Equipment for chipboard production. Profitable business: chipboard production

In pursuit of super-profitable and often overly technologically complex industries, novice businessmen often simply do not pay attention to the most simple materials, which for various reasons seem outdated, unused and unattractive for investment.

Such materials include, for example, chipboard or chipboard. Many people generally consider this material to be just an attempt to recycle wood waste and are surprised to learn that chipboard factories often use special chippers and flakes that produce so-called wood from non-commercial wood. technological chips – i.e. main component of chipboard.

But chipboard is used very widely: furniture manufacturers use laminated boards in the manufacture of doors, sides, facades, and polished boards for various hidden elements; builders and finishers also widely use wood board– mainly for creating various floorings; in addition, from particle boards Truck and railcar manufacturers make partitions and bulkheads. Although, of course, the main consumer of this material is furniture production.

But why not produce some more technologically advanced material - the same laminated chipboard or even blanks for modular furniture? The answer is simple - the production of the starting material is much cheaper and technologically (and therefore in investment plan) is inexpensive. The production of chipboard requires much less equipment and materials costs than the production of its derivatives - for example, laminated chipboard.

It is obvious that the opening of chipboard production can be very profitable business, especially if there is access to cheap raw materials - sawmill waste. The sales market is practically limitless, so there will be no problems with this.

Technology and equipment for chipboard production

Chipboard is produced by hot pressing a mixture of chips and thermosetting resin. IN general view the technology is as follows - the chips are mixed with a binder material and placed in molds, where they are exposed to high pressure and temperature are glued together into a single whole. The finished slab is then removed, cooled, cut and sanded.

The chipboard production process itself can be divided into several stages: preparing raw materials, obtaining chips, mixing chips with glue, forming a carpet, pressing and gluing boards, cooling and trimming edges, grinding ends and faces.

By and large, the first two stages are optional if you use imported material. If not, then you will have to purchase a crusher or chipping machine (160-460 thousand rubles, depending on the type, power, etc. characteristics), as well as a flake machine (approximately 1280 thousand rubles).

As you can see, some additional costs, although small, will still be required, so it makes sense to think about the feasibility of working on ready-made or requiring preparation raw materials.

However, this question, due to its financial insignificance, is quickly resolved by studying suppliers: are there appropriate manufacturers of process chips in your city?

Mixing of shavings with glue is carried out in special mixers (235 thousand yuan per unit), into which shavings and heated resin with hardeners and other additives are supplied. It must be remembered that the weight fractions of chips and resin are strictly regulated and if their ratio is violated in any direction, a deterioration in the physical and mechanical properties of the product may occur.

The formation of the carpet is carried out using molding machines; they place tarred shavings into a mold. Pressing and gluing of particle boards is carried out in special thermal presses. The total price of a paired forming machine and an 8-deck press is only 1536 thousand yuan per set. After the blank sheet is produced, it is cut to the specified dimensions using an automatic sheet cutting machine (88 thousand yuan per unit) and submitted for grinding.

Grinding of chipboard is the final stage of mechanical processing in the production process, and the grade depends on the quality of surface grinding: according to GOST 10632-89, first-grade boards should not have depressions (protrusions) or scratches, paraffin, dust or resin stains, chipped edges, chipped corners , under-polishing, surface waviness.

Second-grade boards may not be sanded at all, but they are used only in construction - furniture production requires sanded boards, although chipboard manufacturers often purchase second-grade boards and sand them themselves.

Used for sanding chipboard sheets grinding machines, the selection of which takes into account parameters such as processing width, number of grinding heads (usually 2, 4 or 6 grinding heads) and power. According to these parameters, prices vary - from 440 to 995 thousand rubles.

The above equipment for the production of chipboards is the main one. Additional options include vibrating screens; various types of roller, belt, spiral and chain conveyors connecting different units; roller lifting table for laying sheets of finished chipboard into bundles; ventilation system for removing dust during grinding and some other specific devices (loader trucks, stackers, etc.).

As you can see, the list of equipment for chipboard production is quite small. However, in addition to equipment, production space is also required.

To launch a full-fledged chipboard production, about 1800 square meters are required. m of the actual production area plus at least 600 sq. m of warehouse space - and this is not counting utility rooms, offices, sanitary facilities and others.

Business prospects for chipboard production

The prospects for chipboard production are determined by the very specifics of this production. As you may have noticed, sanding, coating and other forms of finishing significantly increase the selling price of slabs.

Ideally, it is better not to sell first grade slabs at all, but to laminate or veneer them yourself. This will of course require low costs However, such slabs are sold at prices that are an order of magnitude higher than usual.

In addition, on the basis of chipboard production, it is also possible to organize the production of related materials: MDF, fiberboard, etc., not to mention furniture production.

Laminated chipboard (LDSP) is the main component for the production of cabinet furniture, which reliably imitates natural wood, But costs many times less.

Cheapness due to use wood waste- shavings.

The production of laminated chipboards has several basic technologies.

  • what is laminated chipboard;
  • how does the production of laminated chipboard differ from the production of chipboard;
  • what documents regulate the quality of laminated chipboards in Russia;
  • what equipment is used for lamination;
  • how they make it edge tape;
  • How to laminate chipboard yourself.

laminated chipboard is regular particle board which we talked about, lined with decorative coating.

The coating can be either single-color and smooth, or multi-colored or imitating wood texture.

Main characteristics such as:

  • bending strength;
  • ability to hold a screw;
  • density;
  • moisture resistance classes;
  • formaldehyde emission class;
  • flammability

fully correspond to the same characteristics of the source material.

The thickness of the laminated material depends on its purpose. For the manufacture of cabinet furniture, thick laminated chipboard is most often used. 16 mm, however, table tops are often made from thick slabs 25–38 mm.

Laminated chipboard for cladding walls, floors and ceilings is made from thick chipboard 8–12 mm.

The laminating layer with a three-dimensional pattern increases the thickness of the chipboard, because this the pattern is created by pressing the base layer, pressing the contours of the design on it.

Outdoor the film only follows the contours this drawing.

How are chipboards made?

For the manufacture of laminated chipboards, ordinary sanded particle boards are used, so they are produced at a chipboard production plant, connecting the lamination section.

Moreover, 3 technologies are used to cover the source material with a laminating film:

  • lamination;
  • laminating;
  • smooth lamination.


When laminating 1–2 layers of specially prepared paper are glued onto the base, and the first layer - the base - is made as thick as possible so that the design can be pressed into it.

The thickness of the base, depending on the depth of the pattern, can reach 0.5–1 mm, the thickness of the second layer is tenths or even hundredths of a mm.

On top of these layers another layer is laid, made of transparent paper and a mixture various resins, which when heated, they turn into a durable film, reliably protecting the decorative surface.

The base layer is laid on the prepared chipboard surface and pressed down with a hot stamp with a suitable pattern.

The die surface temperature is 150–220 degrees, due to which the resin that impregnates the base layer is mixed with the resin that glues the chips into the chipboard and, the paper becomes an inseparable part of the plate.

Then, in the same way, a decorative layer with a suitable pattern and an outer layer are glued, which protects the slab from damage.

At some enterprises, all layers of coating are first connected to each other, then dried and, only after that, attached to the chipboard.

With this technology, the coating is made in the form of a tape. The pattern on it is formed using a cylinder with an installed matrix, similar to the formation of a pattern during laminating.

Difference with laminating is that the tape is attached without glue, heating the resins that impregnate the paper until they melt and mix with the resin in the chipboard.


When laminating, the facing material is first prepared, for which all layers are laid in order and a pattern is printed on them using a cold press.

At the same time, the uncured resin of the various layers is mixed, due to which the coating turns into a wide and long ribbon.

If you use it to print a picture cylindrical die, then it becomes possible to do ribbons of any length.

Many small businesses producing 3D textured laminates prefer do not spend money on expensive equipment necessary for making the tape, and buy ready-made material.

The finished tape is sent to the dryer, then wound into rolls, which are delivered to the laminating area. There, the facing material is cut to size and placed on a slab coated with a special glue, then pressed with a press and heated until the glue is completely polymerized.

Thanks to this technology cladding goes faster, after all no need to heat each layer of coating separately, so the company can produce more products.

The disadvantage of this technology is that the glued cladding holds on much weaker than real lamination.

Smooth lamination

This technology similar to laminating, however, is a full-fledged lamination, because when heated, the resin of the coating and the boards are mixed, forming a single material. In addition, in the tape preparation area no press to create a pattern.

To create smooth surface it is enough to lay 2 layers, the bottom of which will be made made of paper, and the top one is made of a special film, which, when heated, forms durable and transparent coating.

Due to the fact that large chipboard manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to increase production manufacturability and reduce costs, various changes are constantly being made to this process, the essence of which is kept secret by manufacturers. After all, any improvement in the quality of the laminating coating, as well as a reduction in costs, makes their products more competitive.

Documents regulating quality

The main document regulating the quality and characteristics of laminated chipboards in Russia is GOST R 52078-2003 which you can find at this link.

There is also international standard EN 14322:2004, which is in many ways similar to the Russian one. You can find it.

These standards differ from those adopted for chipboard only in the requirements for the laminating coating. In everything else they completely identical.

Besides, there are various specifications (technical specifications), which are developed by both manufacturers of laminated particle boards and furniture manufacturers. The technical specifications prescribe those requirements that are not included in generally accepted standards or for some reason fall outside them.

For example, the technical specifications may specify non-standard sizes products, and also indicated detailed composition of glue, different from what the company uses in the production of conventional chipboard.

Equipment: plant and its components

In most cases, a multifunctional device is used for laminating chipboard, which is called laminator. Its basis is powerful press with steam or oil heating of the plate, as well as with the ability to install matrices with the required pattern.

The laminator can be large, capable of processing sheets maximum size, as well as medium or small. If a large press is installed, then after cooling the laminated sheet goes to a cutting machine, completely similar to that used in the production of chipboards.

In addition, the laminator can be one- or two-sided, that is, stick the film only with front side or simultaneously process the front and back planes.

Medium-sized presses are designed for laminating already cut slabs, the size of which complies with the requirements of GOST R 52078-2003 and EN 14322:2004.

The small press is designed for laminating finished parts, for example, input and interior doors or furniture elements. Therefore, the enterprise you should choose a laminator based on the range products.

In addition, together with a large or medium laminator, a tape laying line is often used, which also performs several functions:

  • determines the quality of training chipboard surfaces for further processing;
  • lays the tape on the slab and orients it correctly;
  • trims off excess tape.

In enterprises where small laminators are installed, this operation is usually performed by a specially trained highly qualified worker, laying and cutting the tape by hand. Most often this is done on furniture factories when you have to make parts that for some reason cannot be cut from a whole sheet.

They do the same in large woodworking shops or factories that produce not only furniture, but also various carpentry products.

The laminator can be used not only for lamination, but also for regular gluing, so there is no point in spending money on a special line.

Often, after cooling, medium and small slabs are fed to a cutting machine, which cuts off 1–2 mm of slabs, forming an even edge. This machine is equipped circular saws large diameter with carbide or diamond-coated tips.

The slabs are moved along the entire line using belt conveyors and vacuum lifters, and all operations occur automatically.

The cost of equipment depends on many factors, so most enterprises that produce such lines and individual machines announce the price only after the customer provides specific requirements for configuration and performance.

On Aliexpress and other sites you can find individual devices and whole lines indicating approximate cost excluding delivery and installation.

Medium single-sided laminator for slabs measuring 1220*2440 mm can be purchased for 100–200 thousand US dollars, and a laminating tape supply line 60–120 cm wide will cost 18–25 thousand US dollars.

Edge tape

At manufacturing of laminated chipboard only the front and back surfaces are laminated, and edges remain uncoated. Therefore, enterprises producing laminated chipboards also supply edge tape, which is used for self-lamination of ends.

The color of the tape completely matches the color of the slab, so after sticking the tape, the entire slab becomes one color.

The tape for edging, that is, gluing the edges, is made noticeably thinner than that used for lining particle boards in production. Indeed, in the conditions of a furniture workshop it is impossible to create such high pressure and most masters make do regular iron , warming up the tape laid on the edge with it.

How to laminate chipboard yourself?

Not always Laminated chipboard, which can be purchased in stores, matches the color or pattern, so you can veneer the slab yourself.

Good for this various types decorative films that are sold in construction stores.

Films are self-adhesive and regular.

For application self-adhesive film the thin things are removed from her protective coating and placed on a surface cleared of dirt and dust. chipboard sheet, then roll with a roller, removing air bubbles.

To apply a regular film, use a special glue recommended by the film manufacturer, then wait 2–5 minutes and carefully apply the film without allowing wrinkles to appear.

Such methods allow you to stick on the chipboard only those designs that are in the store, so you can use method that was used during the USSR, when laminated chipboard was in huge shortage.

Apply to a chipboard surface free of dust and dirt. thin layer primers (PVA diluted with water in a ratio of 5:1). Then the desired drawing was made on sheets of landscape paper and reverse side primed with PVA.

After 2–4 days, when the glue had completely hardened, the sheets with the pattern were laid out on the surface of the chipboard so as to assemble the pattern together. Each sheet was then heated with an iron.

If all the sheets were correctly laid and heated, then after cooling they formed a continuous pattern that completely covered the entire surface of the slab.

However shifting any of the sheets led to a violation of the pattern and spoiled the whole picture, so for greater reliability they tried to get not landscape paper, but printing paper, which was larger than the slab in size.

The finished drawing was covered with furniture or parquet varnish in 2–3 layers and a homemade laminate was obtained with low coating strength, but with the necessary pattern.

Video on the topic

In this video you can see the work of a chipboard production plant:


Production of laminated chipboard is complex process, which includes many operations, so to convert ordinary particle boards into laminated ones it is necessary site with good equipment.

After reading the article, you learned how the lamination process occurs and whether you can do it yourself.

With this information, you will be able to organize large and small chipboard production, but not at home, because... the line is very cumbersome. Here you will learn about the equipment for making chipboards (line, machine), its price, as well as about the technology and video of the entire process.

Chipboard is environmentally friendly, easy to process, practical material, a high-tech alternative to solid wood, successfully used for wall and roof cladding, wall panels, production of flooring for carpet and linoleum coverings, floors, various partitions, production of removable formwork, production of shelves, furniture, packaging, construction of fences and collapsible structures, decoration and finishing of premises.

Production technology

The essence of chipboard manufacturing technology is the use of direct hot pressing in combination with thermosetting adhesive resin and chip mixture. Chips, sawdust, veneer scraps, etc. are used as raw materials for the production of chipboards. wood waste. The shavings are mixed with a binder material, and the resulting mixture is placed in special molds. Under the influence of high pressure and temperature, the mixture sticks together and forms a single whole. The finished slab is removed from the mold and cooled, then it is cut and subjected to the grinding process.

This whole process and the line itself are shown in the video:

More useful:

As you can see, you are unlikely to be able to organize such a business at home, because... the line is very cumbersome.

Main equipment

So, you will need the following equipment for the production of chipboard:

  • Mixers in which glue is mixed with strictly regulated proportions wood shavings; glue is a heated resin with various additives and hardeners;
  • Forming machines. In them, a carpet is formed - tarred shavings are laid in a special form;
  • Thermal presses. Used for pressing slabs and gluing them;
  • Fan coolers. Used for cooling hot workpieces;
  • Vertical and horizontal side trimmers. Used for cutting edges;
  • Grinding machine. It is used for grinding the ends and surfaces of the finished product.

The above-described line for the production of chipboards is suitable for a cycle that requires the availability of ready-made raw materials.

If you plan to use your own raw materials in the production of chipboards, the kit must be supplemented with auxiliary equipment such as cutting machines, chippers, planers and mills.

In addition, to additional equipment, which increases the manufacturability of chipboard production, includes conveyors, tables with lifting mechanisms, vibrating screens, ventilation systems for removing grinding dust, stackers, loaders, drying chambers.

The price of a fully equipped mini-line producing sanded chipboard and having a capacity of 100 sheets per day is approx. 190,000 euros. A line with high productivity (1000 sheets per day) costs 550-650 thousand euros (if you go by the prices of the SMS private enterprise, Ukraine, subject to pickup). It will be cheaper to buy Chinese equipment from the Harbin Luniwei plant - approximately 280,000 euros, with a capacity of 10,000 cubic meters. per year.

When purchasing a line with a capacity of 10,000 cubic meters, the following capital costs are required:

  • The price of a line for the production of chipboards (machine) is 8-10 million rubles;
  • Price auxiliary equipment– RUB 1,500,000;
  • Delivery of the line and its installation – 500-600 thousand rubles;
  • Repair and preparation of premises for the production of chipboards and placement of the machine (area 450 sq. m) - 450,000 rubles;
  • Creation of inventory for a month - 4,200,000 rubles;
  • Ave. expenses – 450,000 rubles.

In total, to organize the chipboard production process, an investment of approximately 17-18 million rubles is needed.

With an average selling price of 1 cubic meter of chipboard of 7,800 rubles, monthly revenue is 6,500,000 rubles. The average profitability of large and small production ranges from 18 to 30%, the payback time for investments ranges from one to one and a half years.

Manufacturing chipboard is a profitable business. The material is very popular among modern masters. This is not only convenient and environmentally friendly, but also easy to process material. It is a sheet composite element, the production of which is based on the method of pressing hot waste from woodworking production. In many cases, it is assumed that additional additives will be added to the composition of the mass.

Today, particle boards have found very wide application in practice. They are mainly used in furniture production and in the manufacture of doors. The slabs are also relevant for the construction industry, when performing finishing works, in the automotive industry and many other modern industries.

Well-established chipboard production can bring significant profits. On initial stage his organization needs to find available raw materials at an affordable price. Difficulties with implementation finished products will not arise.

Production methods

The chipboard production process comes down to processing, through hot pressing, pre-prepared wood processing waste. In addition to the chip mixture, the working mass also contains a thermosetting resin with adhesive properties.

The starting materials for future slabs are wood chips and sawdust, as well as other waste from paper and woodworking industries. Just mix them with special resin and place in the mold. There, under conditions of a hot press and temperature exposure, the resin will exhibit its adhesive properties.

The final stage of the technological process is the cooling of the finished particle boards and their separation from the molds. Next, they are sent for polishing.

Required equipment

The production of chipboards requires certain machines and units. The technological process is not complete without the following equipment:

  • faucets;
  • molding units;
  • hot press;
  • coolers;
  • devices for leveling sidewalls;
  • grinding machines.

Initially, all components for the working mass are combined in the mixers, taking into account the recommended volumes. Further pressing of the paper is carried out by units for molding the initial mixture, in hot presses.

The above list is the minimum required for the manufacture of chipboard. It concerns production when pre-prepared raw materials are put into operation.

When the chipboard production process is carried out using conventional raw materials, there will be a need to install some more units. Typically these are planing and chipping machines, mills or cutting equipment.

Often, production managers prefer to additionally equip it with additional machines, which can significantly increase its efficiency and manufacturability. In such cases, ventilation units and conveyors are installed various types, vibrating screens, drying chambers, stackers and much more.

Cost of a finished production line

The final cost of a set of equipment for making chipboards depends on its productivity and some other factors. With a small output of around a hundred finished sheets per day, you will have to invest up to 200 thousand euros. The higher the performance, the more expensive the kit will cost.

Another determining factor in the price of such equipment is its manufacturer. Most people prefer products from trusted European brands, but they will always cost an order of magnitude more than their Chinese counterparts.

When drawing up a business plan for the production of chipboards in large volumes, measured in thousands cubic meters finished products, it is necessary to provide expenses for:

  • production equipment of appropriate capacity and productivity;
  • auxiliary machines and units;
  • installation of purchased equipment and its commissioning;
  • preparation of a room with sufficient area that meets current requirements and sanitary production standards for the production of chipboards.

Chipboard manufacturing process

Particle boards are produced using a hot press. A resin with special adhesive properties and some other additives are added to the initial raw material. The prepared mass is poured into molds, where the gluing process subsequently takes place under the influence of external conditions.

Main stages in the chipboard manufacturing process:

  • preparatory stage;
  • molding;
  • pressing;
  • processing in accordance with the required dimensions;
  • grinding.

At the initial stage, the initial components of the working mixture - woodworking waste and resin, along with hardeners and other necessary components - are mixed in specialized machines. It is important to strictly follow the recommended proportions of the components so that the finished material obtains the desired properties.

The finished mass is subjected to molding and crimping. Manipulations are carried out under high temperature.

Ends process removing excess from finished sheets by trimming them, followed by grinding using special equipment.

Their final quality will depend on the correct execution of each of the main stages of the chipboard production process.

Laminated chipboard, better known as laminated chipboard, is a standard particle board.

The only difference from traditional sheets is that each sheet has an additional coating. This laminate is primarily decorative.

A specialized film is used as a laminate.

Mostly laminated chipboard material relevant for furniture production. It is also used in other branches of modern industry.

Along with external beauty, this material is characterized by some disadvantages. It will not be possible to divide the finished slab into smaller parts at home without the use of specialized equipment. The laminating layer easily chips, which makes the edges of the product sloppy.

The lamination process itself is a special finishing of finished products. The operation requires additional technological stage within production process– pressing of a special coating. This film is fixed using a cold or hot method. In the first case, surface heating is not expected. When using the hot method, the laminating layer is fixed through the adhesive properties of the resin in the original mass.

This surface does not require further finishing manipulations.

The production of particle boards is a necessary, profitable and promising process if it is done correctly. original organization. This product is always in demand in the building materials market.

Video: Chipboard production

As is known, particle boards (chipboards) are widely used for the production various designs. This material is inexpensive, quite durable, and practical.

However, when it comes to use in a residential building, many people have a question: what materials are used to make such slabs? And this is understandable: environmental friendliness and safety are an important point.

Now we will answer this question.

What is chipboard made from?

In fact, the manufacturing technology is quite simple. And few materials are used. Namely:

  • shavings, sawdust;
  • binder;
  • special additives.

Now let's take a closer look at what chipboard is made of.

Sawdust, shavings

Sawdust is the main material used to make chipboard. Often this is waste from wood processing and sawmills.

You can also use shavings and chips that are chipboard manufacturing They are loaded into special crushers, where they are ground into small pieces. In essence, the result is the same sawdust.

Particle sizes may vary. But generally their thickness does not exceed 1 mm. Of these, the largest go to form the inner layer of the slab. And small particles form it top layer(due to this a relatively smooth surface is obtained).

Typically, such raw materials for the production of chipboards are obtained from low-value wood species (coniferous and deciduous).


In essence, it is glue, due to which the particles bond (glue) together, forming solid. The glue used is synthetic resin. Often glue is obtained by mixing resin, paraffin, chemical hardeners and water.

By the way, you've probably heard that chipboard gives off such harmful substance, like formaldehyde. This is true. And... have you already guessed where this comes from? Yes, that's right - it is the binder resins that release formaldehyde. These are substances of non-mineral origin.

We can say that the release of formaldehyde is the main disadvantage of chipboard. After all, everyone knows that this substance has negative impact on people's health.

Another thing is how much formaldehyde is contained in chipboards from certain manufacturers. That's another question.

Special Additives

Not always used. Their purpose is to add to the slabs special properties. As a rule, the volume of such additives is approximately 6...10% of the mass of wood particles.

Additives can be used to give the chipboard fire resistance, moisture resistance, and additional strength (fire retardants, water repellents, antiseptics).

Materials for cladding chipboard

Boards intended for the manufacture of furniture and other products can be covered with veneer. Surely you have come across such particle boards many times. It looks very attractive, a variety of colors, shades, and textures are available.

The plastic used for cladding chipboards gives the boards good moisture resistance. Yes and appearance turns out to be quite attractive. Often such slabs are used to make kitchen furniture.

Moreover, as facing materials Paper and polymer films of various colors and shades can be used. By the way, resins, varnishes and other substances are used to strengthen paper.