How to fasten plywood together. What is the best way to glue plywood? How to glue plywood together

Plywood is used for finishing and construction. If you know how to work with plywood correctly, it will help you avoid chips, cracks and the cost of purchasing additional materials.

When buying plywood in a supermarket, you can order the board to be cut on the spot. The cost of the service depends on the complexity of the parts and the cutting footage. If you decide to cut plywood yourself, use our recommendations.

Features of cutting plywood

There are three types of plywood sheet cutting:

  • Straight-line - cutting vertically and horizontally at right angles.
  • Curvilinear - cut according to patterns - along a curve.
  • Combined - the two previous types are used.

When using these methods, consider the grain direction of the veneer.

For cutting plywood at home, it is best to use a tape or circular saw. A smooth edge at the cut site is obtained if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. First of all, they cut across the fibers, and then along. In this case, the corners are not split.
  2. If the cut is from the front side, use a tape or hand saw. WITH inside use a circular saw or contour saw.
  3. When cutting with a circular saw, ensure high speed disk, and set the feed of the plywood sheet to slow.
  4. When making any sawing, use a saw with short teeth - the penetration should be small.
  5. Move the saw with light pressure until there is a slight kickback - this way you will reduce the likelihood of creases.
  6. To avoid chips and creases when cutting, you can stick construction tape along the line of the future cut.


To achieve smooth-edged holes, choose a sharp drill bit with a front cutter. Start drilling from the front side. Secure the plywood part before drilling.

To avoid chipping and splitting with reverse side, place another sheet of plywood under the part.

Joining plywood sheets

Screws and nails are used to connect plywood parts.

Before screwing, you need to drill holes for the screws. So that the screw head does not damage top layer veneer, you need to cut a recess for it. To avoid damaging the sheet, do not over-tighten the screws. The surface of the plywood can expand when exposed to moisture and crack around an over-tightened screw. For screws with a round (dome) head, nuts are used for fastening from the inside.

Finishing and installation plywood for metal structure fastened from the side of the structural beam so that the fastening point is not visible on the front side.

For installation of panels use special screws and threaded nails. The length of the nail is equal to two to three times the thickness of the plywood sheet. The frequency of hammering depends on the surface: for the floor, nails are driven every 20cm - 30cm along the edge of the slab, and in the middle - every 40cm. For wall and ceiling panels driving frequency at the edges is 10 cm - 20 cm, in the middle - 20 cm - 30 cm.

Types of connections

The strength of the future structure depends on the strength of the connection and fastening of the plywood sheets to each other. There are many methods of joining (tongue, butt, ridge, etc.) of plywood.

For the installation of internal partitions (walls, roofs), butt, seam, open and strip joints are used. When installing outdoors, it is better to use aluminum profiles- they will protect the sheet from deformation. If plywood is installed on the street open method. Then you need to process the edges of the sheets.

The strongest construction is obtained if you attach plywood to a stepped profile - in addition to reliability, it will provide additional protection from sheet deformation.

Always leave a gap between sheets of plywood for expansion: 3mm - 6mm for butt joints and 2mm for other types of joints.

Plywood finishing

The finishing of plywood includes preparatory sanding, priming, edge processing and finishing.

Sanding a coarse-grained sheet sandpaper against the direction of the fibers. If you plan to paint or varnish plywood, you should also sand it with fine-grained sandpaper in the direction of the grain.

It is advisable to also sand the edges of the plywood sheet (parts). Sanding starts from the corners and moves towards the middle. If after cutting the edges are uneven, sharpen them and then sand them. The ends are covered in several layers acrylic paint with special additives.

Plywood tends to expand under the influence of external factors, and high-quality soil will protect the veneer from cracking. When finishing plywood, it is better to combine materials from the same company.

Before painting and varnishing, the plywood is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper and the sheet is thoroughly cleaned of dust.

Wood materials are used for coatings: stains, paints, varnishes. You can install the plywood after it has completely dried.

If you need to cut large number sheets of plywood, it is better to contact companies that specialize in cutting and sawing wood - where the sheets will quickly be cut with laser markings and cut using professional equipment. The cost of cutting is calculated per linear meter.

Plywood is popular building material, possessing such qualities as environmental friendliness and plasticity. Furniture is made from its sheets decorative items, it is used in interior decoration. When creating structures, both gluing plywood and fastening the material with bolts or nails are used. When choosing a method for fastening plywood products, you should take into account the characteristics of the material and the method of its operation.

Plywood pieces can be bolted, nailed, or glued together.


For gluing plywood parts you can use different types glue. For interior works PVA composition is used, which is an aqueous emulsion of polyvinyl acetate. Protein versions of adhesives are created on the basis of products of animal origin. These are casein, albumin, albumin-casein types of glue. For the production of synthetic adhesives, urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde artificial resins are used. The urea-formaldehyde base creates a colorless seam, while phenol-formaldehyde resins are water-resistant.

The brand of glue for plywood must be selected taking into account the required strength, as well as the degree of humidity of the room in which the structure will be used:

The choice of adhesives depends on the brand of plywood.

  1. Products that are installed in ventilated areas can be joined using PVA, protein or synthetic glue.
  2. During production country furniture, which is planned to be transferred from the room to the air, synthetic compounds are used to connect the parts.

Moisture-resistant plywood (grade FK) for interior spaces glued together with compounds based on urea resins. Sheets of material with increased moisture resistance (FSF brand) and bakelized plywood (FB) are joined with compounds containing phenol-formaldehyde resins. If unveneered sheets of material are used, then plywood can be glued with any type of glue. The surface of laminated sheets with a film coating must be cleaned down to the wood layer before joining. Plywood should be sanded in a direction perpendicular to the wood grain.

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Operating instructions

Before gluing plywood, you need to prepare the following tools:

Before gluing, the plywood parts are sanded.

  • foam roller;
  • clamps;
  • hammer.


  • blanks;
  • sanding paper;
  • nails.

Glue the plywood together, working in this order:

  1. The surface of the plywood sheets is cleaned of dust and dirt is washed off from it. For laminated material using sanding paper remove the laminate layer.
  2. The sheets are thoroughly dried.
  3. Using a roller, spread the glue in an even layer on the surface to be glued.
  4. Using clamps, the plywood parts are pressed tightly against one another. Carefully remove excess glue so that it does not get on front side products are removed using a knife and rags.
  5. Details large sizes if necessary, they are additionally connected with nails, evenly distributing them over the surface in increments of 40-50 cm.
  6. After the adhesive mass has dried, the clamps are carefully removed.

If you need to glue plywood to a metal part, it is recommended to use epoxy glue. Tools needed:

  • brush;
  • emery;
  • clamps.


Types of plywood gluing.

  • plywood and metal parts;
  • epoxy glue.

They work in the following order:

  1. The workpieces are cleaned with sandpaper, then the parts are freed from sawdust and dust.
  2. Apply the epoxy mixture evenly to clean and dry surfaces with a brush.
  3. The blanks are combined and fixed using clamps, excess glue is removed.
  4. After the seam has dried, the parts are freed from the clamps. If delamination of the plywood sheet occurs, you can glue its layers by laying them with paper.

If you need to glue plywood, you can use a channel (U-shaped profile) as a clamp.

Threaded holes are made in its upper and lower parts and the workpieces to be glued are fixed point-blank with bolts through a gasket. The bolt pitch must correspond to 10 workpiece thicknesses. The spacers between the bolts and the plywood should be 3 times the thickness of the parts. The edges of the channels are connected with bolts through bosses. Pressing is done evenly, with medium tightening, so that enough glue remains in the seam.

Plywood can be used in interior decoration, for creating household items or country interior. To work, you need to know how to connect plywood parts. Before gluing plywood, you should carefully study the instructions and select adhesive composition, prepare everything necessary to work with the material. With a high-quality seam, self-made products will look attractive and remain durable for a long time.

Today, not a single industry can operate without the use of plywood. This multilayer material made of veneer, having a strong and stable structure, found wide application in construction and furniture production, when carrying out repair work and even in the automotive industry. To connect plywood sheets together or attach them to a concrete floor screed, you can use various fastening materials, but the most convenient of them is plywood glue.

Features of using glue for plywood

The composition for gluing plywood, which many foreign and domestic companies are working to improve, can be purchased at any hardware store or hardware store. Using glue, you can attach plywood to glass, concrete, wood, metal and other materials, and the connection will be stronger and more durable than using nails or screws.

To work with glue, no special training or special professional skills are required. The main thing is to act according to the instructions, dilute the composition correctly and apply it to the surface, and any novice master can do this.

In addition to ease of use and strength of the resulting structure, another advantage of the adhesive joint is resistance to wetness and high wear resistance.

In rooms with warm floors when heating pipes or special electrical panels, gluing plywood to a concrete floor is the only the right decision, since screws and bolts can damage the wiring.

How to glue plywood

Professionals use the following types of plywood glue:

  • two-component polyurethane;
  • alcohol based;
  • water based.

The speed of repairs and the quality of the finishing coating depend on the choice of the most suitable adhesive composition.

Two-component adhesive contains two or more active components, which during operation react with each other and form a binder. Such products are much more expensive than one-component compounds, but the strength of the resulting compound is incomparably higher.

Polyurethane adhesive forms both an elastic and rigid connection and provides good adhesion to almost all existing materials.

Advantages of a two-component adhesive composition:

  • no additional fixation of plywood is required concrete screed bolts or screws;
  • the viscous mixture does not spread, it is convenient to apply it using a comb spatula;
  • before work, you do not need to worry about the special cleanliness of the base, since the composition saturates the surface to be treated well;
  • 30 minutes is enough for gluing materials.

One of the significant disadvantages of the polyurethane compound is the release of substances hazardous to human health, which occurs when working with any polymers. After complete polymerization, which takes 48 hours, the material becomes completely safe.

Polyurethane glue hardens within 30-40 minutes, so you should prepare such a portion of the adhesive that you can use it up within this period of time.

The resulting connecting layer is stronger than concrete and can withstand temperatures up to +55°C.

This type of adhesive differs from others in the content of artificial resins, rubber and solvents and is used for gluing plywood to a wooden or cement-sand surface. The advantages of alcohol compositions are ease of use, high drying speed, and resistance to moisture penetration.

Rubber glue hardens relatively quickly - after a day you can already walk on the glued plywood surface. However, it is better to postpone further work on finishing the floor for 5-6 days. Before gluing the wood sheets, it is advisable to secure them to the base with screws.

Alcohol adhesives have significant drawback— during operation, they emit harmful volatile oils and esters and can quickly catch fire. Therefore, when carrying out repairs using alcohol glue, you need to take care of the means personal protection and follow fire safety rules.

Water based adhesive

A prominent representative of such adhesive compositions is PVA, consisting of polymers suspended in an aqueous environment. In addition to the fact that such adhesives are capable of providing strong elastic connections between plywood sheets and with each other concrete slabs, they are completely harmless and do not emit odorous substances. PVA glue can be used in hospitals, kindergartens and other institutions where people may remain during repairs.

It is recommended to use PVA only for moisture-resistant plywood, and the drying time of the composition is 7 days, which greatly complicates the work. In addition, when choosing this means for gluing plywood, it is necessary to secure the sheets to the screed in advance using bolts and expansion dowels.

Review of adhesive compositions from well-known manufacturers

Many foreign and domestic producers They produce glue for plywood. Each of the compositions fully performs its functions, and they differ from each other only in the environmental friendliness of the raw materials, the combination of strength and elasticity, and the duration of polymerization.

Here are some of the most popular items of two-component plywood adhesives among buyers.

  1. Sipol 9. Manufacturer: Italian company Lechner. Epoxy-polyurethane adhesive is used for laying plywood on a concrete floor without additional fasteners. The hardening time is 2 hours.
  2. Parketolit 1549. This adhesive composition was developed and produced by Mitol specialists from Slovenia. Polyurethane adhesive is suitable for laying solid wood of any size. Working time – 1.5 hours.
  3. Ibola R 200. The German company Ibola produces a two-component universal hard-elastic adhesive, working hours which is 1 hour.
  4. Stauf P.U.K. This adhesive composition from the German company Stauf is an elastic polyurethane adhesive. Thanks to its low cost and long (1 hour) working time, it has become a well-known brand in this country.
  5. SikaBond-PU. The Swiss company Sika produces a two-component adhesive that is characterized by a long service life and resistance to low temperatures. This adhesive is very popular in Russia, as it has been distinguished for many years high quality and stability.

When starting to repair the floor in your apartment, first of all you need to analyze whether it will be possible to get by by simply gluing plywood onto a concrete screed or whether you will have to arrange additional fasteners. Depending on the solution, you should choose a suitable adhesive composition. If, due to communications located under concrete, it is not possible to use dowels and screws to fasten plywood and the base, then suitable for work only two-component polyurethane adhesive. In other cases, you can use a water- or alcohol-based adhesive.

Many experts have a question: how to glue plywood to plywood and how to do it correctly. Information about the technique of properly gluing plywood sheets has been missed, probably due to the fact that such a need arises occasionally. However, you will have to master some techniques for splicing wood sheets if you are making, decorative items or they wanted to build a boat themselves, or start getting involved in aircraft modeling.

Material manufacturing technique

When they talk about gluing wooden sheets, they mean either production technology of this material, or linking some fragments when creating different products. In this section we will highlight the intricacies of the production process.

Veneer gluing for plywood production is often done by hot gluing. On at the moment The following schemes can be distinguished:

  1. The merging of the prepared veneer plates is carried out using a press no more than 8 mm wide;
  2. Consecutive gluing of veneer under continuous pressure together with heat treatment. This method used to create thicker plywood - from 10 - 18 mm.
  3. Multi-step gluing of blanks with cooling of the press after any operation makes it possible to increase the significant thickness of the slab. This method is used to produce sheets with a thickness of 20 mm or more.

Important! For a high-quality result, it is worth gluing the sheets one after another, because the temperature and pressure are measured. It is worth noting that such sequential pressing significantly reduces the risk of delamination of materials during processing.

But such methods are more practical for those people who want to engage in the industrial production of veneer boards or. We have to talk about the technique of joining several fragments of plywood on our own, rather than gluing plywood to plywood without the help of thermostats and presses.

Suitable adhesive solutions

There are many various options, so you should choose the one that suits your requirements as closely as possible. There are 2 main masses: synthetic and protein (i.e. of animal origin). We will tell you about the types of these adhesives.

Protein groups:

  • Albumin - made from protein that is obtained from the blood of animals. This glue is used for hot gluing, because it curls at 700C. Mixes with water in a ratio of 1:9;
  • Casein - consist of low-fat cottage cheese. The glue is sold as a dry powder; some time before use it must be dissolved in water and stirred well;
  • Combined is a combination of albumin and casein adhesives.

Mostly, synthetic adhesives represented by resinous substances. Frequently used:

  • Phenol-formaldehyde resins (SFZh-3011 or 3014). It has good water resistance and is not damaged by bacteria.
  • Urea-formaldehyde resins (KF-MT, KF-Zh, etc.). Very convenient to use for making decorative elements, forging natural wood. For the reason that it provides a colorless seam.

Important! The urea-based compound contains a small amount of volatile phenols, so their use is primarily for hygienic reasons.

In fact, almost every adhesive for working with plywood contains the following components:

  1. Additives that control the speed of hardening also ensure maximum adhesion;
  2. Basic adhesive composition;
  3. Special purpose plasticizer;
  4. Filler - can be wood flour or just dust;
  5. Solvent;
  6. Antiseptic.

Use acids or ammonium chloride as a hardener. In order to ensure resistance to getting wet, the composition includes tanning materials (formalin, salt, copper). Alcohol or acetone is used to dilute the adhesive component, that is, so that the glue can retain its properties for a long time.

Mandatory requirements for the adhesive composition

Before gluing, you need to choose which glue to use to glue plywood to plywood, since miter gluing of plywood and some other joining technologies can only be carried out using high-quality adhesive compounds.

Therefore, the following requirements are put forward for adhesive compositions:

  • The main thing is high-strength bonding of materials;
  • Resistant to moisture;
  • Ease of use at home;
  • The absence of dangerous volatile toxins in the product after the composition dries;
  • Invulnerability to the breakdown of bacteria and fungi;
  • It is quite important that there is no damage when using glue. wood veneer, color changes;
  • When working with plywood, the glue runs out quite quickly, so price is also important.

Important! Now you will not be able to find a composition that would combine all these requirements, so you should choose according to the parameters that are more important to you specifically.

Technique for gluing plywood sheets

There are 2 ways of gluing plywood sheets - overlapping and butt gluing. What is the difference?

When gluing, the plates are aligned with their planes, thereby forming a ledge at the junction.

When splicing, it is necessary to connect two tiles end to end. It is necessary that when sealing the seam the gap is as small as possible, so it is worth adjusting the planes as accurately as possible.

Algorithm for gluing plywood:

  1. The planes are designed for connection, so you need to remove all irregularities, carefully processing them using sandpaper or emery.
  2. Next, we remove the slightest dirt by removing dust from the surface.
  3. In order to ensure maximum adhesion of plywood sheets, you can additionally degrease them.
  4. Next, apply the prepared glue to both planes. Important! We have already talked a little above about the fact that for gluing plywood to plywood there are various adhesives. To the best of our knowledge, the instructions for use contain information about proper breeding and glue application techniques.
  5. We wait a certain amount of time (duration in accordance with the type of substance), and connect them to each other.
  6. Pressing the parts tightly together, secure them with clamps. It is worth placing wooden strips under them to avoid any damage to the veneer.
  7. Using a rag, remove excess glue protrusions, and then set the product aside until final polymerization.
  8. When the plywood has been kept under pressure for the required time (as established, the drying procedure lasts 24 hours), we proceed to remove the clamp.

When gluing strips of thin plywood, glue together 2 fairly large sheets, fitting them end-to-end. In this case, glue should be applied to the pre-aligned ends, and a strip of veneer should be applied over the seam on one or both sides.

Sheet splicing technique

There are 2 ways to splice plywood - miter jointing and butt gluing.

If over time the seam does not feel operational loads, then a butt joint is used. An example can be given when a certain number of thin sheets of plywood are glued together for multi-layer cladding of a glued plywood boat.

The process of such gluing is as follows:

  • Both sides of the slabs should be carefully leveled and sanded. We recommend doing this using a router or grinder.
  • We thoroughly degrease the surfaces.
  • Next you should apply contact glue onto plywood and press the planes together.
  • A seam has formed; on top of it you need to apply a fairly dense layer of glue, in which we heat a strip of fiberglass. After which it is necessary to ensure a close fit to the plywood by rolling the fiberglass with a roller.
  • After the glue has dried, you need to clean the seam, removing any irregularities. To avoid a decrease in mechanical strength, you should be careful when cleaning and not damage the fiberglass.

Miter gluing of plywood is very widely used, as it ensures a complete absence of seams.

To do this, the ends of the plates are erased at an angle:

  1. Initially, you need to lay the plywood sheets on top of each other, and using a jointer, begin to process the ends at an angle, producing the so-called mustache.
  2. In order for gluing to be as effective as possible, the length of the mustache should be the thickness of 10-12 plywood sheets.
  3. To ensure maximum flat surface, the processing should be performed in two steps: initially set the jointer knife to 1-1.5 mm, and then reduce it to 0.75 mm for a clean smoothing of the plane. In case you don't have a jointer nearby, you can improve the plane by attaching a temporary backdrop made of wooden strips to it.
  4. Next, after processing, we clean the mustache using a tape grinder. Initially, we go through each surface with a grain size of 40, and then we set it to 80.
  5. After you have formed your mustache, you need to fold them with the processed planes together. Then apply glue and secure the plywood with clamps.
  6. As is already known, the next step is to remove excess drops of glue and leave the workpiece to dry.
  7. Next, remove the clamps and let the glued sheet stand for about a day.

Such a board is quite suitable for work, but, of course, it is inferior in strength to monolithic plywood.


We hope that the article was useful, and you now know how to glue plywood to plywood and glue, what kind of glue can be used for this. Of course, gluing wood veneer slabs is a rather difficult task, but with strict adherence to technique and serious attitude to work, the result is guaranteed.