Distance between storm sewer wells. What should be the distance from well to well -

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Creating inlet holes in reinforced concrete rings for pipes with a diameter of more than 250 mm, as a rule, leads to their damage. Therefore, for mines to which such pipes are planned to be connected, bottom part their main working chamber It is constructed either from brick or from monolithic concrete.

One of the important characteristics of the working chamber of any well is tightness. Based on this, the inside of the finished housing is sealed with bitumen. Sealing can also be done by coating the inside of the well cement mortar. For filtration shafts, tightness is not particularly important. In addition, a special hole is often constructed at the bottom of the working chamber for greater drainage.

Pipes that are adjacent to the well must be laid flush with its inner surface.

If, when laying a sewer system, it is impossible to lay a whole number of products between two shafts, then the socket end must be cut off from the outermost pipe. The junction of the installed pipes with the walls of the shaft is carefully sealed with cement mortar, both outside and inside.

The necks of the wells must be installed above the mouth of the largest supply pipeline. In pipeline shafts that have a rotation angle of less than 165°, the neck should be located above the outer shelf of the tray (angle bisector).

Not being a construction specialist engineering communications, it is very difficult to understand the regulatory literature regulating the technology and procedure for carrying out such work. When trying to find a written accessible language information about the design of the domestic sewer network for country house, you often come across articles with vague content.
Some of them have nothing to do with the search query at all. For example, a well made of twine is a master class about making decorative crafts.
You have to spend a lot of time searching necessary information, literally break a lot of sites. To make this task easier for you, in this article we will briefly outline the standards adopted building codes and rules regarding the construction of facilities for external network sewerage.

Sewerage of a private house

Quite often owners country houses decide to acquire autonomous water supply and sewerage systems. In one case - in order to save on utilities, the price of which is growing every year, in another - due to the banal lack of centralized networks in the village.
In order for an external sewer network built with your own hands to work normally, so that if necessary, you can eliminate problems and malfunctions that have arisen in it at any time, it must be built in compliance with certain rules.
The scheme for draining, treating and removing wastewater from a home depends on many factors, including:

  • Topographic conditions of the site;
  • Soil type;
  • Availability of water supply sources on the site or in close proximity to it;
  • Location of existing underground communications - water supply, gas pipelines, power cable, telephone line, etc.

The sewer network can be very simple and consist of one straight section pipeline connecting the intra-house network with cesspool or a septic tank (see), located a short distance from the house. It could even be a well made of tires, in which wastewater is filtered or accumulated until the next pumping with a sludge pump.

Such simple circuit often used for country houses or small private houses. For its normal functioning, it is enough just to maintain the required slope when laying the pipeline and pump out the well in time.
It is much more difficult to install a sewer system if the house is located on a plot with difficult terrain, if, due to the presence of a well or drinking well, it is necessary to comply with sanitary requirements for the location of septic tanks or storage tanks, arranging them at a considerable distance from the house.
Often, owners of country houses combine drainage from several buildings located on the site into one network, including a drainage system and storm drains. In this case it turns out complex circuit from several long pipelines and several wells for different purposes.
It is the need for their installation and the distance between sewer wells that often raise questions among those who decide on their own, without the participation of specialists, to organize such a network.

Types and purpose of wells

There is a document regulating the arrangement of various sewerage structures and the distance between them - SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures."
We will focus only on those points that relate to the domestic drainage network from a private home. Along the entire length of the external sewerage pipeline, depending on its length, terrain slope and other circumstances, it is necessary to install intermediate wells.


These structures are built into the network in the following cases:

  • Large length of straight pipeline;
  • Changing the direction of the pipeline, its diameter or slope;
  • The presence in the network of nodes in which a side pipeline is connected to the common main line.

Inspection wells are designed to organize control over the system, providing access to its problem areas for the purpose of cleaning and eliminating blockages.

According to SNiP, the maximum distance between sewer wells of this type depends on the diameter of the pipe and is:

  • At d150 mm – 35 meters;
  • At d200-450 mm – 50 meters;
  • With d500-600 mm - 75 meters, etc.

That is, the larger the diameter, the farther the inspection wells can be from each other. If such large pipes are used in the construction of a domestic sewer system, then only if the volume of wastewater is large enough.
For example, the total from several separate buildings (house, bathhouse, guest house). Or when it is dumped into the general network rainwater from roofs and paths.
Much more often, pipes with a diameter of 100 mm (one hundred square meters) are used. On such a pipeline, the distance between inspection shafts is taken to be 15 meters.

Please note. If the diameter of the pipe is the same throughout, the pipeline is straight and has no lateral connections, the minimum distance between sewer wells can be increased to 50 m.

Rotary wells

Having a similar purpose and design to inspection manholes, rotary wells are installed on pipeline bends. Any such bends, which cannot have a rotation angle of less than 90 degrees, are areas with an increased risk of blockages, so inspection shafts must be installed above them.


  • The distance between is determined by the length of the straight sections between the bends.
  • If the length of this section exceeds the number of meters specified by the standards, additional inspection well shafts are additionally equipped on it.

Drop wells

If the area where the sewer network is being installed is located on a slope, the slope of the laid underground pipeline may be too large. This should not be allowed, since at a high flow rate of wastewater, solid fractions can settle at the bottom of the pipe, gradually creating blockages.

In this case, the instructions require the construction of differential wells, forming a stepped system. The distance between them depends on the terrain and in each case is determined on the spot.
The following rules are taken into account:

  • The maximum depth of the drop should not exceed three meters;
  • If the difference is less than half a meter (on pipelines with a diameter of up to 600 mm), a manhole with a drain may be installed instead of a differential.

For reference. End point sewer system is a filter or storage well.

Other regulatory requirements

In addition to those described, there are other requirements for the device external sewerage. For example, the distance from home to sewer well of any type and purpose (first in the direction of flow) should be at least 3 and no more than 12 meters.
Do not forget about sanitary standards regulating the location of sewer wells and pipelines in relation to reservoirs and sources drinking water, drinking water pipelines, fruit trees and gardening plantings.


Basically, improvement own home– the task is not the most difficult. The work of laying pipes and installing sewerage structures is within the capabilities of any homeowner.
How to do this is described in the video in this article and in other materials on our site. But if certain norms and rules are not observed, even a carefully and accurately installed system may cease to function normally, and to clean or repair it, you will have to open the entire line in search of a blockage.
This will not happen if you have access to the most problematic areas and the ability to control the operation of the system.

Wells play an important role in the operation of the sewer system. This is a necessary structure, without which the system will not function properly, or may even become clogged. Sewage wells are not located randomly along the route, but have their own place. And each of them does their job. The number of wells to be installed depends on the length of the route, turns, drops, and diameter sewer pipes. The existing SNiP document clearly indicates the device, purpose, and distance between sewer wells. Let's take a detailed look at all types of sewer wells, their purpose and where they are installed.

Inspection sewer wells

This type of well is used to inspect and control the sewer system. They also clean the pipeline if it is clogged. Inspection wells are installed on long-distance straight pipelines, turns, at the points where side hoses are connected, as well as at the point where the pipe diameter or its slope changes. Distance between installed pipe wells different diameters calculated based on the SNiP document. On a straight line with a pipe diameter of 150 mm, the distance between the wells should be 35 m. For pipes from 200 mm to 450 mm, the distance will be 50 m. There is probably no point in listing larger pipe diameters. They are mainly used in central sewer systems with large volumes of wastewater. As you understand, as the diameter of the pipe increases, the distance between the inspection wells increases. This is due to the fact that the pipe larger diameter less likely to clog. There are cases when the distance can be increased to 50 meters on a flat route with the same pipe diameter and without side sleeves. In everyday life, in summer cottages and private courtyards, PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are used for sewerage installations. On such networks, the distance between wells can be reduced to 15 meters.

Rotary sewer wells

This type of well performs the same functions as a manhole. Has the same device. And it got its name because it is installed at a turn in the road. Every turn or bend in a pipeline can become a jam. In order to have access for cleaning this section of the sewer, wells are installed at all turns and bends without exception. If the straight-line distance between the rotary wells is large, then additional inspection wells are installed in this area.

Differential sewer wells

This type of well is installed in problem areas of the sewer system, where it is impossible to maintain the correct slope of the pipeline. Take, for example, a large slope. In such a place it is impossible to maintain the correct slope of the pipeline. And this entails a rapid drainage of wastewater, which will not have time to take solid accumulations with it, and the pipe will clog over time. Therefore, in such places, drop wells are installed according to a stepped system. The distance between such wells is determined individually and depends on the magnitude of the slope, but the difference should not be more than 3 m. If the sewerage system has a pipe diameter of up to 600 mm and the difference is less than 50 cm, it is possible to replace the drop well with an inspection well equipped with a drain.

At the end of the sewer system, a so-called final well is necessarily installed. This is the place where everyone merges waste water from the sewer. It can be either filtering or storage. But the point is that in front of this well or before cutting into the city highway, at a distance of 1.5 m, a control well is installed.

Distance from building

At the exit from the sewer system building, the first well must be installed. According to the standards, it should be located at least 3 m from the wall of the building towards the flow, but not more than 12 m. Basically, the length of the outlet of the inspection well from the wall of the building should not be more than 8 m. If this distance cannot be maintained, then an additional one is installed at the outlet well.

When constructing sewers, maintaining the distance between wells, do not neglect sanitary standards. Remember that in addition to the correct distance between them, the distance of the well from a reservoir, drinking source, or garden plantings must be maintained. The distance to the water well depends on the material of the pipe from which the water supply is made. But in any case, not less than 5 m. If this drain well, then it is located at least 10 m from the water supply.

As you understand, any sewer system built in accordance with all the rules and regulations requires cleaning and maintenance over time. Therefore, so that you do not have to open the entire network when the pipes are clogged, install the wells correctly. Having maintained all distances in accordance with established standards, you will always be able to get to the problem section of the pipeline and perform an inspection.

At self-construction For local sewerage, it is very important to comply with all SNiP requirements. Only in this case, the installed networks will function effectively and will not threaten to disrupt the ecological balance of the area. Important points design is the distance from the house to the sewer well, as well as the length of the zone separating the place from which drinking water is obtained from the sewerage installation.

Any construction must be carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP. The standards present the basic requirements for choosing building materials, as well as the placement of objects on the ground. In particular, it is important to maintain the recommended distance from the sewer well to the well with water intended for drinking, as well as to correctly position the sewer installations in relation to buildings, plantings, and roads.

Local sewer systems

Construction of a local sewage disposal system is practically the only acceptable option solving the problem of improvement of private households and other suburban properties.

To be like this local sewerage functioned effectively, it is important to take into account all the requirements of building rules and regulations during its construction. When designing a drainage system, the following points must be taken into account:

  • terrain in the development area;
  • soil characteristics at the construction site;
  • location of sources of drinking water and sanitary areas near the construction site;
  • the presence of buildings and other communications already existing on the site.

The main difficulty in installing a sewerage system lies in the construction of a structure for receiving and disposing of wastewater. Such a structure can be represented:

  • accumulators - sealed containers for accumulating liquids, which will need to be pumped out as they are filled using special equipment - vacuum trucks;
  • settling tanks are ordinary septic tanks in which wastewater is purified by settling. Final purification occurs by filtering the liquid through a soil filter;
  • deep biotreatment stations - modern installations that provide full cycle wastewater treatment.

Any local drainage system must include wells. These may be ready plastic structures or makeshift structures.


The number of wells in sewer pipeline networks depends on their length and complexity. The simpler the scheme used, the fewer wells required. Let's figure out what types of sewer mines exist and what the distance should be between network elements and other objects on the site.

Inspection (audit)

The name of this type of well speaks for itself. The purpose of the inspection shafts is to provide the opportunity to inspect the work and, if necessary, clean it. Installation of inspection shafts is necessary:

  • when building extended networks;
  • when switching to another pipe size;
  • in places of branches.

The maximum distance between sewer wells depends on the dimensions used for installing the sewer pipes (provided that the pipeline runs in a straight line):

  • when assembling a pipeline with a cross-section of 100 mm, shafts for inspections and for servicing networks should be installed every 15 meters;
  • if 150 mm pipes are used, then the inspection shafts must be separated from each other by at least 30 meters;
  • with pipe sizes of 200-450 mm, the distance is increased to fifty meters;
  • when constructing large-sized drainage networks, it is necessary to plan the installation of inspection shafts at intervals of 75 meters.

Advice! From the above, it becomes clear that the larger the size of the pipeline, the greater the distance that can separate the inspection shafts from each other.


This type is mounted where the straight line changes its direction. The purpose of such a mine and its design features are no different from revision ones.

Installing shafts at turning points is necessary for the reason that blockages often form in the corners, and the presence of a shaft allows for cleaning and removing the blockage, restoring the operation of the system. The distance between the turning shafts depends on the configuration of the networks, since they need to be installed at the turning points.


When building a local sewerage system on a site with complex terrain, it is impossible to do without the use of differential inspection shafts. This type of well has to be installed in areas with difficult terrain, since it is necessary to lay a pipeline that can withstand optimal inclination pipes

To compensate for differences in laying depth in difficult areas, a differential well is installed. The distances between these network elements depend on the complexity of the terrain and the configuration of the pipeline. Additional terms for installation of drop wells:

  • the height of the depth difference should not exceed three meters;
  • if the height of the drop is small (up to 0.5 meters), then instead of a drop well, you can install an inspection shaft with a drain.

Storage tanks and settling tanks

The storage well is the final element of the system. But more often, when constructing a local sewer system, a sump tank is used instead of storage tanks. In this case, several wells are built at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. The last well is made filtering (without a bottom), crushed stone is poured into it in a layer of about 0.5 meters.

When choosing the location of the filter well, it is very important to maintain optimal distances from this object to other buildings on the site.

Rules for installing filter wells

Let's figure out how to choose the right place to install a filter well relative to other objects on the site.

Drinking well

The most strictly regulated distance from a drinking water well or borehole. Placing two installations too close threatens an environmental disaster. Contaminants that enter aquifers can make the water undrinkable, which threatens the health of people living in the area.

It is important to install not only filter wells, but also sealed storage tanks in compliance with SNiP requirements. It may seem that this precaution is unnecessary, since the wastewater contained in a sealed storage tank does not come into contact with the ground and cannot cause pollution.

However, it cannot be ruled out that emergency situation associated with storage depressurization. At the same time dirty water can get not only into the ground, but also into aquifers.

Leakage of contaminated liquid can also occur if the installation is carried out incorrectly, for example, if the pipe connections are not properly sealed. The minimum distance between the point of water intake and the sewerage installation depends on the characteristics of the soil, or more precisely on its ability to pass water.

If the soil is predominantly clayey, then the minimum distance will be 430 meters. If the soil has good permeability, the distance will have to be increased to 60-80 meters.

Advice! To determine quality characteristics soil, to identify the presence of filter sites, geological research will be required.

When planning the installation of utility networks, it is important to correctly position the sewer and water pipes. The minimum distance between the water supply pipeline and the drainage pipeline is 10 meters. In this case, the water supply pipes should be located higher in level than the sewer pipes.


When constructing sewerage networks, it is very important to correctly position the wells relative to the residential building. The treatment plant itself cannot be located close to the house for the following reasons:

  • risk of spreading unpleasant odors;
  • the danger of the foundations of buildings being washed away by water filtering into the soil;
  • danger of basement flooding.

The minimum distance from the filter unit to the building foundation is 6 meters. But in practice, it is advisable to place the treatment plant at 10-15 meters. This placement of the septic tank will provide maximum comfort.

Advice! It is important to install a sewerage system at a distance not only from your home, but also from houses in neighboring areas. The minimum distance separating the septic tank from a house on an adjacent site should be more than 10 meters.

Proper placement of sewer wells when building a local sewer system is extremely important. Here are some recommendations:

  • choosing the location of the filters sewerage installations, you need not only to maintain the correct distance between the installations, residential buildings and a well, but also do not forget that settling tanks or storage tanks need periodic cleaning. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for the availability of free passage to storage installation or settling tank;
  • Filter installations should not be located near buildings. And not only to residential buildings, but also to other buildings on the site - a garage, premises for keeping animals, a bathhouse, etc. The distance between outbuildings and ancillary buildings should be at least one meter;
  • Installations with water filtration should not be placed in close proximity to the garden and other plantings. Root system plants may be damaged due to high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to plant trees at a distance of at least four meters. The distance to the bushes should be at least a meter;
  • the distance between the filter installation and the border with the neighboring plot must be at least two meters, and with the road - at least five meters.

Failure to comply with the rules for placing sewer wells can cause serious problems. The SES may have claims against the owners of the site. If during the inspection it is revealed that sewer networks built in violation of SNiP requirements, the owners will be issued an order to eliminate the violations. That is, all the work will have to be completely redone: dismantling the assembled networks and reassembling them, but taking into account sanitary and construction requirements.

So, it is very important to correctly maintain the distance between sewer wells according to SNiP. Failure to comply with the standards will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the drainage system or the emergence of an environmental hazard.

So, if the distance between the inspection shafts is greater than required, then it will be extremely difficult to maintain the pipeline in the event of a blockage. Owners can expect even more serious consequences if the distance standards between the filtering sewer well and the place of drinking water intake are not observed.


Regulatory documents are very difficult to master, especially for non-professionals. To understand all the requirements for engineering networks, it is necessary to spend a lot of time processing a large amount of material. It is also quite problematic to find exactly the information you need on the Internet: often the search results are not at all what they should be.

This article will describe all the information that relates to sewer systems; the main types of sewer wells, their parameters and the requirements for structures will be considered.

Sewage systems of private houses

In the arrangement suburban areas often used autonomous systems sewers, which are characterized by the presence of a large number of positive qualities. Some systems turn out to be more cost-effective than using a central collector, while others turn out to be the only possible solution sewage problems.

For the normal functioning of external sewerage and ensuring quality service, the design of the system must be arranged in accordance with the norms and regulations reflected in the relevant documents.

The installation scheme of the sewer system and its operation largely depend on factors, which include:

  • topographic indicators of the selected territory;
  • types of soils located on the site;
  • availability of water supply sources near the site;
  • engineering layout diagram underground networks, which are already present on the territory.
The sewage system can be quite simple: simplest design consists of a single section of pipeline that transports wastewater to a pit or septic tank located outside the building. You need to know at what distance from the house to install a septic tank. The simplest septic tank can be made from car tires, stacked vertically on top of each other: the wastewater will still be filtered, and the solid fractions will be periodically pumped out by a sewer machine. This design is well suited for installation in suburban or small urban areas. For the sewer system to work normally, it is enough to provide a constant slope and periodically pump out.

It is much more difficult to install a sewer system in an area that has complex terrain or where there is a source of drinking water. In this case, the sewage system must comply sanitary requirements, which apply to septic tanks or waste storage tanks. In addition, the design of the system may be complicated by connecting to it drainage system and storm drainage. Read also: "".

This design consists of several separate pipelines, so for its operation you will need large number wells. To ensure the operation of the system, you need to either contact specialists or carefully study all the nuances associated with sewerage requirements.

Types of sewer wells

The main document that determines the design features of sewer elements and the distance between sewer wells is SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures." The document contains a large number of requirements, but owners of private houses do not need to study them all - it is enough to deal with the problem of local drainage (read also: " "). The main thing you need to know is that any sewer system requires intermediate wells, and they will be installed depending on various factors.

Distance between inspection wells according to SNiP

It is necessary to install inspection wells in the following situations:
  • in the presence of an extended pipeline running in a straight line;
  • when there are turns or bends in the pipeline, as well as when the diameter of the pipes changes;
  • in the presence of branches of the structure.
The function of inspection wells for sewerage is to monitor the system and the ability to gain access to its interior for maintenance.

SNiP determines the distance between sewer wells, and according to it, the following rules must be followed:

  • with a pipe diameter of 150 mm, wells are installed every 35 meters;
  • 200-450 mm – 50 m;
  • 500-600 mm – 75 m.
A further increase in the diameter of the pipes allows the maximum distance between sewer wells to be increased even further. However, the likelihood of such a design appearing on summer cottage extremely small, because the volume of waste produced by 3-4 people does not require wide pipes. Using pipes large sizes may be justified if absolutely all wastewater passes through the sewer system: precipitation, water from the bathhouse, and directly waste from a residential building.

As a rule, when installing private sewer systems, pipes with a diameter of 100 mm are used. When using them, SNiP defines the distance between sewer wells as 15 m. If the sewerage system does not have bends or branches, and the diameter of the pipeline does not change throughout its entire length, then the distance can be increased to 50 m.

Rotary wells for sewerage

This type Wells in their purpose and design are absolutely identical to inspection wells, with the only difference being that rotary wells are installed in places where the direction of the pipeline changes. Sharp bends with large angles of rotation are usually the areas most likely to become clogged, so attention should be paid to them. special attention. This is precisely the function that rotary wells perform.

The distance between rotary sewer wells is usually calculated based on the length of the straight sections between the bends of the pipeline. If the pipeline section is longer than determined by the regulatory document, then it must be equipped with inspection wells to ensure a sufficient level of control over the operation of the system.

Drop wells

Installing sewerage in an area with difficult terrain is quite a troublesome task. If the area has a noticeable slope, then the slope of the pipeline will also be appropriate, which is absolutely not allowed: wastewater moving at high speed will gradually settle on the walls of the sewer system, thereby clogging it and rendering it unusable.

Regulatory documents in in this case talk about the need to install differential wells, which are installed in steps and compensate high speed transportation of waste, saving the structure from blockages (more details: " ").

SNiP does not determine the specific distance between sewer wells in this case, but imposes some requirements on the design:
  • firstly, the height of one drop should be less than three meters;
  • secondly, with differences up to 0.5 m deep (when using pipes with a diameter of up to 600 mm), differential wells can be replaced with inspection wells using drains.
You should always remember that any sewer system ends at a spillway point, at which there is necessarily a terminal well, which requires an inspection hatch.

Other standards

In addition to the standards described above, which are often a problem for owners of private plots due to their inaccessibility, there are others that also need to be followed in order to avoid problems with the functioning of the sewage system in the future. For example, the minimum distance from the sewer well to the building should be 3 m, and the maximum - 12 m, regardless of the type of well used. The distance from the house to the sewer well is quite important indicator which must be observed. It is also important to consider the distance from the cesspool to the well. In addition, it is important to always remember the existence sanitary standards, which determine the removal of sewer system elements from reservoirs, water sources, vegetable gardens and orchards.


Installation of a sewer system on own plot is not a big problem. All installation work related to laying pipelines and arranging sewer structures are quite simple, and any homeowner can do them (read also: ""). You can find other articles on this site about all types of work, and then everything will become extremely clear.