Fleas in humans - folk and chemical means of control. Does the human flea exist in nature?

Before you learn how to cure a bite and destroy the cause of its occurrence, you should understand who fleas are.

But, despite the fact that the flea is human, it can often be found in cats or dogs.

Advice! Fleas are very difficult to crush, so if you manage to catch one, you need to put it on a hard surface and press it hard with your fingernail, but it will be easier to flush it down the toilet.

Flea larvae appearance similar to fly eggs. They are white, they have small size, worm-shaped body.

The average lifespan of bloodsucking fleas is several months, however, the maximum flea can live is up to 1.5 years.

In addition to human fleas, the following can be transmitted to people: cat, dog, rat, and rabbit fleas. However, they all attack humans when their natural owners are not around. They bite humans as well as animals. Flea bites are dangerous because they transmit various diseases. Cat fleas fewer than human ones, but they are more common. Especially if the cat not only lives at home, but also goes for walks. Cat fleas often live in hallways and basements, so the animal can bring them into the house on itself. Accordingly, as soon as at least one bite is noticed on the animal’s body, you should carefully examine the pet and take action.

What danger do fleas pose to people?

The most common consequence of these insect bites is pulicosis. It can occur due to the bite of any type of flea: cat, dog or human, since they can all be transmitted from one owner to another. The symptoms of this reaction are dangerous and similar to allergies:

  • severe rashes at the site of the bite, sometimes leading to suppuration;
  • the appearance of ulcers in oral cavity and throat;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • insomnia and irritability, as well as headaches.

In addition, fleas, when they bite, are dangerous, regardless of the type: feline or human, since they are carriers of diseases such as plague, trypanosomiasis, as well as anthrax and encephalitis.

It should be noted that not every flea bite will lead to illness, but we should not forget about the danger.

Treatment of places where a bite is found is necessary, as more serious diseases can develop due to germs and bacteria entering the wound.

Fleas in humans: fight

There are many ways to get rid of fleas, whose bites are dangerous and painful. Their removal should be approached comprehensively.
If there are cats, dogs or other animals in the house, then you should start treating them. Next you need to process the entire apartment.

Fighting with folk remedies

Folk remedies have a flea-specific odor, so they are effective. The fur of cats or dogs can be sprinkled with tincture of tansy or wormwood, as well as eucalyptus. Human skin can be smeared with a cream with a drop of eucalyptus oil for prevention, as this smell repels fleas.

Advice! You can treat the entire apartment with a similar tincture, carefully going through all the cracks and cracks.

  • Bathing a cat or dog in saline solution. Proportions: one pack of salt is required for one bucket of water. The animal should be placed in the solution and kept in it for approximately 4 minutes. After this, it should be rinsed well with running water.

Advice!Can be additionally applied tar soap, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. This is important in the presence of scratching and large wounds.

  • Homemade anti-flea shampoo. You should grind 1/4 of the soap for children, pour it with liquid, bring to a boil and cook until a jelly-like mass is obtained. It should be supplemented with a medium-sized onion. Directions for use: the solution should be applied to the fur of a cat or dog, rubbed in and wrapped in polyethylene. Leave for 20 minutes.

Advice! If, in addition to these products, you add nettle, yolk or calendula, the shampoo will become more effective.

The fight against fleas indoors should be carried out as follows: arrange bunches of tansy, wormwood, and you can also use lavender or mint. They should be replaced as they dry out.

Mechanical method

Chemicals for flea control

The most effective among the methods:

  • a special insecticide aerosol should be sprayed around the room. The likes of Raid, Raptor, Combat and Executioner have proven themselves well;

Advice! After you have managed to get rid of fleas from a cat or dog in your apartment, you should keep the room clean and take preventive measures.

08/03/2017 7 23,278 views

Pests can attack not only animals, but also people and their homes. An extremely unpleasant problem is fleas in the house. Where do they come from and how to get rid of them quickly at home? You will learn the answers to these questions from the article.

How to detect fleas in a house or apartment?

How can you tell if there are fleas at home? First of all, you should find out their characteristics and differences from other insects.

  1. The first is the dimensions, which usually do not exceed 1-2 millimeters.
  2. The second feature is the color, varying from golden wheaten or red to dark brown.
  3. The third difference is the structure of the body, which is flattened on the sides and enlarged in the abdominal area. Its surface is covered with small bristles used by fleas to attach to different surfaces. Such insects have three pairs of legs, and the hind ones are the most powerful and long, responsible for movement.
  4. The fourth feature is movement: fleas jump very high and quickly, which makes them extremely difficult to catch and examine.

To find out that there are fleas in your home, you need to conduct an inspection. It includes the following steps:

Fleas most often live in carpets(especially long-haired and fluffy ones), under pieces of furniture, in bedding and on beds, near baseboards and in corners, in soft toys, as well as in places where pets are, for example, near their beds.

Where do they come from?

Fleas in the house are not a rare occurrence, and they can enter people’s homes in different ways:

  1. Together with pets. If you have a pet that regularly takes walks, then it may well bring “uninvited guests” into the house on its fur, having interacted with a street dog or cat, or having been near a garbage dump or in the basement.
  2. From the basement. In this way, fleas are able to penetrate private houses or apartments in multi-storey buildings, not necessarily located on the first floors, because insects are able to move quickly and over long distances.
  3. Together with the residents of the house or apartment. If a person visited a place where fleas accumulated, then adult insects, larvae or eggs could get on his shoes or clothes, and then move into his home.
  4. From the neighbors. If they have already encountered a problem such as fleas, then the pests, multiplying and looking for new food sources, will begin to colonize new territories and spread to other nearby apartments.


In nature, there are several hundred species of fleas, and about thirty of them can live near people. The most common species found in human habitats are:

  • Sandy (another name is street) fleas are usually found outdoors in open spaces and rarely enter people’s homes.
  • Field or grass pests live mainly in plants and often cling to the fur of wild and domestic animals.
  • Fleas are divided according to their hosts, that is, living creatures used as the main sources of food. There are such species as rat, cat, pigeon, dog, chicken.
  • Earthen or basement (another common name is dusty) are found in upper layers soil and in basements. They do not jump as high and far as other species, and in houses and apartments they prefer to live in rugs, carpets and other floor coverings.
  • Tree fleas or black fleas usually live on house or summer cottages and enter homes from cultivated plants grown on the territory.
  • Household or indoor fleas are not so much a separate species as all the pests found in residential areas.
  • Bed (or linen) fleas are distinguished separately, but this variety does not exist, and this name can be given to any pests that live in linen or upholstered furniture: such places are difficult to access and protected, so insects often choose them.

Why are they dangerous?

Thirdly, flea bites can cause allergic reactions, especially in young children, whose skin is vulnerable, delicate and thin. With numerous pest attacks, symptoms such as severe itching, hyperemia, increased body temperature, and edema (including Quincke's) are possible.

Although fleas that live on pets, as a rule, do not attack people, it is still necessary to get rid of them, since they cause harm to pets and, if there is a lack of food, they look for other sources of food, which can be the residents of a house or apartment.

Pest control for cats and dogs

To get rid of fleas, you need to clean them from your pets. Treatment of pet fur is carried out using effective insecticidal preparations: they contain chemical components that enter the body of pests and cause paralysis and subsequent death.

Drugs and special devices against fleas and other blood-sucking and biting insects that attack animals are available in various forms:

  • The shampoos are easy to use, and many of them are suitable for kittens and puppies, as well as weakened and pregnant animals. But such products will not be suitable if the pet does not like to swim and does not tolerate water, since the foam will need to be kept on the fur for a certain time.
  • Most drops contain high concentrations of active insecticidal substances and are therefore not suitable for use in animals early age. But such drugs are effective and have a prolonged effect. Drops are applied to the withers, base of the neck and between the shoulder blades, that is, to places that the animal cannot reach while licking.
  • Sprays are aggressive preparations sprayed onto the fur and quickly destroy pests. But after application, the pet should not be allowed to lick the treated areas to avoid chemical components entering its body (it can cause severe poisoning).
  • Collars. Such devices are coated with substances that destroy and repel fleas. Collars are as safe as possible and are suitable even for kittens and puppies; they last a long time if worn constantly, but they are quite expensive.
  • Combs and combs. They have frequent teeth that allow you to comb out fleas. But mechanical treatment will be effective only if the pet is infested with a small degree, that is, with a small number of fleas. Combs can also be used to remove dead pests after treatment with an insecticidal preparation.

The most popular brands of flea products for animals are: “Clandestine”, “Bolfo”, “Frontline”, “Bars”, “Hartz”, “Advantix”, “Stronghold”.

Which remedies are the most effective?

There are many similar active ingredients, and pyrethroids and pyrethrum are considered the safest: they are low toxic and do not pose a threat to the lives of animals and people.

Organochlorine compounds are highly effective, but can accumulate in the tissues of living beings, and therefore can be dangerous. The most toxic substances are organophosphates, which are present in preparations used for professional processing. It is better not to use them yourself.

Insecticidal preparations are available in the form of aerosols, sprays, solutions and emulsions. Liquid products contain high concentrations of active components, but often require preliminary preparation, for example, dilution with water.

When products come into contact with skin, unwanted reactions and even chemical burns are possible, so caution should be exercised. The most effective drugs produced in liquid form are “Executioner”, “Cucaracha”, “Get”, “Tsifoks”, “Medilis”, “Tetrix”, “Delta Zone”, “Butox”.

Aerosols and sprays are no less popular and effective, as they are easy to use and do not require additional preparation. But their smallest particles can enter the respiratory and digestive organs if precautions are not taken. Among the most effective means This group can be distinguished “Raid”, “Raptor”, “Varan”, “Combat”.

To remove fleas from your home and not cause harm to its residents, you should carefully study the instructions for use. Let's consider the basic rules for flea treatment:

  1. First you need to vacate the premises by removing all pets and residents from it. Food items are also taken out.
  2. To kill some fleas and remove dirt, dry clean using a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Then all surfaces should be treated with the selected preparation: rug or carpet, upholstered furniture, as well as textile products. Special attention is given to cracks, the space under objects and around baseboards, the spaces between in separate parts furniture, fleecy surfaces. It is advisable to wash bed linen, bedspreads and pillows in hot water. Clothes are also washed.
  4. Leave the premises for several hours.
  5. Next, you need to ventilate the apartment and carry out a thorough general cleaning.
  6. At high degree infection should be treated again.

It is important to know: before treating all surfaces, you should wear thick rubber gloves and a respirator. And when using aggressive and toxic agents, it is recommended to use a protective suit.

How to get rid of fleas at home?

You can fight fleas on your own using folk remedies:

  • Wormwood and tansy have a pungent odor that will repel fleas. You can simply place a few twigs on the floor, pieces of furniture, along baseboards and near where your pets are.
  • Try making a decoction of eucalyptus, wormwood and tansy. Mix a teaspoon of each component, pour in 300 ml of just boiled water and cook the mixture over low heat for ten minutes, after which strain the product and spray it in the room.
  • The smell of garlic or citrus fruit peels will repel pests.
  • Ordinary vinegar has an unpleasant odor for insects. Dissolve half a glass of table product or a large spoonful of essence in a glass warm water and spray this solution over all surfaces of the room.
  • Use essential oils, for example, lemon, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary and others, with pronounced and strong aromas. They can be dissolved in water and sprayed or used when washing floors.
  • Try making a soda-salt solution. To do this, mix half a glass of each product and dissolve the powder in two glasses of warm or hot water. Spray this liquid on areas where fleas accumulate, and after a day carry out general cleaning.
  • You can get rid of fleas using ammonia. Dissolve two tablespoons in a glass of water, spray the product indoors, and the next day carry out a thorough wet cleaning.
  • You need to dissolve half a glass of kerosene in a bucket of water. Apply the solution with a broom or spray.
  • Use bleach or a detergent containing bleach.

If the treatment is completed, you must first ventilate the room in order to eliminate any residue remaining after applying insecticides. bad smell and small particles of active ingredients flying in the air. Open all windows and doors and wait a few hours.

One more important recommendation- This general cleaning, which will help remove drug residues from all treated surfaces, eliminate dead adult insects, and also remove larvae and eggs. First, you can vacuum the floor and furniture, and then carry out wet cleaning, including using a disinfectant.

Professional pest control

To quickly get rid of fleas, you can resort to the help of specialists, that is, carry out professional disinfestation. To do this, you should contact the sanitary-epidemiological station and leave a request. You'll probably have to wait a while. But in some regions there are private companies engaged in pest control. Naturally, their services are paid.

The main advantage of professional disinsection is the high efficiency of treatment, due to the use of specialized products and their complete spraying on all surfaces.

Exterminators provide a guarantee of impossibility reappearance pests (if they appear again, re-treatment can be carried out free of charge). The disadvantages include the need to leave the premises for several days, as well as the high cost of services from private companies.

What to do after killing fleas?

To avoid having to poison fleas again, after treatment you should follow some rules aimed at effective prevention. First of all, keep an eye on your pets. To protect them from pests, use specialized tools or devices and carry out regular inspections. Also inspect your clothes and shoes after returning from the street.

To minimize the risk of fleas entering the house from neighbors or from the basement, eliminate all holes and cracks, and do not keep the door open. It is also recommended to vacuum your apartment several times a week. And if you have a vegetable garden or garden, then treat this area with insecticides as a preventive measure.

Video: how to get rid of fleas?

The fact that fleas bite people is a well-known fact, but not everyone knows that fleas, albeit very rarely and for a short time, can still live on humans. Many types of fleas pose a danger - rat fleas, flea fleas, cat fleas or dog fleas, because once they settle in an apartment, they attack humans as well as animals in search of food.

What do fleas look like on people?

Even if a flea has left the human body and lives “on its own,” it does not die, since it can do without food long time. In general, insects spend most of their time in dark, secluded places, where they reproduce, lay eggs, and hatch larvae. That is, in fact, a flea does not live on a person’s body.

How dangerous are flea bites?

Fleas take a long time to adapt to new living conditions and food sources, but then their activity can be envied. There are a lot of bites on the body, they hurt and itch, and a burning sensation occurs in the damaged area. You can see what a flea bite looks like on a person in the photo below.

Flea bites on humans - what they look like, symptoms, photos

To avoid the spread of infection, you need to treat the inflamed areas with at least regular soap. Ideally, an antiseptic or any alcohol product. Then you need to apply ice and a drug that relieves itching. These measures are simple, but they relieve the condition well.

Where do fleas come from in humans?

In the photo of a flea on a person’s head, you must admit, even the image is terrifying.

The main method of movement of these insects is their powerful legs, which allow them to push off strongly, moving with lightning speed to another part of the body or another host. And the answer to the question of whether fleas jump on people is quite obvious - yes.

In this case, fleas jump on any animal or bird that is within their reach. If there are none, then people can easily replace them. This explains the cases when fleas are found in human hair or on the body. Wool and feather cover is the optimal environment for their habitat.

Objects of flea dislocation are:

Do people have fleas? No, they don't. They can bite a person, but permanent presence on the body is excluded. This is due to the lack optimal conditions for their habitat, namely, extensive and dense hair, where they can hide.

Most often, insects that have settled on a pet do not react in any way to the proximity of a person, since they have an abundance of food. For the same reason, they do not leave the object of their comfortable stay. Attacks are carried out only by hungry individuals, which can be brought into the home from the street.

Do fleas live on people?

If insects found comfortable place for habitation, they will remain there. Therefore, it is very important to take timely measures to eliminate them, both from the animal and from the entire territory close to it. Ideally, even if fleas are only on the pet, it is better to apply insecticidal treatment throughout the entire house.

Why don't fleas live on people? Because:

Considering the above facts, the question of whether fleas can live in human hair can be considered rhetorical. They can't. However, they are good jumpers, so it is not difficult for them to be in public at any time.

No matter how a person gets fleas, they must immediately take effective measures to eliminate them. If severe irritation occurs after bites, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that the possibility of other types of fleas appearing in pets is minimal. Especially in the city. The situation is more complicated for villagers who keep livestock and poultry, as well as owners of private houses. In order to prevent the appearance of insects, experts recommend preventive treatment residential and adjacent areas (livestock areas).

It is believed that fleas are transmitted from cats and dogs, other animals, and bite people only accidentally. Scientists have long answered how true this is, and explained: do fleas live on humans?

But why won’t fleas live on humans permanently?

The bloodsucker lays eggs in secluded corners With high humidity. They hatch into larvae that eat organic debris that has accumulated in dirty and dusty places, such as unwashed dog bedding. Having eaten, the larva turns into a pupa, and adults emerge from it.

Now it’s easy to conclude whether fleas live on people - no, they don’t. They can use humans as a source of food, but will not spend long periods of time on them. Unlike cats and dogs, whose entire body is covered with fur, there is nowhere for a flea to hide on a person. They are able to stay on the head in the hair for the longest time, but they won’t live there for long either.

Who becomes the victim

Any warm-blooded animal can become a victim of fleas. They use everyone who comes into their habitat, although they are adapted to exist for months without food. Insects will bite anyone, without choosing a victim based on taste or smell. Therefore, if you had any doubts about whether fleas bite people, then yes, of course, and with pleasure!

All that matters is availability. By the way, bloodsuckers are more active in hot weather.

Danger Presented

Fleas cause the most trouble for people when they bite. Allergic swelling appears around the affected area, which is accompanied by severe itching and pain. These bloodsuckers, unlike mosquitoes, do not inject an anesthetic substance, but only irritating saliva. This explains why fleas do not bite all people - those who are less sensitive simply do not notice the bite.

In addition, irritation causes an unpleasant disease - pulicosis, but this is not main danger. It is much more unpleasant that pathogens of other diseases will be transmitted with saliva.

Now it becomes clear whether fleas are dangerous to humans.

Transfer methods

Animals are important not only as food, but also as transport, carrying these passengers to new suitable housing. It is not known for sure whether fleas can move on their own.

What to do when you see

Dogs and cats older than two months are wearing collars with repellent components or using special drops.

There are no separate ways to get rid of fleas in humans, because bloodsuckers do not live on the body. You just need to avoid scratching the wounds to avoid infection, but rather treat them better. For itching, you can use a soothing ointment. We described in more detail in another article.

Many people recommend wormwood as folk remedy. Lay the branches on the floor or spray everything with tincture to repel bloodsuckers.