Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers. Alpinia - bright foliage and magnificent inflorescences Favorable days for planting June

in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground and seed planting table different cultures. When is the best time to plant and replant plants, when to carry out gardening work in the garden. What vegetables are best to plant in June 2017, and what days are the most suitable for this. When is the best time to feed, weed and water plants?

The first month of summer has arrived. June, as a rule, relieves summer residents from the cold, so you can safely plant vegetables, herbs and flowers. During this period, you need to especially monitor weed pests. June is great for replanting indoor plants and flowers.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

New moon – prohibited period for summer residents, do not touch root system plants, do not vaccinate, and in general, it is best to refrain from sowing and transplanting.

Waxing Moon – an excellent time for thinning plants, replanting, planting, trimming mustaches, etc.

Full moon – plants are very vulnerable during this period, so you should not test their strength. Relax and do some cleaning country house or home.

Waning Moon - because of high blood pressure in the underground part of the plants, it is recommended to plant root crops and pruning shrubs and trees.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

Lunar sowing calendar for gardener for June 2017indicating the lunar phases,L positionunyin the signs of the Zodiac, as well as with recommendations for gardeners and gardeners


Moon in Zodiac sign

Moon phase

Moon in Virgo

First quarter

Moon in Virgo

Waxing Moon

It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or plant seeds. They will take root well ornamental plants, not intended for fruiting, in particular honeysuckle, rose hips. It is recommended to plant climbing plants from flowers. Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses

Moon in Libra

Waxing Moon

Moon in Libra

Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant flowers and store tubers and seeds. It is also recommended to plant stone fruits fruit trees. Watering and haymaking are effective. A great time to cut flowers, create lawn ornaments, and care for indoor plants

Moon in Scorpio

Waxing Moon

Moon in Scorpio

Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant most crops: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. It is not recommended to propagate plants by roots, collect herbs and plant trees. Effective pruning of trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, loosening the soil

Moon in Scorpio

Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant most crops: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. It is not recommended to propagate plants by roots, collect herbs and plant trees. Effective pruning of trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, loosening the soil

Moon in Sagittarius

Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant fast-growing crops: greens, onions, garlic, peppers, medicinal herbs- for seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rose hips, honeysuckle, plums. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, and cut flowers. House flowers planted on this day bloom faster

Moon in Sagittarius

Full moon

Moon in Capricorn

Waning Moon

It is recommended to plant and replant trees and shrubs. Loosening, fertilizing, tree grafting, mowing

Moon in Capricorn

Waning Moon

Moon in Capricorn

Waning Moon

Moon in Aquarius

Waning Moon

Moon in Aquarius

Waning Moon

Moon in Pisces

Waning Moon

Moon in Pisces

Waning Moon

Moon in Aries

Last quarter

Moon in Aries

Waning Moon

Moon in Aries

Waning Moon

Moon in Taurus

Waning Moon

Moon in Taurus

Waning Moon

Moon in Gemini

Waning Moon

Moon in Gemini

Waning Moon

Moon in Cancer

New moon

Moon in Cancer

Waxing Moon

Moon in Leo

Waxing Moon

Moon in Leo

Waxing Moon

Sowing and replanting garden crops is not recommended. It is recommended to plant shrubs and trees, collect and dry fruits and root crops. It is worth mowing to slow down the growth of grasses. The right moment for mulching, for pest control, for pruning trees, for collecting sunflower seeds, for harvesting medicinal herbs

Moon in Virgo

Waxing Moon

It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or plant seeds. Ornamental plants not intended for fruiting will take root well, in particular honeysuckle and rose hips. It is recommended to plant climbing plants from flowers. Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses

Moon in Virgo

Waxing Moon

It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or plant seeds. Ornamental plants not intended for fruiting will take root well, in particular honeysuckle and rose hips. It is recommended to plant climbing plants from flowers. Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses

Moon in Libra

Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant flowers and store tubers and seeds. Planting stone fruit trees is also recommended. Watering and haymaking are effective. A great time to cut flowers, create lawn ornaments, and care for indoor plants

The gardener's lunar calendar for June 2017 indicates Moscow time.

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 for gardeners and gardeners with recommendations for every day (supplement)

In the first ten days of the month, you can begin green grafting of grapes. June is also the most favorable month for collecting medicinal herbs such as: flowers of cornflower, lily of the valley and chamomile, strawberry fruits, nettle and plantain leaves, St. John's wort.

Garden work in June to care for fruit trees carried out as needed. During this period, they are engaged in the formation of crowns, removing fattening shoots, pinching and bending. Carrying out these procedures contributes to the speedy ripening of fruits and berries. Activities to combat diseases and pests continue. Branches affected powdery mildew must be cut and burned.

In June, trees grow intensively, so regular heavy watering is recommended, especially if the weather is dry. Generous watering prevents premature fruit drop. In June, post-harvest work begins on the strawberry beds (weeding, watering, loosening, removing excess tendrils, fertilizing).

In the garden, work continues on planting seedlings, which began in May. Greenhouses and greenhouses emptied of seedlings are planted with cucumbers and peppers. Planting of seedlings is completed in June late cabbage and tomatoes. The first flowers on cucumbers are picked off, allowing the plants to gain good growth. Watering is carried out warm water, and under no circumstances should water get on the leaves. In June, thin out parsley, carrots and beets. Planted tomatoes, peppers and cabbage are fertilized and watered, tomato bushes are formed, and the shoots are plucked out if necessary. Spray with ash against the cruciferous flea beetle. If the area is empty before winter, it can be sown with legumes and grains; they are an excellent green fertilizer.

At the end of the month, carrots, daikon and radish (for northern regions) are re-sown for winter storage, as well as lettuce, arugula, dill, spinach. Tarragon is planted.

Lunar sowing calendar for the period from June 1 to June 10, 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

June 1, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Day). Thursday. We plant bulbous flower crops and vegetable seedlings.

June 2, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Day). Friday. We take care of gooseberry, raspberry and currant bushes.

June 3, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Day). Saturday. We prepare plant materials for medicinal purposes.

June 4, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Day). Sunday. Working with strawberries is favorable. We plant and replant shrubs.

June 5, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Day). Monday. We root the cuttings, water, mulch, feed and hill up.

June 6, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Day). Tuesday. We sow seedlings of cauliflower and broccoli for late consumption.

June 7, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Day). Wednesday. Sowing green manure in the garden. Watering.

June 8, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius (Fruit Day). Thursday. We carry out preventive spraying against pests.

June 9, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius (Fruit Day). Full moon at 9:07. Friday. Day of rest!

June 10, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius (Fruit Day). Saturday. We thin out thickened seedlings and remove excessively set fruits.

Lunar sowing calendar for the period from June 11 to June 20, 2017 for gardeners and gardenerswith recommendations for every day

June 11, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn (Root Day). Sunday. We carry out soil fertilization, as well as foliar feeding.

June 12, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn (Root Day). Monday. We weed the weeds and place the plant residues in the compost heap.

June 13, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius (Flower Day). Tuesday. Weeding.

June 14, 2017, 20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius (Flower Day). Wednesday. Application of herbicides against weeds.

June 15, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Aquarius (Flower Day). Thursday. We continue the work of the previous two days.

June 16, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces (Leaf Day). Friday. We carry out repeated sowing and planting of vegetable crops.

June 17, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces (Leaf Day). Saturday. Watering, mowing the lawn.

June 18, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries (Fruit Day). Sunday. We are engaged in pinching tomatoes, pinching out the growing points of cucumbers.

June 19, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries (Fruit Day). Monday. We carry out summer grafting of fruit trees.

June 20, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus (Root Day). Tuesday. Weeding, application mineral fertilizers into compost heaps.

Lunar sowing calendar for the period from June 21 to June 30, 2017 for gardeners and gardenerswith recommendations for every day

June 21, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus (Root Day). Wednesday. Do not plant plants and water them.

June 22, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini (Flower Day). Thursday. We work in the flower garden.

June 23, 2017, 28-29 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini (Flower Day). Friday. We prepare plant materials for medicinal purposes.

June 24, 2017, 29, 30, 1 lunar day. Moon in Cancer (Leaf Day). New moon at 05:27. Saturday. Day of rest!

June 25, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Cancer (Leaf Day). Sunday. Watering all plants in the garden and vegetable garden.

June 26, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo (Fruit Day). Monday. We plant tomatoes and pinch out the growing points of vegetable plants.

June 27, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo (Fruit Day). Tuesday. We continue the work of the previous day.

June 28, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Day). Wednesday. We thin out and pick out seedlings of perennial grasses.

June 29, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Day). Thursday. We carry out green cuttings of berry bushes.

June 30, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Day). Friday. We collect seeds from faded perennial flowers.

Moon phases in June 2017

  • The moon is waxing - from June 1 to June 8
  • Full Moon - June 9
  • The moon is waning - from June 10 to June 23
  • New Moon - June 24
  • The moon is waxing again - from June 25 to 30

Favorable landing days in June 2017

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

culture culture favorable days for sowing seeds
cucumbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 tomatoes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16
eggplant 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 radish, radish 15, 16, 20, 21, 28, 29
sweet pepper hot pepper 5, 6, 7, 8
onion 8, 20, 21 potato 15, 16, 20, 21
garlic 10, 11, 12 carrot 10, 11, 12, 20, 21
white cabbage 5, 6, 7, 15, 16 annual flowers 1, 2, 11, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26
cauliflower 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21 flowers bulbous, tuberous 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 26, 30
different greens 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16 climbing flowers 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds.

Favorable days in June 2017 for planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

culture Favorable days for planting seedlings rooting cuttings, digging in shoots graft
fruit trees 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
gooseberries, currants 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28, 29
raspberries, blackberries 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 20, 21
strawberry, wild strawberry 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 16, 29, 30

The lunar sowing calendar appeared a very long time ago. Man always tried to prepare in advance for the new season. People have noticed that the moon influences processes occurring in nature. As an example, these are the ebb and flow of tides, the impact on biorhythms in the human body and planting crops.

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, the closest body to the planet, and therefore influences all the processes occurring around us. The moon has the greatest influence on water.

The main periods of the moon's movement, which influences the life of all life on the planet: new moon, full moon, periods of the waxing and waning moon. Scientists managed to find out the favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants in the garden and garden.

The moon affects water due to the force of gravity.

All plants are mostly composed of water, so by turning to the sowing calendar for 2017 for help, you will find out when the Moon can favorably “attract” plants to itself, increasing growth, and when it can “push away”, leading to illness and even death.

Maximum gravity during the full moon. This is a period of exacerbation of diseases, changes in the operation of technology, aggressive outbursts of mood in people.

It is important for the gardener not to plant planting material on this day with a strong energy impact, plants do not take root well when transplanted.

Minimum lunar activity during the new moon. A person feels a decrease in activity, plants lose most of the strength necessary for growth, and therefore almost never become stronger in the ground.

Sowing lunar calendar 2017 formed by specialists different directions, and is able to help to modern man who works in the garden and in the garden, save resources and time, get a large and high-quality harvest.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting

Plants such as wheat, cucumbers, flowers - that is, growing upwards - must be planted on favorable days on the waxing moon. And plants with tubers - potatoes, beets, parsley - growing underground, are planted during the waning moon.

Favorable days for sowing and planting in 2017

Many modern people They know that the Moon has a huge influence on all processes occurring on our entire planet. Under her “guidance” the ebb and flow of energy flows, it affects a person’s health, mood and stress resistance.

Of course, it has no less effect on plants. Since ancient times, people have noticed the connection between lunar cycles and sowing work. And thanks to the knowledge of our ancestors, supported modern science, a lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 was compiled, for every gardener and gardener, which you can see below.

About the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017

It has been observed that different periods of the moon have different effects on the growth and health of the plant. For example, during periods of particular activity (full moon) and, conversely, passivity (new moon), it is best to avoid any manipulations with plants, even indoor ones. These days the power of the Moon is especially aggressive: it either completely “takes away” the vital energy of a still fragile plant (in full moon), or it saturates it so much that it simply cannot withstand this strong flow, which disrupts the functioning of the internal processes of the plant. That is why it is so important for a gardener and gardener to use a sowing calendar in his work.

It has been noted that the Moon has a particularly beneficial effect on perennials, if they have time to be planted in open ground in the growing phase of the Earth’s natural satellite. In these favorable days Any work in the field, vegetable garden, garden or at home with indoor plants will lead to a positive effect: fast and healthy growth. But it is best to plant root crops during periods of the fading lunar phase (see).

Sowing calendar for June 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

The lunar sowing calendar also tells us about the influence of the signs of the zodiac circle, which dominate a certain time period, on the growth of a plant.

The influence of zodiac signs on plants

There are three types of zodiac signs:

1. Fertile signs . Their power helps plants grow, brings good harvest and protects against various diseases. These signs are: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Not long ago, another zodiac sign was officially recognized -. It also refers to signs of increased fertility.

2. Signs of average fertility: Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn. During the period of control of these signs gardening work You can do it, but the harvest, most likely, will not be the most outstanding.

3. Barren signs: Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini and Leo. On days under the guidance of these forces, it is worth refraining from any field work so that your strength is not wasted.

Of course, the kind of knowledge that the sowing lunar calendar provides for the month of June 2017 will help anyone, even a novice gardener and gardener, achieve maximum results in his hard work.

Also see: according to weather forecasters.

Changing phases of the moon affect the growth and development of plants. Choose favorable time for sowing in June 2017 and getting a good harvest, the lunar sowing calendar will help you.

All plants have their own energy field. Their health and stamina directly depend on the time of landing and the influence of lunar energy. To get a rich harvest, you need to plant the seeds at a favorable time: then the lunar energy will contribute rapid development sprouts

Favorable and unfavorable days for sowing in June

June 1-2. In the first days of June, the Moon grows and is in the constellation Virgo. This period is favorable for soaking seeds, sowing in open ground and planting young shoots.

June 3-5. Growing Moon in Libra. This time is best for planting any tuberous plants. Loosening the soil will help the sprouts develop faster, and moderate watering will help them grow stronger.

June 6-7. Moon in Scorpio. This period is extremely favorable for sowing: the seeds will develop quickly, and the plants grown from them will give a bountiful harvest.

June 8-10. These three days are especially favorable for sowing vegetables and herbs. The full moon on June 9 will fill the seeds with strength, but for this they need to be given time to accept the lunar energy. On the 10th, the Moon begins to wane: on this day it is better not to disturb the plants.

June 11-12. The moon moves into the constellation Capricorn. This period is well suited for sowing “capricious” plants and transplanting sprouts. The energy of the waning Moon may weaken the seeds somewhat and slow down their development, but with proper care you will get the desired result.

June 13-15. The waning Moon in the constellation Aquarius does not have a very good effect on the development of seeds. At this time, it is better not to disturb future plants, but devote your free time to cleaning according to the feng shui tradition.

June 16-17. The Moon continues to go through its waning phase and moves into the constellation Pisces. This Sign is very fertile, so seeds sown at this time will grow into strong and healthy plants.

June 18-19. Waning Moon in Aries. This period is not suitable for sowing, since the fiery energy of Aries does not contribute to the development of plants.

June 20-21. The Moon interacts with the constellation Taurus. This two-day period is favorable for planting sprouts, soaking seeds and planting ornamental shrubs.

June 24-25. New Moon in the constellation Cancer. This period is favorable for sowing and planting germinated seeds in open ground. The growth energy of the Moon contributes to the rapid development of plants and high yield vegetable crops.

June 26-27. The moon moves into the constellation Leo. This period is not very favorable for sowing sensitive plants: they may not withstand the powerful fiery energy of Leo. It is better to give the seeds and sprouts time to recover, and devote free time to rest and other matters.

June 28-29. Growing Moon in Virgo. This period is favorable for sowing, soaking seeds and planting sprouts in greenhouses and open soil. Watering and fertilizing the land will contribute to high yields and rapid growth of plants.

June 30. On the last day of the month, the Moon is in its waxing phase and interacts with the constellation Libra. This day is favorable for planting seeds climbing plants, thinning and loosening the soil, as well as for moderate watering.

Plan important events in the first month of summer, the lunar calendar for June 2017 will help you attract luck and luck into your life. We wish you beautiful garden and a bountiful harvest. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.05.2017 06:06

IN summer period indoor plants are actively developing and delight gardeners with bright inflorescences. Caring for them...