Powerful compressor with your own hands. Making an air compressor with your own hands What to make a compressor for painting from

I have been dreaming of buying a compressor for two years now. Very useful device for a wide variety of work in the garage: inflating wheels, painting with a gun, blowing out engine parts, and so on. On average, a simple compressor costs 10 thousand rubles, a homemade one cost 300 rubles, plus a bunch of rubbish that was lying around the house. An old compressor from a refrigerator, gas cylinder, pressure gauge 10 BAR, angles and tees made of brass, plugs for them, nipples with threads from metal moped inner tubes, clamps, washers.

For production I used a compressor from a refrigerator cylindrical installed horizontally. It has a capacity of 10 l/min, this is very little compared to industrial ones, but I don’t need anymore, say, for 5-10 seconds to bleed air at a low pressure of 3 Bar, when in the receiver (I’ll tell you about it later) the pressure is 8-9 Bar.

For the receiver, I take a 50L gas cylinder. I drained all the gasoline from it ahead of time. I tried to unscrew the tap, but no matter what methods I used, the tap would not budge.

Since the cylinder tap has a left-hand thread, I decided to make a 3/4-inch adapter with a right-hand thread. I took a high pressure hose and two adapters from 3/4 to 10mm with left and right threads. The result is such an adapter

I assembled a simple splitter from tees and angles and made a test switch.

In 45 minutes the cylinder gained a pressure of almost 9 bar, with a receiver volume of 50L this is approximately 430L of air

I filled it a couple of times, and then lowered the cylinder upside down to remove the remaining gas and gasoline, and then began a thorough assembly. The position of the cylinder is horizontal, I welded the compressor mount on top and installed all the wiring with a pressure gauge. I secured the circuit with clips mounted on nails welded to the cylinder. The compressor was connected to the circuit with a hose, secured with clamps

I drilled a hole in the plug, inserted a nipple into it and put a rubber gasket on top. The plug was clamped onto the tap, and there were two tees in a row to the tap: one outlet to the receiver, the other to the pressure gauge. Next I screwed on a corner, a coarse filter to the corner, a coupling to the filter and the same plug as on the other side.

A filter had to be installed so that the oil that is squeezed out by the compressor would settle and not get into the receiver and pipes.

All that's left to do is weld the legs and paint everything the same color. There was one leg at the front, two at the back. All legs are remains of a corner

I haven’t set the machine to turn off until I don’t have the money to buy it. For the same reason, I did not install a pressure regulator. As soon as I have the money, I’ll finish it, but for now it’s enough as it is.

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With uv. Admin check

A private home or garage requires compressed air. But the main problem is that the equipment capable of providing it required quantity, has a fairly high cost. At the same time, if the master does not do such work professionally, it makes no sense to spend a lot of money, which means you need to look for more cheap options resolving the issue. One of these is the production air compressor with your own hands from scrap materials. This is exactly what will be discussed in today’s article.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

The main component of such equipment is a supercharger, consisting of an electric motor and pistons. However, it is worth immediately noting that compressors can be intended for different purposes. For example, a car device designed to inflate tires is also called a compressor, but it cannot be used to supply air to a spray gun. The thing is that with such a device the air is supplied unevenly, which is unacceptable when painting surfaces. For uniform supply to the spray gun, the device is equipped with a special reservoir - receiver.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

Preparing to make your own air compressor

Work on making a homemade compressor with your own hands begins with the main unit - the supercharger. Therefore, the first step is to decide what will serve as its base. The supercharger can be dismantled not only with different household appliances, which has served its time, but also from the engines of some cars.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

Many craftsmen who professionally engage in airbrushing or other work that requires compressed air, V small spaces, give preference to air electric compressors 220 V, made by yourself. This is due to their quieter (compared to factory versions) operation.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

DIY compressor receiver: what to make it from

Most simple option here you will use a tubeless wheel from a car, but it is worth remembering that the disk will no longer be suitable for travel after modernization. But such a homemade receiver for a compressor is as simple as possible to manufacture, and therefore more acceptable for small volumes of work, such as airbrushing.

PHOTO: krsk.au.ru

If a larger volume of air is required, it is best to use a fire extinguisher or an old gas cylinder as a receiver when making a compressor with your own hands.

Supercharger, pressure gauge and other parts

If you plan to use a powerful supercharger that has been removed from old technology, you need to purchase a pressure gauge and an emergency valve that will not allow the pressure in the receiver to rise above the permissible level. As for the simplest compressor from an old wheel, a car device powered by a cigarette lighter and used to inflate tires is quite suitable here. However, such a supercharger can create excess pressure, which will lead to a tire rupture. This situation is very dangerous and is fraught with injuries, sometimes incompatible with life. Therefore, you should never forget about the emergency valve.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

Let's consider an example of a simple compressor based on a car electric pump and a tubeless wheel as a receiver.

How to make a simple compressor with your own hands

To operate, you will need to purchase an emergency valve and a pumping fitting (nipple, spool, “nipple”). An additional hole needs to be drilled in the wheel rim for it, just like for the emergency valve. Next, the inflation fitting and valve are installed in their place, and the wheel is assembled. All that remains is to connect the car to one of the pumping fittings electric pump, and to the second the outlet hose to the spray gun or airbrush. Now, after filling the wheel with air, the DIY mini-compressor can be used for its intended purpose.

PHOTO: eckonom.ru

Making compressors with your own hands using various devices

Homemade compressors can be made using parts from a refrigerator or vacuum cleaner as a base. Such devices, in their manufacture, will not require much labor, and will not consume a lot of electricity. If the craftsman requires a more powerful device, then to make a compressor with your own hands, you can use equipment, for example, from a ZIL 130, KamAZ or other vehicle whose systems use compressed air.

PHOTO: krsk.au.ru

Worth in general outline understand the manufacture of such devices.

How to make a compressor from an old refrigerator

The process of making an air compressor from a refrigerator with your own hands is extremely simple. To do this you will need:

  • receiver;
  • filter and moisture-oil separator;
  • gearbox with pressure gauge;
  • the compressor itself is from the refrigerator, which is dismantled along with the relay;
  • safety (emergency valve).

PHOTO: aredi.ru

Air compressor diagram

For a better understanding of how such a device is assembled, you can take a look at the schematic diagram below. However, the author of this drawing made one of the main mistakes of a beginner. It is precisely in order to show it that the editors of Homius cited this image as an example.

PHOTO: tehnika.expert

As you can see, the author suggests installing a filter between the receiver and the compressor, which is not recommended. The fact is that when the pressure increases, the plastic case can simply rupture. An oil-water separator should be located in this location. The filter itself is mounted on the compressor tube through which air is sucked in.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

Also, the diagram does not indicate an emergency valve, which should relieve excess pressure. It is best to install it on the receiver itself.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

How to make a compressor from a vacuum cleaner: is it possible?

Many novice craftsmen, having first heard about the possibility of making a compressor from an old vacuum cleaner, begin to ask questions about how the receiver is connected to it. However, this is all from the series “I heard a ringing, but don’t know where it is.” The fact is that the name “compressor” is difficult to apply to such a device. Rather, it is an atomizer from which you should not expect much. Although, if we talk about the possibility of whitewashing the walls in the cellar or other similar work, this device can greatly facilitate the work. Such attachments, which were put on a regular glass jar, came complete with Soviet vacuum cleaners, and now it is much easier to order them on Chinese resources or purchase them second-hand than to make them yourself.

PHOTO: film.ua

PHOTO: starina.ru

Making a compressor for an aquarium with your own hands

Such devices are quite in demand among consumers. But we should immediately make a reservation - there is practically no point in such work. The cost of such equipment is Russian market is minimal, but it can take quite a lot of time. In addition, some parts will still have to be purchased. Therefore, you should first think about whether it is necessary to undertake such work?

PHOTO: seaforum.aqualogo.ru

Advice! Before you start making any device with your own hands, you need to calculate whether there will be any benefit from such work, “whether the game is worth the candle.”

Compressor for car painting: how to make it yourself

The most popular of all self-made compressors is equipment for painting a car or any other parts and mechanisms. In addition to a durable receiver, you will also need another supercharger that will fill the container with air much faster than refrigeration equipment. It is best to make such a device from a ready-made automobile compressor by connecting a 220 or 380 V electric motor to it as a drive.

PHOTO: compressortyt.ru

Diagram and assembly procedure for a piston compressor

If we look at a schematic representation of such a compressor, it becomes clear that there is nothing overly complicated about it. The main thing is not to forget to include a filter with a rigid body that can withstand the pumped pressure. It is installed at the outlet of the receiver in front of the air supply hose to the spray gun.

PHOTO: samodelkindrug.ru

Many people do not understand the purpose of this element, considering it completely unnecessary, but this opinion is wrong. The fact is that the air in the receiver is in a compressed state, and a change in the density of any substance, as is known, also changes its temperature. As a result of the compression and subsequent release of air and the resulting temperature change, condensation occurs, which can get into the paint together, which will certainly affect the quality of the final result. The filter eliminates this possibility.

PHOTO: master-hauze.ru

The nuances of assembling a homemade compressor for painting a car

The main task here is the strength of the hoses and the tightness of the connections. Therefore, it is recommended to use copper tubes to transfer air from the blower to the receiver and then to the filter. From the filter to the spray gun itself, it is optimal to use an oxygen hose. It is reinforced with fiberglass, and therefore has not only the necessary flexibility, but also increased strength.

PHOTO: sharx.org

Quite interesting for making a compressor with your own hands is the option of using equipment from the Ikarus bus and a gas cylinder, which can be seen in the picture below.

PHOTO: drive2.ru

Routine work before starting the compressor

Having assembled a compressor for a spray gun or other work with your own hands, you should test it. However, before this, as well as subsequently, before each launch, certain actions should be performed, namely:

  • check the tightness and reliability of all connections;
  • Visually inspect hoses and tubes for cracks or breaks.

PHOTO: sharx.org

After the compressor engine has started, it is necessary to check the gearbox setting using a pressure gauge. The answer to the question of how to set the compressor to required pressure, uncomplicated. It is set using a regulator installed on the pressure gauge by turning the handle left and right. And the maximum air pressure in the compressor receiver from the engine is regulated by an emergency valve, which is activated when the permissible threshold is exceeded.

An air compressor would be useful in a car owner's garage inventory. You can use it to paint a car, inflate tires, or supply air to pneumatic tools. Let's look at how to make a compressor for painting with your own hands from available materials.

Compressed air is the true assistant of a true master

There is always a use for an air compressor in the garage: from simply blowing off dust from abrasive surfaces to creating overpressure in pneumatic tools. A considerable part of the compressor's working life is spent on painting the car. And this imposes certain requirements on the air flow created.

It must flow strictly evenly and not have any impurities in the form of drops of water, oil or solid suspended particles. Defects such as graininess, shagreen and cavities on freshly applied paint coating happen precisely due to foreign particles getting into the stream. Paint drips and dull spots on the enamel occur when the mixture flows unevenly.

Branded air compressors from the manufacturer have all the functions for ideal operation of an airbrush, but they cost a lot of money. You can save money and create a functional model that is not inferior to professional ones. on our own, having studied theoretical information and watched the video material “do-it-yourself compressor” as a guide. The operating principle of all models, both homemade and professional, is quite simple and is as follows. A device for storing compressed air, called a “receiver,” creates excess pressure. Air can be pumped either manually or mechanically.

When feeding manually, financial resources are saved, but a lot of effort and energy is spent on controlling the process. With automatic injection, all these shortcomings are eliminated; the only thing that remains is a routine oil change in the air pump. Next, compressed air is supplied through the outlet fitting in a uniform flow to the actuators. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and you can create a working model in a few minutes.

Making a simple compressor with your own hands

One option would be to make a compressor for painting from a used car inner tube. For production you will need:

  • The receiver is a car camera. Possible with a tire, possible without it
  • Supercharger – car pump with pressure gauge
  • Nipple from a bad camera
  • Repair kit for rubber
  • Tailor's awl

Having collected necessary materials, we proceed directly to the manufacture of the device. We take an unnecessary car inner tube and check it for leaks by inflating it with a pump. If the balloon holds air, then everything is fine, and you can move on to the next stage. If there are leaks, localize the damaged areas and seal them or vulcanize them with raw rubber.

Next, a hole is made in the prepared receiver for an additional nipple, through which a uniform stream of compressed air will subsequently emerge. We glue the additional fitting using a rubber repair kit and connect it to the spray gun. We unscrew the nipple in it - the air flow should come out freely. We leave the nipple in the original nipple of the car camera - it will work like a valve, holding excess pressure.

Then we experimentally determine the required level of air pressure in the receiver by spraying paint on any surface. The enamel should lie evenly, without jerking. The amount of excess pressure is determined using a pressure gauge and should be such that when you press the aerator button, its level does not change abruptly.

Assembling such a model of compressor will not be difficult, but you will immediately be convinced of the effectiveness of repairs using a compressor rather than using cans of paint. The main thing is to follow the rule - no moisture or dust should get into the car chamber, and, therefore, then into the spray gun. Otherwise, they will mix with the car enamel, and all the painting work will need to be done again. Assembled model will work properly, but it is better to automate the air injection and make additional changes to the design.

Semi-professional compressor for DIY painting

According to experts, homemade compressors with receivers have a longer service life than models from domestic and foreign manufacturers. And this is understandable - everything is done with your own hands and, even if some part fails, replacing it will be a matter of a couple of minutes. Let's look at how to make an air compressor that is not inferior to products from well-known companies from readily available materials that we will need according to the list below:

  • Pressure gauge
  • Gearbox with oil and water separating filter
  • Pressure control relay
  • Gasoline fuel filter
  • Plumbing crosspiece (quad) with three-quarter internal thread
  • Threaded adapters
  • Car clamps
  • Compressor motor
  • Receiver
  • Semi-synthetic motor oil viscosity 10W40
  • 220 volt toggle switch
  • Brass tubes
  • Oil resistant hose
  • Thick board for base
  • Pharmacy syringe
  • Rust converter
  • Studs, nuts, washers
  • Sealant, fum tape
  • Metal paint
  • Needle file
  • Furniture wheels
  • Diesel engine power supply filter

Finding all the components is not difficult; you should start with the heart of the entire system - the air blower.

Engine – actuator of an automatic compressor

We will use a compressor from an old refrigerator as an engine. As a rule, they are equipped with a start relay, which is very convenient for constantly maintaining a certain level of pressure in the receiver. It is preferable to use compressors from old Soviet-style refrigerators; they allow you to pump more high blood pressure than their imported counterparts.

After removing the control unit from the old refrigerator, clean it of accumulated dirt and rust. Then treat with a rust converter to prevent further oxidation. This will prepare the engine housing for further painting.

Next, you should change the oil in the compressor. Rarely has a refrigerator undergone regular maintenance and lubricant replacement, which is quite justified - the system is completely isolated from the effects of the atmosphere. You can use semi-synthetic motor oil; it is in no way inferior to compressor oil and, in addition, has many useful additives.

There are three tubes on the compressor - 2 open and one sealed. The open ends are intended for air circulation, one of the tubes is the inlet, the other is the outlet. To determine which path the air is taking, briefly apply power to the compressor. And remember which duct draws in air and which exhausts.

The sealed tube is intended for routine oil changes. The closed end must be carefully removed. To do this, we file the tube in a circle with a needle file, trying to prevent metal filings from getting inside the system. Then we break off the sawn-off tip and drain the old oil into some container to determine the amount to be replaced. And fill in the semi-synthetic in a slightly larger quantity using a syringe.

Then the engine lubrication system must be turned off. To do this, select a screw of the appropriate size, wrap it with tape to seal it, and screw it into a tube. A refrigerator blower tends to leak grease - that is, there are droplets of oil in the output air stream. They will be retained by the oil/moisture separator for the compressor. With our own hands, we then mount the engine with the starting relay on a wooden base in the position in which it was attached to the frame.

The compressor relay is sensitive to its position in space and its top cover is often marked with an arrow. Only when correct installation the process of switching modes will proceed correctly.

Compressed air container

Fire extinguisher cylinders are best suited for storing compressed air. They are designed for high pressure, have large stock robust and ideal for installation attachments. Let's consider the metal body of an OU-10 fire extinguisher with a working volume of 10 liters as a receiver. This cylinder is designed for a pressure of 15 MPa or 150 bar with a large margin of safety.

We unscrew the locking and starting device (ZPU) from the future receiver and in its place we screw in an adapter, onto the threads of which we wrap fum tape to seal it. If the fire extinguisher has traces of corrosion, they must be removed using abrasives and a rust converter.

From the outside everything is easy to do, but from the outside inner surface you'll have to tinker a little. To do this, pour a rust remover inside the bottle according to the instructions and shake the contents thoroughly. Then we screw in the plumbing cross, using sealant and fum tape for sealing. So, the two main parts of our compressor are ready, and we can proceed to the next stage.

Installation of device parts

For ease of storage and movement, it is best to arrange all the compressor parts compactly on one base. We will use as a basis wooden board, on it we securely fasten the engine - supercharger and fire extinguisher housing.

We fix the compressor motor using threaded rods threaded through the drilled holes, and nuts with washers. We place the receiver vertically, using three sheets of plywood to secure it, in one of which we cut a hole for the cylinder.

We attach the other two using self-tapping screws to the supporting board and glue them to the sheet holding the receiver. Under the bottom of the receiver, at the base, we hollow out a recess of appropriate size. For maneuverability, we screw wheels made of furniture fittings. Next we perform the following operations:

Now all that remains is to paint the entire compressor and move on to field testing.

Adjusting the pressure in the receiver chamber

After assembling the structure, you should check its functionality. We connect a spray gun or a tire inflation gun to the compressor output. After that, with the toggle switch off, plug in the plug into the network. We set the control relay to minimum pressure and then apply power to the supercharger. The pressure created in the receiver is controlled using a pressure gauge. After making sure that when a certain level is reached, the relay turns off the engine, we check the tightness of the air ducts and connections. This is easy to do with a soap solution.

After making sure that the compressed air does not leave the system, we bleed it from the receiver chamber. As soon as the pressure in the cylinder drops below the set mark, the relay should operate and start the compressor. If everything is functioning properly, you can try painting some unnecessary part. Preliminary work to prepare the surface for applying enamel is not required here - it is important for us to develop skills and determine what pressure will be required to paint the product. We experimentally determine the value in atmospheres at which the excess pressure is enough to paint the entire part in a uniform layer with a minimum number of blower activations.

As you can see, create car compressor doing it yourself doesn’t cause any particular difficulties. A device made according to the second option requires more time to manufacture, but it will all pay off with further use. The system of automatic pressure control and supercharger start-up will allow you to work with greater convenience, without being distracted by control over the receiver chamber. The compressor can be used not only for car care. You can use it to paint a fence or garage door.

In order for a self-made compressor to serve for a long time and properly, you should carry out routine maintenance. This is, first of all, regular oil changes and timely replacement of filter elements. Since we have securely attached the motor to the base, there is no point in unscrewing it. We use a syringe to drain the oil. Having unscrewed the screw that closes the filler hole, put the hose tightly on the tube and pump out the waste. We also pump in fresh engine oil using a syringe. With filters everything is simpler - we change them as they become dirty and the filling rate of the receiver chamber decreases.

The alternative is to do it yourself or buy ready-made products?

Today, the market for air compressor offerings is replete with variety. Piston, vibration, screw and many other classes of these devices are produced for various purposes. Ready-made compressors can be bought in household appliances stores, auto parts stores, and on specialized websites. The variety of products offered is so great that choosing the required product will take a lot of time. If you decide to purchase a ready-made device, carefully study technical specifications, price range and customer reviews.

Of course, it is better not to save money and purchase expensive products from famous brands. But a big-budget purchase is only worth it if you plan to repair cars professionally. Choosing little-known products is fraught with unjustified risks. Cheap models suffer from low-quality materials. It often happens that engine parts fly out instantly, and repairs under warranty take several months.

From a reliability standpoint, hand-made assembly wins in many respects. Firstly, according to statistics, compressors in refrigerators have been operating for decades. And the old refrigerator is thrown away not because of a broken engine, but because of a refrigerant leak or corrosion of the walls and bottom. And there’s nothing to say about the fire extinguisher - they are made with a tenfold safety margin, which is immediately checked at the factory. So maybe you shouldn’t buy a pig in a poke, but make the device yourself? Moreover, after studying the material, you know how to make a compressor with your own hands in living conditions. A well-made and properly functioning device will not only please the owner, but will also become the envy of fellow car enthusiasts.

Many people know that you can assemble a compressor from an old refrigerator, and in a home workshop, without special skills. But not everyone is familiar with the technology and secrets. If you think carefully, an air compressor can be useful in any garage, in any workshop and household. With its help you can paint a car, pump up tires, or start any pneumatic tool. Even blowing off dust is also useful. Let's consider the version for painting.

Installation Requirements

Painting is a responsible business. Such a compressor must meet a number of requirements. The main one is a uniform supply of air, and without foreign bodies. The most undesirable defects on paintwork are graininess, shagreen, and cavities on the surface. If the air flow is not stable, all this will occur, including dull spots and drips. Specialized branded compressors have everything necessary to eliminate the slightest defect. But the price is off the charts.

Should I buy a unit or assemble it myself?

Therefore, it makes sense to make a compressor for painting a car yourself. To do this, it is worth studying in detail the structure and operating principle of a real, factory compressor. And it is the same for all samples. High pressure is created in the cylinder. The method of air injection is not important - it can be mechanical or by hand. In the case of manual supply, we save a lot of money, but where can we find a slave capable of pumping air continuously? The automatic process will eliminate many disadvantages and problems. An exception is changing the oil in the compressor. Only the mechanism is capable of continuously supplying a stream of air into the cylinder! The theory is simple; making a personal compressor station with your own hands is quick and easy.

Compressor from a car chamber

How to make a paint application installation from a simple car camera? List of required materials:

  • pump with pressure gauge for blower function,
  • car camera for receiver function,
  • awl,
  • repair tool kit,
  • nipple from a car camera.

The difficult stage is creation compressor station. The camera should be checked for leaks. She's being pumped up. If there is an air leak, the problem is solved by gluing or vulcanizing the raw rubber. Then a hole is pierced with an awl. We place the nipple in it for uniform air flow. The auxiliary fitting is secured by gluing. Will actively help you cope with this work repair kit. Then the fitting is attached to the spray gun. To control the release of the air stream, unscrew the nipple.

But it is noteworthy that the old nipple is not removed. It will act as a valve and hold excess pressure. A control check of the pressure value is carried out by spraying a dye onto the metal surface. If the paint lays down in an even layer, then the installation is functioning perfectly! Additional control of the pressure value can be checked with a pressure gauge. The air flow, even after turning on the aerator key, must be intermittent!

Designing a home compressor is easy. And after using it, car painting will be of better quality than using a spray can. When working at home, you should avoid the penetration of dust, foreign bodies, and water into the car chamber. These things can get into the spray gun and the painting will have to be done again. At correct operation our unit will work for a long time, and it is advisable to automate air injection.

Craftsmen often noticed that a homemade compressor can last much longer than a factory one. And regardless - domestic or imported. An item assembled with your own hands has positive energy. It is easier to repair and maintain - because you know it very well weaknesses and design.

Compressor from an old refrigerator

The unit, made from components of an ancient refrigerator, will not be inferior in performance to compressors from elite manufacturers. To construct it you will need:

  • pressure gauge,
  • rust converter,
  • compressor receiver,
  • threaded adapters,
  • relay for high-quality control of the flow pressure force in our compressor,
  • fuel filter element for gasoline,
  • oil moisture separating filter and its gearbox,
  • the engine driving the installation,
  • cross with 3/4 inch thread for water pipes,
  • switch for 220 V voltage,
  • sealant,
  • motor oil grade 10W40,
  • brass tubes,
  • oil hose,
  • simple syringe,
  • thicker board
  • metal paint,
  • filter element of the power supply system for a diesel engine,
  • furniture wheels,
  • needle file,
  • studs, nuts, washers,
  • fum tape,
  • car clamps.

A compressor unit from a rare Soviet refrigerator can be useful as a motor. In our example, a compressor from a refrigerator is the most optimal solution. It has one great benefit - a compressor start relay! Very old Soviet models have an advantage over foreign competitors. They are capable of pumping up very high pressures. During assembly, it is necessary to carefully remove rust from the actuator unit.

The rust converter will be able to perform high-quality processing compressor and prevent further oxidation. This will simultaneously prepare the working engine housing for painting. Then they move on to changing the oil. It's clear that old refrigerator if he was subjected maintenance, then a very long time ago. This also applies to changing the oil in it. But this situation also has a justification - the system is absolutely completely isolated from environment. Semi-synthetic oil is suitable. This modern lubricant has properties no worse than compressor oil. It will cope with the task remarkably well - it contains many high-quality and effective additives. On the compressor body we find 3 tubes: two of them are open, the remaining one is hermetically sealed. We supply power to the compressor unit and determine the nature and direction of the air flow. It is better to immediately write down or mark the intake and exhaust ducts.

A sealed tube is needed to change the oil. We remove it with a needle file, making a notch around the circumference of the tube. It is important to prevent metal shavings from getting inside the compressor. We break off the tube and drain the oil completely into a container that will allow us to determine its volume. With a simple medical syringe pour in semi-synthetic, and with a larger volume than poured out!

After filling, the engine lubrication system is shut down. Select a suitable screw and seal it with tape. It should be remembered that oil in the form of droplets will sometimes penetrate from the air outlet tube. An oil/moisture separator for the compressor will save you from this. Assembly of the installation begins with strengthening the motor with the start relay on a wooden base. It should be in the same position as on the frame. The correct switching of operating modes depends on the correct installation and installation of the compressor!


How to make a receiver? It is good to use a container from a simple fire extinguisher. It can withstand high pressure perfectly and has a good margin of safety. The cylinder is an excellent solution for mounted technological equipment. As a basis, you can take a fire extinguisher of the OU-10 brand with a volume of 9.99 liters. It is able to withstand pressure up to 16 MPa. We unscrew the locking and trigger mechanism from our workpiece and screw in the adapter. If we find corrosion, we will mercilessly remove it. It is difficult to remove internal rust; to do this, pour the rust converter into the container of the cylinder and shake out the contents. After cleaning is completed, screw in the crosspiece for the water supply.

A wooden board will be a good base for mounting the motor and fire extinguisher body. It is advisable to place all working parts and assemblies on one line. Threaded rods will serve as fasteners; they must be threaded into the holes obtained by drilling. You will need nuts and washers. Then take the receiver and place it vertically. You will need 3 sheets of plywood. One sheet is for a through hole for the cylinder. The remaining 2 sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws to the main board and glued to the sheet that holds the receiver. At the base, a recess is made from wood for the bottom of the receiver. To move the unit, we attach furniture wheels.

The system should be protected from dust using a gasoline filter for rough cleaning of the fuel. It will act as an air intake. A rubber hose and an inlet tube from the supercharger will come in handy. The air pressure at the inlet is very low, clamps are not useful. An oil dehumidifier is installed at the outlet to block liquid droplets. The filter element of the power supply system is suitable (speaking in simple words- filter). You will need clamps for the car. The oil moisture separator is connected to the input of the gearbox, and the output is screwed into the crosspiece we have already prepared on the left side. A pressure gauge is screwed into the right side to monitor the pressure value. And on top of the crosspiece we screw in a relay for adjustment.

Adjusting the pressure force in the system

The adjustment relay allows you to set the desired range or limit of the receiver pressure. And at the required moment, interrupt the power supply circuit of the system supercharger. It is recommended to use RDM-5 as a performing unit. With its help, the compressor will start when the air pressure in the tank drops below the required value and will turn off if the parameters are higher than permissible. The required amount of air flow is adjusted to the relay using a pair of springs. The big spring's job is to do low pressure. A small spring allows you to adjust the upper limit and set the final limit for turning off the entire compressor installation.

RDM-5 was designed for water supply lines. In reality, this is a simple two-pin switch. On in this example— one contact is necessary for switching with the network zero, the other is necessary for switching with the supercharger. The mains phase is carried out through a toggle switch for connection to the second input of the compressor installation. The toggle switch will help you quickly disconnect the system from the power supply. All electrical contacts are well soldered. Then the compressor unit is painted and tested. During a test run, the operation of the relay and the tightness of the system are checked. A test run will allow you to determine the optimal pressure for painting with a uniform layer. To ensure high-quality and long-term operation of the compressor, maintenance is required. An important step in this case is changing the oil.

If you decide to buy a factory-made air compressor, study its parameters and capabilities. Give preference to well-known companies.

Using a 12-volt compressor, you can pump up tires, remove debris and dust, blow out (clean) grill elements, inflate balls, supply compressed air to a spray gun, etc.
If the compressor is equipped with a receiver, its operating mode will be easier. After all, such a container creates a supply of compressed air, which allows you to take breaks in the operation of the compressor.

At the same time, the quality of the supplied air will increase, since the receiver equalizes the pressure, smoothes out pulsations, cools the compressed air coming from the compressor, and collects condensate.

Required accessories

Our installation will consist of two main parts: a compressor and a receiver - the fire extinguisher body. For safe and reliable operation device, it is important that the pressure created by the compressor (140 psi ≈ 10 bar ≈ 10 kg/sq.cm) does not more pressure, for which the fire extinguisher body is designed (20 bar ≈ 20 kg/sq.cm).

To create an installation that works in automatic mode, we will need the following accessories:
  • a shut-off unit on the receiver with a system of threaded channels;
  • safety valve;
  • pressure gauge with scale in bars;
  • switch pressure switch;
  • valve in the form of a ball valve;
  • spiral and linear hoses;
  • air gun;
  • 12 Volt battery;
  • fittings, unions and adapters.
To assemble individual units into a single whole, we will need:
  • keys and pliers;
  • drill and crimper (means for crimping wire lugs);
  • hacksaw and scissors;
  • O-rings and FUM tape;
  • knitting wire and double-sided tape;
  • piece plastic pipe.

Making a receiver from a fire extinguisher body for a 12 V compressor

It is better to choose a fire extinguisher with a large volume for the receiver. In this case, its efficiency when working in tandem with a compressor will be higher.
Next, we unscrew the shut-off valve with a hose, shake out its contents from the body (usually this is a substance based on ammonium phosphates, as it is the cheapest, but there may be other compositions).

Then we wash the inside of the fire extinguisher body clean water several times. Wipe the outside of the container with a clean cloth and dry the inside with a hair dryer.

Receiver equipment

Before this stage of work, we once again compare the characteristics of the compressor and the former fire extinguisher housing, and make sure that our receiver will meet the capabilities of the compressor in all respects.

Screw it into the neck metal container locking assembly with a central channel and four lateral threaded holes.

We screw a safety valve into one of the side channels, adjusting it to a lower opening pressure.

Of the two available pressure gauges, select the one that is calibrated in bar pressure units, and also screw it into the other side channel on the locking unit.

In the two remaining channels we screw in an adapter and a pressure switch - the main element of the automation system, which turns on the compressor when the pressure in the receiver becomes less than the operating one.

We screw a ball valve into the shut-off unit from above to supply compressed air from the receiver or its shut-off.

Next, using a set of rubber rings, FUM tape and keys, we seal and strengthen the joints of all elements with the locking unit and the latter with the body of the future receiver.

It remains to screw onto the ball valve, also using o-ring and a FUM tape, an adapter for installing a spiral hose, at the other end of which a tool powered by compressed air (we have a pneumatic gun) will be attached through the same adapter.

Compressor piping

We first check its functionality by connecting it to a 12-volt battery and make sure that everything is in order with it.
We put a hose adapter on the compressor outlet fitting. We seal using FUM tape and firmly tighten the hex connector with keys.

We install the compressor on the receiver in the place where it will later be fixed. We cut off the hose at the outlet with scissors, leaving a small extension onto which we put a plastic rectangular fitting. It is necessary to give the desired direction to the hose that will come out of it and connect to the adapter on the receiver. Between the last two parts, a hexagonal connector is cut into the hose - also known as check valve.

Installing the compressor on the receiver

We glue strips onto the supporting surfaces of the compressor base. double sided tape. This will allow you to pre-fix the nodes relative to each other, and further promote the strength of the connection.
Then, using pliers and a binding wire, which we pass through the holes in the base, firmly screw the compressor to the receiver.

Manufacturing of the installation support part

To do this, you will need a piece of plastic pipe comparable in size to the outer diameter of the receiver. Using a hacksaw, cut three rings of equal width from the pipe.

We make a cross-section in two rings so that they can be put on the receiver. Cut the third ring into two equal parts. They, in fact, will be the “legs” of our installation.

In two rings, at points diametrically opposite to the cuts, we drill holes using a drill. We do the same in the half rings in their center.
We connect the rings with half rings in pairs using screws and a drill, screwing in the hardware from the side of the split full ring.
On the inside of the split rings, covering the heads of the screws, we glue a strip of double-sided tape to fix the rings on the receiver body from below.

We install the rings on the receiver, spreading them along the cut. To firmly fix the rings on the surface of the receiver, we also glue a strip under each end of the ring, starting from the cut and below.

Selecting pressure in the receiver and setting the relay

After connecting the hoses and turning on the compressor, we check the pressure build-up in the receiver using a pressure gauge and the operation of the installation using a pneumatic gun when the power is turned off. We release the pressure in the receiver using the safety valve by pulling the ring on the stem.

We cut one strand of the wire from the compressor and connect its ends to the pressure switch using lugs and a crimper. We turn on the compressor again and make sure that the pressure in the receiver increases.