How to make a jigsaw cut smoothly. High-quality cutting with a jigsaw

Like a quality construction chipboard material today it is more popular than ever.

How to saw off chipboard smoothly and without chips at home?

It is used in various branches of construction, because all technologies for working with this material are very clear and accessible. Anyone who has ever dealt with chipboard knows how to cut this material.

But the apparent simplicity of cutting this material requires knowledge of all the subtleties in order to avoid damage to the sheets. If cutting technology is violated, irreparable difficulties may arise, so you need to know how to avoid them during the work process.

Subtleties of cutting chipboard at home

The first problem that many who deal with cutting face is the availability large quantity fine wood dust generated while working with chipboard. How can this be avoided?

In large industries, to solve this problem they use special technologies, but applying them at home is not always possible. For example, if you need to cut about 20-30 sheets of chipboard, then remove all the resulting construction waste very difficult.

The best solution, which many people resort to today, is cutting chipboard at the stage of purchasing sheets. But there are those who still prefer to cut with my own hands, that is, independently.

But remember, in this case you will have to solve all the problems yourself during cutting. To avoid them, listen to our advice!

To carry out high-quality and accurate cutting, we suggest using several recommendations from experts.

For example, it is advisable to make cuts at home using the most ordinary carpenter's saw, with small sharp teeth. When using such a tool, you can get an even, clear and high-quality cut of chipboard. To do this, the saw must work tilted at an acute angle to the surface chipboard sheet. During cutting, it should move smoothly, without sudden movements, with slight pressure on the slab itself, only in this case can you obtain a high-quality cut and reduce the formation of creases to a minimum.

To implement additional protection you need to use the following method: stick adhesive tape on the cutting line, this method is ideal in case of cutting laminated chipboard.

While working, you must adhere to strict technology and be as careful as possible with the material, as well as be consistent in your actions and not rush anywhere. If you do everything very quickly, then on the surface building material chips may occur, which will worsen appearance finished sheet.

If everything is done correctly, then after completion of the work a perfectly smooth edge will be formed, and there will be no need for additional processing of the sheets. If it was not possible to do everything as carefully as possible, then in this case it is necessary to level the uneven edge using a plane, rasp or file.

Disadvantages of cutting chipboard at home

Also, one of the disadvantages of cutting is the exposure of the inner layer of chipboard, which can also be deformed in case of unprofessional work. To avoid this, use adhesive plastic tape. The adhesive coating and veneer will protect the chipboard from sagging.

As we see, the process cutting chipboard- labor-intensive, it requires obtaining certain skills and experience in working with this type of material. Therefore, if you are not sure what you can produce cutting chipboard yourself, seek help from specialists who will do everything efficiently and quickly.

If you decide to do everything yourself, then we will be glad if the materials in the article help you with this, and you can cut the chipboard yourself beautifully and accurately.

Without any exaggeration, a tool such as a jigsaw is an indispensable assistant in every home. Using such a tool, you can easily cut out a wide variety of shapes from a wide variety of materials.

How to saw chipboard without chipping

The jigsaw is one of the most convenient tools for cutting circles, ovals and other complex shapes.

Jigsaw device.

So how to cut correctly and evenly with a jigsaw? You must follow the instructions, and for this you will also need:

  • safety glasses;
  • machine oil;
  • gloves;
  • jigsaw

Working with a jigsaw

In order to cut smoothly with a jigsaw, you must proceed as follows:

Types of saws for jigsaws.

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to strengthen the material with maximum strength. It is strongly not recommended to cut along the grain, as in this case it is very difficult to achieve evenness. In this regard, it is best to use circular saw, if such a tool is not available, you can use a rip fence. Such rip fence one end must be attached to the jigsaw, and the other end must rest against the edge of the workpiece. This is how the most even cut is made.
  2. If it is necessary to make a cut inside the workpiece, then first make a hole in the circle. Then you should insert a jigsaw into the hole made and begin moving in the direction of the marking. After the desired hole has been cut, the corners of the workpiece can be easily adjusted on both sides.
  3. In order to cut correctly with a jigsaw, you should not use force when pressing the tool. Otherwise, the blade will heat up quickly, which may lead to damage. You should not use one file for a long time, as it becomes dull quite quickly. And such a file makes burrs on the edges of the material, which significantly impairs the quality of the work. If we are talking about cutting materials of increased hardness, then the blade must be lubricated with a small amount of machine oil. This will make it easier to work with the file, and the service life of the file will be significantly extended.
  4. When working with a jigsaw at low speeds, the jigsaw needs a break, since in such a process the engine often overheats. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions; the presence of protective glasses and gloves is simply necessary. After the work is completed, the tool must be cleaned and lubricated.

Process Features

Scheme of a homemade jigsaw.

The electric jigsaw comes with pendulum and conventional stroke. When the stroke is normal, the blade must be moved vertically, and the material is cut as it moves upward. The operating speed is quite high, the blade wears out significantly less.

As for working with a jigsaw with a pendulum stroke, the principle of operation is the same, but you need to take into account that it is best to work with soft wood and plastic, but it is better to avoid cutting steel sheets with such a tool.

If you need to cut a hole round shape, then an initial hole is drilled in the workpiece, then a file needs to be inserted there.

Then you should cut along the mark. If you want to make a hole in the form of a square or rectangle, then you need to cut in a straight line. Then the cut out area is removed and the remaining parts, which have the shape of a triangle, are cut out.

If it is not possible to make an initial hole in the workpiece, it is advisable to plunge cut. At the same time electric jigsaw leans forward until the saw reaches the workpiece. Thus, the file makes a through-type hole in the workpiece. You can use a jigsaw to cut bevels.

When working with a jigsaw, it is necessary that the table is stable, the material is securely fastened and the correct saw is selected.

Sawing with a jigsaw so that everything is even is not at all difficult. A guide is attached to the tool, which is then guided over the edge of the workpiece.

If everything is done exactly this way, then the movements of the file are carried out smoothly and without special effort. If the edge is curved, you need to cut out according to the markings that should have been made before.

If you need to cut a sheet of wood that is small in thickness, chips may appear.

In order to prevent this phenomenon, the workpiece should be positioned face down.

To work with such a tool with maximum efficiency there is no need to use anything else. Nevertheless, to increase the “working capacity” of a jigsaw, there are some additional devices.

When workpieces are processed small sizes, it is very important that the work is carried out with maximum precision. To do this, it is recommended to have a special table that is designed for sawing.

In order for a jigsaw to easily process any surface, it is permissible to use one more additional device - a replaceable plate (a variety of materials are used in its manufacture). This replacement plate is neatly attached to the support sole.

It must be taken into account that there are materials that need to be pre-cooled and only then begin to be processed. Therefore, it is necessary to have a tank filled cold water. To make working with such a tool easy and convenient, you must regularly use a lubricant. It is used for cooling and lubrication, as a result of which the life of such a tool will be significantly extended.

How to use a hand jigsaw

In this lesson we will show you the basics of working with a regular hand jigsaw. Of course, there are also electric jigsaws, but they cost a lot of money, and working with them is a pursuit of speed, and not a calm, moderate creation of beauty.

For work we will need: manual jigsaw, a file, a table stand, a clamp for attaching the stand to the table, an awl, a pencil, two paper clips, a sheet of tracing paper, a sheet of copy paper, sandpaper and of course a piece of plywood of the required size. We will cut out a Christmas tree; in this work, in addition to the cutting technique, we will also master the technique of assembling plywood parts in three-dimensional figure Christmas trees and the easiest way to finish the finished product, using regular watercolor paint.

The size of the plywood should correspond to the pattern you have chosen; try to arrange the cut parts more compactly, closer to each other, since everything that remains after cutting, as a rule, can no longer be used in further work due to its fragility. And so we clean the selected piece of plywood sandpaper, trying to move it along the fibers, since transverse scratches will be clearly visible on finished product and they are very difficult to remove later, and the treated plywood fibers look velvety and soft.

The sandpaper should be medium-grit to reduce scratching of the plywood.

Secure the sheet of tracing paper and the drawing using clamps, then use a pencil to copy the drawing onto the tracing paper. This operation is necessary in order not to damage the original drawing when transferring it to plywood.

It should be noted right away that with the current level of distribution and availability of copying machines, with large-scale and complex drawings for cutting, it is good to use a copying machine and the necessary drawing simply needs to be copied to blank slate paper and then transfer the drawing from it onto plywood. The advantage of this method is that it is quite easy to enlarge or reduce the pattern chosen for work. We put tracing paper with a drawing on the plywood and a pencil, using carbon paper we transfer it to front side her.

Having transferred the entire drawing to plywood, we carefully check whether all the lines of the drawing are clearly visible on the plywood.

At the next stage, it is very important to check the future joints of the herringbone parts.

To do this, a piece of plywood of the same thickness as we are using needs to be attached to the drawn groove of the Christmas tree part and make sure that it fits exactly within the drawn boundaries. If the dimensions of the groove and the thickness of the plywood do not match, the width of the groove is adjusted - it is drawn equal to the thickness of the plywood used. Otherwise, when assembling finished parts, they will dangle or simply not fit into each other. This way all grooves in all part drawings are checked.

We take the stand and insert its clamp into the central hole.

We fasten the stand with a clamp to the edge of a table, window sill or workbench.

If your file is not inserted into the jigsaw, then we do this in the following sequence. We loosen the thumb of the lower clamp of the jigsaw (after turning the handle down to the working position). Insert the file into the lower clamp.

The direction of the saw teeth should be as in figure “b” - this is very important.

Then, having loosened the knob of the upper clamp, insert the upper end of the file into it and placing the jigsaw on the stand, press it firmly and screw the knob tightly. The file should be taut. But excessively strong tension can lead to breakage of the file when figured sawing, a weak file tension will also lead to this. So everything should be in moderation.

The position of the body when cutting should be as in the figure.

When cutting with a jigsaw, you need to smoothly move your hand up and down, up and down, monitoring the position of the file so that it does not tilt from the vertical position.

How to cut laminated chipboard at home?

When cutting along a curved line, turn the plywood rather than the jigsaw during the sawing process - this will reduce the likelihood of breaking the file.

When cutting sharp corners, make movements of the file in place, gradually turning the plywood.

You should now have a free space - a hole in which the file will turn, now continue sawing in the desired direction.

Make free space for turning the saw on that part of the plywood that will be thrown away and you will get sharp corners without much difficulty.

After you have cut out the entire outline of the design, the sawn part will be freely removed from the plywood.

Now, in order not to break the file, insert it into the cut from which you started cutting out the part and smoothly moving the jigsaw up and down, but only back side file, pull it out of the plywood.

Similarly, cut out the second part of the Christmas tree.

Sand the resulting parts with sandpaper.

Now we have two Christmas tree parts ready for assembly.

We collect them into one structure.

Now let's paint the Christmas tree with watercolors or gouache.

Our Christmas tree is ready.

And at the end of the lesson, we will show you the sequence of cutting out internal holes in parts. Let's say we need to cut out part of a circle.

In the middle of the part to be removed, use an awl to make a hole. Do not try to make the hole close to the drawn line, this may cause the plywood to chip, which will be quite unsightly.

Having loosened the upper clamp of the jigsaw and freed the file, we insert its upper end from below into the punctured hole.

We clamp the file into the upper clamp of the jigsaw and cut out the part of the pattern to be removed.

Then release the file from the upper clamp again. And we repeat this operation with each internal hole in the pattern.

The Christmas tree turned out to be stable and quite strong; for greater stability, the joining parts of the parts can be coated with some kind of glue that does not leave marks on the wood - this is PVA, carpentry or casein glue.

How to cut laminated chipboard

For home craftsmen

How to cut laminated chipboard with a jigsaw without chipping

In progress self-made furniture, the contractor may need to cut or trim the laminated chipboard for subsequent use. Of course it's best this operation This can be done by sawing, but if necessary and to reduce labor intensity, it is quite possible to cut laminated chipboard at home (using a jigsaw). Moreover, it is very important to implement this procedure in such a way as to minimize the number of chips and thereby create an even cut.

Why do chips appear?

Before cutting laminated chipboard or laminate using a jigsaw, it is advisable to understand why chips form when cutting sheet material. And the answer here is simple: everything lies in the design of the jigsaw, or rather in the design of the nail file.

So, during the cutting process, the file receives return movements (up and down). And if when the saw moves along the teeth (usually downwards) chips practically do not form, then when the tool moves in the opposite direction, the teeth seem to be torn out top layer material, thereby forming an unflattering chip. That is why you can observe an almost perfect cut on the bottom side of the chipboard and a chipped cut along its upper edge.

Ways to minimize chipping

An additional reason for the formation of chips may be misalignment of the saw teeth. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is purchase a tool with a straight cut (often Bosh files). However, it should be taken into account that during prolonged use, such files overheat and may even bend during the cutting process. Therefore, it is necessary to take breaks from work to cool the cutting tool.

However, just replacing the saw blade is not enough and in order to cut laminated chipboard (laminate) with a jigsaw without chipping, you need to make minor modifications to the power tool. Namely, make sure that when the saw moves against the inclination of the tooth, the material does not pull out. For this purpose it is enough to make a persistent platform. This conclusion can be reached by trying to cut through two laminated chipboard sheet. So there will be practically no chips on the lower element.

How to cut chipboard evenly with a grinder?

In order to make a stop pad for a jigsaw, it is enough to cut out a rectangle from any dense material (for example, laminate) with dimensions identical to the dimensions of the sole of the power tool.

Then more center line you should make a notch and secure the resulting equipment to the sole of the jigsaw using insulating tape or double sided tape. All modifications are ready and finishing work can be carried out in compliance with certain recommendations.

Firstly, as mentioned above, you should use a jigsaw file with a straight cut.

Secondly, in order to better control the cutting process, it is justified to apply a marking line on both sides of the chipboard and check the accuracy of the processing from above and below.

And thirdly, take constant breaks from work to cool the cutting equipment.

Sometimes the solution to this issue can be simply cutting through the laminated layer of material using a mounting knife, and subsequent work with a jigsaw will no longer cause large defects in the form of chips. However this work requires the performer to have certain experience and accuracy.

In most cases, the process of straight and figured cutting of materials requires extreme precision of the tool. This statement is most true for an electric jigsaw. The thin saw blades used in this device can easily change the cutting angle, which can negatively affect the accuracy of the line. The clarity of the edges of the product and the evenness of the cutting line depend on the skills of the operator, the serviceability of the device and the saw. Next, we will tell you how to get the planned contour with perfectly clear edges and what to do if the jigsaw moves to the side.

Why does a jigsaw cut crookedly?

The saw blade leaving the pre-planned line may be due to several reasons. The operator may not have enough experience in handling the tool, the file may be defective, and the rod and guide roller for the jigsaw may have serious play. In order not to guess from the coffee grounds, it is worth starting to sift out the factors that determine the accuracy and evenness of the cut line in your individual case.

As usual, it’s better to start with yourself and your approach to sawing. Often, novice craftsmen rush things and, wanting to speed up the cutting, apply a lot of pressure to the jigsaw. The tool does not have time to bite evenly into the material and create a clear groove for the file, which begins to follow the path of least resistance and makes unpredictable movements. This problem is especially common when working with thick timber (from 40 mm) and varnished plywood from Soviet times.

This is one of the reasons why the jigsaw moves to the side. What to do about this? The answer is obvious. Apply the minimum pressure sufficient to guide the tool along the line and set the maximum number of revolutions (when working with wood). The pendulum mode usually does not affect the evenness of the cut if its design is in good order.

The quality of assembly and wear of tool parts can be a good reason for the formation of beveled lines when sawing. There are basically no complaints about devices from the budget segment (up to 2,500 rubles), as well as hopes for their conscientious assembly. It’s another matter when original, branded instruments begin to perform such tricks. Often, the cause of a crooked cut is the guide roller, the jigsaw rod or its sole.

You can check the reliability of the element’s fixation by simply tugging it with your hand. Loosening of the rod or roller by more than 1 mm determines that this device is not capable of producing a perfectly even cut. The more play there is in the parts, the less accurate the cutting line they form. This problem should be corrected based on the circumstances. If the part itself is worn out, it can be replaced with a similar one. It is difficult to fix a breakdown if the attachment point to the mechanism is worn out. Not every modern Kulibin undertakes such repairs, and this problem is usually solved by purchasing a new tool.

Unfortunately, the products of many trusted brands are often counterfeited, and jigsaw files are very popular in this regard. It so happens that low-quality and counterfeit products have quite a short term a service that brings many problems to the owner. One of these problems is a crooked cut. An initially smooth blade can bend due to poor-quality metal, which can cause deformation of the tooth set, if it was present at all. In this regard, if your jigsaw cuts crookedly, replacing the saw blade can correct the situation. The process of choosing a high-quality jigsaw file was discussed in detail in a separate topic.

To get an absolutely even cut, you don’t have to be a master or have a professional tool with original consumables. For such purposes there is a very simple and useful device, which we will talk about next.

Guide rail for jigsaw

Not every craftsman with straight arms will be able to make a perfectly even cut with a jigsaw without the use of auxiliary devices. Only the most seasoned experts who are masters of the instrument will be able to get a straight line “by eye”, and even then, provided that it is in good working order and the availability of suitable saw blades. Of course, not everyone has the time and desire to become a straight-cut saw with a jigsaw, but to purchase a circular or plunge saw quite expensive for such a task. If you only have a jigsaw with files at your disposal, then a special guide rail will help you get the desired straight line.

The guide for a jigsaw is a simple device, at first glance, similar to a large metal ruler or rule. The main difference between the tire and the above devices is a special groove along which, like on rails, the sole with a jigsaw mounted on it moves. Most guides have rubberized strips that prevent sliding on the surface of the material, and for additional fixation, they are attached with small clamps. Average length of such devices is from 1.5 to 3 meters, and can be increased by another, similar ruler, using an adapter.

Many modern manufacturers electric jigsaws, produce special guide bars focused on their products. Such devices have rather low versatility, limited to working with tools of only a given brand. Fortunately for owners of non-branded devices, there is an advanced, universal Line Master guide, with an adjustable sole and many useful functions. The average cost of such a line with an adapter will be about 3,000 rubles. The price is higher than some jigsaw models, but the high-quality, universal guide is well worth it. A detailed analysis of the device is clearly presented in the video below.

DIY jigsaw guide

If a jigsaw cuts crookedly, and it is not advisable to buy an expensive guide, you can completely make do with improvised means. Any smooth edge with a thickness of 5 mm or more can become an impromptu stop: a straight strip, usually a piece of plywood and other straight surfaces of suitable sizes. A pair of ordinary clamps can serve as clamps for the guide to the material. If the surface condition of the opposite part of the sawn material does not have of great importance, the guide can be screwed onto a pair of self-tapping screws.

Before installation homemade stop, you should mark the line of the required cut in advance and retreat a certain distance from it, equal to that between the file and the edge of the tool sole. When sawing, you should guide the tool strictly along the edge of the guide so that it is parallel to the sole of the jigsaw. Working vibration can distort the movement of the saw in the material, so the device must be held firmly and pressed against the stop, which must be firmly fixed.

To make the line as neat and even as possible, use the optimal file suitable for the material being processed. More visual processes for making and using a homemade guide are demonstrated in the following videos.

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Without any exaggeration, a tool such as a jigsaw is an indispensable assistant in every home. Using such a tool, you can easily cut out a wide variety of shapes from a wide variety of materials. A jigsaw is one of the most convenient tools for cutting circles, ovals and other complex shapes.

So how to cut correctly and evenly with a jigsaw? You must follow the instructions, and for this you will also need:

  • safety glasses;
  • machine oil;
  • gloves;
  • jigsaw

In order to cut smoothly with a jigsaw, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to strengthen the material with maximum strength. It is strongly not recommended to cut along the grain, as in this case it is very difficult to achieve evenness. In this regard, it is best to use a circular saw; if such a tool is not available, you can use a rip fence. Such a parallel stop must be attached at one end to the jigsaw, and the other end must rest against the edge of the workpiece. This is how the most even cut is made.
  2. If it is necessary to make a cut inside the workpiece, then first make a hole in the circle. Then you should insert a jigsaw into the hole made and begin moving in the direction of the marking. After the desired hole has been cut, the corners of the workpiece can be easily adjusted on both sides.
  3. In order to cut correctly with a jigsaw, you should not use force when pressing the tool. Otherwise, the blade will heat up quickly, which may lead to damage. You should not use one file for a long time, as it becomes dull quite quickly. And such a file makes burrs on the edges of the material, which significantly impairs the quality of the work. If we are talking about cutting materials of increased hardness, then the blade must be lubricated with a small amount of machine oil. This will make it easier to work with the file, and the service life of the file will be significantly extended.
  4. When working with a jigsaw at low speeds, the jigsaw needs a break, since in such a process the engine often overheats. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions; the presence of protective glasses and gloves is simply necessary. After the work is completed, the tool must be cleaned and lubricated.

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Process Features

The electric jigsaw comes with pendulum and conventional stroke. When the stroke is normal, the blade must be moved vertically, and the material is cut as it moves upward. The operating speed is quite high, the blade wears out significantly less.

As for working with a jigsaw with a pendulum stroke, the principle of operation is the same, but you need to take into account that it is best to work with soft wood and plastic, but it is better to avoid cutting steel sheets with such a tool.

If you need to cut a round hole, then an initial hole is drilled in the workpiece, then you need to insert a file there.

Then you should cut along the mark. If you want to make a hole in the form of a square or rectangle, then you need to cut in a straight line. Then the cut out area is removed and the remaining parts, which have the shape of a triangle, are cut out.

If it is not possible to make an initial hole in the workpiece, it is advisable to plunge cut. In this case, the electric jigsaw tilts forward until the file reaches the workpiece. Thus, the file makes a through-type hole in the workpiece. You can use a jigsaw to cut bevels.

When working with a jigsaw, it is necessary that the table is stable, the material is securely fastened and the correct saw is selected.

Sawing with a jigsaw so that everything is even is not at all difficult. A guide is attached to the tool, which is then guided over the edge of the workpiece.

If everything is done exactly this way, then the movements of the file are carried out smoothly and without much effort. If the edge is curved, you need to cut out according to the markings that should have been made before.

If you need to cut a sheet of wood that is small in thickness, chips may appear. In order to prevent this phenomenon, the workpiece should be positioned face down.

An electric jigsaw is the most convenient and universal tool for complex woodworking. With its help, you can produce artistic carvings, prepare various parts for carpentry and solve other problems.

Operating procedure

To get best result work, you need to know how to cut correctly with a jigsaw.

  • The material being processed must be securely fastened. Poor workpiece fastening is one of the main causes of errors when cutting. The jigsaw can jump off, go off the markings, or even go in an arc. By the way, if the jigsaw cuts crookedly, check whether the direction of the cut coincides with the direction of the fibers. If this is the case, then it is better to make the cut with a circular saw.
  • When it becomes necessary to make a cut on the inside of the workpiece, you should first drill a hole at the starting point.
  • When working with the tool, do not use much force. Electric tool cuts wood quite well and without excessive pressure. If you attach serious efforts To advance the jigsaw, the saw and motor become very hot, and the risk of breakdown increases. Besides, overpressure- the main cause of chipping.
  • When cutting hard rocks wood, it is advisable to add a little machine oil to the canvas.
  • Sometimes you have to work at low speeds. In this case, it is necessary to take frequent breaks from work, as the saw becomes very hot.

Accuracy problems

Let's look at how to cut smoothly with a jigsaw:

  1. The object to be processed must be securely fastened. Moreover, in such a way that it would be convenient to make the cut.
  2. In cases of particular uncertainty or for greater guarantee of accuracy, it makes sense to use guides. When making straight cuts, you can use it as a guide. wooden block, fixed along the marking. If the cut shape is complex, then the situation becomes more complicated. In this case, you can use patterns, if any, or you will have to reduce the speed of work by more carefully guiding the jigsaw.
  3. One of the options why a jigsaw cuts crookedly is problems with the saw. It may be dull or have chipped teeth. If you notice that the jigsaw literally turns itself wherever it likes, inspect the saw.
  4. Jigsaw failure. For example, if the motor runs jerkily, the likelihood of a crooked cut increases sharply. Likewise, other mechanism failures can lead to a decrease in accuracy. Similar problems difficult to fix on site, as it requires diagnostics and possibly repairs.
  5. Finally, the accuracy of the work is greatly influenced by the skill of the performer. If you are a novice carpenter, do not be discouraged by periodic failures: accuracy comes with experience.


Another serious question- how to cut with a jigsaw without chipping? These are usually formed:

  • when pressing the instrument excessively;
  • when working on thin material near edges without reinforcing stops;
  • when using unsuitable (worn) saws.

Avoid these actions and you will reduce the likelihood of chipping to a minimum. Also, some models allow the use of special anti-splinter inserts for jigsaws.