How the heating system pipes are laid out in the microdistrict. Choosing a vertical heating system: wiring features, installation of radiators and batteries What is vertical wiring of intra-house water supply systems

There are 2 types of heating systems: horizontal and vertical.

In multi-storey modern houses They are already installing an intra-house horizontal system, as it has excellent technical, aesthetic and operational characteristics.

Pros and cons

Let's consider the positive and negative aspects of this system.

The advantages of horizontal heating are obvious:

  1. Thermal consumption control is simplified thanks to automatic remote control.
  2. Implementation of autonomous control for each area (allows you to adjust the temperature based on the purpose of the room).
  3. Installation is carried out secretly, most often during repairs, which does not affect appearance living space.
  4. High strength materials ensure a long service life of at least 50 years.

Disadvantages of horizontal heating:

  • adjustment and configuration of the system is sometimes carried out manually.
  • instability of the structure due to mechanical damage.

Basic schemes

The following horizontal heating schemes exist.

Single-pipe main

The system has several heat sources through which heating pipes pass.

Constantly moving from source to source, the heating liquid maintains the set temperature. This heating system has excellent technical performance, combined with a low price.


  • minimum costs;
  • ease of assembly;
  • high level of wear resistance;
  • suitable for heating large areas.


  • restrictions on temperature control in each individual heat source;
  • fragility due to mechanical damage.

It is also worth considering the fact that each subsequent radiator in the chain must be larger than the previous one - this is provided so that the efficiency does not decrease. To heat a large area, it is necessary to install it more often so that the water passing through the pipes does not have time to cool.

Two-pipe main

The essence of the system is as follows: two lines with forward and reverse flow are connected to heat sources.

For greater efficiency, you need to install radiators. In a private house they are usually installed under the window, but you can “heat” the north side, since it is the coldest.

Please note: To avoid problems during operation of the equipment, it is necessary to install locking levers.

Thus, in the event of a malfunction, you do not need to turn off the entire heating system at once, but only a specific “node”. The presence of compensators is mandatory, since pressure changes can lead to breakdown. As practice has shown, radiators cope well with pressure changes, sudden water pressures and do not freeze even at sub-zero temperatures.

The apartment-by-apartment reversible system is closed and has a number of advantages:

  1. Same temperature at outlet and inlet.
  2. Suitable for heating multi-storey building, cottage, warehouse.
  3. The ability to disable/enable the system specifically in a certain area. This is convenient, since this fact greatly simplifies repairs.


  • difficulty in regulating temperature in a branched system.

Two-pipe parallel manifold main

A closed circuit in which the main lines are routed to supply and return collectors that have high thermal conductivity.

To reduce the cost of construction, polyethylene or polymer pipes are used, which are highly durable.

The system is connected directly to the collector, which evenly distributes the incoming heat over the entire coverage area.

Structural features: the return and supply lines work autonomously, then heat passes through the pipelines to the radiators, then returns. The cooled liquid is heated again and returned to the radiators. This results in a closed cycle, automatically regulated.

Master's Note: The installation scheme can be implemented for any project, since the entire structure consists of mini-systems that are easy to manage.

Also significant advantages include the fact that for this type of heating there is no need to install air vents on radiators.

It is imperative to have a high-quality one, since the performance of the entire system will depend on it.

The shield, which contains all the equipment, can be located in the corridor or bathroom. If this type heating system is installed in an apartment building, the panel can be installed in the basement.


  • minimal costs for pipes;
  • hidden installation, behind the wall (in the floor);
  • the ability to connect equipment into a single structure;
  • low cost (no expensive fixation elements);
  • installation is carried out even over large areas;
  • uniformity of heat supply eliminates the occurrence of water hammer.


  • difficulty in installation, since the system often consists of a whole network of small subsystems;
  • use of pipes of the same diameter in the system.

This type of system is even installed in a floor screed. You can adjust the “warm floor” from the remote control or manually. The presence of metal-plastic in pipes imparts structural strength and flexibility.

Plastic pipes are not subject to corrosion, withstand temperature changes well and have proven themselves to be excellent at sub-zero temperatures.

Due to their design, they have more advantages, since the water does not cool down with constant movement. The heat is distributed evenly, which creates a pleasant climate in the apartment.

Please note: To avoid heat loss, it is necessary to insulate the riser from which the heating is distributed. You can install a special insulating box in which the riser will be placed.

All meters are equipped with hydraulic balancing, which prevents data distortion. In order to prevent premature failure of measuring equipment, it is necessary to ensure that the heating system is free of dust and dirt.

Periodically check the functionality of the thermostat; it regulates heat and displays indicators. An acceptable temperature in the radiators is maintained around the clock: depending on the weather, the consumer’s heating costs are reduced several times.

Professional engineers will help you draw up a plan specifically for your home, taking into account all the features of the equipment and area. Entrust installation to highly qualified specialists with experience in this field. High efficiency at the lowest cost will provide comfort and warmth in your home.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains how to make a collector horizontal heating distribution:

To heat a house or other building, you need to install a good boiler or other heat source. But the best among the traditional options is equipment that uses coolant (water) circulation. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the intricacies of organizing this circulation.


Heating distribution is directly related to both the comfort of use of the home and the amount of heating costs. Its most important feature should be to ensure optimal extraction, movement and distribution of thermal energy.

Water heating is found in residential buildings much more often than steam, and therefore the wiring requires the fullest possible realization of its advantages:

  • noise minimization;
  • uniform air temperature throughout the volume;
  • long-term operation;
  • minimal probability of heating fluctuations (due to significant thermal inertia).

The mandatory standard temperature of the air and the external contours of the wiring and its internal surfaces is regulated by sanitary and hygienic rules. Another important factor is efficiency, that is, the lowest possible cost of resources for organization and installation. Profitability is, of course, also associated with optimal consumption of the coolant and the heat it moves. The layout is carefully thought out taking into account the architectural and design features of the room. They also always pay attention to ensuring that all components and parts work reliably, so that there are no unnecessary joints or turns between them.

Types and their structure

The horizontal pipe routing scheme is becoming more and more in demand, because it is ideal for high-quality accounting of the costs of thermal resources. Such a system will be especially attractive for modern houses several floors high, and during its operation many positive aspects are revealed. Residents of a separate apartment are deprived of the opportunity to increase their power consumption without permission, thereby infringing on the interests of other property owners.

Even the increased cost of such execution does not cloud its prospects:

  • in case of any failure, you can selectively disconnect the apartment;
  • this can also be done to replace individual devices, the entire circuit as a whole;
  • In case of prolonged absence, it becomes possible to reduce the warm-up temperature and save a fair amount of energy.

Since the configuration is created independently from other parts of the house, you can create a project individually, taking into account personal tastes and preferences. Thanks to the covered broaching and the exclusion of racks from the system, the appearance of the room will improve. Additionally, space will be freed up in the corners. The heating pipe, laid camouflaged in a corrugated cover, can be changed without dismantling the structures. It is also important that such a system lasts twice as long as the general one in the house; this is achieved through the use of modern materials.

As for two-pipe and one-pipe circuits, both have both weak points, and clear advantages. Thus, the two-pipe version allows you to connect radiators to the direct and return pipes, as well as install batteries of the same size, and flexibly regulate the flow of warm liquid. Moreover, there are solutions that allow you to set the inflow mode both by automatic command and manually. The weakness of any two-pipe wiring is its complicated operation. If the system is not carefully configured, it may not work at all (or work ineffectively).

Whatever step residents or invited installers take, without extremely careful preparation, it will simply destroy the balance in the system. Even when it comes “only” to replacing batteries, thermostats or adding a new radiator. The riser makes it impossible to organize the accounting of consumed heat. Theoretically, it is still possible to install each battery with a meter, but it will be unclear how exactly to influence those who are in debt for heat supply. Additionally, there is a problem with determining who pays for heating the places where no one has moved in yet, or where all the residents have been evicted.

If the house is very large, you will have to divide the composition into blocks of 13 or 17 floors. The connection of radiator units along a circuit with a single pipe running horizontally is carried out sequentially through a row heating devices single level. This means that the coolant will enter the final unit, barely retaining any heat. But the total costs of creating the system will be less than in other cases. A single-pipe horizontal course also means that it will be necessary to install radiators of different sizes (this requirement is related to ensuring uniform heat transfer).

Despite the technical validity of this practice, in design terms it is not very convenient or rational. There is an option that allows you to solve all of the above difficulties - a system with two horizontal dead-end pipes. Two pipelines go to the heating devices, while in all parallel sections the same diameter is maintained as the shaped parts. As a result, installation is extremely simple, and the incoming water has exactly the same temperature, no matter what device it is supplied to. Judging by the reviews of experts, such designs are optimal in a house with many apartments, an office, a public building, or a hospital.

The difficulty with using the dead-end subtype of two-pipe horizontal heating variation is caused by the fact that the length of the branches is strictly limited. More precisely, its implementation is possible, but precise balancing of long highways turns out to be complicated.

Important: it is recommended to install horizontal wiring discreetly, disguising them in a layer of plaster or in a concrete screed on the floor. Then it is possible to exclude violation of architectural and design standards. Since steel pipes, when laid hidden, wear out quickly and cannot be repaired, you will have to choose polymer structures.

Two-pipe horizontal routes on the approaches to radiators will inevitably form an intersection. And it is precisely such intersections that are the greatest difficulty for hidden option installation Pipelines can be clearly visible through screed or plaster, and therefore the main aesthetic problem is not fully resolved. Crosses sold by some heating equipment manufacturers can reduce the likelihood of such a development of events. Due to such parts, the main parts of the pipeline are bypassed and it is prevented from going beyond the mounting planes.

Another important point: how exactly the coolant will be introduced into the radiator. This is achieved using top and bottom connection schemes. With the top stroke, the pipe through which water enters the radiators runs through the attic or right under the ceiling. Risers branch from it, allowing liquid to be supplied to the batteries through additional pipes. But the return of the coolant, which has already given up all the delivered energy, goes through a section of the main line along the floor surface or in the basement (interfloor space).

The described solution is attractive because it does not require using circulation pump. But you need to remember that the upper wiring makes it necessary to install an expansion tank and an air vent. Only under this condition will no jumps in water pressure and pressure be harmful to the heating system. Bottom wiring is used when it is necessary to supply water to the racks in isolation.

The forward part of the circuit is organized parallel to the reverse stroke:

  • on the floors of the first floors;
  • on the floors of the basement floors;
  • on basement ceilings.

The vertical type of intra-house utilities also has its pros and cons. Thus, it allows you to radically reduce heat losses that do not reach the air in apartments. The pipes are also risers. But the classic, original type of vertical layout is considered an outdated solution. It was once used in houses of “Khrushchev” projects, where the small internal space did not allow pipes to be installed horizontally.

Almost always in such apartment buildings a single-pipe design was used. Now, sometimes preference is given combined option. To do this, they install a horizontal riser that distributes the coolant, and separate lines run from it, allowing the radiators to be turned on.

Important: combined wiring requires the selection of vertical radiators for wall mounting. Even their high price cannot cancel out their ideal suitability for such combinations.

A vertical system with a single pipe is justified if:

  • the house has at least 5 floors;
  • the rooms are relatively small;
  • thermal insulation is performed at a decent level;
  • heat is distributed throughout the room more or less evenly.

The options listed above do not exhaust the options. Thus, horizontal wiring is further divided into perimeter and radial varieties. Movement along the perimeter means that the coolant will gradually enter all radiators located on the outer perimeter of the apartment or even the entire floor. In addition to difficulties with repairing individual devices (which requires turning off the entire riser), even draining water from one perimeter is difficult, since the level of wiring is the same everywhere. Perimeter wiring allows you to install either one or two pipes.

The radial block also implies connection to the general riser. But the pipes, unlike the previous approach, do not stretch along the perimeter, but like rays, to individual devices or even to each room separately. They converge in combs near the general line. This solution allows you to selectively repair or maintain each branch, while all others will continue to work efficiently.

Unfortunately, draining the water still turns out to be difficult. For the most part, beam distribution is organized in apartments and new private houses. Since pipes are laid under a screed, eliminating the consequences of a burst is complicated. This significantly raises the bar for requirements for the pipes themselves and the quality of their installation. Additionally, you should understand the specifics of the oncoming and passing configurations.

The associated type is a two-pipe complex in which the flow of fluid for supply and return occurs in one direction. The peculiarity is that the feed stroke is invariably carried out along the perimeter, and the connection to it is made sequentially. As a result, it is possible to guarantee the same length of supply and return heat supply to all heating concentrators. The wiring is ideal for creating a heating circuit over a wide area.

Even a slight decrease in the heating of water in the tube that gives off heat is not very significant. More relevant are such disadvantages as increased labor intensity of placement and increased waste of structures and blocks in comparison with dead-end wiring. The high cost is due to the fact that pipes of increased diameter have to be installed on the main line. The oncoming system has already been described in general - it is the same dead-end route. It is characterized by a difference in the length of the rings through which water flows.

Therefore, as you move away from the heat source, you have to install a longer line. The use of rolled metal (plastic) and fittings is reduced, and it becomes possible to use an extensive complex in the house. Hydraulic calculations come down to determining losses in a single loop. On all other branches they will be the same, since the pressures are balanced. An exception is made for the case when the system includes radiators of different capacities or unequal sizes; then the same calculation is carried out as for the counter contour, that is, for each ring separately.

How to choose?

The question of which heating layout is correct, and how to do it better, is by no means an idle one - everyone who has encountered problems knows this.

Heating wiring- this is a diagram of the location of heating devices and pipes connecting them. The efficiency of work depends significantly on the type of wiring. heating system, its efficiency and aesthetics.
Main types of heating wiring:

  • Single-pipe and double-pipe
  • Horizontal and vertical
  • Dead-end and with counter-movement of coolant
  • Heating with top and bottom wiring

A specific heating system must have one of two characteristics from all four groups of characteristics. For example, the wiring can be single-pipe horizontal with upper heating wiring and dead-end movement of the coolant, or it can be two-pipe horizontal with lower wiring and counter movement of the coolant, etc.
Let's consider these schemes based on the possibility of installing a heat meter for apartment heat metering.

Vertical wiring of the heating system

It became most widespread in the Soviet Union from 1960 to 1999 due to the low cost and ease of laying utilities. The engineers of that time did not think too much about the problems associated with its applications.

Single-pipe vertical heating system

This wiring system is common mainly in houses built before the beginning of 2000. In such houses, the supply line runs along the technical floor or in the basement of the house, and the coolant enters each battery sequentially (gradually cooling) through vertical risers.

Advantages: low pipe consumption. Because of it, some unscrupulous developers continue to create houses with such wiring to this day.
Flaws: the impossibility of turning off individual heating devices and the impossibility of adjusting them, excessive consumption of heating devices, and large heat losses of the coolant. What does it mean impossibility of installing residential heat meters.

If with a one-pipe distribution the coolant moves along one solid circuit through all the radiators, then with a two-pipe system there are two risers: from one the coolant enters the radiator, and into the other it leaves.

Two-pipe vertical heating system

With a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring, the supply and return main pipelines pass in the floor of the lower floor of the building or in the basement, and the coolant flows independently into each radiator.

Advantages: good regulation of the heating system, the ability to separately turn off each heating device, no overconsumption of heating devices.

Flaws: the length of pipelines increases compared to a single-pipe scheme, making it practically impossible to install residential heat meters.

Reasons for the impossibility of installing apartment heat meters in houses with vertical heating distribution

  • Metrological problem. The heat meter is considered to be operating correctly when the difference in coolant temperatures between inlet and outlet (supply and return) is more than 3 O C. Thermal consumption of 1 radiator, depending on the size, finning coefficient and heating area, ranges from 0.5 o C to 2 o C.
  • The need to install heat meters on each riser, which is expensive and very troublesome. In the future, the user will have to manually take readings from each of the meters, sum them up and submit them to the heat supply organization. Risk of mathematical error and human factor. High verification costs, which partially offsets the savings from installation and increases the payback.
  • The scope of application of the device is written in the heat meter passport. For example, for Ultraheat T-230 - “The meter is used to account for energy consumption in apartments, cottages, apartment buildings and small businesses... the temperature in the supply and return pipelines is measured.... etc., etc.” There is no word anywhere about the battery, and there is no supply or return pipeline on the battery.

All of the above reasons are arguments for heat supply organizations not to take into commercial accounting heat meters installed in houses with a vertical heating system.

The only way to organize heat metering with a vertical heating distribution scheme is through heat distributors.

Horizontal distribution of the heating system

IN in this case the main pipeline runs through all floors; on each floor there are heating niches, in which, through branches from the risers, each of the rooms on the floor has its own connection (via horizontal pipes located in the floor) to the general heating system.

Horizontal single-pipe circuits are rarely used, they have a rather narrow scope of application and they are not used for heating apartment buildings, so here we will consider options for two-pipe wiring.

Two-pipe horizontal (floor) heating system with perimeter wiring

Looking at the figure, you can see that from the main supply and return risers along the perimeter of the room, pipelines are laid in the floor to each heating device. Each apartment has its own heating system input. A heating niche with main risers can be located both in the apartment itself and in the common corridors (on the floor of the apartment or 1 floor below the apartment), depending on the design of the in-house heating distribution.

Each radiator is equipped with Mayevsky valves for bleeding air, and often automatic air collectors are installed on each of the floor heating outlets.

This wiring scheme is the most common in multi-storey residential buildings due to its ease of execution and affordability for developers.

Advantages: similar to a two-pipe vertical system, plus there are no risers on each heating device (except for main risers). It is possible to switch off the heating system by floor and use radiators with bottom connections, which, along with laying main pipelines in the floor structure or in the baseboard, allows you to minimize the number of open pipes and improve the aesthetics of the interior of the premises.

Flaws: the need to use pressure compensators in high-rise buildings, the complexity of operation due to the presence of air valves on each heating device, high heat loss in the floor and through the building envelope.

Two-pipe floor-to-floor heating system with collectors on each floor (radiant)

In the heating niches at the outlets from the main pipeline (riser) on each floor there are collectors - supply and return. From the collectors, supply and return pipelines under the floor are led individually to each radiator in the apartment.

Advantages: similar to two-pipe horizontal heating systems with higher reliability of the system as a whole, a high level of energy efficiency and lower energy consumption for heating.

Flaws: long length of supply pipelines, high cost.

The radial wiring scheme is innovative for our country. Today, such a system is becoming increasingly popular in construction.

In such heating systems, apartment heat meters can be used.

The layout of heating system pipes is, in fact, a diagram of the placement of heating devices and the pipes that connect them into one system. The layout of the heating system pipes completely determines how warm the rooms will be, as well as the aesthetics and efficiency of the heating system. The area of ​​the house, its design features, the type of heating system - all this influences the choice of pipe layout.

Laying out heating system pipes in a multi-unit apartment building

A centralized heating system is well suited for heating apartment buildings. In such a system, heat flows from the boiler room through pipes to the apartment building. Centralized boiler houses, due to their high efficiency, show acceptable operating costs coupled with relatively high heating efficiency indicators.

But if the heating system is poorly designed, then the district heating will be much less efficient. That is why the heating circuit for MKD is drawn up by professionals - heating engineers. Main principle when drawing up a heating system diagram for an apartment building - maximum efficiency at minimum costs.

So that apartment owners in high-rise building did not freeze, the heating scheme of such a house is built taking into account the energy efficiency and thermal output of heating devices, the cost of energy resources and correct sequence connections to the circuit.

You cannot compare the heating system of a private house and an apartment building; there is a fundamental difference between them. The heating system for an apartment building is more complex; it is designed in such a way as to eliminate air locks in the radiators, freezing of walls, leaks and water hammer in the pipeline, etc.

Thus, a high-quality heating scheme for an apartment building guarantees a winter temperature in apartments of at least 20–22 degrees at relative humidity air at 40%. To achieve such indicators, it is important not only to correctly design the heating system, but also to make high-quality thermal insulation of apartments, from which there will be no leaks. warm air through cracks in walls, roofs and windows.

  • Malfunction of the heating system and flooding of the apartment: who should be responsible for this

Expert opinion

Features of apartment-by-apartment heat energy metering for various heating system pipe layouts

I. A. Kashmanov,

Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Director of LLC "STC "Argo"

Hot water and heating - these two items take up more than half the cost utilities. In apartment buildings you can save on water and electricity thanks to appliances individual accounting. A significant obstacle to saving on heat is the “communal mentality”. Even if there is a house heat meter or a weather-dependent heat regulator, this does not help much without understanding that savings begin with own apartment. Many people think that they have no need to insulate their windows by replacing old frames with new double-glazed windows, or install a thermostat in their apartment if their neighbors keep their windows wide open. Therefore, there is only one way out - heat metering in each apartment.

However, there are a lot of difficulties in this area. Main problem consists in the widespread vertical distribution of pipes in the heating system. With such input data it seems extremely challenging task arrange non-volatile heat metering in each apartment, and also with remote data collection. In theory, a simplified formula for calculating thermal energy can help:

Q = M 1,

  • Q – thermal energy;
  • M 1 – mass flow of water;
  • T 1 and T 2 – temperature at the entrance to the apartment and at the exit from it;
  • f(T) is a function of water enthalpy on temperature, close to linear in the normal temperature range.

However, there are problems here too. A significant difficulty lies in the fact that the difference between the water temperature at the entrance to the apartment and at the exit can be from half to five degrees. If it is not possible to ensure correct temperature measurement, then it will not be possible to correctly calculate heat removal. Considering that energy independence and an affordable price are required, this is already reaching the limit of technical capabilities. However, with the passage of time and the development of technology, more and more manufacturers are talking about the possibility of solving this problem.

The essence of the solution is this: if the distribution of temperature and mass flows along the risers is known, then it is possible to estimate the heat consumption of individual apartments. It is not possible to achieve high accuracy, since temperature differences will not be very large. But here the main goal is not the accuracy of measurement, but the breaking of stereotypes of thinking. When people live by the principle “turn off the heating tap, install heat-saving windows and pay less,” then more and more people will begin to invest money in their apartments.

There are also heat spreaders on the market. These devices are mounted on each radiator in the heating system and allow you to estimate the amount of heat removal. Naturally, the data will be very approximate. However, this method has a lot of disadvantages: in addition to low accuracy, it is also expensive, vulnerable to vandals and susceptible to hacking.

If the heating system pipes are laid out horizontally, then there are much fewer technical problems. However, the high cost of metering devices does not disappear anywhere. To make the price of these devices acceptable, manufacturers are striving to combine their heat metering functions, taking into account hot and cold water supply, gas, control DHW temperature and make it possible to install one device in several apartments. However, despite these efforts, the price of these devices today cannot be called acceptable.

A classic solution is the state's implementation of its heat conservation policy. But for various reasons, this policy is not a priority, which leads to legal confusion. A person who wants to install a heat meter in his apartment is faced with a circle of organizations. The management company sends it to the heat supply organization, which, in turn, sends it back to the management company. Such problems need to be solved at the state level, by introducing the necessary regulations and introducing areas of responsibility.

  • Energy-saving technologies for apartment buildings: from the state to the individual apartment

Vertical piping of the heating system

The main difference between vertical and horizontal piping is heat loss. With vertical wiring, they will be minimal due to the location of the supply pipelines. In the vertical distribution of heating system pipes, the function of the thermal riser is assigned to the pipes themselves.

In principle, it is quite difficult to find vertical pipe routing in a heating system in its original form. This scheme, due to the specifics of installation and distribution of coolant flow, was popular during the mass construction of Khrushchev-era buildings. The areas of apartments in such houses were not particularly large, so it would be impractical to install horizontal pipes in the heating system in them. Thus, the choice fell on vertical wiring. Its features:

  • the batteries are connected to several thermal risers, the advantage is with a single-pipe heating system;
  • the features of the heating system made it possible to regulate the heating of the batteries;
  • separate heating circuits provided heat flow into the room.

Vertical pipe distribution in the heating system has significant disadvantages, so it is not used in private houses, and in modern apartment buildings too.

Sometimes they resort to mixed pipe routing - when lines are taken from the horizontal distribution riser to which the batteries are connected. If such wiring is used, then vertical radiators will be most optimal for it. In this case, the high price is compensated by the efficiency of their work.

Vertical pipe routing in a heating system can be of two types.

1. Single-pipe vertical heating system

This system was used in houses built before 2000. With such a pipe layout, the house had one supply line, which was either in the basement or on the technical floor and from which vertical risers extended. Through these risers, the coolant enters the batteries, and the supply is carried out sequentially, which leads to a gradual cooling of the coolant.

The advantage of this scheme is the small number of pipes required to supply heat. Sometimes, even today, unscrupulous developers resort to this method in order to save money.

This method of routing heating system pipes has more disadvantages. These include serious losses of coolant and excessive consumption of heating devices, coupled with the impossibility of adjusting or turning them off. All this suggests that in an apartment where such a pipe layout is used, it is not possible to install a heat meter.

2. Two-pipe vertical heating system

A single-pipe system has one solid circuit through which coolant flows through all connected batteries. The two-pipe system is equipped with a pair of risers: from the first riser, the coolant enters the battery, from which it goes into the other riser.

If this system uses bottom pipe routing, then the supply and receiving lines are laid in the basement or along the floor of the lower floor. The coolant in this heating system pipe layout is supplied to each radiator independently.

This scheme has more advantages than a single-pipe one. Here you can regulate the heating system, turn off heating devices when necessary and not worry about their overconsumption.

But there are also disadvantages: more pipes are needed for such a distribution of heating system pipes and it is still impossible to install heat meters.

Reasons why installing a heat meter in houses with vertical heating distribution is impossible:

  • metrological The heat meter displays correct information only if the difference in temperature of the coolant at the inlet to the radiator and at the outlet is more than 3 degrees. With vertical piping, the heat consumption of one radiator will vary from 0.5 to 2 degrees, depending on the type of radiator, its size, number of fins and heating area;
  • meters must be installed on each riser, which will be very costly and labor-intensive. Also, operation will be very difficult - residents will have to take readings from each meter, summarize this data and provide it to the heat supplier. It is obvious that the influence of the human factor and the possible risk of error in calculations are very large. Also, expensive verification of heat meters increases their payback and practically eliminates the savings from their installation;
  • in the meter's passport, which describes its scope of application, there is not a word about batteries, only about the supply and return pipelines.

All of the above reasons allow heat suppliers not to take into commercial accounting heat meters that are installed in houses with vertical heating system pipes.

Thus, in a house with vertical pipe distribution, heat metering can only be organized using a heat distributor.

  • Adjustment of the heating fee for a centralized heating system

Expert opinion

How to take into account the layout of heating system pipes when installing a heat meter

R. M. Popov,

Deputy General Director of the State Corporation "Yurenergo"

To protect apartment buildings from heat loss, it is necessary to take active measures to save energy - change doors and windows in the entrances, insulate the walls. After such events, the house can reduce its heat consumption several times.

If apartment owners want to install a heat meter, then it is worth remembering that this is only possible in a house where horizontal piping of the heating system is used. In this case, there is one riser in the apartment, from which the apartment batteries are powered in a ring.

In an apartment with a vertical distribution of heating system pipes, when it has two or more risers from which the batteries are powered, it is legally prohibited to install heat meters (Order No. 627 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011).

There have been situations when management companies changed the wiring of heating system pipes in a house so that residents could install heat meters.

A heat meter is a tool for measuring heat consumption, in which an electronic module is built-in, which is embedded in the direct or return pipeline (if the house has horizontal pipe distribution of the heating system). This module can be remote. A pair of temperature sensors extend from it, which are embedded in each pipeline. Based on the coolant flow data and the temperature difference, the heat meter determines the heat consumption in Gcal.

Horizontal distribution of heating system pipes in an apartment building

This type of heating system pipe distribution is found, as a rule, in private houses a couple of floors high. But a horizontal two-pipe system with bottom wiring can be used to connect to centralized heating. In this system, the supply and return lines are located horizontally.

If you have chosen this type of piping for the heating system, then you need to take into account the nuances of connecting it to one or another type of heating.

1. Central horizontal heating

To draw up an engineering diagram, it is worth referring to SNiP 41-01-2003, which states that the horizontal distribution of pipes of the heating system should not only ensure the necessary circulation of the coolant in the system, but also organize its accounting. For these purposes, two risers are installed in the apartment building - one that supplies hot water and one that receives cooled coolant. It is mandatory to calculate the horizontal layout of a two-pipe heating system, which is equipped with a heat meter. This device is mounted on the inlet pipe, after the point where the pipe enters the riser.

In addition, the hydraulic resistance at certain places in the pipeline is taken into account. This is necessary, because the horizontal distribution of heating system pipes will only be effective with the required coolant pressure.

Most modern apartment buildings are equipped with a single-pipe horizontal heating system with bottom pipe distribution. When choosing batteries for such a heating system, do not forget to take into account the distance from them to the central riser. The further away the radiator is, the larger area he must possess.

2. Autonomous horizontal heating

A horizontal heating system with bottom piping is usually chosen for a private house or apartment not connected to central heating. But in these cases, you need to make a choice between natural and forced circulation. If the first option is chosen, then a vertical riser is installed from the boiler, from which horizontal pipelines are fed.

The advantages of this pipe routing scheme are as follows:

  • inexpensive consumables. A heating system with horizontal piping and natural circulation does not require a pump, protective fittings or a membrane expansion tank;
  • reliability. The excess temperature in the system can be compensated by an expansion tank, because the pressure in the pipes is equal to atmospheric pressure.

The main disadvantage of such a system is its inertia. Even with the best design of a horizontal single-pipe system with natural room circulation two-story house will not warm up quickly. The reason is that the coolant begins to move through the pipes only after heating to a certain value. If the house area is more than 150 sq. m. and there are two or more floors, then it is better to install a heating system with forced circulation.

Unlike natural circulation, forced circulation does not require a riser, since the pressure in the heating system is provided by a circulation pump. In turn, this leads to increased system performance:

  1. The coolant is distributed faster throughout the system.
  2. In a two-pipe system, it becomes possible to regulate the volume of coolant for each battery.
  3. Smaller installation area of ​​the system, since no distribution riser is needed.

Also, horizontal distribution of heating system pipes can be combined with collector distribution. This method will be indispensable for long pipelines, as it will ensure uniform distribution of coolant in all rooms.

3. Single-pipe horizontal heating system

Experts believe that single-pipe horizontal heating system wiring is the most affordable and easy to install. Its operating principle is to connect batteries in series to the pipeline. The connection configuration of the pipes can be bottom or top.

The disadvantages of such a system will be:

  • uneven flow of coolant into the radiators - the further away from the boiler, the cooler the coolant;
  • difficulties with maintenance and repair work, since disconnecting one radiator in the system blocks the supply of coolant to the radiators following the disconnected one;
  • It is not possible to adjust the temperature in different rooms.

This system also requires a bypass to be installed before each battery. When equipped with shut-off valves, this will allow for repairs and replacement individual parts heating systems.

To establish optimal air convection in the room and ensure effective heat transfer, radiators should be covered 2/3 with a window sill. It is also worth providing additional thermal insulation to those rooms that are located at the maximum distance from the boiler.

4. Two-pipe horizontal heating system

This heating system with bottom wiring is devoid of all the above-mentioned disadvantages, since the radiators have a different – ​​parallel – connection scheme to the pipes of the heating system. The heated coolant enters through the tee, and the cooled coolant immediately goes into the pipe.

As a result, it becomes possible to regulate the volume of coolant and the speed of its passage through each battery. Besides this, This heating scheme has a number of other advantages.

  1. The installation of additional heating devices does not affect the operation of the system as long as the boiler has a power reserve to heat the increased volume of coolant.
  2. Repair and maintenance can be carried out without stopping the functioning of the entire heating system. The coolant flow is blocked by shut-off valves in the required area of ​​the heating system.
  3. If, together with the horizontal lower pipe distribution in a two-pipe heating system, a distribution manifold is also installed, this will increase the efficiency of the entire system and thereby reduce energy costs.

A significant disadvantage of a two-pipe horizontal system with bottom wiring is the increased likelihood of air locks. To avoid such a situation, each battery must be equipped with a Mayevsky tap.

When calculating a horizontal two-pipe system, you need special attention pay attention to the rotary units, since it is because of them that the greatest losses in coolant pressure are observed. The calculation must also include the dimensions of the pressure drop in each section of the heating system and the change in coolant temperature. It is very difficult to carry out this calculation on your own, so it is better to turn to specialists.

After the most remote radiator in this system, you need to install an air vent and a pressure gauge. This will simplify monitoring the operating parameters of the heating system and prevent sudden pressure changes.

  • Are polymer pipes as good for heating as they say?

Manifold distribution of heating system pipes

The two-pipe manifold floor-by-floor pipe distribution system for the heating system deserves special mention. Its peculiarity is that on each floor there are supply and return manifolds, from which pipes go directly to the batteries. The heart of the system is the common supply riser. If there are many heat consumers in the house, then there may be several such risers.

The manifold wiring is characterized by a significant pipeline length, in contrast to classical schemes. Since this scheme uses metal-plastic pipes, the cost of such a heating system layout will be higher than conventional options.

The two-pipe manifold distribution ensures that all rooms will be evenly supplied with coolant. On average, after 2–3 heating seasons expensive installation collector system will be paid off.

Significant differences between two-pipe collector (beam) systems will be:

  • design flexibility;
  • the ability to provide a thermostat for each battery in the system;
  • using a circulation pump;
  • each circuit is a separate system, with its own automation and equipment;
  • no need for air vents on batteries;
  • good reliability, minimum leaks and emergency situations;
  • resistance to water hammer.

With all these advantages, the manifold distribution of heating system pipes has another significant advantage - aesthetics. Each of us, when making renovations, wants to get a comfortable and pleasing environment. This desire does not go well with risers in all rooms, especially if we are talking about old houses where risers can leak and leak. It is clear that in such conditions any repair is under constant threat.

In a two-pipe manifold distribution of heating system pipes, the pipeline is laid in the floor screed. Thus, the pipe will not be visible under any circumstances. At the same time, metal-plastic pipes are not afraid of corrosion, low temperatures and even freezing.

Horizontal manifold distributions allow you to regulate the temperature in each room (using thermostats), which further increases comfort. The indoor temperature increases or decreases depending on the outdoor temperature, resulting in a highly energy efficient system.

Piping of the heating system inside the apartment

Typically, heating devices are installed in the gap of the riser. In order to maintain circulation in the riser when throttling the device, a jumper is made between the device and the riser - a bypass.

Possible different options basic scheme.

  1. In old houses, the battery is connected parallel to the riser; a bypass is installed without reducing the diameter.
  2. In Stalinka buildings there is a wiring of two batteries from the riser. This can be done in modern houses. An additional radiator will have a slight effect on coolant circulation.
  3. Convectors in houses built in the 80s do not have jumpers and are not equipped with throttling.
  4. Modern apartments in new buildings may not have wiring at all. The owner will receive two valves on the supply and return pipes and a heat meter. Laying out the heating system pipes and designing the system itself is entirely the responsibility of the owner.
  • Heating system in an apartment building: types, pressure testing, calculation and drainage

Requirements for pipelines in MKD

1. Reliability, strength and durability

There is no point in installing a system that will require repairs in a couple of years. In addition, the heating system operates under high pressure and with high temperature, which requires increased attention to pipe joints and branches. Because of this, wiring is losing its popularity metal-plastic pipes, since their connections through fittings are prone to leakage after several years of service. Steel pipes are more resistant to this, but problems arise with their poor corrosion resistance.

2. Price of materials and installation

Polypropylene pipes will be the most affordable, and purchasing components for them will not ruin you either. The layout of polypropylene pipes for the heating system is quite reliable and has proven itself in Russian conditions. Brass or copper pipes more expensive, but the question of justification for the overpayment remains open. There is no objective evidence to believe that the increased cost of such pipes guarantees greater reliability and efficiency.

3. Ease of installation

The easiest installation is for metal-plastic pipes, since they do not require special equipment. The installation of polypropylene pipes is also simple and quick, and these pipes will be more reliable than metal-plastic ones.

4. Aesthetic installation

Time steel pipes and bulky batteries are almost gone. Now most of the heating system is hidden in the floor or wall, and joints and large components are visible.

5. Efficiency and performance

The advantage here is that of pipes that have a low coefficient of resistance of the internal walls and have low heat loss. From this position, polypropylene pipes take first place.

The efficiency of heating is largely determined by correctly selected components - the boiler, pipes with the appropriate diameter, radiators and shut-off valves. However, in addition to this, the location of the highway must be taken into account. What is the difference between a horizontal heating system: two-pipe, one-pipe, wiring and connection of heating devices? In order to determine the feasibility of designing and installing such a scheme, you must first consider its specifics.

Features of the horizontal pipe laying scheme

In the overwhelming majority, a horizontal two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring is installed in one or two-story private houses. But, in addition, it can be used to connect to centralized heating. Feature similar system is the horizontal arrangement of the main and return (for two-pipe) lines.

When choosing this piping system, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of connecting to various types of heating.

Central horizontal heating

To draw up an engineering diagram, you should be guided by SNiP 41–01–2003. It states that the horizontal distribution of the heating system must ensure not only proper circulation of the coolant, but also ensure its metering. For this purpose, two risers are installed in apartment buildings - with hot water and for receiving cooled liquid. A calculation of a horizontal two-pipe heating system, which includes the installation of a heat meter, is required. It is installed on the inlet pipe immediately after connecting the pipe to the riser.

In addition, the hydraulic resistance in certain sections of the highway is taken into account. This is important, since the horizontal distribution of the heating system will only work effectively if the appropriate coolant pressure is maintained.

In most cases, for multi-apartment buildings, a single-pipe horizontal heating system with bottom wiring is installed. Therefore, when choosing the number of sections in radiators, you need to take into account their distance from the central distribution riser. The farther the battery is located, the larger its area should be.

Autonomous horizontal heating

In a private house or apartment without a connection to the central heating supply, a horizontal heating system with bottom wiring is most often chosen. However, it is necessary to take into account the operating mode - with natural circulation or forced under pressure. In the first case, a vertical riser is installed immediately from the boiler to which the horizontal sections are connected.

The advantages of this arrangement for maintaining a comfortable temperature level include the following:

  • Minimum acquisition costs consumables. In particular, a horizontal single-pipe heating system with natural circulation does not include a circulation pump, a membrane expansion tank and protective fittings - air vents;
  • Reliability of operation. Since the pressure in the pipes is equal to atmospheric pressure, the excess temperature regime compensated by an expansion tank.

But there are also disadvantages to be noted. The main one is the inertia of the system. Even a well-designed horizontal single-pipe heating system for a two-story house with natural circulation will not be able to quickly heat the premises. This is explained by the fact that the heating network begins to move only after reaching a certain temperature. For houses large area(from 150 sq.m.) and if there are two floors or more, a horizontal heating system with bottom wiring and forced circulation of liquid is recommended.

Unlike the scheme described above, there is no need to make a riser for forced circulation. The coolant pressure in a horizontal two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring is created using a circulation pump. This is reflected in improved performance:

  • Quick distribution of hot water throughout the entire line;
  • Possibility of adjusting the volume of coolant for each radiator (only for a two-pipe system);
  • Installation requires less space since there is no distribution riser.

In turn, horizontal wiring of the heating system can be combined with a collector one. This is relevant for long-distance pipelines. This way you can achieve even distribution of hot water throughout all rooms of the house.

When calculating a horizontal two-pipe heating system, it is necessary to take into account the rotary units; it is in these places that the hydraulic pressure losses are greatest.

Single-pipe horizontal heating system

What is horizontal heating distribution in combination with a single-pipe system, in what cases can it be installed? Among experts, it is considered the easiest to install and the most affordable. The principle of its design is that radiators are connected to the pipeline in series. Depending on the selected configuration, the connection of the pipes can be top or bottom.

But at the same time, the horizontal single-pipe heating system of a two-story house is characterized by the following disadvantages:

  • Uneven heat distribution across the batteries. The further the radiator is from the boiler, the lower the water temperature in it will be;
  • Difficulties in performing repair and maintenance work. When disconnecting the radiator from the general network in a horizontal single pipe system heating with natural circulation, the flow of coolant further through the pipeline stops;
  • Inability to regulate temperature in various rooms of the house.

During the design of this system, it is imperative to install a bypass in front of each radiator. In combination with shut-off valves, it will allow you to carry out repair work or replace individual heating elements.

For effective heat transfer, the batteries must be 2/3 covered by the window sill. This will promote optimal air convection in the room.

A single-pipe horizontal heating system with bottom wiring is installed only in houses with a small area - up to 150 sq. m. You also need to take care of additional thermal insulation of those rooms that are farthest from the boiler.

Two-pipe horizontal heating system

For a horizontal heating system with bottom wiring, all of the above disadvantages are absent. This is possible thanks to a different scheme for connecting radiators to pipelines. Each device is connected in parallel. The hot coolant flows through the tee assembly, and the cooled coolant flows directly into the return pipe.

In this way, you can regulate the volume and flow rate of the coolant for each radiator. In addition, in contrast to a single-pipe horizontal heating system with bottom wiring, the improved scheme has the following advantages:

  • Installing additional heating devices will not affect the system. The main thing is that the boiler’s power allows heating an increased volume of coolant;
  • Repair and maintenance work can be carried out without turning off the heating. To do this, it is enough to use shut-off valves to shut off the coolant at in the right area networks;
  • If, together with a horizontal two-pipe heating system with distribution from below, you install distribution manifolds, you can increase the efficiency, thereby minimizing energy costs.

The disadvantages of two-pipe heating with horizontal wiring include a greater likelihood of air pockets. To avoid this, a Mayevsky tap is installed on each radiator. With a large branched network, a calculation is performed for a horizontal two-pipe heating system. It should include the magnitude of the pressure drop at each site, as well as the change in water temperature. It is difficult to do this work yourself without the proper skills, so it is best to use a professional online calculator, or seek the help of specialists.

After the last, most distant radiator, it is recommended to install a pressure gauge and an air vent. This set of measures will allow you to avoid sudden pressure surges in the system and make it possible to visually monitor its parameters.

Features of the package

When installing horizontal single-pipe heating with natural circulation, the angle of inclination of the pipes must be observed. It is performed towards the radiators in the direction of water movement. The lowest point of the return line must not be below the boiler level. It should be remembered that any horizontal heating distribution is characterized by increased resistance - the larger the diameter of the pipe, the higher this figure.

The two-pipe system must include a circulation pump and a membrane expansion tank. Without these elements safe work heating is not possible. Measuring instruments such as pressure gauges and thermometers are also installed.

So which horizontal heating system to choose - two-pipe or single-pipe? This is determined by the characteristics of the house. For buildings with a large area it is recommended to install two-pipe wiring with forced circulation. If the speed of heating the air in the rooms and the ability to regulate the temperature are not important, you can install single-pipe heating.

An example of calculating one-pipe heating - hydraulic losses: