Bas-relief on the wall. Master class “Do-it-yourself bas-relief for beginners! Decorative plaster bas-relief on the wall: how a beginner can make it with his own hands

Let's make a reservation right away: step-by-step technologies and a complete list of all components will be indicated below in the appropriate section.

First, we will list only the basic things you need to have:

  • Alabaster;
  • PVA glue;
  • Finishing putty;
  • Water.

This is the basics, but auxiliary materials already depend on the type of drawings, which we will deal with here and now.

The most substantial bas-reliefs come from an alabaster mass poured into molds.

Depending on the type of the latter, you can get absolutely any configuration of a convex pattern: fruits, flowers, shells and even classic capitals.

The main thing here is just to find the right form, and the rest is just trifles. Pouring plaster is not difficult at all..

These are the decorative elements that can be made in about an hour. This is a marine theme, and you are free to choose whatever you want.

These shells are poured using ordinary children's beads for sand and attached to sheets of drywall. And the framing of the frame is made of ready-made foam moldings, which are usually attached to the junction of the ceiling and wall.

It seems like nothing complicated. There's plenty of plaster in construction stores. But where can you get a good form?

Here we have to disappoint you, the choice is not that great: it is not enough to simply find a sample that is visually suitable in appearance, you also need the material to withstand the heating of the gypsum during hardening.

Yes, yes, it heats up quite strongly and expands! Therefore, molds for making soap, for example, are not suitable. They will simply burst and that’s it, since they are made of too thin plastic, not of the best quality.

You need something more substantial, like the same plastic beads, or even better – silicone for baking. It is not afraid of any metamorphosis of the material, since it is designed for both high heating and stretching.

And most importantly, it is much easier to remove the finished product from it than from something hard.

We have dealt with this type of bas-relief with our own hands, but detailed description We will give you the process below, in the appropriate subsection. There you will find a complete list necessary materials and accessories for each type of painting with your own hands.

But besides casting, there is also other options.

For example, a bas-relief made from ready-made plaster figurines! Such a picture looks extremely expensive, but its final price cannot but rejoice.

Panels with various Greek characters myths, for example, Aphrodite or little angels.

If you take these ladies from plaster and not marble, then such a purchase will not hurt your pocket. But these are not all the options!

You can make a very cute composition using ordinary fabric flowers, the types of which are countless in souvenir shops. In addition, you can use cones and other suitable forms. It will look like this:

A bas-relief made of plaster can be made removable, like an ordinary painting, or it can be made monolithic, as one with the wall, as you already saw in the top picture with shells.

And if you know how to draw, then it will not be difficult for you to make a three-dimensional drawing directly from putty, without using any aids and forms. But for this you need to have artistic taste and the most basic modeling skills. Here's what might happen:

Or even so, but for this you need to be a master.

These are, in fact, all the methods available to almost everyone. And now let's get down to specifics and let’s finally start doing, not dreaming!

Making a mold for pouring plaster

If for all sorts of different shells, fruits and bugs you can find a form and there is no point in making it, then for some details, such as grapes, it is easier to make the basis yourself than to try to find it.

Of course, they can not be cast, but rolled out of putty, but it will look somewhat worse, since this material is more porous when dried.

In general, with a certain skill, you can make any shapes you like using ready-made figurines. We bought one, and then poured out at least ten! And if you want, give them as gifts, or make panels if you want...

Well, let's get started. If we are talking about casting a grape berry, then you need to first roll it out of a thick putty mixture mixed with PVA glue, in the following proportions:

  • Finishing putty – 0.5 kg;
  • PVA glue – 1 tablespoon;
  • Water – 100 grams.

Knead the thick mass, pouring water gradually. Since we gave its quantity approximately, because it can differ significantly in use with different types putties.

After mixing, form a grape and let it dry for about a day. It should not burst, since the mass with the addition of PVA becomes quite resistant to cracking.

By the way, in the same top picture with shells, you can see the wall below, decorated using the technique of decorative strokes. So they need to be made with just such a mixture, based on PVA.

Well, is the grape dry? Let's make the form. For this we need:

  • 0.5 liters of silicone;
  • Plywood box;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Brush.

Liquid silicone is sold in construction stores, and you can choose any box, you will put a grape in it and fill it with the silicone mixture.

The main thing is that it can be easily disassembled, and then reassembled with self-tapping screws, and the holes can be covered with a mixture of silicone. This is necessary so that you can then easily pull it out without damaging it. ready-made form. If you don’t find a suitable box, you can assemble it from sheets of plywood.

We'll show you step by step photos using the example of filling a figurine, and you can already put whatever you want there. It’s important to understand the sequence, that’s all. And the amount of silicone may be different. A grape needs 100 grams, and an owl shown below already needs 1 liter.


Now let's move on to the most interesting part, forming alabaster figures with your own hands.

How to make alabaster mixture for bas-reliefs

If you are using silicone molds, there is no need to lubricate them with anything. But if you pour gypsum into a plastic bag, then you need to thoroughly lubricate it with sunflower oil.

We make the filling mixture like this:

  • 2 parts plaster
  • 1 part water

Pour the powder into the water gradually, stirring constantly, avoiding the formation of lumps.

There is no need to stir too intensively, there is no point, you will only oversaturate the substance with oxygen and the finished figurine may be covered with bubbles.

Then pour it into the chosen form, flush with its edge. And you rest for about a day.

In general, plaster sets much earlier. But the longer the figurine stays in shape, the stronger it will be and the chance of damaging it when removing it will be zero.

We attach a bas-relief to the wall

Now the finished composition needs to be fixed on the wall or on a piece of drywall if you want to make a removable bas-relief. In any case, they are attached in the same way. You can attach them using liquid silicone or simple putty.

The main thing here is this: to cover the gaps between the wall (plasterboard) and the figure so that it becomes a single conglomerate. This can also be done with putty.

If there are any irregularities, they must be carefully removed with an abrasive tape. And then you cover the finished painting water-based paint in a couple of layers.

Pure white compositions look best against the same background, this classic version. But you can paint in any colors you like, but only then, on top of a layer of white paint.

Bas-relief based on poured forms

And here we will list everything that may be needed for this particular type of panel:

  • Alabaster mixture
  • Forms
  • The base is made of plasterboard (if it is assumed according to your idea)
  • Putty (or silicone glue)
  • Water-based paint

We have already written above how to make an alabaster mixture, so we won’t repeat ourselves, it’s better to give you some important recommendations related to the process.

If you have come up with any composition, then do not rush to immediately glue the elements to the wall.

It's better to lay them out on the floor first and see if they look good. After all, it is not good to remove and re-glue the blanks several times, they will get dirty and more layers of paint will be needed later.

In addition to the elements poured into molds, you can add various materials to your composition. Let's say, if you are making a picture with shells, then you can glue regular crushed stone to the wall and paint it white. This will add volume and the picture will look much more interesting.

Bas-relief from ready-made figurines

You will need:

  • Picture frame;
  • Profile;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Drywall;
  • Putty;
  • Silicone glue;
  • Statuette;
  • Decorative elements to choose from;
  • Water-based paint.

Panels with ancient figures must be done within some framework. You can’t just hang it on the wall, it will look ugly. What can you do?

You can attach a picture frame directly to the wall, level the inside with putty, forming a single whole, then attach a pedestal for the statue (for this it is convenient to use profiles covered with plasterboard), which you also putty.

Then place the figurine on the glue and go through all the cracks again so that it looks cast. You can add various elements to the space in the frame: pebbles, shells, columns (you can buy them in pet supply departments, there are many different decorations for aquariums in the form of castles and other suitable style beauty).

And then you just cover everything with paint, including the frame. If necessary, not even two, but three layers. It’s nice that this bas-relief with your own hands looks simply amazing, but in fact, for beginners this is quite a feasible task.

Bas-relief – painting made from putty

You will need:

  • PVA putty mixture;
  • Water-based paint;
  • Artistic talent.

But here everything is in your hands, and in the literal sense of the word. There is no special technique that can be given and anyone can do it, even without the skill.

The only thing we can say is that you need to make a bas-relief with your own hands from putty in stages.

If you put a large piece on the wall at once, it simply won't hold up. The pattern is formed gradually, increasing as it dries. And of course, use a PVA-based mixture recipe.

You coat the finished panel with paint and you can invite guests to show off!

Bas-relief of rag flowers

You will need:

  • Fabric flowers or fir cones
  • Liquid alabaster mixture
  • Silicone glue
  • Water-based paint

The alabaster mixture needs to be made a little thinner than for filling the figures. You dip the pieces into it and leave them to dry. When they dry, dip them a second time so that the figure acquires a uniform and monolithic color.

Then you attach them to the wall with glue, and it’s easier to paint them with a spray can, matte paint. Since they are quite fluffy and fiddling with a brush is not very convenient in this case.

Such flowers do not oblige you to adhere to a strictly defined interior style. For example, if you are making Aphrodite, then you need to duplicate the columns or the Greek fresco somewhere.

And in this case, everything will be in harmony: bas-reliefs, any paintings on the walls, any design kitchen furniture, framed photos, etc.

In conclusion: how to care for bas-reliefs

No matter how much you disturb the PVA, the homemade bas-relief, sooner or later, begins to lose its appearance. Gaps will form between it and the wall and this is normal. You only need to occasionally cover the cracks and touch up these areas.

Well that's it! You know how to make a bas-relief with your own hands from plaster, and all you need to do is start taking action.

A bas-relief is a conventionally three-dimensional design that decorates the interior, and sometimes external walls houses or apartments. Unlike frescoes and sculptures, bas-relief is made directly on the wall, thanks to which it fits much more organically into the interior or exterior of the house. In this article we will tell you what tools, knowledge and skills are needed to create a bas-relief, and also give detailed instructions to create such decoration that will allow you to independently decorate your home with various paintings.

What skills are needed to create a bas-relief

To create a bas-relief you will need the following skills:

  • paint;
  • create three-dimensional images;
  • work with alabaster and gypsum solutions;
  • create stencils and work with them;
  • work with wire and create structures from it.

Any bas-relief is a partially three-dimensional painting, which should create a feeling of a three-dimensional picture. If these are leaves and flowers, then they should not be two-dimensional, but create the illusion of volume. If this is a more complex image, then it should create the illusion of full volume. Therefore, without the ability to create three-dimensional images and draw beautifully, it is better not to even try to make bas-reliefs, because later you will have to eliminate the consequences of your creativity. No less important is the ability to work with gypsum and alabaster solutions, because it is necessary to clearly know the lifetime of the solution, the optimal density parameters for various works, the ability to mix with dyes.

After all, to create a bas-relief, you need solutions that, although slightly, differ in thickness. The ability to create stencils is very important, because without them it is very difficult to outline the contours of a future painting, especially if you do not have great artistic talents and a highly qualified plasterer-painter. To create three-dimensional images with a thickness of more than 10 mm, and if the thickness and viscosity of a solution of 5 mm is incorrectly selected, it is necessary to create a frame that will prevent cracking of plaster or alabaster.


To work you will need:

  • paint brushes various forms and sizes, including crown molding;
  • palette knives; sculptural stacks of different sizes;
  • trowel;
  • measuring spoons;
  • container for mixing putty;
  • hammer drill with set of drills on wood and concrete;
  • flathead and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • clean rags;
  • powerful light source;
  • strong trestles or scaffolding;
  • protective clothing, respirator and safety glasses.

Preparing the wall

Wall preparation includes two stages:

  1. Alignment;
  2. Primer.

During leveling, you plaster the wall with sand-cement mortar, then level it with gypsum or alabaster putties to give it the necessary evenness. If you want to make a bas-relief on wooden wall, then you will have to first fix the reinforcing mesh, then plaster it. Be sure to use beacons (guides that help make the surface level). For primer, use acrylic, alabaster or gypsum compositions with a high sand content - this will create the necessary surface roughness and improve the adhesion of solutions to create a bas-relief. Only use primers that are labeled as suitable for alabaster and clay compositions. It is very convenient to apply the primer with a paintbrush due to its large width. When priming the wall surface, do not leave drips, because after drying they will be difficult to remove, and left drips will negatively affect the appearance bas-relief

There are no clear recommendations for creating bas-reliefs, because each master uses the combination of actions that is most convenient for him. Some create a bas-relief directly on the wall, others first cast its elements in plaster or alabaster, then inscribe them into overall design paintings. Some create a pseudo-volumetric image thin layer solution, others create completely three-dimensional paintings 30 or more centimeters thick. It all depends on the qualifications, artistic taste and talent of the master. However, we will give one recommendation - in order to improve your skills and not spoil the wall, create a bas-relief on a piece of plywood, chipboard or OSB, which after completion of the work can be hung on the wall. If something goes wrong and you ruin the bas-relief, then take a new piece of plywood and practice on it.

Below we will describe several techniques that will help you create beautiful bas-reliefs:

  • working with stencils;
  • the use of sculpted stacks, cutters and loops;
  • mold casting;
  • fastening the wire frame to the wall;
  • working with film.

Working with stencils

For the stencil, you can either draw it yourself or download it from the Internet and print it on paper. After this, you need to decide on the stencil material and its thickness, as well as the manufacturing method, so we recommend using already ready-made stencils, which can be purchased at stores selling decorative goods. A stencil is necessary to create the contours of the future painting, after which you can use stacks to give these contours the desired volume. Working with a stencil is not difficult - place it on the wall and fix it in any way, then fill it with thick gypsum or alabaster mortar. Remember, the thicker the stencil, the thicker the solution should be. If you use too liquid solution, then after removing the stencil the contours of the bas-relief will be blurred, so it is advisable to first practice on the board so that you do not have to prepare the wall again.

Using sculpt stacks, cutters and loops

You can purchase these tools from the appropriate stores. If you have good spatial awareness and artistic skills, you can use these tools effectively even without being a professional sculptor. After all, with their help, excess mortar is removed, giving a certain area of ​​the bas-relief the desired shape. Using these tools you can create any three-dimensional images, it all depends on your imagination, artistic taste and spatial imagination. These tools will not be superfluous when creating volumetric bas-reliefs, because with their help you can trim the edges, giving each layer of mortar the necessary shapes.

Mold casting

The use of pre-cast molds greatly simplifies the creation of three-dimensional compositions. For example, leaves are cast in molds, which are then attached to the wall to create the trunk and branches of a tree. The result is that the trunk and branches are part of the wall, and the leaves are separate, which improves the visual perception of the bas-relief and the effect it produces. Stores sell silicone and polyurethane molds of all sizes and designs. To create a bas-relief, it is necessary not only to cast molds from plaster or alabaster, but also to make a reinforcing frame inside them - this will prevent cracking of the resulting part and make it easier to attach to the wall, because not only glue or putty, but also wire will hold the part.

Some forms need to be lubricated with castor oil (this should be written in the instructions for the form), other forms do not need such an operation. To pour into molds, you need to use a much thinner solution than to work directly on the wall. In most cases, the solution is made similar in thickness to liquid sour cream, which allows for high-quality filling of the mold and ensures good strength of the part. Metal frame can be inserted into the mold either before or after pouring plaster or alabaster, both methods provide the same strength, so it all depends on personal preference.

Attaching the wire frame to the wall

The wire frame allows not only to attach heavy hanging decoration elements, but also to prevent cracking of plaster and alabaster if the layer is too thick (over 7–10 mm), making it possible to create figures of great thickness. The thickness of the wire depends on the place of its application and purpose - for fastening external decorative elements use steel wire 2–3 mm thick. It has high strength and rigidity, thanks to which it effectively holds external structure before the gypsum or alabaster coating dries. To reinforce parts of large thickness, you can use steel wire 0.7–2 mm thick, which has less rigidity and weight, so it is easier to work with. To attach the wire to the wall, it is convenient to use dowel-nails, for which a hole is drilled under the dowel using a hammer drill, then 1 turn of wire is wound onto a plastic clip and the dowel-nail is driven in until it stops. If you are attaching the wire to a wooden wall, then the technology is different - 1 turn of wire is wound on a self-tapping screw with wood carving, after which it is screwed into the wall until it stops. If necessary (if you have to use a self-tapping screw of great length/thickness or the walls are made of hard wood), a hole with a diameter 2 times smaller than the diameter of the self-tapping screw is drilled in the wall, which makes it easier to screw it in, but does not weaken the fixation in the wall.

Working with film

The film is used to create pseudo-volumetric compositions on a layer of asbestos or alabaster plaster of small thickness. First, a drawing on a scale of 1:1 is applied to the film with a marker, then a layer of plaster 3–6 mm thick is applied to the selected section of the wall and the film is placed on top, orienting the drawing in space. After this, trace the contours of the drawing with a pen and remove the film, and the drawing remains on the layer of plaster. Now you can use stacks to remove excess, creating the selected pattern and giving it volume.

When gypsum and alabaster come into contact with the skin, they dry it out excessively, so it is advisable to work with rubber gloves. In addition, be sure to use safety glasses to protect you from getting plaster or putty in your eyes. When dosing the solution, pouring it into a mixing container and stirring, wear a respirator - it is not very convenient to work in it, but if you spill the solution or otherwise raise dust, it will protect your bronchi and lungs from damage.

To create beautiful bas-relief, it is necessary to properly organize the work process. Powerful source The light will help detect the slightest defects, so you can easily correct them before the mixture hardens.

If the defect is discovered after the mixture has hardened, then it will be much more difficult to eliminate it, because the hardened plaster or alabaster will have to be processed not with stacks, loops or hooks, but sandpaper. You must learn to “by eye” determine the amount of solution that you can process before it hardens, otherwise you will constantly throw out the frozen excess. The lifetime of the solution depends on its composition and is indicated on the packaging; the optimal ratio of the dry mixture and water is also indicated there, so correctly determine the amount of solution required for a particular operation, and also adjust its thickness by changing the amount of water. Clear understanding required quantity and the thickness of the solution comes only with experience, so first practice on pieces of plywood or chipboard and don’t worry if something doesn’t work out, over time you will learn.

Understand the intricacies of the process, how to make a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands on free space, it is possible by combining knowledge of the basic techniques of its manufacture with practical training in application liquid material and installation of finished panels on the wall. Working surface dimensions do not have of great importance - artistic images can be placed in small parts on areas of the wall, ceiling, niches and corners that are free for viewing. The advantage of doing this part of the interior yourself is that after detailed drawing of a standard stencil, a unique design is obtained.

Details and differences

Decorative decoration in the form of a bas-relief on the wall, made by yourself, will give the room an artistic volume and an original, sophisticated look to the interior. The location, lighting, and chosen colors will fill the simplest drawing with personality and enchant the viewer. That is why this type of registration of private property is increasingly gaining popularity in comparison with finishing coatings mass production.

Simplicity and style

Creating paintings that are large and complex in detail makes beginners feel unsure of their ability to complete such painstaking work. You need to start mastering the technology with simple elements, and when you get a confident result, increase the scale and fineness of the lines. At creative approach With a few simple strokes and a play of shades you can create a whole picture.

Amazing monumental paintings are painstakingly created and finished by masters by hand, even if the main components are pre-cast in molds. A novice designer can acquire skills in working with plastic material, using techniques of combining differences in the level of planes and rough processing texture, and use the separation of parts of the same execution technique by contrasting them. Using a unique counter-relief method, images on empty walls are incorporated into modern urban design styles.

Often, improvised bas-reliefs are used to decorate individual home furnishings: a fireplace, columns, beams, niches or openings. Placing a raised pattern in an unexpected place enlivens long-familiar walls.

The functions of such a pattern can be not only decorative. The spatial solution allows you to hide the unevenness of one or adjacent surfaces and give an attractive look to strict engineering communications, obtain specified visual effects, create a thematic transition between zones and rooms of different styles and purposes.

If you show a little imagination using available material, then even for beginners, an improvised plot based on the theme of the environment can serve interesting solution restoration of areas in need of repair.

Combination with various materials

In many cases of making a bas-relief on a wall, painting the resulting surface does not become the main element of decoration. Relief-forming material needs more protection from changes in air humidity, absorption of greasy vapors and dust.

The texture pattern is clearly visible underneath different angles, changes its appearance with changes in natural light and skillful placement of artificial lighting. By turning on or off point light sources, accentuation or smoothing of the perception of bas-relief in the interior is achieved at the right time.

Choosing a three-dimensional image for the wall begins with assessing its location in terms of area, illumination and functional purpose premises.

The bas-relief should not be “crowded” between adjacent corners, the distance to opposite wall should allow the viewer to see the entire drawing. In narrow spaces it is permissible to use small parts whose placement on limiting structures does not create conditions for their mechanical damage or injury to passing people.

DIY manufacturing details

Once you have a desire to decorate your interior with a unique composition in the free areas of the room, you begin to realize it by choosing a pattern. He will determine the next steps to bring the idea to life. Operations required for bas-relief:

  1. Drawing up sketches of artistic elements. The pattern may consist of repeating identical shapes (1 or several types). You can combine many ready-made gypsum panels of different sizes in the allotted area, arranging them in a given order. The general plan layout is divided into separate sketches of each detail, drawn on a 1:1 scale for transfer to the surface being designed.
  2. Define technological features execution (panels, stencil, hand modeling). To complete the picture, in any case, it will be necessary to manually finish the seams of the glued parts, draw the features of the stucco molding, clean up the irregularities, and give the entire surface a given roughness.
  3. Select the main material that will be used for the work (gypsum, decorative plaster, alabaster, putty). Components for working on the construction of bas-reliefs do not belong to cheap varieties of such raw materials - putties, primers, adhesives for installing molded parts must be of high quality. The strength of the product should not be compromised by the use of raw materials with questionable characteristics. Execution in color requires the selection of paint brands, additional colors, varnishes for shine and protection.
  4. Based on the location of the panel, the purpose of its installation and desired effect, determine the need to install additional lighting sources, the number of points, the work and materials required for this.
  5. Prepare tools and equipment. They include both a standard set for applying and leveling putty, preparing mortar, measuring and marking, and special tools used to create volumetric elements from thick building masses.

Lots of templates available online

The most difficult thing, sometimes, is to choose one thing from the whole variety. possible options future decorative component of the interior. All subsequent stages already depend on this decision. You can view samples and download a stencil to create the bas-relief you like on websites specializing in this area:

Choose as your first try decoration apartments, genre paintings, battle scenes, complex images of people, wild animals and panoramic views are not recommended.

Repeating pattern

A suitable image for a novice master to acquire the skills to obtain a given result would be voluminous compositions of fruits, leaves, and flowers. They can be located like separate elements, and intertwining patterns, to form a fancy tree or cover the entire array.

First, you should watch a training master class from an experienced specialist, who will teach you the intricacies of professional production, application and processing of stucco relief details directly on the wall.

An example of a training video on making simple decor:

It is not advisable to reduce the simplicity of depicting an element you like to a primitive convexity on the wall - designating a background or something like a baguette frame will give it a complete and appropriate look.

Before starting work, the wall surface is thoroughly cleaned of old coatings, dried, treated with a primer and leveled with putty.


A separate gypsum element is made in a prepared form, and then glued in the selected location. To do this you need the following:

  • make a rigid box (box) with a low side according to the dimensions of the future part;
  • a three-dimensional form is placed on the bottom, which is covered with film (without folds or wrinkles);
  • products with significant thickness are reinforced by placing a wire frame in a mold;
  • According to the manufacturer's instructions, mix the solution and pour it into the mold;
  • keep the mixture for the time specified by the manufacturer until it dries completely;
  • remove the casting, grind, if necessary, the back side and ends for a tight fit to the base;
  • if the bas-relief consists of tightly fitting cast panels, then the treatment of the front surface is carried out after sealing all joints with putty, so that the plastered parts look like a single whole.

Finished parts located at a certain distance from each other can be connected by sculpting using arbitrary lines depicting branches or vines.


Technology of in-depth bas-relief from decorative plaster consists of using 1 of 2 execution methods:

  • cutting through an array of thick mixture applied to the wall according to a drawing transferred from polyethylene film M 1:1;
  • sequential build-up of layers around given areas.

The edges are leveled using a chisel, followed by general sanding.


This method is a variant of the form that is installed directly on the base. They take dense material and cut out sections of the pattern in it that will be filled with plaster or other composition.

Using the stencil method, you can create both a basis for convex images and build up the sides of thin sections of in-depth (counter-relief) compositions.


The most common way to make small details in any other type of image, as well as when making bas-relief from putty and alabaster.

The drawing is drawn with a pencil directly on the wall, large area can be divided into squares to facilitate layout and maintain scale.

It is not necessary to carefully draw the nuances of the entire picture; it is enough to indicate the outline of the object and the main lines of the fragments depicted in this area.

Upon completion of the bas-relief, its lines are brought to perfection with a sharply honed tool and covered with colored or white (ottocento) compounds.

We present to your attention a master class on creating a bas-relief on the wall. Actually, according to the designer’s idea, a giant pirate-themed panel will be placed on the wall, made using the wall airbrush technique (see master class on such painting). In the form of a bas-relief, that is, three-dimensional, there will only be a decorative frame.

Creating a bas-relief on the wall. Step by step instructions

Any work should begin from the surface. For this panel, I primed the wall with a deep penetration primer “Tex” on an acrylate base, then leveled it with latex putty and applied another layer of primer.

Next, I marked the width of the frame in proportion to the sketch agreed upon by the Customer. Pre-wrapped masking tape(so as not to spoil) wooden rivers, limited future “boards”. He nailed them to the wall.

Then he drove nails into the space between the slats and pulled the fishing line - made the reinforcement. At that time I did not have wire, but if available, you can use it.

To create the bas-relief, I used dry plaster mixtures: “Volma-layer”, “Volma-shov”, “Fugenfüller”, “Rotband”. “Rotband” showed itself best. The mixture made from it is at the same time viscous enough not to “slip” and hold its shape, and pliable and plastic enough to give the final volume and shape, and “cuts” perfectly. “Volma” is more plastic, so it flows, while “Fugenfüller” hardens quickly and is very difficult to process. When preparing the mixture, you need to take into account the lifetime of the resulting solution. It is different for each composition (see packaging), and you need to have time not only to apply the mixture to the surface, but also to add volume and relief. To create the relief of “old wood” I used an old brush - a mop, acting intuitively, bending the veins somewhere , inserted a “knot” somewhere or left the surface without relief (where the tape would be according to the sketch). I complicated the texture with knives (kitchen and stationery) and various improvised tools.
I found samples of tapes on the Internet and printed them out. life size. Then I transferred it to corrugated cardboard and carefully cut it out. I received a sample and a stencil. The sample was placed on nails. Then I placed the stencil and secured it with nails, and removed the sample. I did the reinforcement of the tapes in the same way. I applied the solution and gradually began to pick out the kinks, giving the desired volume and smoothness. I outlined the edge of the ribbons with a knife.

Here it is important to have time before the solution hardens, since after that it is like cutting a stone.

The bas-relief was covered with primer, any defects that appeared were filled with putty, sanded and primed again. And so on until the result satisfied me. Then he covered it with Tikurilla “Otex” primer, previously tinted to the very best dark color. Then I covered the “boards” with dark brown alkyd enamel(Tikurilla, Garden 10), carefully filling all the pores and cracks of the “wood” and immediately removed top layer with a rubber spatula, highlighting the protrusions and texture reliefs.

If you wanted, you could go over it with a semi-dry brush in a lighter tone, but I didn’t, and was satisfied with the result.

empstenup/ February 14, 2016 / /

You can always do the finishing work yourself. This applies not only to situations when you simply want to save on the services of specialists. Our master class will help you make a high-quality bas-relief on the wall with your own hands.

In the video, in addition to the master class, you will see a lot of tips and important points from a professional. Be sure to watch it so you don't make mistakes.


To complete the work you will need the following tools: wallpaper glue, primer high quality. First you need to remove all old coatings from the wall on which you plan to apply the image. Next we perform drying and priming. First we make a pencil sketch on the wall. Beginners are not recommended to immediately start drawing complex pictures.

Tropical vegetation and birds of paradise. You can use the cell enlargement technique if you have little to no skills. We draw squares both on the wall section itself and on the drawing. We transfer all the lines gradually, one by one. The main thing is to remember what image scale is chosen, even when it comes to small details.

Relief creation

Rubber and metal spatulas will help completely clean the future work surface. And the drawing itself must be covered with so-called polymer putty. It is necessary to fill certain areas with plastic mass. It's not that hard to do. The main thing here is the ability to give the material the desired relief, convexity according to all the rules. You need to start with a rough application of putty. Then you have to wait a little until the future drawing dries. At the next stage, we adjust the shapes and details. The same material is used for smoothing.

The bas-relief on the wall is carefully processed with sandpaper after it has completely hardened. Great solution– use of fine and medium fractions. A large one will also be needed, but it is used when it is necessary to bring the finished form to perfection.

Types of bas-relief

The most popular materials are clay and gypsum, wood and marble.. Casting from bronze or alabaster is a more complex option. It requires professionalism and a certain skill. Only a master can do the job.

The images themselves also become important factors in categorization. The ornamental type involves drawing patterns. It's not that difficult to make them. Scene pictures are a higher class of images. There are other varieties. For example, multifaceted compositions, a flattened classroom, and images with animals stand out. Best drawing a master will create it for a specific room.

Each group has its own characteristics. Additionally, various effects are created. You can often see plaster images of birds and plants, fruits and flowers. Pictures with people and others symbols They also occur, but they are often purchased ready-made rather than made independently. They are either mounted on the walls or inserted into special niches.

Features of drawing

There are certain rules creating a composition. Not only a master, but also a beginner can fulfill these conditions.

  • A frame is assembled from materials.
  • Cover the entire mold with cling film or polyethylene. The main thing is that the flooring remains level. Wrinkles should be eliminated wherever possible.
  • The solution is poured into the mold and wait until it dries.
  • The contours of the drawing are drawn using cutters. The tool must be of a suitable shape.

It is necessary to prepare the surface if the design is applied to it immediately. Old coatings and dirt must be completely absent. The primer is applied when the wall is perfectly level. This also needs to be done carefully.

You can sketch future images while the material dries. Printing pictures on a printer in parts is an excellent option for transferring small parts. Each part is transferred to a special film. Contour lines are drawn as soon as the surface is ready. This helps to bring the entire composition together into a single whole.

Relief creation

After the mold has completely dried and the contour has been applied, this stage is started if the panel is created separately from the wall. The volume is increased from the newly prepared mixture. Apply several layers and wait until they dry. The background is leveled and sanded when the required depth is achieved.

In two stages, a relief is created when drawing on the wall. First they make a draft. Then fill the required elements with the mixture. Excess trimmings are removed. After this, the rough layer should dry out a little. Then small elements are finalized.

Installation of bas-relief (stage by stage)

A pre-prepared picture is attached to the wall using wallpaper or tile adhesive. Apply it to the tile and wall at the same time. Self-tapping screws or nails help to cope with especially heavy structures. It is important that they protrude only 2/3 of the width.
The method of recessing into the wall is the optimal solution if the structure weighs too much. The panel can be placed in a special niche. The seams must be plastered and primed.

The following is done with bas-reliefs made directly on the wall:

  • We carefully plaster the bas-relief, when he's ready. The material class does not matter.

  • Carefully clean all seams and depressions from dust. The process requires a responsible approach and care.

  • We prime the bas-relief using a special brush.

  • The relief is covered with paint, representing high class.

The best solution is water-based varieties. White paint is suitable if you do not intend to use several colors at once. Protruding elements are also processed.

2Video about creating a bas-relief

Bas-relief work (28 photos)