Decoration of the local area of ​​a private house. Decorating the yard of a private house with your own hands (photo)

Private houses require a plot of land to create a yard. To improve the territory of the house, owners often turn to specialists. Many people leaf through magazines landscape design and try to do everything with their own hands. To ensure that arranging a small yard in a private house brings maximum pleasure, you should adhere to a number of simple principles.

What to pay attention to when arranging your yard?

Landscape and area size

Landscaping your yard does not mean that you will have to carry out extensive work using special equipment. However, you should first take into account all the nuances of the landscape. Preparatory work in the form of drainage and strengthening of slopes will eliminate the difficulties of caring for the site.

If the owners of the site are ready to attract additional labor, then technically it is possible to implement almost any landscape idea. When there are several buildings on the site in addition to a residential building, then it is worth thinking about how to connect them using tracks and organize hedge For utility buildings. The yard should have both shady and sunny areas so that relaxation is varied and comfortable for all family members and guests.


Weather conditions, duration summer season influence not only the choice of plants, but also construction work. When designing a yard, it is necessary to take into account all the climatic features of the region.

House architecture

The house is the main element on the site, so the design of the yard must be consistent in style with all the buildings. Excessive decor can turn the yard into a motley one patchwork quilt. If cottage and the yard are no different large sizes, then you shouldn’t experiment with styles.

If the plot is large, then in a remote part of the yard you can use zoning to create different thematic corners. For example, rustic style excludes the use complex structures in design. Perfect here wooden flooring, gravel on paths and handmade decor.

Residents' needs

Zoning of the future site depends on the type of activity, number and composition of residents.

It’s worth deciding in advance:

  • whether the plot will be used for a vegetable garden;
  • will a bathhouse be built;
  • is parking needed, playground, grill, summer kitchen, swimming pool and so on.

Based on all the needs and size of the plot, you need to consider the possibility of combining several functional areas into one: terrace and alcove, summer kitchen and dining room, shower at the end of the house. It is necessary to think about how to delimit zones and take into account the possibility of combining space for gathering large companies. To do this, furniture is arranged in separate groups, where everyone can find a secluded corner.

  • The boundaries between zones can vary in height based on privacy preferences.
  • The children's area should be clearly visible so that parents can control the situation on the site. It is better if it is located in front of a window or summer kitchen.
  • It is better to plan a recreation area and a place for a car in the backyard, if space and layout allow.
  • All areas must be connected by a network of paved paths.
  • The garden and vegetable garden should be located in the back of the yard.

Having your own estate requires much more effort from the owners than an apartment in the city. And a considerable part of these efforts is aimed at the surroundings of the house. Despite the fact that dacha preferences are already beginning to be forgotten, when the main area around a residential building was allocated for planting edible plants- garden and vegetable garden, and even transform country house The owners also don’t really want to go to a village yard with beds and sheds for raising livestock; anyway, you can’t leave the yard empty. Nowadays, a solid mansion (or at least a cute mansion), surrounded by picturesque surroundings, where it is so pleasant to relax, is in fashion. And watching well-groomed suburban areas on movie screens or magazine pages, many owners wonder whether it is possible to landscape the yard of a private house with their own hands.

The yard of a private house in general

Each of us has our own tastes and preferences. And they are most often expressed not by loud statements, but by the surrounding environment. And any little thing that truly brings joy to our hearts clearly gives an idea of ​​who we are. Therefore, before you take on landscaping the yard of a private house, try to see in your mind’s eye the overall picture of the planned activities and think about whether it will coincide with your personal idea of ​​convenience and beauty. After all, you understand - if in a year some creative ideas, so enthusiastically perceived today, will make you curse the presence of a personal territory, then instead of relaxation you will get exclusively headache. By the way, such ideas for landscaping the courtyard of a private house are often photographed and posted on the Internet, and seeing such beauty, it is difficult to resist the temptation to try it on your own site.

However, let's move on to more specific things. So, what exactly do we want to have in the yard of our house? There are a lot of options, but some values ​​are almost always present. Such details include:

  • terrace or patio
  • garage, by the way, there is also parking for guests nearby
  • bathhouse - it is better to build it separately from a residential building
  • summer shower(though this is more in rustic style, however, if designed correctly, it can decorate even a modern villa)
  • summer kitchen, which is lately looks more and more like a kebab shop and is an area with a fireplace or barbecue
  • household buildings, in simple terms - sheds, for storing various equipment that has no place in the house
  • dog enclosure
  • playground
  • a web of paths connecting all buildings into a single ensemble
  • various green spaces: trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawn and other floristic thickets
  • decorative elements: garden sculptures, flashlights, alpine coaster, rock gardens and other area decorations

It seems that the list is small, but if you start to implement it, and even with your own additions such as gazebos, fountains, ponds or other landscape design tricks, then there may not be enough space for everything. Therefore, first you should play with the plan of the yard of a private house, try to arrange everything on paper (remembering the ravines, of course). And only after your design for the yard of a private house becomes the most optimal, you can begin marking the yard itself and building the garden structures you have chosen. And landscaping will have to be done as a last resort, when all objects are in their places with communications connected.

Here's how you can arrange the yard of a private house - photo selection:

Layout of the yard of a private house - some details

It would seem that everything has already been said about planning - imagine, draw on the plan and do it. But this is just a sketch. In the same way, we can say about the birth of a child - to conceive, bear and give birth, nothing complicated... And yet, even an unborn baby requires vigilant care and constant trouble, and yet we do not have to independently develop a project for a new person, such responsibilities are taken on by Mother Nature herself. And when landscaping your own yard, you will have to work a little as a demiurge - in a separate country farm.

Of course, the best thing would be general planning of the entire complex, starting from the residential building and ending with the thickets behind the fence. But even if the mansion itself already proudly flaunts its facade decoration, all is not lost. Considering that in the end we want to get something integral, the entire interior of the courtyard of a private house should be designed in the same style, this applies to both buildings and decorative elements.

First of all, let's evaluate our garden plot - its size and landscape. If the area is not too large, you should not clutter it with a large number of outbuildings. Choose only the essentials or simply combine several elements with each other. A parking lot with a canopy can easily replace a full-fledged garage; combining a patio with a small barbecue will also save space, and it is recommended to add an additional room to the bathhouse where household supplies and firewood will be stored. For a vast courtyard there are no restrictions other than aesthetic ones.

And now a little about arranging the yard of a private house - photo various options:

Decorating the yard of a private house - building codes

However, in any case, it is necessary to comply with building regulations, for example, the distance from buildings to the road and other outbuildings. Residential buildings are erected at least 3 meters from regular roads and 6 meters from the highway. We hope that your suburban area is located in a fairly remote place, because the proximity of highways negatively affects the ability to enjoy clean air and sounds of nature. Housing and outbuildings (sheds and garage) should be separated from each other by at least 7 meters, move your dog’s enclosure away from the house at least 4 meters, but wells, separate toilets and compost pits(what if you decide to build them after all) you need to build no closer than 15 meters from the house. The fence should be separated from any buildings by a meter and a half, or even more, so that it can be carried out as needed various types repair work, and fairly tall plants (bushes and trees) - depending on their height - at a distance of from a meter to three.

Having fully planned the arrangement of the yard of a private house with all the ancillary buildings, we move on to marking the paths. They should be no narrower than 75 cm - this is again a requirement of building codes. If the size of the area allows, make a circular path along the entire area - you will get a great cycling track for your children. In general, it is better to make these sidewalks with smooth, rounded bends and turns, because such a design for the courtyard of a private house will allow you to visually increase the area and even smooth out the sharp corners in family life. Although in different styles and paths differ in their appearance and material, but more on that later.

Here's a look at what the interior of the courtyard of a private house looks like - the photo wonderfully demonstrates all the details:

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

We have dealt with the dirtiest and most financially intensive stage - construction is completed, everything we need for comfortable life the buildings are already in place, to which paths have been laid. And now is the time to start putting the territory itself in order, that is, to become a landscape designer.

It is most convenient, of course, to work with flat surface- here the flight of imagination is simply unstoppable, because on a blank sheet of paper you can depict anything. If you want, plant a park, plant flower beds, sow lawns, install fountains or gazebos overgrown with vines - for every taste and color. But if the terrain resembles Russian roads, where there is a ravine on a gulley and seven bends per mile, then you still need to be able to turn all the shortcomings into an individual and original face of your territory. But - you can cast aside any doubts - no one will be able to repeat such a design.

But in any case, decorating a yard using landscape design requires special knowledge. And they consist not only in the ability to beautifully use all the features of the site. Much more often, botanical knowledge is needed - which plants are best planted in your area. So that they are pleasing to the eye, do not require special care (it is unlikely that you want to hire a gardener or constantly care for the green spaces yourself), and feel excellent in your climatic conditions.

So to begin with independent work over the landscape it is necessary to clearly define everything environmental factors affecting plants:

  • the amount of light getting to your green pets (this is both general data on the approximate insolation of a given area, and specific data on your site - some flowers are planted under trees, in the shade, on the north side, while others need almost constantly illuminated by the sun clearing)
  • temperature environment(here you need data on average temperature summer and winter)
  • humidity - both ground and air (that is, not only the average amount of precipitation, but also the proximity of groundwater)
  • relief of the territory
  • chemical composition of soil (chernozem, loam and others), water (acidity or alkalinity) and air

Knowing all the conditions, you can easily find those types of plants that will grow normally on your site without any additional investments. And from the complete list you can select those that you like or fit into overall design courtyard of a private house. Photos of plants in encyclopedias or simply on the Internet will help you make right choice, however, you still need to take into account that in such cases the photographs not only show the most successful specimens, but also professional photographers try to choose the most advantageous angle. So you will get the idea, but at the same perfect result It’s still not worth counting on in your own yard.

How to decorate the yard of a private house - different styles

You have already decided on all the little things, but something in the depths of your soul is gnawing with uncertainty - whether everything has been done correctly. This also happens. Some people are only satisfied with the ideal that just begs to be featured on the pages of a magazine about the lives of successful people. Well, the ideal is what each of us should strive for. Therefore, now we will slightly analyze the already recognized styles of decorating the courtyard of a private house, the photos of which many people look at.

So, the main division of styles is into classic (regular) or landscape (natural). Moreover, the regular style implies strict lines and clear geometric shapes of both path buildings and plantings. It is believed that this style softens the storm of feelings among city dwellers who have returned to nature due to the outlines that are more familiar to the city. But I warn you right away, a regular style requires constant and tireless work on maintaining shape, otherwise in a year or two from your classic style Only the horns and legs will remain - everything will be overgrown at random. With the natural style, everything is much simpler. Here you don’t need to be so obsessed with “driving” the plants into frames. Quite the contrary, the result of all efforts should be the visible naturalness of the landscape.

However, as you yourself understand, everyone has their own concept of naturalness. Some people think that suburban area must be garden trees, some people prefer park crops, while others prefer flower beds and shrubs. Therefore, the landscape style is divided into several (or even many) different categories, mainly differing in the peoples from which these styles came. If you look through the information about the styles of decorating the yard of a private house, you will mainly see the following names:

  • French style (one of the varieties of regular)
  • English (or landscape) style, strict but natural
  • Slavic style - slightly careless, but for the environment wooden house nothing better has been invented
  • Japanese style (elegance and ability to relax even on a tiny patch of stone garden)
  • European country style - somewhat similar to Slavic, but more orderly
  • Art Nouveau style - last word landscape design and modern architecture, allows you to combine at the level of sensations interior space houses with natural surroundings

Of course, this is far from full list- There are many peoples and styles too. You can add Chinese, Mediterranean, and Alpine, but let’s not scatter. Why does a person living far from the sea need a Mediterranean style? Therefore, only those styles that may be useful in our conditions were listed. The choice is yours.

And I want to warn you right away - please decide in advance for yourself whether you want to live peacefully on your private estate and enjoy the delights of the surrounding landscape or whether you need to become the envy of your neighbors. Because in the latter case relaxing holiday you are in no danger - after all, you will need to constantly return to your yard that very ideal look that should outshine everything around it. But even in this case, you will be quite capable of doing everything yourself. Good luck!

Layout personal plot- This the most important moment during the construction of cottages and country houses. Currently, more and more developers prefer not to engage in active cultivation of agricultural crops and leave only a small piece of land for growing fruitful plants. But what to do with the rest of the site?

Layout and landscape design of a yard in a private house

In order for a country house not to look lonely and dull, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to creating the layout of the site of a private house, as well as to its design.

The specifics of life outside the city oblige developers to take into account not only visual beauty. The site should also be comfortable and contain everything necessary for a comfortable life.

Let's look at the main elements that, as a rule, are present in all areas:

  • Parking spaces either ;
  • A gazebo in which you can place a cooking stove or barbecue;
  • A shed for storing household items;
  • Flower beds, shrubs and other plantings;
  • Various decorative elements.

It’s not often that everything you need can fit on the existing area of ​​the house.

Option for planning and arrangement of various elements on the site

Before construction begins, a plan must be drawn up summer cottage and try to arrange everything schematically. If you still don’t have enough free space, you should decide what can be excluded or reduced in size from what is planned.

Private yard plan

It is best to produce a complex design, that is, take into account both the facade of the building and various plantings in order to obtain a completely harmonious picture. To begin with, you should evaluate the entire site, from its size to its landscape features. In cases where there is not enough space, the number of outbuildings should be reduced to the required minimum or combine several buildings with different purposes into one.

Read also

Garden and vegetable garden planning

For example, you can refuse parking, leaving only a full-fledged garage; you can attach a small shed to the steam room to store the necessary household equipment.

Layout of the yard and area in a country cottage

As for large areas, there are only aesthetic restrictions for them.

Construction norms and rules in the design of sites

While planning your own backyard, you need to remember building codes regulating the location of internal buildings relative to the fence and each other. For example, residential buildings should be three meters away from the roadway, or six meters if there is a highway nearby.

Locations suburban areas in close proximity to highways are very rare, however, possible. Buildings for utility purposes must be at least seven meters away from residential buildings.

Fecal pits are prohibited from being installed closer than 15 meters from the home. In addition, it is worth remembering about pets, whose habitats should not be located closer than four meters to the house.

Original landscape design of a summer cottage

There are standards regulating the location of fences and trees, the development of which will be necessary when planning sites.

After all the necessary buildings have been distributed on the site of a private house, it is necessary to begin marking the paths. In cases where the dimensions of the site allow, it is possible to provide a path that goes around the entire site in a circle. This will allow you to take walks without leaving your territory.

Countryside landscape

After all the main construction work is completed, you can begin to transform the yard landscape to give your area a finished look. It will be easiest for those who own a perfectly flat area. In such cases, developers face a kind of blank slate, which will not be very difficult to embellish if desired. It will be much more difficult for those who own uneven areas.

Option for landscape design and design of a suburban area

Here you will need to first correct all the shortcomings, and only then proceed with registration.
Landscape design and requires developers to have knowledge not only of the design profile. You will probably also need some knowledge of botany: in order to grow certain plants, you need to know for sure that they will take root in this area. In addition, in the future it is necessary to imagine how certain plants will be cared for.

Use the space provided to your advantage. No, we are not encouraging you to plant your patio area with tomatoes or sunflowers. Not at all, we propose to arrange the backyard so that it is pleasant to find there in all respects.

The patio is a place where you can relax physically, mentally and spiritually, relax, and most importantly enjoy the peace, tranquility and splendor interior decoration. Actually, in order for you to be able to do this, you need to properly arrange the patio. There are many design options.

Let's start with the classics. Initially internalcourtyards were called patios (now this name is also applicable). Typical patios are found in private homes in Morocco, Italy, Spain, and Mexico. It was here that the tradition of arranging this territory with maximum coziness and comfort was born.

Consider the Moroccan style. It is characterized by arches, ceramic tiles in oriental style with colorful intricate patterns, a riot of greenery and colors. Such a courtyard will certainly appeal to those who love everything colorful, colorful and multifaceted. Moroccan-style patios will blow our minds with their color. Orange, blue, green, red - such rich colors form the basis for patio design.

When we talk about patio design, then,first of all,We mean landscape design, because in steel all the decoration of courtyards is similar. The landscape design of patios really gives room for imagination and its implementation in reality. Flowers are what distinguishes typical patios from modern designs who are more prone to minimalism, monochromatic greenery and tranquility in all manifestations. Classic patios can hardly be called “calm”. Again, the riot of color is evident not only in the decoration, but also in the numerous colors that literally permeate the patio. Flowers can be everywhere: planted in the ground, hung in flowerpots, flowers can hang from walls, roofs, just stand in pots, etc.

Let's pay attention to modern courtyards. Here, much attention is paid, as we have already said, to unity and tranquility. If in classic patios you will find fountains, the splashes from which fly in all directions, and the sound of water can be heard long before approaching the fountain, then in modern courtyards you will find peacefully babbling streams, or artificial ponds, over which ferns and other non-flowering plants grow. Everything in modern design strives for harmony and unity. If the basis for the patio is ceramics, then for the new style it is glass, wood, and metal.

We talked about the fact that all patios are characterized by a single decoration. Essentially this is true. The patio can be equipped with a breakfast table, cozy armchairs, sofa or hammock. In the patio you can place almost any furniture that will create a certain level of comfort for you.

Courtyard - 50 photos

Morning cup of coffee in the gazebo, lunch under open air, the freshest fruits and vegetables on the table is the dream of many apartment owners. Yes, the advantages of a private house with a spacious yard and land can hardly be overestimated. However, we must not forget about the additional worries that arise after purchasing a country cottage.

Zoning the yard of a private house

It is necessary to start decorating the yard by dividing it into functional zones. To do this, you should determine in advance what you want to see near your home. Perhaps your goal is exclusively economic use of the territory. Or do you want to decorate your yard with flowers, bushes, statues?

Advice! If you want to have a multi-functional area in your yard, use folding chairs. They can be easily removed to transform the lawn into a play area or sunbathing area.

A completely different approach to design is implied if the yard is primarily planned to be used for recreation. In this case, you need to think about the location of benches or sun loungers, flower beds and, possibly, a gazebo, a playground and barbecues.

When drawing up a yard plan, clearly indicate the places where the following will be located:

  • buildings: summer shower, garage, barn, bathhouse, gazebo;
  • vegetable garden: the location of vegetable beds should correspond to their need for sun;
  • garden: indicate where and what trees and bushes will grow, taking into account their compatibility and cast shadows;
  • dog house and aviary;
  • pond or pool;
  • flower beds or ornamental plantings;
  • playground;
  • paths.

Create a clear plan with your own hands on paper or using computer program, respecting the scale. If you don’t have suitable ideas for zoning the yard of your home, pay attention to the design of your near and distant neighbors. In the end, look for options from owners of private houses who have posted high quality photos their yards on the Internet. Analyze and choose what suits you. Here are a few photos of successful, in our opinion, decoration of the yard of a private house with your own hands.

When designing a yard, study and be sure to take into account the features of its individual zones. You must determine exactly where it is sunny side, and where are the shady areas, where the soil is elevated, and where is the lowland. Only in this case will landscaping bring the expected results.

Yard landscaping - arches and fences

An excellent option for separating functional areas in the courtyard of a private house is to create green hedges. Both densely growing shrubs and tall plants are suitable. Turf is often used in landscaping a patio. The popularity of this crop as a fence is explained by its ease of care and the casting of dense shade. What could be better than relaxing on a sun lounger in the deep shade in the middle of a hot day?

To separate zones that are completely different in functioning or to hide unsightly buildings and parts of the yard from view, it is better to create high green fences. In addition, you can arrange flowering arches and pergolas that will create a charming atmosphere. Climbing roses, clematis, morning glory, and virgin grapes look great. As you can see in the photo, a courtyard decorated in this way will look very romantic.

Green fences, arches and pergolas will look especially gentle in the evening when good lighting. A trellis, screen or trellis is suitable for decorating a shady area in the yard. In addition to the aesthetic effect, they will provide protection from winds and drafts. Beautiful partitions will be made from wicker, bamboo or rattan. Reed mats combined with flowering plants originally from Asia - an excellent option for a yard decorated in an oriental style.

You can simply but effectively divide your yard into zones by erecting a low picket fence. But this option is practical only when dividing the yard into areas close in purpose. It is better to keep it simple, without unnecessary details, so that it does not attract attention. It will look beautiful if you decorate the entrance to the yard with a flowering arch, and plant low flowering crops along the path.

DIY paths in the courtyard of a private house

We have already noted that the location of all paths should be marked in advance on the drawing of the yard. You also need to think in advance about what materials you will use to make them yourself. The choice should depend not only on the materials you have, but also on general style design of the yard, as well as the area (front or interior).

Do-it-yourself paths in the yard are made from the following materials:

  • Stone and concrete slabs . The option is not cheap and is suitable for the front yard. The gaps between the laid fragments are filled with sand, small pebbles, or low-growing plants that do not require special care are planted there.
  • Round cut or tightly knit boards(garden parquet). Such paths are primarily suitable for decorating a courtyard. The cracks can be perfectly filled with sawdust or fine-grained bark. To delimit the front flower beds or near the house, it is better to fill the gaps formed when laying the material with sand, gravel or pebbles.

Wooden paths in the courtyard should not be made smooth and clear. It is very important to process the material carefully and repeatedly by special means for exterior decoration.

Designers advise using simple and easy-to-clean paths in close proximity to the house. The once popular option of pouring concrete into the yard has long lost its relevance. This is mainly due to low aesthetics and lack of comfort.

Principles of landscaping your own yard

Create for real beautiful yard with your own hands it is impossible without correct selection and the location of vegetation. Landscaping, according to designers, is a key point of design. Even minor mistakes can lead to disruption of the harmony and style of landscape design.

A chestnut tree above a freestanding bench will create a wonderful shady area for relaxation. Coniferous mixborders will add a special flavor to the yard of a private house. Rose bushes among the greenery of the lawn look very attractive. Juniper or other low ornamental crops make wonderful borders.

Juniper in the design of the courtyard of a private house

Spruce or pine will refresh the look of the yard and the surrounding air. Designers advise not to use dark green vegetation if the yard is small. Ornamental plants with an unusual shape and coloring of leaves - always in the price of designers.

Flower beds deserve special attention. The choice of plants for them is incredibly large. When creating a flower garden in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands, remember a few rules:

  • Select plants with different flowering periods so that the flower bed does not remain empty or with bald spots.
  • Tall plants are always placed in the center of the flower bed, and low plants are placed at the edges.
  • You should not use too many different colors in one flower bed - it will turn out too colorful. Don't forget also about the beauty of monoflowers.
  • Select flowers that suit your region and the area allocated for planting them. Remember, plants that love different conditions: watering, lighting and soil nutrition.
  • From climbing and creeping plants you can create magnificent vertical compositions, hide unsightly walls of buildings and old fences, and decorate gazebos.
  • Don't forget the beauty of container planting.
  • Rock gardens, rock gardens and modular flower beds will enliven your yard and make it modern.

By choosing the right plants for your yard, you will create a cozy atmosphere with your own hands.