White transparent insects appeared at home. How to deal with white insects in an apartment? How to get rid of sugarfish, woodlice, mosquitoes, spiders, centipedes and other insects in the bathroom

Small insects can be found in almost any apartment, even the cleanest and most tidy. These “neighbors” are not always harmful and dangerous, sometimes there are so few of them that they are not visible at all, but practice shows that one or another representative of this entomofauna can be found in almost any residential area.


It is interesting to note that the smallest insects in an apartment can significantly exceed the number of individuals of the same cockroaches, but at the same time, due to their small size, do not attract attention to themselves.

Therefore, if you regularly encounter “incomprehensible” small insects in your apartment, you should not be dismissive of this fact. At least ask yourself: what do they eat, where do they hide, at what speed do they reproduce...

At the same time, the same ants are recognized by everyone, and there is no point in separately helping the reader in identifying them. Therefore we will focus on those small insects, which not everyone knows.

Silverfish: harmless extras

Some scientists consider silverfish to be the most ancient insects existing on the planet today. They have changed little over many millions of years of evolution and very much resemble the ancestors of all modern insects.

In the photo - sugar silverfish:

And here is a home thermobia:

Silverfish feed on various organic residues that are found in dust and crevices; they can eat paper, bread and sugar crumbs. They do not cause harm, and to get rid of them it is enough to destroy the individuals spotted on the walls.

Small species of beetles

Small domestic beetles include skin beetles, grinders, and beetles. They damage various products, can feed on paper and spoil books. Carpet beetles also damage fur coats and woolen clothing.

In the photo there is a bread grinder, one of the smallest insects in the apartment:

This beetle reaches 1.5 mm in length and does not feed as an adult, although it makes passages in many products, damaging them. But its larva feeds on almost everything, including paper and fibers of semi-synthetic clothing.

Bread damaged by borer larvae becomes poisonous to humans. You can't eat it!

Very small insects, also often found in apartments - carpet beetles, capable of making holes in fur coats and furs, “cutting” carpets and eating the bindings of old books:

All of the above small beetles can be quite difficult to remove from the apartment. If their larvae are found in food, all supplies should be thrown away, and bedside tables and shelves should be treated with insecticidal agents. In closets and on bookshelves things and objects are treated with aerosol insecticides, and then it is useful to place anti-moth sections here, which are quite effective against beetles.


The photograph below shows an adult book louse (book louse):

These insects rarely form large colonies. Even a small group of them makes clearly audible ticking sounds, thereby giving away their presence.

They fight book lice by hanging fumigation products near shelves with books and zoological or botanical collections.

Springtails are enemies of house plants

Springtail is small white insect, in an apartment settling in the ground in flower pots and eating organic matter. During mass reproduction, springtails can severely damage plant roots.

“I just don’t understand what kind of misfortune this is in flower pots. Some white insects, tiny, but there are so many of them that you can’t see the ground. I was replanting violets and discovered that all the pots had them. Tell me, what kind of insects are these, are they dangerous?”

Tamara, Moscow

The photo shows a springtail at high magnification:

And below is a lump of soil infested with springtails taken out of a pot:

These insects can be poisoned with the usual means against garden pests - Aktara or Karbofos. You can also lay pieces of potatoes on the surface of the ground and collect insects on them every few days.


Whiteflies are also plant pests that, unlike springtails, attack leaves and stems. These insects are easily recognized by their light wings.

In the photo - tobacco whitefly:

And here is the cabbage whitefly:

If these small insects appear in the apartment, the plants should immediately be treated with an alcoholic infusion of calendula.

Whiteflies reproduce very quickly and suck plant sap at all stages of development. A large number of them can cause the death of the bush. In case of mass infection, they should be poisoned with Karbofos or Aktara.


These small insects with transparent wings usually appear in the apartment in the bathroom or toilet. Butterflies are small flies with dark fringed wings. They are clearly recognizable due to the special shape of their wings.

The photo shows a common butterfly (Psychodidae):

Butterfly larvae develop in garbage, basements and sewers, and adult flies can scatter throughout apartments, laying eggs in trash cans and dust in closets.

Sometimes in an apartment you can notice very small insects that vaguely resemble cockroaches or bedbugs. These could be their larvae early age(nymphs), sometimes having a translucent chitinous cover.

The photo shows a recently moulted red cockroach, which looks almost white immediately after molting:

This is what a bedbug larva looks like:

Such larvae can enter from neighboring apartments through ventilation ducts or through doors, settling or escaping from persecution. If such insects are found in single copies, they can be simply destroyed. If a room is massively infested, they are found as often as adult insects; in this case, a thorough disinfestation of the entire room should be carried out.

A clear example of how small insects in an apartment can seriously ruin life

How to choose an insect extermination service

Usually, the first meeting with a silverfish happens completely unexpectedly. You can live for years in complete confidence that you are the sole owners of your home, until, one day, far from wonderful, you suddenly meet these uninvited residents face to face.

Or rather, at night, since silverfish are nocturnal inhabitants. Where do unexpected acquaintances most often occur? IN warm rooms with high humidity - bathroom, toilet, kitchen.

The appearance of silverfish is quite unpleasant - a long body of light gray or greenish color with many legs on both sides and long antennae.

The insect itself is quite harmless and does not cause much harm to people or pets. However, the realization that at any moment a furry monster could crawl out from behind the sink is very upsetting.

If you have ever seen a silverfish in your apartment, then it’s time to figure out how to get rid of it and remove it forever.

Types of silverfish

Silverfish belongs to the class of insects, the bristletail order. Individuals live up to three years. Over the course of her life, a female can lay 10 eggs. They feed on any substances containing starch and polysaccharides.

It could be like food products– flour, grain, sugar, etc., and non-food products – glue, paper, construction waste, various fabrics.

It is precisely because of its addiction to “sweets” that the common silverfish has a second name - sugar silverfish. To date, biologists have recorded the existence of more than 20 genera of this living creature with a large number unstudied species.

They are divided into subspecies based on body color shades:

  • Gray - silver.
  • White.
  • Transparent.
  • Yellowish – brown.
  • Greenish - bottle-like.

Pay attention! The common silverfish has the same negative sanitary significance as cockroaches. It is capable, to a small extent, of carrying harmful bacteria and contaminating food with its excrement.

Folk remedies

Getting rid of the pest at home is difficult, but possible.

There are three ways to do this:

  • Chemicals.
  • Traps.
  • Homemade poisons.

Pay attention! Will help you effectively deal with any uninvited guests cosmetic repairs. It is necessary to cover up all the cracks in the walls, on the ceiling, under the baseboards and holes in the corners. Be sure to clean the ventilation - one of the favorite places where insects breed and crawl.

  1. To chemical industrial means To combat silverfish, insecticides can be used in the form of an aerosol, gel or powder.

    This is the well-known Dichlorvos, easy-to-use Raptor Gel, powders based on boric acid.

    Be sure to treat all corners and crevices in the walls with products. It is there that the larvae hide, from which new individuals subsequently emerge.

  2. The trap can be purchased at a hardware store. goods, or you can do it yourself. Homemade devices good because they are absolutely harmless and environmentally friendly.

    Glass trap. Wrap a regular half-liter jar with tape or tape, and place some food inside - fresh bread crumb, a piece of apple or other sweet fruit.

    Leave the jar in the corner of the bathroom. During the night, insects attracted by the smell will climb into the jar, and the slippery inner walls will prevent them from getting out. All you have to do is close the jar with a lid and destroy it in any convenient way.

    paper trap. An even simpler option. Just put a damp, crumpled newspaper on the floor and take it out in the morning. trash container. It is strictly forbidden to unfold the paper, as the nimble pests will quickly scatter to the sides.

  3. To prepare homemade poison you will need:

    — Boric acid powder, 1 part.
    — Crushed chalk, 4 parts.

    Mix the dry ingredients and pour into all corners and along the walls of the room, after thoroughly drying the floor.

    Two to three days after treatment, you will find dead insects that must be thoroughly swept out and the floor washed with water acidified with table vinegar.

Is it dangerous for humans?

Neither adult silverfish nor larvae pose a particular danger to human health. They do not bite and do not emit allergic substances. However, the remains of their vital activity can contaminate food products.

Also, the female can lay her offspring directly in a container with flour or sugar, which is very unpleasant and obviously will not benefit the prepared dishes.

But silverfish, if not destroyed in time, can cause significant harm to your favorite paper photographs or rare books and paintings.

What do silverfish eat?

Silverfish feed on starch and polysaccharide-containing substances. At risk are all bulk products stored in non-hermetically sealed containers, bread and rolls in bread bins, fruits in open vases.

The aromas of all these products attract bristletails, which shed their scales on them and leave feces in the form of small black dots. In the same way, pests can grow on bookshelves, because there are enough materials containing glue there.

Pay attention! Without food, silverfish can survive for 300 days.

Prevention measures

To prevent insects from leaving their traces in products or damaging books and other paper products, take preventive measures to prevent their appearance:

  • Avoid constant moisture in storage areas.
  • Clean surfaces regularly with water adding a few drops of potassium permanganate or table vinegar, and then wipe dry.
  • In bathtubs, kitchens and toilets, do not forget to clean the ventilation pipe, and do not allow water to stagnate under the bathtub or sink.
  • Provide air access - ventilate the room as often as possible.
  • Keep food in closed containers, and hide clothes in special fabric bags.

Pay attention! Millipedes, like most insects, are afraid low temperatures. For prevention purposes, it is very good to “freeze” the room several times during the cold season. This will prevent the appearance of new pests.

Keep it clean, and the reason for the appearance of unpleasant crawling creatures in your home will be destroyed.

Insects in the bathroom are a real problem, and therefore today we will try to get rid of them once and for all. So, insects in the bathroom and best methods control of small pests.

If in an apartment you can sometimes find ants, cockroaches and bedbugs, then the bathroom has its own inhabitants who prefer cool, dark and damp places, but the same cockroaches and ants can be frequent guests in the bathroom.

Insects live in the bathroom in the seams between tiles, joints between plumbing fixtures and walls, in ceiling and sewer ducts, they often start behind washing machine or even in a laundry basket. In general, it is enough to create the conditions, and literally a couple of small insects will be ready to quickly grow an entire colony in the bathroom.

What insects can live in the bathroom?

In fact, there are many insects found in a bathroom or a shared bathroom, including flies, spiders, small midge, ants and others, but most often there are precisely the following types of small dirty tricks, which are more annoying visually than with their vital activity.

Spiders in the bathroom

Spiders in the bathroom are frequent guests, but they are frequent only if they have already been in your house. For some owners, they may never appear at all, but for others, they will be permanent parishioners. The reason for this is not only the special conditions of the bathroom, but also the nearby habitat of spiders. Perhaps there is a dry and warm palisade next to you, where small spiders like to hang out, or a damp basement under the house, where similar insects also like to hang out.

In short, there are plenty of conditions in which spiders can live - some like dry places, others like wet ones, others prefer to eat well, others enjoy peace of mind and not being disturbed, and so on.

Ants in the bathroom

Well, speaking about ants, we can only remember that they are quite economical and voracious, which means that from the bathroom they pull everything that is bad and can become a delicacy for them. We forgot a few tails from the strawberries that were washed in the bathroom - the ants are right there, the midges are not poisoned - the orderlies can feast on them too, there is simply a passage from the street to the bathroom (for example, poor sealing of the walls in a private house) - also expect guests.

But, we are ready to please you, the ants can leave on their own if there is no interest left for them, although there is no reason to wait until guests visit the bathroom without an invitation.

Preparing ant bait

Mosquitoes in the bathroom

You shouldn’t be surprised here, because it’s not at all difficult for mosquitoes to get into an apartment, but to find best place habitat, and even more so. Walking around the apartment in the evening or at night, they immediately feel where they can eat and where they can spend the night, and therefore, during the season of successful activity of these reptiles, there may be plenty of them in the bathroom.

Mosquitoes are interested in darkness and humidity - a place in which to hide. If you turn on the light and see a mosquito and scare it away, it will immediately disappear and hide somewhere under the bathroom. Now this is his new home. The rest of the bloodsuckers will do the same, going out to hunt at night and waking them up with their hateful squeaks.

Midge in the bathroom

Small midges, which are unclear where they come from and where they disappear, appear in the bathroom if there is some unsanitary conditions. Again, the best period for midges is warm summer, when there may be pieces of fruit or vegetables left somewhere.

Many may deny that the bathroom is not a place for products at all, but believe me, according to standard social surveys, more than 85% of people wash products in the bathroom, so we believe that this issue has been settled. Next, you just have to watch how a hated swarm gathers over a small cherry or a piece of tomato.

Centipedes in the bath

Well, here we come to the most constant guests of the bathroom - centipedes. Below we will look at woodlice and silverfish, which are the first competitors for this title, but that will come later. For now, let's remember what centipedes look like. Nasty, frightening, biting, in short, just disgusting creatures that bring not only visual discomfort, but can also cause some health problems.

Depending on the type of centipede, it can be completely harmless, but it can also cause skin irritation just from the touch of its many legs, just like a caterpillar in the garden. Centipedes settle in the bathroom very simply - just create the proper microclimate for them and start neglecting them. sanitary standards, and you will definitely meet them.

Woodlice in the bathroom

No less vile insects, inhabitants of humid environments, who easily find a home under various items rooms, in seams and joints, behind furniture and in vents, where they have a great time.

Fast-moving, medium-sized insects are gray-gray pests that only cause discomfort appearance. A small, convex creature, it is quite difficult to remove from the bathroom, but if you try, then these guests will quickly leave your home.

Silverfish in the bathroom

Silverfish are insects with an elongated body and short legs, quickly moving through them, the insect creates enough speed to run away from you while you are looking for slippers to commit lynching. It is believed that silverfish in the bathroom can be dangerous, although no evidence has been found for this. But, nevertheless, you should not feel sorry for unpleasant insects; they must be exterminated in time.

If you look for a nest of insects in the bathroom, having noticed one or several individuals, then you will have to try hard, because the silverfish in the bathroom can live anywhere, like every insect described before.

Causes of insects in the bathroom

There can be many reasons why insects appear in the bathroom, and we have already discussed some of them earlier. But I would like to dwell on the most important ones, so that every reader understands why are there insects in the bathroom?.

  • Changing the room microclimate. One of the root causes of insects in the bathroom. Increased humidity or excessive dryness, constantly warm air, air stagnation without ventilation are the main factors.
  • Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. The bathroom has always been considered a clean room, and if this condition is violated, then not only mold and mildew, which we have already heard about, but also many insects may appear on its territory.
  • Close proximity to insect habitat. If you live on the ground floor above the basement, if there are cellars nearby, if there is a pond nearby, if your house is surrounded by a garden or park - all these “ifs”, and many others, are also the causes of insects in the house.
  • Baiting insects in the house. We all know how, for example, cockroaches roam around nearby apartments if their neighbors have poisoned them. This also happens to other insects that survive the poison. First, they settle in vents, cracks in walls, and ventilation shafts, and then go to where they will be more comfortable.

When you see insects in the bathroom, try to take action before they settle in and organize a nest or large colony.

How to fight insects in the bathroom?

Dealing with small dirty tricks in the bathroom is very simple, despite the fact that many people talk about desperate attempts to get rid of spiders, mosquitoes, wood lice and others, and poor results. You just need to follow a certain algorithm that will not only get rid of insects in the bathroom, but also prevent the occurrence of mold, mildew, and unpleasant odors.

  • Clean the bathroom, remove everything unnecessary, wash surfaces and joints with disinfectants, for example, Domestos, which is one of the best products.
  • Next, be sure to normalize the microclimate of the bathroom, try to dry it and organize constant ventilation. If possible, install forced ventilation and an electric heated towel rail in the room.
  • Limit the access of “foreign” insects to your home, try to seal the passages as much as possible, for example, under ventilation nets and grilles, remove all gaps, change the plugs if there are holes in them.
  • If the insects do not disappear on their own, then you can help them, for example, by removing pests from the house using special chemicals. On at the moment, the industry presents a huge number of similar tools that do an excellent job. As an example, we can cite “Death to Pests”, “Tarax”, “Combat”, “Raid” and others.

By following all the above rules, you can get rid of insects in the bathroom quickly enough, and maintaining similar conditions in the bathroom, you won’t see them anymore.

Have white bugs appeared in the bathroom? Find out exactly what they are called and what methods can be used to combat them.

What is this strange beast?

Silverfish belong to the order of crustaceans and resemble woodlice. These small white bugs move very quickly, penetrate into the narrowest cracks and hide if you turn on the light. They are quite tenacious and once settled, they will remain for a long time. It is useless to hope that the problem will resolve itself. Not only that, these insects have a high reproduction rate, so the beetle population will grow larger over time!

An adult silverfish can take different shades and cast green, brown, yellow or silver. Light-colored individuals are most often found in apartments. To accurately identify them, look at these photos.

The beetles are nocturnal - they crawl out to hunt in the evening, and during the day they prefer to hide further away. Food products for silverfish are:

  • Wallpaper glue;
  • Natural fabrics;
  • Molds;
  • Leftover food;
  • Wet paper;
  • Garbage under rugs and bedding;
  • Rags.

Small bugs in the bathroom do not pose a danger to humans or pets. Due to the special structure of the oral apparatus, they are not able to bite. However, people are of no interest to them, unlike their property. Silverfish can cause damage to book bindings, home textiles, food supplies, leather goods, wallpaper and sugar-containing substances.

Methods to combat silverfish

If you see these long insects in your own bathroom, take immediate action. There are several ways to remove silverfish. Let's look at each of them.

Method 1. Physical

To get rid of white bugs, create conditions for them that are unacceptable for life. Spend time in the bathroom general cleaning- Wash away the dirt and hard deposits that have appeared under the sink, toilet, bathtub and near the water supply. Add any product containing chlorine to the washing water. As soon as this layer dries, treat the surfaces with a solution copper sulfate. After waiting a few hours, you can wash the floor again.

Regarding high humidity, its level can be reduced with special heaters or thorough ventilation (especially after taking a bath or shower).

Method 2. Insecticidal

Advice! Carry out disinfestation not only in the bathroom, but also in the rest of the apartment, because these bugs can easily end up in the bedroom, living room or kitchen.

Some of the most popular and effective aerosols include the following:

  • Raptor;
  • Mosquitall;
  • Combat;
  • Antimol;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raid;
  • Clean house;
  • Armol;
  • Extramit.
Important! While working with chemicals be sure to use the funds personal protection– goggles, rubber gloves, mask or respirator.

When performing treatment, close the windows and doors, wait the time specified in the instructions, and then ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. Wash especially thoroughly those surfaces that come into contact with your hands.

Method 3. Lures and traps

If you are bothered by transparent bugs in the bathroom, use special traps against them. Ideal for these purposes:

  • Wet birch brooms - just place them in the corners and leave them overnight. In the morning they must be carefully taken out of the room and thrown into a trash bin or burned;
  • Glass baits. Wrap the outer surface of the jar with tape or paper - the rough surface will allow the insect to easily get inside, but will not be able to get out. To be safe, place a piece of sweet fruit, a handful of sugar or a couple of berries on the bottom;

  • Paper. Dampen a roll of paper napkins or toilet paper and leave them overnight. Silverfish love moisture, so they will definitely climb into this shelter. In the morning, you need to burn it or throw it away without unwrapping it.

Wet paper serves as food for silverfish, so this bait is quite effective and can quickly rid you of insects

Method 4. Folk remedies

Small white insects have been known for a long time, so humanity has managed to find several recipes that will quickly and safely solve this problem:

  • Lay a path of ground zest - silverfish cannot tolerate its aroma. After 5 days, update the protection;
  • Dust the room with spices - especially white bugs do not like the smell of cloves;
  • Wash all surfaces with water containing essential oil lavender or citrus;
  • Sprinkle a mixture of boric acid (1 part) and chalk (4 parts) near the pipeline, as well as around the toilet and sink. Leave them for a week and then update.

Advice! If silverfish have multiplied throughout the apartment and you cannot get rid of it, it is better to contact the SES.


No one is safe from the appearance of white bugs in the bathroom. But with the help preventive measures you will be able to protect your home from this problem.

  • Wipe off condensation and dust on pipes;
  • Check that the ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is functioning well. If necessary, clean the shaft;
  • Dry damp corners with a fan heater - these are the places where insects like to lay eggs. Even if they managed to appear there, the hot air will kill them;
  • Using a solution with a large amount of chlorine, treat areas where mold is visible. Then they need to be dried;

Silverfish love dampness, so you need to prevent mold from appearing and regularly ventilate the bathroom

  • Pour table vinegar into the water for washing floors;
  • If it's winter outside, open the windows for a few hours - from subzero temperature not only adult silverfish will die, but also their larvae;
  • These insects can only live in conditions ranging from +21 to +27 degrees. Reduce the temperature in the house to +19 - all the bugs will leave it;
  • Ventilate and dry periodically home library, because if insects appear in the bathroom, it will not be difficult for them to penetrate the bookshelf;

  • Do not place book shelves themselves close to the walls - this will cause the formation of dampness;
  • Remember, the higher off the floor you place the library, the more intact it will be;
  • Check your kitchen supplies regularly, especially cereals. Do not leave trash, crumbs or leftover food behind. When washing cabinets, add lavender, lemon or orange ether or ammonia to the water;
  • Carry out cosmetic repairs and seal all the cracks between the slabs, in the ceiling, walls and floor;

  • Fix leaking taps;
  • Don't accumulate random rubbish.

The appearance of silverfish in apartment building- this is a common problem. Take the time to go around your neighbors and clarify the situation. Otherwise, the infection will go in circles and will not escape anyone.

In addition to the well-known spiders and cockroaches, insects of very interesting shapes and colors can often settle inside houses and apartments. Each species has its own living conditions. For example, small agile tadpoles and other strange silvery, white individuals appear in bathrooms and toilets. Their presence is always associated with certain microclimatic conditions inside a particular room. Bathrooms attract many varieties precisely because of the constant humidity and dampness, which are favorable for living and reproduction.

Insects in the bathroom: photos and names

One of the reasons for the presence of uninvited guests in bathrooms and toilets is a violation of the proper microclimate, which creates attractive conditions for pests, as well as basic hygiene standards indoors. In such cases, pests actively begin to penetrate from ventilation, cracks, and through balconies.

Most often, centipedes, spiders, silverfish, wood lice, and butterflies (in the photo you can see them enlarged) appear inside the bathroom or toilet, which are easy to get rid of.

White insects in the bathroom

As for the white insects in the bathing room, these could be recently shed silverfish. They small sizes(up to 10 mm), the body is slightly elongated, has a light gray or almost transparent color. The body ends with three hairs. They run very fast.

Woodlice also acquire, during molting, white shell, in other periods of life they are gray. They are a type of crustacean. They are harmless and do not bite. Occasionally they are able to appear and spoil vegetable and fruit stocks inside pantries.

There are insects in the bathroom and toilet, tadpoles are running fast

If quickly crawling white tadpoles appear, these are common silverfish. It belongs to the small wingless species of the bristletail order. This is one of the most ancient creatures; scientists have proven that this type existed more than three hundred million years ago.

The tadpole got its name due to the presence of small silvery scales. People sometimes confuse silverfish with the centipede flycatcher, but the main difference between the second insect is large number long legs.

Silverfish in an apartment do not pose any threat to people and do not affect negative influence for health, but with aesthetic side It’s still better to get rid of them.

White insects in the bathroom: how to get rid of them?

Before treating the apartment, it is important to restore order inside the room, wash all plumbing equipment, furniture, floors, and walls. It is also necessary to create balanced microclimatic conditions, and, if necessary, install additional ventilation, battery. Eliminate cracks and gaps between ventilation grilles.

Remedies for small white insects in the apartment

When small white bugs run around in the toilet, it causes extremely unpleasant sensations, especially at night. Many people don’t know what to do about it and start to panic instead of quickly getting rid of it.

It is possible to fight them in various ways, but the most important thing is to follow the recommendations to prevent excessive moisture build-up.

The most effective insecticidal preparations aimed at getting rid of intrusive guests that you unexpectedly have include the following:

  • Combat;
  • Raid;
  • Tarax;
  • Death to pests.

To get rid of insects, you can also use various chlorine-based substances; they are useful for treating corners and places where mold forms. Using copper sulfate, dry the washed walls, directing the warm air flow with a fan.

In an apartment, it is advisable to use a mixture of boric acid and chalk (1:4). Sprinkle it on all places where pests were noticed (plinths, corners, cracks, area under the bathroom, plumbing equipment).

What causes insects in the bathroom?

Woodlice, centipedes, spiders and silverfish have taken up residence in the toilet and bathroom and are crawling around with all their might, which means a large amount of steam and condensation accumulates there, which leads to increased humidity, which the above-mentioned individuals adore.

Reasons for the appearance of small white insects in the apartment:

  • Sewer pipes on which condensate settles.
  • Various shelves and cabinets, floors under the bathroom, where cleaning is rarely done.
  • Places where it is difficult to reach (hidden communications).
  • The presence of constantly wet jars, bottles with hygiene products, as well as systematically wet floor mats.

In some cases, these individuals can appear when a house or apartment is located near ponds, parks, or at the time of poisoning in an adjacent room.