Static exercises for weight loss and strength development. Isometric exercises

Anyone who wants to increase strength indicators, but not add volume, cannot do without static exercises. When performing them, the muscles become very tense, but no movements are made. Depending on the strength of the exercise, red or white muscle fibers come into play. Each type performs a specific function: red ones help to obtain energy from subcutaneous fat reserves, and white ones promote muscle growth. If you want to use red fibers, then you need to do static exercises for the abs or any other part of the body half-heartedly. If it is important to get the white fibers to work, then perform the exercise at full strength.

Static exercises and the hormonal system - how exercise affects the body

Performing this type of exercise forces the muscle fibers to tense only at one point, without moving with different amplitudes. Not only does severe muscle tension arise, but also psychological tension. As a result of this, the body's endocrine system begins to work actively, releasing hormones that cause a burning sensation at maximum muscle tension.

This training method has its own characteristics. During static exercises, blood pressure rises quite significantly. This occurs due to the fact that blood circulation in immobile muscles is impeded, which puts a lot of strain on the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, static exercises are not recommended for those people who have quite serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart and atherosclerosis.

In addition to poor blood circulation, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that joints and muscle fibers remain motionless. The muscles only increase in volume, but do not grow in length, which has a significant impact on the mobility and plasticity of body parts. Therefore, it is very important to do stretching after performing static exercises, provoking fiber growth in length.

Instead of static exercises, you can give preference to static-dynamic exercises, which do not put so much strain on the cardiovascular system. The peculiarity of static-dynamic exercises is that you remain motionless for some time, and after that you begin to perform movements with a small amplitude until a burning sensation appears in the muscles.

Effective varieties of static exercises for legs and buttocks, abdominals and back

Do static leg exercises gluteal muscles, press and back better at home, since they will require a chair, a fitness mat and flat walls.

A set of exercises for the buttocks and leg muscles:

  • standing near the wall, do a squat so that your back fits tightly against the wall, but does not lean on it. Your legs should be bent at the knees so that they form a right angle. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds, then rise and let the muscles relax;
  • For the gluteal muscles, you need to do exercises near a chair or table so as not to lose your balance. Grabbing the back of the chair, lift your left leg back so that it forms a parallel line with the floor. Hold this position for half a minute, change legs and start all over again.

Complex for the abs and back:

  • plank – you can lean on your palms or bend your elbows and lean on your forearm. Start holding for 30 seconds and gradually increase the time;
  • corner - perform on the mat. Lying on the floor, begin to raise your straight legs and arms with your body until your body forms a right angle. Fix in this state for half a minute, then let the muscles relax and repeat;
  • lying on the floor, bend your knees, arms along your body. Raise your pelvis so that your thighs and shins form a right angle. Hold the position for 30 seconds, then rest and repeat;
  • get on all fours, lift your right leg and left hand. Having straightened them and raised your head, hold the position for 20 seconds, then switch arms and legs and repeat.

The number of repetitions of such exercises is set individually. It is recommended to perform them until a burning sensation occurs in the muscle fibers and it is no longer possible to do repetitions.

What are the benefits of static exercises?

This type physical activity promotes the development of ligaments and helps burn fat deposits, which occurs during retention in a tense state. If you are pursuing the goal of increasing strength, then performing the exercise requires 20-30 seconds, and if you want it to be actively burned during the execution subcutaneous fat, from 40 to 45 seconds. The main advantage of a set of static exercises is accessibility; implementation does not require the use of expensive exercise equipment or the purchase of special equipment. The work is mainly carried out with your own weight. Compliance correct technique performing exercises helps to increase the effectiveness of static exercises compared to dynamic ones.

Static exercises also have their own nuances - they are contraindicated for people who have problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. And office workers who are sedentary most of the time, and those for whom dynamic loads are contraindicated (persons with joint injuries, spinal problems) should resort to them. When starting to work out muscles using “statics,” beginners need to be especially careful. Don’t rush to start doing exercises for your back right away, start with your arms, then put the load on your legs and only then on your whole body.

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Muscle tension without movement is a static exercise for weight loss, a set of body positions that gives a serious load in a minimum amount of time and without special devices. Static exercises can be done at home to strengthen muscles, lose weight, develop flexibility, endurance, and create a beautiful and fit body.

Statics exercises

Not only active movements, but also static (isometric) exercises will benefit weight loss. Although static gymnastics leaves the body and limbs motionless, the muscles experience serious stress. Even deep muscle tissues work at full strength, helping to tighten the figure and give the body sculptural shapes. For a long time, static training was not given worthy attention, but now its effectiveness for weight loss has been scientifically proven. Dynamic loads are often replaced by static complexes.

Benefits and harms

With regular exercise, fat mass is quickly burned, helping men and women lose weight. Even without exercise, while at rest, your muscles grow, consuming more energy. Additional benefit such training – compaction of bone tissue, prevention of osteoporosis. The classes do not require special equipment, simulators or other devices. You can perform static exercises at home. The following advantages of isometric training are highlighted:

  • minimal time investment (10-30 minutes);
  • short recovery period;
  • strengthening and development of muscles is carried out in a specific area that needs to be worked out;
  • the effect of static exercises lasts longer than dynamic ones.

Isometric training does not stretch the muscles, causing them to lose flexibility. If you decide to resort to static exercises for weight loss, then combine them with stretching exercises. People suffering from hypertension should approach such exercises for weight loss with caution. High loads Pressure surges can cause pressure surges on the cardiovascular system. This feature is due to the fact that oxygen reaches the muscles in minimal quantities during static conditions.

Static exercises for the press

Using isometric training, you can achieve a flat and beautiful stomach. Experts recommend using such exercises for beginners and professionals. Often dynamic exercises are not effective enough, the body gets used to repeated contraction and relaxation of muscles, so it is worth using an isometric complex for weight loss. Static training affects muscle tissue by tension and relaxation, and engages deep muscles.

A variety of positions for losing weight on the abs allows you to avoid performing the same complexes every time you workout. Combine positions that are difficult for you with easy ones, choose different variations to form beautiful belly. Don’t overdo it at first; the apparent ease of the exercises is deceptive; if you’re not used to it, your muscles will ache. The obvious advantages of such training are the minimum amount of time and space.


One of the most popular static exercises is the plank. It takes little time to complete but is very effective. It will take just five minutes a day to thoroughly pump up your abdominal muscles, core, and give your arms and back a workout. The plank gives excellent results if your goal is weight loss. Execution:

  1. Take a position lying on your stomach.
  2. Stand on your forearms so that your elbows are under your shoulder bones.
  3. Rest on your palms and toes, lift your body up.
  4. Tighten your stomach.
  5. Keep your breathing smooth and inhale through your nose.
  6. Maintain the position until you feel a slight burning sensation, gradually increasing the time from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

Plank – effective method weight loss for men and women, but sometimes you can’t do it. Refuse the rack in any variation of the plank in the following cases:

  • within 6 months after birth;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system;
  • for vertebral hernia, spinal injuries;
  • during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.


The Swallow exercise can be used effectively not only for the abs, but also for working out the back, legs, hamstrings of the buttocks, and losing weight. Although the technique is simple, the effect of the Swallow will be noticeable. Weight loss, training the vestibular system, strengthening the back and abdominal muscles are the results of static exercises that take a few seconds. Execution:

  • stand straight, place your feet together, and raise your arms parallel to the floor;
  • slowly move your left leg back, straining your abs;
  • lean forward until your legs and torso are parallel to the floor surface;
  • hold the position for 15 seconds, repeat for the right leg.


A simple weight loss exercise – Sitap – will help strengthen and tighten your abdominal muscles. There are several techniques for performing it. For beginners, the simplest option is recommended - the classic one:

  1. Starting position - lying down, arms crossed on the chest, legs bent at the knees.
  2. Raise your body to a sitting position, keep your back straight, tense your abs.
  3. Hold the position for 2 minutes.

Static exercises for legs and buttocks

When regularly performing static exercises for the legs and buttocks in combination with proper nutrition You can transform your body in a few months. During the week you should do 3 to 5 workouts of 30 minutes each. In this mode, you can get rid of 4-8 centimeters of hip volume and 2-5 kilograms of excess weight in a month. For successful weight loss and high-quality muscle development, follow following rules execution:

  • do a five-minute warm-up before training (running, walking, jumping);
  • perform the selected static exercises one after another, not exceeding the interval between them of 10 seconds;
  • At first, perform one circle, increase the number of cycles every week;
  • At the end of your workout, stretch to relieve tension.


To make the buttocks elastic, the Squat exercise has been developed. High energy costs and influence on several muscle groups make it effective for weight loss, formation beautiful body. Correct execution of the exercise is the key to success and good results:

  1. Bend your knees while standing, move your pelvis slightly back, and extend your arms forward.
  2. Take a position in which your thighs are parallel to the floor, your knees do not extend beyond your toes, and your head is extended upward.
  3. Maintain the accepted position.

Exercise Chair

For home training of the gluteal and leg muscles, the exercise “Chair against the wall” is perfect. It will also strengthen your abs and arms. A couple of minutes a day of exercise that has no contraindications will help you lose weight and increase muscle endurance. The Basic Chair is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Stand near the wall with your back at a distance of about 40 cm.
  2. Lean your back against a vertical plane and sit on an imaginary chair.
  3. Lower your arms, place your pelvis and knees at right angles.
  4. Freeze on maximum quantity time.

Side bridge

Static exercises for weight loss have many variations. The Side Bridge, which is considered a version of the plank, is recognized as an effective way to strengthen muscles. To complete this you only need a mat:

  1. Lie on the floor with your left side, rest your left elbow on the surface so that it is under your shoulder.
  2. Raise your body off the floor, straighten your body, and stretch your arm up.
  3. Hold the position for up to 2 minutes, then repeat on the opposite side.

The complex name of an exercise for weight loss does not mean that it will be difficult to perform. The position is available for beginners. As a result of the training, the gluteal, thigh, and calf muscles will be involved. The complex is especially beneficial for the spine and lower back, helping to avoid the development of scoliosis and forming beautiful posture. It is important to fully comply with the execution technique to achieve good result in losing weight and strengthening muscles:

  1. Starting position – lying on your stomach.
  2. Place your arms along your body and look forward.
  3. As you exhale, lift your chest and legs off the floor.
  4. Tighten your abs and freeze for a few seconds.

Sumo stand

The Sumo Stand will help you work out the hips and buttocks area. The exercise got its name due to its similarity to the position of sumo wrestlers in the arena. Wide stance of the legs and toes turned outward load inner surface thighs and buttocks. The nature of the loads can change if you vary the angle of rotation of the feet. Professionals perform the Sumo Rack with a weight - a kettlebell, dumbbell or barbell. For beginners mastering the technique, it is better to do without weights. Maintaining balance in the pose may not be so easy. Follow the technique:

  1. Place your feet with your toes facing outward, the distance between your legs is twice as wide as your shoulders or even further.
  2. Cross your wrists at the back of your head.
  3. Squat down while inhaling, your thighs should be parallel to the floor.
  4. Freeze for 2 minutes.

For hands

Without using barbells, weights and exercise machines, you can tone your biceps and triceps. Static loads are actively used to train this part of the body. During the lesson, you can use improvised equipment, for example, a belt or a towel. The ends of any object must be picked up and pulled different sides. The Prayer exercise, which can be performed anywhere, will help you work out the muscle group of your arms and chest. Place your hands in front of your chest as if in prayer, squeezing your palms tightly until you feel maximum effort. The simplest actions tone muscle tissue.

Moving the wall

For steel biceps and triceps, try the static exercise “Moving the Wall”. When performing it, make an effort, but breathe evenly and calmly. There are several options for execution: pushing with one or two hands, shoulder, forearm. If you are a beginner, then follow these steps: classic scheme:

  1. Take a stable position half a meter from the wall.
  2. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your arms at the elbows.
  3. Rest against the wall and try to move it from its place.

Video: static workout for the whole body

Static or isometric exercises are special kind gymnastics, which allows you to get rid of excess weight, shape your figure and posture, increase physical strength and endurance. This type of load is suitable for women and men. In sports, statics are especially valued, since endurance plays one of the primary roles for a professional athlete. Every martial art contains static loads. Largest quantity Such exercises are found in yoga. This is explained by the fact that ancient philosophy based on strengthening the body and spirit. Currently, there is a separate complex for trained athletes and beginners, which contains only static loads. Everyone can try the technique on themselves at home.

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    Isometric or static exercises are recommended for people who do not have physical strength and endurance. For joint diastasis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, it is also recommended to perform static gymnastics regularly in order to strengthen bones and muscles and slow down the progression of the pathological process.

    The complex is suitable for those who want to get rid of excess weight, correct their figure, improve general condition musculoskeletal system. Exercises are equally useful for women and men, beginners and professional athletes. Thanks to such a load, the following processes occur in the muscles:

    • filling the red muscle fibers with blood, which are responsible for burning fat in the body;
    • activation of muscle fiber restoration processes;
    • preventing lactic acid from reaching the fibers, which causes pain after training.

    As a result, muscle fibers are strengthened. When performed regularly, not only muscles, but also tendons are strengthened. Improving blood supply to the site of tension helps to significantly increase the effectiveness of static training.

    The benefits of static exercises

    Static exercises can be used to strengthen the muscles of any part of the body: hips, abdomen, sides, waist, buttocks. back, legs and arms, lower back. the entire spine, abdominals. The versatility of gymnastics determines its exceptional benefits for the human body, which occurs:

    • improving blood supply to all muscles and tissues due to strong tension in muscle fibers;
    • easing joint pain and improving their condition by strengthening not only the muscles, but also the ligamentous apparatus;
    • gradual weight loss without harm to the body;
    • return of elasticity skin thanks to increased blood supply to tissues;
    • increasing physical strength and endurance.

    The benefit of statics for women and men also lies in the fact that during exercise the functioning of the spinal column improves, pressure on the nerve roots is eliminated, which helps relieve the symptoms of chronic pathologies such as osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

    Benefits and results

    Static exercises have several advantages over other types of training:

    • the ability to start classes with minimal or no physical preparation;
    • no need to load the body with lifting weights;
    • the ability to independently select exercises and control the time of gymnastics;
    • burning fat during exercise needed by the body rhythm;
    • maximum load on the muscles due to the absence of breaks, which are found in dynamic training;
    • no sagging skin after weight loss due to the tightening effect provided by static loads;
    • formation beautiful figure without gaining muscle mass, which is important for women.

    At correct execution and regular training, everyone will get the desired result. Don't expect instant weight loss. Weight loss will occur slowly, but eventually the extra pounds will not return, as is the case with other types of training.

    The main advantage of statics over dynamics and other types physical activity the fact that during training the risk of injury is minimized, since there are no sudden movements in the program.

    Complex for beginners

    To develop strength and lose weight, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises. It will be difficult for beginners to master everything, so you need to choose 8-10 exercises. This will help you develop gradually and not feel overexerted.

    It is recommended to do several breathing cycles before gymnastics and after each exercise, which will help saturate the muscles with oxygen. You should breathe with your diaphragm, that is, during inhalation and exhalation, make sure that the volume does not increase. rib cage, and the stomach. This technique helps saturate the blood and all tissues with oxygen. Breathing should be slow and deep. It is enough to perform 10 cycles of inhalation and exhalation before training. After each exercise - 1-2 cycles.

    Wall movement

    The exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest and arms.


    1. 1. Stand against a wall at a distance of 0.5 m with your legs shoulder-width apart and straight.
    2. 2. Place your palms on the wall, leaving them at chest level.
    3. 3. Press firmly on the wall for at least 30 seconds.
    4. 4. To increase pressure, you can lunge with one leg and bend over slightly

    Do one approach for a beginner. For a trained person, three to four approaches are allowed.


    The best and simplest exercise for pumping up the abs, back, legs, buttocks, neck:

    1. 1. Stand with your legs connected and straight and your arms raised parallel to the floor, placed on the sides of your body.
    2. 2. Slowly raise one of your legs without bending it.
    3. 3. Continue lifting until your leg and torso form a straight line.
    4. 4. Remain in this position for the maximum amount of time, but not less than 15 seconds.

    Repeat for each leg two to three approaches.

    Side bridge

    Good exercise to shape the waist and eliminate fat from the sides:

    1. 1. Lie on your side and lean on your bent elbow.
    2. 2. Straighten your legs, raise yourself on your elbow so that your body becomes one line.
    3. 3. Raise your arm above your head and bend it at the elbow.

    Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat at least twice for each side. Trained athletes can extend the approach time to 1 minute.

    Hyperextension static lying on stomach

    A unique exercise to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. For a beginner, it may seem difficult to perform.


    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your stomach with your arms extended along your body and your legs straight.
    2. 2. Raise your torso and legs by 10-15 cm.
    3. 3. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.
    4. 4. It is allowed to raise the arms straight above the head together with the torso to increase the load.

    The time depends on the person’s fitness level. Two or three approaches should be performed.


    A good exercise to strengthen all muscle fibers:

    1. 1. Take a standing position with your knees bent and spread wider than your shoulders.
    2. 2. Place your palms on your thighs, 3 cm above your knees, or clasp your palms together.
    3. 3. For trained athletes, you can raise your arms straight parallel to the floor or add weights to your hands.
    4. 4. Stay in this position for at least 1 minute.

    Perform three approaches. For professional athletes, five to seven approaches are allowed.

    Retracting or lifting the leg back

    The exercise helps strengthen the back of the thigh and buttocks. legs, back. You are allowed to lean against a wall or hold on to a chair.


    1. 1. Stand and hold onto support.
    2. 2. Take your straight leg back and lift it 15-20 cm from the floor.
    3. 3. Hold this position for up to 2 minutes.

    Leg abduction on all fours

    The exercise is similar to the previous one, only it is performed on all fours and the floor acts as a support:

    1. 1. Take the starting position, focusing on your elbows.
    2. 2. Take one straight leg back.
    3. 3. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Perform for the other leg.

    Do at least three approaches for each leg.

    Elbow stand or bar

    Performed to pump up the abdominal muscles, back and whole body:

    1. 1. Take a lying position on the floor.
    2. 2. Stand on your elbows and rest your joined feet, placed on your toes, on the floor.
    3. 3. The body should become one line.
    4. 4. Stay for at least 2 minutes.

    For beginners, one approach is enough; for trained people, three to five repetitions are allowed.

    Side leg raise

    The best of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the outer thigh and eliminate fat in this area. It is performed with the hand resting on a bar or chair, as well as with the arms resting on the sides.

    Performed with the hand resting on a bar or chair, as well as with the arms resting on the sides:

    1. 1. Stand near a support, straighten your back, straighten your free arm along your body.
    2. 2. Move your straight leg as far as possible to the side and try to lift it higher.
    3. 3. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

    Repeat for each leg five times. For beginners, 30 seconds is enough; for trained athletes, you can increase the time to 1-2 minutes.

    Balancing on the buttocks

    A unique exercise to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Special attention when performing it, the focus is on the abs and back:

    1. 1. Sit on the mat with your legs straight and connected.
    2. 2. Without bending your torso, raise your straightened legs and at the same time try to reach your toes with your fingers.
    3. 3. Try to move your body closer to your legs and stay in this position longer.

    Perform three approaches with minimum time delay 20 seconds.

    You can make exercises more effective by adding weight. These can be dumbbells or an elastic band that will increase the resistance. However, this method is not suitable for women, since it helps build muscle mass.

    Circular complex

    In order for training to be beneficial and help you lose weight, you need to develop your own circuit set of 8-10 exercises. It must be performed regularly. The best option There will be training every other day, alternating static exercise with other types of load, for example, dynamic exercises or stretching.

    Before each lesson, it is necessary to warm up with several breathing cycles, a couple of bends and turns of the body in different directions, and quick steps around the room for 2-3 minutes. This will help warm up the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming load, and prevent pain after training.

    Incomplete swallow

    Exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the legs, back of the thighs, buttocks, abs, back:

    1. 1. Take the starting position standing on the floor with straight legs spread shoulder-width apart.
    2. 2. Place your hands on your belt.
    3. 3. Raise one of the straightened legs 15-20 cm from the floor.
    4. 4. Hold for 30 seconds.

    Perform at least three times for each leg.

    Side Lunge Stand

    An effective exercise to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, especially the back and legs:

    1. 1. Stand with your legs straight, shoulder-width apart and your arms straight along your body.
    2. 2. Place your hands on your belt or raise them in front of you parallel to the floor.
    3. 3. Bend one leg at the knee and squat.
    4. 4. At the same time, straighten the second one to the side.
    5. 5. Stay in this position for 15-20 counts.

    Repeat three times for each leg.

    Forward leaning stance

    The exercise helps to build the muscles of the abs, arms and back. Can be performed with full or partial tilt:

    1. 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    2. 2. Bend forward and straighten your arms parallel to the floor or completely touch the floor with your fingers.
    3. 3. Stay for 30 seconds in this position.

    Do at least three approaches.

    Taking the leg forward

    An effective exercise to strengthen the muscles of the legs, abdominals and back:

    1. 1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms raised parallel to the floor.
    2. 2. Raise the straightened leg 10-15 cm from the floor.
    3. 3. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

    Repeat for each leg at least three times.

    Ballet stand

    A good static exercise for all muscles:

  • 2. Gradually lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • 3. Stay for 20 accounts.
  • Perform three to five approaches.

    Single leg plank

    It is performed according to the principle of a regular plank with the difference in the support of the legs:

  1. 1. Take a position with emphasis on your elbows and toes of straightened legs.
  2. 2. Raise one leg, focusing on the other.
  3. 4. Stay in the pose for a minute.
  4. 4. It is allowed to focus not on the elbows, but on straightened arms.
  • 3. Raise your torso, resting on your hands and feet.
  • 4. Hold for 1 minute.
  • During execution, make sure that the pelvis does not bend down and that the body forms a single line. Do three approaches.

    Exercises for the circular complex can be different; it is important to perform them consistently and with short delays for one or two breathing cycles. It is necessary that training takes place only after good rest. If a person has spent a sleepless night and feels overwhelmed and tired, he should not exercise on this day. Training will not bring results.

    A positive attitude and confidence in achieving your goal soon is also important. A person must have motivation and desire to engage. If this condition is not met, the effectiveness of each exercise is reduced by half.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

    Good day, my dear readers, admirers and other individuals! Isometric exercises, what are they?

    With this post we are opening a new series of notes called “Muscle Inside”, in which throughout October we will deal exclusively with narrow muscle issues. After studying each of the notes, you will better understand what is happening and how (may happen) with muscles, how best to work with them and maximize their growth and development. Well, we’ll start by covering the topic of isometric exercises.

    So, if you are tired of the classic workout and want to somehow diversify your training, then this cycle is just for you.

    Muscle work: a look from the inside

    All further narration on the topic of isometric exercises will be divided into subchapters.

    What is isometry?

    This is a type of strength training in which the joint angle and length of the muscle do not change during contraction. (compared to concentric or eccentric contractions, called dynamic/isotonic movements). Isometrics involves the athlete being in static positions/postures, it does not manifest itself through dynamics/range of motion.

    Isometric exercise is a form of exercise that involves statically squeezing a muscle without visible movement across a joint angle. The term "isometric" combines the words "Isos" (equal) and "metria" (measurement), which means that in these exercises the length of the muscle and the angle of the joint do not change, although the force of compression may vary. This contrasts with isotonic contractions, in which the contraction force does not change, but muscle length and joint angle do.

    Resistance in isometric exercises is usually associated with muscle contraction under the influence of:

    • own body weight or earth;
    • structural elements (for example, putting pressure on a wall);
    • free weights, machines/mechanisms or elastic equipment (for example, tapes);
    • push-type equipment.

    Types of muscle contractions

    We have already discussed this topic in detail in the corresponding note], so let us remind ourselves only of the main points. And as an example, let’s take the exercise -.

    Here are the contractions the biceps brachii muscle undergoes when following the exercise technique:

    • concentric - bending the arm toward oneself: the length of the muscle decreases, muscle strength is greater than resistance;
    • eccentric - extension of the arm away from you: the muscle lengthens, muscle strength is less than resistance;
    • isometric/static – holding a dumbbell in an outstretched arm: muscle contraction without changing length, muscle strength corresponds to resistance.

    In the picture version, these are three types of abbreviations, for concrete example, present such a picture.

    In terms of contractile moments, it is important to understand the following - the slower you perform the exercise, the more difficult it is for the muscles. Slowing down the speed improves the concentric and eccentric effects, allowing for optimal muscle contraction.


    The slow-down exercise approach can be especially effective for increasing muscle mass/strength in girls. Those. the emphasis is not on increasing the weight of the load, but on the duration of the muscle being under load.

    Mechanisms of muscle contraction. Comparison of isometric and isotonic contractions

    Muscle contraction is based on muscle fiber twitching (MF) - the mechanical response of an individual MF, an individual motor unit or an entire muscle to a single action potential. The motor block consists of a motor neuron and all the neurons that it innervates.

    In response to the stimulus, the fiber contracts, in which case the twitch is divided into several phases.

    1. latent period. Represents a delay of several milliseconds between the action potential and the onset of contraction and reflects the time for coupling between excitation and contraction;
    2. contraction phase. Begins at the end of the latency period and ends when muscle tension reaches its peak (voltage = force expressed in grams);
    3. relaxation phase. The time between the peak stress and the end of compression, when the stress returns to zero.

    In visual form, all three phases present the following picture:

    One of the features of muscle twitching is its reproducibility. Repeated stimulation produces spasms of uniform size and shape. Although muscle twitching is reproducible, twitching between muscles and muscle fibers can vary. This is due to differences in m.v. size. and differences in the speed of fiber contraction.

    Isometric twitches (IT) occur when the load (force of opposite contraction) greater than the force of contraction of a muscle, the latter creates tension when it contracts but does not contract. IP is measured while holding the muscle motionless by recording the tension that develops during such contraction. The rise and fall of voltage forms a bell-shaped curve.

    Isotonic twitches occur when the force of muscle contraction is at least equal to the load, such that the muscle shortens. Isotonic twitching is measured by attaching the muscle to a moving load. The tension curve of an isotonic twitch forms a plateau during which the force or tension is constant.

    The tension curve produced by an isotonic twitch will look different depending on the load on the muscle. The larger it is, the higher the plateau, and the longer the delay time between the stimuli and the beginning of muscle contraction/shortening. When the load exceeds the amount of force the muscle can generate, the results of the isometric twitch are always the same size and shape.

    Illustrative process of isotonic (with ever increasing load) and isometric contractions are presented in the following graph.

    During isometric contraction, the contractile component of the muscle (sarcomeres) shortens, however total length fibers does not change. This is because parts of the muscle do not generate force, but passively transfer the force of contraction to the ends of the muscle stretch. This is a part of the muscle called the serial elastic component.


    The above laboratory description of an isotonic contraction is a simplification of what actually happens in our body. When a person moves a load, the muscles are constantly “changing” depending on the position of the bones, and the CNS regulates the tension created to ensure that the muscles generate the appropriate force.

    What are the benefits of isometrics?

    Did you know that athletes from the golden era of bodybuilding (eg Frank Zane, Arnold Schwarzenegger) We paid a lot of attention to isometric exercises in our training. They adopted this approach from their predecessors (Steve Reeves), and all because isometrics can provide the following advantages:

    • the body is able to activate almost all available motor units that are not “turned on” during conventional dynamic training;
    • thickening ”/increasing the efficiency of interaction between the central nervous system and muscles, the ability to recruit (according to research, on average 5% ) more m.v.;
    • inertial (even after completing the isometric training program) increase in static muscle strength;
    • muscular rehabilitation after injury - providing a restorative effect when they are “imposed” on the injured region;
    • decreased blood pressure;
    • increased flexibility;
    • more advantageous appearance of muscles when posing.

    How to work with isometrics correctly? Golden rules for training

    An important point in receiving desired effects for muscles when working with isometrics is to comply with the following rules:

    1. isometric exercises actively affect the athlete’s central nervous system, so the regimen for such sessions should be limited, for example, 2-3 once a week for 8-10 minutes per session, average time of holding a static position 10-60 sec., depending on the exercise;
    2. studies show that when performing isometric exercises it is not at all necessary to create in the muscle in each approach 100% effort, a maximum voluntary contraction will be sufficient. Benefits can also be obtained when working with 60-80% from maximum effort;
    3. While holding static, you should not hold your breath. Inhalations/exhalations should be infrequent, deep and performed from the lower abdomen;
    4. Research shows that changing angles when doing isometrics increases muscle strength. Thus, you should not only include different exercises in isometric PT, but also change the angles of “attack” of the muscles: position the arm (using the example of a static exercise with a dumbbell for biceps) from different angles - 45, 90, 120 ;
    5. lengthen each subsequent isometric approach, i.e. perform the first set on 10 sec, second on 15 , third on 20 = 1 week. The starting point of the second week will already be 15 sec. This tactic will allow you to quickly develop muscle strength.

    So, we have sorted out all the theoretical aspects and smoothly approached practice, and now we will find out.

    Isometric exercises. What are they?

    We will not complicate life for ourselves and you by giving a descriptive part for each exercise. The poses are all clear, so it would be most advisable to present them in a prefabricated picture version.

    No. 1. Top 5 isometric bodyweight exercises for the whole body

    The list looks like this:

    • plank on outstretched arms;
    • warrior exercise;
    • pulling up and holding at the top point;
    • holding the weight of the opposite arms and legs;
    • folding knife with a fulcrum on a fitball/bench.

    No. 2. Top 5 isometric exercises with body weight on the bottom

    The list looks like this:

    • static lunge;
    • a chair against the wall;
    • bridge with 2 support points;
    • holding the position of raising on the toes;
    • keeping your legs straight while lying on the floor.

    No. 3. Top 5 isometric exercises with apparatus (option for the hall)

    The list looks like this:

    • holding a corner in Smith squats;
    • holding straight legs in sitting extensions;
    • holding hands with dumbbells at sides;
    • holding the bottom position in dips;
    • holding straight legs with a dumbbell in the reverse hyperextension exercise.

    Agree, when you have a ready-made training program in hand, every now and then you argue, but the result comes much faster. Therefore, below we will present a ready-made scheme, an isometric complex, which can be carried out immediately after strength training.


    New month, new “Muscle Inside” cycle and unworn interesting topic isometric exercises. Today we met in a static way effects on muscles. Should they bother? No, it's not worth it! But to include it in your training program and practice for a month or two, definitely yes. Let's play, practice!

    That's all, thank you for dedicating this time to your development. See you again!

    PS: do you do static in the hall? Maybe at home?

    PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

    With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

    Static training (also called isometric) has been known since ancient times. They are used in martial arts, yoga, to feel your own body, improve coordination, develop the strength of tendons and ligaments, without resorting to heavy loads, grueling workouts.

    What is static load

    You can tighten your muscles, pump up your abs, and correct your posture not only with the help of moving and active exercises. Static load is the same effective way correct the figure, such as working on horizontal bars, exercise machines, pull-ups, squats, push-ups and other elements sports training. It consists of lifting and holding a projectile or the weight of your own body motionless for the maximum period of time. Statics requires the same regular exercise, warm-up and stretching as any workout.

    The benefits of static exercises

    Those who seek to increase their strength and endurance will benefit from static exercises. In this sense, they are much more effective than dynamic ones. The advantage is achieved due to the fact that during constant tension, the blood supply deteriorates significantly, preventing lactic acid from reaching the muscles. The lack of this substance leads to the onset of muscle failure, that is, the inability to perform more than one repetition. The longer failure occurs, the stronger the muscles become.

    All tension during statics is directed to the ligaments, tendons, and joints. The weight that acts on them trains their strength, reduces the likelihood of all kinds of injuries, including during dynamic training. If you use only your own body weight as a load in exercises (as happens in yoga), then such a load will never cause harm.

    Isometric exercises at home are very useful for people who have previously suffered injuries and are unable to perform dynamic exercises. It affects the deep muscles, forces the maximum number of fibers to work, training and restoring them. This requires serious training, well-developed approaches, lasting 50–60 seconds.

    Static exercises for weight loss

    Any sport helps you lose weight, but not everyone can afford active training for health reasons. So, static exercises for women will allow you not to exhaust yourself with excessive loads in the gym. They are suitable if there are contraindications such as cardio exercise, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, serious condition after operations. This type of exercise leaves the pulse normal, no active movements are performed, but fat folds go away, and the body tone increases.

    To remove overweight, static gymnastics for weight loss should be combined with proper nutrition. It is best to perform the complexes every other day, then the muscles will have time to recover and fat burning will occur evenly. The load should be increased gradually. Approaches last from 1 to 3 minutes, the number of repetitions is 2 – 3 times. Of the most effective exercises The following statics for weight loss can be distinguished:

    • Plank. It uses all muscle groups. It is necessary to take an emphasis while lying on your arms outstretched or bent at the elbows and freeze.
    • The side plank tightens your sides and abs. We take the emphasis lying on our side, leaning on our arm bent at the elbow.
    • The boat allows you to tighten your back and abs. We lie down with our stomach down, arms along the body, raise our legs and chest at the same time.

    Static exercises to develop strength

    Body strength can be developed not only through sports such as various types struggle. Static exercises for developing strength begin to be mentioned in ancient Eastern techniques, as capable of bringing incredible power to the body without building muscle mass. To begin with, you can choose one of the simple complexes that does not require any equipment. These are popular isometric exercises for developing strength, developed by Alexander Zass.

    The exercises of Zass, the famous circus performer and strongman, are known for their incredible effectiveness. The man himself demonstrated it, lifting a horse in front of the audience and effortlessly carrying it around the arena. He was sure that muscle volume is nothing compared to their strength, which can be developed without increasing muscle mass. To begin with, each technique can be performed 2-3 times, lasting 5-6 seconds.

    • Bend your elbows near your chest. Palm rests on palm. We press our hands on each other.
    • The hands take the same position, but are clasped. We try to disengage the lock by stretching our arms to the sides.
    • We put our hands on the wall, push it with all our might, straining our whole body.
    • We stand in the doorway, rest our hands on it and try to “push it apart”. All effort is concentrated in the shoulders and arms.

    Static exercises for the press

    Millions of people dream of getting their belly in shape by doing hundreds of approaches of lifting/lowering their torso. But there are much more effective static abdominal exercises that literally burn fat at the waist and form a beautiful, flat, pumped up stomach. When performing exercises without movement, the load is enormous. It causes a burning sensation, but is compensated excellent result.

    The most effective static muscle work is achieved using the following exercise. We lie on our backs, hands behind our heads, raise our legs 20-30 cm from the floor, and freeze. At first, the strength will only last for a few seconds. You should try to increase the execution each time by at least 1 second, bringing it to 1 minute. We focus the tension in the abdominal area, but not in the back.

    Static exercises for legs

    To effectively load the muscles of your legs, you don’t have to run kilometers. Static leg exercises provide excellent strength training. For example, one of the favorite activities of plie dancers. We spread our legs as wide as possible, lower our pelvis so that our knees bend at right angles to the floor. Your hips and buttocks should be in a straight line. We stand on our tiptoes to tense our muscles as much as possible and hold for 30 seconds. Then we lower our socks. Rest for 10 seconds and do 3 more repetitions.

    Here are a few more simple exercises which cause static muscle tension. They are performed for 15-20 seconds with a break of 10 seconds:

    • Sit on a chair, rest your heels on your legs and press as hard as you can.
    • From a standing position, stand on tiptoes, tense your muscles as much as possible.
    • Stand on your heels (you can hold your hand on the wall for balance) and pull your toes up as hard as you can.

    Static exercises for the buttocks

    The techniques we use to train our legs also have a positive effect on our buttocks. Among the static exercises for the buttocks, of which there are many positive feedback, the following can be distinguished:

    • Chair exercise. We rest our backs against the wall (feet about 30 cm from it) and slide down until we squat in the air at an angle of 90 degrees. We stand for 20 seconds. We do 5 approaches with a rest of 10 seconds.
    • We lie on our stomach, raise our legs from the knees and below to a height of 20 cm. The back is straight, does not bend in the lower back.
    • We lie on our backs, bend one leg at the knee, and the other is extended. Raise the pelvis and straightened leg at the same level. Hold for 5 seconds. Do 10 repetitions and change legs.
    • We repeat the previous exercise, but the free leg is extended upward, not straight.

    Static exercises for the back

    The health of the spine determines the condition of the entire body. Static exercises for the back will strengthen and improve your health. They are divided into 4 levels: for lumbar region, pectoral, shoulder, neck muscles. The main condition is to perform them without jerking and slowly. This takes a lot of time, but if you don’t have it, do the simplest things and useful exercise at work, at home, standing in line or at the stove: starting position standing, one hand on your belt, take deep breaths, press the palm of your hand on the place of support, pull your spine up with all your might.

    Video: a set of static exercises