Beautiful kitchen colors. Color combination in kitchen furniture

Every housewife dreams of a cozy and stylish kitchen so that it would be pleasant to cook there, gather with the whole family for common table or just have warm, friendly gatherings. The first step towards fulfilling this desire is choosing the shades with which surfaces and objects will be “decorated”. A well-composed palette will become a constant source of positive emotions and help create a joyful atmosphere in the heart of your home.

Psychology of color

The influence of flowers on the human subconscious is inherent in nature itself. Receiving up to 80% of information about the world around them through vision, people have learned to instantly recognize the features of things not only by their size and shape, but also by color. And although in the modern world there is no need to search edible berries or to distinguish a sneaking animal among the foliage, reactions to color combinations largely remained at the level of instincts.

In addition to genetic heritage, likes and dislikes for certain tones are formed individually, depending on personal experience. For each person, certain colors are associated with some memories and can evoke different emotions. That is why it is so important to choose the design of the kitchen yourself or, according to at least, indicate your own preferences when discussing the project with the designer.

How to choose shades for the kitchen?

In order for the finished interior to look harmonious and thoughtful, it should be visualized before the renovation begins. It is best to start from the color of the set, and choose the finishing of the walls, ceiling and floor in addition, as a background for the largest part of the composition. Furniture in the dining area, large appliances (oven, refrigerator, microwave), countertop surfaces, and all kinds of metal elements, textiles.

Be sure to pay attention to the compatibility of textures. Thus, gloss is ideal in tandem with darkened glass and chromed steel, the nobility of wood will be beautifully set off by untreated stone, and whitewash will look very nice next to small chintz flowers and enamel in pastel colors.

Color wheel

For several centuries, artists and designers around the world have been using the so-called color wheel - a multi-colored circle divided into 12 segments. Three basic colors - red, blue and yellow - are located on it at opposite points, forming isosceles triangle. The intermediate place is occupied by shades obtained by mixing adjacent colors in equal proportions.

Equal in brightness and saturation, all 12 colors combine well with each other. If you choose shades placed opposite each other, you get a complementary contrast. Adjacent segments are called analog - such smooth transitions are usually found in nature. You can also “draw” triangles, squares and rectangles on the color wheel - the corners of the figures will demonstrate the most balanced combinations.

Palette from the picture

When creating a kitchen design from scratch, you can take advantage of another quite using an unusual method selection of colors - from a photo or picture. It could be a landscape, still life, flowers or any other beautiful image. It will help you instantly analyze shades in their percentages. special program or an online service - color palette generator.

This technique will also work when you need to find a suitable frame for existing kitchen fragments. Nobody forbids you to take a photograph, for example, of a headset, and then precise definition its color code, see complementary, contrasting, triadic options for the best design of an apron or walls.

Neutral combinations

The main feature of achromatic colors is their versatility. Black, white or gray can be used without restrictions both as a background and as accents. With their help, it is easy to play with halftones, adjust brightness and contrast in the interior, lighten or darken individual fragments.

Black and white kitchen designs almost always look modern and thoughtful. Thanks to the abundance of different materials, textures, patterns, and decor, it can be adapted to any style, be it elegant classics, discreet minimalism, serene Provence, neat hi-tech or rough loft.

The neutral color palette also includes beige, cream and most shades of brown. The noble color of wood in the kitchen is perceived very naturally, regardless of the surrounding textures.

Warm combinations

The color temperature of a particular shade can be determined intuitively, without consulting tables. Bright sunny colors fall into the “warm” category: light green, yellow, orange, scarlet, reddish-brown. But they all must be pure, without impurities. Darkened or whitened to pastel, these colors become dull and cold.

A warm palette is an ideal option for the kitchen, because many people associate this room with the hearth and the element of fire. Appetizing fruit and berry tones will look perfect here - orange, lemon, banana, mango, kiwi, strawberry, juicy lettuce, ripe tomatoes. A white, light green or sand background will create an atmosphere of lightness, and gray or brown will help to slightly dim the summer brightness.

Decorating the kitchen in warm colors, you can look for inspiration in the landscapes of golden autumn. Tan, pumpkin, and straw tones are an excellent choice for a country-style interior. In such a kitchen there will always be a cozy atmosphere, and the air will constantly be filled with the aromas of homemade baked goods.

A neutral-warm design can be achieved by recreating coffee motifs. The light milky beige palette will remind you of the exquisite taste of a latte, and the deep dark chocolate shades will surely appeal to espresso lovers. Splashes of orange, dark red, and green will add brightness to such a kitchen.

Cold combinations

The reason for decorating a kitchen in a cool color scheme may be the desire to slightly reduce the ambient temperature or simply a love for calm, unobtrusive shades. The violet-blue-green spectrum belongs to the water element, retaining its purity, depth and mystery. While warm tones bring you closer, solid cool textures visually expand the space, as if moving away from the observer.

Flawless smooth surfaces electric blue, cosmic blue, purple colors are a current option for a laconic modern kitchen or art nouveau style. They look beautiful in gloss, and are also ideally complemented by tinted glass and polished steel.

Vintage kitchen furniture, painted matte paint turquoise, olive or lavender color is an indispensable attribute of the Provence style. The decoration and other interior elements are also dim, in soft pastel colors, sometimes with a rustic print or rustic sketches.

When studying the theory of combining colors in the kitchen interior, it is impossible to do without practical experiments. After all, sometimes in practice the palette differs from computer graphics. To find out what combinations of different shades and textures actually look like, it’s worth looking at photos taken in real conditions. For this purpose, the photo gallery presents large selection options, among which you can easily find the optimal color solution for your kitchen design!

The design of any room has certain goals, which include the final visual perception of the room. An important point decoration and the pride of the owner can be the combination of colors in the kitchen interior, which should be given special attention. Otherwise, even exclusive furniture, expensive finishing and individually selected designer style will look ridiculous and defiant. When choosing colors, you should be guided by your own taste, but do not forget about certain priorities and rules accepted in the design environment.

Basic rules

The harmony of colors in the kitchen interior will be ensured by their correct combination, which must be observed when developing the design of the room. The main criteria when choosing colors are solutions that provide a pleasant visual perception of the interior. Often the shade of furniture or walls plays a more significant role in the design of the kitchen than the size of the cabinets, their appearance, or layout.
  • a light color chosen as a priority in the kitchen interior will visually expand the space;
  • dark tones present in the decoration make the spacious kitchen more comfortable, even if the color combination in the kitchen interior is bright and multifaceted;
  • color finishing is divided into contrasting, two- or multi-color, as well as monochrome;
  • analogue or mixed shades can be used in different design solutions;
  • When choosing a color in the kitchen interior, you must follow the rules of the color wheel.

Traditional color combinations in the interiors of kitchens and other rooms are:

  • black with all shades of white - combines with almost any color;
  • red - intertwined with green or blue, as well as gray, bright orange and yellow (from pale to rich);
  • beige - consonant with blue and, of course, close to it in scale - brown;
  • blue - looks harmonious with both red and green, and even better - with yellow;
  • pink - fits with gray in the kitchen interior, as well as with turquoise and tones of brown;
  • green - looks good next to beige of various shades and yellow;
  • gray – favorably echoes blue, or red and purple.

Important in design are not only the color combinations in the kitchen interior, which can be listed endlessly, but also the richness of the shades. The basic rules for designers are the following:

  • the ceiling should be lighter in relation to the floor covering;
  • multicolor design should not contain more than five shades, otherwise the room will turn into a circus booth;
  • color kitchen set selected different from wall decoration;
  • glossy surfaces saturate and deepen color tones and midtones, while matte surfaces make them more muted;
  • the presence of only one dominant color is allowed in the kitchen interior;
  • shades of countertops and work aprons should create a contrast with furniture facades.

By adhering to the basic rules for choosing colors in the kitchen interior, it is quite possible to make its design harmonious and attractive in terms of combination individual elements decor with the basic design of the room.

Designers are guided by combinations of basic tones and accompanying shades along the color wheel. With its help, professionals select harmonious or contrasting colors for the interior of the kitchen, nursery, living room and dining room, determining their consistency or conflict.

The color wheel consists of a triangle with each vertex having one of the primary colors - red, yellow, and blue. On three edges you can see additional colors, consisting of a mix of two adjacent colors. They are represented by purple, as well as green and juicy orange. The closing circle schematically shows six subordinate and six related but contrasting shades, by which harmonious combinations of colors in the interior of a kitchen or any other room are determined.

The circle helps determine the correct layout of the color scheme according to certain rules underlying the design project.

What does the circle show?

  • The main three tones are clearly in harmony with each other.
  • Opposite colors can be combined, as they will not conflict.
  • Relatedly contrasting shades can be diluted with colors that are similar in tonality and saturation.

Monochrome or single-color kitchens

In this case, designers use the main color, its tones, halftones and shades in the interior. In fact, monochrome color design is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Presence large quantity shades and their combination with white or silver should look consistent.

Using different tones and textures, the kitchen is divided into zones, which adds expressiveness and individuality to the interior. Contrasting decorative elements within reasonable limits are used as accents.

Two-tone interior

One of the design techniques in decorating a room can be a combination of just two or three textures or colors in the kitchen interior. This approach is interesting and has its fans, but some connoisseurs of beauty argue that the interior, in this case, turns out to be boring and rather monotonous.

Some tips on options for choosing colors in the kitchen interior with a limited color range will help you achieve decent results.

The overall neutral tone of the furniture and decoration will be emphasized by the bright color of the kitchen island, located in the middle of the room and having a common color scheme with the work apron, as well as the back walls of the cabinets, visible through the glass facades. This could be a combination of cream color in the kitchen interior with red, salad color with rich green, soft blue with thick blue, etc. There are quite a lot of options.

A combination of natural shades (for example, brown, white and beige) will allow you to create a kitchen design that is restrained, noble and a little airy:

  • floor cabinets with dark fronts will bring the kitchen down to earth;
  • wall furniture with dark brown doors visually lowers the ceilings.

An interesting combination of colors in the kitchen interior with a combination of matte and glossy finishes furniture facades, floor surfaces, countertops, splashback and island base creates an unusual play of textures. In this case, you can get by with just a couple of colors in the kitchen interior. The effect of unusual visual perception will be given by different textures of finishing and facing materials. And their successful combination will add certain notes of glamor and special atmosphere.

Using a strange and, at first glance, incongruous color scheme will help deprive the room of facelessness. For example, it will look extraordinary combination blue colors in the kitchen with traditional brown shades, or light green - with tones of light wood. In fact, unusual color combinations look quite acceptable and have the right to be implemented.

The colors in the interior can be echoed in the decoration of walls and furniture, in textiles and decor, giving individual details dominant or additional positions. Two or three tones will not be boring if they are repeated in the background decoration, design elements and decor. The shades don't have to be too bright. A calm combination of white-silver or creamy-golden colors can create harmony, comfort and an unusually soft atmosphere of friendliness.

Do not forget that the most advantageous color is white, which can be combined with any, even the most extraordinary tone. There is no need for a special selection of colors here - the auxiliary shade will fit into the design of the room without any restrictions.

Three-color design option

A classic example of a three-color kitchen design refers to the use of basic tones and color wheel combinations. In this case, one color remains dominant, and the rest are complementary or accentuating.

Designers call such room designs triads. In this case, three shades are taken as the basis, equally spaced within the color circle. For example, the same distance is between red-orange, yellow-green and blue-violet.

Contrasting solutions

This option involves decorating the interior in opposite shades. In this case, you will need to think through the smallest details of the color design, otherwise the kitchen will look too aggressive, and you will have to forget about the cozy atmosphere. To avoid excessive pretentiousness, you should choose the right primary and contrasting colors, understanding that they must be balanced with each other.

A contrasting kitchen turns out to be bright and interesting, but over time it will first begin to get boring and then irritate.

Calmer shades of the floor, ceiling and furniture will help avoid this situation. But you can experiment with wall decoration. Interestingly, a kitchen made in white and black colors is also contrasting, but the classic combination makes its interior strict and noble.

The most popular color combinations for contrasting kitchen interiors are:

  • lilac with green;
  • purple with yellow;
  • pink with light green;
  • blue with peach.

Main kitchen color

It turns out that the dominant color in the design plays an important role for its owners.

Red cuisine – energy, joy, passion, stimulation of appetite and improvement of digestion. But, at the same time, the abundance of red visually reduces the space and can cause aggression.

Green kitchen – harmony, calm and tranquility. It is believed that this color is more appropriate for bedrooms than for kitchens, since green shades relax and have a beneficial effect on sleep. Although dark green, decorated with gilding, may well make the kitchen luxurious and exclusive.

Blue kitchen - balance, calm and coolness. Such a room is suitable for selfless and persistent people. Blue shades suppress appetite, visually expand the space and are ideally suited for rooms oriented to the south.

Purple kitchen – inspiration and absence of problems. Combines the winning positions of red and blue.

Orange cuisine – excellent mood and liberation, inner harmony, freedom and a great appetite. Good option improves mood, but in some cases the color quickly becomes boring and becomes intrusive.

White kitchen – clean, pure and classic. On the one hand - harmony and detachment, and on the other - a long-bored solution, which is nevertheless considered ideal.

Choosing the right color for the kitchen is not so easy, so you should still rely on your own taste.

The importance of color in the interior is difficult to overestimate, because the colors around us affect not only our mood, but also our physical well-being. A successful combination of colors in the kitchen interior is the key to comfort, coziness, excellent mood, excellent appetite, excellent digestion, emotional communication and readiness for culinary exploits. The ability to correctly use colors in interior design is a real art, which not everyone can master. The choice of a specific color palette depends on many objective and subjective factors: the specifics and purpose of the room, the character, temperament, age, lifestyle of the people living in it and, of course, the emotional effect what you want to achieve.

The bright and rich shades used in this interior will charge you with vigor and positivity for the whole day.

The color factor in kitchen design

Any designer knows perfectly well that color is one of the most effective tools for working with space. Of course, playing with colors is unlikely to compare with redevelopment, but still, with the right approach, using color you can correct the not very successful geometry of the room. Operating with cold and warm, dark and light colors you can create the most unpredictable illusions.

Why do women love to wear dark clothes so much? Because dark colors make you look slimmer and hide volume, while light colors, on the contrary, make you look fuller, add volume, and expand. The same principles work in the interior. So, you can visually increase the height of the room by contrasting a light, light top with a dark and heavier bottom. But all you have to do is swap these colors and the effect will be radically opposite - the ceilings will noticeably “squat down”. In a similar way, you can “push apart” the walls or, on the contrary, narrow the room. Therefore, in the interior of small rooms it is preferable to use light pastel colors, leaving bright colors for accentuation. Conversely, to make a spacious room more comfortable and cozy, it is recommended to actively use bright, rich, deep shades, especially since they are welcome in the interior of the kitchen.

Yellow and blue colors for a marine-style kitchen are a win-win option from an aesthetic point of view

In general, there are no “right” and “wrong” colors in the kitchen interior and there simply cannot be. Everything that does not contradict your ideas about beauty and harmony is appropriate. When choosing a specific color, it is extremely important to take into account its properties and try to predict the effect it will create in the room. Cold colors (shades of blue, blue, green and gray) reduce appetite, relax, calm, and give a feeling of freshness and coolness. Warm colors (red, yellow and their shades) increase appetite, improve digestion, energize, invigorate, encourage action, and warm up.

Color combination in the kitchen interior: selecting the color scheme

The interior of the kitchen can be chromatic (having a color tone) or achromatic (white, gray, black). Purely achromatic kitchen interiors are extremely rare, since it is generally accepted that such an environment can plunge one into apathy, depression and give rise to color hunger. This can be easily corrected by creating a dynamic achromatic pattern, for example, by staggering black and white tiles on the kitchen floor. Another option is to dilute the achromaticity with a bright, catchy contrasting accent.

Bright contrasting furnishings look good against the achromatic background of this kitchen

In chromatic interiors, the color scheme is a combination of many shades. Having decided on the basic tone, you should carefully consider possible options combinations of colors to create a harmonious environment for the “first violin”, on which the strength and depth of its sound will depend. Working with the color wheel, which consists of primary, complementary and auxiliary colors, designers develop countless color schemes, but all of them can be summed up under four main groups: monochrome color schemes, adjacent (analogous), contrasting (complementary) and triadic color schemes.

One of the most common kitchen design options is a combination of two colors, the advantage of which is given to light beige

Monochrome kitchens

Monochromatic or single-color color schemes involve using different shades of the same color in the interior. All the necessary effects are achieved by different intensities of one base color. Moreover, the more shades are used in the interior, the more interesting the result will be. This combination is considered the softest; it brings calm and tranquility to the interior, although there are exceptions to the rule. Monochrome does not mean monotonous and boring. Not at all. By wisely choosing shades and textured ensembles for a monochrome room, you can achieve an effect no less stunning than with a multi-color or contrasting palette. To rhythmically diversify the design and give the room “depth,” you can safely dilute the monochrome color combination with white. An excellent alternative to white is silver, which is actively used in design. glamorous interiors. In small quantities, black is acceptable as a contrasting accent.

The widespread prejudice against lilac does not prevent designers from creating very attractive interiors in this color

To prevent a monochrome interior from looking too monotonous and boring, use the little tricks that professional decorators use:

  • Maintain chain of command

To create a monochrome interior, you just need to decide on the main color, for which your favorite color is ideal, select three shades for it and use their combinations in the design of the kitchen. To give the interior a harmonious and professional look, one of the shades must certainly become dominant, and the other two auxiliary, complementing the main one.

If you use it to decorate your kitchen different shades orange, the result will be a bright, cheerful and sunny interior

  • Use several shades of the base color

This will not only do color scheme A monochrome kitchen interior will be more interesting and varied, but will also help to zone the room into functional zones, visually correct layout deficiencies and create a certain rhythmic design in the room. For example, for a kitchen in a marine style, you can safely choose shades from sky blue and azure to royal blue and indigo.

Even modern styles will be filled with homely warmth and comfort if you choose a beige color scheme.

  • Combine different textures in the interior

The easiest way to complicate a monochrome kitchen interior is to use materials with different textures. The brightest textural contrast is created by a combination of glossy and matte surfaces: smooth and embossed wallpaper, wood and ceramics, glass mosaic and matte tiles.

A monochrome lavender kitchen looks stylish, restrained and at the same time luxurious

  • Use contrasting accents

Small islands of color – bright contrasting accents – will help to “revive” a monochromatic interior. To make a monochrome setting “play and smile”, sometimes just one large contrasting object or a couple of small catchy details is enough.

Related colors in the kitchen interior

Analogous or adjacent color schemes use two or more colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel: yellow and orange, green and blue. As a rule, one of the colors is dominant, and the other is used for accentuation. This scheme allows you to create a harmonious, relaxing atmosphere.

The adjacent color scheme not only emphasizes decorative possibilities each of them, but also creates a relaxed atmosphere

Contrasting kitchens

A contrasting or complementary color scheme uses shades that are opposite on the color spectrum, such as blue and orange. At the same time, the main color in the interior is balanced with a contrasting one. Depending on the depth of contrast and intensity of the base color, the combination will be either active or calm. Furniture in a contrasting kitchen interior should be darker in tone than the walls, but lighter than the floor. Contrasting kitchens look stylish and impressive, but such an environment quickly becomes boring and boring, so it is advisable to limit the contrast to details that, if desired, can be easily replaced, completely changing the character and mood of the room.

Not many people decide to use bold contrasts in the kitchen interior, but daredevils really get unique interior

Three-color kitchens

A triadic color palette combines three colors that are located equidistant from each other on the color wheel. This combination creates a very bright, impressive effect. Having chosen a triadic scheme for decorating a kitchen, it is advisable to adhere to the principle of the predominance of one of the colors, and use the rest for accentuation.

Successful color combinations: finding harmony on the color wheel

Eugene Delacroix, a 19th-century French artist, was the first to depict a color triangle, the vertices of which indicate the primary colors (red, blue and yellow), and the edges indicate additional colors (orange, violet and green), which are formed by mixing primary colors (for example, blue and give yellow green). The color wheel also contains six auxiliary or transitional colors, which are obtained by mixing the primary color with an additional one (green and yellow produce light green). In adjacent quarters there are related and contrasting colors: warm yellow-green and yellow-red and cold blue-red and blue-green. When rotated, the edge of the triangle indicates the result of mixing tones that correspond to its vertices.

The color wheel and triangle will help you select and combine colors for your future interior

  • The colors located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the color wheel get along well with each other. Any combination of colors that is obtained by rotating such a triangle inside a circle will be harmonious.
  • In accordance with the law of color harmony, colors located opposite each other are ideally combined. Blue goes well with orange, purple with yellow, and red with green.
  • Neutral colors, from bluish-gray to ocher-brown, being something between the three primary colors, contain all the colors of the solar spectrum, and therefore interact harmoniously with absolutely all the colors of the spectrum.
  • To enliven and diversify an interior in which there are two related and contrasting colors, inclusions of similar colors, darker or more light colors.
  • In order not to overload the multi-colored interior, it is recommended to use no more than five colors and shades in one room.

Vibrant colors the interior is ideal for cheerful, cheerful people, as well as for families with small children

  • The saturation of color largely depends on the texture of objects. Glossy shiny surfaces enhance the brightness, intensity and depth of color, while embossed and matte surfaces, on the contrary, soften and mute the colors.
  • Decorative elements in the interior play the role of accents, so they should be the brightest.
  • The deepest and darkest color in the kitchen interior should be the color of the floor, and the lightest and lightest color should be the ceiling. The color of the furniture should be lighter and lighter than the floor, but darker than the walls.
  • Despite the fact that a combination of red, orange and pink is considered a complete bad manners and an absolute taboo in color design, designers often decide on such a union, achieving stunningly beautiful and harmonious solutions. This suggests the conclusion that incompatible colors do not exist. The secret to a successful combination of colors in the interior is the ability to choose the right shades.

Photo examples of colored kitchens

The combination of light green and orange in the kitchen interior will remind you of warm sunny summer days

Shades of blue are not often found in kitchens as a background, but they successfully cope with their function, shifting the emphasis to brighter furnishings

The bright spontaneity and frivolity of the background of this kitchen is compensated by a restrained and calm color kitchen furniture

The very calm and restrained primary colors of this kitchen could be its drawback, however bright accents completely changed the impression

Yellow and green colors complemented by bright prints on the fronts create a feeling of summer freshness in this modern kitchen

Achromatic kitchen is a design option often found in spacious apartments in big cities.

The set the color of baked milk against the background of blue walls is one of best options for kitchen decoration rustic style

The combination of bright red and gray-silver in the kitchen interior invigorates and inspires confidence and optimism.

The bold combination of red and blue creates a positive impression, which is enhanced by the clever use of natural lighting.

Strict forms and traditional contrasting colors of this interior become more attractive near bright decorative elements

Heavy maroon color goes well with white, creating an elegant and respectable atmosphere in the kitchen

Such an abundance of bright colors looks very attractive and cute at first glance, but can quickly get boring

A bright accent wall combined with a huge window allows you to make the most of natural light.

A small amount of black emphasizes the depth of the main color of the interior - white, creating a feeling of radiant purity

Another kitchen design option shows the advantages of a combination of light shades of light green and beige

An achromatic kitchen, flooded with sunlight, will sparkle with new colors and shades, which is the emphasis in this interior

Accent wall in an achromatic interior black and white kitchen not only dilutes the austere atmosphere, but also emphasizes the lighting features of the room

Designers have a saying “there are no bad colors, only bad combinations.” With experience comes the understanding that this is true. The most unusual combinations sometimes turn out unexpectedly beautiful designs. When choosing the color of your future kitchen, first try to imagine how the color and texture will look together.

The color scheme of the kitchen, like any other room, is important. The convenience and coziness of the kitchen depends on it.

But what if the mother likes purple, the children like orange, and the head of the family likes black? Rules for combining colors and shades will help reconcile taste contradictions.

Photo of an orange-green kitchen.

Whatever you come up with, try to listen to a sense of proportion and balance. Bright colors should be present in reasonable quantities so as not to tire those who are in the kitchen most often.

Choosing colors for the kitchen

Properly selected kitchen furniture, the color of the walls and facades play a big role in creating a kitchen. To choose the right color for your kitchen furniture, you need to know the basic rules for choosing colors.

Video on the topic: Color Combination

Photo of a blue kitchen.

Color is important in everything. With its help, you can narrow and illusorily expand the space of the room. Light colors are suitable for small rooms, and dark ones for large ones.

Light shades increase space. Bright and variegated colors are more suitable for large kitchen rooms. In large rooms for the kitchen or dining room, it is better not to use pastel shades so that they do not look faceless or empty.

Photo of raspberry kitchen.

So, to choose a color you need to indicate the following:

  • — the main color of the interior (kitchen furniture and kitchen facades),
  • - color of walls, ceiling tiles and floors,
  • — color of working surfaces.

Photo of a white and blue kitchen.

The best option for the kitchen if it has large area. This color is appetizing. If it is small in area then choose a pastel yellow or pale peach color. Ikea kitchens, by the way, often come in a yellow tint. You can take a closer look at the finds of Scandinavian designers. These tones can be combined with white, gray and blue. The most popular shades are yellow gloss, lemon tone and red copper.

Photo green- brown kitchen.

Green kitchen

Green is refreshing, enchanting and uplifting. Relevant for those who struggle with overweight, since this color does not cause appetite. Green is the color of health, vigor and life. He can set you up for proper nutrition. Apples, greens, cucumbers. Green colors are shades of living nature.

Just don’t choose brightly poisonous tones. Menthol color - current solution for today. Green goes well with white, yellow and blue.

Photo of color combinations in the kitchen using an example.

Orange stimulates appetite, lifts your spirits, and invigorates. It will go well with white and purple. Rich orange combined with white is suitable for a large, spacious kitchen. This very juicy combination will make you feel warm and happy.

Photo of a beige kitchen.

Red kitchen

Such an aggressive color not only for the kitchen, but also for the entire apartment or house is not recommended for use in the interior. Because it can make a person irritable, nervous and hot-tempered.

Photo of a green kitchen.

The most suitable shades of red for the kitchen are: coral, cherry, pale tomato. Red goes well with white, pale gray and transparent (glass). Red color is suitable for sluggish, tired people; it charges your energy for speed and activity.

White kitchen

Photo of a brown kitchen.

This color is used in classic style and in high-tech style. Sterile white color is universal and always in fashion. If you want to clean from morning to evening, then feel free to choose this color. White is a noble color; it can calm and relieve stress.

But you don’t need to make an all-white kitchen, because no matter what expensive furniture you buy in combination with white walls and floors, it may turn out to be pale, empty and featureless. White color goes with any shade of the rainbow.

Photo of a yellow-green kitchen.

Blue kitchen

Video on the topic: Table of color combinations in the interior.
This color pacifies and kills appetite. If your kitchen is located on the sunny side of the apartment or house, then you can safely use this shade (pale blue, deep blue, blue). These tones will charge you with powerful energy and calm.

Blue color is best combined with yellow, coral and orange.

Photo of white and eggplant (purple) cuisine

Purple kitchen

Violet stimulates appetite, relaxes and calms. Quite a good choice for the kitchen. This color can be combined with ocher, olive and pale orange shades.

Black kitchen

Black color, in fact, does not exist in nature. This color brings oppression, routine and evokes gloomy feelings. This color is definitely not suitable for the kitchen, except perhaps for the toilet. Modern designers think differently. They believe that a black kitchen is practical, simple and original.

Even if you dilute it with any rich and bright color black, your kitchen will look strict, rude and tasteless. Therefore, most designers would not recommend this color to you.

Photo example of a combination of different colors in the interior of rooms.


Kitchen color scheme

In the kitchen, lighting should first of all be functional, and the color of the glow should be bright white, which does not distort the color of the products. It must be placed so that there is no shadow from cabinets or people on the working surface.

But additional light will highlight the model of the kitchen, its color, texture... A white kitchen always goes well with bright colored lighting. If there is gilding in the finishing of the kitchen set, then choose a lamp that gives yellow light.

Bright yellow lighting breaks up neutral shades and makes the illuminated subject stand out. An interior with silver accessories requires cool lighting.

Raspberry green kitchen.

How does lighting depend on the color of the kitchen? In the kitchen, lighting should first of all be functional, and the color of the light should be bright white, which does not distort the color of the products. It must be placed so that there is no shadow from cabinets or people on the working surface. But additional light will highlight the model of the kitchen, its color, texture...

A white kitchen always goes well with bright colored lighting. If there is gilding in the finishing of the kitchen set, then choose a lamp that gives yellow light. Bright yellow lighting breaks up neutral shades and makes the illuminated subject stand out. An interior with silver accessories requires cool lighting.

There are no “right” colors! There are a lot of prejudices about what colors can and cannot be used in the kitchen. But there are no universal recipes and there cannot be - absolutely all shades are appropriate in the kitchen. Otherwise, manufacturers would have long ago offered sets of “selected colors,” but they, on the contrary, paint furniture in all 2000 tones of the RAL palette.

Color combination table. Color scheme.

Psychophysics of color in the kitchen

Red. If you periodically go on a diet, a scarlet set is unlikely to please you. The red color scheme of the kitchen stimulates the appetite - just remember pomegranates, raspberries, cranberries, watermelons or strawberries and other food “stimulants”. Use color as accents and you won't have problems with excess weight.

Photo of a white kitchen.

Yellow.Most widely used as a base color. Associations with butter, sunflowers and wildflowers really help improve digestion. The atmosphere of a sunny day is ideal for rooms where friends and relatives gather.

Orange. A hint of tangerine and apricot, brandy and papaya will certainly stimulate the appetite. Don’t get carried away with too bright walls and furniture: for “large” surfaces, choose less intense shades. And cheer yourself up with “juicy” orange accessories.

Lime color and sea ​​wave in the kitchen interior.

Green. It has been proven that surrounded by green color, food is better absorbed, an excited mind calms down, and blood pressure decreases. Feel free to buy green kitchen, backsplash tiles or choose this color for the walls.

Blue. The claim that it suppresses appetite is known to everyone. But if this were really so, people would not decorate dishes with cobalt patterns, there would be no blue porcelain or ceramics from Gzhel. Another thing is blue light, which distorts the color of food. It is unlikely that you will want to take anything from the refrigerator shelf, where everything is illuminated in blue tones. It's about reflexes!

So if you choose blue walls and kitchen fronts, you should be aware of this “dead pallor” effect of food. Whereas the blue color scheme in the kitchen is quite appropriate.

Black and white kitchen.

White. It is also credited with having a positive effect on appetite. However, the dazzling white color quickly tires, and in our far from sunny climate it looks gray. That is why you should approach the choice of a white kitchen with caution - glossy cabinet fronts are preferable, which can reflect other shades.

Black. It is believed that in the kitchen it promotes concentration and prevents distractions during cooking. But you need to use it in moderation - it is important not to overdo it.

Black and green kitchen.

The color scheme of a kitchen is always a combination of many shades (kitchen furniture, walls, textiles). Therefore, after you have determined the base tone, it should create a harmonious environment. In other words, think over a combination of colors.

Photo of a green kitchen with lighting.

  • Contrasting scheme uses shades that are opposite in the color spectrum: one dominates, and the second enhances the effect. Depending on the intensity of the main shade and the depth of contrast, either a calm or active combination is created. For example, red roses on a green background are perceived differently than rare green spots on a scarlet field.
  • Analog (coupled) circuit involves a combination of colors that are located nearby in the spectrum: yellow and green, green and blue.
  • Monochromatic scheme involves one base color of varying intensity: for example, shades of red.

Kitchen color scheme: general recommendations. IN small spaces You should not use a contrasting color combination scheme in the kitchen interior: the juxtaposition of saturated dark and very light tones visually makes the kitchen smaller. Conversely, in a spacious kitchen interior, any combination of colors is appropriate - both contrasting and monochromatic schemes.

Photo of a classic white kitchen.


Color combination in the kitchen interior - what color should the kitchen be?

Color wheel

The main tool that designers and artists use when searching for compatible shades is the color wheel.

Photo of an orange kitchen.

This is the same rainbow that someone thought of rolling into a tube. Pure colors are located on the line of the circle, and their lightened or darkened shades tend to the center. Moreover, if the middle of the circle is white, then the shades become lighter as they approach the core. Accordingly, when black is placed at the center, each color gradually darkens, moving towards the darker color of the universe.

How to use the color wheel

Photo of a white and red kitchen.

When drawing up a color scheme that will subsequently be applied to, you can use several basic principles.


In this case, opposite colors are taken, which are located on a straight line passing through the center of the color wheel. For example, opposite yellow is purple. And blue comes into contrast with orange.

Photo of a yellow-gray kitchen.

You need to use contrast very carefully so as not to tire your eyes. One color should be dominant, and the second should be used in a few accents. For example, against the backdrop of a large blue sofa there may be a couple of orange pillows. In this case, the walls can be a light bluish tint or a soft creamy peach.

Video on the topic: Color combinations in the kitchen interior 40 ideas
Contrasting colors work better against neutral colors such as white, gray and black. The abundance of white invites rich shades into the interior in the form of thin stripes, curls and spots various shapes. In this case, the kitchen turns out to be bright, rhythmic, and uplifting.

Photo of a white and gray kitchen.

Shades of the same color

Soft tints of shades of the same color help create a welcoming atmosphere. At the same time, color monotony can be diluted by the presence of one of the achromatic colors. When using one color, you should use different shades of it, play with intensity, brightness, surface texture, materials, texture (pattern).

Adjacent colors

Photo of a brown-green kitchen.

To create a certain mood, you can use adjacent colors. For example, green, yellow, golden. Or red, red-orange and orange.

The lighter the shades, the easier it is to mix them, the richer the color palette.

Photo of a brown oak kitchen.


The triangle expands the possibilities and allows you to use a different color for each surface.

Photo of a yellow-blue pastel kitchen.

For example, a dark chocolate floor will match the butter color of the curtains and curtains, with accents of green, turquoise or blue. And the set itself can be chosen to match the color of cream or caramel.


Raspberry-yellow kitchen.

This method of color selection will help reconcile the opposing tastes of family members. If we fit a rectangle into the color wheel with vertices based on the 4 desired colors, then we will get a wealth of shades that can be used in the interior.

Harmony of color palette

When designing an interior, remember that one of the selected colors will always be taken as a basis, and everything will be built around it. The main color will dictate what will intersect with what, and what shades will be used.

Video on the topic: Color combination in the kitchen interior photo

Raspberry brown kitchen.

When developing a design, you can build on the associations familiar to our eyes. For example, the seashore is turquoise, gray, sand, blue, which can be complemented by bright splashes of tropical flora.

Can be built color combination, using the association with the spice market. These are muted shades of green, brown, ocher, saffron.

If you can’t find colors, you can just look at different pictures and photographs. Having noted the ones you liked, take a closer look at the colors that were used.

Photo of color combinations in the kitchen.


The best color solutions for the kitchen

When thinking about what color to choose for your kitchen, you can spend time looking through hundreds of ready-made design options registration You can find photographs in a variety of styles, shapes and colors. Some attract the eye and look bright, others are calm, light and airy.

Gray, crimson, yellow colors in the kitchen interior.

Warm color palette

Those who love bright, energetic colors but don't want their kitchen to look like an exploding rainbow should choose an analog color scheme: consider shades that are nearby on the color wheel. A simple option is to choose warm rather than cool shades, such as warm orange and red plus a unifying neutral. The experience is very exciting and energetic.

Green kitchen with bright accents.

Bold wall color and neutral accents

An excellent strategy for incorporating bright colors is to keep expensive items in neutral colors, such as the flooring and the color of the kitchen facades. And choose bold colors for things that can be easily replaced: accessories and wall paint.

Light, completely neutral walls, floors, ceilings and facades are an excellent backdrop for bright details that can be changed frequently: lamps. stools with bright seats, small rugs and other interior elements. Such a kitchen can be repeatedly given a completely new look. Intense colors are always best experienced in small objects.

Video on the topic: Color combination of furniture and tiles in the kitchen


An unexpected splash of color can be truly charming. To keep the bright, fresh color from becoming overwhelming, keep the remaining elements neutral. For example, milky white walls, light wood facades and light green flooring.

Photo of a yellow-brown kitchen.

Bold classic palette

Stunning, eye-catching colors are not only suitable for... modern kitchens. Massive kitchen sets designed in a classic style can have a rich chocolate color. Tile kitchen apron can be decorated with a complex pattern, but in neutral colors. Thanks to this, the apron does not compete with the furniture, but complements its color. The stove, oven and dishes are a rich red color; it also complements the chocolate, making it deeper and richer.

Photo of a white and yellow kitchen.


A wonderful yellow highlight in the kitchen space - a light yellow apron in a neutral, milky white space; chair seats and textiles can support the color of the apron. The facades are white to match the color of the walls, the laminate flooring is light wood.

Yellow-gray kitchen.

Warm, natural palette

The red color stimulates the appetite and even provokes one to enjoy drinking some good wine. It is clear why the interior of a good restaurant, designed in green or blue tones, is diluted with red details. Red works stealthily, absorbing all the light in the room. Instead of painting an entire wall red, it is better to use it in smaller portions, in the form of kitchen facades, for example, their bright shade can be extinguished by wall decoration in neutral tones and the color of the laminate - light wood.

Photo of a green-gray kitchen.

Don’t be afraid of bright colors; it’s better to boldly complement beige wallpaper and light-colored furniture with eye-catching accessories. Art Deco style kitchens are well suited for experimenting with color.


Photo of a yellow-gray kitchen.

Kitchen color scheme

Choosing the right color scheme for the kitchen is not an easy task, because different colors have different effects on our mood and our appetite. So, for example, it is not recommended to use a dominant color such as red for kitchen interior design, since this color promotes aggression - not the best feeling for eating.

Yellow-red-brown kitchen.

But orange- this is the color of optimists, it has a very good effect on appetite, because it is so sunny and warm. However, for those who watch their figure, the orange color in the kitchen can be dangerous: in a kitchen of this color you just want to chew something. The same problem applies to turquoise. This color is natural, it calms, and in a relaxed state we always eat more than we would like.

By the way, colors such as gray, pink and blue in the kitchen are not particularly conducive to appetite, and if you need to limit yourself in nutrition, then these colors are just what you need. But in a kitchen decorated predominantly in green, hands literally reach out to fresh salads, herbs, vegetables and fruits - those who lead a healthy lifestyle should choose this color for their kitchen.

If there is no reason to worry about your figure, then for the kitchen interior you can choose shades from the yellow color scheme. Moreover, each shade of yellow will look completely different in the kitchen. For example, a warm sandy shade will give a feeling of coziness, while a slightly cool lemon shade will create a feeling of freshness.

Despite the peculiarities of our perception of this or that color in the interior of the kitchen, general rules The choice of colors for rooms in an apartment or house and for the kitchen remains quite fair. So, it is not advisable to decorate a small kitchen in dark colors- they will visually make the kitchen even smaller. In addition, a contrasting color scheme is contraindicated for a small kitchen - it also makes the kitchen visually smaller.

The best choice for a small kitchen - light color scheme. consisting of pastel shades. It is permissible to leave a few bright colors in the interior of such a kitchen. color accents. For example, this could be a set of bright dishes or bright accessories: a towel, napkin stand, pepper shaker or salt shaker, etc.

The most suitable advisor in choosing colors for the kitchen- your own common sense. However, if there are concerns that independent choice does not give a positive result, then you should not risk it - it would be better to contact a specialist. A professional interior designer will not only help you choose the right color scheme for the kitchen, but will also advise you on how best to “play up” this or that chosen color so that the effect is as interesting and attractive as possible.


The color scheme for the kitchen is the most important. And the point here is not only whether you want to decorate the room in classic colors or choose something unusual for this, but also in the impact of each color scheme per person.

Photo of a red and black kitchen.

If we talk about the attractiveness of a particular color, then the choice rests entirely with you. But at the same time, you should know the features that each specific color scheme in the kitchen has.

  • one color causes appetite,
  • the other suppresses him,
  • and the use of the third should be very careful, since it evokes depressive feelings.

Design project of a brown-green kitchen.

We should also not forget about the purely visual perception of the room, when light colors make the kitchen more spacious, and dark ones give it coziness, but on the contrary, “steal” it free space. Therefore, the selection of colors in the kitchen interior should be based not only on design aspects, but also on psychological ones.

Dark kitchens have a cozy interior, but this is not best choice for small rooms. In order to create in kitchen area correct interior, there are simple instructions.

Consider the following factors:

  • Illumination.
  • Area and features of the room layout.
  • Interior style.
  • A combination of decorative elements with a set and furniture, as well as finishing materials.
  • Personal preferences.

Photo of a classic green kitchen.

You may or may not take into account the psychological aspect in this matter, but it will still be present, as has been proven by scientists. Since the kitchen is the room that involves preparing and eating food, the first parameter that should be considered is the effect of color on a person’s appetite.

This will be especially important for those people who want to control their weight. Referring to this parameter, scientists distinguish three types of flowers:

Green and blue kitchen.

  • Appetite stimulants. These colors are those that most people associate with fresh and ripe fruit. We all know what effect the mere mention of lemon has on the body - increased salivation begins. The features of choosing colors are based on such reflexes.

This group primarily includes “warm” colors - red, yellow, orange, as well as green and light green. By the way, exactly light green color is associated in a person’s subconscious with fresh vegetables just brought from the garden. In addition, green is the color of life, causing many positive emotions.

Photo of a white-orange-green kitchen.

  • Reducing appetite. If you are watching your weight, then your kitchen should be decorated in colors from the cool part of the spectrum. An excellent option here would be blue, indigo, and violet, which are quite rare among products in their pure form, and therefore do not evoke any culinary associations in most people. Don't forget about gray and black colors - such a monochrome kitchen won't stimulate your appetite either.
  • Neutral. The traditional neutral color is white (see also article on white kitchen). With its help you can brighten up any kitchen design. Colors natural wood, as well as eggplant - have the same effect.

Choice of colors and lighting. When it comes to choosing a color scheme for the kitchen, lighting is of no small importance. It is imperative to take into account the level of natural lighting in the kitchen. depending on the size of the windows, their number and the side on which they face.

Photo of an orange-colored kitchen.

For example, the color scheme for a small kitchen, which is also poorly lit, should consist of light colors, because otherwise you will end up with a very small and dark room, the atmosphere of which will evoke melancholy. Such a space should be decorated in light and warm colors.

Advice! If you want to visually increase the space in your apartment, use horizontal stripes. The vertical pattern, accordingly, contributes to the narrowing of space.

Orange and black kitchen.

If we talk about natural light, here the rooms are divided into two types:

  • Kitchens with windows facing north and northwest suffer from a lack of light. Such premises must be finished with colors that reflect natural light. First of all, these include: yellow, white, beige, light green. In this case, the lighter the shade, the better.
  • Kitchens located on the south side do not suffer from lack of light. Therefore, light-absorbing colors would be very appropriate in such interiors: burgundy, dark brown and purple. If the kitchen is well lit, then in this case even an interior made in red would be very appropriate (see also the article about the red kitchen).

White kitchen.

In such premises, the use of polished metal surfaces and mirrors, since their presence in the interior creates a wonderful play of color.

You should also take into account the “warmth” that is inherent in each shade. Kitchens with north-facing windows can be very uncomfortable during the cold season. That's why low temperature can be compensated by finishing the room in “warm” colors. In this case, an orange or yellow interior would be very appropriate.

The yellow color scheme of plastic for the kitchen “warms” during the cold season.

In “southern” kitchens, on the contrary, the main problem is the occurrence of excess temperature in the summer. Therefore, if the windows face south, use “cold” shades in the decoration, in particular pure white, light green, blue.

Photo of an orange kitchen.

Smooth and polished surfaces of kitchen units and household appliances have a cooler appearance than their textured counterparts.

Everything is important in the interior - proportionality and harmony of shapes, textures of materials and correctly chosen shades. It is color that can change space and influence mood, create a special atmosphere and energy. Which color scheme is suitable for a specific room and you? The best experts are nearby - salon designers " Home» will help you choose the color of the set based on the layout, location, decoration and personal preferences of everyone, because the whole family gathers in the kitchen.

How to choose a kitchen color: basic rules

Do color principles, photographs in fashion magazines and trends? Or is the execution of facades purely a matter of taste, practicality and functionality? Our designers know what “works” and what doesn’t, and take into account all the nuances.

Starting points when selecting shades and their combinations:

  • Stylistic direction. All details of a thoughtful interior are interconnected. Kitchen furniture, lamps, and decoration are ideally combined with each other, no matter what style the room is decorated in - classic, modern, country, Provence or hi-tech.
  • Location. The sunny side and maximum natural light allow you to turn to cool and warm colors - both muted and rich. A kitchen with north-facing windows needs contrasting and bright colors.
  • Dimensions of the room. Spacious kitchens provide greater freedom of choice, while small square footage requires the use of light colors that “pull apart” the walls.
  • Peculiarities of perception. Color combinations affect human emotions and evoke different responses. Shades should create the right atmosphere and be intuitively pleasant.

We select the color for the wallpaper, walls and floor

There is no need to get into the palette. Both contrasting and closely adjacent colors look impressive together - for example, blue and yellow, or red and red-violet. In the first case, they reinforce each other, in the second, they allow you to create compositions with smoothly flowing tones.

Using various combinations, you can set the rhythm and add dynamics, highlight advantages and place accents. Therefore, when choosing a color for your kitchen set, do not lose sight of the finish of the floor and walls.

Useful tips for those who are ready to experiment on their own:

  • Carefully match artificial lighting to a monochromatic interior to make it more interesting. The natural transitions of light and shadow on a sunny day disappear in the evening, and kitchen design can become boring when evenly spaced overhead lamps are turned on.
  • Combine all kinds of shades for a seamless experience. For example, choose rich yellow-green or blue-green facades under green wallpaper in light colors, which will not merge with the walls, but, on the contrary, will “open up.”
  • Use a special color wheel used in coloring to play with contrasts. The perfect companion to a “cold” gray floor will be a kitchen with a matching countertop, universal white and black, or “warm” yellow and orange facades.

What else to look for when choosing a headset color

No chandeliers, wall or built-in ceiling or furniture lamps can replace natural directional lighting from sun rays. However, the key problem on the north side is not darkness. Soft, diffused daylight makes colors fade and objects blur, making color selection difficult.

Kitchen on sunny side? Feel free to decorate it both in cold colors - blue, indigo, purple, and warm colors - red, orange, yellow and shades of natural wood.

Do the windows face north? For kitchen furniture, it is better to use contrasting solutions and choose rich colors - deep brown and chocolate, rich reds, oranges and yellows.

What color is best to choose for a small kitchen?

Private houses boast spacious rooms. Typical city apartments often provide the owner with small kitchens, where the space can be adjusted only visually.

You can distract attention from the shortcomings of the layout by using complex lighting and a light color scheme that reflects light well. The main thing is to successfully combine the shades of floor and wall coverings, accessories and furniture.

Have you decided on a color? Then order a free design project for your future kitchen

Choosing a color to enhance your kitchen

Visually expanding the room and avoiding boring monochrome interiors is real.

Choose universal white, pastel colors or any light color scheme. They refresh, visually raise the ceiling, expand and lengthen the room. Just remember that a cold palette is undesirable for dark kitchens located on the north side.

Use warm and sunny yellow colors. This is a good move to make the space brighter, create cozy interior and a positive home atmosphere.

Give preference to glossy facades. Such surfaces repel and redistribute natural and sunlight, which adds spaciousness to the room.

Color combinations in one kitchen set

A harmonious combination of shades does not necessarily imply traditional options. Even unusual color pairs can be effective. And there are many more of them than you are used to counting.

Complementary and contrasting combinations:

  • Gray - blue, black, white, yellow, orange, olive, lime, red, pink.
  • Purple - white, silver, woody shades, light green, blue, yellow, red.
  • Green - brown, beige, light blue, lilac, yellow-orange, white, beige, black.
  • Yellow - white, gray, light blue, black, blue, burgundy, emerald, purple.
  • Red - green, white, black, beige, blue, gray.
  • Orange - light and dark brown, white, black, turquoise, blue, gray.
  • Blue - blue, yellow, white, light purple.
  • Brown - orange, olive, pistachio, yellow, gray, white, beige.
  • Pink - gray, white, blue, light green, light green.
  • Turquoise - white, blue, brown, green, beige, silver.
  • Burgundy - white, black, beige, sand, olive.

What color to choose for the kitchen: examples

Conventionally, the entire palette of shades can be divided into three groups - cold, warm and universal colors. You need to select a range based not only on your own preferences, the characteristics of the room, the harmony of the combination and possible visual effects, but also on the psychology of perception. This makes it possible to create in the kitchen comfortable atmosphere and receive positive emotions every day.

Cool colors

The color blue represents peace and self-control. It is suitable for creative and phlegmatic people, requires careful work and allows you to create a spectacular interior.


  • Aligns mood and extinguishes negative emotions.
  • Ideal for kitchens with south-facing windows.
  • Gives a respectable appearance.
  • Has many shades.


  • When used in excess, it provokes depression.
  • Suppresses appetite.
  • Not suitable for small, dark rooms.

Blue color symbolizes lightness, carelessness and well-being. Kitchens in this range are free from unnecessary pretentiousness and provide comfort.


  • Combines with almost any tones.
  • Helps make the space wider and brighter.
  • Promotes relaxation.


  • Causes despondency and apathy when in excess.
  • Implies the need for careful care of surfaces.

The color purple carries mystery, has strong energy and huge potential. Often chosen by powerful or experimental people.


  • Allows you to create stylish designs.
  • Calms and helps get rid of negative emotions.
  • Adds coolness and freshness.


  • Not suitable for those prone to depression.
  • Looks aggressive in large doses and too bright shades.

Turquoise color speaks of harmony, sophistication and wealth. It is positive and universal, suitable for people of different psychotypes and has wide decorative possibilities.


  • Refreshing and goes well with bright colors.
  • Has many variations.
  • Used in both calm and expressive interiors.
  • Calms and helps cope with stress.


  • May look gloomy in dark, north-facing rooms.

Green color belongs to the neutral tones and is considered the most comfortable of the palette. Kitchens in this design are ideal for creating a peaceful interior.


  • Has an anti-stress effect.
  • Offers dozens of light and dark shades.
  • Perfectly complements any colors.
  • Used in rooms decorated in different styles.


  • Depending on the tone, it can both suppress and stimulate appetite.

Warm colors

Yellow is a cheerful and bright color, associated with the sun and creates an atmosphere of warmth. It is well received and suitable for cozy home interiors.


  • Easily combined with other palettes.
  • Has a positive impact.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Allows you to find dynamic and interesting solutions.


  • It weighs heavily in its pure form and is not suitable for monochrome interiors.

The color red has a powerful effect and symbolizes the fullness of life. It is better to entrust interior design and kitchen design using it to a professional designer.


  • Awakens energy and strength.
  • Great for adding accents.
  • Combines effectively with different colors in luxurious interiors.


  • When in excess, it causes a feeling of anxiety and irritation.
  • Not suitable for those who often lose their inner balance.

Orange color is energetic and gives positive emotions. Kitchens decorated using its shades will become a unique source of joy.


  • Stimulates and helps adjust mood.
  • Improves appetite and body function.
  • Very good for placing accents, correcting room imperfections and insufficient lighting.


  • Tires when viewed for a long time.
  • Displaces other shades and requires dosed use.

Promotes stability and confidence. It is chosen when designing a kitchen by those who value functionality, home comfort and prefer conservative solutions.


  • Shows enormous design potential.
  • Allows you to experiment due to the mass of shades.
  • Calms and relaxes.


  • It has a number of shades that are difficult to perceive.
  • Dark colors are not suitable for small rooms.

Pink is a sentimental color, associated with tenderness and sensitivity. Preferred by sociable and positive people who love originality in everything.


  • Improves mood.
  • It “reveals” well in the interior.
  • Suitable for adding accents and giving the kitchen a luxurious look.


  • Requires caution in use to avoid bad taste.
  • Romantic and unlikely to be appreciated by the male half of the family.

Burgundy color is noble and aristocratic. Kitchens with wine-colored and ripe facades attract the attention of mature individuals with their special temperament and restrained severity.


  • Brings zest, elegance and chic to the interior.
  • Allows you to find bold design solutions.
  • Revitalizes and suits different styles - from classic to gothic.


  • Used only in spacious rooms where scale can be emphasized.
  • When in excess, it depresses and creates a feeling of gloom.

Neutral colors

White color is the equivalent of purity, conciseness and positivity. Stylish snow-white kitchens are refined, luxuriously simple, and emphasize family happiness, peace and well-being.


  • Adds freshness and light.
  • Corrects the shortcomings of the room, visually enlarging it.
  • Gives a feeling of peace and emphasizes the style of the interior.


  • Requires constant attention and thorough cleaning.
  • Reminds me of the sterility of hospital rooms.

Black color adds depth to style, emphasizes elegance and creates a special atmosphere. When used correctly, it makes it possible to achieve a chic interior.


  • Combines well with almost all shades.
  • Enhances the impact of nearby flowers.
  • Looks luxurious and combines with glossy and mirror surfaces.


  • In the absence of a “golden mean” it is depressing.
  • Only used in large rooms.
  • Impractical.

Gray color is conservative and controversial. It does not cause violent emotions and sharp psychological reactions, functional and appreciated by modern designers.


  • Visually increases the space.
  • Suitable for use as a base or base for combination with different tones.
  • Creates an atmosphere of calm.
  • Makes the interior extraordinary.


  • May be associated with poverty and facelessness.
  • Not used in dark shades due to excessive darkness.

How to avoid mistakes when choosing

When choosing a color palette for kitchen furniture, you need to remember that it can either transform the space - visually expand, add light and help achieve harmony, or change it for the worse.

The main mistakes when choosing shades are ignoring the planning decisions of the room, its level of natural light and design recommendations for combining tones. Don’t rely only on personal preferences and photos fashionable interiors. In the first case, you forget that the kitchen is used by the whole family and should be comfortable for everyone; in the second, you forget about the rapid change in trends.


In fact, the concept of “correct color combination" - No. There are well-chosen and successful combinations that are perfect for a specific home and only your family. Don’t be afraid of experiments and self-expression - voice your wishes to our designers, and they will design a unique kitchen that will bring joy every day.

Useful article

How to choose a kitchen façade: examples with photos