How to process a wooden cutting board. How to care for a wooden cutting board

Wood is one of the most common building materials in the world. It is widely used both for the construction of buildings and for interior decoration, thanks to strength, durability and excellent aesthetic characteristics. Because this natural material, it is susceptible to biodegradation under the influence of moisture and microorganisms, so it is important to prevent the putrefactive process. How and what is used to treat wood against rotting?

Causes of rotting

The main enemy of wood is fungus, which causes it to rot. "Infection" can occur as a result improper storage and transportation. Active reproduction of microorganisms provokes a whole set of accompanying factors:

  1. High air humidity – up to 90%.
  2. Stagnation of oxygen.
  3. Exposure to moisture.
  4. Temperature changes and freezing.
  5. Prolonged contact with the soil.
Fungus on wood

Prevention of wood rotting

There are many preventative measures to prevent mold from appearing before construction begins. Since the moisture content of wood after felling varies from season to season, it must be dried under natural conditions for at least 1 year.

There are a number of methods to prevent biodegradation processes and negative impact moisture:

  1. Waterproofing.
  2. Coloring with special compounds.
  3. Roof waterproofing.
  4. Heat and vapor insulation.

The foundation for a wooden structure should always be located above ground level, and it is also necessary to equip a drainage system and blind area. A garden near a house with tall trees is a bad idea as they will interfere with natural drying.

Also, to prevent putrefactive processes, it is necessary to inspect the house every year. If signs of fungus are detected, the material should be sampled to determine its moisture content and density.

Preventive measures are important, since wood affected by the fungus has many physical indicators reduced: it becomes up to 30 times less hard, 3 times less dense. All this leads to distortion window openings, movement of walls, up to loosening of the structure.

Once biodegradation has begun, it can be contained using special means- both store-bought and popular.


If mold has already appeared, its growth can be prevented using antiseptic agents. They suppress reproduction wooden surfaces microorganisms that cause rotting.

Today in the store there is usually a lot to choose from antiseptics

When choosing a specific product, you should pay attention to indicators such as possible harm for humans and animals, anti-corrosion properties and impact on the quality of wood.

All antiseptics are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Water-soluble products.
  2. Oily.
  3. Pasty.

Water-soluble antiseptics

The most common impregnation is sodium fluoride. Its popularity is explained by a set of significant advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • good penetrating ability;
  • no unpleasant odor.

Sodium fluoride does not impair the aesthetic properties of wood and does not cause corrosion of metal parts that come into contact with it. In order to protect wood from rotting, BBK-3 and GR-48 are also often used.

BBK-3 is a solution of borax and boric acid. It is relatively safe for people and animals, and also has excellent penetrating ability.

GR-48 is a drug based on pentachlorophenol. It protects the boards not only from the negative effects of moisture and biodegradation, but also from blue stains.

Often, products are used that contain several active ingredients at once - for example, CCC based on chromium and zinc chloride. However, this impregnation has 2 significant disadvantages: toxicity and the possibility of staining the wood.

Oily and pasty antiseptics

Oily antiseptics considered the strongest of their kind. They are used to protect wooden walls from the negative effects of moisture and soil. However, oily impregnation also has two serious disadvantages: sharp unpleasant smell and the ability to color wood dark brown.

Paste antiseptics consist of three main components:

  1. Water-soluble antiseptic.
  2. Filler.
  3. Clay or bitumen as a binder.

Organically soluble antiseptics are products like PL containing pentachlorophenol and petroleum products. However, due to their high toxicity, they are rarely used.

The use of organically soluble antiseptics is justified for treating wood when exposed to moisture in order to avoid drying. When using these tools, you need to take care personal protection: gloves and respirator.

How to apply impregnation to wood

In order to treat wood with an antiseptic composition, use different methods. Most in an efficient way is considered to be immersing the material in baths with active substance. The only disadvantage of the method is its high cost.

The second method is impregnation using autoclaves. This method is based on the influence high pressure, which promotes deep absorption of the composition into the material.

Often special pastes are applied to the boards - they have good penetrating ability and effectively protect the material from fungus. Antiseptic agents are often applied using rollers, brushes, or simply sprayed from a spray bottle.

Applying antiseptic with a brush or spray

It is always necessary to apply the composition to a dry surface that has not been coated with varnish or enamel, since in these cases the product will not be able to be absorbed.

The first step is to treat areas where rotting has already begun. Usually these are the ends of the building and sections. It is best to carry out the procedure at a temperature from +20 to +25. If the temperature drops below +5, treatment with an antiseptic will not work.

Folk remedies for impregnation

If the putrefactive process has not had time to grow significantly, folk remedies will help prevent further destruction of the tree:

  1. Silicate glue.
  2. Soda and vinegar.
  3. Potassium dichromate solution.
  4. Copper sulfate.
  5. Resin.
  6. Salt and boric acid.

The easiest way is to use silicate glue. It is necessary to dilute it with water, and apply the resulting solution to areas where biodegradation occurs. You can also treat the rotting areas with soda, and spray vinegar from a spray bottle on top.

Potassium dichromate is used by mixing in equal proportions with sulfuric acid. The resulting composition should be used to treat not only the boards on the street, but also up to 50 cm of the soil layer.

Another effective one improvised means to prevent wood rotting – copper sulfate. To prepare the composition, take 100 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.

For external treatment, you can use resin, as well as a mixture of 1 kg of salt and 50 g of boric acid, which are stirred in 5 liters of boiling water. This composition must be applied to the wood several times, waiting a couple of hours so that the product has time to be absorbed.

Processing using the Finnish method

The Finnish method is a special way of processing wood to protect it from moisture and rot. You will need a set of ingredients:

  • salt;
  • flour;
  • water;
  • slaked lime;
  • iron sulfate.

This composition stays on the material for a very long time without being washed off with water. Despite the safety of the method, it is recommended to use it only for the protective treatment of wood intended for fences and roofs.

The listed ingredients must be mixed to a consistency reminiscent of sour cream, and the main part of the mixture should be based on flour and water. After thorough mixing, the composition should be slightly warmed over low heat, and when it becomes warm, you need to quickly apply it to the boards.

After the first layer has dried, it is necessary to process the material again. If the composition has cooled down by this time, it will need to be heated again.

When choosing a finish, the vast majority of craftsmen give preference to compositions made from natural ingredients, primarily oils. There are many options for what to soak new board, but practice shows that the most effective solution in this matter is the use of petroleum jelly, which is not difficult to find in a pharmacy.

An alternative to petroleum jelly can be vegetable analogues, in particular nut or linseed oil. But, despite the environmental friendliness and simplicity of such finishing, over time it can transmit an unpleasant rancid odor to food that comes into contact with a wooden board. When covering the product with linseed, Vaseline or any other oil, you will have to periodically renew the impregnation, which will wear out as the board is used.

How to oil a cutting board?

Oil for impregnation is applied to a well-polished and dried surface. Having evenly distributed a generous amount of the finishing composition using a brush or swab, it is allowed to be absorbed into the wood structure (15-20 minutes), after which the excess is wiped off by running the swab along the fibers.

A new wooden cutting board is treated with at least two or three layers. Each fresh layer of oil is applied after the previous one has completely dried. This is not very convenient because vegetable oils quite low. Drying the boards must be done in a well-ventilated area.

Are other finishing compounds hazardous to health?

This question still causes heated debate, despite the fact that clear and authoritative answers have long been given to it. For finishing wooden products in contact with food, any finishing compositions can be used, including oil-based, polyurethane and nitrocellulose varnishes, shellac coatings and linseed oil. These materials are completely harmless to health, but only after complete drying. This is a very important point!

Before you start using kitchen board, which you decide to paint with one of these compounds, you need to make sure that the coating has completely hardened. Remember that the presence of a surface film does not mean that the composition has completely dried inside the wood.

How to maintain the attractiveness of the finish?

By following these simple instructions, your cutting board will retain its visual appeal for many years.

  1. Wash the product well after use warm water, if possible with minimal use detergents. Wipe off excess moisture without special zeal and do not allow the board to remain in water for a long time.
  2. The finishing of the kitchen board needs periodic updating. Outer layer“refresh” as they wear out, usually once every 4-5 months, depending on the intensity of use of the product. By controlling the condition of the protective layer, you will protect the board from cracking, swelling, and mold formation, while maintaining its visual appeal.
  3. When the working side of the board is severely damaged by knives, it is sanded and the finish is reapplied.

Turning a cutting board into an eye-catching decor

Inspired by the ideas in our gallery, you can create a product that is made from ordinary household utensils turn into original decor for your kitchen. Such an expressive and functional piece of furniture will be a spectacular gift that no housewife will remain indifferent to.

Wooden cutting boards are known for their durability and are therefore found wide application in the kitchen while cutting and preparing food. To extend the life of such a cutting board, first of all, it must be prepared for use by impregnation with oil. This will prevent damage to the board during use. In the future, the board must be cleaned regularly and re-oiled when the old impregnation wears out. In addition, when using a wooden cutting board, you should avoid certain things, for example, it is not recommended to cut meat on it, as this can lead to contamination of its surface with pathogenic bacteria.


Part 1

Preparing a wooden cutting board for use

    Buy Vaseline oil. To impregnate a wooden cutting board, it is best to use Vaseline oil. It will prevent the wood from cracking over time. You can buy petroleum jelly online, at your local department store, or even at a pharmacy.

    Treat the board with oil. Before treating the board with oil, you need to make sure that it is completely clean. Dry it with a dry paper towel. Then apply to paper towel generous amount of butter. After this, carefully wipe the surface of the board with a paper towel. thin layer spreading the oil over it.

    Let the oil soak in. Put the board somewhere where it won't be disturbed, e.g. kitchen cabinet. Allow the oil to thoroughly saturate the surface of the wood, leaving the board alone overnight.

    • If you need to use the board the same day, allow the oil to soak in for at least a few hours.
  1. Remove excess oil. After soaking in oil, the board may feel greasy or sticky. If the board is sticky, take a paper towel and wipe off the excess oil.

    • After removing excess oil, the wooden cutting board will be ready for use.

Part 2

Proper care of your cutting board
  1. Clean your cutting board after each use. Wooden cutting boards should never be set aside to be cleaned later. During this time, food debris and pathogenic organisms can penetrate into the wood itself. Be sure to clean wooden board immediately after use. Always wash your board by hand. Wooden cutting boards are not dishwasher safe.

    Dry your cutting board properly. Do not place your cutting board to dry on its side in the dish drainer. Instead, simply lay it on a flat surface. If you place a cutting board on its side to dry, over time it will begin to bend in one direction.

    Reapply oil treatments regularly. Check the board with water drops every few weeks. If the water remains on the surface, then the board does not need to be treated with oil. If water is absorbed, it is necessary to treat the board with another layer of Vaseline oil, and then leave it to stand overnight so that the oil is absorbed.

Part 3

Careful handling of the cutting board

    Do not wash your cutting board in the dishwasher. Wooden cutting boards are extremely sensitive to water. Under no circumstances should you place a wooden cutting board in the dishwasher. It must be washed exclusively by hand.

You may have heard that wooden cutting boards should be oiled, or you may have even done it yourself. Why is this required, and are any oils suitable? The simplest and affordable option- this is Vaseline oil, which can be found in the pharmacy - with it the cutting board will find a second life.

Why do you need oil?

  • The oil moisturizes the natural material, which without impregnation tends to dry out over time. Boards that undergo regular treatment last longer and maintain a presentable appearance.
  • The oil creates a natural protective film on the surface of the wood, preventing the absorption of odors and the penetration of bacteria deep into the board. It’s good if the product itself is of high quality and has properties like Epicurean boards, which do not absorb liquids and odors
  • Correctly carried out treatment will protect the surface from microbes and fungi and prevent the formation of mold.
Important: cutting board oil should not be vegetable: it will go rancid and give the product an unpleasant persistent odor. Unlike vegetable oil, mineral oil for impregnating a cutting board has no odor, no specific taste and will not impart its own aroma to the cut products.

How to oil a cutting board?

Gently pour mineral oil onto the surface and rub with a soft cloth. Coat the board on all sides, not forgetting the sides. Don't be afraid to pour too much oil - the wood will take as much as it needs, and the excess will simply be absorbed into the fabric.

Pure mineral cutting board oil will penetrate deeply and close the pores. This treatment should be repeated from time to time, at least 3 times a year.

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If you want to create more durable coating, which will fill small cracks and noticeable cuts, then you can add it to the oil beeswax. It will protect the surface from wear, make it smooth in appearance and to the touch, and prevent moisture from penetrating inside. Natural wax is sold in the same place as honey, or in online stores of components for cosmetics and soap making. It is necessary to mix oil and wax in a ratio of 4 to 1. This is done like this: the oil is heated in a water bath, wax shavings are added to it and mixed until the mixture is homogeneous. When using a microwave, you can place the container with the mixture for 30-40 seconds until the wax dissolves.

While the solution is hot, you need to coat all surfaces of the board with it. As it cools protective coating will become stronger, after its formation the board should be polished with a soft cloth. If you are using a new untreated board, then the procedure should be repeated after 6 hours and do not forget to renew the coating once a month.

Such a simple and quick procedure as impregnating a cutting board with oil will extend its service life for a long time. Moreover, if the product is expensive and of high quality, caring for it is simply necessary. Of course, even in the absence of any care, a wooden board can be successfully used, but literally in a year it will “grow old” and lose its attractive appearance.