How to make a barbecue from a gas cylinder: examples and step-by-step instructions. Frying pan from a harrow disc Frying pan from a gas cylinder

But really, what can you make from a gas cylinder with your own hands? This has been the case since the days Soviet Union that many products can be fundamentally recycled and new designs can be obtained from them that will perform completely different functions. As it turned out, you can do a lot from a gas cylinder and, mind you, everything will be done with your own hands.

Stove from a cylinder

The first thing that comes to mind when looking for an answer to the question of what you can make from a gas cylinder with your own hands is a potbelly stove. Such a unit has many advantages, as well as the installation principle itself. Firstly, the thickness of the walls of the gas cylinder is 3 mm and this is quite enough to prevent a potbelly stove from burning out already in the first season of operation. Secondly, improve gas cylinder You will need very little - the oven can be made in one day with your own hands. The third advantage is huge selection designs: you can make a stove from one cylinder or from two, vertical design or horizontal. Use your own imagination or tips from the Internet - and you can make a product out of a gas cylinder that will help you out in the cold winter.

There are also disadvantages. Or rather, these are not even shortcomings, but features that must be taken into account so that they do not turn into shortcomings. For example, before burning wood for the first time, it is necessary to remove paint from outside parts from the cylinder. Otherwise, the paint will begin to fade and fill the room with acrid smoke. It is also necessary to take care of fire safety. The walls of a stove made from a gas cylinder can become red hot and this is fraught with many troubles. It may seem to you that such heating is only a plus, because it will be warm inside the room. But anything that can flare up from such strong heating will certainly flare up if it is too close to the potbelly stove. And you need to take care of the walls of the room itself: our workshop’s cinder block wall cracked vertically along its entire height after just a few evenings of use. What can be done to protect the wall: install the stove at a distance from it, protect it with a galvanized screen mounted on the wall at a short distance from it, or heat the potbelly stove in moderation. The latter, by the way, is not the best - it will be difficult to “guess” the optimal amount of firewood. And most importantly: a stove made from a gas cylinder with your own hands (or even someone else’s) will cool down very quickly. As long as the fire is burning inside, as long as firewood is being added, it will be warm. But as soon as the wood burns out, the stove instantly cools down. Insulated walls of the room where such a potbelly stove will be used will help, as will the elimination of even minimal cracks in the area of ​​the windows, doors or gates of the room.

Feeders for animals and birds

This is another option that you can make from a gas cylinder with your own hands and still get excellent quality. Such feeders seem to be, if not eternal, then 100% durable. The gas cylinder is cut along its axis and you get two halves, each of which will become an excellent feeder for pigs, sheep or a waterer for poultry. All that remains is to weld the stand, since the lower part of each of the halves will be semicircular and, of course, will not stand on the ground. You can also cut off the top and bottom of the cylinder along the line of the backing rings and get small round feeders. They are suitable for small animals and provided that we are talking about one or two individuals. Or maybe it will be drinking bowls for chickens - it's up to you.

Here you also need to take into account some features so as not to be upset later. Since food will be poured inside such feeders, you should especially carefully clean the inside of gasoline. If the cylinder has been refilled multiple times and has not been cleaned, gasoline will accumulate inside and have a very strong odor. Strong smell plus oiliness over the entire surface - this must be removed so as not to poison the bird and animals. How to do it yourself: a set of actions helps, including washing in boiling water using various cleaning agents, burning with a blowtorch and cleaning using attachments on a drill or angle grinder.

Manual roller for compaction

And also from a gas cylinder, and also with your own hands. A roller is a rarely used thing, but if you really need it, it’s difficult to find. Compact the asphalt surface if you have to do it yourself and don’t have to rely on a roller; tamping the base under paving slabs, soil compaction – there can be many situations. The main thing is that making a manual roller from a gas cylinder with your own hands is even easier than the previous crafts that we mentioned above. A U-shaped pipe about an inch in diameter, the ends of which will be attached to the center of the top and lower parts cylinder by means of bearings and a handle of a shape and length convenient for your hands - that’s the whole design. Water or sand is used as filler. Water is lighter, sand is heavier, so the choice depends on the purpose of the skating rink.

The main thing is safety. Since parts will be welded to the gas cylinder, you should take care to clean it from gasoline to prevent troubles. At the end of the article we will talk about this in more detail.

Other crafts from balloons

If you thought that a stove, a feeder and a roller are the entire list of what you can make from a gas cylinder with your own hands, then you are mistaken. There is no limit to ingenuity: various containers for storing something, a smokehouse, a grill, a feed cutter, an autoclave, a compressor and even a boiler - this is a relatively complete list of crafts. Another thing is that some of these designs are not always justified and it will be easier to purchase (purchase) a ready-made unit for safety reasons. If the master knows what he is doing with his own hands and it is so safe for use, then the issue is removed. But if you don’t have enough intelligence, then you can either kill yourself or your loved ones. We don’t want to offend anyone, but cases are different.

How to disassemble a gas cylinder

We promised above that we will teach you how to disassemble the cylinder safely and we keep our word. First of all, don’t think that everything is so simple and safe - if you act incorrectly, you can get burned in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Let's give an example from our youth. This is precisely the period when there was little experience, there was no Internet, but there was a burning desire to use the gas cylinder for other purposes. Logic dictated that we should be wary of even that small amount of gasoline inside, but we didn’t want to get too dirty. Therefore, having knocked down the valve with a sledgehammer, we began to fill the container with water, shake it off and drain the liquid. After repeating this five times, we decided that there was no longer a threat. We started sawing the cylinder along the axis with a grinder and were already 90% done with the work. And only then (!) the remains of the gasoline flared up and the master was engulfed in a cloud of flame. Nothing terrible - just burnt eyebrows and hair all over the exposed body - but it’s unpleasant.

The instructions will help you disassemble the cylinder (cut it) without consequences:

  • Even if you are sure that the cylinder is empty, you must open the valve. By venting even that small amount of gas, you will once again protect yourself.
  • The valve must be removed. Here everyone tries according to their capabilities and imagination. Some knock it down with a sledgehammer, others cut it off with a grinder or a hand hacksaw, and still others twist it out. The last option is the safest, but difficult to do at home. Clamping the cylinder so that it does not rotate under the force of the key is difficult. If you use cutting the valve at the very base of the cylinder, then ONLY using hand hacksaw! No cutters or angle grinders!
  • The hole that appeared after removing the valve is small in diameter, but it is enough to pour water inside. Why is this necessary? The water will displace the remaining gas and nothing will flare up when cutting. Here there is a slight difficulty, or rather inconvenience: you need to cut the bottle with water inside and water will definitely flow out of the resulting cut. There is nothing you can do about it - this is a feature that you need to be able to adapt to. For example, the place where you will be working with your hands should be such that spilled water does not collect and you do not have to kick the dirt. Naturally, this operation should take place outdoors and not indoors.
  • If an abundance of water cannot be avoided, then you can risk washing the cylinder several times, washing off the remaining gasoline. Just note: we specifically wrote the word “risk”, since we cannot give guarantees of safety. in our case, as you remember, there was almost no gasoline, but it flared up at the end of the cutting.
  • Cutting with a grinder is the most in a fast way. Mark the line with a marker (the pencil graphite will quickly fly off the surface due to vibration) and start cutting. Since the gas cylinder is round, it is better to place something under it on the sides so that it does not roll during operation.
  • Cleaning inner surface is necessary even if the cylinder structure will not be used for poultry or animal feed. The smell is strong and persistent, so you need to remove it. To begin with, you can wash it with boiling water using various kinds cleaning products. This will help partially, so burning follows. Blowtorch or a fire - decide for yourself. Both options will help 100% and all you have to do is complete the cleaning with a metal brush. It is better to use the appropriate attachment on a drill or grinder to make things go faster.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the question “what can you make from a gas cylinder with your own hands” has many possible answers. The main thing is your safety, because you are going to work with your own hands, which means you are risking them. Any design you make from a cylinder will serve you for a long time. Cause: high quality steel, which is now rare. But we also advise you to think through everything thoroughly - is it worth doing the thing yourself if the store-bought version is more reliable. For example, we would not risk working homemade compressor from a cylinder or a boiler - life is more expensive.

Food cooked outdoors always tastes much better, in my opinion. I really love cooking in the garden and for this I made a special mini stove. It turned out much better than the store bought one and looks beautiful.

Making a stove from a gas cylinder

Take a gas cylinder small size, naturally empty. Open the valve and release the remaining gas. Everything should be done only outdoors.
Next, it is necessary to fill the cylinder with water completely so that the remaining gas comes out. This step cannot be skipped for security reasons.

Then, using masking tape I measured the strip along which the door will be cut. I drilled holes for the hinges and already cut out the door.
I drilled large holes in the bottom of the cylinder to supply air during combustion.

I attached the door to its hinges and screwed in the bolt to lock it. I made a cutout from the top to weld a thick and even plate. Thanks to which the heating will be even and you can place a frying pan or saucepan on it.

We weld the plate. I make the chimney from a square profile at an angle.

In order for the oven door to close more tightly, steel strips were welded around the perimeter of the door.

A grate was welded inside from thick rods. Wood will burn on it, and the ash will fall through the grate down to the bottom of the stove.

It was decided to make a narrow viewing window in the door so that it would be pleasant to watch the process of burning wood.

For elevation, I welded legs from profile pieces. I cleaned all surfaces before painting, removing old paint.

Painted with fire-resistant, fire-resistant paint. This is what motorists use to paint the exhaust manifold of their cars.


This is such a beautiful stove that we ended up with. It looks very cute and attractive.

A frying pan made from a harrow. How to make a frying pan from a harrow with your own hands, manufacturing options, photos, videos.

Today’s homemade product will be useful to avid tourists and lovers of picnics in nature. We are talking about a camp fire pan, which we will make from a cultivator harrow disc.

The harrow disc itself is made of high-alloy steel, so your frying pan will never burn out and will last forever.

I would like to clarify right away that high-alloy steel has additives that increase the characteristics of the metal, so the metal from which the disc is made also contains additives such as nickel, copper and nitrogen, although not in large quantities, but they are still present.

It is difficult to say that such a frying pan will be harmful to health or not, because household frying pans, especially those made in China, also contain metal impurities, even stainless steel.


So, we come to the main question of how to make a frying pan for a fire from a harrow disk. The disc itself needs to be processed using a grinding machine.

On a lathe, turn out a core with an internal thread with a twist-off handle. If you don't have lathe, you can order this work to any turner. The core is welded in the center of the disk.

There are several ways to fix a frying pan over a fire:

Using a pin that is screwed into the core of the pan and stuck into the ground.

The frying pan can be placed on supporting removable legs.

The legs are threaded, and nuts or machined blanks with internal threads are welded to the pan itself.

For convenience, you can bend the rod and weld the handles.

There are many varieties of braziers and smokers made from gas cylinders. Let's get to know them and talk about how you can implement your favorite option yourself.

A large company arriving at the dacha needs a solid grill. Standard designs made of thin steel, offered in stores, are not suitable for this.

It is inconvenient to grill kebabs and steaks over a fire, placing them on bricks. Not everyone will decide to build a permanent barbecue structure with a stove and a roof.

Having thought about this, the home craftsman comes to the conclusion that best option- make a barbecue with your own hands from a gas cylinder.

The thick walls of such a container will last for many years. Its dimensions are optimal for laying out skewers. It’s easy to choose the height to suit your height so that you don’t have to bend your back while cooking.

There are many varieties of braziers and smokers made from gas cylinders. Let's get to know them and talk about how you can implement your favorite option yourself.

It all starts with cutting the cylinder

Regardless of the design chosen, the first step in making a barbecue is cutting an old 50-liter propane cylinder. We do not recommend immediately rushing at him with an angle grinder. In this matter, you must follow safety rules. The remaining gas present in each container may explode if it comes into contact with sparks and air.

Therefore, you will first have to manually unscrew the tap. Removing a fitting on an old cylinder is not always a simple operation, since it is tightly “stuck” to the body. You can try to move it using an open-end wrench, hitting the handle with a hammer.

If the tap does not budge, then use another tool - an adjustable water wrench and a steel pipe as a lever.

Under the influence of such a powerful force, any thread gives way. To prevent the container from rotating, a stop angle is attached to its bottom on the other side.

To make unscrewing easier, you can apply VeDeshka to the contact point between the tap and the body and wait a couple of hours until the thread loosens.

After this, the container is slowly filled with water. It displaces the flammable gas-air mixture, eliminating the risk of explosion when cutting.

After this, the water is not drained, but the tap is put back in place and they begin to mark the body.

On one side there is a long seam on the body of the cylinder. It will be a “beacon” for the first cutting line. The second line is drawn on the other side so that it is opposite the first and is moved upward by 8 cm. This will be the second cutting line. If you do not make this adjustment, the roasting pan will turn out shallow.

Having made the markings according to the drawing, they take the grinder and cut through the walls, separating part of the body. It will be used as a hinged lid.

Important nuance! You need to cut the body carefully next to the seam so as not to damage the steel ring that is located under it. It will serve as a stop for the lid so that it does not fall into the fryer.

In the bottom photo you can see a ring on the left side of the container. If the master had passed the grinder next to the seam, it would have remained in place and served as a stop. It is not difficult to correct this mistake: you need to weld steel strips on top of the lid.

The next step is removing the fitting. It is cut flush with the body.

Burrs are removed with a grinding wheel.

The further procedure depends on how you intend to use the grill: only for frying or combine it with a smokehouse. We will consider these operations after reviewing the finished structures.

Examples of barbecues made from gas cylinders

The most popular option among craftsmen is cutting out the side of the case and turning it into a door. It will help keep it longer high temperature coals when frying.

For ease of transportation, two legs should be equipped with wheels, and the third should be used as a stop. The handle for transportation can be made longer and a board for dishes and seasonings can be attached to it.

The best stand for a roasting pan comes from an old stand. sewing machine. It lowers the center of gravity of the structure, preventing it from tipping over.

Forged decor and side smoke exhaust pipe improve appearance and functionality of the barbecue.

By making a smoke umbrella over the brazier, two tables on the sides and placing it on bent steel legs, we get a more solid structure. There is no particular need for an additional canopy, however, its presence improves the appearance.

Our review continues with a homemade grill-smokehouse made from gas cylinders. It is a combination of two containers: 50 liter and 20 liter. The smaller one is placed below the main one, connected to it through a small window and used as a smoke generator. To improve draft, the chimney is made higher.

A more advanced option is to install a third vertical container. Products for cold smoking are hung in it. The total capacity of this design is sufficient to prepare meat and fish delicacies in reserve.

Occupying a place of honor on the site, the grill becomes the subject of general attention. Knowing this, many craftsmen decorate it according to their imagination.

The most popular option is the design in the form of a steam locomotive. The fire and smoke emanating from the brazier fit this image perfectly.

The smoke generator can be placed transversely in the “driver’s compartment”, or it can be naturally integrated into the overall locomotive design.

The streamlined shape of the container suggests a submarine. We present to your attention interesting example implementation of such an idea.

For one master, the gas container reminded him of a submarine ship, while for another, the association with a pig came to mind. Implementing it in metal is not particularly difficult.

Having become acquainted with examples of folk “barbecue art,” let’s move on to considering the practical question of how to make a barbecue with your own hands from a gas cylinder and a smokehouse based on it.

Step by step instructions

We described the initial operations for marking and cutting the cylinder at the beginning of the article. Now let’s supplement our instructions with photographs and explain further steps.

It is more convenient to weld the hinges to the body of the fryer until the lid separates, cutting a line on back side housings. In this case, they will fall into place without distortion. On the other side, a handle made of steel rod is welded to the lid.

If you don’t put a stop on the hinge side, the door will fall back when you open it and it will be inconvenient to get it out. You can use a short piece of corner as stops, welding it in the middle between the hinges.

Blower holes can be drilled, but it is easier to make them using a grinder in the form of vertical slits.

To install skewers, triangular cuts are made on the edges of the fryer or holes are drilled in the body in increments of 5-7 cm.

Grill legs can be made in two ways:

  • “In a simple way” from pieces of fittings or pipes, welding them to the bottom;
  • By making a stand from profile pipes and a bent strip on which the cylinder will rest.

To speed up the frying process, the lid should be closed. In this case, to remove the smoke, you will have to make a hole at the end of the container and weld a pipe into it.

A barbecue-smokehouse differs from a regular brazier by the presence of a smoke generator compartment. For this purpose, a 20 liter cylinder is most often used. Having marked a hole for the passage of smoke, it is cut out with a grinder.

The same operation is performed with a large container. After this, they are joined by welding. Large balloon put on their feet.

Having drawn the contours of the lids, they are cut out from the bodies and placed on the hinges. At the end of a large container, make a hole for the chimney and weld it.

Inside the cylinders, shelves are made from corners and gratings made of thick wire are placed on them. Holes are drilled in the back of the smoke generator housing and a rotary damper is installed to adjust the draft. A similar valve is mounted on the pipe.

Experts strongly advise installing a temperature sensor on the body of the main camera (the upper limit of measurement is +350 C). It will help you accurately control the smoking process and obtain products of excellent quality.

The work is completed by painting the structure with a heat-resistant compound. published

I want to start from afar. In 2008, during the European economic crisis, due to the nature of my work I happened to be in Finland.

By the end of my stay in this country, I had one unfinished business at a large construction supermarket. The head of the department, who served us more than once, was in a very depressed state - not knowing the reasons for his disorder, it was easy to think that he had buried all his relatives (forgive me for the sarcasm), and I, as a person always ready to help, I asked him: what happened?

It turned out that the store was temporarily closed and all staff were sent on vacation for two months. I, of course, sympathized and said that this also happens here - they send people on vacation at their own expense. But he didn’t understand me: “How at your own expense?!” We are sent with 100% salary retention!” I almost fell out of my chair: “So why are you so sad?!”

Yes... How different we are from them. The state thinks about almost everything for them! Perhaps many will correct me - they say, this is how it should be. I won't argue, let it be somewhere life is better, but I love my country, with all its “hardships and bad weather,” and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

I am deeply convinced that a person who works on the land and sincerely loves it is simply not capable of meanness. And as long as there are people like you, dear readers, we are not afraid of any crisis! It will become difficult - we will plant more potatoes and cabbage. Let's breed rabbits, chickens, pigs. After all, we are “immune” to various changes! I would really like to thank the older generation for being able to instill in us a love for the land!

Well, now I’ll tell you a story that began a long time ago, when we kept 50-liter propane cylinders in reserve. Then the need for them disappeared, and they stood in the barn for several years: it was not possible to exchange them, since the expiration date had expired. And last year we finished the construction of the fence and decided to scrap the remains of the old metal one. A representative from the metal depot arrived, we weighed everything, helped load the car, and then I remembered about the cylinders. But he firmly refused, claiming that factories do not accept them for processing. So they remained out of work.

And then I saw an article about how one reader made a stove from a cylinder to cook food on the street. I also became eager. I succeeded in making the oven, but now I want to talk about something without which no one can private house or the dacha is no longer possible - about the barbecue.

I immediately ask you to take my words seriously: if anyone decides to make a stove or barbecue from a gas cylinder, carefully follow the safety measures! First, you need to remove all remaining condensate from the cylinder, for which you need to lay it horizontally, completely unscrew the tap and place a couple of bricks under the bottom.

It’s better to do all this away from home, as the smell is simply indescribable... But believe me, the end result is worth all these inconveniences!

Then I removed the adapter fitting from the old burner (a simple one will not work, it has a left-hand thread) and connected it to the water hose. Having placed the cylinder vertically and lightly tightened the fitting, I began to gradually fill it with water, while pausing to release the pressure in the cylinder. Having completely filled the cylinder, I returned it to a horizontal position and, placing bricks, allowed the water to drain completely. I repeated this procedure three times, and on the fourth, having completely filled the cylinder with water, I drilled a 5 mm hole with a drill and then went through with a 10 mm drill.

Having tightened the fitting tightly, I washed the cylinder running water about 20 minutes. After which he marked the lid of the grill and, armed with a grinder, began to slowly cut through the lid. I didn’t cut all the way through the corners and left a few millimeters so that I could first install the hinges for opening the lid - it seemed to me that it would be better this way, so as not to create awkward gaps on the lid. Having secured the hinges and handle of the lid, I cut the perimeter of the grill lid to the end. Then I processed all the sharp edges, and also made several cuts at the bottom of the grill - for the flow of oxygen. And then, using welding, I made a stand from the remnants of the corrugated pipe from the old fence. It is advisable to make it hollow inside, without partitions: this will also provide an additional flow of oxygen when burning wood.

Everything went into use - the handle from old frying pan served as a hook for the grill grate, the grate was from an old one gas stove useful for cooking vegetables. Old sheep shears, after removing the cutting surfaces and welding pieces of old fittings, became tongs for turning meat on the grill.

You can see what happened in the photo. Yes, and one more thing: when the first “test” passed and all the paint on the outside and all the remains inside were burnt, we decided to fry the sausages the next day. And then it started to rain.

It’s difficult to move the grill under the canopy, and it got hot, so I decided to put a larger log, thereby leaving a small opening between the lid and the base of the grill. When it rained, I opened the lid, and literally after 10 minutes the coals “came up”, so no rain is scary for our invention!

Maybe someone else will add something to the product, because sometimes it happens that you rummage around in the attic or barn and find an old thing that is unnecessary at first glance. But once you give it a second life, it will serve you faithfully for a long time.

I wish everyone good health!

Do-it-yourself barbecue from a gas cylinder - photo



  1. I took an old metal cylinder (photo 1) In the upper part I marked a place for the opening. Using a grinder, I made cuts (photo 2) and sawed off all the excess from the cylinder.
  2. I didn’t throw away the top cut out part; it will make a reliable, durable lid for one section. Using the same principle, I cut out another opening nearby - the second section. I cleaned the cuts with a grinder.
  3. After adjusting the parts, I secured the covers of each section to the wall of the grill (photo 3). To do this, I drilled into in the right places holes and curtains and bolts with nuts assembled the structure. Along the contour of the larger lid, using a riveter, I secured a strip of tin so that it protruded 1 cm (see photo 3). Such a side is also decorative element, and at the same time closes the gap. The smaller lid was also decorated with a stripe along the contour.
  4. I drilled holes in the bottom of the grill over the entire area to remove ash (photo 4)
  5. From cuttings of the cut (you can use any suitable metal grate) I made an insert similar to a grate (photo 5). I did not firmly fix it inside the grill so that ash and coals could be removed.
  6. I screwed the handles to the covers (photo 6). Behind the larger flap I attached a crossbar (photo 7). It will serve as a stop so that the lid does not tip over completely and, if necessary, it is convenient to close it.
  7. I cleaned the entire grill (photo 8) with a circle with metal fluff clamped into the drill chuck.
  8. The final stage is the stand. From scraps profile pipe with a cross section of 40×20 mm, I welded a rectangular structure of the required height. On its upper part I fixed a sheet of tin, ash will fall on it, and under it I installed two shelves made of bars with a cross-section of 40x25 mm. For convenience, I placed another one in front of the grill.
  9. The entire structure, except wooden parts, primed and painted black, used heat-resistant paint for the grill. On the lid of the smaller section I installed a chimney with a damper to regulate the combustion process. All that remains is to make the first launch of the grill-steam locomotive.

Do-it-yourself barbecue from a gas cylinder How to make a barbecue from a gas cylinder with your own hands

A light invigorating breeze, bright sun, expanse and good pleasant company. It’s simply impossible to do without barbecue! And here you will need a grill. You don't have to buy it at all home handyman can make it independently from “antique” items or outdated devices. For example, from an old gas cylinder, which is not a problem to purchase today.

To make a barbecue we will need: a tape measure, an angle grinder, a drill, welding machine, steel pipes(for the legs of the barbecue) and a gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters.

The most important thing at the first stage of work is to ensure your safety, that is, to prevent the cylinder from exploding during cutting. To do this, you must first release the gas by unscrewing the valve. But even after this, dangerous condensation may remain at the bottom of the container; you need to get rid of it too. Therefore, fill the bottle with water and let it sit for 24 hours. And only after that you can start working.

The whole process is shown step by step in the photographs. I think this is much more informative than reading a description of all stages of barbecue production, even in the smallest detail.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, everything will work out if you use your brain and see the necessary in the useless. And don’t be afraid to experiment, fantasize, add original elements so that the product has its own unique flavor.

Delicious kebabs to you, friends!

Do-it-yourself barbecue from a gas cylinder - video (option)

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