Proper placement of workstations in the office. How to arrange desks in the office correctly

“If you want to succeed, your heart must be in your business, and your business must be in your heart.”

Thomas J. Watson, former president IBM

A cozy atmosphere in the office or in the language of the Labor Code “working conditions” affects the productivity of office staff. This fact has been confirmed for more than one year by global corporations that take into account how people will feel new employee at your workplace.

Feng Shui environment encourages workers to be active during labor activity. Ancient Chinese science of proper organization space, about the interaction with the vital energy of qi - feng shui - is increasingly attracting attention. The basis of Feng Shui is the principle of five elements: wood, metal, water, fire and earth must interact and harmoniously influence a person. The first four elements correspond to the cardinal directions, magical animals, colors, materials and shapes. Positive thinking employees bring financial stability to the company. How to arrange office furniture according to Feng Shui?

Arrangementoffice furniture

Five basic rules

1. The reception or reception area is the most influential room. How the client is greeted will be the same opinion he will have about the company as a whole. Depending on the room, the reception area can be rectangular ( large area), have rounded corners (medium area) or be round (small area). Comfortable chairs and their sufficient quantity plays an important role. There must be enough space for visitors. These can be chairs for visitors Chairman 279v fabric JP or sofas.

Place furniture so that the secretary does not pass through the waiting area. Fresh flowers will help revive the atmosphere and relieve tension; the chosen interior color – green or blue – has a calming effect on the psyche.

It is advisable not to clutter the table with unnecessary documents; company brochures, business cards of managers, pens and paper for notes should be freely available.

2. Workplace safety. The most inconvenient thing workplace when you are forced to sit with your back to front door or aisle. In order to concentrate as much as possible during activities, it is important for the employee to see the front door.

If in force architectural features, you cannot sit facing the door - position the mirror so that you can see the person entering or hang a bell. If there is a passage behind you, block off your back with a niche or big flower to feel your rear protected. Otherwise, while working, walking behind your back will distract and irritate you. Key workers or specialists for whom a high concentration of attention is important are better placed in separate areas or rooms. For top specialists, use respectable chairs - Chairman 750.

If there is a window behind you, be sure to curtain it, otherwise you may lose the support of influential people and fail in business.

It is best if there is a wall behind you, and your table will be located diagonally to the front door, which will allow the beneficial qi energy to flow smoothly.

3. The boss's place. The higher the position of the head of the company, the farther his workplace should be from the front door. Otherwise, your subordinates will control you or sabotage your orders.

To strengthen your reputation in the office, use the symbolism of fire, which is associated with reputation, fame, red and the south. The red Chairman 750 chair in the southern part of the room will look harmonious in an office where the main activity is female - beauty services, or simply the manager is a woman.

4 . Organization of work space in the office. When arranging furniture, consider the comfort of each employee. Extra things, waste papers, objects cluttering the aisles not only interfere with work, but also interfere with the free flow of qi energy, which brings success to your business. If the office has open work areas (open space), then it is advisable to separate them with partitions. This way, employees will be able to focus on their work. Working materials that are in constant use should be nearby - at arm's length. Chairs on casters in such cases are an excellent option - Chairman 795 chair.

5. Where to orient the table? By orienting the table to the east, you attract the energy of the sun, the growth and rise of your business. The North-West direction is favorable for leadership. The Western direction promotes stability. Avoid the direction to the south: it is too overloading and leads to stress.

If the desks are in rows, then in accordance with Feng Shui, employees should be seated so that while working, their gaze is directed in one direction, and at the same time the direction coincides with the desk of the head of the organization. In this case, subconsciously all employees will work harmoniously as one team, and this will definitely attract the success of the company.

6. Symbolism that brings success. Install an aquarium with goldfish in the northern part of the office. This element will not only attract cash flow and promote career growth, but also allow employees to rest their eyes.

The colors of the north are blue and black. Use the color scheme of the chairs to enhance the impact of financial success.

In the tree zone, in the southeast, and it is this sector that is responsible for wealth, it is very useful to place a plant, but not a cactus. A small tree-like plant like dracaena is best. Wooden furniture will symbolize a tree. Use as an option wood trim Chairs Chairman 417.;

The colors of the southeast zone are green and purple. Here you can use furniture with appropriate upholstery. For example, use green Chairman 289 chairs, or make the office walls light green.

The most important key to success in business– it’s about putting your soul and passion into your business. After all, if there is harmony in the heart of a leader, your employees, clients and partners will feel it. Arranging furniture in an office according to Feng Shui can have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the team. Build long-term relationships, and then your business will always be successful.

The performance of employees depends on the arrangement of furniture in the office. everything needs to be done correctly. It is important to think about where the manager and staff will be located. can be picked up best option furniture arrangement that combines comfort and functionality. the choice will depend on the size of the room, its layout and the specifics of the work. Feng Shui rules are also important. By following them, you can achieve a favorable atmosphere among employees. they won't accumulate negative emotions, and it will become a pleasure.


There are several options for how to arrange furniture in the office. everything will depend on the principle by which the workspace is divided. There are three options:

Open offices
places here are located on large space and do not close off from each other. This option is suitable when the activities of employees are aimed at jointly resolving issues. its use is ideal for group discussions of issues or for very large number colleagues;

This is the separation of each zone using mobile partitions. the room in this case is divided into small zones, everyone can concentrate on their responsibilities;


So that people are provided with all the necessary items: cabinets, shelves. computer chair and other attributes. Depending on the type of activity, they may vary. open type involves the use of common attributes that everyone will use. cabinets and racks for folders, papers and other things are placed along the walls. in this case, every employee has access to them. There are drawers in the cabinets for personal documents.

The organization of the workplace also provides for the presence of hangers for outer things. install them near the door or select a small area in the form of a locker room. if these are mini-offices, then try using one small hanger for each. Depending on the type of organization, you may need a chair or armchair for a visitor.


The arrangement of tables depends entirely on the size and shape of the room, the location of the door and window. There is general rules that help you feel comfortable and not disturb your colleagues:

Arrangement of office space begins with. install it in a secluded place, preferably at the end of the hall. The boss should not sit with his back to the window or door. It's best when there is a wall behind. it provides a feeling of security and confidence. in open offices, the manager's seat should be away from the door, but with the ability to see it. if this is a company with a visit, then it is worth placing a secretary near it.

In a large building, desks may be in parallel rows. this is the most convenient and rational. Only here it is advisable to install partitions to prevent sitting facing colleagues. if possible, do not put them in the middle empty room. when there is emptiness behind them, people feel insecure. It is possible to install a workplace in a corner. it is attractive due to some privacy and saves space. Only a person should not sit facing a corner or a wall.


There are several other main points that are taken into account when setting up an office. First of all, this concerns the width of the aisles that remain between the tables. it should be spacious enough. It’s inconvenient when a person squeezes between the rows and clings to the corners. The approach to cabinets with racks for documents should also be free. folders usually take up a significant amount of space, so try to keep them organized at all times.

Another important point- this is a device for ventilation, heating and other communications. no one will feel comfortable being near a hot radiator or under an air conditioner. this also applies to drafts that may exist in the building. try to arrange things in such a way that it does not affect your health. The boss must take care of his subordinates, so he should not be indifferent to their well-being.

It is worth considering a small rest area for the staff. it can be separated by a partition and consist of soft sofa or chairs. people need to take short breaks. For greater comfort, provide accessories. these could be carpets, curtains or green plants. These things make you feel more comfortable. Considering that you spend most of your time at work, create a favorable environment for yourself.

Furniture distribution in a small office

Pay special attention to the arrangement of furniture in a small room. in this case, you need to try to use the space rationally and expand it visually. good decision- put all the tables in a circle. this way you can free up the middle part of the hall. This makes it possible to move freely and not disturb your friend. if the room has rectangular shape, you can put the tables in the form of the letter p. so there will be sufficient passage between them.

If the company plans to receive visitors, then it is necessary to provide them with the necessary items to accommodate them. they are used compactly and conveniently for customers. a chair or armchair for them is placed facing the employee and with their back to the door. in this case, you can capture the person’s full attention and lead the conversation in the direction you want. You can place a small hanger near the entrance. all this affects a person’s mood.


  • Office workers spend a lot of time in their organizations. We must try to create for them good conditions which will contribute productive activity. To do this, you should arrange the furniture in the office according to Feng Shui. This is the science of properly organizing the surrounding space in such a way as to attract positive energy. It will ensure favorable relationships in the team, good mood And career growth. There are several Feng Shui rules that should be followed.
  • You should not sit in a corner of the room or between cabinets in such a way that it will be difficult to approach. This inconvenience will affect the quality of service. There should be enough free space in front of the table. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes promising development. This will help avoid unnecessary difficulties and problems. There is no need for wires and cables to be visible. This symbolizes the outflow of money. If the room has large sizes and many employees are forced to be nearby, a person can get tired of the hustle and bustle. You can put some bright or favorite object in front of you. It will allow you to be distracted for a while and protect your personal space.
  • Arrangement office furniture According to the rules of Feng Shui, it involves arranging a place with comfort. Try to choose a zone with good energy. You need to see those who walk into the room, and not sit with your back to it. The most unfavorable area is the area near the door. Visitors or employees will constantly pass by it, which will negatively affect your emotional state.
  • Thus, it has great value How exactly to arrange furniture in the office. This not only affects the convenience of staff, but also improves their performance. What matters is design features premises. The building may have a non-standard shape. In this case, it may be necessary to manufacture custom-made cabinets and cabinets according to individual measurements. It will differ in unusual sizes and shapes. The distribution of seats must also correspond to the specifics of the personnel.

The child is growing up, and by the age of five or six, parents will have to organizing a work area in the children's room– places for homework, storage teaching aids, office supplies. The issue is serious and is being resolved not only from the point of view of a harmonious environment and maintaining comfort in the room.

The correct approach to organizing the workplace affects the child’s formation of neatness, perseverance, and composure. But first of all, you need to decide on the location of the desk in the room, taking into account whether it will be comfortable for the child to study in this particular corner, and what factors can affect the quality of classes and even the health of the little schoolchild.

1. Isolation of the workplace from the play area- a children's desk can be placed behind a partition, or zones can be separated using a shelving unit, a screen, or even wallpaper of different colors. Toys, bright and unnecessary objects should be removed from the work area, as they distract the child’s attention and interfere with concentration.

2. Sufficient lighting- preferably natural. If this possibility is excluded, fluorescent lamps are used. The light should fall from the left for a right-handed child and vice versa: from the right if the child is left-handed. When practicing at night, there must be at least two light sources - otherwise vision problems cannot be avoided.

3. Posting tutorials and office supplies in work area so that the child himself can easily take and put in place the items he needs. The table itself should have drawers, sections, cabinets, and open niches. It is better to store books and large folders on hanging shelves or in racks or pencil cases standing near the table.

Let's consider options for placing a desk in a children's room.

Desk near the window

If the room is narrow or small, then a children's desk is often placed near the window.


- space saving (especially if the window sill is transformed into a tabletop);

- natural lighting for most of the day is a necessity, plus savings on sources and costs of artificial lighting;

- the ability to switch attention during long exercises, as well as vision training.


- too bright light and glare are harmful to vision. Not too thick curtains or a special film for windows will help.

— the presence of heating radiators or, conversely, possible drafts. The problem is solved by dampers on the radiators and the back wall of the table, which isolates it from the heat source. It is easier to deal with drafts - you need to ventilate the room when the child takes a break from classes, the rest of the time the window should be closed.

— the view from the window often distracts the baby’s attention and interferes with activities. The same blinds or curtains will help here. We also organize five minutes of rest, after which the child will be able to concentrate and complete the task without being distracted.

Children's desk near the wall

If space in the room allows, it is very convenient to place a desk against the wall. It could be corner table or a tabletop along part of the wall.


- Possibility to place on the wall hanging shelves, lesson schedule and daily routine.

— fewer distractions have a positive effect on the learning process and promote perseverance.


— insufficient natural light if the table is located against the far wall. We solve the problem with table lamp and take into account the need for an additional light source in the evening.

- a certain limitation of space and a constant look at the wall. To break up this monotony, we swap the schedule and routine, make minor rearrangements on the shelves in front of the table, i.e. you need to periodically diversify this space.

Table in the work area under the loft bed

Modern trends in furniture design are based on economical and rational use space. A compact version of children's furniture is a loft bed with a desk, which is located under the sleeping place, or where shelves with a table are adjacent to its side wall.

A children's desk in this version can be either a built-in or a pull-out element of cabinet furniture.


— compactness of the workplace, mobility;

— the ability to organize an individual space for each child in the family.


— as the child grows up, such a compact table may become too small. The issue can be resolved by discussing the option of transforming furniture in advance with the manufacturer or supplier. Also, this minus can become a plus if there are two children in the family - as the youngest grows up, this job passes to him;

- the same limited space. If the student does not like such isolation, we solve the problem through periodic changes in the design of the office and other interior elements.

Even after everything is ready, and it seems to parents that the workplace is organized perfectly, they need to observe the child and correct any inconveniences that arise during classes: be it problems with lighting or the placement of little things that the little student needs.

It is also important to remember that success in acquiring new skills and knowledge also depends on the child’s mood, motivation, and most importantly, on the participation of parents in this new and, at first, very difficult process for the child.

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Work is an integral part of the life of every adult. Therefore, the design and location of the workplace affects not only career success and financial well-being, but also has an impact on well-being and mood.

Office decoration

According to Feng Shui, it is better to locate the office in a room located close to the main entrance. It must have correct form– square or rectangular. If any of the corners are missing in the room, this will affect the area for which it is responsible. You can compensate for its lack by hanging a mirror in its place.

The office plays a big role in professional success. Black and white or too bright design premises will have a bad impact on energy. An ideal Feng Shui office would be made in golden, beige, yellow, light orange, soft green and warm red tones.

To attract qi energy into the office, you need to take care of proper lighting. It should not be too sharp and bright. Excess should be avoided sunlight. Diffused, but not dim lighting, the source of which will be above you or on the left side, is considered favorable.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the workplace, like home, should be free of trash and dirt. All items must be kept in order and clean. If your office has a lot of cabinets or shelves with documents and books, be sure to sort them out and get rid of unnecessary things. But it is recommended that items that are attributes of the profession be given places of honor and placed in favorable areas. For example, a telephone and a computer placed in the success zone will contribute to it.

Workplace placement

The most important part of the office layout is the placement of the workplace. Correct location Feng Shui table will help you avoid troubles and difficulties, will promote good luck in work, career and other areas of life. It must be installed according to the following rules:

  • It is not recommended to place the table in the south direction, as this will lead to overexertion and stress. A workplace oriented to the east will help aspiring businessmen, to the northwest will be favorable for leaders, to the west will be useful for a stable business, and to the southeast will attract creative energy.
  • Do not sit under overhanging structures such as air conditioners, beams or shelves. You will attract illness and failure.
  • It is not recommended to sit with your back to the door or window opening. This situation will deprive you of any support and will contribute to betrayal. If it is impossible to fit in any other way, the negative impact of the window behind you can be reduced by closing it thick curtains, and doors - by installing a mirror on the table, allowing you to see those entering the room.
  • Do not place your workplace directly opposite the door; it is better if it is diagonally away from it, so that those entering can see you.
  • The table should be positioned so that you can freely approach it from all sides. There should be free space behind and in front of him. This will expand prospects and opportunities. A desktop placed in a corner, close to a wall or between cabinets will bring a lot of difficulties. If there is a wall or a high partition in front of you, hang a picture of an open space, for example, a flowering meadow or a calm lake - you will reduce all restrictions.
  • It is bad if a protruding corner is pointed at the table, as it will radiate negative energy. To neutralize the harmful effects, place a houseplant on the edge of the table directed towards this corner.
  • It’s good if there is a blank wall behind you. This will provide support and support from influential people. To enhance the effect, you can hang a picture of a sloping mountain on it. But placing open cabinets, shelves or an aquarium behind your back will have a negative effect.