The cherries are starting to bear fruit. Why cherries dry up: improper care, weather, pests and diseases

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The garden becomes white-white and very fragrant.

A bit of history

Cherry blossoms are a wonderful time of spring. In Russia, this period falls mainly at the beginning of May. Since ancient times, the fact that people have admired this spectacle - cherry blossoms has been known. That year, I remember, you walk down the street and in almost every courtyard of the new district there are flowering cherry trees with white petals alluring to them.​

Cherry blossoms in spring, if the climate is warm, then flowering begins

Cherries are propagated in different ways. By sowing seeds, grading is not transmitted by everyone, this is applicable only for felt cherries. In other cherries, the plants obtained can differ very significantly from the mother cherries, although if you sow seeds with especially tasty and large fruits, you can get good specimens.

Moniliosis, coccomycosis and others fungal diseases are found everywhere, often completely destroying all plantings of cherries in orchards. Preventive and curative treatments against them are carried out in without fail, from the beginning of the dissolution of the leaves. Copper and sulfur preparations are mainly used. All fallen leaves, fallen dried fruits and cut branches are destroyed to prevent the spread of infection.

Cherry blossom: structure

Keep in mind that early varieties with late ones cannot be pollinated, because they also bloom at different times.

The most winter-hardy and drought-resistant is the steppe and its hybrids with common sour cherries, which are recommended for northern latitudes and Siberia.

Cherry flowers and their beneficial properties

High-quality cherry planting material is about a meter high, with several branches, and a branched root system of at least 20-30 cm, without signs of disease and damage to the leaves and bark. Usually seedlings of one or two years of age are sold, both with open and closed root systems.​

The flowering of this plant, unfortunately, is a short-lived phenomenon. The wind will blow, or it will rain, and the delicate cherry blossoms fall as soon as they bloom. This is probably why the cherry blossom in Japanese culture is a symbol of the impermanence of being, and in poetry - bygone youth and lost love. The Japanese carried the love for these flowers through many millennia.

Legends, rituals and beliefs associated with cherries

Cherry in Ukraine is a symbol of the native land, mother. A Blooming tree symbolizes the girl, the bride. The cherry orchard is the symbol of a happy family life. For any Ukrainian, whether he comes from a city or a village, the image of a cherry symbolizes his father's house.​

The natural world is amazingly diverse and beautiful. But truly a miracle can be called cherry blossoms. Blooming in early spring, they dress up every branch of the tree in gorgeous white or soft pink outfits. From ancient times to the present, cherry flowers evoke admiration, the most tender and touching feelings. About these flowers they compose poems and sing songs. Artists transfer the unsurpassed beauty of the cherry blossom to their canvases.​

No wonder so many poems have been written about cherry blossoms.

It all depends on where the cherry grows. For example, I live in central Russia, and we usually have cherry blossoms in early May, although this depends on weather conditions. It happened that it bloomed in mid-late April, and it happened in mid-late May.

at the end of April

Own-rooted cherries are easily propagated by root shoots. Grafted cherries reproduce only by grafting. This method allows you to reproduce absolutely any variety you like, but with it it is very important to choose the right stock. Usually cherries are grafted onto seedlings of local resistant varieties or on wild forms of cherries and sweet cherries. When growing such cherries, it is important to control the grafting site, and not allow shoots from the stem to grow below the graft and from the roots.

If you dreamed of cherry and sakura flowers

To strengthen immunity on cherries, repeated spraying with Zircon is used (4 drops per 1 liter of water), which can be combined with treatment against pests or diseases. It has a very good effect on the growth of new shoots and in the case of leaf chlorosis, the treatment of cherries with Ferovit.

Early varieties often cannot set berries due to damage to the ovaries in the spring by return frosts. It is best to select at the same time several different varieties of self-fertile varieties with a simultaneous flowering period with pollinating varieties. It is good to have both early and late varieties, while the period of harvesting fresh ripe berries is extended, and in case of freezing of early varieties in late crops, the crop remains intact.

In the middle latitudes, common cherry hybrids are grown. They are relatively frost-resistant and more productive. Felt cherry is resistant to frost and coccomycosis, but can warm up and die during wet snowfalls, frequent in the west, and is severely affected by moniliosis.

When you buy a seedling in early spring, before bud break, it is not quite obvious whether it is alive or frozen (withered). But we can check something. If you scratch the bark of a healthy seedling, you can see greenish wet tissues. If healthy tissues are not found, and dry twigs break easily, the seedling is not suitable for planting. The presence of green tissues does not guarantee that the seedling will grow cheerfully and cheerfully, but if there are no green tissues, then this is definitely not a tenant. However, if the thinnest branches have dried up, then this is also not scary.

The tradition of admiring sakura during its flowering in Japan appeared a long time ago, during the reign of the Tang Dynasty. Aristocrats spent all their free time under a flowering tree: they listened to music, gambled and drank light refreshing drinks. During the reign of Emperor Saga, cherry blossom festivals began to be held. They gave rise to khans - modern tradition admiring flowers.

cherry blossom tattoo

Cherry has long been revered by our ancestors. They believed in the existence of her powerful patron God Kernis. To help him get good harvest, he needed to be appeased, for which they lit candles on flowering trees. Around the cherry blossoms they performed the spring New Year's rite of the ancient Slavs.

Due to the unpretentiousness of these plants, resistance to dry weather and frost, the geography of cherry trees is extensive. They can be found in every corner of our planet. Cherry trees adorn gardens, parks, squares, lawns. This tree also grows on the side of the road, pleasing the eye of any person passing or passing by.

National symbol of Japan - sakura

I really like this poem written by Ekaterina Kamaeva:

Well, in general, I’m mostly waiting for cherry blossoms in May.

Japanese tradition - admiring flowers

, and if moderate,

Perhaps the most unfortunate option, but it is also often practiced, this is a grafting on a coppice stock. At the same time, the grading is preserved, but the excess shoots will be formed constantly in large quantities. Special clonal varieties have been bred for rootstocks that do not grow at all, and they are widely used in many nurseries. It is best to purchase seedlings grafted onto such rootstocks.

For good fruit set, cherries can be treated with microelements with a high boron content before flowering. Closer to autumn, while the leaves have not yet fallen, cherries are sprayed with a 0.5% solution of urea. This gives additional strength and protection against diseases.​

To get a good harvest and choose your favorite varieties, you should plant at least 5-7 varieties on the site for mutual pollination, in the immediate environment with each other. Pollinating varieties are planted from the main plants at a distance of no more than 30-40 m. Sometimes gardeners negotiate with neighbors in the plots and plant different varieties that can additionally pollinate each other.

Cherry Blossom: Legends

Occasionally you can find a decorative form of cherry with double flowers - the so-called sakura.

Seedlings can be purchased both in spring and autumn, it is better, of course, in specialized garden centers, with a guaranteed (ha ha) grade. autumn seedlings usually occur in much best condition, and the choice of varieties is richer in autumn. However, in regions with severe winters, cherries planted in late autumn often do not have time to take root well and may freeze out in winter, so autumn plantings are practiced more often in the southern regions and western regions, while gardeners in Siberia and the non-Black Earth region will get better results in spring planting.

During the Reformation era in the 19th century, cherry trees were cut down everywhere in Japan, considering them to be remnants of feudalism. But after some time, the tradition of admiring flowers was revived again, and now this holiday is considered the most beloved in Japan. With awe and excitement, the Japanese are waiting for the beginning of the holiday to enjoy the pristine purity and amazing beauty of sakura flowers.​

Cherry blossom - one of the most beautiful in the world

This pagan rite, according to legend, was later performed in Germany. For this, a flowering cherry tree was grown for the New Year, decorated with burning candles.

Cherries became known to people long before writing appeared. The peoples of the Mediterranean learned about it earlier than others, from where it came to the Caucasus and Persia. Later, the Romans appreciated the cherry. And already in the first century AD, it became widespread throughout Europe: it began to be grown in Britain, the Germans and Belgians liked the flowering cherry. But in Russia it appeared much later.

Cherry in the garden - planting, seedling selection, pollination

In more southern regions, cherries may bloom earlier - at the end of April.

Seedling selection.

How can one not remember "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov? Really, blooming garden That's very beautiful. Cherries bloom around April-May. The exact time depends on the region and when the long-awaited heat came. For example, in Belarus, in mid-April, you can already see blooming cherries, especially in cities, it’s a little warmer there, although our cherries in the village have not yet blossomed, but they are about to blossom, but the apricot is already blooming .. Spring this year early.​

then in May

Cherries often suffer from freezing, especially in snowless or harsh winters. Particularly affected are non-zoned varieties, as well as weakened and diseased ones. Feeded trees overwinter better on time, top dressing with ash is of great importance for strengthening immunity. Plants well watered in September-October also tolerate frosts more easily. In the spring, cherries can suffer from recurrent frosts and, at the same time, from burns. To protect against them, the trunks are whitened from autumn, and closer to spring, if necessary, whitewashing needs to be updated.

If in the spring the cherries look weakened after wintering, you can also treat with a solution of urea or potassium nitrate after flowering, and then again after 1-2 weeks, you can add stimulants and insecticides to the treatment.

Cherry is a good pollinator for most varieties, but keep in mind that it blooms before cherries. Therefore, despite the fact that cherry pollen remains alive on the body of a bee for about a week, successful results can only be achieved by pollinating the earliest cherries with late flowering cherries.

According to the appearance of the fruits, cherries are divided into moreli, with a dark skin color and dark juice, and amorel, with a lighter skin color and colorless juice. By the nature of growth, they are distinguished by bush, they are not higher than 3 m, they live no more than 15 - 20 years. Tree-like cherries in the south can grow over 7 m in height, and their life expectancy can reach up to 25 years (cases of 50 years are known).

Grafted or rooted?..

If you are gardening in a region with severe winters, then the seedlings acquired in the fall, if they were not planted before frost, it is better to dig horizontally on winter storage, sprinkled with a thick layer of soil or mulch, and subsequently with snow, and planted in the spring.

​Begins modern holiday khans in the capital, gradually moving to other cities and villages. Across the country, special headquarters are being created, where information about the time of cherry blossoms flows. The first blossoming bud of a magic flower immediately becomes known to everyone with the help of the media.​

Variety selection.

Our ancestors had a sign: a cherry tree planted near the house will bring good luck and prosperity. The first date of lovers under this plant will bring them happiness.

So, during the reign of Yuri Dolgorukov, the cherry orchard was the decoration of any corner of Moscow, the flowers of which fascinated with their beauty and aroma. The founder of Moscow brought cherries from Kyiv. She became the first fruit tree to be grown in Rus'. At first, only the inhabitants of royal estates and monasteries enjoyed and admired the taste of fruits and the beauty of flowers, and only in the fifteenth century did cherry move to peasant farmsteads, having won universal love.

The Cherry Orchard in spring is a flower lover's paradise. Cherry blossoms in such a way that even the tree itself is not visible, I’m not talking about the leaves at all. A cherry tree in spring is one fragrant airy cloud, it is beyond words.

There is such a work by Tamara Kvitko, which is called "Cherry Blossom Time" and begins like this:. Cherry blossoms are not just a beautiful sight, but also fragrant, white and light pink flowers adorn urban and rural landscapes, trees can be seen even on roadsides.​

From pests

As already mentioned above, plant cherries better in spring once the soil has thawed enough to be able to dig a hole. In a seedling with bare roots, the buds must not yet be open, otherwise, when the leaves open, the roots that have not had time to take root will not be able to provide the seedling with moisture, and it may die. For the same banal reason, the ground under the planted cherry should not be allowed to dry out, it should be watered throughout the first half of summer, at least once a week, and at least 1-2 buckets under a bush.

What are cherries.

By the method of pollination, cherries can be like

Pollination. Why cherry blossoms, but there are no fruits.

​➡ There is a stubbornly cultivated belief that closed-root seedlings can be purchased and planted all season long. However, earlier spring planting(before bud break) there is a very important advantage - such a seedling cannot become infected with coccomycosis, because infection occurs through the leaves. Therefore, we strongly advise you to still plant cherries in the spring. With the start of the wild cherry blossoms, the holiday begins. People still gather under flowering trees near the walls of ancient monasteries, palaces, in parks and gardens, enjoying the beauty of the sakura flower and pleasant conversation with loved ones.​ People have long used the language of flowers to convey messages, invitations to visit, declarations of love. With its help, they expressed admiration, sympathy, regret, hatred, disgust. Any flowering tree is beautiful, but cherry is especially admirable. When you look at cherry blossoms, you want to sing, read poetry, do something good. It is no coincidence that the cherry tree is so fond of the people. In Varna, for example, cherry trees can be found everywhere. They decorate squares, parks, gardens and courtyards of the city. And in Taiwan, there are annual festivals in honor of cherry blossoms. Tourists from all over the world come to the festival. Similar festivals are held in Washington DC and Macon, Uzhhorod and Seoul. They originate from the time when, in 1912, cherry seedlings were presented to an American friend by the mayor of Tokyo.​ Cherry blossoms, as I remember from previous years, in early May. Really, is there anything more charming than cherry blossoms? I really love those times (albeit short-lived!), When the cherry begins to bloom. In Siberia, this happens at the end It becomes very beautiful when the cherry blossoms, the leaves on the tree are almost invisible, only white flowers. Such aroma and beauty around, the mood immediately rises, it's a beautiful spring, and very soon summer.

Question from our subscriber Sergey:

For cherries, the most unpleasant can be considered the cherry weevil. From it, it is necessary to process the ovaries immediately after the flowering of the cherry, with any insect repellent, better - systemic action, if necessary, repeating the treatment after another week. If not processed in time, white beetle larvae will start in the berries. Outwardly, such berries look deformed, with black dot on its side, and can fall completely.

Cherries love the sun and are afraid of the winds, so for their cultivation it is best to choose gentle slopes, preferably south, southwest or west. They also like to grow along the south side of the fences: there is enough sun, less wind, and more snow lingers, which means more humid.​

self fertile

You should always find out if the seedlings are offered own-rooted, which are more frost-resistant, or grafted, starting to bear fruit a couple of years earlier, and more productive. You should also find out what the acquired cherries are grafted on. If on special rootstocks, then such varieties do not give shoots, and you do not have to spend your precious time on a constant and almost unsuccessful struggle with it.


Cherry blossoms are delicate and beautiful. They personify human life, are considered the embodiment of the beauty of a Japanese woman. The Japanese people have many beliefs and legends associated with this flower.

Landing place.

The meanings of colors were transferred to dreams. To see cherry blossoms in a dream - to good change in fate and good news. If in a dream you pick a cherry blossom, it means that you have tender feelings for your lover. It's good if you see cherry blossoms blooming before your eyes. This is a sign of recognition and appreciation of your abilities. Happy changes await you if you dream of cherry blossoms. Plant a tree in a dream - to great wealth.

When you look at pictures where cherry blossoms are presented in all their glory, it is impossible to resist the desire to see this miracle in reality. Cherry during flowering could not be ignored by poets, artists, writers. In Russia and Japan, in Ukraine and Bulgaria, in Taiwan and in America, they sing cherry blossoms in their works, which symbolize the beginning of spring, love, tenderness, youth and rebirth.​

A flowering tree is a symbol of spring, rebirth and resurrection of life. Just a few days ago, the branches of the tree were unsightly and "dead", and today life has blossomed on them! Amazing!​

But cherry blossoms, mainly in

Cherries don't bloom. The sweet cherry is planted as a stone, it has been growing for 5 years. I transplanted it to another place, and in height it is already 4 meters and there are few side branches. I cut her ends in the summer so that she squeezes out her kidneys. I constantly water and fertilize it. Looks like she needs to be vaccinated. Never bloomed yet. Maybe she grows in a bad place? They say you need to look for a place with the help of a pendulum. To stand above that place and hang a pendulum above the ground - this is a rope and a nut, and if the load starts to rotate clockwise, then the place is good and suitable for landing. And if counterclockwise, it’s bad and the plant will not grow, no matter how you feed and water it.

Fertilizer and watering.

Other pests are also treated with insecticides during fruit formation and after harvest. Before flowering, nothing is treated with pesticides so as not to interfere with pollination. beneficial insects. Loosening the trunk circles, where most cherry pests pupate and hibernate, and whitewash the lower part of the trunks and shoots can be considered a good protection against pests.

Cherry treatments for diseases and for better growth.

The disadvantage of planting on the southern slopes is the early melting of snow, and as a result, early sap flow and flowering. And return frosts, alas, have not been canceled.

, (such varieties can form fruits without the presence of additional pollinators on the site), and

The disadvantage of grafted seedlings is that later it will not be possible to take young shoots for reproduction, because it grows from the lower part - wild, and there will be no good harvests from such shoots if it is planted. Another benefit of buying cherries from garden centers is that they have modern varieties that are hardier, more resistant to frost and fungal diseases than many common but outdated varieties.​

The Japanese believe that everyone beautiful flower Sakura, as it were, tells about the fate of a child. The legend, born in the distant past, is still alive in the memory of the Japanese people. It tells that one day the foreman of a Japanese village called Sakura told the ruler of this village, Shogun, about the cruelty of the prince and brought his young children to him to show him their backs covered with beatings. The ruler deservedly punished the prince, and he decided to take revenge on the complainant. He secretly grabbed the headman with his children, tied them tightly to a cherry tree and beat everyone to death. Since ancient times, cherry blossoms (decorative cherries) have a pinkish tint, as if they were sprinkled with the blood of innocent children. Thanks to this legend, sakura acquires a special mystery.​

The cherry blossom tree that you saw in a dream portends happiness and prosperity. Thanks to the openness of your character and selflessness, you will achieve great popularity, you will be tested by passionate mutual love. The cherry flower is attached to a short pedicel, which expands upward, forming a receptacle. A calyx with sepals and five pale pink petals are attached to it, forming a corolla. Inside the flower are stamens and pistil. In the lower, expanding part of the pistil is the ovary, in the upper part of which the stigma is located. Only one fruit develops in the ovary of a flower. Cherry flowers, depending on the type of tree, are white and pale pink.

Cherry blossom time depends on the variety. If you have an early type of cherry, then it can bloom in mid-late April. Regular varieties bloom in May. The weather and the place where the cherry tree was planted also make a difference. In shady places and cold May, cherries may delay flowering and bloom only at the end of May.

Shaping and cutting.

months. Less often - in June, it all depends on the weather.​


Sergey, it is difficult to answer your question right away. You did not write the cherry variety, what is the soil, the height of groundwater. There can be many reasons for the lack of flowering of cherries - from violation of the rules of planting, pruning to "fatting" due to excess fertilizer. If you have peaty, clay soil, top layer with excess sand, then the tree will not bear fruit. If groundwater comes close, the roots can rot. Cherries are not self-fertile, so if you don't have another cherry pollinator tree nearby, then there won't be any fruit. There are varieties of sweet cherries that lay flower buds after 5 years of growth. So pay attention to these elements. I doubt about the pendulum, but maybe someone more knowledgeable in this matter will answer you.​

Cherries begin to be pruned immediately after planting, shortening the branches by about a third. For the next 6-7 years, pruning is carried out for the correct formation of the crown, on which our future harvest directly depends. It is best to cut the branches in the spring, immediately after the buds start to bud, when you can see which shoots suffered in the winter and which remained alive, but before they began to swell completely.

Soils are best sandy or light loamy, pH-5.5 - 7.0. The humus layer of soil should be at least 18 cm. Ground water should not be closer than one and a half to two meters. Acidic soils are deoxidized with lime - fluff, or, even better, ash.


partially self fertile


In this article, we will not recommend any specific varieties, because each gardener chooses a variety based on his own considerations. When choosing, you should pay attention to the main indicators. These are productivity, fruiting terms, attractiveness of fruits and their taste, resistance to local climate, to pests and diseases. Experiments with non-regionalized varieties rarely end well, so you should try to get local ones.​

There is another legend about sakura: a very long time ago, in early spring, when the sakura blossomed, God Ninigi - the progenitor of people - married the youngest daughter of the God of the mountains named Blossoming. The father of the young girl was very angry that Ninigi did not choose his eldest daughter as his wife, and prophesied for this couple and their descendants a fleeting life, like a sakura flower. Since then, the name Sakura has become popular in Japan.​

Family people, having seen cherry blossoms in a dream, can hope for long-term happiness and peace in their family. If you have not yet started a family, this dream indicates that a person whom you will love forever will appear in your life very soon. And you will experience an ardent, unrequited feeling.


During flowering, the cherry tree is shrouded, like a bride's wedding dress, in snow-white flowers with a pinkish tint, collected in bunches in lush inflorescences. This spectacle does not leave anyone indifferent.​

Cherry blossom time. When do cherries bloom?

Cherry does not bloom - what is the reason?

cherry blossoms

Of course, there is a plus and minus one week, it all depends on the location, climate, in the shade, for example, cherries will bloom a little later.

Irina, Bender

Hello Sergey. I also doubt the pendulum. Magnetic influence comes from groundwater. I agree with Irina there are many reasons and perhaps the pruning is to blame - they cut the flower buds.

Zhukova Natalya Borisovna, Vladimir

Tree-like cherries are formed with one main trunk and tiers extending from it with 5-7 main lateral branches. Bush varieties form in 7-12 main branches located no closer than 15 cm from each other. Lateral branches diverge from the main branches, on which the harvest of berries will be formed. With good care, the growth of these branches per year should be at least 30-40 cm, if less, you need to pay attention to feeding and processing.

Olga Valerievna, Vladimir

And, of course, cherries cannot be planted in the place of the old garden, or only 4-5 years after growing cherries in this place.

Cherry blossom time. When do cherry blossoms bloom?

Baba Yaga is against

varieties, and at all

An important indicator for you should be the height of a tree or bush. Because to whom give cherry trees 12 meters high in order to drink tea with jam in their shade, and someone wants a small compact bush, from which it is more convenient to harvest and which is more convenient to process.

It's hard to imagine life without flowers. She would be boring, nondescript and sad. Loves flowers the most beautiful half humanity. Flowers give happiness, cheer up, reduce pain, help to cope with longing for a loved one. The aroma of the sakura flower and its impeccable appearance inspire a person to noble deeds. This flower adorns houses, parks, gardens.​

Anya Snow

Sakura (decorative cherry) symbolizes purity and purity. If you dreamed of cherry blossoms, expect to meet a young, immaculate girl in reality. Cherry flowers, the photos of which you see, attract working bees. Thanks to their tireless efforts, a favorite delicacy of both children and adults appears on our table - cherry honey. It has a tonic, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. The use of honey increases immunity. What flowers do cherries have (preferably a photo)? spring. But when the petals of cherry flowers fall off, it feels like it's snowing, this phenomenon is interesting and beautiful in its own way.


I was listening to recommendations for cherries here the other day. So, it turns out that in order for us to eat cherries, we need to plant them not in one variety, but in two, etc. different varieties. Only in this way will pollination be carried out and naturally there will be berries.

When forming the crown, all extra branches that grow inward and create a thickening are necessarily removed. They reduce the overall yield and create conditions for fungal diseases. Landing holes are dug at a distance of 3-4 m, sometimes closer, some thickening is useful for cherries. They plant it so that the graft is above the soil level.

There are varieties grown on dwarf rootstocks. They are more compact in size, and begin to bear fruit earlier, but less winter-hardy.

In honor of the delicate, mysterious sakura flower (decorative cherry), holidays and festivals around the world are held, coins with its image are issued. The cherry blossom is found everywhere in Japan. They decorate clothes, dishes, household items. His photographs can be seen on the covers of magazines, in showcases of salons and shops, on advertising brochures. It is no coincidence that the Japanese, with their sensitive souls and impeccable desire for beauty, consider the sakura flower the most beautiful in the world. The cherry blossom branch is a favorite image on the skin of young girls who are not indifferent to Japanese and Chinese culture. Emphasizing the tenderness, vulnerability of the soul of its bearers, such a tattoo is very feminine. In Chinese beliefs, she symbolizes the beauty of a woman and sublime love. And in Japanese legends - the transience of life. Feelings, like flying cherry flower petals, pass away, leaving light sadness, sadness, a feeling of loss or missed opportunity. Fragrant, insanely delicious tea is brewed from cherry flowers, which contains many organic acids, trace elements and minerals.

cherry blossom

Today I drove through a cherry orchard in Bulgaria - all in bloom, that is, it blooms in the last weeks of April. The beauty is indescribable cherry-white color and the flowers completely stick around the twig, like sakura flowers, only much larger. I'm sorry I can't post a photo, I'm not an expert in these cases. In general, as far as my meager knowledge allows me to judge, there are more than a hundred varieties of cherries (bird cherries), these are early and late, and Italian, and Greek, and yellow, and pink - you need to get on the Internet. And it also depends on the zone (region) of the growth of trees. The range can be from mid to late April, and in some northern regions up to mid-May.​


To be more precise -

It is especially beautiful when sakura blooms, its flowering can already be observed in


Here, in the south of Ukraine, cherries bloom in late April - early May. This winter was very warm, there were practically no frosts. Therefore, our cherries have almost faded to given time. There are even small green cherries. It also depends on the variety. There are earlier cherries and later ones. Although the difference is only a couple of weeks maximum.


A well-formed cherry during the period when it is with leaves, there should be a gap between the branches. Crowns of cherries for the convenience of caring for them are limited in growth at a height of 1.5 - 2 m for bushy and 2.5 - 3 m for tree varieties.

If the roots have dried up during transportation or storage, they must be soaked in water for several hours before planting. The depth of the pit is up to 60 cm, the width is 60-80 cm. In the center of the pit, an elevation is made from fertile soil mixed with fertilizers (humus, superphosphate - 30-40 g, potassium nitrate - 20-30 g, and ash, up to 1 kg.) and install a planting stake there, to which the seedling is attached. On heavy loams, sand is added to the planting hole. The roots are straightened and covered with soil, compacting so that there are no air voids. The planted tree is immediately well watered. Around the trunk form a hole for irrigation with sides. The soil can be immediately mulched. Other fruit plants can grow next to the planted cherries, but not currants. For successful fruiting of self-fertile cherries (and this is most of the old, beloved varieties), you will need to plant at least two trees of different varieties on the site with coinciding fruiting periods. ​Other cherries.

Nikolai Sosiura

Such a beautiful, one might say, sung in verse and prose, plant, like a cherry, is both externally decorative and attractive with its taste and health benefits ... Therefore, by right, cherry still occupies large areas in both industrial and amateur gardens. Let's discuss in more detail what growing conditions the cherry will like, how to choose a good seedling, how to plant it correctly and how to achieve good yields. beauty and tenderness.

Cherry was firmly rooted in folk life at the time of Christianity, while almost all legends were born in pagan times, when everything was deified, and trees were endowed with signs of animated beings. Therefore, there are few legends about the cherry, the beauty of its flowers. Cherries, like cherries, begin to bloom in mid-April. Sweet cherries have larger flowers and a sharper smell than cherries. Flowers pale pink to white. Begins to bear fruit from the second half of May.In early May

early May

In general, in early June we will already bake pies and cook dumplings with cherries.

Adult fruiting cherries are pruned only to thin out thickened branches and remove damaged ones. All saw cuts and cuts are treated with garden putty so as not to cause gum disease, which can weaken the tree.

For the first couple of years, young cherries have enough fertilizer applied during planting. With the onset of fruiting, they maintain the health and productivity of cherries with regular top dressing. Nitrogen fertilizers are used in early spring and immediately after flowering. With a lack of nitrogen, cherries will drop most of the crop. In autumn, when loosening under the bushes, phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied. Ash is especially useful as a source of calcium and trace elements for bone formation. Organics can be applied in the fall, not every year.​

Mirra Mi

Now you understand that it will not be possible to get rid of planting one variety. After all, even self-fertile varieties give a greater yield if they are pollinated by trees of other varieties.

In gardens, common, steppe (or shrubby) cherries, hybrids of cherries and sweet cherries, and felt (which in its biology is more plum) are most often grown.


Usually planting cherries begins with the selection of a seedling. And although it is more difficult to make a mistake with cherry seedlings than, for example, with a two-year-old apple tree, it is better to take care that the purchased seedling brings joy not only to the seller, but also to us.

Sakura, or, as it is called, decorative cherry, is considered the national symbol of Japan. Cherry blossoms resemble pale pink clouds or airy, almost weightless snow flakes. Pink clouds of flowers form a huge tent from the branches of ancient sakura, into which people rush from all over to admire the garlands of flowering branches descending to the very ground.​

Cherry blossom time. When do cherries bloom?

According to Christian traditions, cherry is considered a symbol of human life due to the unique flowering of this tree. It blooms first, and then leaves. So is a man: he was born naked into this world, he leaves it naked.

Cherry is healthy berries, but also a very beautiful flowering tree. Cherry blossoms are not large white - pinkish flowers. The size of the flowers also depends on the variety of cherry, in some varieties the flowers are large, and the berries, respectively, are also larger than ordinary cherries. Cherry blossom time depends on the region; in the southern regions, cherry blossoms, of course, earlier. Our cherry has actually faded, and the flowers bloomed about a week ago. By the way, cherry blossoms simultaneously with cherries and plums.



If the weather is good and sunny.

Julia pannochka


I think in the cooler areas further north, the cherry blossoms bloom a little later. But I only know about my places.​

In own-rooted and grafted cherries, root shoots are constantly cut out and dug out, which draws the forces of the tree onto itself and subsequently reduces the yield. If this is not done, the growth can tighten the entire environment of trees, which will be difficult to get to. Such wild thickets can be seen in abandoned gardens, where there are very few berries. It can be difficult to completely get rid of numerous, neglected growth, usually you have to go to extreme measures and apply herbicides.

How to transplant cherries in spring Cherry pruning 3 years

Reasons why cherries do not bloom? We understand the biological characteristics of sweet cherries and show you how to restore the natural function of the tree.

Cherries - vigorous and vigorous fruiting tree. Flowering begins in mid-spring and continues until the ovaries appear. In order not to run into problems with cherries, you need to take care of the location and care in advance, since the stone fruit “responds” with fruiting to the correct given conditions care.

Violation of planting cherries and stimulation of flowering

First, let's look at why the cherry does not bloom if it has been planted on the site for a long time:

  • Wrong place in the garden;
  • The time of flowering and fruiting has not come;
  • Shading;

Mentioned at the beginning of the article biological features of cherries will allow the gardener to enjoy excellent fruits for many years in a row, But there are care conditions that can slow down or, conversely, stimulate flowering, and then fruiting.

Where to plant cherries: on the south or southeast side of the garden, as in warmth and with abundant light, the stone tree bears fruit better than others in the garden.

Adjust to lighting: sweet cherry loves long-term lighting, so the landing site adapts to the duration and volume of lighting. Ideally, this is up to 10 hours a day with direct rays from morning to evening.

A shaded tree - partially or completely - does not bloom and does not bear fruit in full force.

Problems in the care of the gardener

A properly planted tree in a garden does not guarantee 100% result- flowering and fruiting of sweet cherries, - the gardener must contribute to the development of the tree, with careful, proper care.

Why cherry blossoms don't bloom

  • Cherries were not fertilized;

Top dressing of cherries for flowering

Cherry fertilizer in order to bloom and bear fruit, it is divided into 2 stages: autumn - potassium, phosphorus; spring - nitrogen in early spring, potassium, phosphorus, organic components.

Recipe for feeding cherries for flowering:

  • 70 grams of potash fertilizers;
  • 200 grams of phosphorus;
  • 70 grams of urea;

Top dressing should bring results - first bloom. Further, the sweet cherry on the site is fed foliarly, but only on the basis of phosphorus.

Cherry foliar fertilizer:

  • 25 grams of phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate);
  • 10 liters of water;

Additional Ingredients : 15 grams of potassium chloride + 15 grams of urea. Repeat after 1.5-2 weeks, but only in the first half of flowering.

More about spraying garden trees Here: . The problems in care should also include the following: planting on an acidified site instead of choosing a land of neutral reaction, as well as systematic waterlogging of the soil mixture, as well as a forgotten loosening procedure, which increases the flow of air to the roots for normal gas exchange already in the roots of the tree.

How to make cherries bloom?

A proven method with a minimum of effort and money spent - planting next to sweet cherry legumes, mustard or peas- natural fertilizers that can be dug up with soil mixture and improve the nutritional properties of the soil. About for feeding cherries.

Cherries after planting blooms for 5-6 years, and bears fruit by about the age of 12, so be patient and strong enough to carry out basic care until the time when you can enjoy the sweet results of your work.

↓ Write in the comments why your cherry did not bloom?

When choosing seedlings, it is important to pay attention to what year the sweet cherry bears fruit after planting. Not only the expected result depends on this, but also the quality of the crop. Varieties of sweet cherries that quickly begin to produce berries are usually characterized by low yields.

Correct fit

In order for the sweet cherry to begin to bear fruit in time and produce tasty fruits, planting should be carried out according to certain rules.

The tree needs fertile soil and maximum sunlight.

There are a few more basic rules to keep in mind when planting a tree.

  • Landing should be carried out near other pollinators. For these purposes, various varieties of cherries should be used. So that the sweet cherry can bear fruit as efficiently as possible, it is planted next to the cherry. When these trees stand side by side, maximum pollination occurs, which accelerates the fruiting process.
  • In cool regions (northern part of the country), planting should be carried out in early spring. In the southern parts of the country, planting takes place in October.
  • The planting hole should be large enough to root system plants freely spread throughout the area. Roots must not be crushed.
  • Often the plant does not bear fruit well if in the soil an insufficient amount nutrients or excess moisture, so it is recommended to pour sand into the bottom of the hole so that the moisture is absorbed faster and does not lead to rotting of the roots.

Care for better fruiting

If the cherry does not bear fruit for a long time, it needs more attention from the gardener. If you follow all the rules for planting and caring, you can grow a tree that will delight you every year with delicious and juicy fruits. It is worth paying attention to the recommendations for care.

Watering is carried out at intervals of 14 days. Excess moisture leads to the fact that the roots of the plant begin to rot. As a result, the tree ceases to function normally (the number of ovaries and shoots decreases), which affects the timing of fruiting.

A few days before watering, it is recommended to apply fertilizer to the ground. Combined dressings should be preferred. For the first time, you can feed the culture with organic matter. To do this, use humus (calculated as 2 kg per 1 m2). The second time feeding is carried out using a solution of superphosphate (50 g per 10 l of water) or ammonium nitrate (30 g per 10 l of water).

For maximum yield, often water the crown with a solution of honey. Bees flock to the sweet taste and pollinate the plant.

During care, it is recommended to pay attention to the place where the cherry is grown, its appearance and climatic conditions. In hot regions of the country, watering is carried out much more often, as the soil dries out, and top dressing should be lighter. At such moments, all the same solutions are used, only their concentration should be 2 times less.

Possible fruiting dates

Most gardeners start growing crops without even thinking about what year the cherry bears fruit for:

  • most varieties begin to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting;
  • some varieties can bear fruit already after 2-3 years, only their yield level is much lower, so special attention should be paid to this parameter;
  • there are varieties of sweet cherries that bear fruit after 7-9 years, they are characterized high levels yields: up to 80 kg of excellent quality products are harvested from such trees;
  • if a variety should bear fruit only 10 years after planting, then it will have the highest yields: every year up to 100 kg of selected products ripen on such a tree.


To know exactly how many times a sweet cherry needs to start fruiting, you should study in detail all its main characteristics and description. Therefore, it is better to buy seedlings not in the markets, but in specialized nurseries or agricultural stores. There you can get specific information about the ripening time of a particular variety. Both proper planting and quality care affect the rate of fruiting and the quality of berries.

Why didn't the cherry buds open?

Growing many stone fruit trees on the site requires experience, skill and, of course, knowledge. Longevity and yield, like apricots or plums, this is an important set of components, the symbiosis of which will allow you to grow a healthy tree and get a bountiful harvest every year. But it also happens that the trees woke up, the owner is already preparing for the first spraying from pests and diseases, and the buds on the sweet cherry have not blossomed? Why? Consider possible problems so that the garden will please with powerful fruit trees and abundant harvests for many years!

Reason number 1: non-compliance with the rules of cultivation

If we consider the reason that the buds did not bloom on the sweet cherry, it is worth paying attention to 2 important (main!) Components. Now - in more detail about one of them, despite the fact that only a young tree is taken into account, which was planted last year and until this spring everything was in order with it.

The reason here may lie in the wrong cultivation practices, starting with the choice of a place for planting, filling the planting hole, excess / lack of moisture, and even incorrect autumn pruning! It seems to many novice gardeners that there is nothing complicated in growing stone fruits: planted, watered, and forgotten. But it's not.

What should be done in this case? Analyze own actions, mark them as correct - and proceed to study the reason #2 or note the errors - and try to fix them. So, a young cherry seedling will be healthy if:

  • planted on the south/southwest side of the garden;
  • near it there is no close occurrence of groundwater, which is detrimental to a young tree;
  • a landing pit was laid - 60 * 60 * 60 cm - at least, with humus, nitroammophos and wood ash introduced;
  • not deepened below the root collar;
  • fed with organic matter at least 4 times per season;
  • protected from pests/diseases;
  • trimmed competently, forming a cupped / tiered crown.

Advice. non-compliance simple rules cultivation can result in young cherries not budding next spring. It is worth finding out if the cambium is alive, analyze the existing errors and reanimate the tree. Or plant a new one in compliance with all the rules.

Reason number 2: freezing of roots, crowns and stems

Most common cause the fact that the buds did not appear on the sweet cherry is the freezing of the roots or trunk. This applies to both young plants and those that have been fruiting for several years. And the whole reason is not so much in significant frosts, but in sudden changes in temperature. It is no secret for our gardeners that the daily temperature fluctuation is possible in the range from 7 to 20C, and this is probable cause freezing of the tree.

It often happens that the kidneys swelled, lived for a couple of days and began to fade. It’s just that there were still nutrients in the trunk and branches from last year, so they allowed the buds to give life and hope to the gardener. But things will not go further if the tree is frozen.

How to make sure it's true reason in freezing? Just! It is necessary to make longitudinal / transverse cuts both on the branches and on the roots and look at the color of the bark and cambium:

  • light brown color will tell you that the tree was slightly damaged by frost and it is easy to reanimate it;
  • a dark brown color will indicate that the tree has frozen significantly.

In the first case, competent pruning or spraying branches with ice water before sunrise will be the salvation (an innovative method that gives excellent result) in order to get a good harvest not only next year, but also this year. In the second case, you can plant a wild bird to the tree or bring a new plant out of dormant buds on a bole.

In a word, only a thorough analysis of the reason why the buds did not bloom will help the cherry to come to life. Give the tree enough time - and it will delight you with good health and a good harvest!

Why the cherry does not bloom: video

A lot of reasons why cherries do not bloom

Cherry trees are not only a decoration of the garden, but also a source of incomparably tasty and healthy treats. Sweet cherries can live and bear fruit up to 100 years. It is less affected by pests than cherries, has high yield at proper care.

If you violate the cultivation technology, you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of the plant. Often, novice gardeners wonder why the cherry does not bloom? The answer may lie in the peculiarities of tree care: violations of the rules of planting, pruning, watering.

Flowering is also affected by the presence of a pollinating tree near. For similar reasons, amateur gardeners note that the plum tree does not bloom. What to do in such a situation and how to organize proper plant care? Read more about the problem and its solutions below.

Note to gardeners

By the time of flowering, a fruit tree is one of those that begin to smell not too early, but not too late. Data:

Usually this period coincides with the flowering of pears, plums. It is slightly earlier than that of cherries, apple trees, but proceeds later than those of peach and apricot.

Flowering begins when the air temperature during the day is steadfastly kept at 15-25 degrees (average daily temperatures are at least 10-12 degrees).

The calendar period of flowering depends on the area where the sweet cherry grows and the weather conditions in the current winter. Usually the first flowers bloom from the first decade of April (in the south of the country) until the first days of May (in the northeastern territories). Buds bloom first on cherry-hybrid varieties.

flowers fruit tree collected in large umbellate inflorescences.

Beautiful and bright flowering lasts about 21 days, which also depends on temperature values. If the spring is cool, the period can be delayed up to 23-25 ​​days. In some varieties, flowering lasts no more than 12-15 days.

Possible reasons for the lack of colors

It's not time

The reason why the tree does not bloom may be insufficient time that has elapsed since planting. Although sweet cherries are quite fast-growing (up to 3 years), some varieties do not give color and fruits for an even longer period (up to 5 years). Therefore, if you want to quickly enjoy the most delicious berries, it is better to buy varieties that are prone to early fruiting.

Wrong choice of place and method of landing

Choosing a place for a tree will be optimal if it:

  • located on the south, southwest side of the garden;
  • the site is well protected from cold drafts (it is best if this site is a gentle slope of a small hill);
  • for artificial elevation of the place for the tree, an additional layer of soil was poured up to 40 cm high;
  • illumination for cherries should also be sufficient (especially in spring, shading of the tree should not be allowed).

If these conditions are not met, the plant may not bloom for many years.

Flowering problems are not uncommon even when the soil type is unsuitable for the tree. The ideal option is fertile and well-aired soil, loose, medium loamy or sandy loamy. If you plant a plant in an area with heavy clay or peaty soil, the top layer of earth with excess sand, the cherry is unlikely to bloom and bear fruit.

The close occurrence of groundwater can lead to stagnation of moisture in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots of the cherry and their decay, therefore, the plant will wither and not bloom.

What can be the wrong way to land?

A common reason why an apricot, cherry or sweet cherry does not bloom is improper planting of a seedling. Usually, if you unearth such a tree, it will be noticeable that the root collar is very deep. Some inexperienced gardeners, on the contrary, leave the neck too high above the ground. In this case, there may be problems with the flowering and fruiting of the plant. When planting in early spring (before the buds swell), you need to follow the sequence of actions.

1. Purchase high-quality seedlings, prepare a deepening for planting. landing pit should have a depth of up to 50-60 cm and a width of up to 80 cm. Pour humus, fertilizer or ash into the pit.

2. In order for the plant to bloom and bear fruit in the future, it is unacceptable to deepen the root collar. It is located strictly at ground level. In order to accurately place the tree, it is better to raise the seedling 5 cm above the surface, as the soil will settle a little later.

3. Form a roller around the seedling, pour water over the cherry (10-15 liters), mulch the soil with peat or humus.

Excess or lack of moisture

Problems with watering or excessive soil moisture are another cause of the problem. During the summer, you need to water the plant 3 times (if the season is too dry), each time loosening the soil a little. Before the autumn drop in temperature (at the end of September), it is also better to water the cherries. If it was not possible to carry out the last watering of the year, it should be done in the spring. But we must remember that excess moisture in the soil also harms the cherry, and it may not give color. In heavy rains, it is better to mulch the soil with a special film.

Dependence on supplements

In order for the cherry to bloom early, it is necessary that it has an adequate supply of minerals in the ground. Usually fertilizing is carried out in the fall.

For this purpose, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus substances, organic matter. Ideally, the amount of top dressing is calculated based on the type of soil. The depth of application is 20 cm. In a dry climate, fertilizers are diluted with water, in wet climates they are covered with dry ones.

It has a good effect on the ability to flowering and fruiting and the presence of "green fertilizers". For this purpose, you can land around leguminous plants, honey plants (for example, mustard, peas, etc.). They are sown in summer and mowed in autumn.

Few people know that cherries can also “fatten” due to excess fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones. In this case, experienced gardeners recommend slightly damaging the bark on the tree trunk. You can remove the bark anywhere along the circumference of the trunk 2-5 cm wide. As a result of such actions, the accumulated excess nutrients will quickly be used up to restore the integrity of the tree.

Unsuccessful pruning

In order for the plant to bloom well, it is necessary to form a tiered or cupped crown with pruning.

Attention is also paid to the angle of departure of the branches: it should be approximately 50 degrees. Excessive growth of the lower shoots of the tree is undesirable, since this phenomenon greatly reduces winter hardiness.

Pruning is done in early spring. All annual shoots are made shorter by a fifth, but only before fruiting begins. After pruning, it is rarely carried out and in case of urgent need: branches that go inside the crown, sharp forks, weak branches, etc. are necessarily removed. When pruning diseased shoots, the sections must be cleaned well and treated with special means.

Pests and diseases

Significant damage to the plant can be caused by various diseases and insect pests. Cherry is less susceptible to disease than the same cherry, but it can still be affected by:

coccomycosis - browning of leaves and their early fall, as a result of which winter hardiness decreases;

moniliosis - rotting and drying of fruits and leaves, damage to entire branches, due to which the diseased cherry may not bloom next year;

larvae of various insects. destroying leaves and capable of causing a general weakening of the cherry and its freezing in winter.

To prevent serious consequences when diseases are detected, the tree is treated with special preparations and extraordinary feeding is carried out.

How did the tree survive the winter?

Cherry may not bloom if the frost resistance of the variety is low, and the winter was harsh and cold. In this case, the kidneys could die due to hypothermia. Cherries rarely bloom in a year when there were long thaws in winter, after which frost “hit” again: most often, the buds also die in such weather. The plant may also freeze slightly in the spring at low average daily temperatures. For the winter, it is better to dig the cherry well with earth, forming a high roller, and also water it with water (at least 40 liters). You can cover the tree if the air temperatures in winter are low or unstable.

no pollination

There is another banal reason why cherries may not give color. Most of the time, the tree blooms, but does not bear fruit. The fact is that there are so-called "self-fertile varieties" that are pollinated without "outside" help. Other varieties of cherries require the presence of trees on the site - cherries, other varieties of cherries for pollination. The periods of flowering plants must match.

Thus, you can always identify the reason why the cherry did not bloom, even if at first glance it is not found. Having eliminated it, it is possible to see a lush color in the next year or two and get an excellent cherry yield!

Cherry: features of planting and growing

Sweet cherry, or bird cherry, growing in wild nature Caucasus, Ukraine, southern regions of Russia today is widespread in culture. Always considered a plant of the southern flora, this representative of the Rosaceae is also conquering the more temperate Russian latitudes, which is facilitated by progressive breeding research to develop new varieties.

Cherries do not bear fruit. What could be the reason?

However, this culture remains very thermophilic and demanding in terms of accommodation and care.

View features

Representing a majestic tree, reaching 10 m in height (and specimens up to 30 m were noted in southern latitudes) and having a beautiful decorative crown with foliage of different shades, sweet cherry is famous for its excellent fruits - a delicious spherical, sometimes somewhat elongated drupe with delicate pulp. Bright fruits, the color of which varies from pale yellow to burgundy-black tones and depends solely on the variety, along with taste are valued for their medicinal properties.

Cherry blossoms in late March (in the south), April - May (in temperate zones), turning the site into a magical garden of wonders.

Umbrella inflorescences of white small flowers, blooming at the same time, are extremely decorative.

The subtleties of planting cherries

The peculiarities of the culture, as a native of the southern places, are due to the requirements for choosing a site for planting. It should be:

  • sunny;
  • maximally protected from northern winds;
  • located on the south side of a slope or artificially created small hill.

Sweet cherry loves fertilized water and breathable light loams or sandstones. A moisture-loving culture is sensitive to seasonal approaches or the constant occurrence of groundwater; it will not develop in such places. To obtain significant yields, several varieties are planted that will create the cross-pollination necessary for plants, since sweet cherries are self-fertile crops.

The best time for planting cherries is early spring, but you will have to prepare for this in the fall:

  • dig a hole 0.8 wide and 0.6 meters deep;
  • mix the excavated soil with 20 kilograms of humus and fill the pit, covering it for the winter;
  • in the spring, add 0.35 kg of superphosphate and 1 kg of ash to the prepared soil.

Cherries should not be overfed. This will lead to the formation of numerous shoots, most of which will not have time to mature before the end of the growing season and will freeze in winter.

The acquired seedling is carefully examined, the roots are cut a little for intensive branching and planted without deepening the root collar. It should be on the same level with the soil layer. After planting, the plant is generously watered, the soil is mulched. Cherry is a sprawling culture, so trees are planted at intervals of at least 3-3.5 meters.

As a rule, two-year-old seedlings are purchased in nurseries. If their crown is too branched, you can cut the branches, focusing on the central stem. True, this should be done only if the landing is carried out in the spring during a quiet period, i.

e. sap flow and swelling of the kidneys are not yet observed. With later plantings, branches cannot be cut. We'll have to wait until next spring.

Cherry care

During the season, sweet cherries require several high-quality abundant waterings, each of which should be accompanied by loosening the soil and removing weeds in the trunk circle or updating the mulch. Pre-winter watering is especially useful for a tree, i.e. carried out just before the onset of cold weather. The application of fertilizers of the potassium-phosphorus group at the rate of 50 g will also help to painlessly overwinter cherries. superphosphate for 1 square meter spare the projection of the crown.

Early flowering and fruiting require impressive food reserves, so organic and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in spring to replenish them. There are some rules for applying dressings:

  • fertilizers in granules are scattered into trenches around the circumference of the trunk circle, closing them to a depth of 0.2 m;
  • top dressing with dry fertilizers cannot be carried out in arid areas, otherwise the roots will not receive the necessary nutrition;
  • dressings dissolved in water do not need to be applied directly under the trunk - in this area there are roots that are incapable of absorption. Nutrient solutions should be supplied over the entire area of ​​the near-stem circle, focusing on its borders projected by the crown.

A good way to increase yields is to sow green manure plants (legumes and honey plants) in early August. Before the onset of cold weather, you can get high-quality green fertilizer, suitable for autumn planting tree trunks in the soil.

Being a close relative of the cherry, the sweet cherry surpasses it in resistance various diseases However, preventive measures still need to be taken. The protective treatment of the tree with Bordeaux liquid or "Fundazol" is carried out in the spring and after harvest.


The rapid growth of sweet cherries necessitates its containment by pruning. Carry out this procedure, based on the necessary knowledge:

  • pruning, both sanitary and forming, can be done in the spring before the culture awakens;
  • fresh cuts are cleaned with a sharp knife and treated with garden pitch;
  • during the growth of the tree, annual shoots are annually shortened by a quarter.

It is quite applicable to highly branched young cherries summer pruning, accelerating the formation of the crown and contributing to the increase in fruit formation, since flower buds are located in the middle part of the shoots and after processing their growth is activated.

Cherry crowns can be very diverse: in the form of a ball, a pyramid or a sprawling bush.

It is more convenient to create a crown according to a sparse-tiered or cupped principle. The gardener chooses the methods of formation. At the same time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, its features and the shape of the tree are taken into account.

The tiered crown is suitable for cherries with intensive branching. The lower tier consists of several branches, two of which grow at the same level, and the third grows 20 cm higher. The second tier is built according to the same principle and is 65-70 cm apart from the first. Two branches are formed at the same level with the third single a branch growing 30 cm higher. The angle of departure of the branches from the trunk is of particular importance, since when broken, fragile wood is deeply wounded and can become infected. As skeletal, it is better to leave strong branches with an angle of departure of 45-50 °.

With proper care, sweet cherries begin to bear fruit in the 5th-6th year, delighting the gardener not only with excellent useful fruits, but with the magnificent decorativeness of beautifully shaped trees.

Fruiting cherry depends on many factors. It can be both the impact of the environment and the violation of the agricultural technology of the culture. As a rule, cherries begin to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting. If after this period it has never bloomed, then the problem most likely lies in improper planting or care. For example, a cherry tree will not bear fruit if it grows in acidic soil. So before planting, it is necessary to check the acidity of the soil - it should be neutral or close to it.

Another unfavorable factor is the close location of groundwater, due to which the roots rot, and this leads to a weakening of the tree. Insufficient pruning or its absence leads to thickening of the crown and insufficient lighting, but it is worth removing the extra branches, and the cherry will again become a fruit-bearing tree. Maybe the seedling is grown from a stone - it is a "wild", then it just needs a vaccination. If the cherry has blossomed magnificently, but the ovaries have not formed, there is a serious reason for this.

Most varieties of cherries are characterized by cross-pollination. There is a small category of varieties that are self-fertile (able to pollinate themselves), but even in this case, only 40% of the crop will form ovaries. All other cherries require a pollinator - another variety planted nearby (within a radius of 15–20 m) and flowering at the same time, otherwise the cherry will fade and the fruits will not be tied.

To avoid this, you should correctly approach the choice of varieties and not be limited to one. When purchasing a seedling, be sure to ask: what type of pollination does it have? You can count on a regular harvest only if several different varieties are planted in the garden, which have the same flowering time. Any stone fruit can act as a pollinator, for example, felt cherry.

What if the cherry blossoms well, but does not bear fruit?

Also, cherry trees feel great in the neighborhood of cherries - from cross-pollination with it, cherries improve their taste.

Fungal diseases are another reason why cherries do not bear fruit. A disease such as coccomycosis affects not only the fruits, but also the leaves, as evidenced by a brown or reddish coating on the plates that appears in summer. During the year, the tree weakens, becomes sensitive to frost, and in the spring it does not bloom, and does not lay fruit buds.

Another dangerous fungal disease is monilial burn (moniliosis). This fungus is activated in the spring, affects the shoots and fruit buds, which is why the cherry does not bloom or does not set fruit. You can suppress the fungal flora by spraying the trees with a Bordeaux mixture before the juices begin to move. Plant residues from a diseased tree must be collected and burned.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the garden, every year to carry out preventive treatment crowns with insecticides ("Nitrafen", iron or copper sulfate) in early spring, and then during the summer season.

In order for the cherry to bear fruit regularly, it needs comfortable conditions. High humidity, dampness, excessively dry and hot weather can negatively affect the condition and fruiting of even the most healthy tree. It is no secret that in cold and rainy weather, the activity of pollinating insects decreases, and in hot conditions, pollen falls off the flowers, resulting in fewer ovaries.

Refundable spring frosts- the biggest problem of gardeners, because they lead to the freezing of flower buds. Cherry becomes especially vulnerable if it is abundantly watered and fed with nitrogen in the fall. There are also many varieties with low winter hardiness - it is for this reason that it often does not bloom and does not bear fruit. felt cherry because it is a thermophilic plant. There is only one way out - to plant winter-hardy varieties, and in dangerous periods to cover the trees.

Cherry is sensitive to the composition of the soil. If it is not fertile enough, you can not count on a good harvest. But an overabundance of nutrients can lead to a decrease in fruiting. For example, after applying nitrogen fertilizers, flower buds open much later than expected, and from an excess of nitrogen, flowers and ovaries can completely crumble.

In order for fruiting to be regular, fertilizers should be applied correctly and in a timely manner. Young seedlings usually do not need top dressing - the exception is too depleted soil. Complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus should be applied for 3–4 years. In autumn, only potassium and phosphorus are added. Before wintering, humus and ash can be added to the trunk circle.

Nothing lasts forever, including trees. If your cherry tree has been growing for more than 20 years and has recently begun to bear fruit poorly, the reason, most obviously, is in age, that is, in natural aging. Cherry trees can live up to 30 years, but their yield declines much earlier.

You can, of course, make a rejuvenating pruning, every year remove the shoots growing inward and leading to thickening, but this will only temporarily increase the yield, since the plant has exhausted its resource. But you should not be sad about this, because the garden will free up space for new, possibly more promising varieties.

In this video, you will learn why cherries may not bear fruit.


Difficulties in growing cherries

Yes, there are difficulties, but if desired, with appropriate knowledge and diligence, they can be successfully overcome. Well, for now ... everything is in order. Cherry is a southerner and is significantly inferior to apple and cherry in terms of winter hardiness, but can be successfully grown in the southern and central regions. garden areas Belarus. This became possible when the famous Belarusian breeder E.P. Syubarova, her students and followers, on the basis of the Belarusian Research Institute of Fruit Growing, winter-hardy varieties were bred, not inferior in taste to their fruits to the best southern ones. These varieties include Krasavitsa, Muskatnaya, Narodnaya, Zolotaya Loshitskaya, Severnaya (the last two are distinguished by increased winter hardiness), and from the new ones - Zhurba, Syubarovskaya, Gronkovaya.

But the production of high-quality cherry seedlings is a problem. Nurseries of the republic grow them in limited quantities, and on the market you can buy a "pig in a poke" - up to a wild cherry seedling under the guise of a varietal.

It is most reliable to grow seedlings yourself.

And it's not very difficult.

First, seedlings (rootstocks) are obtained from seeds, which after a year or optimal conditions cultivation in the current year is budded with cultivars. The best stock is wild cherry, you can use seedlings of antipka (Magaleb cherry) and the most winter-hardy varieties and forms of sweet cherry. To grow rootstocks from mature fruits, seeds (seeds) are harvested, they are thoroughly washed from the pulp, stored without drying in a humid environment until autumn sowing or stratified during the winter and sown in early spring. Under favorable conditions, well-developed seedlings suitable for grafting grow from the seeds in one season. If you managed to get dense seedlings, they are thinned out in spring or autumn after 10-15 cm.

Then they need to be vaccinated. Budding (grafting with an eye) is carried out from the second half of July, and sometimes almost the entire August.

The timing of budding is determined by the readiness for this rootstocks and cuttings. Rootstocks should be in a state of active sap flow, with a good lag of the bark, and cuttings should be fully mature, with well-developed growth buds.

You can graft in the spring during the period of sap flow. The cuttings with two or three buds are grafted in ways of improved copulation, in a split, behind the bark, in a side cut, etc. The cuttings are harvested in early winter before the onset of severe frosts and stored in a humid environment in the basement, refrigerator, snow pile at a temperature close to 0 ° WITH. If on your site instead of a varietal seedling there is a seedling of wild cherries, do not despair. A tree of a "savage" or any variety that you do not like can be re-grafted within 1-2 seasons by any of the above methods, having previously severely cut off the skeletal branches. Mature trees can also be re-grafted, but preferably not older than 5 years.

You need a special place.

Sweet cherries are not only heat-loving, but also light-loving species; they make high demands on air and soil moisture. Therefore, when choosing a landing site, one should always reckon with its biological characteristics. Elevated, leveled places or southern and southwestern slopes, well protected from cold northern, northwestern and eastern winds, are most suitable for sweet cherry. In summer cottages and household plots, a well-lit, sun-warmed place is allocated for it, protected from cold winter winds by buildings, plantations of other tree species, a high fence, etc. Low areas are not suitable for sweet cherries, which are on long time flooded with flood waters, where masses of cold air constantly accumulate. The growth of shoots and tissues is delayed, the wood does not mature, and plants can be severely damaged by frost in winter. Trees grow and bear fruit best of all on moist sandy loamy and light loamy well and deeply drained soddy-podzolic soils with a pH of 6-6.5 and a groundwater level no closer than 2-3 m from the soil surface.

How many varieties to plant?

For planting, as a rule, annual seedlings with a branched root system are used. The best time is early spring, when the most favorable conditions are created for the survival of trees. A little late - their survival will worsen. At autumn planting, especially in late periods, plants often die in winter.

Cherry cultivars are self-fertile or partially self-fertile. To ensure cross-pollination and good fruit set, 2-3 varieties should be planted on the site. You can plant one plant, and then plant other varieties of equal quality in the crown. Sweet cherries grafted on wild cherry rootstock are planted according to the 6 × 4 scheme, grafted on Magaleb cherry - 5 × 3 - 4 m. The planting technique is the same as for other fruit crops.

How to cut?

The cherry crown is formed according to a sparse-tiered system with a bole height of 50-70 cm. removed by transfer to the upper side branch. Crown formation with a minimum of pruning is completed by 6-8 years after planting.

In young mature trees, pruning is carried out in the spring, before the buds begin to swell, and it should also be minimal. Basically, it comes down to shortening strong annual growths to form lateral branches. In varieties that lay flower buds closer to the base of the shoots, shortening may be more severe than in varieties that form flower buds throughout the shoot. Medium and weak shoots bearing fruit do not shorten.

Why don't cherries bear fruit?

Usually, shortening is used in weakly branching varieties (Northern, Beauty). In well-branching varieties (Narodnaya, Muscat), light thinning is done if necessary.

During the period of full fruiting, trees are limited to sanitary pruning: they cut out diseased, broken, rubbing and intertwining branches, do not allow trees to grow to a height of more than 3-4 m, form replacement branches in the crown, providing an annual good growth of shoots of 30-40 cm. When the length growth of shoots is reduced to 15-20 cm, skeletal and semi-skeletal branches are slightly rejuvenated, shortening them during pruning to the first strong lateral branch. Anti-aging pruning must be combined with the application of organic (4-6 kg/m2) and mineral (20-30 g/m2) fertilizers. As necessary, such pruning is repeated every 3-4 years.

What do cherries love?

Sweet cherries respond positively to fertilizers, but nitrogen-containing ones should be treated with caution. After all, increased doses of nitrogen in top dressing in the second half of summer can cause prolonged growth of shoots, non-ripening of wood and severe freezing of trees. The fertilization of trees begins at the moment they begin to bear fruit. Once every 2-3 years, 4-6 kg / m2 of manure or compost, 40-60 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g / m2 of potassium salt are added. In the intervening years in the spring, 30-50 g/m2 of complex mineral fertilizers such as nitrophoska are applied under the first loosening of the soil, it can be limited to the introduction of 20-30 g/m2 of ammonium nitrate or urea in the bud break phase.

Cherry is demanding on moisture during the growing season, especially at a young age during the period of active growth of shoots (in June), filling and ripening of fruits. In dry weather, watering is effective after flowering (late May - early June), 3-4 weeks after flowering (in the second half of June), and, if necessary, in July. But remember: excess moisture in the air and soil in July can lead to cracking and rotting of the fruit. When watering, 40-50 liters of water are consumed per 1 m2 of the near-stem circle. The soil is moistened to the depth of the main mass of roots - 40-50 cm. Irrigation method - in ring grooves 10-15 cm deep, located at a distance of 40-50 cm from the stem and from each other.

She, too, is harmed by coccomicz.

Cherries, like cherries, are affected by such a dangerous disease as coccomycosis. Young trees are more severely damaged than adults. Leaves are affected. With a strong development of the disease, which is facilitated by abundant summer rainfall, trees of susceptible varieties shed their leaves as early as August, and this is reflected in their winter hardiness. To combat the disease during the growing season, trees must be treated with a 1% Bordeaux mixture (100 g blue vitriol with the addition of 100 g of lime per 10 l of water) or 90% copper chloride (30-40 g per 10 l of water): the first time - after flowering; the second - after 20 days; the third - after the harvest; spraying trees 2 weeks before the leaves fall with a solution of urea (400 g per 10 l of water) during the years of strong development of the disease to weaken and destroy the wintering stage of the fungus; raking and destruction of fallen leaves - carriers of infection.