains over this question. A special function built into the device helps you do this easily and quickly. For those who do not have such a miracle stove, we offer the most effective ways, time-tested.

The electric oven, coated inside with heat-resistant enamel, can be easily washed using water steam:

  • Pour clean water into a deep pan.
  • Add a small amount to water liquid product for washing dishes.
  • Preheat the appliance to 120–150 °C and maintain the temperature at this level for 45–60 minutes from the moment the water boils in the pan.
  • After half an hour, turn off the appliance, cool to room temperature and wash the oven with a damp cloth or sponge soaked in soapy water. Heavy soiling treat with an abrasive sponge.

Instead of dish gel, you can use laundry soap, previously grated and dissolved in water. If the carbon layer has not steamed sufficiently, increase the heating time.

Attention! Do not open the door while the electric oven is operating, otherwise the hot steam may burn your hands and face.


Ammonia will help remove old plaque. This method is suitable if you do not plan to use the unit in the next 24 hours:

  • In the evening, thoroughly moisten the inside of the oven with ammonia.
  • Close the door and leave the appliance in this state overnight.
  • The next morning, wash off the grease and grime with any detergent.

Exists alternative way cleaning with ammonia:

  • Place inside the oven on different levels two grates.
  • Close the door and preheat the oven to 100°C.
  • Place a heatproof container on the bottom shelf and pour clean, just boiled water into it.
  • Place a bowl of ammonia on the top shelf.
  • Unplug the appliance, close the door tightly and leave it until the next morning.
  • In the morning, mix water with alcohol and add any detergent. Use this solution to remove dirt from inside the oven.

After treatment, be sure to rinse the internal surfaces of the unit with clean water and wipe dry with any absorbent cloth.

Table salt

Regular rock salt can be used for more than just cooking. Its cleansing qualities were known to our grandmothers:

  • Take coarse salt and sprinkle thin layer along the bottom of the oven, baking sheets and trays.
  • Turn on the device and set the temperature to 150 °C.
  • After a while, when the salt becomes light brown, turn off the oven and cool to room temperature.
  • Remove the salt layer and wash all interior surfaces with warm, soapy water.
  • Dry the oven cavity and oven accessories with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel.

Connection of two chemical elements– chlorine and sodium – has a destructive effect on any deposits of fat and dirt, disrupts their integrity and facilitates cleaning of surfaces.

Baking powder for dough

There are more exotic, but no less effective ways to clean an electric oven quickly and efficiently. IN recent years Resourceful housewives successfully use baking powder for dough. Combination active ingredients Perfect not only for raising dough while baking, but also for cleaning the oven from grease and dirt. The oven cleaning procedure consists of several stages:

  • Use a damp cloth to wipe the “insides” of the oven, which are covered with soot and soot.
  • Dilute the baking powder in a small amount of water to make a kind of paste.
  • Apply the cleaning mixture to the walls, door and baking trays.
  • Leave for 2 hours.
  • After the specified time, the grease will come off the surfaces and can be easily removed with a hard sponge or rag soaked in water.

To treat a small area, one packet of baking powder will be enough. To clean the oven completely, you will need several packets of this miracle product.

Advice! In a similar way, you can use a mixture of equal parts table salt, baking soda and any dishwashing gel.

Vinegar and baking soda

The combination of table vinegar and baking soda copes well with stains of varying degrees of complexity. These two products are also suitable for cleaning an electric oven. The “nuclear” combination of chemical components will corrode old greasy deposits and soot:

  • Using a rag or sponge, dampen the inside surfaces of the heat chamber with vinegar. To make the work easier, you can use a spray bottle.
  • Apply a small amount of soda to the sponge and use it to treat the walls and bottom of the oven - white grains should be evenly distributed over the entire area.
  • Apply the cleaning mixture to the oven door, which is open horizontally, in the indicated sequence.
  • Leave everything as is for several hours. There is no need to turn on the oven - the reaction necessary for cleaning occurs at room temperature.
  • After a while, take a kitchen sponge and wipe all surfaces with the hard side.
  • Rinse away dirt and cleaning ingredients warm water, wipe dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

You can speed up the cleaning process if you add citric acid to the indicated ingredients (1 package per 100 ml of vinegar and 1 tbsp of soda). In this case, the oven must be preheated, apply the mixture to the walls of the appliance and wait 15 minutes.


Of course, you can buy a special oven cleaner. But any chemical inevitably harms human health and requires special care: all work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area, be sure to use rubber gloves during cleaning, and thoroughly wash all surfaces after treatment. You can do without this if you use any of the proposed methods. Better yet, don’t let it happen. persistent pollution and make oven cleaning one of your regular procedures. Then this “dirty” work will take a matter of minutes.

Every housewife at least once a month for cooking variety of dishes uses the oven.

But, unfortunately, it is often discovered that a recently purchased oven is covered with soot and grease and looks terrible. In addition, when you turn on the oven, the fat burns and smokes. Compounding the problem is the odd design of the oven, which makes it difficult to clean.

How to clean the oven from burning and grease?

To clean a gas or electric oven from dirt, you can purchase it at the store. special means. Or, if you don’t want to use chemicals, you can use traditional methods, which are safer and no less effective.

Cleaning the oven with chemicals

How can you clean the oven from dirt?

If the oven is equipped with a fan, then it is advisable to cover it before cleaning.

What product can be used to clean the oven from grease and smoke?

Stores sell gels for cleaning ovens: Frosch, GreenClean, Amway, Kommet, Silit Beng, Sanita Antizhir, Mister Muskul, Shumanit, Shumovit. Schumanite cleanses especially well. Chemicals are sprayed onto contaminated areas and left for a while: it is indicated on the packaging. All dirt will quickly fall away.

But when using store-bought cleaners, you must open the windows and wear gloves. After using them, you should thoroughly wash the oven with detergent or soapy water, otherwise the food will acquire the smell and taste of a chemical product.

We use “grandmother’s methods”

How to clean the oven without harmful chemicals?

Those who do not want to use chemicals are encouraged to use folk remedies. They will help you quickly clean your oven and make it perfectly clean and shiny.

To help clean the oven:

  • laundry soap;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • citric acid;
  • ammonia;
  • baking powder for dough;
  • salt;
  • carbonic acid.

Cleaning with an abrasive sponge

An abrasive sponge can provide effective results in getting rid of old oven from fat and soot. But at the same time, it can harm the walls of the oven.

Cleansing with baking soda

Baking soda will help get rid of fat and soot in the oven. True, you will have to make some effort to clean the dirt.

Often the oven glass becomes covered with a brown coating, spoiling general view and does not allow you to look inside the oven. Baking soda will help remove soot if you pour it on the glass, slightly moisten it and leave for 40-60 minutes. The plaque can be quickly removed with a damp cloth.

Cleansing with vinegar

Moisten the walls and oven door with vinegar, leave for 2-3 hours, after which the softened dirt is washed off.

Cleaning with vinegar and soda

Hydrogen, which is formed by the interaction of acetic acid and soda, will help to clean the inside of the oven. Rub the inside of the oven with vinegar and sprinkle it with baking soda. The product perfectly removes fat.

Lemon juice cleanse

You can easily clean the oven from grease with citric acid. The juice from one lemon is squeezed into water and the oven walls are washed with the resulting liquid.

You can prepare the product a little differently. Fill the container with water, place lemon slices in it and pour in detergent. Place it in the oven, which is heated to 100. The oven is left on for 30 minutes, after which all fat is removed with a damp sponge.

If you like to cook food in the oven, then you probably know how difficult it can be to wash off the greasy deposits that stick to the walls. Over time, this fat begins to slowly burn out and smokes when cooking.

Clean with vinegar and soda

Simply clean the oven with vinegar. You should remove the grates and baking sheets, clean it of dry debris and moisten the entire surface with a cloth or sponge. Then apply vinegar evenly to the surface. Then leave the solution for the exposure process for three hours. You can even clean it with vinegar washing machine and remove the bad odor.

If the oven is not very dirty, for normal cleaning it is enough to treat the surface once with a damp sponge. Inner surface will be completely cleared from this treatment if you do it regularly. If there are old stains on the surface, you need to scrub them off with a brush or a hard sponge.

Another method: dilute a mixture of acetic acid in a container with water in equal quantities. Then dip a sponge or rag into this solution and thoroughly wet all the walls with it. Immediately after this, take baking soda, sprinkle it on all contaminated areas, and leave for an hour to react. With this treatment, the hydrogen that is released during the reaction of soda and vinegar is completely harmless, however, it perfectly helps remove even stubborn and old dirt. After cleaning, rinse the oven with soapy warm water.

Another way to clean at home. Take glassware suitable for microwave oven, then pour one liter of plain water into this container with the addition of 20 grams of vinegar essence. Then put the bowl inside and turn it on, setting the temperature to 150-170 degrees for a short time, for example, half an hour. After this, turn off the oven and wipe the surfaces until it cools down.

The cleanup result will look something like this:

Glass is also very susceptible to contamination from grease. It is not difficult to clean it. You should sprinkle a little baking soda on the surface. It is better to do this on a damp sponge and rub the glass in this way, then the soda will remain on the glass for impact and will not crumble. After 30-40 minutes, simply wipe the glass. Absolutely all old dirt will naturally fall away, and your glass will become shiny and transparent again.

Clean with ammonia

If you are wondering how to clean the oven from... old carbon deposits and fat, you should try treating surfaces with ordinary ammonia. You should know that when coming into contact with ammonia solutions, you need to take certain precautions, that is, avoid contact with ammonia on the skin, work only with rubber gloves. This treatment can be carried out only after wearing a respirator, since the smell is very pungent.

After applying the solution to the entire surface of the oven, you should wash it off after 40-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly until the pungent odor completely disappears. Otherwise, the cooked food will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Hot processing

Thoroughly dilute a small amount of laundry soap in hot water, or any dishwashing detergent, then pour the product onto a baking sheet, and then place the baking sheet directly in the oven. Then treat the entire surface of the oven with the remaining solution. Now close the door very tightly, and then set the temperature on the timer to 130 degrees.

The door is carefully closed during processing. The temperature treatment process lasts 30 minutes, then the oven should be slightly cooled. After this, all dirty surfaces of your oven should simply be wiped down. All grease and dirt from the temperature of the hot washing mixture should be removed from the surface without difficulty.

Combined cleaning methods

There are more effective remedy cleaning is salt. You need to pour the salt into the oven and heat it up. It will absorb dirt and grease and turn brown, then the remaining salt should be swept out or removed with a vacuum cleaner. After this treatment, wash the walls in the usual way.

In addition, at home you can clean the oven with the usual baking powder used by every housewife. A dirty oven should be sprinkled with this powder and lightly sprinkled with water. After 20 minutes, the fat will completely gather into lumps; they can be easily removed with a simple damp cloth. You can use a mixture of citric acid and baking soda.

To prepare your own cleaning product, you need to mix 50 grams of water, the same amount of salt and half a glass of baking soda. Grind this mixture into a thick paste. Now wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth and then spread your paste over the surface of the oven. You should leave the mixture overnight to work, and wash it off in the morning. You can remove a bad smell from a refrigerator in much the same way, but that’s not about that now.

You can use a combined method for cleaning. That is, first treat the oven with vinegar, then consolidate the success with salt, which will collect all the carbon and fat. After this, wipe with the mixture prepared according to the above recipe, or clean with it using a hot method.

Cleaning the oven from old dirt

It is necessary to mix grated laundry soap, table vinegar and baking soda. Mix these components properly; the soap should be completely dissolved in the liquid. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed onto the surface. After two hours, the mixture can be washed off. Use this solution to also very thoroughly clean all dirty baking sheets and racks. There is another reliable way: citric acid, 20 grams of Pemolux powder (or other similar) and the same amount of dish soap, mix thoroughly. Leave this mixture to act for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

These simple methods will help you keep your oven clean.