How to glue PCB to wood. Gluing plywood, plastic, PVC film and fabric to wood

Popular finishing materials in lately steel plastic panels. Their use allows short term make a beautiful finish.

The variety of textures, colors and sizes attracts those who want to create unique design premises. They are used for finishing kitchens and balconies, and their resistance to humidity makes the use of plastic panels simply irreplaceable for covering bathroom walls.

Knowledge of what will allow you to successfully install this decorative material.

Glue requirements

Most often, plastic panels are used to finish the bathroom. This means that the adhesive used must be able to hold securely even in conditions high humidity.

Choose an adhesive with high adhesion and fast setting

Required characteristics for glue:

  • moisture resistance. Since the humidity in the bathroom is high, glue for gluing can only be used from moisture-resistant brands;
  • high degree of adhesion. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion to the wall;
  • resistance to different temperatures and their differences. The use of panels in the bathroom, where temperature and humidity tend to change quickly, is only possible if they are securely attached to the wall surface;
  • presence of antibacterial properties. A moist and warm environment is ideal for the growth of bacteria and fungus. In view of this, the glue for wall panels must be antibacterial;
  • durability. Although the panels can be glued with almost any glue, in order for them to be securely fixed for many years, a high-quality composition is needed;
  • fast “setting”. It is necessary that within 10 minutes after gluing the panel to the wall, it is already firmly fixed;
  • absence high level toxicity and pungent odor;
  • transparency.

An adhesive that meets all these requirements will be excellent for PVC gluing panels in any room, even in the bathroom, where dampness and high temperatures are business as usual. This will allow the finish to remain unchanged for many years.

Options for gluing panels

There are different options how to glue plastic panels. Each master has his own glue, proven over the years, and yet there is a wide choice in this area, but how to glue PVC panels? The following describes the main options:

  1. Emfikol 34012A. This glue is specially designed for attaching polyvinyl chloride, as it has good adhesion to plastic.
  2. Kleiberit 636. It is created on the basis of synthetic resin, therefore it is environmentally friendly.
  3. Moment Crystal. This glue is used for gluing to almost any surface.
  4. Liquid nails 601. This is a universal adhesive for interior work.
  5. Liquid nails 901. Glue that is used both for indoor and outdoor work. It is capable of securely attaching even heavy materials.
  6. Liquid nails 915 is an adhesive that is specifically used for gluing boards and.

Table. Main characteristics of different adhesives

Emfikol 34012AStrength, viscosity, resistance to temperature changes, lack of color.
Affordable price, moisture resistance, quick drying.
Moment CrystalHigh degree of adhesion, durability, lack of color, resistance to moisture and temperature changes.High price.
Liquid nails 601Durability.Lack of moisture resistance.
Liquid nails 901Moisture resistance, versatility, strength, durability.
Liquid nails 915Resistance to moisture and elevated temperatures (especially for bathrooms).Opaque, but light in color.

However, it’s not enough to just choose the right glue; it’s important to know how to glue the plastic panels so that you don’t have to redo everything later.

Technology of fastening plastic panels

Glue the panels onto a cleaned and primed coating

Although it may seem that the panels are challenging task, in fact, following simple instructions, all work can be done with your own hands and without the involvement of specialists.

Some people prefer to mount such material on a pre-assembled frame, but this reduces the area of ​​the room. But how to glue PVC panels and is it possible? The following describes step by step the technology of fastening with glue.

When gluing panels, it is important to avoid bending the material. You also need to remember that protective film removed only after final installation. To ensure that the lines along which the material is cut are as smooth as possible, cutting and slicing should be done only with front side material.

As you can see, the work of gluing plastic panels can be done independently. First you need to decide on the glue on which this material will be attached. For an overview of adhesives for PVC panels, watch this useful video:

For finishing bathrooms with one of good options is the use of liquid nails 915, which are specially designed for use in rooms with high humidity. Before installation, it is important to make sure that the walls are even, because this determines appearance premises after installation of panels.

Often in everyday life or when making furniture we have to glue different materials together. IN carpentry and furniture In fact, the skills of the master in this type of work play a big role.

The quality of gluing depends, first of all, on the pre-treatment of the bonded surfaces. The surfaces to be glued are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, and remnants of old glue or paint; the surface must always be dry and clean. Materials with mirror-smooth surface do not stick well to each other, so clean them with a knife, sandpaper or file.

When gluing metal, porcelain, glass, stone and some other parts, it is necessary to first degrease them by washing them with warm soapy water and then rinsing. You can also degrease the surface by wiping them with a swab dipped in the solution. ammonia gasoline, acetone, baking soda solution.

When gluing different materials, you need to follow several rules: apply glue to the surface only thin layer, but in such a way that there are no missing places. The glue should be free of any impurities (sawdust, dust, etc.) and of uniform consistency, that is, it should not contain lumps. A thick layer of thick glue does not in any way contribute to a stronger bond. According to the instructions, some types of adhesives should be heated before use. We would advise you not only to heat the glue itself, but also to heat the materials being glued. Then the bonding strength will increase.

As a rule, the parts to be glued are dried in a warm place not lower than 18 ° C. The parts should be pressed tightly together using a press, pressure or vice.

When gluing wood, it is recommended to heat the surfaces to be glued. It is desirable that the humidity of the parts being glued be the same, but, in any case, does not exceed 10-12%. We would recommend that you glue dry wood with animal and synthetic glues. Animal glues include bone and casein glues. Let us immediately note that preparing bone glue for work requires quite a lot of time, but this disadvantage is more than compensated by its advantages. It is advantageous to use it when a large volume of work is performed. The joints glued with this glue are very strong, which distinguishes it from others, even expensive ones, such as BF-2. The glued parts can withstand loads of up to 60 kg per 1 square meter. cm, which is several times higher than that of other adhesives. And finally, tiles of dry wood glue can be stored indefinitely; they practically do not deteriorate.

Wood glue should be prepared in a special glue cooker. The glue cooker consists of two tin vessels, one of which (the wider one) is filled with water, and the second (smaller in size) is filled with glue and placed in the first one. The glue gun can be successfully replaced with ordinary tin cans, one of which is larger than the other. Such a device ( water bath) prevents the glue from burning and can keep warm for a long time. To make bone glue, first break the dry glue into small pieces and add water. Let the glue swell for 10-12 hours, and then let it cook. For cooking liquid glue For 4 parts by weight of dry glue, take 3-4 parts of water. The glue should be heated, stirring, so that the entire mass is obtained without clots or grains. Do not bring the glue to a boil; this may reduce its adhesiveness and durability. Determine the readiness of the glue by dipping a stick into it.

The glue is ready if it flows slowly from the stick in a thick, even stream. If the glue turns out to be too thick during cooking, you can dilute it hot water. When working, use hot glue; if it has cooled down a little, it can be heated in a water bath. Don't brew it right away large number glue. Brew as much as you need to carry out the work; reheating already hardened glue worsens its properties. When preparing bone glue, you can also give it fire-resistant properties. To do this, dissolve 100 g of glue in 200 g of water and cook it in a glue cooker until you get a thick composition, and then add 40 g of drying oil to it and boil it again. An increase in the adhesiveness of the composition can be achieved by adding zinc or lead white to the glue at a ratio of 25:2.

When preparing casein glue, take 300-400 g of water at room temperature and pour 100 g of glue powder into it. The adhesive powder must be poured into the water gradually, stirring constantly until a homogeneous creamy mass is formed. Ready mix At first it will be thick, and it is set aside for a while to liquefy. There is no need to add water to the mixture. The finished glue should flow from the stick in a continuous stream, leaving a thin shiny film on it. Remember that casein glue is not heated, since at temperatures above 40 °C casein coagulates and loses its adhesive properties. You can prepare adhesive powder at home, provided you have the necessary ingredients. The glue contains 7 parts by weight of dry casein powder and 1 part by weight of borax (sodium boric acid).

To prepare glue from such a powder you will need 8 parts by weight of water. Pour in casein cold water in a 1:1 ratio and leave for 3 hours. Dissolve borax in hot water and pour the resulting solution over the swollen casein. Stir continuously until you get a fairly thick, homogeneous mass. Parts glued casein glue, kept under pressure for 4 hours, but the glue finally dries only after 12 hours. Big advantage casein glue the fact that it can be used to glue wood of high humidity. Wood can also be glued with other adhesives, such as synthetic wood glue, various resin adhesives and some other uses, please read the instructions carefully.

Sometimes it is necessary to glue plastic, leather, leatherette, decorative plywood, fabric or synthetic film. Plywood can be firmly glued to wood using casein or synthetic wood glue. You can also glue plywood with tile wood glue, but it creates a noticeable dark-colored seam. Do not apply a layer of adhesive directly to thin plywood, as she may shrink. It is better to cover the surface of the wood with a layer of glue, and then place a plywood sheet on it and press it tightly on top with pressure. The pressure should be approximately 8 kg and should lie under pressure for about 7-8 hours.

To glue plastic, use rubber-based adhesives. These can be adhesives such as 88N, Zh-3, KR-1, "Elastosila-2". Before gluing, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface of the wood or plastic.

Clean the wood from dust, and sand the back side of the plastic until the plastic becomes slightly rough. Be especially careful around corners and edges. Then wipe the treated surface of the plastic with a swab dipped in gasoline to degrease it. Apply a thin layer of glue to both surfaces to be glued and connect them. Pressing the plastic firmly against the wood, run your hands from the middle to the edges to squeeze out all the air from under the plastic, and then place something heavy on the plastic so that the pressure is evenly distributed over the entire surface to be glued, at least 4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. . see. Leave the oppression for half an hour. These glues are completely cured within 24 hours.

To glue fabric, leather, leatherette to a wooden base, use adhesives: “Oak”, “Unicum”, BF-6, “Polyvinyl acetate”.

Also at home, if you have the necessary ingredients, you can prepare high-quality adhesive composition. For this you will need 400 g of wheat flour, 30 g of rosin, 15 g of aluminum alum and 100 g of water. Mix the dry ingredients, add water and place on low heat, or better yet, use a glue boiler. While preparing the glue, do not forget to stir it periodically to prevent lumps from forming. As soon as the glue begins to thicken it is ready. Make sure that the adhesive composition is uniform. This glue is used only when hot. Leather and leatherette (without a fabric base) degrease synthetic films with acetone and gasoline. Fabrics in pre-treatment do not need before gluing. Cover both surfaces with glue and iron with a warm iron through a wet cloth until dry.

It is better not to glue fabrics and synthetic films with BF-6 and “Polyvinyl acetate” adhesives, since BF-6 glue can show through the front surface and color the fabrics yellowish. Polyvinyl acetate glue is destroyed by water.

It is best to glue metal parts to wood using rubber adhesives, such as Zh-3, KR-1, 88-N, 88-NP, Patex, Elastosila-2. If you need to stick to wooden surface small metal objects (hooks, shelves), we would not recommend using the first three of the named brands of adhesives. These adhesives form so-called “creeping seams”, that is, under the influence of loads metal object will slide off the wooden surface. Before gluing, file the surface of the metal to make it rough, and then degrease it with gasoline or acetone. Apply a thin layer of adhesive to both surfaces to be glued, clamp the parts in a vice and leave for a few minutes. The glue will finally dry in 10-12 hours.

For gluing smooth surfaces, use the same adhesives, glue "Elastosila-2".

Apply a thin layer of glue to surfaces previously degreased with acetone and leave for one hour. After this, wipe the surfaces with a swab soaked in acetone and connect them. Clamp the glued parts in a vice for 4-5 hours. The glue will finally harden in 10-12 hours.

Glass is most often glued with adhesives such as Polyvinyl Acetate, Mars, Super Cement, BF-2, Patex, Unicum. These adhesives form virtually colorless seams and are not destroyed by moisture. Before gluing, degrease the glass with acetone, apply a thin layer of glue to the surfaces to be glued and let it dry a little for 10 minutes. Apply a second layer and after 2-3 minutes connect the parts to be glued. The parts should be pressed tightly against each other for 20-30 minutes. The glue hardens completely only after a day.

To glue glass and metal together, take “Glue-sealant”, “Elastosila-2”, “Unicum”. Degrease both surfaces, lubricate with glue and clamp the parts in a clamp for 30 minutes. The glue will finally harden and become waterproof after three days.

You can glue glass to wood, as well as glue fabric or cardboard onto it using PVA, PVA-A, or Polyvinyl Acetate adhesives. Degrease the glass with acetone, lubricate the surfaces with glue and place the parts under the press for an hour. The glue will dry in a day.

At home, BF-2 or "Epoxy" glue is used for gluing metals. Clean surfaces from dust, dirt, rust using sandpaper. Rinse treated surfaces clean water and dry well. Degrease surfaces with gasoline or acetone. Apply a thin layer of glue to the surface and leave it there for an hour. Then place the blanks coated with glue in the oven, heated to 50-60 oC, and dry for 10-15 minutes. Apply a second layer of glue to the metal and, as soon as it begins to dry (no longer sticks to your fingers), connect the parts to each other. It is better if you clamp the parts in a vice and dry them in the oven at a temperature of 130-150 oC for 1-2 hours. Cold drying
It hardens completely only after 2-3 days.

Epoxy glue is indispensable in some cases. It consists of two components, resin and hardener.

When using it, work with gloves, as the hardener is poisonous; If you get hardener on your hands, remove it with a swab soaked in acetone, and then wash your hands running water. Before mixing the resin and hardener, it is advisable to heat the resin in a bowl with hot water, but not higher than 30 ° C. Mix warm resin with hardener in the ratio specified in the instructions, and use the prepared glue as you would others.

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PVC glue

Repair is a natural disaster that comes suddenly, and then, according to the law of meanness, cannot end. You only wanted to do cosmetic repairs, but ended up having to glue sewer or water pipes. For accurate installation of facade structures, laying tiles on the floor, as well as connecting many different PVC structures, special adhesives for such materials are used.

I would like to note that correctly selected PVC glue almost completely guarantees a strong and reliable connection. How to choose an adhesive composition in order to obtain an elastic, water-impermeable and invisible seam? To do this, you need to understand the most important thing. What types of glue exist, what do they consist of, how to glue such materials correctly?

Any composition that is intended to glue such products contains

How to glue?

polyvinyl chloride, which is highly soluble in tetrahydrofuran or methyl ethyl ketone. Such compositions usually consist of two components, to which various useful additives are added that increase positive qualities main cast. As the composition hardens, the solvent evaporates and chains of molecules intertwine. Thus ensuring durable and reliable connection material.

What do you need to know to choose high-quality PVC glue?

It is important to understand that all modern adhesives are divided into groups depending on their area of ​​application and what material they are intended for. glue. Starting any renovation work, for example, gluing materials made of polyvinyl chloride, experts recommend using special compounds. When choosing an adhesive for working with such materials, it is necessary to carefully study its composition and properties, for example, setting time. They usually set in about four minutes at room temperature. Should also be indicated on the packaging finished products all basic and important characteristics for operation. For example, is important information How to properly apply and store leftover adhesive.

Surface preparation and gluing process

Typically, surface preparation takes place in several main stages:

For larger surfaces, the gluing time must be increased.

How to glue plastic to wood so it's tight?

It is also important to remember that the amount of adhesive should only be as specified in the instructions. If there is more glue than necessary, it will leak out. Thus, it disrupts the aesthetic appearance of the surface that has just been pasted over, and can also ruin the material you purchased.

Further processing and security measures

For about a day after you have applied the PVC glue, it is advisable not to touch the surface. It is also necessary to protect it from exposure to the sun, temperature changes and other physical and mechanical influences. All gluing work must be carried out in a room with good ventilation, using protective equipment. If there is anything you don’t understand, we advise you to watch a video that will tell you in detail how to properly glue such materials.

You can glue plastic with other materials or with plastic using special glue. Technologies are developing, this also applies to the types of adhesives, now there are large selection. Some adhesives are used for bonding plastic to plastic, others are designed for metal or glass. In order to secure the two as efficiently as possible different material, it is necessary to select a suitable adhesive composition. If the glue does not match the materials, they may come apart or crack over time.

Glue with epoxy resin

Which plastic is difficult to glue?

To decide on the type of plastic, you just need to look at the special markings on the product. On the plastic you need to find a triangle of three arrows following each other. An index letter will be indicated next to this triangle. Usually on the glue tube there are explanations for what purpose it is used. In addition, attached detailed instructions, from which this information can be gleaned.

If the plastic has the letters PS, or simply the number 6, then the plastic is called polystyrene. For polystyrene, it is best to use epoxy glue or plastic cement. These two options will help glue plastic together or with most other materials. Many people wonder how to glue plastic to plastic. Again, pay attention to the labeling.

Most types of plastic that are used in everyday life or in the production of simple things, they are quite easily glued with any good glue. And there are types of plastic that simply will not stick together, they are easy to recognize.

If there are numbers 2, 4, 5 or the designations HDPE, LDPE, PP, UMHW next to or inside the triangle, this type of plastic is called polypropylene - it is extremely difficult to glue. Such plastic can be glued to any other material using Weld DP 8010 glue. This material Quite rarely they try to glue things together, so the range of glue is small. Using Weld DP 8010 glue you can glue plastic to film, metal and glass.

If you want to stick an adhesive film on plastic, then you do not need additional fixation. Try to thoroughly treat the surface of the plastic with alcohol to degrease it. Try not to touch the plastic with your hands so as not to stain the surface. The smooth surface of plastic cannot provide a stable and durable attachment.

How to Improve Grip

To increase adhesion, you need to run a sanding sheet over the plastic, then the surface will become rough and will hold better. It's best to choose sandpaper with a grit of no more than 200. Do not try to sand the plastic for too long, you just need to create a rough surface.

Take epoxy glue and spread it evenly in a thin layer.

This glue is suitable for most materials; you just need to read the instructions and properly treat the surface.

How to glue

Ideally, you need to apply the selected adhesive with a brush to the plastic and other surface. If you are going to glue plastic to glass, then the layer of glue on the glass should be larger than on the plastic. The situation is similar with wood, don’t skimp on the glue. If you need to connect two plastic products, then you won’t need a lot of glue.

How to glue the plastic?

If you are using cementitious glue, place two plastic pieces together with a small layer of glue between them. Apply the solution along the edges of the plastic so that the joint line is completely covered.

Objects must be fixed so that they are pressed against each other. If items square shape, and you can put them on top of each other, then it's worth doing that. Use duct tape if you can't press two items together.

After applying the glue and fixing, try not to disturb the objects for 24 hours; after this period, you can begin to use them not at their full potential. Any glue differs in composition and properties, so after 24 hours the fastening in most cases will not yet be as strong as possible. It is worth protecting the item from the effects of temperature changes, the glue may not set in the best possible way, thereby weakening the contact.

How to glue plastic pipes

To glue plastic pipes, it is necessary to process them on both sides, which will be connected. Using a sanding sheet, sand off a small layer 2-3 centimeters from the beginning of the pipe. Do exactly the same procedure with the second piece of pipe. Once the pipes are ready, connect them and apply cement thinner. This solution will adhere firmly due to the fact that you have treated the pipes.

This type of pipe fastening is much more reliable when compared with any type of glue. Cement solvent will not lose its properties and strength over time. Water may begin to corrode the glue.

So, if you find a marking on the plastic that shows what kind of plastic you are using, then you need to contact a hardware store. In the store, a consultant will tell you which glue is best to use for different surfaces. The information in this article is superficial.

There is a situation when there are no identifying marks on the plastic, in which case you can buy universal glue. By universal I mean epoxy glue, it is capable of gluing any type of plastic if processed correctly. No glue can glue two objects or parts together. long time, if the surface is not prepared. Don't ignore this information, it will significantly improve the quality of your work. If you buy expensive glue, the packaging will indicate that the surface requires pre-treatment.

What not to use

Now they are actively using silicone-based glue. Such adhesives, at first glance, seem very convenient and practical, but the reliability of the connection leaves much to be desired. If you need to connect the parts for a long time, then you should avoid this option.

Types of glue. What kind of glue to glue what

How to choose transparent glass adhesive with other materials

Often there is a need to glue glass to another material with your own hands for decorative or household purposes.

How can plastic be firmly glued to other materials?

But through transparent glass, droplets of glue are always visible, which negatively affect the decorative qualities. To avoid this, you need to use transparent glass glue.

Glue requirement

Transparent adhesive has different composition and properties, therefore, before choosing a composition, you need to decide on a number of requirements:

Types of transparent glue and areas of application

The following compositions of transparent adhesives are most often used in everyday life:

  • cyanoacrylate,
  • silicone,
  • silicate,
  • polyurethane.


This clear glue is almost universal. It is capable of gluing glass to wood, metal or plastic. With its help, you can repair the desired item or apply decor. This adhesive composition has the following qualities:

In terms of its strength characteristics, it surpasses many fastening joints and is considered “cold welding”.

Many transparent Moment adhesives are made with the addition of cyanoacrylates.


Clear silicone glass adhesive is used when a sealant is needed. Silicone adhesive is suitable for gluing glass to metal, wood or plastic, forming a strong, almost invisible connection. But it has one drawback - silicone glue polymerizes within 24 hours.

If you need quick gluing, then you should choose not silicone, but another transparent glue, it is better to take Moment.


Transparent adhesive based liquid glass waterproof, durable and has sealant properties. They can be used to glue almost anything, from wood to metal. It is suitable for both gluing large surfaces and gluing decor.


If you need a sealant and Moment at the same time, then you should pay attention to durable polyurethane adhesive. Transparent adhesive for glass and metal of the polyurethane group allows you to quickly obtain a strong connection when gluing. It is used in automotive glass repair and in other areas where the adhesive joint is required to withstand various loads. In terms of strength, only cyanoacrylate composition can be compared with polyurethane sealant.

How to glue glass

The process of gluing glass to another material with your own hands occurs in the following way:

  • Both surfaces are cleaned of dirt and thoroughly polished. At home it is recommended to use for this toothpaste and a brush. If you plan to connect with end joints, then you need to carefully polish the joints. The video shows how surfaces are polished.
  • After the bases have been polished, washed and dried, clear adhesive is applied to one of them, usually the smaller one. For example, if it is necessary to glue glass decor, then the glue is applied to the decorative elements.
  • The surfaces are connected, and excess glue is immediately removed using a cloth soaked in white spirit or another solvent suitable for the glue.
  • After connecting the surfaces, the product is left until the transparent glue is completely polymerized. The time depends on the composition of the adhesive.

In order for glass glued with transparent glue to stay on any surface for a long time, you need to take into account everything when choosing the composition external conditions, which will affect the finished product.

Important part finishing works indoors – protection of corner lines of walls from possible damage. Even after a high-quality repair, wallpaper on the corners, as well as door and window slopes can quickly become unusable. It is recommended to strengthen wear-prone areas with PVC corners. Let's look at what you can use to glue a plastic corner and how to do it.

PVC corners give the renovation a finished look

Plastic corners are finishing elements that can protect external corners walls from damage. They also perform decorative role, giving the interior integrity and completeness.

Among the many types of corners, PVC products are considered popular. They are universal. They are finished with:

  • door, window, arched openings;
  • window sill niches;
  • places where the walls meet the ceiling;
  • external and internal corners of walls;
  • gaps between the wall and the surface of the kitchen unit.

PVC panels come in white, colored (with various shades and textures) and double-sided painting. According to the form they are distinguished:

  • standard version (equilateral corners for wall corners);
  • T-profile;
  • L-shaped (arched).

Why do experts recommend gluing plastic corners to the wallpaper? Corner profiles made of polyvinyl chloride differ:

  1. Durability. The products retain their properties for more than 25 years.
  2. Durability. They have anti-corrosion properties. Resistant to cracking and abrasion. Not affected by humidity and ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Easy to install. They are easy to cut with a knife or scissors.
  4. Low price.
  5. Unpretentiousness in care.
  6. Light weight.

There are also negative aspects. PVC products lose color over time. If a fire occurs, they melt, releasing toxic substances. They should be protected from damage by sharp objects.

How to glue a plastic corner

To ensure that the work done is not in vain, you need to choose an adhesive that is best suited for plastic corners. IN construction stores There is a wide selection of adhesive compositions available. Finishing of corners and slopes is carried out using the following adhesives:

  • Liquid nails. The composition has high degree strength. Taking advantage liquid nails, you can securely attach a corner made of PVC or polystyrene foam to any surface, in particular to embossed wallpaper, wood or concrete. The glue has excellent adhesive properties and sets quickly. If necessary, a composition of a certain color is selected. It is better to glue white plates with a colorless compound.

Liquid nails are often used when installing corners

  • Polyurethane glue. Durable, elastic, tightly glues PVC and MDF. The instructions say that not every polyurethane-based adhesive is intended for PVC corners. A significant disadvantage is the pungent odor and high cost.
  • Silicone sealant. Recommended for fixing profiles to wallpaper, plastic panels, as well as to ceramic tiles in the bathroom, in the kitchen. It is advisable to use acrylic sealant. However, when using silicone glue, over time you can observe a weakening of adhesion, especially in places where the corners are most often touched. Therefore, if you are planning to attach a plate to a tile using silicone, you should choose compounds with high adhesive properties.
  • Liquid plastic. The purpose of the composition is to glue exclusively PVC parts. It is good to work with, for example, when finishing joints plastic windows. This type of glue must be used carefully, since a special chemical reagent will be needed to remove the mixture that accidentally gets on the wallpaper.

PVC profiles are self-adhesive. It is necessary to glue the plastic corner onto the wallpaper after taking measurements. After this, the protective tape is removed from the product, and the plastic is pressed against the outer corner.

Tools for work

To fix the plastic you need glue gun. It allows you to accurately apply the composition used. You also need to stock up on:

  • hacksaw or metal scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • metal square;
  • tape measure, pencil;
  • masking tape;
  • glue mixture.

You can obtain profiles of the desired size and shape using a miter box. However, if this tool is not there, it’s okay.

How to glue a plastic corner

To glue plastic corners to wallpaper or slopes, you should take into account the surface to which the plates will be attached. Corners can be glued to wallpaper in two ways:

  1. Directly to wallpaper. Important: the wallpaper texture should be shallow, otherwise dust will accumulate in the resulting gaps.
  2. With cutting out the strip and applying glue to the wall. To do this, you need to place a plastic corner on the installation site, and then cut off the wallpaper on both sides with a knife.

If there are curved slopes, flexible PVC profiles will be useful.

How to cut correctly

Before gluing the corner, the required length is measured. Trimming at an angle of 45 degrees is carried out using a sharp scalpel knife or hacksaw. Blanks are also made using a miter box.

How to glue

If you need to attach plastic corners to the wallpaper, first the area to be treated is freed from finishing material. The width of the cut strips should be slightly less than the width of the profile. Next we work like this:

  • on inner side Apply the selected glue to the planks;
  • We apply the polyvinyl chloride profile to the surface and press it along its entire length using a napkin or dry rag;
  • We secure the plastic with masking tape;
  • After the glue has set, remove the tape.

Before gluing the PVC profile to the windows or doorway, it is necessary to examine the surface for any unevenness. If it is not possible to correct the defect, use flexible plastic panels.

When it is necessary to glue the corners between the wall and the bathtub, it is important that the surface of the bathtub edge that is adjacent to the wall is clean. To protect the tiles from possible glue getting on them, you can use masking tape.

First, treat the side of the bathtub and the adjacent section of the wall. antiseptic and a degreaser. The next step is filling the gaps silicone sealant. The PVC corner is glued after a day or two.

How to glue the inner corner to the ceiling? When fixing products, it is important to avoid the formation of gaps. If adhesive has come out, it should be removed. After installing the PVC profile, finishing putty is used.

When making preliminary markings, you need to be as precise as possible to avoid gaps between the joints. It is better to increase the profile length by 0.5-1 mm. Thanks to their elasticity, the panels will fit perfectly into place.

Before installing the corners on the walls, the panels are cleaned of dirt. If the cutting of the panels turns out to be uneven, do not fill the gaps with silicone. Gradually, the defective areas will become covered with dust and become noticeable.

To attach the arched corner, you will need construction hair dryer. If after 2-3 warm-ups it was not possible to bend the profile, further attempts should be stopped. Prolonged heating makes the material hard and brittle.

You will definitely use this trick if you didn’t know it before. We will talk about how to very reliably glue plastic or plastic parts with ordinary second glue, using one small secret, which increases the strength of the connection of two parts by more than 10 times.

What's the trick?

So, the secret is that around the seam of the parts to be glued we will apply ordinary soda with superglue. The result is a very strong thickening around the seam.
The fact is that the cyanoacrylates that make up the glue interact with soda. They interact, but are not regular filler. When these two components are mixed, an instant reaction occurs and the strongest composition is obtained, which can be used to glue not only plastics, but also metals. A peculiar resemblance cold welding. Second glue by itself is not half as strong when used alone. It is not surprising that everything they did did not hold up well and fell apart. But with the use of this technology, this will no longer happen.

Will need

  • Any super or second glue.
  • Baking soda.

Gluing plastic

Let's get started. The bushing into which the screw is screwed has broken off. And, accordingly, I will now restore all this.
At the beginning everything is as usual. Lubricate the area with glue.

One and the other have details.

Let's connect them.

Now the soda comes into play. When the parts come into contact, excess glue is squeezed out; it needs to be sprinkled generously with soda.

After 5 seconds, the excess can be blown off.

Then pour superglue generously around the crack and immediately cover it with baking soda again.

We blow off the excess again.

We repeat the process again.

Sprinkle generously.

As a result, a strong bead has formed around the bushing, which will hold everything securely.

Although everything has hardened before your eyes, it is recommended to let it sit for about 24 hours before using the product.

Pros and cons of the method

  • Instant hardening. Even large drops freeze immediately.
  • The end result is a very durable monolith.
  • Glues almost any plastic.
  • You can even seal holes and holes.
  • Instant hardening can act as a negative factor due to the fact that the composition cannot be poured into the center of the parts to be glued.
  • The reaction occurs with the release of heat, which in some cases can be negative.
  • Unfortunately, such a composition can only be applied to the surface, but there are times when it is not possible to reach it.
I especially recommend taking this recipe Note to motorists, since I myself have glued dashboards and filter glasses using this method more than once. Holds tight!