Waste oil burner - device. Waste oil burner for a heating boiler Do-it-yourself oil burner for a boiler drawings

After using a vehicle, a large amount of used oil remains. The law prohibits pouring liquid into the ground or water bodies, so it is disposed of at enterprises. This problem can be solved by creating a burner for mining with your own hands. The simple design will please you with its high reliability and efficiency, and is useful for use at home.

History of the design

For the first time, homemade waste oil burners appeared in the last century. Due to frequent power outages and central heating people were looking for ways to heat rooms cheaply. And if gas and electricity were expensive, then liquid fuel it cost practically nothing, so it turned out to be more profitable to use even compared to firewood, coal or peat. Then burners were invented that worked on the principle of kerosene gas (kerosene-based devices). The liquid evaporated under the influence high temperature, and the steam was burned in a separate pyrolysis chamber.

The disadvantages of this equipment were soot and bad smell, so people separated the fuel into fractions and then burned them separately. Then the English scientist Babbington received a patent for a new stove running on diesel fuel. As soon as the copyright expired, the design of the burner was repeated by home craftsmen and industrial enterprises. The device using waste oil turned out to be more economical and reliable.

Waste oil burner

Main parts of oil equipment:

  • fuel line;
  • container for liquid;
  • pump connected to the gap;
  • a bowl in the form of a hemisphere with a small hole;
  • a nozzle entering this opening;
  • pallet.

The hemisphere is installed slightly below the fuel line, through which the oil flows and evaporates. The vapors rise, mix with the air stream, and form a fuel mixture. The liquid that has not had time to evaporate falls into the pan, and from it flows through the pipe back into the container. Although the design is very simple, All parts must be manufactured carefully and accurately. Finished drawings It is better to download injectors for testing yourself from the Internet.

Burner in production DS2 (12-55) kW.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The burner is created not only because of its efficiency. The design has several advantages:

Industries that have significant oil waste can save on heating and waste disposal. Other types of burners consume much more fuel with the same operating efficiency. Small dimensions allow the structure to be integrated into any heating system.

The disadvantages include frequent contamination of the fuel tank, which is why the oil needs to be constantly filtered. Pump and air compressor work from electrical network, and this is expensive. In residential areas, the burner should not be used for a long time, as it emits an unpleasant odor. A drain must be made for combustion products.


Operating principles

Typically, in a burner design, the air-oil mixture is supplied under pressure through a nozzle. But in the Babbington device, vegetable fuel is supplied using a pump and flows through a spherical part into pipes and a pan. The liquid creates a thin film and evaporates. The steam enters the air currents, which enter the burner through small hole in the sphere. Oil in a gaseous state is mixed with air, which forms a fuel torch. It is ignited and warms the walls of the furnace, boiler heat exchanger or boiler.

Some of the fuel does not have time to evaporate or burn, so it flows below the hole and ends up in a special pan. The liquid then passes into the fuel tank and the cycle repeats. Fluidity and volatility will increase if the oil is preheated. Warm waste breaks up into droplets, which increases the efficiency of the entire structure.

Step-by-step production

Before you make a burner for mining, you need to stock up on some tools and materials. List of what you might need:

The pump can be taken from any brand of car or motorcycle. Its drive shaft is connected to an electric motor. A compressor from an old refrigerator will ensure long-term operation of the device. The tube is screwed into the hole of the cross, a plug is attached to the second opening, after first attaching a hemisphere to it so that it is located in the center. Then a pipeline is supplied to supply air.

You need to screw a fuel line into the upper opening, through which oil will flow to the sphere. Bottom hole goes to the pan where the waste that has not had time to burn is collected.

The burner has several main components through which fuel passes:

  • control and power unit;
  • car pump;
  • fuel tank;
  • compressor;
  • cross.

All parts are fixed in a metal frame. The most responsible job is making your own nozzle for used oil. The efficiency of the device depends on its quality. The size of the nozzle opening directly affects the burner power. The opening must be made perfectly even and smooth, then the torch will have suitable shape. It is better to use a ready-made jet from a carburetor or gas stove- he has optimal diameter.

Safety rules

During the manufacture and operation of a multi-fuel burner for boiler heating, you must follow the rules fire safety. Before using the welding machine, the master puts on work gloves and a protective mask, and removes all flammable objects at a considerable distance.

Before installing the KChM burner, you need to check its operation - light it, let all the fuel burn, clean its elements and start it again. You can filter and heat the waste in advance.

It is necessary to avoid getting water inside the structure, as this can cause a fire. Also, do not touch the hot body of the device, otherwise the risk of burns and injuries increases.

In this article we will look at how to make an exhaust burner for boilers with your own hands from scrap materials. Every motorist often has a question about where to dispose of used oil. After all, you can’t pour it on the ground - it harms the soil, but you can make a burner that will be fueled with waste. After all, this material is an excellent fuel; the main thing is to provide all the conditions for its high-quality combustion.

Combustion conditions

In order for a homemade burner to work during mining, several requirements must be met. In particular, oil will burn best when heated and atomized. It is not difficult to fulfill these conditions; the article provides several options for burners that have a powerful flame of fire, and most importantly, a large amount of thermal energy is released.

It should be noted that it is allowed to fulfill at least one condition - to provide heating or atomization. True, the efficiency will be somewhat less.

Homemade burners: requirements

Homemade devices can be used for any purpose. Very often they are installed in liquid fuel stoves or universal boilers. During manufacturing, it is important to make a nozzle capable of producing a powerful flame. Requirements for the burner that must be met first:

  1. Low electrical energy consumption.
  2. Easy to install and easy to use.
  3. The burner must have high operating efficiency.
  4. The homemade product should work well even when using low-quality and contaminated fuel.

Burner features

In order to burn the oil effectively, it will need to be heated first and then sprayed. For this purpose, an electric heating element is installed. But the energy consumption will be quite large. And the main thing for you when manufacturing is to achieve minimal losses when using the device. The burner must be a source of very cheap heat, which cannot be realized when using heating elements.

If you can’t warm up the oil first, you need to try to atomize it. The simplest burners made according to the Babington scheme can be successfully used in boilers. The design is extremely simple - fuel flows down a spherical surface. A thin hole is made in the latter, through which compressed air. It turns out that the oil is blown away from the sphere, small drops are formed, which can be ignited.

Burner operation

The article shows a simplified diagram of the burner, which allows you to understand the principle of its operation. After spraying, the mixture is ignited, and the flame is used for some purpose. You can install this burner in a boiler running on any type of fuel. In principle, no one is stopping you from making a boiler yourself. Please note that there is practically no evaporation during operation - all processes take place at low temperatures, main role compressed air plays.

To make combustion more efficient, you can make a heating system, just use a low-power heating element in it. In this case, efficiency will increase, heat transfer will improve, and the flame will have a beautiful and even flame.

Advantages of the Babington burner

This design has quite a lot of advantages. The most important thing is that there is no need to pre-clean used oil. After all, you understand that the waste may contain a very large amount of impurities. This is actually why the oil has such a specific black color. You also cannot ignore the second advantage - ease of manufacture. And if you know how to work with tools, you can easily make an effective and simple heat source using cheap fuel.

Waste oil evaporative burners require an additional heat source. Therefore, it is necessary to install heating elements that consume a large amount of electricity. Or you can complicate the design so that the oil is heated and flammable fractions are formed. As for the Babington scheme, it is very simple - you can still do without evaporation, but you must use a compressor. This is a design option with lightweight fuel atomization.

Conversion of industrial burners

It is worth noting that making a waste oil burner from scratch is much easier than remaking industrial designs. After all, you will still need to invest. For example, when converting a diesel fuel burner you will have to spend quite a lot of money. As a result, the design turns out to be very complex and the oil needs to be heated. It is much cheaper to buy a ready-made oil burner or make one yourself.

Some are trying to make a burner out of blowtorch. But this is not a very good option, since its operating principle is very different from what is needed. In a blowtorch, the nozzle warms up, and the oil is forced out of the nozzle due to pressure. Gasoline is a purified fuel, which cannot be said about used oil. It contains metal impurities, combustion products of diesel fuel or gasoline, as well as other types of contaminants. As a result, the nozzle becomes clogged very quickly. You can, of course, modernize it, but the game is not worth the candle - it is too expensive and labor-intensive. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to the Babington burner.

What you need for self-assembly

Now let’s come closer to how to make a burner with your own hands during testing. The plus is obvious - you will get quality device, which will work perfectly, will be able to compete with any industrial design. And most importantly, its cost is very low. You will need a compressor capable of providing a pressure of at least 2 atm.

Ideal option- from an old refrigerator. You also need to have the following materials:

  1. Fuel tank with a heating element installed in it. The heater will not work constantly; it helps partially warm up the oil.
  2. The second tank is designed to collect oil not sent to the injector.
  3. Copper tube to supply air to the burner sphere.
  4. Pipe for draining waste.
  5. Pump for pumping excess into the main tank.
  6. Metal pipe with a diameter of 2 inches for the nozzle.
  7. Tee for two-inch pipe.
  8. Materials for spherical nozzle.

When you have prepared all the materials, you can begin manufacturing a burner for solid fuel boilers.


First you need to make a spherical nozzle; fuel will flow through it in the future. Make a hole in the sphere; the diameter should be approximately 0.25 mm. Please note that the power of a homemade burner depends on the diameter. The smaller the diameter, the lower the power and vice versa. All difficulties await you in the manufacture of the nozzle. The channel for air passage must be made perfectly smooth. It is necessary that the air hits forward and not against the walls of the nozzle. Best option- make a hole on a special machine.

But if luck smiles on you and you find a jet with the required diameter, then do not miss the opportunity and place it in the center of the spherical element. If you can’t find a hemisphere, you can use a small segment sheet metal with a jet attached inside. As a result, you will receive an oil spray nozzle. Heated fuel will flow into it, and atomization occurs due to the incoming air. When installing such a device in a universal boiler, you get an effective and cheap heat source.

Burner assembly

Now let's talk about how to make a working burner and start it up. In fact, after the injector has been manufactured, we can safely say that the main part has been manufactured and only assembly is expected. Now you need to combine everything in the body. And as it you can use a tee and screwed to it metal pipe. Its length should be approximately 20-40 cm. The nozzle should be welded or screwed to the tube that supplies air. The second end of the tube is connected to the compressor.

The sprayer is placed inside the tee and secured with fittings. You need to make a hole in the tee itself; a tube for supplying used oil is placed in it. It is necessary that it ends above the sprayer. The lower element of the tee is used as the outlet tube. An adapter for a thin tube is screwed in here, through which the excess will go into cistern. To organize the supply and removal of oil, you need to use flexible thin copper tubes.

Completion of production

The burner will have a powerful flame, but for smooth operation it is important that all designs of external elements are thought out correctly. In the considered option, the waste flows down the sprayer in the shape of a sphere, but most of it returns back to the tank, a small amount ends up in the nozzle. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to install at least a weak heating element. If you do not want to manually pour oil from one tank to another, you need to install a small pump. It is installed between the tanks and allows oil to be pumped from one to another, thereby ensuring circulation.

To increase the service life of the unit, it is recommended to treat the connections with high-temperature sealants. It is recommended to install a thermostat on the heating element (if one is not provided). It is enough to warm the oil to a temperature of 70 degrees, there is no point in doing more. The end result should be three nodes consuming power. These include:

  1. Compressor.
  2. Oil pump.
  3. Heating element.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make a completely energy-independent design, since it is not recommended to exclude a heating element or an oil pump. As for the compressor, without it the burner will not work at all. But you still save a lot on fuel - used oil costs a penny.

The idea that involves using waste oil as an active energy carrier for heating is not new. Due to the fact that there is enough time for testing large quantities, a problem arose, expressed in the need for disposal. This is especially true for stations that specialize in servicing trucks. It is not surprising that factory-made and handicraft, which allow you to burn the mentioned substance, obtaining thermal energy. One of these devices is the exhaust burner.

Design features

It is quite possible to make the described device yourself. Ensuring efficient combustion of old oils is quite difficult, due to the fact that the waste from any car service is a mixture of oils of different viscosities with different amounts of impurities. It contains antifreeze in small doses, diesel fuel and gasoline. All these points are taken into account in the designs of burners that were manufactured in the factory. They have special filter elements. If we consider it, it does not imply the presence of filtering. This is due to the fact that the fuel in this design flows down the spherical surface, forming a film. In the central part of this sphere there is a small hole, the diameter of which is 0.1-0.3 millimeters. This part is necessary for supplying air mass under pressure. A burner like this works on the principle of air breaking through a hole, which cuts off some of the oil flowing down the surface. As a result, it is possible to obtain a torch that consists of a fuel-air mixture capable of ignition.

No filtering

The volume of dirt in the oil can only affect the combustion efficiency, while the design operates during processing without becoming clogged with suspended impurities. It is for this reason that the burner during mining is not equipped with small-diameter holes. There is only one hole in this device - air passes through it. Instead of enough complex system Filtration burner provides oil supply to the spherical surface, and the excess flows down, ending up in a sump.

Ensuring high-quality oil combustion

In order for the described burner to work as efficiently as possible during testing, burning oil, it is necessary to preheat the fuel. This is required for two reasons, the first of which is the fact that the substance acquires the ability to well envelop the base of the sphere. As a result, the air supply contributes to better distribution, forming a good aerosol plume. The need for heating also lies in reducing When using heated fuel, it is much easier to ensure ignition for the device, and operation occurs with maximum use of the energy of the oil, which generates a greater amount of heat.

The difference between a Babington burner and a blowtorch

Quite often, burners that operate on the principle of pressurization are compared to a blowtorch. Their devices have some similarities. Whereas the principle of operation is different. In the soldering room, namely gasoline, is in a closed container. He is exposed high pressure air, which is provided through the use hand pump. The air is not mixed with fuel; the latter is pushed upward. Along the way, the gasoline warms up, gradually evaporating in the pipe. After this, it is pumped into the injector nozzle. After leaving it, gasoline mixes with air, burns and forms a fairly powerful torch. Homemade burner during testing it operates according to the opposite principle. Air is blown through the nozzle, not oil. In this case, the fuel does not evaporate, but is heated to a temperature of 70 degrees, but no more.

The liquid does not burn completely; some volume goes into the sump. A homemade burner for testing cannot be made from a blowtorch, since it is very difficult to evaporate and supply oil through a nozzle into the combustion zone. It is worth considering before making such a design that refueling the described unit with gasoline is ineffective and quite dangerous.

Manufacturing technology

Due to its simplicity and prevalence, a burner designed for a waste oil boiler is manufactured by specialists and home craftsmen in a variety of variations. At the first stage you will have to pick up everything necessary materials and tools, among them we should highlight a metal tee, which is equipped with an internal thread of 50 millimeters. This element will be needed to make the case. The squeegee, which has an external 50 mm thread, is also useful. This component will form the basis of the nozzle. The length can be chosen as desired, but this parameter should not be less than 100 millimeters. If you will be making an evaporation burner for testing, then it is important to stock up on an elbow made of DU-10 metal. The workpiece must have external thread in the amount of 2 pieces, which will be needed to connect the fuel line. Prepare a copper pipe DU-10 of the required length, which will go to the fuel line. The length should not be less than one meter. A hemisphere or steel ball that will fit freely into the tee will be needed for the working part. A metal tube DU-10 will be needed to connect the air path.

Work methodology

If you are using an evaporation burner for testing, then you will need to carry out one fairly precise manipulation, which consists of making a hole in the central part of the sphere. Its diameter should be between 0.1 and 0.4 millimeters. As optimal option a suitable figure of 0.25 millimeters. This work can be done using one of two methods. The first involves drilling with a tool required diameter. If you decide to use the second method, you will need to install a ready-made 0.25 mm jet.

It is important to remember that the holes should be located strictly in the central part, while the axis should be directed parallel to the walls of the housing, or rather the tee. The sphere will be mounted in the latter. The deviation can be very minimal, otherwise the torch will be directed to the side, which will negatively affect stable operation and excessive fuel consumption. Experienced craftsmen Quite often they encounter a difficulty, which is due to the fact that it is very difficult to make a small hole. Thin drills will break.

Features of making a hole

If you need a burner for testing, you can prepare the drawings yourself before production. In order to make a calibrated hole, you need to install a nozzle of the required diameter in the spherical part of the autonomous structure. To do this, a hole is made, the diameter of which should be less than the outer diameter of the nozzle. Afterwards processing occurs through unwrapping. On final stage the jet is pressed inside and then thoroughly polished. If it is necessary to manufacture a burner of impressive power, the diameter of the nozzle must be increased to a limit of 0.5 millimeters. An alternative solution is to drill two small holes, keeping a spacing of 7 millimeters or more between them. As soon as this operation is completed, the exhaust burner for the boiler can be assembled.

Work methodology

If you are thinking about how to make a burner for testing, then you need to make a hole on the side of the nozzle, which should be wide enough to easily ignite the device. The oil heating spiral should not be too large; about 3 turns will be enough. Finished goods are fixed on the mounting plate, and then built into any boiler, which can be a homemade one. After completing the work, it is necessary to connect the fuel and air lines, and then the air and oil supply is ensured.

If a burner is manufactured from a cutting torch, then as the most simple method The fuel supply is provided by gravity, for which the container with waste oil must be fixed to the wall, positioned so that the element is above the burner device. A tube is laid from the container. When a burner is used for working out from a spray gun, then to pump oil into in this case a pump is used. In this case, even monitoring sensors and the control unit can subsequently be used. This technology makes it possible to obtain a burner that operates in automatic mode. Using such a device is as safe as possible.

If you decide to transfer to working out, then in the end you can achieve fuel consumption that will not exceed 1 liter per hour. At the same time, the work must be done in compliance with technology. The diameter of the air hole should be equal to 0.25 millimeters. During operation, black soot should not form; in addition, it will be possible to achieve uniform combustion of the torch. If adjustments are necessary, you will need to move the sphere back or forward. Correction can also be achieved by changing the air pressure. Any compressor can handle the issue of injection; you can even use one borrowed from a refrigerator. This is due to the fact that working pressure does not exceed 4 bar.


The burner described in the article is great solution for those who have the opportunity to purchase old motor oil for next to nothing or very inexpensively. If you have certain skills, you can build this device into a combustion chamber that has a water jacket and a smoke exhaust. This will allow you to get an efficient waste oil boiler.

Currently, several types of heating are used to organize heating of a private home. various systems. Depending on the availability and accessibility of a particular type of fuel, heat the house in cold period year is possible using electricity, gas and various types solid fuel. At the same time, in recent years Waste fuel has become increasingly used as fuel for small boiler houses. motor oil. One of the ways to use it is to independently manufacture a waste oil burner from scrap materials. How to do this will be discussed later.

Burner structure during development

The general view of the device can be seen in the photo below.

Having studied it, it is not difficult to notice some features of the burner. The case is used gas cylinder small volume. Oppositely directed sections of inch thick-walled steel are welded to it in the upper and lower parts. steel pipe. The lower one is used to directly supply an oil-air suspension to the combustion zone, and the upper one plays the role of a burner bell, from which a stream of high-temperature flame bursts out. To create an air flow that forces air into the furnace and contributes to the formation of a torch escaping from the burner outlet, an ordinary household vacuum cleaner sufficient power. Having met appearance unit, let's move on to its manufacture.

To assemble the above-described unit with your own hands, you need to prepare welding machine, used directly for joining parts, a grinder, which we will use for cutting materials. In addition to the traditional tool, you will need a screw-cutting lathe.

The first component of a burner operating on waste oil is the housing. To make it, prepare a used gas cylinder. To avoid an emergency, make sure that the gas in the container is completely used. After this, remove the filler hole. Using an appropriate oval template, mark the mounting holes for both pipes and drill them along the inside of the circuit using an electric drill with a twist drill secured in the chuck. Carefully cutting the jumpers between the holes with a plumber's chisel, or sawing with a grinder installed disk on metal, remove excess. To give the mounting holes correct form file them by hand using a round file, or cylindrical cutter installed in an electric drill. Remember to cover your eyes with safety glasses when performing metal machining.

In the resulting holes, the conformity of the shape of which must be constantly monitored using a template, install and weld pre-cut pipes.

Burner waste oil supply system

Please note that in the extreme half of the lower pipe there is a hole with a welded M16 nut. It is necessary for attaching the oil nozzle.

It is convenient to make it on lathe on metal. The basis of the part is a rod with a smooth shank used for attaching the oil supply hose. If a flexible liner is used, it is necessary to make a thread of the appropriate diameter on this part. On most of the rod it is necessary to perform metric thread with an outer diameter of 16 millimeters. An axial hole is made for almost the entire length of the burner nozzle, which meets a three-millimeter transverse one located at the bottom of the part. If you have access to the specified equipment and sufficient skill in metal turning, producing such a part will not be difficult. Otherwise, order it from the nearest metalworking plant or select a similar part yourself.

The principle of operation of the nozzle is based on the flow of viscous waste from a transverse hole and its capture by the air flow. In this case, the oil is broken into minimal droplets, the ignition of which occurs much more easily.

Air flow control system

Another feature of this burner design is the presence of an air flow control system, which subsequently allows you to change the strength of the fire torch. It is based on a steel cup with a semicircular bottom and a hole of sufficient diameter.

This burner part can also be conveniently made on a lathe. At the same time, to obtain the correct hemispherical shape of the bottom, you will need special cutters and highly qualified lathe operators. If you are not confident in your abilities, seek help from professionals or find a ready-made unit for adjusting the air flow, for example from a car carburetor.

Direct air control is carried out by a round curtain, secured to the L-shaped axis with an M4 screw.

To ensure reliable connection of the hose outlet and operation of the air valve, an adapter with a longitudinal slot is used.

The ability to access the chamber for igniting waste oil when starting the burner is provided by a weighted lid installed on welded hinges on the neck of the gas cylinder.

When using a lighter option, the device may spontaneously open during operation.

When correct assembled structure the operation of the burner should be accompanied by the exit of an even violet torch from the working part, which appears during the combustion of the air-oil mixture in the housing.

To ensure fire safety when working with this burner design during testing, it is better to additionally protect the attachment point of the nozzle and the oil supply flexible wire with a steel screen, which prevents the ignition of the oil in the event of a leak.

In addition to the device option we considered, it is quite possible self-production and other oil burners. Some use preheating of waste oil to improve combustion. One way to do this is to install an oil cylinder directly on the outlet pipe.

At this point specific example, unlike described above, the air is pumped using an electric fan.

Well, now start and warm up the burner:

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