Double doors with a hinged design for an interior opening: types, features of selection and installation. Doors with a rotary mechanism: an interesting solution for modern interiors Doors opening in both directions

They can be opened both inward and outward. The constructive find “from the metro lobby” gradually migrated to residential interiors.

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In the photo:

The concepts “right” and “left” do not apply to a swing door - the door opens simultaneously in both directions.

Loops. Modern swing doors are often equipped with a return mechanism. It protects against impact and helps to smoothly return the sash to its original position. There is another useful option - hold open - holding the door in the open position. Many manufacturers supply their models with it, but each company is proud of its own development of this mechanism.

In the photo: Sinthesy swing 03 model from the FOA factory.

It is essentially the same as in swing doors - hinges. But they are not installed on the side of the canvas, but above and below. The hinges provide 180º swinging and fastening of the leaf in the opening. Pendulum doors have two loops, which, in turn, consist of two parts. The lower loop is a carrier and regulates the position of the canvas (higher/lower). It is mounted on the floor, and its counter element, a fitting, is installed on the door. Top loop fixes the vertical axis door leaf.

Pendulum doors: advantages

  • high throughput;
  • absence of a door frame: installation is easier, you can install the door leaf larger size;
  • greater comfort and safety: the door closes itself and/or is held open.

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In the photo:

Innovation: a magnet is built into the frame to hold the door leaf.

Swing doors: disadvantages

  • a more complex opening mechanism compared to swing doors. The upper and lower hinges must be installed so that axial displacements do not occur;
  • poor sound and heat insulation properties. The canvas is installed with a gap of at least 8 mm on each side of the opening;
  • the need to provide free space for opening on both sides of the door. Pendulum models “eat up” a lot of usable space, so they are installed if the space on the side of the opening is limited and it is not possible to install a sliding door.

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In the photo:

Swing doors can also be double-leaf (quite often they are installed in shopping centers). Foreigners share paired doors (swing doors) and revolving single-leaf pendulum doors (pivot doors).

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Sliding doors consist of a leaf and an opening mechanism, which is also a system for attaching the door to the opening. As a rule, they are bought not individually, but as a set.

In everyday life there are often situations when the most convenient would be a door that swings open in any direction. But ordinary canopies do not allow this. But there are special double-sided door hinges designed just for such structures. They are often called pendulum or bar.

The features of such loops, their scope of application, design and installation will be discussed in this article.

The easiest way to illustrate the operation of swing doors is using the example of cowboy salons. They say that cowboys used to ride into a bar directly on a horse, but, as you understand, the horse, as you understand, cannot open the door for itself. That's why they came up with structures that move freely around an axis in any direction.

Nowadays, the scope of application of pendulum loops is mainly in places with high traffic volumes - retail premises, train stations, subways. They are also convenient in cases where it is difficult for a person to open the door towards themselves. For example, if his hands are full, or he is a wheelchair user.

That's why door hinges double-sided opening is often used in medical institutions and enterprises catering, and warehouses, as well as in apartments where elderly or disabled people live.

But such structures do not always perform only a utilitarian function. They fit very organically into some interior styles. For example, the last picture shows a decorative wooden gate, stylized as the entrance to a cowboy saloon.

Features and types of double-sided loops

Externally, double-sided door hinges are similar to the familiar card hinges.

Design Features

Unlike usual card loops, they do not have two plates on one axis of rotation, but three on two. Moreover, the middle one is located between the axes and does not have mounting holes.

Double-opening door hinges have two pins and an intermediate card. They are used when installing interior doors

The most common canopies are those that have springs installed inside the pins. They return the doors to the closed position regardless of which direction they were opened.


Such canopies are distinguished according to several parameters:

  • In the direction of opening the sash, they can be right, left or universal;

Advice. To understand what kind of hinges you need, stand facing the door and imagine that you are opening it towards yourself. If you do this right hand, awnings must be appropriate. That is, right-handed and vice versa.

  • By installation method– screwed and welded. The latter do not have mounting holes on the cards, as they are welded to the metal frame and door frame. Used primarily for street and garage doors and gates. They are almost never found on sale, but craftsmen make them from two ordinary canopies, welding metal plates to them.

  • By design. Here we are considering only overhead hinges for ordinary wooden doors, which are attached to the end of the leaf and the frame. But if the door is made of glass or metal, the fasteners for its two-way opening have a completely different design. As a rule, it is installed at the upper and lower ends of the canvas and comes complete with it.

Single-sided pendulum hinge for a glass door, photo

For reference. Similar loops are also produced for wooden doors. They are called Italian. But they are almost not in demand - the rather high price confuses them.

Italian pendulum hinges are attached to the top of the frame of interior doors

Selection options

To choose reliable and suitable double-sided door hinges, you need to pay attention not only to their appearance and color. This, of course, is also important for aesthetic perception. But it’s even more important that the door works properly and lasts a long time.

Therefore, we consistently evaluate the following parameters:

  • Opening direction. This has already been mentioned above.
  • Dimensions. First of all, the width of the cards, which should not be greater than the thickness of the door leaf.

The loops also differ in length.

. It is unlikely that every canopy comes with an instruction manual, but the seller should have information about the maximum load on it.

Greetings, dear blog visitor. The other day I looked at the installation of sliding and sliding doors, which are more convenient than regular ones. But time does not stand still, and today we are offered another improved option - interior rotary doors. Many may be interested in the price of them, but we’ll talk about that at the end of the article.

Rotary doors can be a great space saver

In order to somehow save space in the apartment, we install doors with non-traditional opening , for example, sliding or sliding, or, in extreme cases, an accordion (very compact, but at the same time there are many disadvantages). But today these widely used designs have rivals - the so-called interior revolving doors. What are their advantages and what are their disadvantages?

Sliding (sliding) doors, as a rule, move on roller suspensions along a reinforced rail parallel to the wall. At the same time, they do not “eat up” space or block corridors. However, in this case, it will be impossible to place furniture, hang pictures, mirrors or switches next to the opening. But a structure hiding in a wall niche will not be so cheap, and to install it, you will most likely have to build a new partition, which is why many people have a complex, two-fold attitude towards such doors.

But now we have clever roto-doors, and they help solve these problems.

Note: the rotary door leaf moves sideways, towards the jamb, along a supporting rail inserted into the upper frame of the frame. Synchronously, the sash rotates 180° around the central vertical axis. The rotary door mechanism guarantees easy opening and closing in both directions.

Roto door leaf walks within the opening and does not interfere with interior design. True, in the “open” position it goes into the adjacent rooms, but nevertheless takes up half as much space in the aisles than a standard swing door.

What is the best door to install?

From the point of view of saving space, which one is better? install an interior door(by the way, read about installing the door yourself)? Theoretically - a sliding door, but more often the planning decision indicates precisely the choice of an interior rotary door. Although, of course, there are situations when there is so little space (say, it’s a tiny bathroom) when all that remains is to install an accordion door, or.

Ease of use

To open or close sliding door, we will need to make some effort in an unusual direction for us. This makes the opening and closing process sometimes seem lengthy and awkward. The revolving door, in this regard, opens very easily, moreover, in any direction - either toward you or away from you. And in the closed position it is fixed with a magnetic latch. In terms of ergonomics and convenience You can safely give her an excellent rating.

Choosing a door leaf for a rotary door

You can equip virtually any fabric with a roller suspension mechanism. The main thing is that there is no protruding decor on it, which will require an increase in the distance from the wall and complicate the installation of seals. By the way, special kits for all-glass interior doors are available for sale.

Operating principle of the rotary door

Roto door mechanism can only be attached to wooden parts strapping. A solid glass sheet from top to bottom and a thin-layer rim will not allow this to happen.


For easy movement, both sliding and rotating interior doors must be left along the entire perimeter of the door leaf small gap. So from the point of view of isolating smells and sounds, both inferior to swing models.

Note: some foreign companies produce custom rotating doors of larger dimensions that can become a fragment interior partition. I note that similar systems only guarantee rotation of the blade (without moving sideways) and are not so convenient.

Rotary doors in the bathroom and hallway

The situation can be partially corrected using mortise brush seals. Thanks to them, a design with non-standard opening and closing will allow you to “cut off” airborne noise - 20-25 dBA at medium frequencies (quiet conversation).

Note: interior rotary doors will save space just like sliding doors and are as convenient for the owner as pendulum ones.

Difficulties during installation

Roller suspension mechanisms have long been widely popular, and the features of their installation are well known to specialist installers. In principle, their installation is within the capabilities of every home builder whose hands and head are in the right place. The design allows you to make small mistakes when organizing the opening, but in the future it will need adjustment. Prerequisite installation - correct opening geometry (even diagonals).

But if you have never encountered the installation of doors, then it is better to entrust this task to an experienced specialist who has thoroughly comprehended all the intricacies of the rotation system.

Interior revolving doors came to us quite recently, but have already proven themselves as great solution for small apartments. Traditional swing doors interior doors create some inconvenience in cramped hallways and narrow corridors. And door leaves with a rotary mechanism save precious centimeters and provide the opportunity to make efficient use of space. In addition, they solve the problem of lack of free space for opening the sashes in closely spaced openings. And they eliminate the possibility of damage due to collisions of the canvases. And also, I want to note that thanks to the unusual opening-closing pattern, such doors will serve important element in the interior.

In addition to other advantages, rotary doors look very good and breathe in new life V modern design interior

Price of rotary doors and their installation

It is quite logical that their price will be higher than conventional doors, due to the mechanism. But convenience comes at a price. Prices normal rotary doors - from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles. Yes, it's certainly a bit expensive.

In addition, installation cost will be 30 percent higher than a sliding door, because the rotary door mechanism is more difficult to install.

This is where I’ll probably end the article. If you found it useful, then share it with your friends, perhaps they have not even heard of such doors, and will also want to install them in their home. Bye everyone, see you again.

In fact, a rotary door is a design that has the principle joint action swing and sliding mechanism. Such doors swing open and close, both in one direction and in the other. At the same time, they move, which allows you to save usable area premises.

As a rule, rotary doors are produced in a configuration ready for direct installation. This is due to the presence of a rather complex mechanism.

Roto doors have a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. The advantages of this design are the following:

The disadvantages of the rotational design include the following disadvantages:

Swivel mechanism for doors that open in both directions and corresponding fittings

The original mechanism was developed in Russia and in lately has become widespread among manufacturers of doors and windows. Essentially, it represents some combination different designs in one set. When closed, rotating doors are identical to conventional doors swing options which provide good sound insulation.

The mechanism allows you to open the doors in both directions, while there is a similarity with the book-type version. The swing design for the doors in question consists of a roller system. The roller itself moves along the provided groove in the upper part of the structure. The lightness and noiselessness of the system ensure their comfortable operation. The door rotates around its own axis while remaining in the middle of the frame.

As a rule, ready-made rotary doors are manufactured according to standard sizes. If desired, you can order a similar design on a purely individual basis. The door can have one or two leaves. The material for the manufacture of the structure can be plastic, MDF, tempered glass, strong wood and other suitable raw materials. Almost any door leaf can be equipped with a rotary rotating mechanism.

Regarding the fittings for the design in question, it includes a direct sliding mechanism, a unique magnetic lock with handle and brush type seal. Mostly all fittings are installed at the door manufacturing plant. A special tool is used for installation, which extends the service life of the product and reliability of operation.

DIY rotation system installation

Usually, the installation of rotary doors is trusted to professionals. However, with some skills and a suitable tool, this procedure can be performed with your own hands. Since the revolving door is produced in assembled form, its installation will not take much time and effort. However, it is worth considering a number of nuances, namely:

It is worth noting that doors of the presented type must be purchased before the renovation is completed. This is due to the formation of the doorway and the calculation of the required manipulations for the installation of the structure.

Self-installation of a roto door is quite accessible, but requires compliance certain rules. Definitely, the assembly of the rotating mechanism must be carried out by a specialist, and finished product I am quite capable of installing it myself.

Price of materials and related attributes

Rotary cost door design is higher compared to conventional swing doors. This is due to the fact that the presented option has more complex mechanism responsible for opening and closing doors. Also, the price of the door depends on the material of manufacture, the number of leaves and the size of the product. As a rule, roto structures are delivered to the consumer assembled. This also affects the cost, since almost all the fittings and other attributes are already built into the locking system.

Photo and video tutorial on installing rotary doors yourself

The presented video and photographic materials will allow the average consumer to install a rotary door. These samples are some design options for a rotary-movable structure. In reality, it all depends on your preferences, needs and capabilities.

For fastening, holes with a diameter of 5 mm are drilled. This eliminates possible tilt and distortion of the structure. The next step is to cut the cover guide from specified party. The door leaf is being installed. The lower and upper strips and brushes are mounted. Bolt and screw fastenings are fixed with the necessary force using a hex wrench or screwdriver.

The axial rod is placed in aluminum profile and attach the shoulder mount to it. Then the liner axles are mounted and the extensions, mounting brackets and strips are attached. At the final stage, the axle is attached to door frame followed by adjustment of the blade, as shown in the photos and videos. The final verification is carried out by level and by checking the operation of the door.

DIY interior roto door: roto door - what is it, sliding fittings and a lock with a rotary mechanism for doors that open in both directions, self installation rotary system, price, video, photo

Surely you will remember at least one shot from an American western, when a fearless cowboy enters the salon, and behind him the wooden doors close, swaying from side to side, back and forth.

Oddly enough, the modern hospitality industry has not forgotten about this invention of mankind and successfully uses it to this day. And it’s called “double-action swing hinges.”

Often doors are attached to universal hinges. But there are cases when their standard characteristics are not enough and a different operating mechanism is needed.

These include loops:

  • invoices (installed without insertion);
  • pin (easily installed by screwing movements);
  • corner (having the functions of universal hinges, differing from them only in shape);
  • hidden (used for hidden installation);
  • double-sided (allowing the door to open in both directions).

A two-section hinge is an element of door hardware that has a spring base, thanks to which it can swing in both directions - forward and backward.

Characteristics and functions

Due to their reverse operating principle, double-sided hinges are very popular in public places, where this function is directly needed.

As a rule, there is a large flow of people in cafes, bars, and also separate parts of these establishments, for example, in restrooms and kitchens, determines the need to install just such hinges for doors that open in both directions, thereby simplifying the movement of visitors and service personnel. In connection with this fact, loops of this kind are called bar loops.

Another case of using such fittings is the implementation of the design concept of a living space in a cowboy style. They blend very organically with a country style setting.

Both single-section and two-section doors can be installed on swing door hinges. Both options provide the opportunity for convenient movement of people and are accompanied by additional additional function transportation of small carts or tables for serving, which is valuable in the restaurant and hotel industry.


Another advantage of automatic forced closing of double-sided swing doors is their heat-saving function. Thanks to this, during the cold season the room remains warm, despite the increased traffic of large flows of people.

The ergonomics of pendulum doors with double-sided hinges lies in the function of bringing them to automatic closure.

In simple terms, this means that a person passing through a door with a reversible hinge in both directions does not require any force to close it. It has a stopper and a bearing that allow it to be brought to its initial position smoothly and silently.

In order for wooden sashes to open smoothly in both directions, the hinges for them must meet quality standards and be wear-resistant.

Therefore, the main material for their production is galvanized stainless steel.

And in order for the hinges to fit into the interior, they are coated with different colored coatings:

  • brass;
  • chromium;
  • gold;
  • nickel.

Caring for double-sided opening hinges

If your choice fell on installing the door leaf on two-section hinges, this means that you need to carefully approach the procedure for caring for them.

Maintenance can be carried out using a lubricant, such as machine oil, or soft graphite, that is, a pencil lead. To do this, lift one or both doors, lubricate the door parts using a pipette or similar tool, or, alternatively, place crushed graphite in the gap. Next, you need to rock them in both directions several times in order to evenly distribute the lubricant throughout the mechanism.

Spring swing parts of doors are constantly subject to friction and drying out. In order for a swing wooden slab to constantly function properly, it must be subjected to preventive lubricants. This procedure should be carried out at least twice a year, and with high traffic volumes - every three months.