Moving antique toys made of plywood. Making wooden toys with your own hands: Business, Video, Drawings

All photos from the article

Almost every parent can make wooden children’s toys with their own hands: most of them have a fairly simple design, so we don’t need either expensive materials or complex tools for the job.

Still, the manufacturing process has many nuances, so before you take up a hammer or jigsaw, you should carefully study the tips given in the article.

Pros and cons of wooden toys

IN lately wooden toys for children aged 1 year and older are becoming increasingly popular. This is explained simply - the fashion for everything “natural”, “natural” and “ecological” dictates its own laws, which is why many parents refuse the usual rattles, cars and construction toys made of metal and plastic.

However, one should not idealize toys made from natural materials. They have both advantages and disadvantages, which we will try to characterize in the table below:

Pros Cons
  • Wood, unlike some polymers, is non-toxic and is practically guaranteed not to cause an allergic reaction in a child. This does not apply to varnishes and paints used to process toys, but we will talk about the selection of these materials separately.
  • Wood products are characterized by fairly high strength, and therefore they belong to the category of low-traumatic. When dropped, such a toy does not break to form fragments, so it can be considered relatively safe.
  • As a rule, the parts of wooden toys are quite large in size. This is also quite a significant plus: the larger the design element, the less likely it is that the child will swallow or inhale it.
  • Tactile sensations when a child’s hands come into contact with a wooden surface are very important in the formation of motor reflexes. From this point of view, wood is definitely preferable to metal or plastic.
  • Products of this type Quite practical and easy to care for: properly treated wood does not accumulate dust and dirt, and can be easily cleaned if necessary.
  • Finally, positive feedback deserves an ever-expanding range of toys from natural wood. And if you consider that we can make almost any product ourselves according to our own drawings (instructions are given below), then the quantity possible options will tend to infinity.
  • If you use wood without appropriate treatment, the products will be far from ideal: the surface of the parts not only absorbs moisture, but also accumulates dirt, which serves as an excellent environment for the development of microorganisms, including pathogens.
  • All toys end up in children's mouths, and these are no exception. That's why you need to closely monitor the condition wooden surface, since the resulting splinters can cause quite serious injury.
  • With prolonged contact with water, wood (even if treated with moisture-proof impregnations and varnishes) swells, which leads to deformation of the toy. So for the bathroom it is better to purchase products made of rubber, plastic, etc.
  • The mass of parts of wooden construction sets and other toys is quite significant, so if thrown, such an object can cause serious injuries.
  • Finally, appearance Wooden toys may seem too simple to a child and therefore boring. That is why, if you want your baby to start getting acquainted with wooden products, it is better to put away bright plastic objects away.

However, despite all the shortcomings, toys for children made of wood can be considered quite a worthy choice. Naturally, this is only true for high-quality products, and here we will have to make a choice - buy expensive products from world-famous companies or start producing toys ourselves.

What is needed for work

Selecting materials

The price of a really high-quality, beautiful and safe toy made from natural material can be quite high. That's why many parents prefer to save money by making toys on their own. This is quite possible, and in this section we will describe what is needed for such an activity.

Firstly, we should take care of the availability of material, namely wood:

  • To make toys and other items intended for children, it is advisable to take wood that does not produce sharp and long splinters.. This means that it is better to abandon affordable and widespread pine in favor of hardwood– linden, poplar, birch, etc.

Pay attention!
You can also carve toys from maple and oak, but these materials are not as easy to process.
On the other side, hardwood after processing it acquires additional strength, so the product turns out to be almost “eternal”.

  • To prevent our toy from cracking or breaking over time, the wood must be dry and smooth, free from knots, chips and other defects..
  • It is also undesirable to use wood that has signs of rotting or damage from woodworms.: This is not only unhygienic, but can also lead to early failure of the product.

Besides themselves wooden blanks we will need:

  • Fastening elements - nails, screws, self-tapping screws, metal rods for axes of moving parts, etc.

Advice! Metal fasteners should not be used if you are making wooden toys for children aged 2 years and younger. For the smallest ones, it is advisable to use exclusively adhesive joints, and make the axles and moving parts from wood.

  • Carpenter's glue for wood.
  • Stain or similar composition for impregnating wood.
  • Varnish for external treatment.
  • Wood paint (preferably acrylic).

It should also be noted that you need to choose the least toxic ones possible, preferably those specifically designed for use in processing children's toys or at least children's furniture.

This is due to the fact that no matter how closely we monitor the child, sooner or later a bright and shiny toy will end up in his mouth, and particles of varnish or paint will enter the digestive system. So let’s repeat it again – only non-toxic materials!

Tool set

Despite the fact that wooden toys usually have enough simple form, For efficient processing blanks we need suitable tools. In principle, you can get by with a standard carpentry kit, but it must include:

  • Saw on wood.
  • Jigsaw for working with thin boards or plywood.
  • Drill (we will need drills of different diameters for it).
  • Grinding machine with a set of attachments.
  • Wood cutters (knives, flat and shaped chisels, etc.)
  • Hand tools – hammers, pliers, etc.
  • Tape measure, compass and level for measuring work.
  • Clamps for gluing structural elements.
  • Brushes for applying glue, paints and varnishes.

If we plan to manufacture more complex products, then it is worth purchasing additional accessories. So, we will find it useful:

  • Small lathe for the production of cylindrical parts.
  • Manual milling machine for forming profile parts.
  • Spray gun or airbrush for better varnishing and painting.

Previously, it was in many kindergartens, and orders for production even came from above. Now it’s very difficult for the Bogorodskaya toy. The craftsmen who work in the factory for pennies do not let her die completely. Even with private woodworking orders you can’t go far; they lift your spirits more than the work. Factory workers still remember how one day a new Russian came and asked to make a stupa for his mother-in-law as a gift. With a hint :)

The toy is about 350 years old. Then, under the control of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, wood processing began to develop in the nearby village of Bogorodskoye. They carved iconostases, platbands, wooden sculptures and toys. Later, a school of master carvers and a professional artel, the current factory, appeared.
A more romantic version talks about a peasant whose children got tired of playing with a wooden doll and abandoned it. The peasant took the doll to the fair, where he was lucky - a merchant saw the toy and ordered a shipment. This is how the residents of Bogorodskoye began to engage in the “toy business.”
A wooden toy is made from linden dried for 3-5 years. This soft wood good for cutting:

The finished product is first cut out with an ax or cut out using a hacksaw according to a template

Then they process it with tools - chisels and special very sharp Bogorodsk knives. Yes, the knives were also local. Once upon a time, while one part of the village was making toys, the second was preparing knives and chisels for their manufacture. Now craftsmen use imported tools or make them themselves, only the name remains

An experienced worker spends 15-20 minutes cutting one piece. However, the working day of the foreman at the factory is short - until lunch. Then many go home to private work or to fulfill factory orders. We arrived just in time for lunch, and all the craftsmen had already left. I had to show everything to the escort. The norm is to deliver 130-140 items per month. Cuts and abrasions are a common occurrence at work, but people do not lose heart.

They work here. It smells like wood inside

After processing, the toy is assembled in parts

And these are the future Carlsons. Below will be colored

Although traditionally the toy was not painted, now this rule is sometimes deviated from. It turns out no worse :)

They work with gouache and then cover it with a harmless oil varnish. Previously, things were going well at the factory and several hundred people worked. Now there are fewer and fewer workers, some workshops are even empty. They say that in 12 years the team has shrunk by half and has aged a lot.

However, the toy is still wonderful. Look how cool the Carlsons are

Just great. The toy is held in the hands, the ball rotates - Carlson moves his hand and eats jam, a jar of which has not yet been assigned to him

But the spoon has already been given out... And he is happy

There are also toys with characters from other fairy tales. Here the ball is spinning, and grandma and grandpa are baking buns

There are different moving scenes - a cat catches fish, chickens peck grain. This toy develops imagination and hands.

The production of children's products, including toys, has always been profitable view activities. This business is now very attractive and profitable, since many consumers are concerned about choosing not only beautiful, but also high-quality toys for their children.

The children's goods market offers a huge number of Chinese toys, the quality of which is inferior to wooden toys. Parents are currently willing to pay more money for toys that have best quality and being an environmentally friendly product. The advantages of wooden toys are also their durability and interesting design.

Drawings of wooden toys

Video Lesson: DIY wooden toys

Process production of wooden toys will not require large investments. Equipment for making toys is not expensive, and the manufacturing process itself is simple. To start a business, you need to rent several premises, as well as purchase necessary equipment (milling machine, drilling, grinding device and small equipment). Consumables The production will include wood, varnish and paint, as well as packaging. In the future, if there is intensive workload and orders, additional personnel can be hired.

In ancient times, when such a material as plastic had not yet been invented, and instead of glass in window openings bull bladders were pulled, children played with wooden toys. Each family had its own craftsman, who created not only wheels for carts and ralos, but also various wooden toys: nesting dolls, horses and much more.

U wooden dolls there were not always arms and legs, but everything was limited mainly to the designation of the mouth and eyes, and everything else was the fruit of a child’s imagination. At the same time, there were masters who created unique mechanical masterpieces, passed on from generation to generation. For example, almost all children had a rocking chair made of wood in the shape of Sivka-burka. At the same time, children's wooden toys were environmentally friendly and safe, so even today they remain quite popular.

Rocking horse in the shape of a horse

You can make a rocking horse out of wood with your own hands quite quickly. Let's figure out what is needed for this and how it should be done?

What will you need?

To make a wooden toy you will need:

  • board 20-30 mm thick or ready-made furniture board;
  • stalk;
  • wood screws;
  • wooden pins;
  • drills and drills;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue.

Work process

You can assemble a wooden rocking horse with your own hands using the following instructions:

  1. Find suitable drawing. You can take it in our article or find another option on the Internet.
  2. Transfer the drawing to the board.
  3. Using a jigsaw, cut out the parts along the contour and drill holes for the pins and handle.
  4. Insert the pins into the holes, lubricating them with glue. Assemble the hind legs and seat.
  5. Once the glue has dried, continue the assembly process.
  6. Sand all rough spots and sharp edges. Draw in in the right place the horse's face, and your horse will be ready to entertain the children.

If your child likes to play knights or heroes, you can make weapons for him from wood. It can be a hatchet, sword, shield and much more. It is better to cut them out of a single piece of wood according to a design that can be transferred from paper. After cutting, the workpiece must be sharpened, polished and coated suitable paint. Such toy weapons are also suitable for various children's parties for the New Year and other holidays.

One of the first children's toys after the rattle is blocks. IN modern world stores sell cubes made of plastic and other synthetic materials, but they do not provide such tactile pleasure as wooden products. If you want to make wooden blocks for your baby with your own hands, you can do it without professional carving skills.

All that is required of you is to carefully process all surfaces, cut off all sharp corners and round the edges. Wooden cubes do not need to be coated with paint or varnish, as the child will definitely start gnawing on them.

Wood craftsmen in Rus' did not limit themselves to wooden horses and clay whistles. In the museum called “Virgin Toy” today you can look at movable toys whose age has exceeded a hundred years.

Without knowledge of the laws of mechanics, but solely on inspiration and with the help of their ingenuity, the craftsmen created various chickens that pecked grain, or hares playing the accordion, as well as blacksmith bears.

For carving crafts, they usually used linden, which had been sawed several years before. The craftsmen used special knives for their work. Modern development of technology makes it possible for everyone to make similar toys that can become original New Year's gift for children.

To make such toys you will need drawings. You can simplify the design if you deprive it of bulk and replace the linden with plywood. The most difficult stage of the work is determining the place for attaching the paws and legs, so that when moving the slats, the figures perform an accurate movement (for example, a blacksmith and a bear clearly hit the anvil with their hammers. This can be done experimentally and you should cope with it.

For all children, one of the most memorable holidays is New Year. You can involve your child in the exciting process of creating wooden Christmas tree decorations. For example, you can make New Year's snowflakes using old unnecessary clothespins:

  1. Separate the two halves of the clothespin, turn them towards each other reverse side and glue together eight pairs in this way.
  2. Fold the four glued halves into a cross and secure them in the center with glue.
  3. Place four more inverted clothespins and secure them with glue at the base.
  4. To make wooden snowflakes for the Christmas tree more attractive, glue circles of colored cardboard or paper to them on both sides, and sprinkle tinsel on top.
  5. Tie a string to the snowflake on which you can hang the New Year's toy.

Mobile kangaroo

You can make it with your own hands from wood a simple toy in the form of a kangaroo descending down a plank.

Required materials and tools

To work you will need a certain list of tools and materials:

  • board 10-20 mm thick;
  • plywood 5 mm thick;
  • wooden axle 5 mm in diameter;
  • the wooden axis is thinner - about 3 mm;
  • drill with drills;
  • jigsaw;
  • washers;
  • sandpaper;
  • stain or paint;
  • glue.

Let's start assembling

Cut out a body and two legs from plywood according to our drawing or make your own version. Bottom hole in the leg should coincide in diameter with the thin wooden axis, and the top one should coincide with the thick 5mm axis. Make a hole in the body a little larger than 5 mm so that the main axis rotates inside it.

Make the main wooden axle: add together the thickness of the kangaroo's body, the thickness of the four legs and the thickness of the washer. As a result, you will know the required axle length. Sand the edges, holes and cuts with sandpaper. Insert both axles into one leg and place a washer on the main axle, then thread it through the hole in the body. Place a washer on it on the other side and insert both axles into the other leg. There is no need to glue anything yet - test the toy first.

The thin wooden axle in the legs should move freely until it collides with the protrusions at the bottom of the body. The width of our kangaroo's stride depends on the protrusions. Thus, the legs are always under the center of gravity of the toy, giving it movement.

Test the kangaroo on an inclined surface and place the board on a book or other support, tilting it about 25-30 degrees.
Place the toy on an inclined surface, lift the tail and drop it slightly, giving the kangaroo movement. If the toy does not jump, you need to change the angle of the surface. If the back legs slip, you can put duct tape or something similar on them. You can also make it rougher using sandpaper or a file.

If the toy jumps, glue all parts except the axle inside the kangaroo's body. You can also paint the toy or cover it with stain.

If the kangaroo doesn't jump

If the toy still does not jump, you can do the following:

  1. Start removing weight from the front, making the ears, paws and head smaller. It is necessary to achieve a shift of the center of gravity to a place above the feet.
  2. You can drill holes in the tail and insert some weights into them.
  3. Raise the kangaroo's body index finger and try to determine the center of gravity by balancing it. Drill a hole for the axle approximately 3mm in front of the center of gravity.
  4. Make sure that the legs move easily under the body along the axis.
  5. Try changing the angle of the plane on which the kangaroo should jump.

Additionally, you can watch a video on how to create a wooden toy.

Good afternoon. Today we start uploading articles on the topic of DIY wood crafts. In this first article I want to show you what simple crafts can be made from wood - for both children and adults. Many ideas will work for labor classes at school- for boys. Some ideas will work for a school competition crafts made from natural materials. Some wooden crafts can become decorating your dacha or yard. Here you will find a storehouse of inspiration and joy in anticipation of such interesting and simple work. In this article I will prove what to do beautiful crafts made of wood everyone can. Because here you will find simple and feasible tasks. Even a frail woman with a manicure can do half of the crafts in this article. So - let's fall in love with wooden creativity.

Let's start with simple magic.

Tree + sun

Crafts that glow with love.

Here are the simplest and cutest ones country crafts made of wood. For the craft, you need to cut a log (ask when you are sawing the firewood with a grinder to make several thin cuts). Or you can do it without cutting - just take a board of any size.

We drill holes in the wood so thick that a store-bought glass pebble will fit into it. Such sets of multi-colored decorative glass stones are sold - in the gift department, and in the department where there are candles, vases and everything for holiday decor.

You can simply drill such holes with glass into a board and hang it on an apple tree. You can drill such holes in the fence - if the sun shines into it at least once a day at a low angle.

It's very beautiful. Magically. Like in fairyland. Your children will be delighted with this wooden craft.

Simple wooden crafts

from log cuts.

If you have logs being cut into firewood in your yard, you are in luck. You can get priceless craft material for free. Ask the men to cut you flat cuts, both from small and large logs. Lovingly stack them away from the woodpile and start dreaming up future wood crafts. For example, let it be wooden owls. It's easy to do and looks beautiful. The saw cuts can be nailed to each other. You can put them on liquid nails (like glue).

The surface of the cuts can be rough and unsanded (as in the photo with the bunnies craft). Or you can sand it with sandpaper and even varnish such an ornamental material. Or paint it the color you want.

From large saw cuts you can make large country wood crafts. And small log houses (made of thinner branches and logs) are suitable for miniature crafts - for example, these birds. You can cut branches of this thickness yourself with a hacksaw - manually, without a chainsaw.

Log cuts can become a canvas for art installations. Such wooden crafts-pictures can be made from any natural material. Go to the river and find smooth, flat stones. They will become the source interesting crafts. The stones can be easily painted with felt-tip pens, office markers, or just gouache (after work, fix the gouache with hairspray or nail polish).

Here's another way to make beautiful AIR crafts from wooden cuts. Lacy through cutting with an electric jigsaw (photo with craft maple leaf) looks simply magical.

Here small master class, from which you can see how the process of sawing openwork patterns on a thick cut of wood occurs.

First we outline the stencil with a pencil. Then we use a drill to drill holes in the key nodes of the drawing. And then we use a jigsaw to move from one holey node to another.

You can come up with a device yourself which will help you cut wood products using a conventional drill. Do it yourself electric jigsaw. Holding the comfortable handles with your hands, you simply move the device - following the lines of your drawing. The thinner the drill, the finer details of the design you can cut out with it. Well thought out.

Or you can buy a jigsaw– it costs on average 100 dollars. You can find it for over 50, but we’re not in industrial scale work, so it’s not necessary to buy a very powerful, expensive tool.

Mosaic crafts

From cuts of thick branches.

If you have country yard The boring barn wall is looking right at you. Then you need to make it not boring. Let's decorate the shed using wood crafts. Let's do it mosaic applique from small wood cuts. Such cuts are obtained by cutting thick branches or thin logs with a hacksaw (or chainsaw).

The basis For such a wooden craft, we cut it out of a sheet of plywood. First, we draw the silhouette of the future craft on it. Cutting out the plywood base with a hand jigsaw or special power tools. And we glue wooden rounds onto it - with liquid nails, with wood glue or with hot glue from a gun.

And you can even make it at home from saw cuts decorative frame for a mirror made of wooden rounds(master class in the photo below).

  1. Also buy a round mirror. Place it on a sheet of plywood and trace it with a pencil.
  2. Around the resulting circle, retreat a few centimeters (to the width you want for the frame). And with this indentation draw a second circle.
  3. Cut a large circle out of plywood. And cover the outer ring with wood cuts. You will get a beautiful wooden craft frame - all you have to do is glue the mirror into the middle using liquid nails.

Puff Crafts

made of wood.

This is perhaps my favorite type of wood crafts. Here the woven shields lie on top of each other creating a LAYERED VOLUME of the craft.

Here is a cow craft made from three layers of wooden shield. The first layer is the body, the second is the head, the third is the bangs and nose.

You can paint all layers of your craft the same color (like a craft polar bear made of wood) or in different colors (as a craft mouse on the moon– photo below).

Or you can leave a textured wood pattern (as in the crafts in the photo below).

Wood fox It has a two-layer design - a back layer, and the head and tail are placed on it.

Craft duck has 5 layers - a central layer with the head, and two layers on both sides (tummy + wing).

The more layers you will overlap each other, the more voluminous and convex your craft will be. Here is an example with the craft “Lions made of wood” you can see how the animal's muzzle moves forward, thanks to four layers of thick wooden boards.

If you paint your crafts. Complete the facial expressions, add small details - folds, spots, etc. You can get very realistic and expensive wood crafts. Your small hobby can become your business. Such works can be safely put up for sale.

You can come up with your own characters. Draw their layers on a sheet of paper. Enlarge the craft first in a paper template - transfer the contours to wooden shield and saw out. Or find pictures in a children's coloring book– and redraw them in an enlarged size.

Wood craft

For school activities

At the labor lesson.

Such LAYER wood crafts can be cut NOT FROM THICK SHIELDS, but from thin plywood sheet. And then such work can be carried out in labor classes within the framework school curriculum. On the topic “sawing with a jigsaw on plywood.”

Here's an idea - how out of 3 plywood panels make a two-color puppy craft. The first very back layer of WHITE PLYWOOD shows only the tips of the ears, tail and one hind leg. We will cover the second layer with stain (so that it darkens). Eyes, nose and lines can be drawn with a marker, or burned with a special device for burning wood.

In the same technique of shields with different shades you can do so many colors volumetric crafts made of wood during labor lessons at school or in a woodworking group.

Wood crafts

in the form of an APPLICATION.

Using a very similar technique, you can make an applique from wood. Here, too, wood is taken as a basis. solid wood board(that is, not a glued board, but a solid board). Because we will be sanding it, and the glued board may delaminate from sanding and the glue seams will be visible.

  1. On paper all future crafts are drawn. Divided into parts by lines. Each detail is numbered. And it is photographed (so that later the location of each element can be verified from the photo).
  2. Next, the drawing is cut along the lines into elements. We outline each element on the board with a pencil. We cut out an element from a flat board. All elements are flat on top, rough around the edges of the cut and with sharp sawing edges.
  3. Now our task smooth all edges of each part, round it. We trim off the sharp edges of the cuts with a chisel. And we grind it on a grinding machine (if you have one) or do it manually with sandpaper of varying degrees of hardness and roughness.
  4. After sanding all parts painted with tinted stain(sold in construction stores). Depending on how many times you wipe the part with stain, you will get a lighter or darker tone. Very light details can be simply wiped off vegetable oil. You can check in advance shades of color on scraps of wood left after sawing the craft.

You can also paint wooden craft parts in watercolor or gouache(using not a brush, but a foam sponge). After painting, so that the part does not stain your hands, you can spray it with hairspray or saturate the craft with another wood coating compound (just check the color first on scraps).

It only seems that the cow (in the photo of the wooden craft above) is behind the moon. In fact, all the parts are in the same plane. On a piece of paper. But thanks to the streamlined edges of the parts, everything looks voluminous, soft and as if pressed into each other. Nothing is actually pressed in - everything just lies next to each other.

Ideas for such flat wood applique crafts can be taken inside children's coloring books. There are just pictures with large details. You can find a children's coloring picture on Google - enlarge it and print it. Or redraw directly from the monitor screen by placing a sheet of paper on the glowing screen.

Methods for grinding parts

for wood crafts

(instructions to help).

To make it easier to sand the smooth edges of parts without rubbing calluses on your hands, I want to give some useful tips.

You can clamp the sandpaper sanding belt in a special vice, also made of wood. Here's how it's done in the left photo below. Or come up with your own version of the device.

Here in the left photo - sandpaper is wrapped around a thick piece of wood with a semicircular edge. And the edges of the sandpaper are wrapped in a groove and clamped with a bolt twisted through a round cylindrical piece of wood-clamp.

There are also grinding attachments to the drill. And then you can grind the parts using the rotational force of the drill and the magical power of electricity.

Below we see grinding attachments for drill– plate and drum shape.

Eat grinding devices for a drill, where you can change sandpaper– remove the old worn-out sandpaper and insert a new one.

By the way, on AliExpress you can buy immediately in bulk grinding drums for a drill for 3-4 dollars per batch of 100 pieces. If you search, you can find it cheaper.

And so that the drill does not spin in your hand while working, you can create a special FASTENING STRUCTURE, which will record your homemade grinding machine in one place, and all you have to do is bring the parts to the grinding drum.

The design of the mounting pallet can be different - with a wooden clamp (photo above), or with a retainer in the form of a metal bracket (as in the photo below).

With such an assistant, making wood crafts with your own hands is a pleasure. Quick, pleasant and immediately beautiful results. This kind of work can be put on stream - and a whole production of beautiful wooden (smooth and safe) toys for children and wooden gift paintings can be set up.

You can become a successful master. Completely unexpected for myself. Just like that, look at this article and fall in love with the idea.

The imagination of wooden crafts is limitless. Remember the formula for success - everything can be made from wood. The main thing is to start... then continue... and finish.

For example, knocking toys. Beautiful fun for children and for decorating the garden. Such a knocker or woodpecker may knock on your door, announcing guests on the porch. Like in a fairy tale, pull the string and the door will be opened for you.

You can make decorations for your children's room with your own hands. Essentially, reincarnate and become a designer of interesting interior wood crafts. Any boy will be happy if his children's room sparkles with motifs from the Jungle.

You know... I’ll probably continue the topic of wooden crafts for design children's room in one of the following articles. I'd like to see what ideas are hidden here. And making someone fall in love with this is a good thing.

And perhaps we should create an article with wooden toys for children - self made. I also need to write. And then it will work here link.

In the meantime, let's continue...


and WASTE material.

Where do future crafts live? …. Old half-decayed boards. For example, from grandma's fence. Which are usually used for firewood or removed from the yard as excess garbage. Stop. Let's not throw them away. Let's dig through this pile and create something wonderful - with our own hands from wood.

A wooden mop-brush, if sawed in half, turns into the mouth of an evil dog. A little imagination and work. And now the service dog is bristling and grinning at you.

A beautifully crafted piece of art. tree and waste material.

Any waste material (pieces of iron, plastic) and old pieces of wood can populate your home with fairy-tale characters. They are alive. They have a soul and their own history.

Wood crafts

Imperishable beauty.

Peeled veneer , from old furniture panels, quietly dampening in your shed - can also become a source for crafts and wood appliqués.

From this thin wood material You can directly cut out the details of the future craft with scissors and stick it with hot glue from a gun (or with wood glue).

You can also use thin birch bark instead of veneer. And also make interesting flat crafts from wood.

Wood crafts

(logs, firewood and bark)

Ordinary firewood from your woodpile can become a source of inspiration for wooden crafts for the dacha.

If you cut a round log diagonally, you get a figurine with its face turned towards you. All that remains is to draw this face, add elements of eyes, ears, and nose to it.

You can use logs and round logs to form the body of an animal. The logs will be the legs and the logs will be the back. The head can be made from a round cut of a small log. Or chop with an ax face to the desired shape from the same log as the body of your four-legged wooden craft.

Show your imagination and don’t stop before a difficult task. A squirrel made of wood or a snail made of logs - there is nothing complicated. We turn on our head and sense of humor - it will suggest the most ridiculous, but effective ways convey the delicate image of the animal using rough wood and other natural materials.

YOU can work with a chainsaw or an ax - sawing out or beheading the face of your wood craft. You can make these cute pigs with your own hands as a fun wooden craft for your dacha.

And in the bushes you can put a beautiful, proud deer - also a simple and quick craft made from wood and branches.

Wooden crafts

from chips from a log.

It happens that when you chop firewood, large shaped chips break off from the log. This chip often has a bizarre shape - already similar to something (a bird, a panther, the profile of a face). You need to carefully put such a gift of fate aside, so that you can later return to it and complete the craft started by nature. Trim something with a knife, highlight something with paint, glue something as an additional detail. And you will end up with a do-it-yourself wooden craft - beautiful and original.

These are the ideas I managed to find for wood craftsmen.

Now you too can make beautiful crafts from wood with your own hands. Moreover, this article is only the first in a series on the topic of wooden crafts, which are clear and easy to do at home. You've probably already fallen in love with some ideas and are determined to implement them - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - let everything work out in the best possible way. in the best possible way. And your wooden craft will appeal to your entire Family Bunch.