The treasures of the garden are small roses. Small roses Miniature white rose

Miniature roses are a large group of garden roses that skillfully combine beautiful shape bush and lush flowering, lasting until late autumn. Dwarf roses are universal in their use: they can be placed in rock gardens, along the front row of flower beds and flower beds, along paths and ponds.

What are miniature roses?

The homeland of dwarf roses is China, because it was there that the first attempts were made to create a mini-version of the flower that would bloom all year round and be more hardy (we all know that the rose is a rather capricious flower). In the late 1890s, Europeans also began experimenting with creating highly productive dwarf versions of roses.

The founder of the first modern improved varieties of miniature roses is the famous variety Rouletii.

Since gardeners became interested in breeding mini-roses, breeders began to annually produce several hundred different varieties and hybrids of dwarf flowers. All of them are similar in the compact habit of the bush, but differ in the color of the petals and the structure of the flowers: they are simple and double, large and small, cup-shaped and goblet-shaped. Most varieties of miniature roses are suitable for both garden and indoor growing.

The value of dwarf roses:

  • Dwarf roses are similar in height to groundcover roses. However, they are distinguished by the peculiarity of the structure of the shoots - in the mini version they do not fall down or spread along the ground, but grow only upward, creating a beautiful lush bush;
  • short shoots are still very strong and strong. They can withstand a thick layer of dense foliage and the weight of dozens of voluminous inflorescences well;
  • small buds have a variety of one- and two-color petals;
  • in many varieties, the color scheme of flowers changes as the bud blooms and ages;
  • the flowers of miniature versions are most often collected in large clusters consisting of 5-20 buds;
  • Dwarf roses bloom in waves from spring to late autumn. With proper care at home, buds form all year round.

Miniature roses are the same garden roses, only in a smaller copy.

Dwarf roses are a self-sufficient and valuable element of the garden. And although they are not so effective when single landing, and in large flower arrangements get lost, they look great in border decoration (miniature flowers are also called “border flowers”), in the foreground of rock gardens and rose gardens. Low-growing varieties, the bushes of which barely reach 20 cm in height, are excellent for container growing. Lush flowering caps look impressive in hanging planters, as well as in flowerpots and pots placed on the terrace, porch or at the entrance to the house. These wonderful flowers will miraculously enhance your home space. In addition, border roses look gorgeous in a cut bouquet.

Popular varieties

The group of miniature roses currently includes more than 5,000 varieties and hybrids. This includes classic bush, ground cover, standard and other garden hybrids that bloom profusely for many months. Most miniature roses are unpretentious in care, have enviable health, and the ability to adapt to poor climatic conditions.

Los Angeles

A classic type of miniature rose, on the basis of which many modern hybrids have been created. Los Angeles is a lush, low-growing shrub that rarely reaches a height of 40 centimeters. The plant bushes well, its shoots quickly become woody. The stems are flexible and thin, growing predominantly upward. In spring they are densely overgrown with dark green, slightly rough, matte, ovoid greenery. The leaf plate is assembled from 5-7 leaves with carved needle-like edges.

Some subspecies of the Los Angeles variety have unusually colored foliage: there are specimens with brown leaves or light green leaves with dark veins.

Gardeners prefer to grow Los Angeles hybrids because of the rich, vibrant blooms that can last 3-4 months. Small 4-5 centimeter flowers have a salmon color. They are collected in loose inflorescences consisting of 8-10 buds. Up to 80 double flowers of bright orange color can form simultaneously on each shoot. The color of the petals changes to different stages flower ripening: at first, the closed buds are lemon-yellow in color, and as they open, the flowers turn coral or purple tones.


Roses of the Jewel variety series have characteristic leaves - they are round in shape, dark green glossy (cherry-colored at an early stage of development), the veins are practically invisible. But there are varieties with matte carved leaves (for example, Baby Jewel and Flamingo Jewel). The stems have sparse, non-sharp thorns.

Jewel roses bloom for a very long time - from June to early October. The buds are goblet-shaped, pointed at the edge. The center of the flower is lighter and yellow. The rest of the petals are bright red. The lower petals of a blossoming bud bend strongly outward, while the inner rows remain tightly pressed to each other. This makes the flower more voluminous and loose. The color on the patio lasts a long time, but due to its heterogeneous structure, the flower quickly crumbles during rain and wind. But cut flowers last a very long time, for 12-14 days.

The Jewel variety series includes a dozen varieties that differ in the color of their flower petals. For example, the Amazing Jewel variety has a bicolor bud color - orange-yellow; Icy Jewel flowers are painted white; hybrids Lipstick Jewel, Sparkling Jewel, Purple Jewel belong to the pink variety of Jewel.

All varieties of the Jewel group tolerate life well in room conditions. They are rarely affected by diseases, and among pests, even a spider mite that has settled on the lower leaves will not stop the violent flowering.


Ground cover roses were obtained through interspecific crossing in 1997. Small, densely double roses are collected in huge inflorescences. As the flower ages, the color of the petals changes from soft pink to orange. The color of a mature bud resembles the color of a tangerine, and roses smell like citruses. The Apricot Clementine variety stands out the most among the many types of Clementine. This hybrid is completely easy to care for, resistant to many infectious diseases and blooms until the first snow.

Clementine bushes are tall enough for dwarf ones - they can reach 60 centimeters in height. The plant produces many shoots, due to which the 2-3 year old bush grows strongly, forming a voluminous, highly branching shrub. The shoots grow upward. They are strong and straight, densely hung with dark green foliage.

The first buds begin to bloom closer to mid-June. However, in unfavorable periods (cold, rain), the flowers are in no hurry to open. Because of this feature, the bushes remain decorative for a very long time. In comfortable weather conditions, the buds open the core quite quickly - five days after the formation of the flower. Patios are formed in waves and also open up. Cut flowers retain their presentation for more than a week.

Pay attention!

Clementine roses have a high immunity to the most dangerous diseases crops: black spot and powdery mildew.


A variety created in the best traditions of ancient hybrid tea varieties. The flowers have a virgin white color, which over time becomes soft pink with a pleasant apple aroma. The buds are large, spherical (cup-shaped). Small 3-4 - centimeter buds are collected into dense, voluminous racemose inflorescences of 10-20 pieces.

Cinderella bushes are low (20 centimeters) and compact. The stems are thin but strong and have no thorns. Roses begin to form on the branches by the end of May, and begin to bloom in the first days of summer. With proper care, flowering can occur 2-3 times per season. Moreover, the blooming flowers do not fade for several weeks in a row. Cinderella foliage is large, dense with a dark green gloss.

Cinderella roses are universal in their purpose. They look impressive in solitaire plantings, and at the same time can harmonize with other plants in general compositions. They can be grown in open ground, in pots and flowerpots.

Hummingbird (Colibri)

An ancient variety, bred in 1958. He has not given up his leadership position to this day. The miniature compact shrub will grow no higher than 25 centimeters. Short, strong branches are densely overgrown with dense, leathery, shiny dark green foliage. The flowers are very small and there are many of them on the bush. The 3-centimeter buds are semi-double in structure. Their color comes in various shades of yellow and orange. In the bright sun, the color of the petals quickly fades. The buds are formed in groups of 3-4 pieces in an inflorescence. Blooming roses have a strong aroma characteristic of this culture.

Patio flowers bloom from June to the end of September. In open ground, Hummingbird roses do not require shelter for the winter (in the south of the country). Mainly, varietal plants are used to create living borders along paths. Many gardeners prefer to grow Hummingbirds at home, growing them in flowerpots or pots.


The Curler variety is the least similar to a rose, since when opened, the buds have elongated, dense petals, curled upward and a thick core - a look that is far from a rose in the usual sense. The variety is quite young - it was bred in France in 2001.

The dwarf plant grows up to 30 centimeters. This is a compact bush consisting of 15-25 thin semi-lignified stems, which at the beginning of summer is covered with dozens of dahlia-like flowers, painted with variegated red and yellow stripes. The diameter of the patio is 4-5 centimeters. The mature foliage is dark green with redness and has yellowish veins.

At the peak of flowering, the buds, consisting of 20-25 petals, are collected in 10-15 pieces into bright, terry and very lush inflorescences. The Curler rose blooms several times a season, maintaining its decorative effect until late autumn. This variety has good winter hardiness, but often suffers from fungal diseases. Curlers are usually placed in group plantings, but due to the excessive showiness of the inflorescences, designers use them to dilute monochromatic flower arrangements, in particular, plant roses among herbaceous plants.


A hybrid with fabulous, lilac-colored roses, created in 1999 by Meiyang. The bushes are of medium height, reaching a height of 40 centimeters. The shoots are well leafed, thorns are rare. The foliage is dense, durable, leathery, with a dark green gloss. The flowers are 6-7 centimeters in diameter, densely double. When in full bloom they have the shape of a rosette. They form singly on shoots or are collected in racemose inflorescences of 2-5 pieces.

Flowering occurs in late spring and lasts six months. In the south of the country it can winter without shelter. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases and can withstand bad weather.

Thanks to the purple color of the buds, this rose looks advantageous in a composition with small-flowered crops of a similar color (cornflowers, bluebells).


A personal variety, selected in 1987 by the German company Kordes’ Söhne.

Dwarf bushes grow 25 centimeters, no more. They are compact and erect. The foliage is matte, lush green. A distinctive feature of this variety is the petals of the cup-shaped buds - they have a star-tiled shape and pointed ends. The color of the densely double, dense buds is pink, fading almost to white over time. Daniela roses bloom for a long time (almost all year round), exuding a subtle, delicate floral aroma. The buds open in rows - the outer leaves bend slightly downwards, exposing the middle stuffed with dozens of petals. 10, 15 and sometimes 20 buds are added to a voluminous basket-inflorescence.

Daniela is characterized by high winter hardiness. However, the variety is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Daniela roses have found their use as house flowers. They are happily grown in pots and cache-pots, cut into bouquets, and used for boutonnieres. And practicing gardeners often graft this rose on a standard to other varieties, obtaining magnificent bushy plants that bloom incessantly.

Gold Symphonie

This miniature rose was created in France by the Meillan breeding company in the early 2000s. Gold Symphony is a low (up to 40 centimeters) bush, densely overgrown in summer with dark green glossy, leathery foliage, in the wilds of which dozens of tight, densely double buds begin to form. When opened, the roses are quite large for a dwarf variety - almost 6 centimeters in diameter. They are practically odorless, but this does not make their enchanting beauty fade at all. Up to 5 flowers are formed on one branch. The color of the petals is golden yellow, sometimes yellow-orange. The color lasts a long time in the sun without fading. The bud is densely double, consists of 50-60 petals. The rose blooms profusely and continuously until mid-autumn.

Pay attention!

The Gold Symphony variety is ideal for border decoration.

Garnet Bracelet

The variety is a domestic selection, bred by Zinaida Klimenko in Crimea in 2007. Miniature bushes grow 35 centimeters high. The shoots are erect, densely leafy. The leaves are dark, rich green, wavy in texture, jagged along the edges. The flowers are densely double, very large, reaching 6-7 centimeters in diameter. The color is bicolor - raspberry-white (the main color of the petals is dark pink, crimson; outer side slightly bleached, with a silver tint; the core is white). The bud has the shape of a glass and does not fully open until the end of flowering. The Garnet Bracelet blooms continuously for 4-5 months and ends only with the arrival of the first frost.

The variety is winter-hardy and has strong immunity to many infectious diseases. Rarely affected by pests. Thanks to its versatility, Garnet Bracelet roses can be used in any type of composition, as well as grown at home in a seedling container.

The variety is named after the story of the same name by A.I. Kuprin.


The variety was bred in Ukraine by the Klimenko spouses in 2008. Quite a tall rose, the bush reaches a height of 40-45 centimeters. The plant is upright, narrow, shoots grow predominantly upward. Little greenery grows. The matte leaves are small, dark green, ovate. The resulting buds are clearly visible on almost bare shoots. The flowers are small (diameter 3.5-4 centimeters), collected in inflorescences of several dozen pieces. The aroma is subtle, barely perceptible, delicate. The flowers bloom all at the same time and stay on the bush for a long time. The color of the petals is deep pink, coral.

The variety is winter-hardy and has enviable health. In good weather conditions it can bloom until mid-October. The variety is self-cleaning. Rose growers recommend planting the Little Thumb rose along paths or using it in group plantings, placing it on the first bottom row.


The roses were eaten by the Germans at the Rosen Tantau nursery. The bushes for the miniature version of roses are quite tall, often growing up to 60 centimeters, and in the south of the country the height can reach a meter. The bush is dense, the shoots grow straight, tightly adjacent to each other. When in full bloom, the bud is more reminiscent of a chrysanthemum (or sometimes a dahlia) than a rose - the petals are arranged not in a spiral, but in a circle. The flowers are large, densely double, consist of hundreds of leaves, painted in a rich pink-red color. At first, the color range of the buds is all dark shades of cherry, and then in the sun the color quickly fades, acquiring its usual color. 4-5 cm flowers are collected in 15-20 pieces in fairly large cluster-shaped inflorescences.

Rose varieties Amulet still cannot be classified. It is classified as a floribunda, dwarf roses, and scrubs.

Roses are a decoration for the garden, plot and of course the home. But if classic roses can only delight in growing in open ground, then so-called small roses can be grown both in open ground and at home: on a windowsill, on a balcony, and even in pots outside the window. These delicate flowers are considered small in the world of roses, but they also tolerate cold well and are resistant to disease. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, small roses have a faint, pleasant, refined aroma. The use of small roses in bridal bouquets, boutonnieres, and simply flower arrangements is becoming increasingly popular. Increasingly, small roses are used as hedges, planted in alpine hills, and in outdoor pots.

General information about miniature roses

Small roses were brought from China at the beginning of the 19th century. At the same time, all kinds of rose varieties have now been bred. The most common hybrid teas, spray roses (bouquet), floribunda. Roses different types differ from each other quite strongly. For example, hybrid tea roses They grow 1 per stem, and spray roses have many simultaneously blooming buds on 1 branch. A variety of miniature floribunda roses are characterized by abundant flowering until late autumn.

Ruby star Lydia Macarena

The first variety that marked the beginning of the cultivation of small roses is the Rouletti rose. Miniature roses are in no way inferior to ordinary roses. Among small roses there are flowers that differ in the shape of the flower, the number of petals in the flower, the height of the bushes, and the diameter of the flowers. They also come in a wide variety of colors. Among the small roses, there are even blue roses. The most common varieties of bouquet small roses: Lydia, Macarena, Ruby Star, Lydia Lovely, Mini Eden, Alegria, Fairy, etc. Among miniature roses there are flowers with a bud diameter from 3 cm to 6 cm. Very interesting variety and Red Cascade or Hiho are roses that climb, flowers on shoots, and the length of the shoots can reach up to one meter.

Characteristics of varieties of small roses

Currently, breeders have bred more than 100 different varieties of small roses. For every connoisseur there is a variety that will satisfy all requirements. Various varieties differ from each other in several main parameters: bush height, flowering frequency, bud diameter, number of leaves, aroma intensity, number of flowers on the stem, and of course color. Below is a description of several of the most popular varieties of small roses:

  • Lavender Jewel - the flowers of this variety are pinkish-purple in color, the aroma is light and refined. It blooms profusely, the diameter of the flowers is up to 3.5 cm. The bushes are compact, not spreading, up to 15 cm high. This variety is frost-resistant and resistant to almost all diseases. Well suited for growing at home;

  • Meirov - the flowers of this variety are characterized by bright red colors with a yellow center. Fragrant buds up to 3.5 cm in diameter. As a rule, there are from 5 to 18 flowers in an inflorescence. This variety blooms profusely, compact bushes up to 40 cm high;

  • Daniella - characterized by large flowers, white-pink in color, almost white towards the end of flowering. They bloom profusely, buds up to 6 cm in diameter. The height of the bushes varies from 15 to 20 cm. Resistant to disease. It is better to bring it indoors for the winter;

  • Daniella Min - soft pink buds with a diameter of 3 to 3.5 cm. The inflorescence contains from 3 to 9 flowers, with a faint aroma. Flowering is abundant, bushes are spreading. The variety can be called disease resistant;
  • Baby masquerade - the color of the buds varies from lemon to pink-red. The inflorescence contains from 3 to 12 flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm. It blooms profusely, the height of the bush is about 35 cm. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, tolerates drought well;

  • Magic Carrusellin - this variety is characterized by flowers white with red border. The inflorescence contains from 2 to 10 fragrant flowers with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm. They bloom profusely, spreading bushes up to 45 cm high. This variety is famous for the fact that the aroma is similar to the aroma of violets. The variety is frost-resistant;

  • Coraline - flowers are coral-red in color with a lilac tint. They do not have a pronounced aroma. Many flowers bloom at the same time for a long time. The height of the bushes is up to 30 cm. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to diseases, and therefore suitable for home cultivation;
  • Green Ais Min - greenish-white flowers with a diameter of 2 - 2.5 cm. Small inflorescences, very fragrant. The bushes are spreading, up to 25 cm high. The variety is frost-resistant and disease-resistant;

  • Hummingbird - buds are colored from orange-yellow to apricot-yellow, up to 4 cm in diameter. Blooms profusely, in an inflorescence of 3 to 5 buds, has a tea aroma. Spreading bushes up to 35 cm high;
  • Little Lamming Min - yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm. Flowering is abundant, with from 3 to 12 flowers. The height of the bushes is up to 30 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases;
  • Yellow doll - large yellow flowers. It blooms profusely, regularly, most often in mid-summer. The peculiarity of this variety is that these miniature roses climb; the length of the bushes can reach up to 1.5 meters. The variety is resistant to frost and diseases;

  • Meidi - the flowers of this variety are painted blood-red, the reverse side of the flower is painted silver-white. The diameter of the flowers is up to 3.5 cm. It blooms profusely, the height of the bushes is up to 40 cm. They have subtle aroma. The variety is frost-resistant and also resistant to diseases. Well suited for both outdoor flowering and indoor cultivation;
  • Debut - the flowers of this variety are colored from dark red to creamy white at the base. Flowering is abundant, blooms for a long time, throughout the summer. The height of the bushes is up to 40 cm. The variety is frost-resistant and resistant to diseases;
  • Jean Kennealy - apricot-colored flowers. Blooms often and profusely. The height of the bushes is up to 35 cm. The variety is frost-resistant and immune to diseases.

Where and how to plant small roses

In order for small roses to please you for a long time, it is important to find a suitable place for them in your garden. Since miniature roses are unpretentious and easy to care for, this is very easy to do. The main thing is to follow a few rules. To begin with, it is advisable to choose a place that will be protected from the north wind. It is also important that small roses have access to sunlight. It would be desirable that sunlight got on rose bushes in the morning, since this is the most gentle period. If your roses are exposed to light during the morning hours, the dew will evaporate, preventing your little roses from getting sick.

For large roses, as well as for roses that can be called small, the most favorable soil is loamy soil with weak acidity. If the soil is sandy, small roses will not grow well and flowering will be short and not as abundant.

When planting miniature roses, if the soil is sandy, it is best to add 2-3 buckets of humus and clay, mixed in equal proportions. If the soil is clayey, it is worth adding humus and sand on the contrary.

Also, to improve the soil, to feed plants, add lime, bone meal and wood ash in proportions of 1:1 lime and bone meal and ½ wood ash. Because little roses are afraid large quantity moisture, it is better to choose a place for planting where it is dry in the spring, but if the area where small roses will grow is flooded with water, drainage should be done when planting.

As a rule, already germinated cuttings are planted. The holes for planting are not made deep; they are deepened no more than 5 cm. Small roses are planted in the ground, taking into account the variety; if the variety is spreading, then there is a greater distance between the bushes; if the bushes are compact, the distance is less, on average this distance is 25 cm. The best time for planting little roses it's spring, because over the summer root system has time to take root, and the roses will not freeze. At first, it is better to cover the sprouts from direct sunlight. At the same time, in late autumn and early spring, light frosts do not harm small roses.

Seedlings of small roses can be planted in the ground directly in special pots, and during flowering they can be brought into the house. But if you planted flowers in pots, you cannot leave such plants in the ground over the winter. Be sure to bring it into the garage, cellar or onto an unheated balcony.

Caring for the small flowers in the world of roses is not difficult, they are not whimsical. Caring for them does not differ significantly from caring for ordinary roses. On average, 3–4 feedings are carried out per season. This is necessary for small roses because on small bushes there are a lot of green leaves and a lot of small buds, and this takes a lot nutrients from the soil. In order for your little roses to delight with lush flowering, you should make up for these losses by feeding. As a rule, nitrogen fertilizers are used in the first half of the season, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the second half. The first feeding is carried out in early spring. Repeat the procedure as necessary.

After the formation of buds, fertilize with complete mineral fertilizer. In August they fertilize with superphosphates and potassium nitrate.

After the buds have faded, remove the buds, this will allow new buds to form faster, their number will increase and the flowers will be larger.

The soil must be loosened for better air and water supply.

It is best to water small roses with a sprayer in the morning and evening, this will allow you to water as safely as possible. This will also clean the plant and protect it from pests. Moreover, if the weather is cloudy, you should refrain from spraying, it is better to water in the usual way, this slows down the growth of small roses .

How small roses reproduce and how to protect them from pests

The most successful method of propagating small roses is green cuttings. If the roses are indoors, the best time for cuttings is the end of March - the beginning of September. If small roses are in open ground, the best time is late May - July.

In order to successfully propagate cuttings, it is better to choose the middle part of the stem. The length of the cutting varies on average from a minimum of ten cm to a maximum of fifteen cm, with at least three buds left on the cutting. The lower cut is at an angle of 45 degrees and always under the lower bud. The upper cut, on the contrary, is made above the kidney 1 cm higher.

To protect cuttings of small roses from pests and diseases, treat the knife you will use for cuttings with a solution of potassium permanganate. You should also pay attention to the fact that the knife is sharp.

In order for the cuttings to take root, special attention should be paid to the soil in which you plant the seedling. We place drainage in a layer of 2–3 cm at the bottom of the pot. Sand, gravel, broken brick, etc. can serve as drainage. The next layer is laid earth, preferably specialized or fertilized, about 10 cm. The top layer is sand, preferably river or perlite, 3 cm thick.

In order for cuttings of small roses to graft well and produce roots before planting, they should be placed in a fertilizer solution for 8-12 hours on 1/3 of the length, on the side that will be placed in the ground.

It is advisable to plant cuttings at a distance of about 4 cm from each other. Newly planted cuttings of small roses are covered with polyethylene or a glass jar to create a greenhouse effect. At first, high humidity of about 90% is important for seedlings of small roses; the first stage of formation of the root system takes about 25 days. Then, as it grows, the air humidity is reduced. Strong roots are formed already in 40–45 days. In winter, boxes with seedlings are brought indoors and sprinkled with wet sand. After planting such cuttings in the ground, the flowering will not be so abundant in the first year, but from the 2nd year onwards, your little roses will delight you with full flowering.

Most varieties of small roses, thanks to the work of breeders, are resistant to pests and diseases. But sometimes minor troubles overshadow the joy of little roses. If your roses' leaves begin to dry out and fall off, most likely they have been overcome by pests such as aphids or spider mites. If a white coating appears on the plants, most likely the small roses were attacked by powdery mildew. If the plants are severely damaged, it is worth treating them with a solution copper sulfate and laundry soap in the proportion per 10 liter bucket of water, 200 grams of soap and 20 grams of copper sulfate. If the damage is minor, the damaged areas are powdered with colloidal sulfur powder. If the leaves and stems of small roses are damaged by so-called rust (rusty-brown spots), the plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture, and the infected parts are removed and destroyed.

How do small roses overwinter?

Small roses are unpretentious and almost all varieties are frost-resistant. Therefore, you can choose any method for wintering roses that is more convenient for you. If you properly prepare small roses for winter, in early spring they will be able to delight you with greenery and early flowering.

If you decide to leave small roses outside for the winter, you should not pick off the leaves. It is enough to remove the buds and tops of the flowers. Light frosts down to -5 degrees are not dangerous for small roses. If the temperature drops below this value, small roses should be covered. As a rule, for best preservation, roses are covered in several layers. It is best to lay spruce paws as the first layer, placing them between the bushes and on top of small rose bushes. The next layer is a frame made of metal wire, and the frame should be about 30 cm higher than the bushes. The last layer will be insulation and polyethylene to prevent the ingress of snow and moisture.

In spring, there is no need to rush to open small roses right away. When the temperature allows, during the day no lower than -7 degrees, the top layer of insulation and film is lifted from the edge to ventilate the small roses. The spruce branches are removed completely only when the edges of the film have completely thawed. If you do not ventilate small roses, there is a possibility of damage to the above-ground part of the plant - the greenery will dry out. In warmer areas of the country, small roses, if properly cared for, do not shed their leaves, and in the spring they immediately begin to gain color.

If you decide to move small roses indoors for wintering, this should be done after the roses have bloomed, the best time is in August. We transplant it into a pot and leave it outside for the first time. You should put the pot in the shade and leave it for a while. In this case, small roses should be sprayed frequently.

We choose a pot for wintering that is not very large, otherwise the small rose may turn sour. The rose must independently, gradually shed its leaves for wintering. If the leaves have not fallen off, you can remove them yourself. After this, you can put the small roses in a cool room. Roses do not need sunlight for wintering; you can even put roses in the cellar. There is no need to water small roses during this period, only sometimes it is worth moistening the soil. With the arrival of spring, small roses are replanted, pruned, fertilized and moved to the sun.

Miniature roses are in no way inferior to ordinary roses, and even outperform in some respects. Small roses are branched, thick, strewn with small leaves, they have many flowers in inflorescences, and have a unique aroma. Small roses are suitable for both outdoor growing and indoors. They look good in wooden, clay, concrete pots. Small roses are very graceful. Outdoors, small roses will help you decorate your garden space wisely; they can be used to make rock gardens, hedges and much more.

Miniature roses were brought from China to Europe in the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, breeding work was actively carried out to develop new hybrids. Miniature varieties are not inferior to classic varieties. They are characterized by compact bush sizes and abundant flowering. Miniature hybrids are grown in pots and in garden plots.

Advantages of miniature roses

Miniature roses are a separate group that has its own characteristics. This includes low-growing varieties with a height of 15 - 25 cm. The bushes are compact, with numerous shoots. Their branches are thin and strong, with small thorns and leaves. Flowers 1 - 2 cm in size are collected in inflorescences.

Benefits of growing miniature roses:

  • take up little space on the site;
  • produce many inflorescences;
  • flowering begins in summer and lasts until autumn frosts;
  • variety of varieties;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentious to growing conditions;
  • fit easily into landscape design;
  • They reproduce without problems by grafting and cuttings.

The best varieties of miniature roses

There are more than five thousand varieties of miniature roses. They differ in the shape and color of the flowers, the size of the bush, winter hardiness and other characteristics.

Los Angeles

Rose Los Angeles is a spectacular miniature variety. This plant is up to 40 cm high, with shiny leaves. The color of the leaf plate is complex: brown with green veins.

The Los Angeles variety bushes well and grows quickly. The shoots of the plants are strong and quickly become woody. The dark orange flowers are 5 cm in size. The plant produces more than 80 buds. Flowering begins in June and lasts until September. Los Angeles is suitable for planting in open ground or growing at home.


The miniature rose Clementine was bred in 1997 in the famous Tantatau nursery. The bush is 0.5 m high and grows up to 0.4 m wide. The shoots of the plant are strong and strong and do not require support. The leaves are dark green, with a glossy surface.

The Clementine variety produces numerous flowers with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm. The color of the petals is orange, lighter at the edges. The aroma is weak. Flowering is abundant and continues throughout the season. The hydride is resistant to black spot and powdery mildew. The winter hardiness of the bushes is high; the plant tolerates temperatures down to -23 °C.

Advice! To grow miniature roses at home, choose wide containers made of clay, wood, plastic, and metal.


Rose Jewel is a representative of miniature hybrids. The bush is strong, but at the same time compact. Its height is 25 - 40 cm, the width of the plant reaches 30 cm. Its leaves are dark green, glossy and dense. The winter hardiness of the plant is -23 °C.

Flowering of the Jewel variety begins in June. The buds bloom continuously until the onset of cold weather. They are collected 3 - 7 pieces in a brush; single flowers appear less often. The petals are an unusual lavender color with a hint of purple. The flowers are densely double, 2 - 3 cm in size. Their aroma is weakly expressed.


The miniature rose Curler was bred in 2000 in France. The variety is valued for its unusual petals with red and yellow stripes. The flowers are large, double, reaching a size of up to 5 cm. Each bud consists of 20 - 25 petals. Flowers, collected in brushes of 6 - 15 pieces, have a light, barely noticeable aroma.

The bush has compact dimensions. Its height does not exceed 30 cm. The foliage is dense, small, with a glossy surface. The flowering period is continuous, beginning in summer and continuing until autumn. The miniature bush looks good when decorating borders.


Rose Cinderella was developed in Germany in 2003. The hybrid has received many awards at international exhibitions. It is a miniature bush 30 cm high. Its shoots are erect, smooth, and have no thorns. The Cinderella variety has a strong aroma, typical of a rose. The flowering of the crop is continuous throughout the season. Resistance to fungal diseases is high.

Numerous pale pink flowers form on the bushes. Their color depends on weather conditions. When the buds just bloom, the petals are pink. When exposed to the sun they turn white. The flowers are densely double, 3 cm in diameter, and consist of 100 or more petals. The buds are collected in brushes of 5 - 20 pieces.

Pur Tua

The Pur Tua variety is compact in size and decorative. The hybrid was bred in France in 1946. Bush up to 25 cm high. The shoots are erect, covered with dark green shiny leaves. Pur Tua looks ideal in pots and borders. Flowering begins in June and continues until autumn.

In summer, the bush is completely covered with snow-white flowers. Unopened buds have a beautiful elongated shape and cream color. The blooming flowers are white, semi-double, with a beige undertone. The size of the inflorescences is 3.5 - 4 cm. The aroma during flowering is pronounced.


The miniature hybrid Hummingbird was obtained in 1958 in France. The bushes are slightly spreading and dense, up to 35 cm high. The leaves are shiny, leathery, dark green. The shoots are red-brown.

Rose Hummingbird has an unusual color. The flowers are cup-shaped, densely double, and consist of 20 - 25 petals. The color of the petals is apricot. Flowering is abundant and extended. Flowers up to 4 cm in size are formed in racemes of 3 - 5 pieces. The aroma is pleasant, tea.


The Pixie variety was obtained in 1940 in the Netherlands. The miniature rose grows up to 40 cm in height and up to 60 cm in width. Its stems are thin and have practically no thorns. Pixie is valued for decorative look, frost resistance, immunity to diseases.

Rose flowers are densely double, ranging in size from 2 to 4 cm. Each bud contains about 50 petals. Their color is white, with a slight pink tint. Flowering is intense and lasts throughout the summer. The inflorescences have a faint aroma.

Important! The Pixie variety winters well in the gardens of the Moscow region, middle zone and most of Russia.

Garnet Bracelet

Rose Pomegranate Bracelet is a miniature variety of domestic selection. The bush reaches a height of 40 - 50 cm, with a girth of 50 cm. The plant is spreading, with dark green shiny leaves. Rose rarely gets sick due to its high immunity to powdery mildew and black spot.

The bush produces dense and large flowers of a classical shape with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm. The flower petals are red, with reverse side– white. Inflorescences consist of 5 - 7 buds. The Garnet Bracelet is resistant to sunlight and does not fade in drought.


The rose Boy-with-Thumb was bred by domestic breeders in 2008. The plant has compact dimensions, its height does not exceed 40 cm. The shoots are covered with small, elongated, dark green leaves.

Flowers of the Boy-with-Finger variety are 4 cm in size, cup-shaped, semi-double. Pinkish-salmon color, they are located in inflorescences of 3 - 100 pieces. The aroma is weak. Flowering is continuous until the autumn cold. Resistance to diseases is average; preventive treatments are required.

Baby Bunting

The miniature variety Baby Bunting was obtained in 1953 in Holland. A loose and spreading bush reaches a height of up to 35 cm. Its leaves are oval, glossy, leathery, dark green in color. Flowering is long and continuous. The hybrid is resistant to black spot and powdery mildew.

Rose Baby Bunting produces numerous semi-double flowers measuring 3 - 4.5 cm. Its inflorescences are large and lush, consisting of 70 - 80 buds. Petals are pink-red. Their machine gun is light and barely noticeable.


The miniature rose Maidi was bred in Germany in 1984. The bush is 0.4 m high, resistant to diseases and winter cold. The plant is compact and takes up little space on the site. The leaves are small, numerous, dark green.

In June, the Maidi rose is covered with bright red flowers. The reverse side of the petals is silvery-white. The buds are located in inflorescences. Blooming flowers measuring 4 - 5 cm have a light, pleasant, barely noticeable aroma.

Advice! Pruning old, dry and broken shoots helps stimulate abundant rose flowering.

Lavender Meillandina

Rose Lavender Meillandina stands out with flowers of a delicate lilac color. Plant height 50 cm, width 40 cm. The shoots are light green and have no thorns. The leaves are small, green, semi-glossy.

The flowers are 4 - 5 cm in diameter, densely double, with a light aroma. The buds are collected in inflorescences of 2 - 5 pieces. The miniature hybrid Lavender Meillandina is resistant to diseases and winter cold.

Fresh Pink

The miniature rose Fresh Pink is a compact plant no more than 35 cm high. At the same time, the bush is branched and dense, and from the beginning of summer it is covered with large double flowers. It grows in one place for 10 years or more.

Flowers measuring 7 - 8 cm are formed in racemes of 3 - 5 pieces. The color of the petal is pink, darker at the edges. Medium intensity aroma. Flowering is continuous even when the Fresh Pink rose is planted in partial shade.


Miniature hybrid Danielle grows up to 30 cm in width and height. Its leaves are lush green, thick, small. In June, buds bloom and form flowers 3 cm in size. They consist of 50 - 60 petals. The aroma is delicate and pleasant. Inflorescences consist of 15 - 20 buds. The color is complex, from white to apricot tones.

Features of growing miniature roses

Miniature roses are planted in a sunny area, protected from the wind. Plants should receive natural light in the morning. Under the rays of the sun, moisture evaporates, which prevents the spread of fungal diseases.

Loamy soil with weak acidity is suitable for planting roses. The flower does not develop well in dry sandy soil, so the area is first fertilized with humus and clay. In clay soil, roses suffer from excess moisture. Adding sand and compost helps improve the soil composition.

Caring for miniature roses includes watering and fertilizing. In the spring, plants are fertilized with nitrogen substances; in the second half of summer, potassium and phosphorus are added. For the first feeding, prepare a urea solution, which is used to water the bushes in early spring. When developing shoots and buds, complex mineral fertilizers are used.

Miniature roses are drought tolerant. They are watered as the top layer of soil dries. Spraying them with warm water has a positive effect on the growth and flowering of bushes. The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening.

Advice! Periodically, the flowering brushes on the bushes are cut off. This improves the decorative appearance of roses and stimulates the appearance of new inflorescences.

In the middle zone, miniature roses are covered with agrofibre for the winter. Miniature varieties can withstand cold temperatures down to -7 °C. Spruce branches are used for shelter; they are hidden between roses and above plants. Then a frame is built over the bushes and a non-woven fabric is attached to it. It is not recommended to hill up the roots of the rose or add sawdust, sand, or peat.

Miniature roses in garden design

Miniature varieties of roses are used to decorate borders, hedges, rock gardens, and group plantings. Plants look good in flowerpots and hanging pots. The containers are located in greenhouses, on verandas and gazebos.

When planting different varieties, take into account the compatibility of shades. Most successful combinations: yellow, blue and red. White roses fit into any combination. The plant becomes the center of the composition or part of it.

Miniature varieties are placed against the backdrop of a lawn or taller plants. In multi-flowered flower beds, the rose is placed next to asters, lavender, gypsophila, and verbena. Abundantly blooming roses look advantageous against the backdrop of evergreen shrubs: barberry, thuja, cypress, juniper. Avoid combinations with bright flowers: begonias, petunias, salvia.


Miniature roses are valued for decorative properties and compact sizes. For planting, choose abundantly flowering varieties that are resistant to cold and disease. Growing miniature hybrids has a number of features. A suitable place is selected for the plants and they are provided with good care.

Miniature roses are an excellent option for those gardeners who would like to admire these flowers almost all year round, without leaving home. Although they require more attention than standard houseplants, the results are definitely worth it. What varieties should you pay attention to when choosing and how to create optimal conditions for them to bloom in pots - this will be discussed in this article.

Names and descriptions of miniature varieties of roses

For the first time, miniature roses came to European territory from China back in 1810, but they became widespread only after 1918, in which Dr. Roulette from Switzerland played an important role. It was she who first began to propagate mini-roses, thanks to which in our time breeders have managed to obtain more than a dozen different varieties.

All of them share the following characteristics:

  • bush height no more than 10–35 cm (for indoor floriculture);
  • small, dark green leaves with a shiny surface;
  • thin but strong spikes;
  • small double and cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of 1–3 cm (can be single or collected in inflorescences);
  • long and abundant flowering throughout the summer.

As for specific varietal variations, the following varieties are considered one of the most popular in home floriculture:

  1. - a low-growing plant 20–24 cm high, with pointed buds, greenish-white in color. The color of the flowers varies from pure white to soft green, but all of them do not exceed 2–2.5 cm in diameter. Each flower has about 40–45 fragrant petals, which give the flowers their “double” appearance. The leaves of the plant are light green in color, leathery and shine well in the sun. The bushes are semi-spreading, so they do not always need to be tied. If all conditions for the development of the rose are created, flowering will always be abundant, especially since “Green Ice Min” is a winter-hardy variety and is highly resistant to diseases.
  2. - a profusely flowering variety, represented by plants with a shoot height of up to 35 cm. The cup-shaped flowers are painted in a rich yellow color, gradually turning into pink-red. The diameter usually does not exceed 4 cm, and each flower has about 30–40 petals, with a light and pleasant aroma. The leaves are leathery and shine well in the light. The variety is winter-hardy and tolerates drought well. Suitable for both planting in pots and marking borders.

  3. - a relatively young French variety, bred only in the 90s of the last century. In comparison with the previous ones, it is even more compact, because the height of its shoots does not exceed 20 cm. The flowers are large, rosette-shaped, with slightly pointed pink petals. The flowering is very abundant, and its peculiarity is the almost complete lightening of the flower petals towards the end of the season. “Daniela” can be grown not only as a potted crop, but also for pragmatic purposes: for example, to create boutonnieres, but do not forget that the variety is afraid of frost and requires shelter for the winter. Resistance to pests and diseases is much higher.

  4. - rose bushes grow up to 30 cm in height and differ from others in their long flowering period. Coral-red flowers do not have a pronounced aroma, but at the same time this does not prevent florists from using them in flower arrangements. The shoots of the bush are densely leafy, the leaves are oval, rich green in color. “Coraline” has good disease resistance and is characterized by high ease of care, both when grown indoors and when placed on balconies or terraces.

  5. - one of the old varieties of miniature roses, which was bred at the beginning of the 19th century. Compared to other varieties, its flowers seem even more unique, as they have a rich apricot-orange hue. The height of the bushes of these roses usually does not exceed 25 cm, the leaves are leathery, glossy, dark green. The inflorescences contain 3–4 fragrant orange flowers. Rose blooms begin in summer and continue until late autumn, until the first frost hits. The “Hummingbird” variety is often used not only in indoor, but also in garden floriculture, using it to frame flower beds or create ridges. Small roses often become the basis for wedding boutonnieres.

  6. - a low-growing plant, reaching a height of 15 cm. The mauve flowers of this rose are small (up to 3.5 cm in diameter), collected in inflorescences, slightly fragrant. The bushes look compact and densely leafy. The leaves are dark green and glossy. Flowering is abundant. In addition to growing in pots, Lavender Jewel can also be useful for creating beautiful living borders, especially since it has high winter hardiness.

The virtues of small roses

In comparison with the usual large buds on long stems, miniature varieties of roses seem not so impressive to many, but they also have a number of advantages that can convince them of the appropriateness of planting.

Important! Considering the small size of miniature roses and the relatively low density of bushes of many species, to increase their decorative value, it is better to plant several plants at once (provided there is a sufficient amount of nutrients).

  • First of all, it is worth noting the following features:
  • Dwarf varieties up to 45 cm high, they are always kept in compact groups. Their shoots do not spread on the ground, do not form arches and do not require garter.
  • Despite the small size of the sheet plates, their decorative value is enhanced by the large number and glossy, shiny surface.
  • On different bushes there are fragrant flowers with a variety of shades: red, orange, yellow, pink, white and even green or purple. There are also varieties with two-tone color, which looks very unusual, but at the same time quite attractive.
  • Some miniature roses are capable of changing the color of their flowers with age (for example, “Daniela”), and these changes can affect a completely unexpected color palette: sometimes the color changes from rich yellow to dark red.
  • Most varieties are characterized by double compact inflorescences, 3–15 flowers each, which only adds even more elegance to the bush.
  • The flowering of mini roses is quite long, and when creating optimal conditions You can enjoy their beauty from May until the first frost, and this is only if you are not going to take the plant indoors for the winter. Potted roses often bloom even longer.
  • If the shoots of crops planted in the garden freeze a little over the winter, then in the spring you can simply cut them off without worrying about the abundance of flowering. It will not suffer from this in any way.
  • When growing small flowers in the garden, you don’t have to worry about the usual pests and diseases, because compared to large roses, the mini version is more resistant to them.

As a pleasant addition to the list of advantages of mini roses, we can note the ease of propagation by cuttings, which in some cases often becomes the only way getting more plants.
As for the existing disadvantages of small varieties, the main ones include the almost complete absence of aroma and increased demands on living conditions.

Did you know? Natural oil obtained from roses is one of the most expensive in the world. This is not surprising, because to prepare one kilogram of product you will need at least 3 tons of plant petals.

How to choose in the store

By and large, the rules for choosing roses of low-growing varieties are not much different from the recommendations for purchasing ordinary ones, so in any case, the gardener should consider the following:

  1. Always choose only healthy plants, without visible mechanical damage or signs of disease and pest activity.
  2. Never buy discounted bushes, even if at first glance they seem normal to you (not a single seller will work at a loss, which means there are still questions about a specific specimen).
  3. Carefully inspect not only top part flower, but also pay attention to the pot, looking into the drainage holes: sprouted roots should not be visible from them.
  4. The selected bush should be compact in size, but with a large number of buds, otherwise the opened flowers will not please you for long.
  5. The plant should not be overgrown, because even if there are no traces of mold on it, it is likely that it will soon appear (the first sign is a grayish coating on the bottom of the pot or the falling of the lower leaves).
  6. It is better not to buy bushes from the “new arrival” group on the same day. Wait a week to make sure they are viable (it is better to let a weak rose die in the store than at the buyer's home).
  7. If you are buying a flower for your own needs, and not for sale, then pay attention to options that have been in the store for a long time and have even had time to bloom. There is much more confidence in such a rose, because it has already proven its viability.
  8. The leaves of fresh and healthy roses should be dense, shiny, and rich green. Weak and wilted leaf plates indicate violations in the care of the flower, which means that after transplantation from the transport container it may die.
  9. If you trust the words of a particular seller, you can clarify the nuances of caring for the plant, and at the same time find out how long it has been on sale and what attention it has received during this time.

At home, the purchased specimen should be immediately placed in a warm, but not hot place in the apartment and allowed to acclimatize. The lighting in this place should be bright, but at the same time diffused enough so as not to burn the delicate leaves.

Important!Do not place pots of roses on window sills, over hot radiators or next to other heating devices. Excessive temperature and dry air will have a detrimental effect on the buds.

Planting flowers

Given the small size of the plant, they cannot be planted in areas with frequent accumulation of melt and rainwater. If possible, it is advisable to choose only elevated places, placing bushes on the south-eastern slopes.

This will ensure optimal solar exposure: in the morning it will quickly dry out the night dew, and in the afternoon it will not burn the leaves of the flower. Of course, this only applies to garden varieties of roses, because when planting in pots, you can move the plant to any suitable place.

When choosing a room, it is also advisable that it be located on the southeast or southwest side of the house, providing long-lasting natural light for flowers, but without burning sun rays.

As for the timing of planting mini roses, this procedure can be performed at home both at the end of February and throughout the spring months.

Before planting plants in pots, be sure to prepare nutritious and at the same time loose soil from 2 parts turf soil, 2 parts humus and ½ part sand. After mixing, the resulting substrate is poured with boiling water or steamed in the oven and only then poured into the planting container.

All further actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Place a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom.
  2. Fill the pot soil mixture, approximately 1/3 of the total volume.
  3. Spill the soil so that water begins to flow out of the drainage holes (to prevent fungal diseases, you can dissolve Fitosporin in liquid).
  4. Place the cutting or adult rose in the center of the container and cover with the remaining soil, leaving at least 1-2 cm to the edge of the container.
  5. Place the pot with the seedling on the windowsill on the southeast or southwest side and water it regularly, adding liquid in small portions. If you are concerned about possible overheating, then it is advisable to wrap the pot in a white pot or regular foil. The sun-dried earthen ball is first cooled, and only then watered with water at room temperature.

Planting small roses in the garden involves almost all the same actions as planting in pots, except that instead of filling the flower container with soil, you will need to dig a hole (its dimensions must correspond to the size of the plant’s root system), if necessary, adding a mixture of dried clay to it, humus and turf soil.

If the soil on the site is heavy, then a mixture of peat, compost, ash and sand will help to fluff it up. As in indoor floriculture, best time It will be early spring to perform the procedure, so that over the summer the rose will have time to fully adapt to the new place and calmly survive the winter.

Important! Roses are not fertilized immediately after transplantation. This procedure will have to be postponed for at least 2-3 weeks.

Growing and care at home

Compared to many other indoor plants, small roses can be called more finicky in terms of care, requiring the gardener to take care of themselves.

However, if you immediately provide them with a suitable temperature, the proper level of lighting and humidity, and further ensure regular watering and timely feeding, then any problems can be avoided. Let's take a closer look at all the requirements.

Optimal conditions

For roses planted in the garden, the correct choice of place for further growth plays a greater role than for indoor specimens, but even here you cannot leave everything to chance.

Key things to remember:

  1. Optimal temperature values V summer period- +18…+24 ºC, in winter (dormant period) - about +8…+15 ºC (depending on the variety). In any case, the root system should not be allowed to overheat by leaving the flower in direct sunlight or placing it next to heating devices. Some varieties are able to withstand temperatures up to +32 ºC, but prolonged exposure to such temperatures may reduce the abundance of flowering. Sudden temperature changes will also not be beneficial, so it is advisable to avoid them if possible.
  2. Lighting- bright, but diffuse. It is advisable to place flower pots on southern and southwestern windows, and in the summer they should be taken out into the open air, being sure to protect them from direct sunlight in the afternoon. The room in which the roses are located should be well ventilated, but at the same time be protected from cold winds and drafts.
  3. Humidity indicator. Excessively dry air causes leaves to dry out and insect pests to appear, so be sure to keep an eye on these values ​​(they should not fall below 50-60%). During hot periods, you can spray the rose with a spray bottle and give it a warm shower once every few weeks.

If the required indicators in one room change for some reason, you can always move the pot of roses to another room.

Watering and fertilizing

Both indoor and garden varieties of roses have a high level of drought resistance, so their watering should be rare, but quite plentiful (to the depth of the entire root system). The ideal time to moisten the soil is before 10 a.m. or in the evening, but before sunset.

It is advisable to pour water at the root, avoiding moisture on the leaves of the flower. Under the sun's rays, undried drops of water begin to burn the leaf plates, which does not have the best effect on the decorative effect of the rose.

Also, you should not water roses at night, because if they do not have time to dry, they will become more vulnerable to certain diseases on cold nights, such as rust or black spot.

As for the regularity of watering, it is important to take into account the drying rate of the substrate and the age of the plant itself. Young flowers need daily watering, and in the future it can be reduced to once every 2-3 days. The depth of soil drying should not be more than 2–3 cm.

Water for irrigation should be soft, well-settled, free of chlorine and other harmful components. In addition, it is important to take only warm water so that the plant’s root system does not experience stress. If desired, you can mulch the tree trunk circle with a layer of sawdust or peat, which will reduce the frequency of liquid application.

After watering, you can feed the mini-roses with preparations specially developed for them, which must include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. For the first time, the plant is fed in early spring, immediately after removing the cover. In the future, the regularity of applying nutritional compositions is approximately once every 2–3 weeks or after each wave of flowering.
1–2 months before winter dormancy, it is advisable to completely stop adding nutrients to prevent unnecessary growth and development of buds.

Important! If the fertilizer package contains instructions to use it only for soil, then it is worth preventing the possibility of the composition getting on the stem or leaves of the plant, otherwise they may receive serious burns.

The first planned pruning of small roses is carried out with the arrival of spring warmth and is of a sanitary nature. After removing the cover (if any), the gardener needs to carefully inspect the bushes and remove broken, diseased and frozen shoots.

In the future, you can also perform formative pruning, while simultaneously thinning the bush from excess shoots (especially those growing inward). There should be at least 3 buds left on the stem, and the cut is made to the bud located outside at an angle of 45°. The cut areas must be powdered with crushed coal.

In the summer, all wilted flowers need to be removed from the rose bush, and this procedure is performed while simultaneously capturing 3 cm of the stem part, which will provoke the awakening of dormant buds and contribute to more rapid development buds.

Thus it is supported continuous flowering roses At the same time, you can remove dried twigs and yellowed leaves.

Autumn is the time for the second stage of sanitary pruning. During this period, diseased and dried shoots are removed, while healthy ones are shortened, especially when it comes to roses planted in the garden. Before winter, at least 5 buds should remain on the branches, and pruning is carried out to the bud looking outward, so that the new shoot does not grow inside the bush.

Seasonal features

Seasonal features of caring for mini roses depend on where exactly they grow. When grown in the garden after autumn pruning Almost all plants are covered with agrofibre or covered with a layer of mulch so that the shoots do not freeze over the winter.

At home, such measures may not be necessary, but some varieties should still be covered with plastic film and taken out for the winter in a cool room, with an air temperature no higher than +5...+12 ºC.

Also, do not forget about winter-hardy varieties of flowers: it is likely that when growing Baby Masquerade or Lavender Jewel roses, they will not need shelter at all. In this case, you can leave the roses on a cold windowsill, slightly increasing the duration of lighting.

Did you know?The aroma of roses is considered one of the most powerful antidepressants, so people who regularly inhale it become friendlier and more open.

Pests and diseases of miniature roses

Given the small size of rose bushes of small varieties, it is not surprising that diseases and pests quickly destroy them. In this case main task gardener - to prevent infection, including by maintaining good plant health. If you can’t save the plant, then it’s better to immediately know what you might encounter.

The most common ailments of miniature roses include blackleg and rust, when detected, the affected parts are cut off and burned. It is advisable to treat the remaining part of the bush with one of the possible systemic fungicides - Fitosporin-M, Ridomil Gold or Fundazol.

For preventive purposes in the spring, plants are treated with a three percent solution of copper sulfate.
Among the pests, spider mites, thrips and aphids sometimes settle on indoor roses. Almost all of these pests suck the juice out of the flower, as a result of which it turns yellow and dies.

To combat them, broad-spectrum insecticides are often used (for example, Fitoverm or Aktaru), or simply treated with a solution of laundry soap (200 g) and copper sulfate (20 g).

With a responsible approach to growing miniature roses, there will be no more problems with them than with the cultivation of tall varieties. The main thing is to always maintain an acceptable level of lighting, humidity and suitable temperature values ​​for the flowers.

Having flowers indoors and outdoors is always appropriate and pleasant, especially if they are roses. Often the dimensions of a room or garden are not sufficient to grow full-fledged bushes, so small varieties of these flowers have been bred. The abundance of varieties makes you think about the choice, so it is necessary to understand the difference between each of them. In order to properly plant and grow such roses, it is important to know how it is done.


Small roses are not inferior to large varieties in beauty and aroma, The only distinctive characteristics will be the following:

  • bush height, which averages 15-20 cm, although there are varieties that grow up to 50 cm;
  • features of the crown, it is formed more densely, with small leaves having a matte surface;
  • size and formation of buds - they are small, from 3 to 6 cm, and grow in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces;
  • the possibility of forming buds of different colors on one flower.

The description of the dwarf variety of roses gives an idea of ​​what exactly the bush looks like, but this plant also has a number of differences from its taller relative. Small roses bloom almost all year round, as they are easily transferred from outdoors to indoors.

To make the growing procedure more convenient, there are several options for how to do this all year round:

  • planting in a flower pot;
  • planting in an open container located outside;
  • planting roses in the garden in the warm season.

Due to the wide variety of such flowers, you need to learn as much as possible about the varieties of dwarf roses.

The best varieties and their characteristics

The popularity of roses has always been high, but growing full-fledged bushes at home, even with a flower garden, is not always convenient. The appearance of mini-varieties of these flowers has greatly simplified the task of caring for them. The multi-flowered ever-blooming rose is especially popular. varieties "Garden Aroma" because of its beauty and unpretentiousness. A distinctive feature is that it is grown using seeds, which eliminates the need to purchase a seedling, which costs several times more.

Caring for “Garden Aroma” is quite simple, the flower is not demanding, it can be left in the garden throughout the year, because it tolerates cold weather well. In warm weather, the bushes bloom profusely, pleasing the eye, and also exude a pleasant honey aroma.

From external features The varieties worth noting are:

  • height from 20 to 30 cm;
  • leaves are dark green, dense;
  • the flowers have a semi-double structure and are about 3 cm in size;
  • the color range can range from light, almost white, to deep pink.

The flowering period begins in June until the onset of cool weather at the end of September. It is noteworthy that this variety produces flowers already in the first year after planting. Most comfortable for roses temperature conditions is a roast and dry summer, therefore they do not need abundant watering. In winter, it can be left uncovered until frosts do not exceed 15 degrees. Another advantage of this flower is its resistance to most diseases.

Another variety of small roses has the name "Epricot Clementine", which is related to the color scheme of the flower. During the flowering process, the shade changes from pink to peach, which looks beautiful and impressive. The flowers are larger than Garden Aroma and can reach 5 cm in diameter, but Epricot Clementine has virtually no scent.

This variety is a re-flowering variety; their growing conditions are slightly different. It is advisable to plant them in an open area, but so that shadow falls on them from time to time, otherwise the bushes will quickly fade and fall off. If a rose is left in the sun all day, its leaves may develop burn marks. Caring for the Epricot Clementine variety consists of loosening the soil, watering, weeding, pruning and spraying against pests. In the first year after planting, it is better to completely remove the buds so that the bush takes root better and blooms well the next season. Roses can withstand frosts down to -7 degrees, so in warm regions they do not need to be covered, but in cold regions this procedure is mandatory. The crop can only be propagated vegetatively, preserving all the characteristics of the original plant.

Another variety of mini roses is "Rud Morsdag", which are a small bush with bright red roses. The height of the plant does not exceed 40 cm, the inflorescences are small, but the flowers are quite large.

This variety must be planted in the sun, the soil must be prepared in advance, best suited:

  • well fertilized;
  • loamy;
  • breathable;
  • moisture-absorbing;
  • slightly acidic.

“Rud Morsdag” is considered a winter-hardy variety, so in mild frosts the bushes do not need to be covered. It is this variety that is recognized as the most suitable for growing in pots and containers.

Another interesting variety that is worth considering is called "Degenhart". The bushes can grow up to 70 cm in height and spread over a meter in width. The flowers have a pink tint and are semi-double, their diameter is 4 cm. The variety is a repeat bloomer and also has average winter hardiness. The bushes love the sun and are quite resistant to heavy rains and the most common diseases.

“Degenhart” should be covered for the winter, although nominally the bush can withstand up to -24 degrees. Most often, such roses are planted in containers and placed in group plantings.

Another variety of small roses is spray rose "Sari", which grows up to 50 cm and has yellow flowers. The plant belongs to the continuously flowering variety. The flowers are large, can reach 8 cm, and their number in an inflorescence ranges from 8 to 10 pieces. The shape of the buds is goblet-shaped, the petals are terry, the aroma is delicate, very subtle. The plant is resistant to diseases and tolerates frost well.

It is worth mentioning separately about the variety "Tantau Honeymilk", which also refers to small roses. The flowers are densely double, milky white with a yellowish center. There are a lot of them formed on the bush, due to which the plant looks very impressive and attractive. Roses are disease resistant and hardy, surviving well in all weather conditions. The variety should be planted in the sun, taking care of high-quality and rich soil. The optimal soil will be loamy, breathable, moisture-absorbing and slightly acidic. You can place the bushes in the garden bed or plant them in containers. It looks very impressive in a flower garden, where there is a mix of varieties with different bush heights, flower colors and aroma.

Landing rules

Miniature roses, like their larger varieties, prefer to grow on fertile and loose soil that is well ventilated and allows moisture to pass through. When choosing a location, you should give preference to a bright area, but with any plantings not far from the future rose garden. This is necessary in order to create a small shadow for the bushes, without which they will quickly bloom and fade in the sun.

Small roses can grow both in open ground and in containers that are brought indoors for the winter. Winter-hardy varieties are usually left in the garden all year, and those that do not tolerate cold are moved to a warmer place. There are varieties for which growing from seeds will be an advantage, and there are those for which only seedlings are needed. To choose the right type of cultivation, you need to have a good understanding of the varietal characteristics and make the right choice.

If roses have been growing in the garden for a long time, you can simply replant them by choosing the right place. If the conditions do not correspond to the norm, then the roses will be small and may even die. It is important to notice anomalies in development and flowering in time and take action. To plant small roses, you need to follow simple instructions.

  • Preparing the hole where the seedling will be planted. Its dimensions should be at least 10 cm larger than the earthen ball in which the roots are located. The bottom of the pit must be well loosened.
  • To properly deepen a rose into the ground, it is important to plant it by grafting 4-5 cm below ground level. The soil that was dug out from the hole for the flower must be mixed with compost in a ratio of 1 to 3 and a handful of ash added.
  • The seedling must be kept at the desired height, gradually filling the hole with earth. It is important to plant the bush evenly.
  • After planting, the soil around the rose is compacted.
  • For convenient watering, it is necessary to create boundaries that will prevent water from spreading. It is optimal to place them at a distance of 15 cm from the bush. In spring and autumn you need to hill up roses.

If you follow these instructions, you can easily plant bushes of small roses and soon enjoy their unsurpassed flowering.

How to care?

Caring for small varieties of roses at home is not difficult, but each variety has its own characteristics. The general rules boil down to the fact that it is necessary to give moisture to the flower, provide the soil with all the necessary nutrients and prune in the right time. Good place planting bushes and following all care measures will result in a lushly blooming rose garden. If any problems arise with growth or flowering, you must immediately deal with the cause so as not to lose the entire flower garden.

For good growth and development of bushes you will need protection from pests, so do not forget about the spraying procedure. Preparation for wintering is also an integral part of caring for bushes; it can have several options. For cold climates, it is necessary to transplant small-flowered plants into a pot and put them indoors or cover them very well.

For the middle zone, it will be enough to take measures to protect the rose garden, which boil down to:

  • breakage of flowers and peduncles;
  • covering bushes with spruce branches;
  • construction of a wire frame that will exceed the size of the bush by 10-20 centimeters;
  • place this frame over the rose;
  • cover the plant with insulation and a layer of film.

In addition, there are no less important procedures, such as pruning, fertilizing and pest control.

Top dressing

The fertilization procedure is important for creating a beautiful and lush rose garden, especially if there is bad soil with a minimum composition of nutrients. It is important to carry out the feeding process according to the following scheme:

  • the first fertilizer is applied in the spring, after the cover has been removed, it would be optimal to apply ammonium nitrate or urea;
  • a month later it is necessary to repeat the same course;
  • as soon as the buds appear, it is necessary to apply complex fertilizers;
  • at the end of summer, potassium nitrate or superphosphate is added to the soil.

Varietal varieties are often demanding on the soil, which means you have to tinker with them, but the result will be worth the effort and time spent.


It is advisable to apply water under the bushes twice a day, before and after active sun, but only in sunny and dry weather. If it is cloudy and not hot outside, one watering is enough. In case of rain, there is no need to additionally moisten the soil, as this will lead to rotting of the plant roots. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed out the weeds. Such abundant watering involves adding a small amount of water. If it is not possible to spend so much time in the garden bed, you can water the roses once every few days, filling the soil well. To choose the right day for the procedure, you just need to assess the condition of the soil; if it is still wet, then you should wait and wait at least one more day. Young bushes consume more water than mature ones, as they need more strength and energy for the process of rooting and active growth.

The frequency and amount of watering will also vary depending on flowering: when buds appear, it is worth increasing watering; during the blooming of buds, moisture should be supplied moderately. It is best to use settled water, which should be at room temperature, since cold water can make plants sick. It is better to carry out the watering procedure using a watering can rather than a hose.

Disease and pest control

The varietal variety of roses is enormous, and they differ not only external signs, but also the degree of resistance to certain diseases. If you buy flowers at the market, there is a chance to find out what the seedling may be sick with and how to treat it. If you receive a rose of unknown origin, it will be more difficult to help. To minimize the chances of being affected by diseases and pests, you need to choose the right place for the bush and promptly treat it with preventative solutions. The most common types of damage to roses are:

  • rose aphids;
  • rose leafhoppers;
  • spider mite;
  • rose leaf rollers;
  • rose rotters.

In order to treat the flower with the appropriate preparation in a timely manner, it is necessary to carefully inspect the bushes at least once a week for any signs of damage. If they are identified, it is necessary to identify the pest and select the correct drug to combat it. The affected areas must be removed from the flower and burned. The most common diseases that can be seen on small roses include:

  • black spot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rose rust;
  • downy mildew;
  • gray rot.

Diseases are identified in the same way as pest attacks, with a thorough examination of all parts of the flower. The earlier the disease was detected, the easier it is to get rid of it without losing the bush or harming neighboring plants. Having correctly determined the cause of the problem, you can easily find the right drug that will need to be used to treat the affected bushes.