When is the best time to dig a well? When is the best time to dig a well? Choosing the time to dig a well based on the type of soil

When it comes to shallow country or village wells, the question of how deep they will be comes to the fore. When to dig or in rural settlement so that in summer, for example, or in winter, a sufficient amount of water can be guaranteed to be obtained from such a well?

A little earlier we discussed how critical it is to choose a place to dig a well above the trough of the aquifer. And they came to the conclusion that with the use of modern earth-moving equipment, you can dig a well anywhere.

Also in the matter of choosing the time to dig a well. If you use modern equipment, excavators and cranes, in order to dig a well shaft and place reinforced concrete or fiberboard there well rings, you can not pay attention to the time of year when this is done.

You can dig. Be it in winter or in summer, making a backlog of 1-2 rings, which will be 1-2 meters greater in depth of the well shaft. With such a reserve, seasonal fluctuations in the water level in the well shaft will be leveled out. And you will have the opportunity to equip your well not when it’s “supposed”, but when it’s convenient for you in terms of attracting finance and labor along with equipment.

Choosing the time to dig a well

However, even here everything is not so simple, and you still have to choose what time is best to dig a well.

Crews who manually remove soil from a well shaft cannot tell exactly when they should stop and stop the excavation process. Simply put, not a single foreman knows in advance at what point to give the command to his workers “not dig anymore.”

Usually workers stop digging when the foreman sees that he has stumbled upon a good aquifer. Water must flow into the well shaft constantly and with good pressure.

At moments when the soil is saturated with water, it is easy to make a mistake regarding the fullness of the sand layer. After the snow melts or after heavy rainfall, almost any sand layer is saturated with water. When the soil becomes less saturated with water, some sandy layers may have no water at all.

For this reason, for fear of stopping at the level of the “lean” layer, wells are never dug when the soil is saturated with water. This is the spring season after the snow cover melts and the summer-autumn season in case of heavy rainfall.

Comparison of seasons when digging a well

So when is it better to dig a well - in the fall or in the spring? If there was little snow in the winter and the flood in the spring was small, if the summer was dry and the autumn too, best moment Well digging will take place in the last months of autumn and the very beginning of winter. Digging a well in November or December, until permanent snow cover is established, is the best option in this situation.

If the summer was quite humid and it rained constantly in the fall, then it is best to dig a well in February - March, before the active melting of the snow cover begins. At this moment, the upper layers of the soil are frozen, and there is quite a bit of surface moisture left in the lower layers. Eat good opportunity stumble upon a deep aquifer, which retains its fullness even in conditions of low soil moisture.

When to dig a well, in spring or winter, in February or November, depends on how rainy the previous summer and autumn were.

Without a doubt, you can dig a well yourself. You just need to know how it's done.
In this article we will look at how to properly dig a well yourself. will be given detailed instructions to complete this work, you can watch photos and videos on the rules for performing this work.

What is a well

This is a rather complex structure, so before you start creating it, you need to become familiar with the construction technology and types of structures.

Let's take a closer look:

  • It is dug to a certain depth.
  • There are wells for sand, gravel, and limestone.
  • The depth of this structure reaches 15 m.
  • The well on sand can be 6-8 m.
  • At this depth, the water quality is not at a high level.
  • At greater depths, the water is cleaner and of better quality.

Note. It all depends on the equipment used for the arrangement.

  • It's not enough to just dig it up.
  • It must be qualitatively equipped both outside and inside (see).
  • For this purpose special modern materials that meet environmental standards.

Preparing for work

You can start digging a well yourself after some work has been done, but at the very beginning you should figure out what this structure is, you need to know the basic technological principles and be sure to follow safety precautions.

Choosing a location

You need to dig a well yourself in the right place. This structure must be placed according to the rules, otherwise you may cause damage, for example, to the structure.

The foundation will simply sag and you won’t understand why. There is a detailed article on our website that tells you how to look for a driver, but there are also rules that should be taken into account when choosing a place.


  • You need to dig a well yourself no closer than thirty meters to the toilet and other places of pollution. It could be a garbage dump or a road;
  • After identifying the aquifer, you must also choose a location that is not in a lowland. There, when it rains, water accumulates and the well can become contaminated. It is better to choose a hill;

Attention: You should never build a well in a wetland. The water there will not be potable.

  • It is definitely worth considering not only the location of buildings in given time, but also think about what else you want to do on the site. This is necessary so that the well does not interfere.

How to determine the depth of a well

You need to start digging a well by carrying out simple geological surveys to determine the presence of groundwater at the construction site. The depth of their occurrence is determined.

This can be done using special instruments: an aneroid barometer or spirit level. The presence of deep water can be determined by nearby sources.

Tip: If the well is located near summer cottage It is enough to use the spirit level readings. If the distance is significant, you need to use a level or aneroid barometer.

There are several ways to determine the depth of water:

  • Determination of value using an aneroid barometer. This method is as follows: On the device, the division value is 0.1 millimeters. This corresponds to a one meter difference in height. For example: at an existing well at ground level, the atmospheric pressure indicated by the device is 745.8 mm, and at the site of the proposed construction it is 745.3 mm. The difference is 0.5 mm, which means we are digging a well five meters deeper, but this is only if the aquifers are horizontal and lie in the form of a water pool.
  • Groundwater often has slopes that resemble groundwater flow. In this case, the depth is determined by interpolating the measurement results, but it gives an approximate result.
  • Most reliable way– exploratory drilling before starting work.
  • If none of the above methods are suitable, then on a hot summer day you need to observe a body of water that is located far from the chosen one. The formation of a small fog (haze) over the area in the evening indicates the presence of water; the thicker it is, the closer it is to the surface.

Selecting a build configuration

Every well is a large round or square shape, deepened into the ground to reach artesian water that can be consumed by humans. The depth of such a mine is usually close to 10 meters, but sometimes it can reach 30-30 meters.

The well consists of the following parts:

  • Head, which is above the ground;
  • Mines– deepening the well;
  • Receiver for waterbottom part well where water collects.

Attention: Do not forget that a water purifying filter must be installed at the bottom of the well shaft. As a rule, the filter is made of a three-layer coating of gravel and crushed stone.
In this case, the first layer is small components 10 centimeters thick, the second layer is 15 cm and the third layer is 15 centimeters or more. It happens that the soil at the bottom of the well has a viscous structure, in which case the floor is made of boards with holes for water to enter, and the top needs to be covered with a layer of filter for the bottom.

The well trunk can be made of stone, brick, wood, or concrete. A common and easy option is to use concrete rings. We will tell you about the construction of such a well in more detail.

Safety precautions

Digging a well shaft is a dangerous activity for humans.

Therefore, you should adhere to some simple safety guidelines:

  • Necessary mandatory presence the worker has a helmet to protect against stones and soil falling on his head, which may fall while removing materials from the well;
  • During excavation work, it is periodically necessary to check the strength of the rope. To do this, a large and heavy sinker is hung from it;
  • Required in mandatory checking the reliability of all fastenings of the bucket pulling out the earth;
  • Due to the fact that high humidity and cold soil are bad for your health, do not stay in the well for too long, as you may get sick.

How to calculate the cost of digging a well?

The cost of manually digging a well depends on several factors.

More details:

  • The cost of constructing a well is based on the cost of materials and equipment for its construction.
  • Concrete rings. This is the main element of the construction of the structure, without which the well is impossible.

Advice. When purchasing rings, you should choose options with metal “ears” for gripping with a tap.

  • Connecting brackets for slabs. If the slabs have smooth walls without grooves, they add strength and reliability to the structure.
  • Sand and cement. Concrete mortar The cracks and chips in the rings are covered, and the seams are sealed.

Advice. It is necessary to buy waterproof cement that does not crack from humidity and dampness.

  • Granite, gravel and crushed stone. They are needed for good water filtration.
  • Labor force. This aspect is calculated individually. Everyone decides for themselves whether to dig themselves or hire a team of professional workers, since compliance with equipment and safety rules also plays a big role.

The process of digging a well

Let's get started with the actual implementation. construction work. All work is done entirely with your own hands, and do not forget about safety precautions.
The video in this article will show the entire process of completing the work.

First option

This is how you can do the work if your soil wakes up and you cannot immediately make full-size holes.


  • At the location of the future well, we mark it in such a way that the diameter of the well is 10 cm greater than the diameter of the concrete rings used. The hole is dug to a depth that allows the first ring to not sink completely. There should be 8-10 cm above the ground;
  • On a trolley, the height of which is also 8-10 cm, it is transported to the shaft and lowered vertically. Do not allow the ring to warp, as this will affect the quality of the entire structure. Then we place the next concrete ring, fastening it with three brackets;

Attention: A sealing tape should be placed between the rings to make the joint more airtight. You can even use a simple rope with a diameter of about two cm. It will fill the joint cavities.

  • In the center we make a hole 80 cm deeper. Then the hole needs to be dug in a circle so that the concrete ring sinks into the ground by its gravity. If the earth is soft, then it is removed first in the center of the ring; if the earth is hard, then it is removed first under the ring itself, so that nothing interferes with its lowering. Then, when the ring lowers and settles, take out the earth in the center;
  • Docking concrete rings Tightness is ensured by laying tarred hemp rope, which is then treated with a solution based on cement and sand. We lower the rings into the shaft until water appears at the bottom of the well. The resulting water and sand are removed from the well shaft. The well will fill with water within 12 hours;
  • The next day you need to delete it again. Cleaning is carried out until the water is completely purified. Then the well is covered and left untouched for 24 hours;
  • After this, water and sand are pumped out again and filter gravel or crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the well. First, 10-15 cm of fine fraction, then 30-40 cm of larger gravel. The permissible level of well water is 1.5 meters. This is more than one concrete ring;
  • The distance between the walls of the pit and the well shaft must be filled with a mixture of gravel and sand, fixed on the surface of the earth with clay and covered with sand. Clay will prevent rainwater from entering the well, as well as melted snow in winter period time.

Second option

This kind of work is perfect for soil that does not wake up and you can do the work using the open method:

  • First we make a hole in the ground. It should be approximately 50 cm larger in diameter than the ring;
  • Now you should bring the second ring and lower it into the hole. The best way to do this is to use a crane. This is the least secure. Although some people make block structures and use them to do this work. But when making them, care should be taken special attention quiet reliability. After all, the ring doesn’t weigh that much;

  • Now you need to put a sealing tape along the contour and then install the second ring. We do this all the way to the top;
  • The fastening of the rings is done using metal ones.

How to dig wells in winter

The instructions indicate that sometimes, for a number of reasons, it is better to dig a well in winter.

Reasons for this may be:

  • Lowest level groundwater, which means it won’t dry out in the summer.
  • In winter it is easier to find labor.
  • Price building materials and the rings themselves are much lower.

The disadvantages may be:

  • Clearing snow from roads for cargo delivery.
  • Providing builders with warm housing.

It is known that in winter the ground freezes to about one meter, which is not very difficult to thaw or beat off with hammers.

Subsequent actions are the same as at other times of the year. The mine can be deepened three rings below, which will make it possible to use water all year round, and the newly dug well can be used in the spring.

Sealing seams

After installing the rings, you need to seal the seams. This is necessary so that the upper wastewater does not penetrate into the well.


  • Let's do cement mortar. It consists of sand and cement. For M300 we use a proportion of 1/3;
  • We cover the seam from the inside of the ring using a spatula;
  • After complete hardening, some recommend treating the coating with liquid glass.

Attention: The seams of a well are never sealed with solutions that contain bitumen. This can only spoil the water.

  • We make a covering around the well. To do this, the diameter of the well is reduced by a couple of meters. The depth used is about 10-20 cm. This place should simply be concreted. This platform will serve as protection against the penetration of dirty water.

Now you see that the issue price drinking water in the house, not that big. The most important thing is to follow the rules for doing the job.

Sewage wells

Sewage well on suburban area provides wastewater collection.

It could be:

  • In the form of a simple drainage hole.
  • In the form of septic tanks with different numbers of chambers.

Both types are usually constructed using reinforced concrete rings.


  • The depth should not be less than 2 m.

Advice. Such a depth, if the structure is constructed correctly, will make it possible not to clean it so often.

  • The diameter can be any, but not less than 80 cm.
  • The rings are installed into the structure using special equipment.
  • Rings are used for sewer wells, which are used to make a water well.

Advice. It will be mandatory to make a filter at the bottom of the sewer well to purify waste water that enters the ground naturally.

The following is used as a filter:

  • Sand.
  • Gravel.
  • Crushed stone.

Koepka sewer wells can be performed:

  • A handy tool - a shovel.
  • An excavator is the fastest and easiest way.

You can use the services of government firms or private organizations that, for a fee, short terms They will build a well on a country plot.

Your own well means clean water all year round without shutting down for maintenance, the ability to use water for food and for watering plants, without paying a penny for the cubic meters of liquid spent. This is especially true during a crisis. If you have a plot and have a choice between running a water supply and installing a well, then definitely choose the latter.

Despite the apparent ease of the task, it should be approached responsibly. Before you begin, you must determine the location of the well. The volume of water that can be obtained, as well as the quality of the liquid, depend on its choice. Where should you never build a well?

In order to find a place for a well you need a real “dog’s” sense of smell.

If you want to obtain water suitable for drinking, then the well cannot be placed in the following places:

In marshy areas and near ditches ( dirty water from the surface will mix with clean water);

Near toilets, deep pits and warehouses with fertilizers (if they are on the site, then the distance to them should be at least 10 meters);

Close to composts and garbage dumps (if there are any, remove the place for the well by at least 12 meters);

Near residential buildings/houses (to avoid dirt getting into the water, remove the well at least 10 meters);

Near burials (it is better not to build a well at all, but if there is a need, then you need to remove it 50-100 meters);

Near buildings where small livestock or birds are kept (also at least 10 meters to the well, and better yet further);

Near baths or showers (if you do not want water from your body to return to you through a well, then build it at least 8 meters from such buildings);

Near places for parking a car (if you do not want to get water containing motor oils or gasoline, then the well should be at least 10 meters from the parking lot);

Close to big ones highways(the less pollution on the surface, the cleaner the water);

In low places of the site (there will be constant formation of rainwater which may collect contaminants).

As you can see, the list of exceptions is voluminous, but it should not upset you. Even if the area is small and a lot of things are concentrated on it, then in such cases it is recommended to dig a deep well.

Where to choose a place to dig a well?

The ideal place for a well is the elevation of the site (the highest point). This will avoid contaminants derived from waste water through the rings, and will also make your water as clean as possible.

The most favorable location for a drinking well is a hill of sandy soil

Good option, if you plan to place the well on sandy soil. In this case, there will be no problems with digging. Clay will be more difficult, but it can also be dug manually, without the use of machinery. If there are a lot of stones in the soil, then it is better to involve specialists in digging a well - digging a deep well with your hands will be extremely problematic.

When is the best time to dig a well?

The well is very sensitive to the seasons. If you build it in the spring, then in the summer you can be left without water, since initially you can confuse a good aquifer with melt water. Most best time for well construction from December to March and from June to September. It is better not to carry out work in April, May, October and November.

Before you start building a well, it is important to decide at what time it will have to be dug. This important decision, on which its further operation and its filling with water depend. If you choose the wrong timing, you can be completely left without water or there will not be enough water for household needs.

Experts recommend digging a well in the frosty winter, at the end of spring, when the snow melts and floods have passed, or in the summer until the autumn rains begin. It would seem that winter is an unfavorable time: frosts, frozen ground, but it is during this period that the groundwater level is low, which means correct calculations the depths of the well will be more reliable. The same applies to summer. Have a good time earthworks, if the summer is dry. Digging is not recommended in early spring and autumn.

It often happens that when digging a well during the rainy season or during snow melting, and discovering the first signs of the appearance of water, work is stopped. But groundwater lies deep, and the moisture encountered is just the reason for its seasonal rise due to high humidity soil. Therefore, there are often situations when excavation work ends when water is discovered at this time of year, and as time passes, when the soil becomes dry, the moisture goes deeper. In this case, the source is not filled or its filling is insufficient.

There are several rules that will help determine the time for earthworks.

1. We carry out exploration activities.

Before digging a well, it is necessary to find out the presence of groundwater and at what depth it lies. This can be done with a drill at any time of the year, and the construction of the well can be postponed until winter or summer.

2. If the groundwater goes down, you can start digging.

When to dig a well? Where to dig? How long will construction take? Perhaps these are frequently asked questions. There is an opinion that you cannot dig a well in winter and the best time of year for this is summer and autumn. Actually this is not true. Which the right time for the construction of a well we will analyze in this article.

Summer and autumn - time summer seasons, when almost every house has owners and guests every weekend, and when water from the well is in special demand. And then need forces you to build your own well with spring water on your plot near your house. A well can be built at any time of the year, with the exception of spring, when abundant melt water do not allow you to go into the ground and reach clean aquifers. Wells dug in winter last a long time and turn out to be truly rich in terms of volume and quality of water!

Warm weather, long daylight hours, and other amenities for the construction of many objects - wells, houses and everything else, have a huge stir in summer time year. Sometimes there are queues for wells, but having received a ready-made well in the summer, it needs time to form, and it is not always possible to immediately drink crystal from it clean water. The water in the well settles naturally for up to two weeks. At first, the water is cloudy or sandy and not suitable for drinking. The water must settle until all the sand has settled to the bottom, and only then can water be supplied to the house. Immediately after the well has been dug, it must be closed to prevent penetration sunlight and debris getting into the well, and most often from mice and moles who are eager to drink spring water. After you close the well, no matter what - with a well house or a hatch, or just a temporary iron sheet, it needs complete rest! Excessive pumping (except clay wells) threatens to dry out and even worse, the well may become covered with sand or silt and will be damaged in the future. Each well is like a living organism, a young well is too weak and needs to be formed in a natural way, for this you need to take water only when necessary, and not pump it out just to see what is at the bottom and where the water is oozing from, for us this is just curiosity, and for a young well this is a huge and destructive stress. A well built in winter will be in the desired mode than one built in the summer, when water consumption is many times more in demand than in winter time. By the summer, with your stay at the dacha or in the house, the well will get stronger and it will be more difficult to spoil it than a fresh well that has just been built.

In the spring, after the snow has melted, most wells are considered formed, and some wells need a second stage - cleaning the well, greasing the seams, arranging a clay castle around the well, which will prevent rainwater from entering the well. In some cases, a clay castle around a well is made immediately after the well has been built, but it is considered temporary, and after the snow melts and heavy rains, the soil around the well will shrink one way or another, and then the time will come to make a permanent clay castle, it is built only after how the well went through its entire formation. The full formation stage occurs only after heavy rains or with melting snow.

In fact, judging by the time of year, it is only in the spring that the construction of wells becomes impossible, since during the snow melting period the high level groundwater. This water is not suitable for drinking, and the correct depth of the well cannot be determined during this season. Such wells - with the wrong depth, as a rule, dry up in winter or dry summer. And often, at the end of spring, the water simply goes away. The only way out in this situation is to deepen the well, which is not always possible and there are many reasons for this - a crooked well shaft, displacement of rings, boulders, a previously deepened well, as well as the cost of deepening services, which is 2-3 times higher than the cost of construction . The reason for this is the difficulty of working in a narrow repair ring, in which no one can turn or turn, so the work period for deepening the well is extended. And during the time that the well is being deepened, the team is able to build 2 new drinking springs, so the price depends on the construction time and the complexity of all the work. To prevent such an annoying mistake, you need to wait for dry weather, or wait for frost. But in winter, all chores go into hibernation and no one wants to go to the dacha in cold weather to clear snowdrifts and start construction. You do not have to be present at the site during the construction of the well; as a rule, one meeting with the foreman is enough. In most cases, the brigade does not need to be provided with housing, since the brigade arrives at the work site by personal transport, works all day and leaves, and after resting, arrives early in the morning and starts working again.

The construction time of a well depends on its depth and complexity of the soil; most often, a well with up to 12 rings is built from 2 to 4 days. By and large, building a well in winter is a difficult and not easy task, since it is a cold time for the team. But there is also a plus in this difficult task - when building a deep well in winter, craftsmen do not need to supply additional oxygen to the bottom of the well; in winter, the temperature at the bottom of the well is above zero and the air is more dense due to the sub-zero temperature above the well. They are also created in winter additional favorable conditions for digging both deep and shallow wells - the ground freezes an average of a meter and prevents precipitation from getting into the ground, while an “artificial drought” is created and does not interfere with the work of the team ground level water, unlike in summer, when this level is higher.

A well built in winter is unlikely to dry out in summer. “But how will people work in such cold weather?” - you ask. It all depends on the hard work of the team. Trained by many years of experience working with wells, including in the winter season, our craftsmen are always ready to work for you! In the winter of 2013, the “Well for the Dacha” craftsmen built more than 700 wells, and in the winter of 2014, more than 1,000 drinking wells.