Duct air conditioner in an office calculation example. Correct installation of a duct air conditioner - installation diagram and components

Internal units of duct air conditioners can be installed in technical rooms behind a false ceiling

Duct air conditioner is a type of split system (from the English split - split, divided in two). Like most of its brothers, it consists of two blocks - internal and external, which are connected to each other copper pipes and managing electrical communications. The outdoor unit is installed outdoors - on the street: on the wall, on the balcony, on the roof or in the garden, sometimes in the attic or basement. The internal air handling unit of a ducted air conditioner is installed on the heated area country house, but, unlike all other types of internal split system units, it is hidden (behind a false ceiling in the hallway, in the attic, etc.). The only reminders of the presence of this device will be the air intake grilles (which suck air from the rooms) and air distribution diffusers attached to the walls or false ceiling, through which conditioned air flows into the room, and a compact wall-mounted control panel installed in one of the air-conditioned rooms.

Compared to other types of split systems, duct air conditioners can provide the most high quality indoor microclimate. Like any household air conditioner, a duct air conditioner provides cleaning, cooling or heating of air, and dehumidification in the volume of the room. But in addition, it is capable of such unique functions in the world of household climate control systems as full forced ventilation of rooms, humidification, and air ionization. The equipment allows you to achieve exceptional uniformity of temperature distribution and air speed even in rooms of complex geometric shape.

Economic benefits

Air ducts are also hidden behind the ceiling structures

To cool the air in four rooms of a cottage with a total area of ​​65–80 m2, you will need only one 7–8 kW duct costing $2500–4500. An alternative solution is 4 wall-mounted split systems with a power of 2.0 to 3.5 kW, which, depending on the brand, will cost $4,500–6,000. The advantages of a ducted air conditioner will become even more obvious if you need to air condition 5–10 small rooms with an area of ​​10–12 m2. In such rooms, a cooling power of 1–1.2 kW is required, but split systems with such performance are not produced. Since duct air conditioner is selected based on the total required power, then there will be no problems with it. But traditional wall-mounted split systems have a minimum performance of 1.8–2.7 kW, which means you will have to re-calculate almost twice the power.

Thus, the customer receives an installation functionality which are comparable to the capabilities of professional central air conditioning systems, at a price comparable to the price of the most affordable household air conditioners. True, all this is realistic only if the system with a duct is correctly designed and installed, taking into account the nuances of each specific air-conditioned room (orientation to the cardinal points, wind rose, type of glazing, room geometry and ceiling height, features of internal heat sources, etc. ). Therefore, all design, installation and commissioning work should be carried out by specialized organizations that have sufficient experience in installing duct air conditioners.

How to choose?

Air distribution devices are placed in any convenient places and connected to the duct block using air ducts. Treated air is effectively distributed in rooms of any configuration

When starting to choose a duct air conditioner, the customer must first answer the most important question for himself: which one? typical options use of a ducted air conditioner is consistent with the purpose of its purchase.

  1. The device is needed for air conditioning in one or two adjacent rooms, in 100% recirculation mode.
  2. For the entire cottage, in 100% recirculation mode.
  3. For the entire cottage, in partial recirculation mode with admixture fresh air(split system with forced ventilation for year-round use).

The most difficult thing is to create a truly efficient air conditioning and supply ventilation system based on a ducted air conditioner. From a savings point of view initial costs such a system seems promising - you can refuse to buy an independent air handling unit with its own automation system, laying additional air ducts. But not every model of ducted air conditioner can be used for year-round ventilation of rooms, and the main thing here is not to fall victim to advertising.

Of primary importance for the operation of a duct air conditioner in ventilation mode are the pressure characteristics of the indoor unit fan.

The fan must create an air flow of sufficient force to overcome the aerodynamic resistance of the return and supply air duct network. Second the most important condition successful operation of a duct as an air conditioner with forced ventilation, especially in regions with cold climates, is its ability to supply a sufficient amount of heat to the air flow. This will allow the air conditioner in severe cold weather (for Yalta - 0–3, for Moscow - 26 and below) to maintain the temperature in the supply air ducts at the level recommended by SNiP +14 - +16°C.

In automatic mode

Duct split system with forced ventilation
The indoor unit serves several rooms at once, from which return air ducts are hidden at the entrance (behind a false ceiling or false walls), as well as an insulated channel for supplying fresh air from the street. The indoor unit cleans the mixed flow in the air filter, cools or heats it and returns it back to the rooms - heat-insulated supply air ducts go from the air conditioner to the rooms behind the false structures. Excess air (in the inflow volume) due to that created by the duct air conditioner overpressure are removed through the hood in the bathrooms and kitchen.
If natural exhaust is ineffective or does not work at all, when installing a ducted air conditioner with supply ventilation, this can lead to the effect of slamming doors, which occurs due to a significant difference in pressure inside and outside the cottage. In this case, a special network of exhaust ducts is used, communicating with air-conditioned rooms and with the street. At the end of the exhaust network, before the air is exhausted to the street, an exhaust hood is installed centrifugal fan. Air is exhausted through a hole in the wall and an inertial grille installed outside and playing a role check valve. When the fan is running it is open, when it stops it is closed. To reduce noise propagated through air ducts from exhaust fan A tubular or plate muffler is installed in the premises in front of the noise source

As is the case with any other fairly complex climate control technology, the performance of a duct air conditioner largely depends on the reliability and degree of perfection of the automation system. There are elements of the automation system in both the external and internal units of the air conditioner. The owner of the system will only have to contact the control panel.

Unlike splits with wall-mounted indoor units, the control panel for a ducted air conditioner is usually wired; it is mounted on the wall, at a height of 1.5–2 meters from the floor in the air-conditioned room. If there are several rooms served by the air conditioner, then the remote control is installed in the room selected as the reference. The buttons on the remote control set the operating mode of the air conditioner - cooling or heating, room temperature and fan speed (1, 3, sometimes 5). Some remote control models are “taught” to automatically select the required operating mode (“ Automatic mode work"). In this case, the air conditioning control system analyzes the temperature in the room and the temperature set by the user and selects the mode itself, cooling or heating the supplied air and selecting the fan speed.

As a rule, the remote control has a 24-hour or weekly timer, which allows you to set the time to turn on and off the air conditioner in a predetermined mode. Almost all models of duct air conditioners on the market provide the “Auto Restart” function. It resumes operation of the air conditioner in the previous mode during a short-term power outage. Typically, the remote control will retain settings in its memory for several (48) hours. On duct air conditioners with a self-diagnosis function (DAIKIN, HITACHI, etc.), you can read status information individual elements air conditioning system; Moreover, you can obtain the necessary information not only on the liquid crystal display of the control panel, but also on the monitor of a remote computer.

Duct split systems with forced ventilation can have either a single automation system that services the entire installation at once, or separate systems that allow you to control the indoor unit and a separate air heater. Naturally, use unified system automation is much more convenient than working with “different remote controls”, however, not every manufacturer of climate control equipment can offer such a solution at a reasonable price.

For an additional fee

Almost everything presented on Russian market Manufacturers of duct equipment optionally supply remote controls remote control on IR rays, the basic functionality of which is similar to wired remote controls, complete with IR signal receivers. And with the help of GSM devices, you can control a ducted air conditioner not only from the sofa, but also from anywhere in the world - all you need to do is have mobile phone. The problem of individual temperature control in different rooms using one channel. For this purpose, the duct split system is retrofitted with a zonal control system. Similar equipment is offered, for example, by LG, CARRIER, TRANE (USA) (cost necessary equipment– from $1000–1500 per room).

The zonal control system supplies heated or cooled air to the premises in strictly metered quantities. As a result of the operation of this system, overheating or hypothermia of any of the rooms of the cottage is excluded. The zonal control system equipment set includes a set of thermostats, the number of which corresponds to the number of service zones. IN large rooms To increase the accuracy of temperature maintenance, several service zones can be allocated. Two small adjacent rooms can be considered as one zone. Signals from the thermostats enter the microprocessor control unit, which controls the operation of the climate system and the dosing of the supply of prepared air to the premises. Last operation implemented using electric valves zonal regulation, changing the flow area of ​​the supply air ducts in the range from 0 to 100%, which are installed in the ventilation ducts directly in front of the diffusers.

An example of installing a ducted air conditioner in a cottage

After graduation finishing works only an inconspicuous decorative grille remains on the outside

An example of a low-noise air conditioning system would be a year-round climate control system in a cottage play area (billiard room, recreation rooms with a total area of ​​about 80 m2), located in the basement of a private cottage. The requirements for the noise level from the air conditioning system were quite strict here (no more than 21). In search of the optimal technical solution The owners reviewed various offers from installation companies and settled on the option of a ducted split system.

The air conditioning unit, implemented by specialists from Aeroprof JSC, was created on the basis of a duct split system FB4B036/38YCC036 from CARRIER (USA), equipped additional options for year-round use (such as “low temperature start” for operation in cooling mode and “winter kit” for operation in air heating mode in transitional and cold period year). This allows the unit to be operated in heating mode at outdoor temperatures from –34.5 °C to +18 °C, and in cooling mode – in the outdoor temperature range from –28 °C to +45 °C, all year round providing comfortable conditions(+22 °C – +24 °C).

The outdoor unit is located at a distance of about 20 meters from the cottage and is installed on its own foundation, independent of the house, 70 cm high.

The outdoor unit of a ducted system operating in cooling mode discharges the heat removed from interior spaces cottage, into the atmosphere

The indoor unit is installed in the technical room, next to the garage, on rubber vibration isolators that prevent structural noise from spreading into the playing area. Laying pipelines for freon routes, power and inter-unit lines electrical cables carried out in a special waterproofed channel, and the drainage pipeline is led into the sewerage system.

The connection between the indoor unit and the playing area is carried out through heat and sound insulated air ducts SONODEC® GLX manufactured by DEC (Netherlands) with a diameter of 315 mm. To reduce the noise penetrating into the premises through air ducts, two groups of noise suppressors produced by the Arctos company (Russia) were used: the first - at the entrance and exit of the indoor unit, the second - in front of the air duct entry holes into the playing area. The air exchange in the rooms is built according to the “top-up” scheme - air supply and air distribution devices are installed in the false ceiling. From the indoor unit, cooled (heated) air is supplied to the room through SINUS-A supply diffusers manufactured by SYSTEMAIR (Sweden), which supply a large volume of fresh air, which is mixed with the room air at a minimum noise level. Recirculation air is taken into the air conditioner through SINUS-A exhaust ventilation grilles.

Integrated automated system with low speed flows CARRIER
To see more details, click on the image

In addition to cooling (heating) the air, the split system also provides ventilation for the playing area. Fresh air from the street is supplied to the entrance through a heat-sound-insulated air duct with a built-in noise suppressor indoor unit, where it is mixed with recirculated air returning from the premises. In the cold season, before mixing, the supply air is heated using an electric heater. From the indoor unit air conditioned air flows to the playing area. Excess recirculation air (in the inflow volume) is removed through a heat and sound insulated air duct into the cottage ventilation system.

To easily regulate the temperature (ranging from +18 to +30 °C), a programmable control panel for the split system manufactured by CARRIER is installed on the wall of the billiard room. This device allows you to program the operation of the air conditioner, reports the need for system maintenance, etc.


The range of duct air conditioners presented on the Russian market is extremely wide - dozens model series, including devices of various capacities and configurations. If we talk about specific trademarks, then first of all it is necessary to note the technology of the “trendsetters” - the American companies CARRIER and YORK. The demand for DAIKIN equipment is constantly increasing, as well as HITACHI, FUJITSU GENERAL, MITSUBISHI HEAVY, MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC (Japan), LG, SAMSUNG ( South Korea). They often buy equipment from PANASONIC, SANYO (Japan), as well as cheaper Israeli products TADIRAN and ELECTRA, and ELEMASH equipment made in Russia.

The concept of dividing air conditioners into several units has long been successfully used by the largest manufacturers involved in the development of climate control equipment. Lately Segmentation of this niche is also observed. If previously the main competitor of split systems was the classic monoblock model, today there is also a struggle for buyers within the segment. Competition in the market occurs between devices that involve creating holes in the wall, and equipment that represents duct split system in standard version. Such units do not have many structural differences, but they have a serious impact on technical and operational capabilities.

Features of duct air conditioning

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize the main difference between such installations and the traditional monoblock form factor. It is expressed in the fact that the structure is formed by several components. Typically, a ducted split system involves interaction between the evaporative and compressor modules. At the same time, the implementation of multi-structures, in which there can be several internal blocks, is also allowed.

Actually, the classic split system has these same characteristics. But, unlike it, the installation of duct equipment is carried out not through the wall, but in the air duct shaft. For example, duct in some modifications involves laying an air passage through its own air duct, while also using third-party climate control equipment. That is, the equipment can be supplemented with the help of a communication shaft with conventional split systems.

Installation of duct air conditioners

The evaporator is usually represented by a cassette unit, which is mounted in a hidden manner. This is another feature that distinguishes duct installations from conventional split systems. This decision is due to the fact that the air duct itself involves providing space in the above-ceiling niche, and its operation is accompanied by noise. For this reason, it is advisable to use hidden cassette blocks. The channel split system also provides for the construction of a route that provides communication between the evaporator and the compressor-condenser. Typically, such shafts are formed by copper pipes through which refrigerant passes during equipment operation. It is noteworthy that such channels operate parallel to the ventilation passages, through which the internal module is also supplied with air flows.

Operating principle

The internal segment of the structure is provided with street air, after which these flows are distributed throughout the entire room using a fan built into the unit. It is worth noting that before the air masses are released, they are processed in the evaporation module. IN modern design A duct-type split system can both heat and cool air in accordance with the specified microclimate values. In this part, the operating principle of such installations is similar to traditional air conditioners.

It should also be noted the features that installations operating on water heat supply have. The usual configuration assumes the use of electric heaters for heating, but in in this case applies water base for regulation temperature regime. Regardless of the technical implementation, a duct-type split system provides effective filtration. Since the design involves working with air masses in large volumes, cleaning is performed in several stages.

Installation Rules

External unit can be installed either in a hanging position using brackets or with the support of a special stand. Next, the most important part is performed - laying the power cable and the route for freon supply. At the same time, air ducts are installed, on the basis of which the split system will operate. The instructions recommend that you ensure proper heat and moisture insulation of these channels in advance, since condensation at the installation sites has a negative effect on the materials used.

It is equally important to initially calculate the air duct branching grid itself. If you are planning a simple system that includes two blocks, then installation will not cause any particular difficulties. For example, the route will have only one direction and the installation contractor will only need to choose the most rational path. In turn, a channel multi-split system requires preliminary drawing up of an installation diagram. In this configuration, several modules can be used, which complicates the laying of routes and air ducts.

Pros and cons of ducted air conditioners

Among the undoubted advantages of such models, it is worth noting high performance and rational consumption of energy resources. The possibility of installing several evaporative units with one central compressor is much more cost effective than installing the same number of monoblock air conditioners. If we talk about the disadvantages, then the channel split system is very demanding in terms of design and installation. The installation process is quite complicated and, as a rule, it is performed by specialists. There is also the disadvantage of noisy operation, although latest models minimization of this factor is observed.

Manufacturers of duct systems

The complexity of channel installations has determined a certain specificity of the segment of such equipment. Nevertheless, the choice is quite diverse both in the budget sector and in high level. Leading positions are occupied by companies such as Daikin, Toshiba and Fujitsu. Also among the first-class products is the Mitsubishi duct split system, represented by the Mr. series. Slim. Regarding equipment entry level, then it is represented by the brands Electrolux, Ballu, Midea and others.

Question of price

Large-scale projects involving the installation of climate control equipment in private homes, offices and industrial buildings, of course, require serious financial investments. And yet, converting the initial costs into performance indicators justifies all the costs that a split system requires. The price of the equipment itself varies on average from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. Specific amounts depend on the number of indoor units, technological level, power and functional content.


It is not for nothing that specialists consider ducted air conditioning units as semi-professional. Possibility of provision optimal performance microclimate large areas is most valued in such equipment. For apartments and small private houses such a split system is rarely used. Price 40-60 thousand rubles. It also does not contribute to the widespread dissemination of such equipment among ordinary consumers. But in providing buildings, office premises, enterprises, shopping complexes and public institutions duct air conditioning manifests itself in the best possible way. Firstly, such systems provide high performance indicators, and secondly, they are easy to maintain and maintain.

To solve the problem of air cooling in large buildings, it is not practical to install air conditioners in every room. This will increase energy consumption and complicate maintenance. The best option is to install a ducted air conditioner. The installation scheme of this system largely depends on the characteristics of the house.


The operating principle of a duct-type air conditioner is to distribute cooled air flows from the central unit throughout all rooms. Unlike point models, it consists of several components, each of which performs a specific function.


The outdoor cooling unit is designed to cool the refrigerant to the required level. Using a copper piping system, fluid is supplied to the following system elements:

  1. Indoor unit. Performs the function of reducing the temperature of air pumped from the street. For this purpose, it contains a heat exchanger connected to the main line of the outdoor unit.
  2. Mixing chamber. It is necessary to minimize heat losses - it mixes air masses from the street and pumped from the premises.
  3. Distribution system ventilation ducts – supplies cooled air from the indoor unit to the rooms. At the outlet, each of the branches is equipped with a wall grille. In some models it has the function of regulating the volume of air flow.
  4. Circulation pipelines air masses outside and heated indoors.

Operating principle

Additionally, the indoor unit can be equipped with filtration and a heater for heating. This cooling principle is in many ways similar to the system. However, a ducted air conditioner is characterized by lower installation costs and the possibility of installation in rooms with an average area of ​​50 m².

Installation procedure

An important point for installing air conditioning equipment is determining the optimal location for the indoor unit. The main problem is that it makes a lot of noise when operating.

Therefore, you should choose a location in the building that satisfies the following conditions:

  • Maximum noise insulation from residential premises.
  • The temperature should not be lower than +10°C. Otherwise, additional thermal insulation of the housing of the indoor unit of the duct air conditioner will be required.
  • The length of the ventilation ducts is approximately the same. This will ensure that there is no temperature difference in the cooled air as it moves through the pipelines.

For a private home best option installation - a heated or well-insulated attic space.

Installation diagram example

The outdoor unit can be located in any convenient location- on the facade or roof of the house. Since its size and weight are much larger than those of standard split systems, installation on the roof of a building is recommended.

Selection of components

The main characteristic of the indoor unit is the volume of air passed per unit of time. This parameter directly depends on total area building and affects the dimensions of the device. Thus, the dimensions of the model with a maximum air flow of 1800 m³/hour (for cooling rooms up to 100 m²) are 1425*260*663 mm.

Household model

Next important point is the choice of air ducts. To minimize losses during the movement of air masses, it is best to choose round pipes. However, they take up too much space. Therefore, most often they stop at rectangular channels. They are installed in a hidden way - between the rough and decorative ceiling. Therefore, the installation of air conditioning system ducts must be done before the completion of repair work.

You should also consider the following selection features:

  1. Material of manufacture. If the system is designed only for air cooling, it is recommended to choose polymer pipelines. Subject to availability additional function heating - steel.
  2. The dimensions of the pipes must correspond to the dimensions of the inlet pipes of the indoor unit.
  3. Location of wall grilles. Cooled air passes through the entire room. This should not be obstructed by furniture or other interior elements.

Is it possible to do the channel type yourself? You can do the installation of the indoor unit and pipelines yourself. However outdoor unit needs professional adjustment as refrigerant circulates there. Therefore, it is recommended to use the services of specialized companies for its installation. In addition, in many cases, the warranty on an air conditioner only applies if its installation is carried out by official representatives of the manufacturer.

A ducted air conditioning system is practically no different from a conventional split system. It consists of two modules: external and internal. The external unit is located on open area outside the building to ensure sufficient outside air flow. The indoor module is selected as a channel type and installed indoors.

The system is easy to use and can create a complete indoor microclimate. The indoor unit is mounted in the inter-ceiling space. Due to hidden installation he doesn't spoil designer interior and completely invisible. An air conditioner can work for more than just cooling. It also perfectly heats the room and can be supplemented with the option of introducing fresh air. Even when installing just one indoor unit, you can condition the air in different rooms. This opportunity is realized through the creation of a network of air ducts.

There are also some disadvantages of a ducted air conditioner. Firstly, such an installation takes up some space. Because of hidden installation and the need to create an air duct system must be installed suspended ceiling. Therefore, the room must be high enough. If only one indoor unit is installed, the temperature in all rooms will be the same. This problem is solved with the help of individual internal modules. But this method leads to an increase in the cost of the system. All of the above factors influence the calculation of a duct air conditioner.

Methods for selecting a ducted air conditioning system

The most popular technique is selection based on the area of ​​the room. Typically, 1000 W of cooling capacity is sufficient for 100 m². This method applicable for rooms where the ceiling height does not exceed 3 meters. Also, there should not be many people or equipment in the room that gets very hot. The error in calculations is about 30%. To obtain a more accurate result, it is necessary to apply formulas that take into account the characteristics of the room.

If the ceiling height is more than 3 meters, the selection and calculation of a duct air conditioner is carried out using a different method. The deviation in this case can be 10-15%. To get a more accurate result, you need to study special literature.

Another important factor when selecting equipment is constant (static) air pressure. In order to avoid loss of power during system operation, it is necessary to take into account the length of the air ducts, their design (turns, presence and number of receiving and distributing grilles). The static pressure of the indoor module will depend on the resistance value in the air duct. The difference must be at least 20% in favor of the indoor unit.

It is necessary to calculate the losses, which depend on the characteristics of the air duct (length, cross-section, type) and on the speed of the air flow. Gratings (receiving and dispensing) also affect productivity losses. To calculate losses more accurately, you need to use special literature.

When selecting and calculating a duct air conditioner, you need to determine in advance whether the room will be ventilated. In this case, you need to remember that it is possible to mix in no more than 30% fresh air. The calculations are influenced by the conditions under which the system is planned to operate. The air conditioner can operate stably at outdoor temperatures down to -15℃. If the equipment will operate for heating, then at temperatures below -25℃, you need to take care additional method air heating.