Ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph: how to train for each body type. Female physique: ectomorphs, mesomorphs, endomorphs

Hello future owners relief body! Have you ever wondered why someone comes to the gym and manages to build beautiful body for 1 2 years, and some for 3 year cannot even come one iota closer to the performance of his more successful counterpart? And the whole point is what body type the athlete has. Of course, this is a complex question, and it is very difficult to answer it unambiguously, because objectively there is large number factors responsible for the final result.

For example, the system and conditions of training, the athlete’s nutrition, internal motivational aspirations, etc., however, the main factor was, is and will be - the genetics of a person, and specifically, his body types (somatotype). Of course, if you are naturally frail, this does not mean that you can forget about your dream - to have a muscular body, it will just take much more time to achieve the final goal, i.e. here you are not just trying to pump up, you are entering into battle here (not always equal) with its genetics, rebuilding the original, inherited material.

We are going to talk about all this: genetics, body types, how to determine your type and all that.

What are we waiting for, let's go...

Body type: what is it and what is its role in building the training process

Knowing what type of figure/build/constitution a person has is, as it may seem at first glance, not only a woman’s prerogative.

Ask a woman anything about her figure, and she will give you a whole bunch of information, and not only about her body type. Men, and even more so novice bodybuilders, should take an example from the opposite sex in terms of studying issues of their body (be it physiology) and keep up with them.

So, we will begin to enlighten ourselves with the fact that every person from birth is endowed with one or another set of physiological characteristics, which allow us to judge his body type.

There are all these somatotypes 3 :

  • ectomorph;
  • mesomorph;
  • endomorph.

Aren't they intriguing names?

So, the clearance in the window called: “Will I be able to swing and become the owner of impressive proportions?” depends (in many ways) on which of these three types you belong to.


A person’s somatotype can be changed (exhaled), i.e. nature can be “deceived”, you just need to know how to do it and give certain deadlines for transformation.

Determining the type of addition, first of all, is important because it determines which path you should take next in achieving your goal. After all, you can immediately step in the wrong place (without knowing the basics of body physiology, choose the wrong type of training and nutrition) and walk along it for a very long time, without seeing the end of the path.

Those. You can give your best in training, but not get tangible results, because you are going towards your goal in a completely different direction. To determine affiliation and somehow classify your constitution, you need to know the characteristic parameters inherent only to a given somatotype. Now we will look at them, and the most obvious way to do this is in the form of the following summary table.

Body type: three main types and their characteristics

So, you are a pure ectomorph if...

You are a pure mesomorph if...

And finally, you are a pure endomorph if...

Most often, such outstanding forms are difficult to find in gyms, so it’s better to focus on more “earthly” ones, for example, such (see image).

So, let's look at each body type in more detail.

Body type: subject conversation


This type is not distinguished by its strength and good strength indicators, although they (people of this type) and don't have subcutaneous fat, but there are no muscles to be observed either. I don’t know, I’ve often heard that this somatotype is called “rattle the bones” or “trash”. Gaining muscle mass is a very difficult task for them, although it is quite feasible. Stopping the training process can result in the loss of the muscles that were so difficult to gain.

The training and nutrition strategy can be described as follows: short, high-intensity training (40–50 minutes, 3 once a week) with average weights, minimum cardio loads (running, etc.). Enhanced nutrition with increased caloric content and protein content of 3 grams per kilogram of weight. Nutrients in percentage: - 20–30% , - 50–60 %, - 20–30% .


One of the outstanding ectomorph athletes - Frank Zane. With his growth 177 cm and weight 90 kg, he was awarded the title “Mr. Olympia” three times.


This type of build is ideal for bodybuilding. Athletes in this category are naturally athletic and can be called genetically lucky. Although, of course, you can’t do this without proper work on yourself and proper nutrition - if you neglect these principles, you can easily ruin the best material.

The training and nutrition strategy can be described as follows: any type of training works, it is only important to train wisely and go to the gym 2–3 once a week (from 60 to 90 minutes). In nutrition, you should adhere to general principles and maintain the level of protein intake 2–2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. Cardio loads - moderate (30 45 minutes), with a certain frequency.

Nutrients in percentage: proteins - 30–40% , carbohydrates - 40–50% , fats - 10–20% .


A striking example of a mesomorph is the seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Do you know this one?


This is the most common somatotype that most men have. It is characterized by a tendency to be overweight (rapid gain of fat mass), slow metabolism and barrel-shaped body.

The training and nutrition strategy can be described as follows: working with multi-joint, large (from 10 ) number of repetitions, increased water consumption (from 1.5 liters per workout), high protein diet with moderate carbohydrate content. Careful selection of food diet. Nutrients in percentage: proteins - 40–50% , carbohydrates - 30–40% , fats - 10% .

If you involve science, there is even a specially developed seven-point system that allows you to more accurately classify a person’s somatotype depending on the content of one or another component in general structure addition. The first number estimates the proportion of endomorph components, the second - mesomorph, and the third - ectomorph. Confused? Then here's a concrete example.

A pure endomorph corresponds to the following numbers “7-1-1”: endomorph - 7 ; mesomorph - 1 ; ectomorph - 1 . First digit ( 7 ) - the largest contribution to one of the three components. The principle works similarly with other types.

So, we have looked at the extreme types of human physique, however, it is worth saying that this is just a theory, in practice - “pure” somatotypes (with 100% signs) are extremely rare. Usually according to some indicator (for example, wrist girth) You belong to one - an ectomorph, and in terms of chest girth to another - a mesomorph. Therefore, one should also keep this in mind and derive some kind of averaged type of addition that occupies an intermediate position between these 3 .

For example, someone easily gains muscle, but at the same time has a tendency to gain fat, i.e. There are muscles, but they are buried in the fat layer. This type can be classified as an endomesomorph with a scale of " 5-6-1 "and this includes: heavyweight wrestlers, rugby players, shot putters, etc. So, I think the general principle of the seven-point system (though why exactly? 7 why not 3 or 5 , that's the question) understandable.

It is also worth saying that this classification is relevant for those who do not play sports, and also - this is not the ultimate truth, i.e. You can bring your body to the structure you need, the main thing would be desire.

In general, in order to correctly determine your somatotype, it is best to plunge into the past, or rather into childhood (photos to help you) and remember the tendencies of your body, by the latter I mean the ability to gain or lose weight. What were you like as a child - a well-fed, strong child or a painfully thin child?

So, since we see that the boundaries between various types constitutions are very vague, then try to determine (approximately) your body type based on the past, adjusted for the present. I am sure that this will not be difficult for you after such a meaningful story.

In order to somehow “settle down” all the above information and bring some common denominator, I will give specific recommendations for all body types, when followed, you can count on minimal growth muscle mass.

  • Buy a gym membership and take a couple of consultations with the trainer located there;
  • Exercise with medium and heavy weights;
  • Learn and work with both compound/multi-joint ( , ) free weight exercises and isolation exercises;
  • “Don’t push yourself” - the training is intense, but not long (60–80 minutes is enough);
  • Follow the technique and avoid any injuries;
  • Say “no” to long-term illnesses;
  • Make and stick to your plan (diet of foods, specific meal times) nutrition;
  • Consume vitamin complexes;
  • Drink water - before 2/2,5 liters per day;
  • No to stress, yes to positive emotions!

Age 18–25 years:

  • Ectomorph - 5 kg;
  • Mesomorph - 6 kg;
  • Endomorph - 7,2 kg.

Age 26–35 years:

  • Ectomorph - 4 kg;
  • Mesomorph - 5,4 kg;
  • Endomorph - 5,85 kg.

Something like this.

In conclusion, I want you to understand once again that the given somatotypes are a kind of starting point, a basic point in determining your possible type physique, it should not become the ultimate truth if it does not fit the given criteria. The main thing is to observe your body: how it reacts to loads, weights, nutrition and, based on this information, make final decision. So listen to your own body, rely on immutable truths (works for everyone) taking into account “twisting” them to suit you and draw appropriate conclusions from all this.

Yes, and remember finally, genetics is an important factor in building the body, it is a given, sent from above, but this does not mean that the latter cannot be changed. It lends itself and how, the main thing is that you have knowledge in your head, and I will provide you with the latter, rest assured!

The moral of this story is this: you have to work with what you have, and not be upset that someone else is luckier. An effective training strategy, proper nutrition, positive attitude- these are the main components that can be precisely controlled.


Today we looked at another important topic from the “” section - body type. We learned to navigate human body types, which is very important for developing the correct training strategy and organizing the nutrition system. All this, ultimately, will allow us to get a better start and take the right course towards the goal called “I am the owner of a sculpted body”!

That’s all for now, let me take my leave, until we meet again!

PS. I'm waiting for your measurements, numbers and body types in the comments to this post. Also, if anyone is tormented by vague doubts and finds it difficult to determine their somatotype, write, we will do everything in the best possible way.

Update: Now you can independently determine your body type and learn how to eat and exercise properly with the help of

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

E whomorph, endomorph, mesomorph - these are seemingly mysterious definitions of the human figure. However, they are characteristic of specific predispositions related to body structure and other personal characteristics, affecting endurance, conditioning and maintaining a reasonable body weight.

The same exercise, similar diet, and similar excess calorie intake will produce different effects in different people. They very much depend on the person’s body type.

Ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph are types of human genetic design that are based more on differences in the construction of bone tissue than muscle tissue. Every personal trainer begins working with their clients by identifying their body type, as this helps develop individual plan workouts and diet.

However, whether you go to a gym, have a personal trainer, or put together your own workout and nutrition plan, it's worth determining your body type. This will allow you to avoid many mistakes, because you will know how and what your body reacts to.

Ectomorph - slender body

The structure of a person and the type of figure depends on the characteristics of the skeleton. An ectomorph is a person of thin build with a relatively small bone girth. Slim body, long arms and legs, narrow shoulders are distinctive features this type of figure. It is very difficult for an ectomorph to gain muscle mass. His metabolism is very fast, so it’s hard for him to simply gain weight. His body regenerates very quickly, so in this case we cannot talk about the effect of overtraining.

Ectomorphs should consume more calories than other types, on average 1000, and with intense training up to 2000 kcal. If the amount of energy is not enough, then during recovery the muscles will use all its reserves accumulated in the body, and then will use their own tissues.

Ectomorph diet

The diet of an ectomorph should contain a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Treated products should be avoided food products, which usually do not provide the body with anything valuable. They contain neither vitamins nor minerals; you can only rely on simple sugars, unhealthy fats and substances of inorganic origin.

An ectomorph's diet should include plenty of cottage cheese, yogurt and milk. Fish is also very important, as it delivers valuable proteins and fats to the body. You should always have oatmeal and nuts on hand, which can be added to many dishes and products. Eggs and chicken fillet are especially valuable in the diet. Buckwheat, barley and millet porridge should always be present in the diet, but it is better to replace fruits with vegetables. An ectomorph should eat at least five times a day at regular intervals. He should avoid stress and get good sleep.

Endomorph - stocky figure

An endomorph is a person with heavy and thick bones, often with a stocky body structure. Among all three types, it has the slowest metabolism. Poor diet leads to the accumulation of fatty tissue, especially around the abdomen, which can cause various serious diseases.

People with this body type require much fewer calories than ectomorphs. Aerobic training is recommended for endomorphs: swimming and cycling. Recovery rate after physical exercise not so fast, and this is due to a slow metabolism.

Endomorph diet

In the diet of an endomorph, carbohydrates should make up a maximum of 30%, and protein – 50%. It is also important to consume protein, both animal (dairy products, eggs, meat, fish) and plant (vegetables, soy, whole grains) origin. Healthy fats should find their place in the endomorph’s menu, the source of which can be vegetable oils, sea fish, avocado, nuts and seeds.

Endomorphs should get carbohydrates from various types of cereals, whole grains and rice. In the diet, it is necessary to strictly limit the consumption of simple sugars and foods with high degree processing. This means that you need to give up fast foods and sweets.

An endomorph needs to work on increasing his metabolic rate. This can be achieved through regular nutrition: you need to eat every 2, maximum 4 hours. But you should not overeat under any pretext. The diet should include vegetables and fruits, because without them the body will not receive required quantity vitamins and minerals. However, an endomorph should eat more vegetables than fruits because the latter contain a lot of sugar. A proper diet combined with regular exercise can increase your metabolic rate.

Mesomorph - the golden mean

This is the person with the most developed muscles. The body of a mesomorph has a large amount of muscle and a small content of adipose tissue. Mesomorphs do not gain weight as quickly as endomorphs, but they can afford to eat as many calories as ectomorphs. People with this body type should be the most satisfied with their body.

A mesomorphic structure is probably the dream of all men, because it makes it possible to easily build muscle mass, which, in turn, can be the dream of ectomorphs and endomorphs.

A mesomorph rarely has problems with body weight changes. He owes this to normal metabolism. The disadvantage of this type is that it requires a little more time to recover after training and, in a way, overconfidence. A mesomorph, recognizing his metabolism and body type as an ideal, as a rule, does not adhere to the correct diet, but it is necessary to maintain an impeccable figure.

Mesomorph diet

Protein should not dominate the diet of a mesomorph. Consuming it in excess can lead to an increase in metabolic rate, resulting in a slower rate of muscle mass building.

The diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Fruits and vegetables will provide the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, which will help the mesomorph speed up the recovery process after each workout.

Very important point in bodybuilding is determining your body type. It is based on this that the nutrition and training program will be built. Thanks to knowledge of the type, you can achieve effective results in building your body. The article will tell you what types there are, how to determine yours, and how training is structured for each of them.

  1. Skeleton.
  2. Muscle
  3. Subcutaneous adipose tissue.

For each person, it is determined at the genetic level by the metabolic processes that occur in the body.

The somatotyping system was first introduced by the scientist Sheldon, who proposed three main types:

  1. Ectomorph.
  2. Mesomorph.
  3. Endomorph.

This typing theory was introduced after much anthropometric measurement. The names are borrowed from embryology, each meaning one of the germ layers. So, endoderm is the inner layer, mesoderm is the middle layer, and ectoderm is the outer layer. According to the theory of embryo development, internal organs develop thanks to the endoderm, bones, muscles and blood vessels develop through the mesoderm, and the ectoderm develops skin, hair, legs, brain and nervous system.

Description and characteristics of types according to Sheldon

Sheldon identified seventeen dimensions, calculated on a seven-point scale. These measurements are described in terms of three main indicators.

Description of somatotypes according to Sheldon:

It is clear that such extremes as a clear type are extremely rare. Usually people have a mixed build. So, someone may have more of a mesomorph, but also have traits of other types. How each of them is expressed in a particular person is shown by these three numbers.

How to determine your type

As already indicated, most people belong to mixed types, which are more difficult to determine by eye than extreme gradations. Of course, experienced bodybuilding coaches can often determine the type by a person’s appearance or photo, but often they want a more accurate result. In this regard, the question arises of how to determine your somatotype. There are a wide variety of tests and methods for this.

One such method is wrist index, also called “Definition of the Solovyov index”. This method provides information about bone thickness. To use this method, you need to measure the circumference of your wrist at the thinnest part. For men, the following readings should be obtained:

  1. 18−20 centimeters - mesomorph.
  2. More than 20 centimeters - endomorph.
  3. Less than 18 centimeters - ectomorph.

For women, there are also gradations according to the wrist index, although Sheldon developed his types primarily for men. Women have their own table of somatotypes, a more extensive one, which is used in bodybuilding.

According to the Solovyov index, women may have the following indicators:

  1. Mesomorph - 15−17 centimeters.
  2. Endomorph - more than 17 centimeters.
  3. Ectomorph - less than 15 centimeters.

The next method is body composition testing. These are more complex techniques that cannot be done at home without special devices. Such tests show the ratio of subcutaneous fat to muscle mass in the body. There are several tests: measuring skin folds, immersing the body in water, electrical resistance. Testing can be done in clinics, as well as some gyms equipped with the necessary equipment.

How to determine somatotype

Advantages and disadvantages of somatotypes

Each somatotype has advantages and disadvantages, even if this is not obvious at first glance. As already mentioned, men with an ectomorph build have difficulty gaining muscle mass and have to resort to special nutrition, as well as train hard, in order to achieve success in training. Metabolism in ectomorphs slows down over the years, because of which, despite their build, they can gain weight if they do not diet and exercise. Endomorphs, on the contrary, find it very difficult to lose excess weight. To lose weight, people of this type need not only to diet, but also to constantly train.

Of course, mesomorph is the most advantageous somatotype, which makes it quite easy to both lose weight and gain weight, without exhausting yourself too much with diets and workouts. But mesomorphs are more often than other types susceptible to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are associated with low acidity, respiratory system diseases, and low blood pressure. Each somatotype has its own predisposition to certain diseases.

Features of training for each type

Now that it has become clear how to determine your type, you can move on to what training features exist for each of them.

Ectomorphs, due to their high metabolism, need to structure their workouts in such a way as to burn a minimum number of calories. The training is usually based on basic exercises and each workout is done in strength mode. All loads and increases in weights, as well as approaches and repetitions, are carried out gradually. It is important not to forget about rest between workouts so that the body has the opportunity to recover. The diet, on the contrary, should be high in calories, with frequent meals, high in carbohydrates. The protein content also increases up to three grams per kilogram of body weight.

For mesomorphs, due to the body’s natural disposition to quickly adapt, it is recommended to make training varied, often changing exercises. Since it is not difficult for people of this type to gain muscle mass, the main thing in the diet is that it is balanced. Proteins are usually calculated at two grams per kilogram of weight.

Endomorphs tend to accumulate fat in the body, so training frequency is very important for them. It is recommended to work with light weights, but at a fast pace and with minimal rest between sets. The diet should practically eliminate fats from the diet, the number of calories should be reduced, and the main emphasis in nutrition should be on protein.

By determining your own body type, you can create the most effective nutrition and training program that will help you achieve the desired result.

When playing sports, and bodybuilding in particular, it is very important to know your body type: mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph or mixed. Depending on it, the training program and nutrition system should be built. Only by taking these features into account will you be able to achieve good results in building your body.

The concept of human somatotype

Somatotype is a type of constitution of the human body, which is characterized by certain features of the development of its skeleton, muscles, as well as subcutaneous fatty tissue, genetically determined by the peculiarities of the metabolic processes occurring in the body.

The founder of the somatotyping system, W. Sheldon, proposed the main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. The proposed theory of the main somatotypes of the human body is based on anthropometric measurements using photographic techniques.

The concepts “mesomorph”, “endomorph”, “ectomorph” were borrowed from embryology and correspond to the names of the germ layers:

  • endoderm - inner layer;
  • mesoderm - middle leaf;
  • ectoderm - outer layer.

According to the theory of embryonic development, the endoderm gives rise to the development internal organs, mesoderm - muscles, bones and blood vessels, ectoderm - hair, nails, nervous system and brain. W. Sheldon identified seventeen dimensions, which were calculated on a seven-point scale and described using three main indicators.

Body types according to W. Sheldon

  1. Mesomorphic (1-7-1). A type of person with proportional body development, good physical development and mental stability.
  2. Endomorphic (7-1-1). People with excessive development of internal organs and excess body weight due to fat deposits.
  3. Ectomorphic (1-1-7). This type is characterized by poor development of internal organs, low body weight, fragility and sophistication.

If individual criteria are equally identified in a person, the physique is qualified as mixed (1-4-4).

General characteristics of the main types of body constitution

Each type of body constitution - ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph (photos below) - has its own, unique characteristics.

Representatives of ectomorphs are energetic and hyperactive, but not strong and resilient enough. They are thin, have narrow shoulders and chest, and elongated limbs. Representatives' neck of this type long and thin. Their muscle mass is poorly developed, their joint apparatus is small, their bones are narrow and thin. People belonging to this somatotype, without exhausting themselves with various diets and physical activity, have a weakly defined layer of subcutaneous fat. Thanks to accelerated exchange substances, a significant problem for them is weight gain and muscle building.

Mesomorphs are different slim figure. Their osteoarticular apparatus is of medium size, the limbs are proportional to the body. Fat layer evenly distributed throughout the body. An efficient metabolism allows them to easily gain or lose muscle mass when using physical activity. overweight.

Endomorphs are characterized by natural strength and endurance, but can often experience bouts of fatigue. Representatives of this type have a round body shape with a predisposition to obesity and excess weight. Wide hips and narrow shoulders combined with a high waist give them a pear-like figure. A slow metabolism creates problems when losing excess body weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of each body type

Whatever somatotype dominates in a person (mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph), it has its advantages and disadvantages.

The low muscle mass of ectomorphs is the cause of flat chests and boyish figures in women. Men of this type must make significant efforts in diet and exercise to gain muscle mass. Over the years, the metabolism of ectomorphs slows down, which is often the reason for gaining excess weight if diet and exercise are not followed.

Being a mesomorph is a great luck, since representatives of this somatotype can easily lose weight and gain excess weight, without making such significant efforts in diet and physical activity, unlike other types.

To lose weight and achieve the desired result, endomorphs will have to put in a lot of effort. They will not be able to lose weight on diet alone. To achieve your goal, hard training is also necessary.

Somatotype and health

Due to the structural features of the body, mesomorphs, endomorphs, and ectomorphs are prone to various diseases.

Mesomorphs are predisposed to diseases gastrointestinal tract associated with low acidity, respiratory diseases and decreased blood pressure.

Ectomorphs more often suffer from atherosclerosis, liver diseases and diabetes, as well as various metabolic disorders.

Endomorphs often have high level blood pressure, and also suffer from gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity.

The vast majority of the population does not belong to specific somatotypes; ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph are expressed to varying degrees in the constitution of their bodies. How to find out whether a person’s physique matches existing somatotypes and not make a mistake? For this purpose, special verification methods, indexes and various tests have been developed.

Wrist index

As noted above, only a small percentage of people have a specific type of body constitution (mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph). How to determine your body type without delving into atlases and making calculations? This method was developed by G.A. Solovyov. This technique provides information about the thickness of the bones of the skeleton and is called “Determination of the Solovyov index (wrist).” To do this, you need to measure the circumference of your wrist at its thinnest part.

  1. Radiocarpal index in men. Mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph men have wrist circumferences of 18-20 cm, more than 20 cm, less than 18 cm, respectively.
  2. Radiocarpal index in women. Endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph women have wrist circumferences of more than 17 cm, 15-17 cm, less than 15 cm, respectively.

Body composition testing

Besides simple methods checks exist various types testing the body composition to determine the somatotype (mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph). The test shows the relationship between the level of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass.

The most commonly performed tests are:

  • Skin fold testing. In different parts of the body, the thickness of subcutaneous fatty tissue is measured using calipers, which is used to calculate body composition.
  • Testing a body immersed in water. The technique is based on weighing the human body in the usual way and in water. The residual lung capacity is also determined. Next, the necessary calculations are carried out using a special formula.
  • Electrical resistance test. This method definitions based on at different levels resistance of body tissues (in particular, fatty tissue and water) to electric current passing through them.

Having determined the type of constitution (mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph), girls and boys who want to achieve certain results in improving their own figure are required to follow some rules of physical activity and diet that correspond to their somatotype.

Features of training and diet for ectomorphs

This type of people, given the high level of metabolic processes occurring in their body, physical activity should be built in such a way that the number of calories burned is minimal. The basis of their training should be basic exercises. Each workout is carried out in strength mode for one basic exercise.

Strength loads, increasing working weight, repetitions and approaches are carried out gradually and in stages. A very important point is rest between workouts: the body must fully recover. The loads should be intense, but short in duration.

The diet should be high in calories, with frequent meals, high in complex carbohydrates (50-60%) and plenty of fluids (up to 1 liter per day). The protein content should be about three grams per kilogram of body weight.

Features of training and diet for mesomorphs

Since mesomorphs adapt well to all kinds of training programs, to achieve good result they need frequent changes in the pace of strength exercises combined with a constant change in the number of repetitions. A good effect is achieved by combining basic exercises at a fast pace with formative exercises.

Since muscle growth is not a problem for this type of person, the diet of a mesomorph should first of all be balanced. The protein content should be about two grams per kilogram of body weight.

Features of training and diet for endomorphs

Since endomorphs easily accumulate fat, the main point is high frequency training. A positive effect is achieved when working with light weights and minimal rest between approaches. High intensity training is very important.

The endomorph's diet should be balanced, but with less calories. Fats should make up no more than fifteen percent of the diet, carbohydrates - no more than thirty.


The article discusses important questions about the characteristics of a person’s physique: the main somatotypes (mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph), how to determine the somatotype, the advantages and disadvantages of each body type, features of training and diet for each. This allows everyone to draw conclusions and decide on the tactics and strategy for developing their own body.

A correct assessment of the constitution of your body (mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph), as well as the processes occurring in it, will allow you to develop an optimal plan for working on its improvement.

As mentioned above, in a broader sense, determining body type is determining the set of characteristics of one’s own body. Possession of such information allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1) Does the potential athlete have the opportunity to achieve high results in a specific sport. If a person made the wrong conclusion about his body type (his genetic capabilities) or did not make it at all, then his energy, time, and money may be wasted. Therefore, before you take the path professional sports It is extremely important to assess your genetic potential.

2) What is the predicted performance limit in the chosen sport. Having correctly identified yourself as an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph, you can evaluate your progress according to the criterion “efforts made - results achieved.” Let us explain with an example: the closer an athlete is to the “ectomorph” body type, the more difficult it is for him to gain muscle mass. Such a person needs to be condescending towards the poor progress of the mentioned indicator, especially when comparing himself with other athletes.

3) Training methods, nutrition and rest. It is known that progress in athletic sports consists of the three listed components. Their connection with body type is obvious.

4) Changes in body size and proportions in the future. There are fairly accurate methods that allow one to make a forecast about the future development of an athlete as his age progresses.

What classifications exist?

The problem of structuring the constitution of human bodies has its roots in antiquity. Thus, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, established a relationship between a person’s physique and a person’s tendency to certain diseases.

Nowadays, there are several dozen such classification systems. The main classification parameters are the proportions of body parts, the development of skeletal muscles and the amount of fat in the body.

For example, the system of the German scientist Ernst Kretschmer divides people into the following 3 types.

  • Asthenics are thin, tall people with often pale and thin skin, elongated limbs, and relatively small in size"in width".
  • Picnics are people with a high percentage of body fat. The growth of picnics is average or below average. The neck is thick, merging with the rounded head. The face is wide and shallow. Picnics are prone to obesity.
  • Athletics are the type of people that live up to their name. Athletes have well-proportioned muscles and a harmoniously constructed skeleton.

A similar system of Chtetsov, which is basic for medicine, uses similar types.

  1. Asthenics, which are characterized by weak muscles and thinness. The limbs and chest are elongated relative to the overall size of the body.
  2. Normosthenics. A type with well-developed muscles and limbs proportional to the length of the body.
  3. Hypersthenics. A type with an increased width-height ratio. Often hypersthenics are overweight.

In the English-speaking world, the generally accepted classification developed by William Sheldon and introduced in 1940, according to which human bodies are divided into endomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs.

  • Endomorph - according to Sheldon, a kind of idealized, maximally well-fed person with weak muscles, big belly, thin wrists and a round head. Naturally, an endomorph has a tendency toward obesity. It is also interesting to note that, according to Sheldon’s expressions, with severe food restriction, the endomorph remains the same hungry endomorph. The similarity of such a person does not increase with either an ectomorph or a mesomorph.
  • Mesomorph is an athletically developed person with harmonious proportions, a large head, and broad shoulders. A mesomorph has a minimum percentage of body fat.
  • Ectomorph - a thin, tall person with elongated limbs, narrow chest and virtually zero fat content under the skin. Skeletal muscles ectomorphs are poorly developed.

The peculiarity of the Sheldon system is to characterize the human body according to the degree of similarity to each of three types. The maximum degree of similarity is 7, the minimum is 1, that is, the formula of a pure ectomorph in units of the Sheldon system is (1-1-7).

Thus, the physique of an individual person is characterized by the percentage of presence of signs of each of the three basic types. For example, type (2-5-3) is the preferred mesomorph (83%), which, however, has characteristics of an endomorph (33%) and ectomorph (50%). Naturally, the most beneficial type for athletic sports is the type (1-7-1) - one hundred percent mesomorph.

Several very important facts should be emphasized:

  1. A fairly large percentage of people belong to mixed types. There are very few pure endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs;
  2. According to Sheldon, the constitution of the body cannot be changed. To some extent, muscle size, their proportions, and a person’s weight can be corrected, but not somatotype. However, in modern sports practice, significant temporary transformations of the parameters of the human body are possible.
  3. The human body may consist of parts inherent different types physique.

There are also mixed types, here good video on this topic:

One of the results of Sheldon's work is the "atlas of man." Guided by the atlas and three photographs (side, front and back views), it was possible to determine a person’s somatotype.

The Sheldon system does not apply modern science, but is the basis for more modern systems classification of somatotypes. For example, Parnell's system excludes evaluation from photographs and takes into account three main characteristics:

  • height-weight ratio;
  • the size of the “girth” of the limbs and body;
  • percentage of fat, characterized by skin folds.

Methods for determining body type

How to determine somatic type - endomorph, ectomorph or mesomorph? There are quick assessment and more accurate methods to determine the somatotype. The second group of methods naturally requires more information and time spent. The methods are listed below in order of increasing difficulty.

1) Visual assessment method

Here anyone can be an expert. Prerequisite– a clear idea of ​​what body parameters clearly defined representatives of the three basic body types have. To increase the adequacy of the assessment, there should be several experts.

2) Wrist circumference measurement method

Enough old method, the adequacy of which is now being questioned. The essence of the method: a wrist size of 17.5 cm was considered the average norm. If the wrist is much smaller than this size, the physique is thin-boned (corresponds to an ectomorph). According to the method, a value of 19 cm or more corresponds to excellent genetic potential (mesomorph).

such athletes as A. Schwarzenegger, L. Ferrigno, S. Oliva achieved excellent results in bodybuilding, having a wrist size of 17-18 cm.

3) Height-weight ratio

There are several techniques here.

  • The roughest way to calculate the norm is as follows: you need to subtract 110 from the height of a person (in cm), provided that the person’s height is more than 170 cm. The resulting value very roughly corresponds to the weight of the mesomorph. How more difference between the actual weight and the calculated value, so closer person belongs to two other somatotypes.
  • The age-based method is as follows.
    WEIGHT = 50 + 0.75 * (HEIGHT – 150) + (AGE – 20) / 4
    Height is measured in centimeters, age in years.
  • There is also a method based on table values. Body type can be determined by comparing a person’s weight and reference weight values ​​for one measured height. For example, for a man 185 cm tall normal weight equal to 71.4 ÷ 79 kg (mesomorph).

The range of lower weight values ​​corresponds to the ectomorph (68.6 ÷ 73.2 kg). For an endomorph, the indicators are as follows: 75.9 ÷ 85.4 kg.

4) Complex formulas

The most accurate, scientific approach is to use more complex formulas that include limb girth measurements, skin fold measurements, and the obesity index (height to weight ratio) in the calculations. This method (Heath-Carter formula) is widely used in Western sports science and physiology. The result of the calculations is the indicator from three numbers(according to Sheldon’s method), which determines the similarity with each of the three somatotypes.

Next, a coordinate system and a point corresponding to the results obtained are constructed on the plane. Thus, different athletes can be assessed with quite visual numerical indicators, with their further display on a plane (graph).

5) Propensity analysis

An addition to the above methods can be an analysis of a person’s tendency to gain weight and the body’s responsiveness to correctly delivered training. For example, according to authoritative physiologists, obesity is completely alien to an ectomorph, but gaining muscle mass through natural methods is also organic for him.

On the Internet you can find a sufficient number of so-called calculators that allow you to determine your somatotype. The initial value for most of them is one or two girth sizes (hand, thigh) or an obesity index based on height and weight.

Determining your body type is an extremely important sporting task. Knowing the somatotype, you can make a prediction about a person’s predisposition to certain sports, make a forecast about future results and calculate their maximum achievable limit. Let us remember that body type does not change throughout life. Sizes and proportions can be corrected, but not the constitution of the body.

There is an alternative opinion - that the definition of somatotype is not important, but something else is important. Here are a couple of interesting videos on this topic:

For a novice athlete, one of the main questions should be the following: “endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph - how to determine?” Regarding methods, there are simpler ones quick methods and precise scientific approaches. The advantage of the latter is the possibility of numerical comparison of different athletes and a visual graphical presentation of the results.