Homemade vacuum cleaner for the workshop, cyclone type. Homemade cyclone filter from PVC sewer pipes

Quite often after various types work remains large number fine dust and debris that can only be removed with good vacuum cleaner . Simple home apparatus not suited for this. It is necessary to use a high-power industrial vacuum cleaner. You can make a filter for it yourself.

People who constantly work in the construction industry need to clean up a large amount of various small debris and dust. This could be old plaster, leftover foam, drywall, or wood dust. Such debris can settle in a thick layer throughout the room. It is very difficult to sweep this dust with a broom or wipe it with a rag, because due to the large size of the room, such cleaning will take a long time.

Using a vacuum cleaner in this case is optimal. A regular product used at home is not suitable for these purposes. The ingress of wood chips or sawdust will clog the vacuum cleaner or completely disable it. Also, a large amount of fine dust will quickly clog the dust collector, which will need to be cleaned every 20 minutes.

But construction vacuum cleaners are large, inconvenient to use and maintain, and have a very high cost. For this reason, some home craftsmen have learned to increase the capabilities of their household product by equipping it with a specialized cyclone filter. Such dust collectors can be purchased at hardware store or make it at home with your own hands. On the Internet you can find many drawings of dust collectors for woodworking workshops.

Experts highlight the following advantages of cyclone filters:

  • no need to constantly buy disposable bags and containers for collecting fine dust;
  • small sizes;
  • quiet operation of the device;
  • when the filter housing is made of transparent plastic, it is possible to monitor its contamination;
  • high efficiency.

Operating principle of a cyclone filter

The cyclone consists of several parts:

  • pipe branch;
  • frame;
  • dust collector;
  • chamber with membrane filter;
  • intake fan.

Dirty air enters the cylindrical body of the product through the pipe. The pipe is located tangentially to the side walls of the housing, so the air flow near the cylinder walls twists in a spiral. Due to centrifugal force, dirt particles are pressed against the body of the device and then fall into a special dust collector. The remaining air with dust particles enters another chamber, which is equipped with several membrane filters. As a result, all collected dust ends up in the receiving fan.

The membrane compartment is the least contaminated and must be cleaned only after finishing cleaning. The collected dust is simply removed from a special storage device, and the device is again ready to perform its duties.

Vacuum cleaners with a similar principle of operation are much cheaper than water ones, but more expensive than membrane ones. For this reason, home craftsmen assemble the cyclone themselves and then connect it to a household vacuum cleaner.

DIY cyclone from scrap materials

It is quite easy to assemble a cyclone filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands. It is often necessary when processing wood. Together with a framer or an electric planer, a membrane-type vacuum cleaner gets clogged very quickly and needs to be cleaned frequently, which greatly distracts from production process. When a craftsman is engaged in carpentry in small room, That small sawdust creates a lot of problems. For this purpose, a cyclone was designed and manufactured from simple parts, which is not inferior to its factory counterparts.

Materials for manufacturing

To make a homemade cyclone, you will need the following materials:

Assembling a cyclone for a household vacuum cleaner

On the lid plastic containers a special bracket is attached for a small air filter, which can be made from a metal strip or corners. The air filter must fit very tightly to the plastic lid of the container. Otherwise, dusty air will enter the outlet pipe. Next, the outlet pipe must be sealed tightly on top of the lid. Through it, purified air will flow into the household vacuum cleaner. Experts advise leaving the membrane filter of the household product. This will help keep the fan free from dirt and will not weaken the air flow.

Near the air filter it is worth placing a special dust trap, which is assembled from thin metal sheet. This element is capable of repelling small particles of dirt that do not fall under the influence of gravity, which allows you to clean the filter much less frequently. An old woman's stocking can do the same job, protecting the filter pores from large and light particles of dust.

The homemade inlet pipe must be positioned tangentially to the walls of the housing and slightly tilted towards the bottom of the device. Dirty air will be immediately sent in the right direction. To ensure that the walls of the container do not collapse due to the vacuum environment, they must be well reinforced with a strip of metal. Plastic containers are not able to withstand heavy loads because the material is quite thin. Since the device is large in size, it is worth making a plywood frame, which it would not hurt to equip with small swivel wheels.

Next, you need to properly secure the assembled filter and household vacuum cleaner to the frame. The fastening must ensure quick dismantling in order to clean the container from collected debris. At the end of the work, you need to test the device. All debris should remain at the bottom of the plastic container.

How to make an aqua filter for a vacuum cleaner

When a person does not need a professional construction vacuum cleaner, he can make water filter for chips in a different way. For example, it can be made from ordinary traffic cone. Any plastic container with thick walls and a well-closing lid will serve as a dust collector. It is worth noting that plastic container plays a role air system , and leakage has a bad effect on the power of the device. It is necessary to cut the support square from the traffic cone. Based on the resulting hole shape, you need to cut out the top cover from plywood.

An outlet pipe is fixed into the top cover using sealant, which should be made from an ordinary sewer pipe. This part must be lowered to the middle of the construction cone. When it is raised higher, the dust swirl will be incorrect. If the outlet pipe goes down too low, dirt will be sucked into it.

The narrow part of the traffic cone is also sealed into a circle of plywood, which is attached to the trash compartment. It is worth checking the tightness of all seams and connections several times. An inlet pipe is placed near the upper cut of the cone, into which dirty air will enter.

Next, you need to check that the dust collector is assembled correctly. The outlet pipe must be connected to the inlet of a household vacuum cleaner using a factory hose. Therefore, the nozzle should be selected in accordance with the diameter of the vacuum cleaner hose. The waste collection hose is connected to the inlet pipe of the product. A test run is required. When the device is assembled correctly, all debris will accumulate at the bottom of the plastic container, and the membrane filter of the household vacuum cleaner should remain clean.

You can make the cone shape with your own hands. For example, make it from metal sheet, having previously calculated the layout of the product. An old galvanized metal bucket may also work.

When working in a workshop or at home grinding tool, when processing parts and preparing surfaces, there is a need to remove fine dust. And, of course, it is advisable to reduce its concentration even during work by organizing local constant air purification at the workplace.

At enterprises, this problem is solved by installing filter units with a cyclone, which collects and sediments dust with the required efficiency.

In our case it is enough make a vacuum cleaner with a cyclone, thereby saving on the purchase of a construction vacuum cleaner, where such a function is provided by the manufacturer.

The principle of operation of a homemade construction vacuum cleaner with a cyclone filter

There are several options for manufacturing a cyclone for household needs. To decide on the most effective scheme operation of the equipment, you should know the operating principle of this filter.

Cyclone in classic version It is a cylinder and a cone, in the upper part of which there is an inlet for polluted air and an outlet for purified air.

The inlet is made so that the air enters the filter tangentially, forming a rotating flow directed towards the equipment cone (down).

Inertial forces act on pollutant particles and carry them out of the flow to the walls of the apparatus, where dust settles.

Under the influence of gravity and secondary flow, the mass deposited on the walls moves towards the cone and is removed into the receiving hopper. The purified air rises up along the central axis and is discharged through a pipe located strictly in the center of the upper platform of the cyclone.

Required condition effective cleaning air is the exact calculation of the apparatus and the tightness of the cyclone, including in relation to the receiving hopper.

Otherwise, the principle of operation is disrupted and chaotic air movement occurs, preventing dust from settling normally.

In addition, it is necessary to select a motor that sucks in contaminated air, which will ensure optimal operating parameters of the equipment.

Homemade filter for a construction vacuum cleaner, the variants of which are offered on the Internet cannot be called a full-fledged cyclone.

The most simple circuit Such equipment is a plastic barrel with an embedded inlet pipe tangentially, a built-in filter from a car inside the “cyclone” body, through which purified air is removed and to which a household vacuum cleaner is connected.

The disadvantages of the equipment are the absence of a formed flow swirling along the walls of the barrel and a laminar return flow.

In essence, we get an additional capacity for settling large particles (sawdust, shavings), and fine dust will clog the filter at the outlet, and will require constant cleaning.

To improve the design, we suggest adding a plastic barrel homemade cyclone made from a traffic cone. It is best to install a stationary version of equipment for removing dust from the workplace if work is carried out over several hours.

In this case, we need a radial household fan. And with a one-time connection of the cyclone, it is enough to use a regular vacuum cleaner with adjustable suction power.

Sometimes an additional rheostat is installed to reduce the rotation speed of the vacuum cleaner engine, thereby selecting the parameters necessary for the normal functioning of the filter.

In the following sections of the article we will present you with two options for a cyclone for domestic use.

Selection of equipment - what is needed for work

For the first design option for a permanent installation, you will need the following components:

  • Plastic barrel;
  • Gray plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • Traffic cone;
  • Corrugated hoses, reinforced steel wire or metallized hoses;
  • Adhesive for plastic;
  • Radial household fan with the ability to change the engine speed and performance equal to six times the exchange of air in the room;
  • Plywood 10-12 mm thick.

The second version of the product is the most successful, since in this case the product approaches the functionality of a real cyclone.

To make a filter you will need to purchase:

  • Ready-made plastic cyclone made in China;
  • A barrel, bucket or other container for making a dust bin;
  • Corrugated hoses.

A plastic cyclone is inexpensive, approximately 1500-2500 rubles, and is designed to collect medium and heavy dust. Works great with shavings and sawdust.

Step-by-step instructions for the cyclone assembly process

Our first option is a stationary design for workshops with large amounts of dust of various origins.

Assembling the filter cyclone type for vacuum cleaner
  1. First we make the cyclone itself. We make a hole in the plastic cone to allow the sewer pipe to pass tangentially.
  2. For better connection The mating surface of the pipe with the cone body is matted with emery cloth. We glue the seams using a mounting gun.
  3. In the upper part of the cone we install a vertical pipe, the lower end of which should be below the inlet. This way we can achieve vortex air movement. The pipe is fixed in a plywood sheet in the shape of a circle with a diameter equal to the size of the base of the cone.
  4. The prepared cyclone is secured to the barrel lid using a round plywood sheet.
  5. To prevent the plastic barrel from becoming deformed under the influence of vacuum when the inlet pipe becomes clogged with debris, we install a spacer inside the container - a frame made of plywood sheet. External dimensions the frames follow the inner diameter of the barrel. To strengthen the structure, we attach the construction cone to the lid of the container using metal pins.
  6. Next, we connect the cyclone to the corrugated hoses at the inlet and outlet. We install a radial household fan outdoors under a canopy.

The second version of the construction vacuum cleaner is based on a Chinese plastic cyclone, which is also attached to any of the selected containers. The result is a reliable and efficient design.
The cyclone is attached to the container using a metal clamping flange.


When starting the vacuum cleaner and further operation, do not forget to clean the inlet pipe and stop the internal spacers on the containers to prevent deformation of the receiving hopper.

If finer air purification is required, the design is supplemented with a car filter in the housing at the outlet of the product.

Cyclone-type installations are used in industry for purifying gases and liquids. The operating principle of the filter is based on the physical laws of inertia and gravity. Through top part Air (water) is sucked out of the device through the filter. A vortex flow is created in the filter. As a result, the contaminated product enters the filter through a pipe located on the side of the upper part. Since debris particles are heavier, they settle in the lower part of the filter, and the purified product is discharged through the upper part. Today we will look at just such a filter, made for the workshop, together with the author of the homemade product.

Tools and materials:
76 l waste container;
Plastic pipe;
Masking tape:
Hand milling machine;
Electric jigsaw;
Glue gun;
Band saw;
Grinding machine.

Then from the lid, using band saw, cuts out a circle with a diameter of 40 cm.

The place of the cut is glued and polished.

In a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, which remains from cutting out the bottom cover, cut out the middle according to the diameter of the plastic pipe. This blank will be installed at the top of the device.

For the side wall, the author used transparent polycarbonate. This will allow you to control the operation of the filter and the filling of the trash can. I rolled up a polycarbonate cylinder and inserted it into the inner hole of the bottom cover. Marked and cut along the joint. I received a cylinder with a diameter of 40 cm and a height of 15 cm.

Having inserted the polycarbonate cylinder into the inner ring of the bottom cover, drill holes in 10 cm increments. Fix the cylinder with self-tapping screws. In order to crush the polycarbonate, the bottom of the screws must be flat.

The top cover is inserted into another part of the cylinder. Secure with tape. After drilling the holes, fasten the polycarbonate with self-tapping screws.


For the inlet and outlet holes the author used plastic pipe with a diameter of 7.6 cm, as well as two couplings for it.
First, the inlet hole is made. Cuts a 23 cm piece from the pipe. Cuts the coupling in half. Cut a rectangle from plywood with sides 12.5 and 15 cm. Cut a hole 8.9 cm in the middle ( O.D. couplings). Inserting a pipe into the hole, secure it on both sides with a coupling. Seals the seam with hot glue.

A cut piece measuring 12.5 by 20 cm is screwed to the side wall of the rectangle (12.5 cm).

Then the author cuts the pipe and plywood in such a way that the curvature of the cut coincides with the curvature of the cylinder.

Having attached the structure to the installation site, he takes measurements to make a vertical support. Having cut it out, it is attached to the body. It attaches where the seam of the cylinder goes, thus closing it.

Marks the location of the inlet cutout on the polycarbonate. He cuts it out with a drill.

Installs the inlet pipe into the hole and secures it. The seam is sealed with hot glue.

Next he makes the outlet pipe. Cuts a 15 cm piece of pipe. Inserts it into the hole in the top cover. Installs a coupling on both sides. Treated with hot glue.

The author made the bottom screen from MDF. Screen size 46 cm in diameter, thickness 3 mm. Draw a circle at a distance of 5 cm from the edge. Measures an angle of 120 degrees. Trims a strip between the sides of a corner. Screws the screen to the bottom cover so that the cutout begins immediately behind the inlet pipe.

Very often when installation work With electricity, it is impossible to do without a vacuum cleaner. This is primarily due to the processes of wall gating.

You cannot use homemade household models for this task, otherwise you will ruin them on the very first day of work. Their dust collectors will fill up very quickly, and the vacuum cleaner itself will overheat.

Only professional craftsmen who earn a daily living from this type of activity can afford to buy a construction equipment, which costs quite a bit of money.

But what if you are not a builder and you only need such a device to complete electrical repairs in your apartment? Optimal output In this case, one option is to make a construction vacuum cleaner yourself from an ordinary one.

Moreover, such a change will only take you a few minutes. And the materials that are required for this can be easily found in the pantry, or purchased in addition at the nearest plumbing store.

Let's take a closer look at two very similar methods, which nevertheless have design differences among themselves.

Homemade cyclone from a household vacuum cleaner

The first method has been presented on the Internet and on YouTube for quite some time. You can easily find many videos with similar homemade cyclones.

However, they raise quite natural questions and skepticism among professional builders. Therefore, it should be noted right away that they are mostly suitable for removing wood chips.

But it is better not to work with cement dust with such devices. The second option is more tailored to it.

The main “trick” that will allow you to easily suck in kilograms of garbage, wood, and metal filings and not worry about frequently changing filter bags is a homemade “separator”.

It will then need to be constructed from several components. For the entire assembly you will need:

A bucket of Shitrok putty is best suited here. It is harder to flatten it with a vacuum.

First of all, drill or carefully cut a through hole for the tube in the center of the bucket lid.

Mark the third hole closer to the edges of the cover, where the stiffener is.

If you do not have a special crown, then first pierce the intended circle with an awl and carefully cut it with a stationery knife.

The edges will be uneven, but they can be processed with a round file.

Two sewer outlets are inserted into these holes. So that they hold securely and there is no additional air leakage, it is better to glue them.

To do this, first sand the edges of the tube with sandpaper or a file to create a rough surface.

Do the same operation with the lid.

After this, insert the tube into the inside of the cap and apply a thick layer of glue with a hot-melt gun.

Don't skimp on glue. This will help create a good seal in these places and tightly close all the cracks.

There is actually another option in which you can do without glue and fan pipes altogether. To do this, purchase rubber adapter couplings from Leroy Merlin.

They happen different diameters. Select according to the size of your hose.

For example, a tube from a 35mm hose is tightly inserted into a 40/32 coupling. But in a 40mm pipe it will dangle. We'll have to reel in something and collective farm.

On the tube that is located on the edge of the lid, place the sewer outlet at 90 degrees.

At this point, the separator design can be said to be almost ready. Install the lid with outlets on the bucket.

The air intake hose from the vacuum cleaner is inserted into the central hole.

And stick the piece that you will use to collect all the debris and dust into the corner joint.

It is desirable that the tubes contain O-rings according to the size of the corrugated hoses of the vacuum cleaner.

This completes the entire assembly. You can plug in the vacuum cleaner and use it.

Here visual video from the inside of a bucket of similar design. It clearly shows how sawdust is sucked into the separator, but cannot escape from it and get into the vacuum cleaner.

The operating principle here is as follows. Coarse dust sucked into the container falls to the bottom of the container. At the same time, it does not enter the area where air is pumped directly.

Three factors help in this matter:

  • gravity
  • friction
  • centrifugal force

They then make the garbage rotate inside the bucket, pressing against its walls, and then fall to the bottom. And only the fine fraction goes directly into the dust collector of the vacuum cleaner.

Typically, such a cyclone in factory designs has the shape of a cone, but cylindrical specimens also often cope well with this task.

True, the higher the bucket, the better the installation will work. Much here depends on the correct combination of the design of the container and the power of the vacuum cleaner. Here is a sign from Chinese cyclones correct selection hose diameter and unit power.

In cylindrical buckets, the tangential air flow enters not through a curved side wall, and through the flat lid. Assembling such a device is much easier.

Also, if you have several buckets, you can use them alternately. Just remove the lid from one and move it to the other. Moreover, this is even easier to do than in bulky cyclones.

If you have a powerful vacuum cleaner, instead of a plastic bucket for emulsion paint, it is better to use a metal tank of the same shape. Otherwise, the bucket will collapse and flatten it.

The power regulator helps in this matter. If, of course, it is present in your model.

Why does the vacuum cleaner still fail?

With this method, all the fine dust will enter the vacuum cleaner bag, and more or less large fractions will simply settle and remain in the bucket. As do-it-yourselfers assure, more than 95% of construction waste settles in the separator and only 5% goes directly into the dust collector of a household vacuum cleaner.

However, the thing is that even this 5% can gradually kill the vacuum cleaner. Moreover, even industrial cyclones the declared efficiency is rarely more than 90%, but what about home-made products in which the aerodynamics are far from perfect.

For 100% collection of the fine fraction, you need an electric precipitator or a bubble column.

By the way, some types of dust cause very strong static voltage. Be careful when working.

The longer you work with the unit without unplugging it, the higher the charge may be. Here, read the instructive commentary of one real user of such a homemade product.

Therefore, on many cyclones, even factory-assembled ones, the flange is grounded.

Five percent petty wood shavings Of course, they are not terrible for a household vacuum cleaner. What if it is fine cement dust during gating?

When such particles get inside, they clog the filter tightly.

And this happens very quickly. The entire effectiveness of the “cyclone” drops by at least 2/3 within a matter of minutes.

The main problem is the dust bag. It is dense and the filtration area is small. Therefore, it is not suitable for waste from plaster and concrete walls.

What to do? Is it really impossible to do without a real construction project? During intensive work, only an expensive and professional tool really saves you.

What is the difference between a construction vacuum cleaner and a regular one?

But for occasional work, this design It can be slightly modified and improved. The idea belongs to Shayter Andrey.

Before we look at the second design option, ask yourself the question: “What is one of the main differences between household vacuum cleaners and construction vacuum cleaners?”

In domestic models, cooling occurs due to the intake air.

That is, you vacuum the floor, the air sucks in debris. Next, it is filtered and cooled by the engine itself. After which the air is thrown out.

This is where the risk of engine damage comes from. Firstly, when the filter becomes clogged, engine cooling drops sharply.

Secondly, cement dust is 100% not retained in the dust collector, and some of it flies through the windings, along the way removing the varnish insulation like sandpaper. Such dispersed dust kills everything that rubs and rotates.

Adding water to the bottom of the tank doesn't really help. Instead of dust, you will get a lot of dirt, the weight of the bucket, and the filters will still eventually become clogged.

In professional devices, the engine is cooled separately, through special technological holes. Therefore, they are not so afraid of bags completely filled with garbage.

Moreover, they also have automatic cleaning or shaking.

In order to remake it wisely household model, you will need a little more spare parts than in the first case.

Working version of a construction vacuum cleaner from a household one

Main additional element here is a filter bag from nonwoven fabric. Instances from Karcher are very suitable - article number 2.863-006.0

Actually, this filter is disposable. Your task is to make a reusable element out of it.

To do this, cut it bottom part and fold it a little, slightly reducing the width (up to 22cm).

Next, this lower part needs to be closed with a special lid. You make it from two elements of a plastic cable channel and a piece of polypropylene pipe.

Saw the tube lengthwise, with a slot width of approximately 5mm.

Apply them with the back side to the fabric at the bottom.

Then insert the prepared tube through the slot.

As a result, from a disposable one you have a reusable filter bag. And much more larger size than the one installed inside the household model.

Next, you go through the previously discussed steps to modernize the bucket. Drill holes in the lid and insert rubber corrugated adapters into them.

One will be for connecting the filter bag, the other will be for the hose. Select the sizes according to the diameters of your devices.

Here you can do without fan pipes and corners. Next, place the plastic insert from the reusable filter onto the adapter.

All that remains is to tightly close the lid on the bucket. The structure is ready for use.

Although it is similar, it differs from the first option above. After you turn on the unit and begin to suck in debris, it is the homemade reusable dust collector that will collect all the muck and dirt.

Dust will not fly around as in the previous case. On the contrary, this bag will swell inside the bucket due to the air flow.

Gradually it will be filled with both heavy and small fractions that could have been missed by the cyclone.

However, do not forget about clogging the walls of the reusable filter and reducing the draft of the cooling air flow. In order not to burn out the motor of a household vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to carry out one more action.

How not to burn a household vacuum cleaner

Most modern models there is a built-in safety valve. It shows when the filters are already clogged and at this moment additional air flow opens.

True, this is already considered emergency. Your task is not to wait for the valve to operate, but to use a slightly different trick.

Some devices have a draft regulator directly on the handle in the form of a hole that opens or closes. It should just be opened slightly for any type of work.

If you do not have such a factory regulator, you can drill a small additional hole with a diameter of 12 mm in the bucket lid itself.

Well, and most importantly, do not forget that any household vacuum cleaner, no matter how you modernize it, has a certain lifespan continuous operation. Be sure to record the start time and do not work longer than the prescribed period.

That is, just take breaks. At least to shake the homemade filter. And it just shakes itself along with the bucket.

When the dust container is significantly full, open the lid of the bucket and lightly pull the tube out from the guides at the bottom of the bag.

It will open and the debris and dust can be removed. After that, put the entire structure back together and continue working.

Normal operation of the bag is enough for about three full fillings. After this, cement dust in the fabric itself begins to greatly inhibit the air flow.

You will have to either replace the filter with a new one, or not just shake it, but thoroughly clean it of all fine debris and continue working as if nothing had happened.

In the process of various construction and repair work indoors, there is often a need to remove construction waste. It is not recommended to use a regular vacuum cleaner for this purpose, since there is a high probability of failure of the filter, or even the entire vacuum cleaner. For this purpose, a construction vacuum cleaner is used, which is designed specifically for such work.

Let's look at what a construction (industrial) vacuum cleaner is and its main differences from a household one.

The power of a construction vacuum cleaner is several times greater than that of a household vacuum cleaner and can reach 4 kW. Thanks to this you can easily remove construction waste both small and large. With its help, you can easily remove cement dust, fragments of plaster, various fragments and sand, etc. The body of an industrial vacuum cleaner is mainly made of metal.

The vacuum cleaner has a reinforced filtration system. The motor of such a vacuum cleaner can work for a long time and withstand heavy loads, thanks to special system cooling. The dust collector capacity of a construction vacuum cleaner is much larger than a conventional vacuum cleaner. All construction vacuum cleaners have an outlet for connecting power tools.

Such a vacuum cleaner costs more than a regular one, so many craftsmen try to make a construction vacuum cleaner with their own hands by remaking a household vacuum cleaner, and often encounter certain difficulties.

This article contains the most successful technical solutions How to convert a household vacuum cleaner into a construction vacuum cleaner. If you have a medium-power vacuum cleaner at home, then if you wish, you can turn it into a construction vacuum cleaner. Or you can buy an inexpensive vacuum cleaner and, by improving it, turn it into an industrial one. To do this, you don’t have to remake the vacuum cleaner itself, you just need to make external filter DIY cyclone. Next, we will consider two main options for manufacturing such a filter with and without a cone.

A description of homemade cyclone filters is given in this article mainly to introduce you to general idea and the operating principle of such devices. This means that, having familiarized yourself with the design, you are not obliged to repeat it completely, but can make various changes to it, or using the basic idea, make a cyclone filter of a completely new design.

Operating principle of the cyclone filter

The principle of operation of this filter is based on the passage of contaminated air through an external device, in which large particles settle in its housing, then the air is cleaned of fine dust, passing through the oil filter, and enters the turbine of the vacuum cleaner. Thus, the vacuum cleaner itself receives air that has already been purified from dust and debris.

Cyclone filter option 1 (without cone)

To make a cyclone filter with your own hands, you will need the following parts and materials:

  • Oil filter. It filters fine dust.
  • Bucket with a tight-fitting lid 20 l.
  • Polypropylene elbows, intended for water supply systems, and having an angle of 90 and 45 degrees and a diameter of 40 mm - 1 piece.
  • Plumbing pipe, plastic – 1 meter, diameter 40 mm.
  • Piece corrugated pipe 2 meters long and 40 mm in diameter. You will need it to log into the device.

Manufacturing process

1. In the lid of the bucket, in the center, you need to cut a hole into which a 90-degree angle is inserted; a vacuum cleaner will be connected to it.

2. Seal the cracks with sealant.

3. Cut a hole in the side wall of the bucket and insert a 45 degree corner.

4. A piece of pipe is used to connect the corrugation to the elbow.
5. For a longer service life of the filter, you can stretch a piece of nylon tights over it.

6. The filter outlet must be connected to the elbow in the bucket lid.

It may not be possible to fit the filter onto the outlet pipe. For this purpose, you need to come up with some kind of adapter. A piece of corrugation for a plumbing siphon or a rubber hose of a certain diameter may be suitable. It is advisable to coat all connections with sealant. An oil filter can be purchased at a store that sells auto parts.

It must be borne in mind that when closing the inlet, the bucket may crack. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the bucket in some way, or provide something like a valve. The main thing is not to rush in this matter, measure all the connections, and then you will succeed.

Only one of the options is described above. There are many similar designs. Instead of a bucket they use plastic barrels, there are structures where the funnel pipe plays the role of a bucket. Many craftsmen make their own containers from tin or thin iron.

Some inventors design a cyclone filter using a cone. This design often uses a traffic cone.

Option 2 (using a traffic cone)

The following parts and materials will be required:

  • Road cone (can be purchased at a car store).
  • Two meter rods 8 mm.
  • Washers, nuts and lock washers 8 mm.
  • Corrugated tubes with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of about 2 meters - two pieces.

Manufacturing process

  1. Cut off the stand at the very base of the cone. The cone is inserted into the bucket from above upside down. A tube is inserted inside the bucket. The space between the cone and the tube should be filled with construction foam.
  2. Cut a square out of 20 mm thick plywood so that the base of the cone fits into it and still has some space left. 4 holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled in the corners of the square. A hole is cut in the center for the tube; a corrugated hose will be placed on it, connecting the device to the vacuum cleaner.
  3. The lid for the bucket is cut out of multi-layer plywood and should fit tightly to the bucket. Glue a rubber gasket along its edges.
  4. A hole is sawed in the lid with a diameter for the narrow end of the cone.
  5. After the cone is inserted into the plywood cover, the joint is covered with foam. The cone should be placed upside down on the bucket, and is attached using four threaded rods, 50 cm long and 8 mm in diameter, they hold the plywood square with the cone screwed to it.
  6. Not far from the base of the cone, in its wide part, a hole is drilled for a tube to connect to a corrugated hose. Various construction waste will be sucked through it.

A fine filter is not used in this version of the cyclone, so fine dust can enter the vacuum cleaner turbine. When constructing such devices, vacuum cleaners with a bag are mainly used. Therefore, fine dust, if it gets inside, settles in the bag.

Options for homemade construction vacuum cleaners with an additional cyclone filter allow craftsmen to test various options, without fear of ruining the vacuum cleaner itself, since most of the debris is retained by the filter.

When making a cyclone filter with your own hands, do not be afraid to experiment, and in the end you will definitely achieve the desired result.