House made of profiled timber in a warm corner. Construction technology

Private developers in lately When choosing materials for building a house, preference is increasingly given to wood. And this is not only a tribute to the fashion for environmentally friendly housing - it is also a genetic memory of generations of ancestors who have been building wooden houses for thousands of years.

Houses made of timber are very popular not only due to their environmental friendliness, but also to their ease of installation.

There is one more important aspect. Wood today is relatively cheap building material, in addition, it is lighter in relation to such common materials as brick or various blocks, which is why wooden house no need for a massive foundation. Therefore, choosing wood as a building material for a home also means significant cost savings. But today, due to scientific and technological progress in the construction of houses, traditional logs are increasingly being replaced by a new building material - wooden beam. In both cases, building a house involves one technological operation - the construction of a log house, but the methods corner connections for logs and for timber are somewhat different, although they have a common basis.

Main types of beam corner connections

When building a house from timber, it is very important to correctly connect the material.

Corner connection – essential element house designs. Therefore, before starting work, you need to have a clear idea not only of how to arrange it, but also what requirements are imposed on such a connection. There are two such requirements.

First, the corner must be strong. It is clear that correctly laid crowns should remain in place under their own weight. But the laid crowns, and primarily in the places of corner joints, will in any case deal with the natural deformation of the wood caused by the impact environment. Therefore, when deformed, the laid corner should in no case diverge, forming a gap. Second important requirement: The corner connection must be airtight, especially in a residential building or bathhouse.

After all, it is unlikely that the owners of such buildings will be happy with drafts in the corners. There is an unwritten rule in the construction of a log house: the more complex the type of corner connection, the less likely it is for drafts to appear. But if we are talking about building a shed or barn, then the high tightness of the corner joints in this case can be neglected.

A jigsaw will be needed to cut grooves in the timber.

In the construction of a house made of timber, as well as a house made of logs, there are two types of corner joints: with a remainder and without a remainder. When connecting timber in the corners without leaving any residue, the corners of the house are traditionally even, with corner method connections with the rest, the ends of the crowns extend beyond the plane of the wall for some distance.

The method of joining without a residue is considered more economical, because in this case the construction costs goes home less material. But with the method of connecting the angle with the remainder general design The log structure is more stable, and the corners are warmer, which is very important for a living space.

To cut a corner of a house, regardless of the chosen method and type of timber connection, you will need:

  • axe,
  • jigsaw (if you don’t have one, you can use a hacksaw, but given the amount of work on all four corners, the duration of construction of the log house will increase significantly),
  • hammer,
  • bit,
  • mallet.

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Corner connection “with remainder”

The corner connection “with the rest” is most often made using a key groove “in the head”. Such a groove can be one-sided, two-sided or four-sided. But in all cases it is done not at the end, but at a distance of 2 or 3 cross sections from the edge of the end. The width of the groove made must correspond to the cross section of the beam.

The width of the groove must fully correspond to the cross section of the beam.

The simplest way of such fastening is in half a tree. This is the way with single-sided groove, in which a transverse cut is made from the top side to a depth of half the thickness of the timber. The upper crown is inserted into this groove at a right angle, and so, alternately tying the stacked crowns, they cut the corner of the house from the timber. The crowns are fastened together with staples for greater strength.

When installing double-sided groove cuts are made not on one, but on both sides, but to a shallower depth - a quarter of the thickness at the top and a quarter at the bottom. Folded together, the total cutting depth will be the same - half a beam.

Performing a quadrilateral lock groove, cuts are made on all four sides. In this case, the grooves are made longitudinally by a quarter of the thickness at the top and bottom, and transverse on the sides by a quarter of the width. Transverse grooves greatly simplify the assembly of a house made of timber, since their installation is in many ways similar to the assembly of a construction set. And since with this method of fastening, due to the transverse grooves, the timber is laid much more tightly, the strength of the entire structure is much higher than with the first two methods.

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Corner connection “no residue”

The “no-residue” connection is made using a “claw” connection. It can be made end-to-end, on dowels or on main tenons. Regardless of the type of connection chosen, fastening the beams “without remainder” implies additional fixation of the crowns laid in the corners.

The easiest way to connect timber “without any residue” is a butt joint. With it, the bars in the corner are connected with their ends facing each other and fixed with the help of studded metal plates. No other measures are taken to fix them. Despite the fact that this is the simplest way to connect timber in a corner, it is practically not used in the construction of residential buildings, since with its help it is impossible to make the corner warm and airtight.

When assembling corners using dowels, fastening is performed using special wooden inserts hard rocks. With this method, grooves are prepared in advance: in one beam - at the end, and in the other - on the side, not far from the end. In order to fasten these two beams with a liner (key), it is very important that when joining them, these grooves coincide. The installed key fixes the ends, preventing them from moving. In the direction of installation of the key, such fastening can be transverse, longitudinal or oblique. Oblique fastening is the most difficult to perform, but it allows you to achieve a tighter and more reliable connection.

The most reliable and therefore most used method of assembling the corners of a house is with the help of a root tenon. With it, a groove is made at the end of the beam, and a tenon is cut out at the end of the one being joined to it. The tenon fits into the groove from above. When connecting, it should fit tightly into the groove. But this does not mean that the groove must be strictly adjusted to the dimensions of the tenon.

In fact, the groove should be slightly larger than the tenon, because to ensure greater density, flax-jute fabric or other insulation must be placed in the groove during assembly. In addition to ensuring the required density, this significantly improves the thermal insulation of the corner. For greater reliability, the corner can be fastened with two or three tenons (and two or three grooves, respectively).

Also, for greater reliability of fastening and stability of the log house, each laid crown is additionally reinforced with a round wooden dowel with a diameter of 25-30 mm. Typically, dowels are made in length equal to 80% of the sum of the heights of the two crowns. But if we are not talking about a residential building, sometimes to speed up the assembly of a log house, it is practiced to fix 3 crowns at once with one dowel.

A distinctive feature of all tenon-to-groove fastenings is that vertical gaps must be provided between the groove and the tenon.

They will act as compensators during the shrinkage of the log house.

Most reliable way fastening the structure of the corner of the house is a connection of timber using a dovetail. It is called so because the spike at the end is not rectangular, but trapezoidal, reminiscent of the tail of a swallow. Accordingly, the groove at the end of the joined beam is also adjusted to the shape of the tenon. A tenon inserted into the groove prevents the corner of the house from moving apart when the frame shrinks, regardless of the size of the deformation of the material. In addition, it has better airtightness compared to other fastening methods. Therefore, the corner assembled using a “dovetail” rightfully received the name “warm corner”.

All types of corner joints are described in detail in GOST 30974-2002. However, these requirements are only advisory in nature. Final decision the developer himself must decide, carefully weighing all the pros and cons of each type and method of such connections.

Warmth and comfort to your home!

When building a house and a bathhouse from timber, two main types of corner connections are used. This is cutting the corners of the walls "half a tree" And "to a warm corner" or another way "tongue and groove" These are the types of connections we will talk about:

Connection type “Warm corner”

Connection in « Warm corner» - this type of corner connection is reliable, effective and has long been used in low-rise construction timber houses, bathhouses and other wooden buildings.

The essence of the method is as follows: in one of the mating bars inside A tenon of a certain size is cut out at each corner, and a groove with the same dimensions is cut out in the other beam mating with the first beam.

Most projects require cutting a mortise and tenon that is ¼ or even 1/3 the thickness of the timber. Then, when constructing the walls, both mating beams are connected. It is very important that the connection between the tongue and groove is as tight as possible; the smaller the gap between these two elements, the warmer the angle will be.

For better connection tenon and groove in modern construction inter-crown insulation is used, which can be vegetable felt. This ensures even better sealing of the corner. In addition, to ensure a more rigid binding, the different layers of beams alternate with tongues and grooves.

Corner connection unit “Warm corner”

Technology "Warm Corner" or otherwise in "Tongue and groove" ensures structural strength, due to the absence of gaps between the beams, the external attractiveness of the building and, most importantly, excellent thermal insulation.

Half-tree connection type

The next cutting option that we will consider is cutting "half a tree"- this is a method whose name was fixed due to the removal of the upper or lower half of the thickness of its mass at the corners of the beams. Assembly begins with drilling holes for the dowel in the corners of the beams in such a way that one dowel can connect several beams at once.

After laying the first crown, connected by dowels at the corners, a seal is placed on it and the bars of the next crown are placed. Having completed the corner connections of the second crown, they begin to connect the crowns together. To do this, holes are drilled in the second crown every 100-150 cm and dowels are driven in. The dowel hammered into the second crown must enter the body of the first crown by at least half its thickness. If the dowels are long - at least 2.5 times the thickness of the crown, and the tool allows you to drill holes to such a depth, then a third crown is laid and three crowns are joined together at once.

Half-tree corner connection unit

This connection is used as the main method when installing the harness timber houses and when increasing the length of the beam by connecting several beams. In addition, it can be used in the construction of walls with mandatory subsequent cladding decorative material. It is used as the main one by many construction organizations.

Wood, of course, has excellent thermal insulation qualities, in addition to all its other advantages. However, a building is not only the material of the elements from which it is assembled, but also the method of their assembly. Gaps and poor joining of bricks or logs will negate the advantages of any option.

A house made of timber, a warm corner, is the result of using a specific laying technique, which ensures excellent joining of elements.

Materials used

Forming the corner of a house is an indispensable part of the wall laying work, and it is also the most difficult, since the shape of traditional lumber does not require special devices for this. This problem, of course, was also encountered during the construction of log structures and was solved through different assembly methods. So all the methods used today have stood the test of time.

Modern builders rarely deal with logs, but lumber for houses is used very widely.

  • Planed - has 2 opposite or 4 planes, thanks to which the material can be laid quite tightly.
  • Profiled - in addition to the fact that the 150*150 beam has a clear geometric shape and size, grooves and protrusions are formed in it, allowing for a much more dense and reliable joining of the material. This option itself provides better thermal insulation.
  • Glued – made by gluing under pressure wooden slats. In terms of strength and density of masonry, it does not differ from profiled masonry. However, it has another valuable quality: it practically does not shrink. This means that over time the density of the masonry does not change and there is no need for additional thermal insulation.

Advantage of lumber: it is much easier to make additional grooves here.

Warm corner technology

Warm corner is a method of joining lumber. To achieve a truly tight fit, a groove is cut inside the mating barrel, and a tenon is formed on the mating one. When installing such material, an almost hermetic joint is obtained.

In practice, there are only a few basic methods of cutting corners.

  • “In the paw” - the beam does not protrude beyond the plane of the wall, thus obtaining an angle without a trace. The structure is assembled using a tongue-and-groove mechanism. However, practice shows that this is not enough for a corner connection. To reduce blowing, the grooves are made slightly differently. There are 3 options that involve using a template:
    • end-to-end - connections are achieved through the use of metal plates. The method is not the best, since any metal itself is a conductor of cold;
    • root tenon - classic method. A groove is made on one of the 150*150 elements, and a tenon on the other. The patterns for them must match;
    • It is also possible to assemble the timber into a warm corner using dowels - inserts made from hard wood, which do not allow the lumber to come apart. The most reliable are oblique keys.

A variation of laying “in the paw” is “ dovetail" The spike in this case has a trapezoidal shape. The groove must match the template exactly. Cutting it is more difficult, but the connection is much stronger. The photo shows masonry using the dovetail method.

  • “In the cloud” or “in the bowl” - a warm corner made of profiled timber. Docking is done through grooves - one-, two- and four-sided. In the first case, a notch is made in the upper part of each beam in width corresponding to the cross section of the upper element. When cutting a double-sided groove, the cuts are made both at the top and bottom and the width is equal to a quarter of the height of the lumber.

In the third case, the cuts are cut down from 4 sides. The implementation is more difficult, but the installation of such a “constructor” saves a lot of time and leaves no chance for the wind. The photo shows the working moment of installation.

For additional tightness, the corner is duplicated with inter-crown insulation - flax tow, moss or jute insulation.

Benefits of technology

Cutting timber into a warm corner provides a number of advantages that are highly valued by builders:

  • if the template and dimensions of the grooves and tenons match exactly, the joining is very tight and reliable;
  • a warm corner provides the maximum thermal insulation possible when using wood as a material;

  • installation is carried out without additional fasteners. And this means a reduction in costs and the absence of cold bridges into which metal fasteners turn;
  • since profiled timber 150*150 is prepared in advance, the assembly of the house itself is carried out in an extremely short time;
  • the house looks extremely neat and tidy.

The only disadvantage is the slightly higher cost of such material.

The video demonstrates the laying of 150*150 profiled timber according to a template.

Comfort and comfortable conditions The life of a private house, first of all, involves long-term heat retention, which is possible only with complete tightness, sufficient thickness of the walls of the structure and high-quality insulation. While everything is more or less clear with thermal insulation and the dimensions of the material, not everyone knows how to ensure that there are no gaps and cracks through which cold and drafts can enter the home. A warm angle, which means a tight joining of the crowns of the timber, is a technology that allows you to maintain the necessary heat as much as possible.

What is it?

A warm corner is a special method of corner connection using a tongue-and-groove system. If the parameters are correctly followed, the corner turns out to be sealed, and “cold bridges” are not observed in it. Of course, the tree is sawn in such a way that all the parts fit tightly together. The pressure of the crowns is added to this, and as a result the structure becomes more stable and reliable. Based on this, the main requirements for creating a reliable seal are as follows:

  • During construction, the strength of the structure largely depends on the total mass of wood and roofing structure. We must not forget that the operation of such a building is associated with the impact of many factors on the timber: wind, temperature changes, precipitation. Dimensional changes are also associated with shrinkage; damp wood deforms faster. This is why it is important to build a house from natural material with humidity no more than 20%;
  • The second condition affecting the quality of the warm corner is the optimal fit of all protrusions and recesses for a perfect connection.

Thanks to this timber house will keep warm even in winter period and will be protected from freezing and drafts.

In the future, the warm corner can be additionally insulated with such traditional materials as flax batting, jute, wool felt and even moss. This will compensate for the volume of the timber during swelling, drying out, and will prevent rotting or mold development.

Benefits of technology

The method of such a connection as a warm corner, in fact, has a significant impact on various aspects of construction and operation, namely:

  • with high-quality assembly, the junction of the corners of the walls turns out to be so strong that you can do without inter-crown insulation;
  • a building erected using this technology is not threatened by force loads and impacts in the form of soil movement or earthquakes, since it is strengthened several times;
  • this method eliminates such unpleasant moments as corrosion, fungus, mold, and the penetration of insects into the interior;
  • significantly reduced costs for fasteners, since these fittings are irrelevant for fastenings with residue;
  • Pre-prepared beams with grooves and tenons cut into them allow for quick assembly.


A warm corner ennobles the outer and internal view structure, since its walls are free of irregularities and unnecessary protrusions. To make a high-quality warm corner, you need to consider different methods cutting joints, which have their own characteristics, however, they have the same fastening mechanism.

The main types of joining are connecting timber with and without rest, and each of them has several options.

Styling with remainder

Such connections are called “in oblo”. It has two main advantages - high level sealing, as well as joint strength without fixation. This locking design system provides different types joints

  1. Unilateral keyway is a transverse notch in each beam, and its width corresponds to the same parameter of the beam. It is located at the top and is most often applied to profiled wood, as it fits perfectly into its structure. The grooves are made straight and square shape. In some cases, it is allowed to secure the connection using dowels.
  2. More difficult is two way connection. For this, the timber is sawed from the top and bottom sides to 1/4 of the thickness. Double fixation makes the structure more durable, which completely eliminates displacement. An indispensable requirement is a smooth wood structure with no defects in the form of cracks and knots.
  3. Quadruple the connection is the most reliable in terms of sealing, but it has a more complex preparation of the beams, so it is used quite rarely.

Joints without residue

Cost-effectiveness is the main advantage of this technology, while the end parts of the timber do not protrude from the walls. However, there are also disadvantages of such a connection - it is less durable than with other joining methods.

There are several options for obtaining even corners of a log house.

  • Half a Tree- this is a joining in which the beams from one and the other wall are cut down to 50% of their thickness, after which these cuts must be fixed with dowels, because such a connection is quite weak. In this case, caulking is applied later. In the paw - this is a similar method that differs more complex work with the preparation of the material, due to which the quality of the connection is higher and more durable.
  • Connection with dowels, which are produced only from hard and durable wood. They perform the task of inserting in the grooves. In fact, they are used to fasten the beams together at the side and end. This joining promotes a tight fit and prevents any displacement. These spare parts can have any shape - oblique, longitudinal and transverse. Dovetail dowels are especially relevant. Unfortunately, it is difficult to make them yourself, because this requires a special machine.

  • The simplest is a warm corner. end-to-end, and there is no need to cut the timber. The ends of the material are fixed in checkerboard pattern using squares, staples, clamps or metal plates with nails. Bonding occurs along the length. If damp building materials are used, it is extremely difficult to avoid deformation, therefore, as a rule, careful insulation of the gaps is required in the future. You can do the work yourself, but it is better to use dry wood.
  • The most common fastening is in the root thorn. When all the necessary cuts are precisely calculated, and there can be quite a lot of them, since up to 5 grooves and tenons are used, then this design is the most reliable and stable. Simultaneously with the connection, linen or jute insulation is placed in the grooves. This prevents blowing and no additional protection is required.

Direct and longitudinal connections also take place in practical construction, but in most cases they represent more complex forms of fastenings that require more time and materials.

Direct docking is often carried out in the root tenon or involves a connection longitudinal beam butted using dowels. The oblique lock, in general, is rarely used, since it is unprofitable in all respects.

Longitudinal fastening is carried out using tongues, usually birch, and high demands– defects such as delamination and knots are simply unacceptable, moreover, the wood fibers in these hardware should only be located parallel to the axis. Qualified craftsmen, of course, can carry out such work, but does this make sense when there are simpler and quality species warm corner.

When cutting a warm corner, you should take into account some of the subtleties of the process and the problems associated with it.

  • Since the connection technology already makes the house warm, you should not leave large gaps in the corners for later caulking. Their size should not exceed 0.5 cm.
  • You can caulk corners after several years of use. If the seams have become wider due to shrinkage of the timber, it is worth keeping in mind that sometimes they can narrow (when they swell, when humidity is high).
  • Nails and dowels are not used using technology with residue; moreover, their use is a violation of the joining rules.

Construction wooden house at present, is an advantage and the key to success of a practical modern person.
The most common and popular type of buildings are, which, in turn, has high strength and does not absorb moisture.

Houses made of timber effectively solve the energy problem, as they are characterized by excellent thermal insulation, which helps reduce the cost of heating the building.
Great progress in the construction of structures made of profiled timber, which makes it possible to achieve reliable stability of the entire structure, provide protection from cold gusty winds and subsequently retain heat, is the “warm corner” system.

The “warm corner” design is the cutting of a log house (corner) with a root tenon. The timber is connected in such a way that adjacent corner elements, one of which has a tenon and the other a groove, are the same size and symmetrical.

Options for cutting in “Into a warm corner”

The spike or protrusion has rectangular shape(50/80 X 50/80mm) and is located on the edge of the profiled beam. During construction, there is an alternation of joints on the crowns: on the even crowns there is a tenon on the left, and on the odd ones there is a groove.

Due to the tight fit of the tenon into the recess, a kind of “lock” is formed, eliminating the presence of cracks, a monolithic structure is formed, which is sealed with flax jute placed in the groove. Jute insulation is much better and more practical than moss, flax tow or linen batting. Having finished laying the next crown, a round wooden dowel is hammered into the corner. Thanks to the use wooden dowels, there are practically no gaps in the crowns of the log house, and shrinkage of the structure occurs faster. Today, the “warm corner” corner connection is the most popular and is considered in a simple way installation of profiled timber. Material saving and high speed assembly are some of the advantages this method, which does not require additional fasteners.

In the process of building houses from timber or logs, great attention is paid to cutting the corners of the structure. There are several types of corner cutting: “tenon and groove” or warm corner; “to the floor of a tree”; "dovetail", one-, two- and four-sided keyway.

The dovetail design is considered the most reliable, since the tongue and groove have a trapezoidal shape.

The structure “in the floor of a tree” is a beam with a recess at the end with a depth of half the height of the product. Before assembly, drill holes in the corners of the timber for the dowel, calculating to connect several beams. The structure is fastened with nails, staples or wooden dowels.

The most popular and in a simple way Cutting corners is cutting at the butt. The beams are installed in a checkerboard pattern, tightly adjacent to each other. This technology allows you to complete the construction of a house in a matter of days. However, when cutting corners into joints, cracks are formed in the corners, which allows cold to get inside the house. Typically, such a house is sheathed and insulated on the outside.

Warm corner in execution

Advantages of the “warm corner” design

1. Ideal forms the source material contributes to impeccable geometry and clear fit of structural elements, which makes it monolithic and reliable.
2. The “warm corner” system does not require additional fasteners, which saves money and makes the design simple.
3. High-speed assembly using ready-made material helps to complete the construction of timber houses in a short time.
4. There are no “cold bridges”, due to which heat is retained indoors for a long time.
5. The "warm corner" design provides a comfortable interior and exterior finishing, so houses made of timber do not require special decoration.