Nauzy - Slavic magic of knots. Nauz amulet - how to make it yourself

In many religions you can find belief in the power of a tied knot. The pagan Slavs, who for centuries created various ways weaving and stored them. The Christian Church persecuted them, but the magic of the knot, called nauzes, has reached our time.

What are sciences

And today, on many people’s wrists you can find a colored thread with a knot tied on it. Neither the cord nor the knot itself have magical properties; the power of knots lies in faith. When tying a knot, a person thinks about something significant for him, mentally makes a wish, and the knot only secures it.

The meaning of the knot in Slavic beliefs

It has long been believed that the hand is a channel through which negativity can penetrate to a person. To close it, a talisman is put on the wrist - a bracelet that protects a person from the evil eye and prevents the bad intentions of the people around them from penetrating the person’s soul.

IN Ancient Rus' Nauzas for hand were made from yarn, woven from nettles and hemp.

However, what is important is not what the amulet is made of, but what meaning was put into it when it was created. When tying knots, our ancestors read conspiracies, believing that the knot would preserve the wish and help it come true.

How does the choice of science depend on your zodiac sign?

Nauzs are not just a thread with a knot tied. Knot magic pays a lot of attention to:

  • Thread color
  • Number and method of tying knots
  • The day and time when the amulet is created.

IN modern conditions beliefs in the power of the knot are supplemented with new meanings. The choice of science may depend on the zodiac sign:

  • Aries is better off choosing a red thread and orange color
  • Taurus – green
  • Gemini - any dark shades
  • A silver thread suits Cancer
  • Leo – light yellow colors
  • Virgo - any light threads
  • Libra - blue or green threads
  • Scorpio – bright red
  • Sagittarius - blue colors dark shades
  • Capricorn - a combination of white and black thread
  • Aquarius – purple
  • Pisces - gold or silver threads.

How to tie a knot

- a whole science in which everything is important - the material from which the amulet is created, the number of knots and the method of tying them. You can make an amulet for yourself or for loved one.

You can weave sciences only in good mood and with good intentions.

  • Natural threads are suitable for work - wool, linen, cotton.
  • The talisman will work if weaving begins on the waxing moon - this will enhance its effect.
  • The best time considered for work summer holiday Ivan Kupala - our ancestors also said that on this day magic acquires special power.

How many nodes should there be

Didn't attach special significance the number of knots on the thread, however, if you adhere to the canons of numerology, which says that each number has sacred meaning, the number of knots tied can enhance the magic:

  • 1 node denotes union with the Sun
  • 2 – symbol of the connection between mind and emotions
  • 3 nodes emphasize the connection with the magic of Mars, help in creativity
  • 4 knots – contribute to achieving inner harmony
  • 5 knots are tied to reach career growth
  • 6 knots - learning about love
  • 7 knots help to achieve strength of spirit with the help of the power of Saturn
  • 8 knots will establish a balance between reason and emotions
  • 9 knots is the highest manifestation of fortitude.

The meaning of the color and image of the canopy

Slavic nauzes were of different colors, depending on what the amulet was intended for. They were worn on the wrist or around the neck, often hanging small bags with herbs, salt, and medicinal herbs woven into them.

  • Red and yellow threads are considered good protection against the evil eye and damage, and green threads were used to weave knowledge for money.
  • White thread with knots should be worn by those who strive to achieve their intended goal.
  • Blue - will help you gain self-confidence.

The weight gain that is woven into the sciences enhances the energy.

They are usually made only from natural materials - paper, cereals, metal, wood will also do. Pendants have different meanings: depending on the purpose of the amulet, symbols are added to the knots:

  • The key means protection from witchcraft, the evil eye
  • A spoon is a talisman that protects against thoughts of poverty
  • Fish – attracting money
  • Horseshoe - symbolizes good luck
  • An animal's tooth will protect against evil spirits.

What do you need to do science?

  • To make amulets for your hand, you will need threads of the desired color about a meter long.
  • You need to weave, getting rid of unnecessary thoughts, best of all - in the forest or in the field.
  • Having started work, it cannot be left until another day, otherwise the magical power will disappear.

Mastering the technique of weaving knots is not difficult - you can learn from those who weave Slavic sciences or use weaving patterns.

Manufacturing of items

Before you start weaving, decide what you need the amulet for. Don't think too much - stick to what's important.

If you cannot concentrate on one thought, put off the weaving; the talisman will not work.

Knowledge for wealth

For weaving, it is better to use green thread.

  1. The first knot is made in the center of the lace, saying the magic words: “ Grow money. Multiply your money. Add more money. Make me (name) rich, come to me. So be it!»
  2. The two free ends of the cord must be threaded into the loops to the right and left of the first knot, forming new knots.
  3. Tighten the ends of the threads.
  4. Likewise, remembering to repeat the magic spell, make another knot on each side and tie the thread.

Sciences for love

They are woven on red wool thread.

  • The bracelet is worn on the left hand to protect the relationship, on the right hand to attract the betrothed.
  • To enhance the effect of the amulet, you need to weave the hair of both lovers into it.

It’s easy to weave sciences:

  1. Take two laces, tie knots on one according to your age, on the other - how old your loved one is.
  2. Tie the threads together to make one common thread, tie as many knots on it as the number of years you want to live together.
  3. When tying knots, turn to Lela - Slavic goddess: « Knot, strengthen the union. There are no stronger love bonds!».

Nodules for health

To weave nauzas against diseases, threads from undyed natural fiber were used. The yarn is held near the place that hurts, the spell is read and knots are tied one after another until a large knot is formed. The thread must be buried in the ground, making sure to cross the intersection.

How to strengthen your knowledge

The evil eye, illness and poverty will take the knowledge away from you - Slavic amulets, if you strengthen their effect with spells: magic words, which must be pronounced while simultaneously tying knots on the thread.

It is not necessary to memorize words word for word, the main thing is to contact higher powers, expressing your request and desires, faith in a better future.

What conspiracies are used

Popular conspiracies are an appeal to Perun, Makoshi, Lelya and other gods of the ancient Slavic host. Calling them by name enhances the effect magical ritual, fill it with extra magic.

Lele's prayer for love and family well-being

Mokosh's prayer to attract wealth

Prayer to Perun for protection and strength

Since ancient times, Slavic sciences were considered in a simple way change your life, and many of our ancestors did not consider it witchcraft or magic at all - the rules of their weaving were so simple. However, without knowing the basic rules of this magical craft, you should not start using it.

In the article:

Slavic sciences - what are they?

The weaving techniques of Slavic nauzs are not very well preserved due to persecution by the Christian church. However, part of the knowledge of our ancestors has reached the modern descendants of the ancient Slavs. An important science of the past is weaving nauzov. This technique, if mastered, can preserve health, protect against damage or the evil eye, attract good luck and money, and help in relationships.

Our ancestors wove a wide variety of subjects into sciences. These were metals, figures with their own meanings, symbols of the Gods, plants and minerals. Each of them has its own meaning. If you know the meanings of stones, herbs and other magical components, you can try to compile a set of components for the nauz yourself. By combining them, you can get different meanings Slavic knot amulets. You can lubricate the flowers with oils from time to time - this will eliminate the need to weave plants.

You shouldn’t weave too much into the science; two or three types of plants or other components will be enough. A person can have several knotted talismans for all occasions, but it is not advisable to wear them all at once.

To create knowledge, it is better to choose natural materials. Natural threads contain a piece of nature, which cannot be said about synthetics. You can weave nauzas from ribbons, ropes, threads, bunches of plants and even hair.

From time to time they need to be exposed to the sun's or moon's rays - it depends on the specifics of the talisman. For example, money tree requires solar energy, and knowledge of love and female attractiveness requires lunar energy.

It would be a good idea to weave knots in nature or in places of power. Even if you only have summer cottage plot within the city, it is better suited than an apartment. When weaving, nothing should distract. Conspiracies or other words are spoken continuously, from the very beginning of the creation of the node until the work is completed.

Science for money

You can do things with money every day. When tying a scarf or tie, you need to say positive affirmations to yourself. It could be something like “I will become rich, there is prosperity in my house, I have money for all my whims.” Such a simple everyday action is the simplest money trick, but you need to do it in a good mood. Thoughts about poverty or disbelief in the effectiveness of the technique can ruin everything.

There is a more complex option for attracting money and increasing business income. This money lesson is called “Money Tree”. Essentially, this is a knot that consists of three identical knots and looks like a tree. It is made from a green thread on the waxing moon. The money tree can be hung near your workplace or stored in your desk. You can hang it on front door so that the amulet attracts cash flows into the house.

While weaving the Money Tree, the following plot is read:

Grow money. Multiply your money. Add more money. Make me (name) rich, come to me. So be it!

You can add figures to the Money Tree. For example, if income depends on the harvest, a sickle is a good choice. Perhaps earnings depend on luck. Hang a horseshoe. The finished unit can be lubricated essential oil For example, bergamot is good for enhancing cash flow.

Not everyone is able to weave such complex knots as our ancestors were able to do. There is also a simpler option. But remember that strong spells are obtained only by those who are willing to spend more effort.

On the waxing moon, buy a green candle without haggling. Light it, take a ball of natural green thread and cut nine identical ones. Put them together, roll them into one rope, reading the following plot:

Nine roads, nine ways

what I wish will come to me,

copper nickels, silver rubles,

gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper,

marked with signatures and seals.

Nine of any knots are tied on the resulting rope; for each knot you need to read:

With this knot I bind everything in one, my will, my passion, my financial power.

These money units should be kept in the home or workplace. Can be carried in a wallet if its size allows it.

Knowledge of love

Girls have been braiding their hair for a long time, and they are still fashionable today. But not every lover of complex hairstyles knows that braids are also a kind of witchcraft. If during the process of braiding your hair you think about your loved one or repeat affirmations about your beauty, you will achieve his attention or an ideal reflection in the mirror. Songs about love with the insertion of the name of a loved one while braiding hair are, of course, not a love spell, but they will definitely pay attention to you.

The knot of passion will help spouses. It enhances the emotional and physical components love relationship. It can also work as a love spell on knots. You will need two ribbons that were worn by both you and your lover. You can take shoe laces, for example. If you weave the hair of the spouses, witchcraft will have greater power.

While weaving, imagine that you are weaving together love and passion - yours and your loved one. Wear it near your heart for the first couple of weeks, and then give it to your husband or put it among his things. The finished knot can be lubricated from time to time with ginger oil, which is famous for its property of returning passion.

Nauz Lovebirds can be used together with making lovebird dolls. They will reinforce each other. The "Burning Hearts" knot is another one good option knowledge of love. Here is an example of a plot that can be read while weaving:

Knot, strengthen the union. There are no stronger love bonds!

You can arrange the nauz in the form of a keychain or other decoration and give it to the person who is interested. They strengthen love spells, restore lost feelings, and protect against betrayal and quarrels. Weave love knots only on the waxing moon.

Nauzy - Slavic amulets for the home

Knot magic - lessons from bad habits

Many people would like to quit smoking or drinking. Knot magic and special sciences can help with this. For example, there is a good plot for knots. It can be done either by a person who suffers from alcohol addiction or by his friends or relatives.

An odd number of knots are tied on the black cord, for each you need to say:

I tie a knot to the slave (name) for drinking and partying. Free the knot of thoughts, defeat its vice. Amen.

Such a knotted bracelet should be given to the person targeted by witchcraft. Instead of the words “drinking and partying” you can substitute “smoking” or any other bad habit.

Tying knots for health

Nauz “Alive”

The magic of knots will help improve health and get rid of diseases. In order to get rid of the disease, you can tie an odd number of knots on a black thread. For each node, say the name of your disease. The thread with knots should be buried or burned away from the house. After this, the disease will go away.

Nauz " Alive"will give you good health. It gives vital energy, fills sick organs with healing energy. Nauz "Solar" will help with loss of strength, fatigue and chronic diseases. It helps increase physical strength and the body's resistance to disease.

Everyone has heard the expression “knot for memory”. Its meaning is clear. Many believe that it came into our lives from knotted writing, which was common in some tribes. However, the matter goes much deeper. Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, did not consider it necessary to write down their impressions on paper. Knowledge was passed on by word of mouth. But they knitted knots for a completely different purpose.

Rope and medicinal herbs were used to connect a person with magical powers. It was believed that various knots could prevent misfortunes, cure diseases, and bring good luck into life. Surely you noticed in paintings (in films) with Slavic subjects that people decorated themselves not with beads or chains, but with wicker necklaces, pendants, and bracelets.

Each of these objects contained a “power” that people believed in. And even now in the villages traditions associated with nauzes (knots) have been preserved. For example, in Kuban it is customary to cover a girl with a net before marriage. Then she is handed over to her new husband. It is believed that the network prepares a woman for childbirth and protects her from complications.

What are sciences?

This was the name for the knots into which medicinal products or notes with spells were placed. They later gave birth to incense and amulets. Sciences are used to treat the physical and energetic bodies of a person. From the evil eye and damage, to attract good luck or get rid of a specific disease. True, there are not many specialists left in this matter. Only village healers understand how to tie knots and what to put in them.

It is now known that nauzes are made only from natural raw materials. That is, to make them you need woolen threads, hemp or pure cotton. Most often, wool is used. For example, to normalize blood circulation, they tie it on the wrist. She, according to healers, does not allow the blood to stagnate. The same remedy is known to help against the evil eye.

Is it possible to knit sciences yourself?

A person can make any amulet with his own hands. After all, its meaning is in the intention invested in it. Yes, you need to know which nodes influence what. But the meaning is not in them, but in the thoughts with which a person associates them. Remember: “knot for memory”. The deep meaning of the expression is that you can use a string to create a certain “anchor” in your thoughts.

For example, if a person is envied, this affects the quality of his life. This happens because he reacts to someone else’s anger, gets nervous, and makes mistakes. This is a natural, subconscious process. By the way, our Slavic ancestors knew about this very well. What should you do to avoid reacting? Realize that someone else’s anger is invading your life and build a defense. This is done mentally, and in order not to forget, you should tie a knot.

Here is a simple method for making nauzs. You need to put intention into them, a way to solve the problem that is currently bothering you. You can then forget about it, but the subconscious will remember and act constantly. The bundle will remind him of the preparatory work done.

Effective spells for knots

The knots themselves with symbols and herbs had different purposes. It was invested in them by the performer, that is, the healer. This was done with the help of thoughts, which were supported by certain words. For example, if you want happiness to always be in your life, weave a round weave (pictures above) and hang it around your neck. When they prepared the amulet, they said this:

“I’ll tie a knot, I’ll tie the sun to the house. Strengthen my will so that there is plenty of happiness!”

In order for life to be sanctified by the faithful and mutual love, they slandered the bundle like this:

“Knot, strengthen the union. There is no stronger love bond!”

Girls prepared such amulets. Often, not only for yourself, but also for your betrothed. Love lessons were given to the guy they wanted to marry.

Sciences were also used for treatment. For example, a special amulet was made for drunkenness. They spoke to him like this:

“I tie a knot to the Lord’s servant (name) for drinking and partying. Free the knot of thoughts, defeat its vice. Amen!".

Nauzy is an original Slavic remedy. If you want to join it and learn to use it in life, then don’t be shy and don’t be afraid. In this art form, it is not the technique that is important, but the purity and depth of intention.

It is not difficult to make a magic item nauz with your own hands, but the effect is amazing.

Among the multitude and variety Slavic amulets, we can distinguish a large group - sciences. These are nodules, bags, filled with a variety of contents. Sciences are used very rarely today, because they were undeservedly forgotten and became a thing of the past. But in vain. This effective magic, which protects and helps against all misfortunes. The magic of knots created amazing Slavic amulets, which were used by people several hundred years ago. It is possible to revive this skill, you just need to try to make a nauz for yourself or your loved one. Whether it will be a gift, or whether you want to use the amulet yourself, it doesn’t matter. Your good intention will serve. Try it - making such a magical item is not difficult, and its power will amaze you.

What are sciences

Nauz - ancient amulets. It always represents the same thing: a thread, rope, leather cord or chain on which knots and bags with contents are hung. Today girls wear bracelets with different pendants, which can be changed depending on your mood. This is very similar to Slavic sciences. Only, you need to change the contents of bags and bundles not according to your mood, but in accordance with life circumstances.

Sciences have several functions:

  • protection;
  • support;
  • fulfillment of desires.

Human I could choose for myself exactly how to put things inside. It could be:

  • ritual figurines, images of animals;
  • plant seeds;
  • dry roots or flowers;
  • stones, minerals;
  • precious stones;
  • metals;
  • wooden roundels or plates with symbols;
  • parchment;
  • animal parts(wing bat, dog claws, snake skull, lizard bone);
  • and much more.

The Slavs believed that almost any thing could become a talisman, so the scope for imagination was unlimited. IN depending on the situation you can change the contents of your bags and bundles. During illness they were placed in it symbols of health and longevity, useful herbs, magic crystals, taking away diseases.

If a woman could not get pregnant for a long time, then the nauz was filled with a traditional set: dry rosehip flowers, ears of wheat, symbol of the goddess Lada. With the help of such knowledge, she quickly became a mother, and all fears went away. These amulets were widespread - everyone wore them without exception. Tradition, unfortunately, is a thing of the past.

How to wear a hat correctly

You can put whatever you want, but just remember the rule. There shouldn't be too many pendants. Nauzs are amulets that take yourself a piece of your strength. They build a connection with the owner based on faith in the powers of the amulet. If you wear 2-3, then your faith is strong. You have chosen what you really need. If a person hung 30 pendants with the most different symbols, protective herbs, crystals and stones - his faith in the amulet is not very strong.

You may have large stock items, which can be put into science. Prepare for all occasions. But, all at once - bad recipe for amulet. Choose only what you need, trust magic item, then it will serve you faithfully.

It is very important that the knots are strong. There is no need to remove the contents of bags and bundles once again. The knot is one of the components of the amulet. Almost all magical traditions have knots. If you say a word and tie a knot, it will be very strong, so strong that even an ax cannot be cut. Choose natural thin leather, linen fabric for creating knotted bags.

Most common symbols

Among the many symbols, the most common ones can be identified. They were used by people all over the Slavic world. The meanings of the symbols are the same, or almost the same throughout the entire territory of ancient Rus'.


A symbol of freedom, unity with nature. The silver fish often hid in the nauz, because in those times were not calm. The invaders could kidnap a person and do his work. It was believed that the silver rack would protect against such a sad fate.


Knowledge. In order for children to learn and gain experience, a key was hung around their neck. It can be made from any material. Most often, these are small metal keys.

Bird (dove)

Good news, innocence. The dove passed from paganism to Christianity. The dove brings good news so that you can receive it - wear a silver or gold dove in your amulet.

Bird (falcon)

Sun symbol. Charms with a falcon - for men. It gives the necessary strength, energy for life, courage.

Bird (swan)

Symbol of femininity. Gives girls the opportunity to preserve their natural beauty until old age.


A sign of victory, perfection. This can be a victory over evil, which means this sign protects against black magic.


Male sign. They put him in the sciences only when they were getting ready for battle. Symbol of indomitability courage, combat courage.


Construction own home, families. Home comfort . Worn mainly by men.


Continuation of the family. If there were no children in the family for a long time, it was necessary to put a tree in the house. You can make it from wood, or from any other material. Then it will appear soon child.


Eye charms protect against black magic, remove evil eyes and curses. Such a talisman made of silver, hid very carefully. They almost always put it in science, especially for children.

Except figurines, it was possible to put ordinary planks with Slavic symbols . These are the ones everyone knows:

  • Kolovrat;
  • Velesovik;
  • Ladinets;
  • Tsaetok Fern;
  • Black Sun;
  • Volot;
  • Makosh;
  • Lada Mother of God.

They were burned on tablets, this is the simplest and effective way. The energy of the fire tempered the symbol, breathing into it a powerful positive charge. Try it, it's not as difficult as it seems.

How to make a talisman yourself

If you want to make Slavic sciences yourself for yourself, friends, family, then you need to prepare everything. It's not difficult, because Even children were able to make such amulets before. Take:

  • waxed or leather lace;
  • iron pendants, clay, stones in the form of animals or symbols of your choice;
  • quartz crystals (drive away evil forces);
  • pieces of wood;
  • seeds, dried flowers;
  • any other small items by choice;
  • pieces of leather or fabric that can be tied into a knot (a strip of fabric or leather works great).

You can make amulets or give a person a complete set of pendants so that he can choose what and when to wear. On lace put on 2-3 knots, no more, otherwise the strength of the knot becomes weaker.

A person can put in bundles everything that he considers valuable to himself. Some images, objects with the energy of “success”, memorial stones or shells from the sea. Memorabilia reminds us of happy moments of life- this is magic in itself. This item is warm. He carries a huge charge of positivity. Why not? A small shell from a happy honeymoon will become the best amulet family happiness.

Slavic magic will help you from all troubles

Slavic magic is good. She draws her strength from the elements of nature. People's reverence for Earth, Water, Air and Fire gave birth to great power that helps people against all troubles. If you feel bad, you have depression, constant melancholy - go out into nature. Here you are find ancient power.

Your amulets charge better in nature. Take your knowledge with you. This is very useful, especially in summer when it is sunny energy reaches its peak.

At all times, knots and knots have been given great value in rituals and amulets. Nowadays, science is a sure and simple way to attract necessary events into your life and get rid of troubles.

The history of science goes back centuries. Our ancestors tied sacred number knots on belts, threads or strands of yarn for specific purposes. Knots were always tied ritually: just tying a knot like that was considered a bad omen. Nowadays, the superstitious fear of knots and knots has gone away, but it is still possible and necessary to use the energy of nauz for your own purposes.

Types of sciences

Based on their purpose and effect, sciences can be divided into several types:

  • for love;
  • for luck;
  • for good luck;
  • for money;
  • to get rid of the disease;
  • for protection from damage and the evil eye.

Each nauz amulet is made independently: you need to choose natural threads of a certain color: for love and passion, and also have a good marriage- red, to attract happiness- orange, for good luck in an important matter- yellow. To attract wealth and to direct the energy of money in your direction, you need green and yellow threads. To recover from illness, you will need blue or white threads, and to protect against damage use black, purple or blue threads.

The number of knots that will need to be tied to achieve your goal can be calculated numerologically. But basically, one complex knot is used for protective purposes, two are tied for love, 7 knots for happiness and luck, 5 or 6 for money, and three for getting rid of illness.

How to make a nauz-amulet

To create not just a thread with knots, but a full-fledged amulet, you will need a certain mood and a state of peace and tranquility. Nothing should stop you from focusing on your goal.

Someone relax and come to desired condition Prayers help bring peace, while some are more inclined to mantras and meditation. Choose your method. A good help when creating a science will be a burning one wax candle, the color matching the color of your future science.

When you are in the desired state, unravel the threads and measure out a length slightly longer than needed to wrap freely around your wrist. The stock will go into knots and you will need space to tie the finished amulet on your hand.

Mark the place where the nodes will be located. Start tying them by imagining and clearly visualizing your goal.

For example, if you create a knot to attract love and family happiness, then tie a knot and say: “I will straighten the threads, I will direct my loved one to myself. As soon as I tie a knot, I will bring love to myself!”

Tie knots from left to right, visualizing your goal for each one. After the last knot is tied, wrap the amulet around your hand and say: “It was done for me, it served me, it was tied in a knot, it was spoken, and it was firmly said. You can’t untie anyone, you can’t take back your words. Truly!

Wear the amulet on yourself or hide it in a secluded place at home. Do not allow anyone to take the nauz in their hands, otherwise the energy of the amulet will be disrupted.

The sciences are simple, but at the same time one of the most strong amulets for happiness, love and money. To enhance the effect, creating a fund for money can be combined with a ritual of attracting money. We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires and intentions, and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.10.2016 01:49

Psychic Dmitry Volkhov told readers about one of the most powerful Slavic amulets. According to the participant...