Homemade crossbows at home. Gas spring crossbow test: the winner's weapon

Well, well, searches on the Internet yielded results. I finally found normal drawings in compliance with GOST.

If you have available material and some equipment, it will not be difficult to make a real (or almost real) one.

At the end of the page there is photo homemade crossbow , made according to these drawings from scrap materials.

Naturally, it will not replace a purchased crossbow (after all, the build quality and structure of the material in the factory version are not much higher), but shoot at

So, in front of you general scheme homemade crossbow.

What does it consist of? this type crossbow:

Stock, shoulders, butt, trigger mechanism, sighting device, block system.

The stock is best made from natural wood hard rocks, solid or laminated timber. Choose the size at your discretion, but

Shoulders and decks of a crossbow

If there is a bed from small arms then it would be ideal solution, but you can try to whittle “Pinocchio” yourself.

Block crossbow design makes it easier to cock the bowstring, but perfectly retains power and allows you to carry it cocked for a long time.

The processing of the guide boom must be carried out particularly precisely. The lines must be smooth and straight. The accuracy and

bowshot. It's best to do this on milling machine, and then carefully process sandpaper. Then polish the groove.

It is better to make a crosspiece with shoulders installed at the end of the stock from an aluminum plate, but you can also make it from wood

Don't forget to make a sighting device consisting of a rear sight and a front sight. You can make a mount for an optical sight.

where you can order the execution of any drawings.

All that remains is to pick up the instrument and charge good mood and set about achieving your goal. Good luck!


The article is a rewrite. The administrator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information. Everything you do, you do at your own peril and risk.

A crossbow is a throwing weapon that is an improved design of a bow. Its advantage is the ability to aim without unnecessary effort. Specifications guns increase destructive power and shooting accuracy. In our country, the use of this type of throwing weapon is unpopular, since it is difficult to find necessary design. There is very little inventory, but user interest is quite high. Crossbows are quite expensive. However, the design of the weapon is quite simple, so you can easily make it yourself.

What is a crossbow used for?

First of all, it is worth noting that the use of throwing weapons with a tension force of more than 43 kgf is illegal, whether it is homemade or purchased from official manufacturers. Today, the main uses of the crossbow are sports competitions and outdoor activities.

The device itself was first created two and a half thousand years ago in China. In Europe, the weapon gained popularity only at the beginning of the twelfth century and was used exclusively for military purposes. Later, homemade crossbows were used for hunting. However, only rich people could afford expensive mechanisms and special arrows.

Arrows for this type of weapon are much heavier and are more often called bolts. Their use is necessary since the tension force of the bowstring is much higher and requires the use of heavy projectiles. They, in turn, provide increased power upon impact. Now, the ban on hunting with throwing weapons in Russia and the CIS countries does not allow the use of a crossbow to catch game. Throwing weapons are used exclusively for sporting purposes.

Differences and adaptations

A bow and a crossbow have several obvious differences that must be taken into account when creating a weapon with your own hands. The main differences are:

Tension force. Since the crossbow design allows the string to be pulled with greater force, it is required reliable mechanism, which does not fail. When purchasing it, you should not skimp, because it guarantees not only safety, but also durability. It is also convenient to use a device for tensioning the bowstring.

Use of bolts. By adding a spring to hold the projectile, the gun can be used at any desired angle. Aim. Installing additional equipment will ensure accuracy and make it easier to shoot from the shoulder, similar to a firearm.

In addition, when creating a throwing weapon with your own hands, it is worth special attention pay attention to the method of tensioning the bowstring. There are several of them. The most reliable and popular are:

Leg or hand braces. A very popular type of tension. However, its use is only available for crossbows with low power. Strap and hook. This method allows you to fix the machine tool with your feet, similar to the first example. When bent, the hook clings to the bowstring, and restoring the position is done by tightening and fixing it. An improved type of the second method is a rope using rollers. The mount is also installed on the belt. The use of two curved arms placed on pins is called a goat leg. The pins protrude on both sides of the stock. The owner pulls the opposite side towards yourself, thereby exerting tension. Release lever. The essence of the method is to connect the hook and bracket to the front of the stock. Thus, the bowstring is pressed back. Using rack and pinion gates. Very ancient technology, which appeared in the fifteenth century in Germany. The tension is carried out by a collar, which allows the method to be used for very powerful crossbows. Very suitable for hunting because it has killing power.

There are also many other ways to tension the bowstring for certain types guns. However, they are used much less frequently and have been used in ancient times. Their safety is significantly lower, which does not guarantee the correct use of weapons. To create a crossbow with your own hands, it is recommended to use one of the above methods.

How to create a throwing weapon

When creating a crossbow with your own hands, it is important to understand that the design must be strong and reliable. Making homemade throwing weapons is not difficult, but it requires a very responsible approach to the work.

First you need to decide on the purpose of using the tool. If it is used for hunting, then special emphasis should be placed on the tension mechanism and stock. If you make the design correctly, then the shooting technique will be much easier to cope with.

After determining the required characteristics, you need to make drawings of the future weapon or find ready-made ones on the Internet. They will not only facilitate the creation process, but also organize the workflow. It is best to use carefully designed drawings with dimensions..

Devices and materials

Before making a throwing weapon for hunting with a small pulling force, you need to organize your workplace and prepare necessary materials. Here are the main items you will need:

    two meter-long blocks of coniferous wood; a thin strip 6x1 cm; a polyurethane tube with a diameter of 3 cm; nylon fishing line; wheels with a groove in the middle of the edge; screws and nails 5 centimeters long; glue; wooden dowels (6 pieces); tape and foam; vice and rasp; hammer, chisel, saw and drill; pen or pencil.

Also during the work you may need additional materials to give an aesthetic appearance to the weapon. However, you can do this at your own discretion. When using a crossbow for hunting, appearance not that important. However, it can be polished and decorated as desired.


First of all, you need to make a gun bed. This is the main part to which the rest of the structure is attached. Take one of the prepared bars and apply it to your shoulder to determine a comfortable length. Make a mark with a pencil and saw off the unnecessary part. With your other hand, mark a comfortable position for the trigger. When creating a weapon with your own hands, it is worth considering that the power depends on the length of the stock. The longer the length, the stronger force tension. For hunting, it is better to use a longer bar. At the location of the trigger, use a chisel and rasp to cut a rectangle measuring 10x2.5 cm. Across the resulting hole, cut a strip in which the bowstring will be located.

Now you need to cut a groove for the arrow along the beam. Since the work is done with your own hands, it is extremely important to approach this stage responsibly. The accuracy of shooting depends on the correct position. Using a drill and hammer, knock out a 5mm deep groove exactly in the center and sand it.

Cut another block to a length of 60 cm and glue it to the main part of the crossbow. Let the glue dry. After complete fixation, if desired, you can polish the parts. You can do it with your own hands or with special polishing devices.

Now that the main part of the structure is ready, we need to make the shoulders. To do this, use two polymer pipes, each 90 cm long. Make cuts at the ends of one side into which the bowstring will be placed. Their width should correspond to the prepared screws. Insert them into the cuts you made and attach the wheels with the groove.

Take a nylon fishing line. Secure it to one of the screws, then wrap it around each wheel, going from one side to the other. After wrapping it around the wheels, secure the line to another screw with tension. The result should be a curved structure with three rows of strings. When tensioned, the pipes should bend; if this does not happen, repeat the procedure again.

After completing the stage, it is necessary to secure the resulting structure to the main part of the crossbow. To do this, cut a hole at the end of the beam into which the arc will be attached. Insert the pipe into the hollow and wrap it securely with tape. Keep in mind that one string (more taut) should be on top, and the other two on the bottom.

Now you can move on to the trigger mechanism. Take the prepared strip and cut out the letter “L” from it. At the base of the bend, cut a groove so that it is centered and has a width equal to one-third of the full base. Now you need to cut out the part so that it coincides with the hole in the stock. On the side of the bend, drill a hole the thickness of the nail. Place the piece in the hole of the stock and drive a nail into it so that it goes through the drilled hole in the piece.

All that remains is to focus. It will serve as a sawn-off 20-centimeter block, which must be sanded for convenience. It can be attached to the main part using nails or glue. Wrap the stop with foam and secure with tape.

This completes the creation of a crossbow for hunting. All that remains is to make the arrows. They can be easily made from wooden dowels and trims to the required length. On one side a cut is made for the bowstring, on the other the end is sharpened.

The main thing is not to use the weapon in public places and near places of residence and objects where people may be present. By following safety rules, you can have a great time not only hunting, but also engaging in active recreation.


In this way you can make a bowstring for a crossbow. If your goal is the question of how to make a crossbow, then you need to pay special attention to the bowstring. On this site you will find a lot of useful information for you on how to make a crossbow with your own hands.

For a good quality bow, you need a good quality bowstring, which we will now manufacture. But people interested in making a real bow will definitely pay attention to these recommendations, unless, of course, they are planning to buy a bowstring in an online store.

To wind the bowstring we will need nylon, silk or nylon thread. All this can be purchased at fishing, hunting, and hardware stores.

But a bowstring that is too thin will cut your fingers when firing. These are the contradictions that await you when choosing a material for a bowstring.

At the ends of the block we drill holes along the diameter of the sticks at a distance from the length of the future bowstring. If it is thin, then ten, twenty or thirty turns, depending on the thickness, see for yourself, but the bowstring must be at least two millimeters in diameter.

In order for the arrow to immediately fall on the middle of the bowstring when shooting, we put on thick rubber rings opposite the bow shelf between which the arrow will be inserted. Our almost professional bowstring is all ready.

With the help of a bowstring, the tension of the arms and the acceleration of the arrow take place, so the quality of the bowstring affects many of the characteristics of the crossbow. An important requirement for a bowstring is that it does not stretch during use, and the durability of the bowstring will depend on what material it is made of.

It is not difficult to make a crossbow bowstring yourself; suitable materials include threads such as lavsan, dacron, kevlar, deinema, SVM, fastflight and others made of synthetic fiber. After the machine is made, you can begin making the bowstring.

How to make a crossbow at home

On the middle part of the bowstring you need to make a transverse winding again, because it is most susceptible to wear and tear.

Another step on the path to making a crossbow has been taken, it’s time to move on to the next one. The design of a crossbow consists of three main parts: the stock, the arc and the trigger. If you want to make a crossbow with your own hands, start from a blank for the arc. The parameters of the remaining parts will depend on its size.

How to quickly make a crossbow with your own hands, video and photo

A crossbow is a small weapon. The principle of shooting is similar to archery. Nowadays, crossbow shooting is a fairly popular sport. But the cost of a crossbow starts from several tens of dollars. Therefore, many adherents of the crossbow try to make it with their own hands, at home.

Let's look at what components a crossbow consists of:

  • Bed;
  • Trigger;
  • Bowstring;
  • Arrows or bolts.

What do you need to make a crossbow from wood with your own hands?

Minimum set of tools:

  • Very sharp knife;
  • Drill;
  • A grinder with a wood disc or a regular hacksaw;
  • Hammer;
  • Plane;
  • Chisel.

To make a crossbow you need a piece of wood. It is advisable to take a tree:

  • hazel,
  • ash,
  • poplar.

You can also use birch or oak. The wood of these trees is more resistant to moisture, viscous, does not splinter and is beautiful. Wood blank should have a length of about 900 mm and a thickness of 30 mm. Wood cannot be used coniferous species tree.

To make a crossbow, the wood must be properly prepared. Only from the “correct” wood will a crossbow shoot for a long time with great power. Having cut a tree trunk or branch to the required length and thickness, the cuts must be painted over. This is done so that moisture leaves the wood gradually, and, therefore, the wood will dry more slowly and evenly. The clogged branches will be placed away from sun rays. They stay like that for about a year. After a year, the bark is removed from the workpieces, and it dries for another week. And only after all these procedures are completed, the branch is sawed lengthwise and the making of the crossbow begins. Of the two parts of the branch, take the northern one, guided by the annual rings. On this side, the fibers fit closer to each other, which means the material will be stronger.

photo: correctly carved wood for a crossbow

Draw the shape of the future base on the board and cut it out using a grinder or hacksaw. Make a groove on top for the arrow. A groove is cut on one side to secure the arc. If knots or chips appear during work, they must be processed sharp knife, and then sandpaper.

The second step will be making an arc. For it, take a board with a thickness of 20 mm and a length of at least 750 mm. The board must be smooth and free of knots. The board must be thoroughly dried, left for several days, and only then trimmed. The width of the arc is approximately 40 mm in the middle; towards the edges its width decreases to 15 mm.

photo.string of a homemade crossbow

arc for powerful crossbow can be made from a spring leaf of a UAZ car. Using a grinder, we cut an arc from the spring. Its dimensions are as follows: length 850 mm, width at the ends 15 mm, and in the middle 30 mm. Next, using a sharpening stone, bring the thickness to 8 mm in the center and 4 mm at the periphery. Drill the mounting holes with a Pobedit drill bit.

Preparing the groove for the arc. We make a hole for fastening from a rope, at a distance of 100 mm from the cut groove for the arc. We insert the arc into the groove and secure it with a rope. Or you can make a metal frame that will cover both the stock and the bow. The next step is to attach the bowstring to the ends of the bow, using the cuts made in advance. Stretch the string as you would when shooting. Thus we will find the most distant point. After this, we determine the optimal size of the crossbow, which is equal in length to your forearm.

We will make the bowstring from lavsan or fastfly. You can use a thin cable. Wrap the threads stretched between two nails, and make loops at the ends for putting on.

We wind the threads to a thickness of 5 mm. Then, without removing the threads from the nails, we wrap the threads once so that they are tight to each other. After this, we collect both halves of the bowstring at the first nail, and wrap it tightly again to the second nail. As a result, we got a bowstring with loops at the ends. The middle part of the bowstring must be wrapped very carefully, since a very large friction force acts on this part. The cut threads must be coated well with glue so that all the threads are monolithic. We tighten the bowstring using a stirrup made of wire. Having secured the bowstring, we adjust the degree of its tension. If the bowstring is too thick, the force of the shot will be reduced, and if it is too thin, it will break. Therefore, you need to make a bowstring of medium thickness. You can make a bowstring in the likeness of sports models.

photo: crossbow trigger

An important step required to make a homemade powerful crossbow

And so, we come to the most important part of our design. We will make a crossbow trigger mechanism. This will be a pin type lock. To do this, drill a through hole at the point of maximum tension on the bowstring. Make a transverse recess in the upper part of the bed. The next step is to secure the lever at the bottom of the crossbow. We make the axle out of wood and fasten it with wire.

Another type of trigger is called a nut. It consists of a cylinder that rotates freely around its axis. On one side it has hooks for the bowstring, and on the other side there is an L-shaped trigger stop. If the crossbow's power is up to 30 kg, the cylinder can be made of wood, but with a power over 30 kg it must be made of metal. Make the “nut” that will hold the bowstring from a piece of iron without welding to make it stronger.

We fix the stock and the lever with ropes so that the lever moves with minimal friction.

For the boom, the groove should be located from the top hole of the lock to the leading edge. The depth of the gutter is equal to a quarter of the diameter of the boom.

The wooden crossbow is ready. Now let's start processing the details. First, we process all the parts with sandpaper. After this, they can be coated with protein mixed with water. Then check how the lock works. Make sure the mechanism is as strong as possible.

To make the crossbow more beautiful, cover the wooden parts with stain and varnish, and the metal parts with black paint.

Now let's move on to the arrows. You can also make them yourself. To do this, you can make blanks from an ordinary board. Then these blanks need to be carefully planed. It is recommended to choose light wood. When making the tip, you should not drive nails in, as if it hits the target, the arrow may split.

We looked at how to make a regular “medieval” crossbow.

The crossbow can be block. It can also be made at home. It is made of fiberglass, 10 mm thick.

First, fiberglass shoulders are made. To do this, you need to cut from 30 to 40 strips from fiberglass or Kevlar. Glue them together epoxy glue and place under a press until completely dry. After 24 hours or more, these structures need to be leveled and thoroughly cleaned.

photo.mounting a homemade crossbow

The bed, as in the previous case, is made of wood.

The blocks are made of aluminum. It is better if they are on bearings. The middle parts of roller skate wheels are perfect for these purposes. The axles for them need to be taken with a diameter of 5 mm. They can also be taken from skates. Fasteners are made of steel or other durable material. If, when making the shoulders, the ends are made thicker, there is no need to make fastenings. The next step will be to install a trigger mechanism with a trigger and an arrow holder on the crossbow. All this is connected using bolts and washers. In block-type crossbows, the bowstring is slightly longer and is tensioned differently. It seems to cross, and the arrow flies with double energy. A thin cable is used as a bowstring, which can withstand sudden pressure when fired.

Read how:

To conduct targeted shooting from a crossbow made by yourself at home, you need to adjust the stock. It needs to be adjusted taking into account the flight path of the arrow. The bed should be at an angle of 5-6 degrees. It’s even better to decide on the shooting distance and zero the crossbow you’ve made, after each series of shots, changing the angle of the stock.

photo: homemade wooden crossbow

The trigger mechanism can be anything, as long as it does not fire prematurely, under the force of the bowstring. The string should, after the shot, return close to the stock, but without strong friction.

If you don’t want to buy an expensive crossbow (and prices sometimes exceed $1000), you can make a crossbow with your own hands. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The design of the crossbow is quite simple. A crossbow can be made from what is at hand, replacing missing materials with similar ones. A homemade crossbow is quite suitable for target shooting.

General view of a crossbow that you can make with your own hands according to drawings

The design of this crossbow uses the developments of manufacturers in the field of weapons. The drawings show a crossbow of a block design. If you follow the instructions and observe all the dimensions, you can make a high-quality and good crossbow with your own hands, even at home

General diagram of a homemade crossbow assembly:

To begin with, it is advisable to carefully study the drawings of the crossbow and begin assembling it yourself. Making a crossbow with your own hands is not an easy task. But this increases interest in work! After all, a homemade crossbow can bring great joy and respect to the performer.

Crossbow structure: stock, shoulders, butt, trigger mechanism, sighting devices, block system. It is used to make a stock natural wood, solid or laminated timber, mainly hardwood. The exact dimensions of the crossbow can be seen in the drawings. You choose the shape of the crossbow yourself, guided by the convenience and ergonomics of the stock and the desired image. When choosing, you must also consider whether you can make such a form correctly.

Crossbow shoulders and deck drawing:

The use of a small arms stock can significantly reduce labor costs for the manufacture of a crossbow. The main thing is to choose the right size. The mark left by the barrel in such a stock must be hammered wooden blocks, firmly placing them on epoxy glue. The butt and under-barrel pad of a crossbow can also be made of wood. The stock will be attached to the guide and serve as the basis for the trigger mechanism.

Butt drawing:

Offered for DIY assembly, the crossbow has a block design. This allows you to compensate for the load when cocking the bowstring and maintain power. Compound crossbows are the most popular among hunters because... You can carry a crossbow in a cocked state for quite a long time. Horton actively uses this design in the production of its crossbows.

Drawing of block assembly parts:

Pay special attention to the processing of the arrow guides and bowstring. The clarity of their finish greatly influences shooting accuracy. The guide lines must be perfectly straight and smooth. Optimal choice There will be grinding on a milling machine and subsequent processing with fine-grain sandpaper. Next comes polishing the guides. You can see the dimensions of the boom guide groove in the drawings. The crosspiece, with the shoulders attached to it, is installed at the end of the stock. It is usually made from an aluminum billet. Wood can also serve as a suitable material.

A crossbow sight must consist of a rear sight and a front sight. You can also install an optical sight on the crossbow, providing a mount for the aiming bar. Vertical adjustments are made entirely, mounted on the cover of the trigger mechanism, and horizontal ones - with a front sight mounted on the bracket of the elastic element.

There can be many design options for sights and sighting devices for a crossbow, depending on the possibility of manufacturing, the availability of ready-made sights from conventional weapons (air rifles), etc.

It should be borne in mind that the flight path of a crossbow arrow (crossbow bolt) is quite high, so the rear sight must be installed significantly higher than the front sight. The angle of elevation of the aiming line depends on the weight of the arrow, the tension of the string, the shooting distance, etc. In our crossbow at a distance of 50 m it is approximately 6°.

Convenient are the designs of the rear sight, which allow it to be removed or folded during transportation. It will also be convenient if the rear sight can be adjusted manually by raising or lowering the bar. Thus, you will be able to shoot the crossbow under different conditions(distance to target, arrow weight).

The crossbow, the manufacture of which is described above, is designed for shooting bolts with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 450-470 mm. You can easily make them yourself from a duralumin tube with a wall thickness of 0.5 mm. The tip and liner are attached to the bolt in front, and the feathering is attached to the back, just as they do for archery. It should be borne in mind that the shank of a bolt for a crossbow, unlike an arrow for a bow, should not have a cutout for the bowstring; it should be flat. It can be carved from wood in the form of a cork and inserted into the end of the tube, having previously been lubricated with glue.

Would be a great gift for a child. With it you can organize a small shooting range. The power of the crossbow is not great, since an elastic band is used as a bowstring. Such a crossbow shoots almost anything; the author, as an option, uses small arrows made from the shaft of a ballpoint pen and a tip in the form of a syringe needle. The crossbow is assembled quickly and easily; it requires a minimum of materials.

Materials and tools for homemade work:
- steel strip;
- wooden plank;
- an ordinary wooden clothespin;
- handle from a ski pole;
- a thin spring or elastic band;
- piece steel wire;
- trigger from a children's toy gun;
- sheet iron or elements from a mechanical designer.

Tools you will need: drill, hacksaw, pliers, fastening tool and a file.

How to assemble a mini crossbow:

Step one. Crossbow shoulders and stock
How the shoulders and stock of the crossbow are made and attached can be seen in the photo. The stock is very easy to assemble; you will need three boards. They are connected to each other with ordinary nails.

As for the shoulder mechanism of the crossbow, it is made from a piece of steel strip. The shoulders should not bend, since an elastic band or spring is used as a bowstring. Screws are used to attach the arms to the stock.

Step two. Device trigger
The trigger mechanism for a crossbow is also very simple to make. For these purposes you will need a regular wooden clothespin. You need to cut off one gripping part from it. You can see exactly how in the photo.

Step three. Crossbow handle
To make the handle for the homemade product, the author used a handle from a ski pole. It can be attached to the stock using glue.

Step four. Additional crossbow arms
To make the crossbow a little more powerful, a second mount for elastic bands was made, that is, a second pair of shoulders. Such parts were found in old parts. How to attach them to the stock can be seen in the photo.

Step five. How to make a pusher
To make a pusher you will need a piece of wood. It must be carefully adjusted to the clothespin. To secure the bowstring, a groove is made in the pusher. As a result, paired with a clothespin, the pusher works as a very simple and practical trigger.

Step six. Bowstring
The author used an elastic band as a bowstring. This can be found in a fishing store. You need to put a tube (cambric) in the middle of the elastic band that will go into the pusher. This is necessary so that the rubber does not wear out due to friction against the wood.

Step seven. Making the trigger
The trigger from a children's pistol is perfect as a trigger for a crossbow. You need to attach a mount to it from thin metal. An element from the designer is well suited for these purposes.

Step eight. We begin to assemble the structure
In the photo you can see what the structure will look like after installing additional shoulders. A top view and a bottom view are presented.

At this stage, you can already install the trigger mechanism. It is attached with a screw.

That's all, now the crossbow is almost ready, you need to connect the elastic band. The elastic bands are attached to the shoulders, as well as to the pusher, which moves freely in the groove of the crossbow stock. This design allows you to shoot almost anything from a crossbow, you can even shoot balls. A clothespin is used to secure the pusher. To shoot, you need to press the clothespin.

Step nine. Final stages assemblies
As you can see in the photo below, the author decided to equip the crossbow with a sight. It was decided to abandon the elastic band; it was replaced by a thin spring.

Once the trigger is attached, it needs to be connected to the clothespin. To do this, you need to make a rod from steel wire. As a result, when you press the trigger, the clothespin releases the pusher and a shot occurs.

For a crossbow you can make small arrows (bolts), for this you will need ampoules from ballpoint pens or other suitable tubes. They need to be weighted at the ends by placing a piece of steel wire or another weight inside. As a tip, syringe needles are put on the tubes and placed on the glue.

That's it, the crossbow is ready, it is safe enough as it has little power to cause serious injuries. For greater safety, you do not need to use arrows with a sharp tip. Another advantage is that the crossbow is easy to load, meaning that pulling the string and shooting will not be difficult for a child.

Below in the video you can see how the most powerful crossbow in the world works. An experiment was conducted to see if a crossbow could penetrate armor...

Initially, a self-made crossbow weapon was called a crossbow. Another meaning of this word is in the name of a homemade weapon that operates without human intervention. This is a hunting item designed to be installed on deserted trails in deep forests. But it is not advisable to use this crossbow, since there is a high risk of injuring another person. Any crossbow, like any weapon, can cause significant harm to health if it is used incorrectly or left to children unattended. To know how to make a crossbow at home, you should listen to some of the recommendations listed below.

Do-it-yourself homemade crossbow

Crossbow-type self-propelled weapons for hunting are a kind of special kind alert traps. This weapon has been used for a long time in Rus', installed near animal trails. An animal passing by could touch the guard or grab the bait, which would trigger a simple weapon that would hit the target. Such a crossbow was installed at a distance from several tens of centimeters to several meters.

The simplest hunting crossbow consists of the following parts:

  • Warp
  • bow string
  • Cord or rope for attaching the gatehouse to the base
  • Gatehouse
  • Alert thread
  • Arrow

A loop of guard thread is installed on the long end of the guard. When she pulls it off, the guard turns under the action of the bowstring, it is released, and a shot is fired. The longer the guard, the easier it is to shoot from a guarded wooden crossbow.

A homemade hunting crossbow can be installed not only on the trail, when you can catch prey in front, behind or from the side, but also on tree branches. An animal that has climbed a tree must touch the warning thread of the crossbow. Self-propelled weapons are mounted on branches for hunting small animals. It is also installed in hanging form in trees for hunting wolverines, wolves or wild dogs. Stones, shortened arrows (so-called bolts), peg arrows, etc. are used as a throwing projectile.

Homemade crossbow

Firearms are rarely made for hunting because, like any weapon loaded with bullets, they are very dangerous. As a rule, such traps are installed near an animal trail, near which signal signs are placed warning a person about the presence of a crossbow nearby. The simplest option for making a self-propelled weapon is to use a ten-gauge metal tube 20-25 cm long, with one end welded and the other ending with a brace. The starting device is equipped with a capsule. The made crossbow is loaded with two bullets, a suitable tree is found near the animal trail, screwed into the trunk, and a tripwire is made onto the trail. The weapon is aimed at the trail, the hunter is located near the hunting site. You can use this method of hunting, but crossbows are a much safer type of self-propelled weapon.

How to make a crossbow at home

Making a crossbow at home

Making a crossbow with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, you first need to leave a drawing of each part. The weapon consists of a bowstring with shoulders, a stock and a trigger mechanism. Steps on how to make a crossbow with your own hands at home:

  1. The stock is made of wood: for this you need to find a suitable board, draw a sketch of the stock, then cut it out with a jigsaw and a hacksaw.
  2. A homemade crossbow must have a hole for a finger - it is made using a suitable drill.
  3. A needle file is used to make a groove for the arrow, the location of which is previously marked with a marker or pencil.

You can use ordinary ones as a boom holder. wooden clothespins. To do this, a hole with a diameter equal to the thickness of the arrow is drilled in one of them, after which two clothespins are glued to the top and bottom of the crossbow stock, and the one in which the hole is made is placed on top of the back part. It is this that will hold the arrow and be attached to the top ones.

Homemade crossbow

Crossbow arms can be made from car springs or elastic plastic. They are secured with a block or welded metal fastener. To tension the bowstring, block elements are used for fastening at the ends of the crossbow arcs. The bowstring is made of steel cable or nylon thread, for example, lavsan.

When making a crossbow, an important part is the trigger mechanism. For this you will need:

  • Stainless steel sheet 2-3 mm thick, size 10x15 cm.
  • Two small springs
  • Three 10mm bolts with six nuts and two 8mm bolts with two nuts.

On paper you need to draw a diagram of the trigger mechanism, or more precisely, the trigger and hook for the bowstring. The drawing is transferred from paper to a sheet of metal, cut out with a hacksaw, and processed with a file. After this, a drawing of the parts of the crossbow trigger body made of wood is made and transferred to metal plate, cut with a hacksaw for metal. The holes for the trigger mechanism must first be made on a piece of plywood; if it works properly, then transfer the holes to a metal plate. Bolts with a diameter of 08 mm secure the trigger and hook for the bowstring, and the springs are also attached. The side parts of the plates are fastened with bolts with a diameter of 10 mm, and after that the homemade trigger mechanism for the crossbow is ready.

Do you want to make a real crossbow that will not only look like it, but will also shoot? Then don’t pass by and read our article on the topic of how to make a crossbow with your own hands. In the article we will not only talk about the intricacies of this matter, but also show the whole process in the photo. The topic is especially relevant in summer time when you can go out into nature and shoot at targets. And a thing made with your own hands will delight not only the eye, but also your friends or acquaintances, who, having seen such a product, will certainly set a goal and desire to own it!

How to make a crossbow with your own hands

Among simple tools created with one's own hands, the bow definitely wins. However, crossbows are also very popular. If you want to make a crossbow with your own hands, you just need to read the instructions below. A medieval design was chosen as an example due to its simplicity. Such a crossbow does not require metal welding; it can be made at home; it also does not require the presence of springs, as in its other, more advanced variations.

Everything you need to make a simple medieval crossbow- desire to tinker. Initially, you need to find a suitable stick for the base of the structure. It is recommended to use bird cherry, since after drying the wood retains good characteristics elasticity. When a suitable branch is found, you should carefully saw it off, completely remove the bark and leave it to dry in a warm place.
Typically the drying time is about 5-7 months.

Step by step instructions:

In addition, it is recommended to immediately bend the stick so that it does not crack during processing and fixation, as well as during use. If bird cherry is not available in the area, you can use elm or other alternative wood.

It should be remembered that for good strength, durability and elasticity of the launching part of a home crossbow, you need to stand it well. Moreover, in in this case the chances of a crack during use of the crossbow will be significantly reduced.

To have the opportunity to practice and to avoid the need to wait again, it is recommended to prepare several sticks at once.

You can use any type of board or dry wood on the stock of a homemade crossbow. It all depends on how accurately you want to replicate the medieval model of the weapon.

Once the wood has been selected and processed, a notch needs to be made in the front of the wood to accommodate the crossbow bow. You can make a notch with any tool from a metal file to a regular knife.

The next step in making a crossbow with your own hands at home is to drill holes for the bow bolts. They are placed at a distance of 8-10 cm from the front of the bed. Previously, holes were made with red-hot metal, so you can also use this method if you don’t have the right tools at hand.

Moreover, if you don’t have any bolts at hand, you can use the same wood.

The upper plane of the stock should have a groove in which the crossbow bolt will be placed. Often this groove is made round, but it is recommended to plan it triangular to increase the accuracy of the bolt.

When everything is ready, you can fix the bow. This is applied to the cutout made in the front of the stock and tied tightly with rope to the previously installed bolts or their wooden alternatives. This will be enough, but for a tighter fixation it is better to use glue.

The last element of a homemade crossbow is the organization of the trigger mechanism. Usually the simplest lever type is used. The crossbow drawing below shows how such a system works.

When the bracket-lever is lowered, the pin instantly launches, and it launches the bolt forward. It is important that this system does not have any safety mechanisms, so the bolt must be installed only before firing.

The created crossbow must have a tension force of about 40 kg, so the design will not be included in the list of edged weapons. The bowstring is tensioned by hand, so additional mechanisms are also not required.

Drawings for making at home

The photo above schematically shows a crossbow with all the necessary dimensions. Its main value is to understand what size its parts should be in relation to each other. Its entire length is 732 mm, with a height at the sight mounting point of 223 mm. The drawing shows a “pistol” handle (shaped like a pistol), for a reliable and comfortable grip.

The second hole is made to facilitate the construction, since the total thickness of the plywood handle (can be made of wood) is 30 mm. The arms are 302 mm long and are universal option, their total length is 532 mm. For the first time, it is enough to make exactly according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram, and after testing, make adjustments.

The most popular simple homemade weapons onions are rightfully considered. Its improved modification with mechanical tension retention, that is, the crossbow, is also very popular. You can make a crossbow with your own hands without much difficulty according to the drawings, and it is the most convenient, powerful and accurate throwing weapon.

What materials are suitable for making a crossbow?

For designing and assembling a crossbow, available tools are suitable. You can assemble a crossbow at home from junk in the garage. Its main materials are

  • wood for making a frame
  • metal arc
  • thin steel cable for the throwing part

Fasteners can be made from bolts and glue, or wooden pegs and rope. For the manufacture of crossbow bolts, thin and even sticks and aluminum for the tip are suitable.

Required elements and tools

To make a crossbow at home you will need:

  • A board with the dimensions of the desired dimensions of the crossbow;
  • plywood for adjusting the stock;
  • car spring;
  • thin steel cable, for example from the brake lever of a motorcycle.

The main structural elements are a frame with a stock, arms with a bowstring and a trigger mechanism. The frame is any wood turned into the desired shape. You should take a long board, which is enough to cut out the shape from the butt to the shoulders of the crossbow. The stock is cut to fit the owner's shoulder. A guide for projectiles should be provided on top. It can be cut into the wood itself, but it is more convenient to glue plywood on top.

IMPORTANT! The tools you will need are a jigsaw or any other sharp object for turning wood, glue, rope, a hacksaw and several large bolts to connect the structure.

After making the base, you can move on to the throwing mechanism. Most often, an old car spring is used for a crossbow bow. A section of the spring of the required length is sawed off. A string of cable 1.5-2.5 mm thick is stretched between the ends of the arc. The arms are fixed to the frame and fastened with bolts. After this, the main part of the crossbow is ready, all that remains is to make the trigger mechanism and prepare the shells.

Drawings and dimensions

There are several types of crossbow trigger. All of them are designed to release the bowstring when the trigger is pulled. It is not difficult to assemble the lever with your own hands, just follow the given drawing. It should be noted that the dimensions given can be increased or decreased to fit more or less powerful weapons and your own convenience.

Step-by-step instructions for making a crossbow

A crossbow at home is made in stages from the following elements:

  1. Crossbow stock;
  2. guide;
  3. bow and shoulders;
  4. bowstring;
  5. trigger mechanism;
  6. shells (bolts).

How to make a bed

The stock is sawn out from a solid wooden beam. It is advisable to choose viscous, moisture-resistant, smooth and aesthetic wood species. These include beech, oak, ash, birch and oak. In principle, any type of wood or board can be used, since the choice of material for this part is purely aesthetic. Optimal sizes– thickness is approximately 3 cm, and length – 90 cm.

A recess for the bow is cut out in the front part of the stock. At a distance of 8-10 cm from the edge, a hole is drilled for attaching the bow. A bolt is then inserted into it, to which the throwing mechanism is tied with ropes. At the back of the crossbow, the butt is cut to the shape of the owner’s shoulder, for ease of aiming and accurate shooting. You can carry out optional additional decorative works, so that the shape of the crossbow looks more attractive.

REFERENCE: For ease of aiming, an aluminum or wooden cross is screwed onto the front of the stock. It should be screwed on top of the bow fixed to the stock. Additionally, the scope can hold the arms of the crossbow, which will slightly increase the power.

Guide chute

A guide for throwing bolts should be placed on the top edge of the stock. It should be at least smooth, and ideally slippery. Modern crossbows use fiberglass and metal linings. At home, you can use plywood with a recess to fit the diameter of the bolts. The standard shape is a semicircle, but when working with plywood you can make a triangular notch, which is somewhat simpler and will increase accuracy. Cutting corners are carefully ground.

Spring shoulders

The choice of shoulder material depends on the desired power of the crossbow. If the product is made for a decorative function, old skis are suitable for the shoulders. For a historically accurate product, a branch of a strong and elastic tree species, ideally hazel, has been pre-dried for at least 4 months.

If you want to assemble a crossbow at home that you can not only show off, but also use for sport shooting and even hunting, you should use a metal bow. Popular and available material is a car spring. It has optimal flexibility and elasticity, providing excellent tension and high shot power.


The crossbow string must be both strong and thin. To ensure a powerful shot, it is recommended to use a thin steel cable. Overclocking it will require less energy, and its durability will be sufficient for long-term use with a reserve. Attachment to the shoulders can be used standard, with tying.

IMPORTANT! if you plan to use the crossbow for shooting at long-range targets and hunting, it is better to prefer a block system.

To do this, rollers are welded to the ends of the arm arches, between which the bowstring is wound. The roller system significantly increases the acceleration of the bolt, thereby increasing the power of the shot.


Organizing the trigger mechanism is the last stage of making a homemade crossbow. The standard release option is the lever type. The moment you press the bracket, the pin holding the bowstring lowers and the bow fires an accelerated projectile. It is recommended to assemble this mechanism strictly according to the above diagram.

This video shows in detail the manufacturing process with all the subtleties:

Types of homemade crossbows

The crossbow is a weapon with a long history, and throughout its existence, mechanical weapons have had many modifications. The most effective and interesting ones are still used today.


In modern crossbows, to increase their power, an improved type of bowstring fastening on rollers is often used. IN standard version a reversible bow, the projectile was fired with acceleration corresponding to the elasticity of the shoulders. When using a block trigger mechanism, acceleration increases many times over and, accordingly, such crossbows, even homemade ones made at home, are suitable for hunting and sport shooting.

Repeating crossbow made of wood

Repeating crossbows first appeared in China. Their specificity is in the original guide and in the simplified charging mechanism. The power of such a crossbow is much lower than that of a standard one and it is not suitable for accurate shooting, much less hunting. It can be assembled as original craft made of wood. The projectiles used are lightweight, without feathers or tips.

The bolts are placed in a cell above the stock and fall onto the guide as they are used up. The trigger mechanism is ancient system“goat leg”, where to cock it is enough to pull the lever.


Underwater crossbows are structurally almost no different from conventional ones. Due to its design, any crossbow can be used for spearfishing. In order to more convenient operation under water, the guide can be closed with half plastic pipe, and also use bolts with harpoon tips.

Mini crossbow for a child

Mini crossbows are smaller copies of weapons. They are usually made for fun and for children, using less durable materials, such as paper projectiles, rubber bands instead of strings, etc. Due to their design, the power of a crossbow directly depends on its dimensions, so mini-crossbows are significantly weaker in terms of shot power. You can also use a spring mechanism instead of a bowstring, but it will not be a crossbow.

How to make crossbow arrows (bolts)

When all the elements are manufactured, assembled, installed and fixed, the crossbow is ready for shooting. All that remains is to prepare shells for him. Crossbow bolts are a shortened version of arrows. They are distinguished by a length of about 30 cm and a short tail. It is not necessary to make a tip; it is enough to sharpen the ends of the bolts.

But for repeated use and increased penetration power, the sharp tips can be wrapped in aluminum. Also simple option is to buy ready-made crossbow bolts, which are sold separately and are inexpensive.

Is a crossbow suitable for hunting?

Most self-assembled crossbows have a tension of 30-40 kg, which allows them not to be considered a weapon and still be used for hunting small game. The crossbow can be used for shooting birds. When hunting small game such as hares and foxes, a shooting license will be required. Once you receive it, you can register your crossbow without any problems. A crossbow is not effective for hunting large game.

In this video you can see with your own eyes how accurate and powerful a crossbow is:


The main purpose of a crossbow is sports shooting. It can also be collected for the purpose of reconstructing historical scenes. Assembling and using for legal purposes a crossbow with a tension force of up to 42 kg is permitted in Russia without restrictions. It should be noted that the law prohibits the sale of uncertified crossbows with a tension force of more than 42 kg, but there is no liability for their manufacture, storage and transportation.