Burner being tested: principles of operation, making it yourself. We make a burner for mining with our own hands Do-it-yourself fuel oil burner

After using the vehicle, it remains large number used oil. The law prohibits pouring liquid into the ground or water bodies, so it is disposed of at enterprises. This problem can be solved by creating a burner for mining with your own hands. The simple design will please you with its high reliability and efficiency, and is useful for use at home.

History of the design

For the first time, homemade waste oil burners appeared in the last century. Due to frequent power outages and central heating people were looking for ways to heat rooms cheaply. And if gas and electricity were expensive, then liquid fuel cost practically nothing, so using it turned out to be more profitable even compared to firewood, coal or peat. Then burners were invented that worked on the principle of kerosene gas (kerosene-based devices). The liquid was evaporated under high temperature, and the steam was burned in a separate pyrolysis chamber.

The disadvantages of this equipment were soot and bad smell, so people separated the fuel into fractions and then burned them separately. Then the English scientist Babbington received a patent for a new stove running on diesel fuel. As soon as the copyright expired, the design of the burner was repeated by home craftsmen and industrial enterprises. The device using waste oil turned out to be more economical and reliable.

Waste oil burner

Main parts of oil equipment:

  • fuel line;
  • container for liquid;
  • pump connected to the gap;
  • a bowl in the form of a hemisphere with a small hole;
  • a nozzle entering this opening;
  • pallet.

The hemisphere is installed slightly below the fuel line, through which the oil flows and evaporates. The vapors rise, mix with the air stream, and form a fuel mixture. The liquid that has not had time to evaporate falls into the pan, and from it flows through the pipe back into the container. Although the design is very simple, All parts must be manufactured carefully and accurately. Finished drawings It is better to download injectors for testing yourself from the Internet.

Burner in production DS2 (12-55) kW.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The burner is created not only because of its efficiency. The design has several advantages:

Industries that have significant oil waste can save on heating and waste disposal. Other types of burners consume much more fuel with the same operating efficiency. Small dimensions allow the structure to be integrated into any heating system.

The disadvantages include frequent contamination of the fuel tank, which is why the oil needs to be constantly filtered. Pump and air compressor work from electrical network, and this is expensive. In residential areas, the burner should not be used for a long time, as it emits an unpleasant odor. A drain must be made for combustion products.


Operating principles

Typically, in a burner design, the air-oil mixture is supplied under pressure through a nozzle. But in the Babbington device, vegetable fuel is supplied using a pump and flows through a spherical part into pipes and a pan. The liquid creates a thin film and evaporates. The steam enters the air currents, which enter the burner through small hole in the sphere. Oil in a gaseous state is mixed with air, which forms a fuel torch. It is ignited and warms the walls of the furnace, boiler heat exchanger or boiler.

Some of the fuel does not have time to evaporate or burn, so it flows below the hole and ends up in a special pan. The liquid then passes into the fuel tank and the cycle repeats. Fluidity and volatility will increase if the oil is preheated. Warm waste breaks up into droplets, which increases the efficiency of the entire structure.

Step-by-step production

Before you make a burner for mining, you need to stock up on some tools and materials. List of what you might need:

The pump can be taken from any brand of car or motorcycle. Its drive shaft is connected to an electric motor. A compressor from an old refrigerator will ensure long-term operation of the device. The tube is screwed into the hole of the cross, a plug is attached to the second opening, after first attaching a hemisphere to it so that it is located in the center. Then a pipeline is supplied to supply air.

You need to screw a fuel line into the upper opening, through which oil will flow to the sphere. Bottom hole goes to the pan where the waste that has not had time to burn is collected.

The burner has several main components through which fuel passes:

  • control and power unit;
  • car pump;
  • fuel tank;
  • compressor;
  • cross.

All parts are fixed in a metal frame. The most responsible job is making your own nozzle for used oil. The efficiency of the device depends on its quality. The size of the nozzle opening directly affects the burner power. The opening must be made perfectly even and smooth, then the torch will have suitable shape. It is better to use a ready-made jet from a carburetor or gas stove- he has optimal diameter.

Safety rules

During the manufacture and operation of a multi-fuel burner for boiler heating, you must follow the rules fire safety. Before use welding machine the master puts on work gloves and a protective mask, removes all flammable objects at a considerable distance.

Before installing the KChM burner, you need to check its operation - light it, let all the fuel burn, clean its elements and start it again. You can filter and heat the waste in advance.

It is necessary to avoid getting water inside the structure, as this can cause a fire. Also, do not touch the hot body of the device, otherwise the risk of burns and injuries increases.

Babington burner

Manufacturing difficulty: ★★★★★

Production time: A couple of days

Available materials: ██████░░░░ 60%

I work in a car repair shop and am faced with the problem of waste disposal. I recently found it on the Internet interesting scheme, and decided to do burner in production with your own hands, and it can work with unrefined oil mixed with water or even with shavings!
The basic idea is this: oil flows over a spherical surface and spreads over it in a thin film. If air or flammable gas is introduced through a small hole in the surface (just below the oil layer), the jet will finely atomize the oil. If you set it on fire, we get an excellent oil torch.

  • Bucket
  • Sheet iron
  • Automotive oil pump
  • Engine for oil pump with speed controller
  • Bolt M10
  • Copper tube
  • Heat and light sensors
  • Solenoid air valve
  • Drill
  • Grinder or hacksaw
  • Welding machine
  • Keys, pliers
  • Soldering iron

    How to make a working burner

    Operation scheme

    In honor of its creator, the burner is called the Babington burner. Here is the original diagram

    How it works

    The oil flows from outside the nozzle, so its cleanliness does not affect operation. Air consumption is very low, only a few liters per hour.

    Can be used homemade compressors from refrigerators, or compressors from aquariums.

    Also, the oil draining from the sphere must be fed back into the tank, which means that an oil pump is needed.
  • I decided to make the burner in the form of an attachment to a bucket of oil. An automobile oil pump is attached to a sheet of iron along with a motor and gearbox and a speed controller to regulate the oil supply.

    Making a burner nozzle during testing

    It was not possible to find a metal sphere, so I welded a strip of stainless steel to an M10 bolt and sanded it into a spherical shape.

    In the center of the bolt I made a hole with a diameter of 5 mm, and pressed an aluminum plug into this hole, and made a hole in it with a diameter of 0.3 mm,

    I inserted the nozzle into a 1.5" cast iron tee and made a base for the tee with a water seal for safety.

    Schematic diagram of the future Babington burner

    We roll the copper tube into a spiral with a diameter slightly larger than the outlet diameter of the tee

    To avoid damaging the structure of the tube, pour sand into it before bending.

    We attach the tube to the tee.
    Babington burner assembly. The oil is supplied through a copper pipe. The tube is bent into a spiral to ensure heating of the oil.

    Heated oil becomes more liquid and atomizes better


    Front view, you can see the nozzle in the center

    Here is the burner in operation. You can see how finely the oil is sprayed

    Automation of the burner during production

    Action plan

    To start a homemade burner during testing, I will try to use a purchased propane burner. If you use propane instead of air at the nozzle, you can do without an ignition burner.
    The automation will work something like this: the controller opens the gas tap and supplies a spark. When a flame sensor (thermocouple, for example) detects the presence of a flame, the ignition is turned off and after a while the oil and air supply is turned on, after which the presence of a flame on the burner is monitored by an optical sensor. As soon as the flame begins to flicker steadily, the gas to the igniting burner is turned off. A temperature sensor will also be installed, and after overheating above a critical temperature, the Babington burner will turn off, cool, and turn on again.
    The nozzle had to be replaced with a smaller one, it burns a little weaker (otherwise it was impossible to approach). It is possible to implement stepwise power adjustment; for this we make two nozzles with different diameters, one more than the other. We connect them to two different air valves, and we get three degrees of power, one nozzle, the second, or both at once.

  • I made an igniting burner by looking at the device on a Chinese burner

    The Babington burner operates on propane at a pressure of 0.2-1 kg/cm. A tube with a car spark plug for attaching the ignition burner and a tube for the flame presence sensor are welded to the burner.


    It starts wonderfully, with one spark, burns very steadily, the flame does not blow away. The propane pressure is set low to allow the Babington burner to operate in the cold, when the pressure in the cylinder drops to 0.5-1 kg/cm3.

  • Automation requires sensors. The first thing I did was remove the thermocouple from the discarded boiler.

    I also found an infrared phototransistor for the sensor

Already several decades ago, in dachas and utility rooms you could find burners running on waste oil.

The reasons for the popularity of the units are clear - they worked not just on “waste” fuel, but even helped with the disposal of accumulated waste.

The craftsmen developed its design based on kerosene gas. And in our time, the device has not lost its relevance. Let's figure out how to make a burner for testing with your own hands.


  • Relatively cheap or even free fuel.
  • Possibility to make it yourself.
  • The design is inexpensive.
  • “Digests” even the poorest quality oil.


  • Any type of burner cannot be used in a residential area (it will certainly produce fumes and an oil smell).
  • The process of making a burner is not that simple.

Device diagram and drawings

Below is a working burner that you can make with your own hands and has a simple device. It can be used to study the principle of burning oil and create more complex designs.

In general, the unit consists of:

  • burners;
  • fuel tank;
  • dampers for adjusting air supply;
  • valve for adjusting the oil supply;
  • fan or vacuum cleaner.

Burner device liquid fuel

DIY waste oil burner - manufacturing features

The easiest way to make a burner is using a small gas cylinder or a blowtorch. To work you need to prepare:

  • the above container;
  • welding machine;
  • grinder;
  • a piece of 1.5-inch pipe;
  • a round plate equal to the inner diameter of the pipe;
  • a piece of wire 6 - 8 mm;
  • bolt with a through internal hole for the oil supply nozzle;
  • a thick round blank for the lid.

Getting started

  1. Two holes are drilled tangentially in the cylinder: from the bottom (for the mixture of air and oil to enter), and from the top for the flame to exit. Tubes with a diameter of 1.5 inches are welded. One is a continuation of the other, only a little higher; so that the fire swirls inside and does not immediately fly out into the street.
  2. An ignition hatch is made on top and equipped with a heavy lid so that it does not open during operation due to the pressure of incoming air.

Waste oil is a cheap fuel and for some types of premises it makes sense to install waste oil furnaces. , pros and cons of use.

Manufacturing instructions heat pump for home heating you will find.

Was steam heating once widely used in our country? Why has it lost its relevance now? In this article you will find the answer to this question and learn how steam heating of a private house works.

Air flow control

The pressure and amount of air supplied for combustion is regulated by a homemade damper (it is made according to the throttle principle, like in a carburetor).

The flap is installed in the supply pipe upstream of the fuel injector as follows:

  • A hole for the rotary axis is drilled strictly according to the diameter of the existing workpiece.
  • A round plate is cut along the inner diameter of the pipe, which in the closed position can completely block the hole.
  • A rotary axis is made in the shape of the letter “L” and a damper is mounted on it with small bolts.
  • In front of the damper, a hole is drilled or a slot is cut in the supply pipe to remove “excess” air (in case there is a lot of it for the burner).

The principle of feeding waste into the burner itself

To supply oil, a diffuser is installed in the intake pipe immediately behind the damper. The diffuser is a chiseled ring insert that slightly narrows the flow area. Thanks to it, a vacuum is created and oil (or other liquid fuel) flows through the nozzle and mixes with air.

For the supply pipeline it is preferable to use metal pipes . A freon tank is well suited for the fuel tank, and the needle valve allows you to precisely regulate the oil supply.

Simple homemade burner

The oil must be separated from water and filtered.

Operating principle

The fuel is supplied by gravity to the injector and is sucked in by air passing through the diffuser. The resulting mixture ignites inside the cylinder, and the torch is blown outside. Thus, the source of heat is the burner itself (heats up to a crimson glow) and the torch.

The flame can even be used to melt some metals, such as copper, aluminum and others that have more low temperature melting.

DIY Babington burner

Another type of flare burner available for making at home is the Babington spherical burner.

Her device includes:

  • two-inch diameter tee;
  • metal pipe for supplying fuel;
  • cutting to the thread size of the tee being used;
  • hollow steel ball;
  • air compressor;
  • metal corners;
  • thick wire.

DIY Babington burner

Design diagram

The tee is the basis of the device.

  1. A squeegee with a 15-20 mm hole drilled on the side (for ignition) is screwed into it along the thread - we get a burner with a nozzle.
  2. A hole is drilled on top of the letter “T” formed by the tee to connect the tube supplying liquid fuel. It is wound in the form of a spiral around a nozzle heated by a flame. This is necessary to achieve the required temperature and viscosity of the oil.
  3. And under the outlet of the supply tube, inside the tee, a ball or hemisphere is fixed, with a calibrated hole of 0.27 mm ± 0.02 mm, oriented strictly in the center of the nozzle. To simplify the task, you can use a jet of the specified size.
  4. Air is supplied from the compressor by a pipe connected to reverse side ball.
  5. Excess oil is drained through the lower branch of the tee.
  6. The oil supply container is secured away from the burner (and above it) to ensure the required pressure.
  7. The entire apparatus is installed on legs, which can be made of thick wire. It must be very stable!

The device works like this. Oil is supplied to the spherical surface by gravity or using a pump. From inside the ball, flown around with oil, air comes out under pressure, pumped by a compressor.

It sprays oil and forms a torch directed into the nozzle. This design is mounted inside the tee. Excess oil and impurities are collected in a sump located below. To avoid fire, it must be located as far as possible from the torch.

The advantage of this type of torch burner is that it is unpretentious to the quality and viscosity of the oil. Because only air passes through the calibrated hole.


A conventional solid fuel stove can be upgraded by adding a torch burner to its design.

For this purpose in combustion door a hole is cut strictly according to the size of the nozzle.

The burner is inserted with the nozzle inside, and its flame replaces the fire from conventional fuel. When the opening is covered with a rotating “curtain”, the oven can be used as usual.

This type of heating can only be installed in fireplaces and utility rooms. This is especially true for the first design described (it smokes more when ignited).

Video on the topic

A waste oil burner may be needed with the arrival of cold weather. Of course, you can use other types of such equipment for heating, but the burner for mining is considered the cheapest and simple option. Such a burner has its own characteristics not only in the fact that it can be constructed at a low cost, but also at a low fuel price and at the same time fuel is consumed very economically. But if you work, for example, at a service station and can get work from there for free, then this burner option is generally ideal.

Babington burner: what is it?

An oil burner that you make yourself can be used for different purposes, for example, for a simple liquid fuel stove or for operating a universal boiler. For optimal performance For such a burner, the main thing is to make a nozzle. The nozzle provides the power of the flame. Also, for optimal operation of the burner during mining, certain requirements must be met.


  • Ease of use;
  • Low power consumption;
  • Efficiency at work;
  • Possibility of working on unrefined fuel.

For the combustion of waste to be efficient, it must be heated or atomized. The most the best option will heat the oil using a heating element such as a heating element. But such heating will significantly increase electricity consumption. A burner that runs on liquid fuel must be economical, but with heating the fuel using electricity, savings are not possible, since the tariffs for electricity consumption are very high.

The Babington waste oil burner has a huge number of advantages. The main advantage of such a burner is that there is no need to clean the used oil, although such oil contains a lot of additives and is a very dirty black liquid.

Another advantage is that such a burner is quite easy to use and simple to design.

If you are comfortable with tools, then you can easily assemble such equipment yourself and get an effective and simple heater at your disposal.

The burner is an evaporative type burner that requires the use of an additional heating source. This requirement leads to the need to use a huge amount of electricity or it is necessary to complicate the design of the burner, that is, it is necessary to heat the fuel to such a state that it breaks down into easily flammable particles.

The Babington burner is made much simpler, since it has a compressor for atomizing the fuel. With this compressor, flammable substances are easily atomized and burn just as well.

We prepare the equipment: do-it-yourself waste oil burner

It is easier to make a burner for mining from the very beginning. Also, to make a burner, you can upgrade old ones, but this will be expensive. According to user reviews, remake the burner to diesel fuel into a waste oil burner will be expensive, and the design itself will require additional heating of the fuel. When designing a burner, you will need a nozzle for spraying; it is better to order it ready-made rather than redo it.

Ready-made waste oil burners are very high quality and economical, and the best choice is the Gnome burner. The power of such a burner varies, and the fuel is atomized by compressing air.

The best option when making a burner for mining is to use a blowtorch.

Let's remember how a blowtorch works:

  • We fill the lamp with gasoline, which will be supplied to the nozzle by pumping pressure into the lamp;
  • The injector warms up at the beginning, this is necessary for the combustion of fuel in an evaporated state;
  • Since gasoline is a highly purified fuel, its passage through the nozzle is not hampered in any way.

Having a fire extinguisher when using a waste oil burner is mandatory, as there is a constant risk of the burner catching fire.

If we compare waste oil and gasoline, then used oil contains microparticles of metal, combustion products of gasoline, gasoline, different fractions of decomposed oil, and much more. It is this composition of the waste that leads to very rapid contamination of the nozzle in the burner.

There are ways to modernize the nozzle, but such modernization will not pay off. And so let's look at the method of making a Babington waste oil burner on our own.

Selection of tools: DIY Babington burner

A DIY waste oil burner for your boiler is a money-saving option. If compared with finished products such burners, you will obviously save a lot cash, and if you have the necessary spare parts and tools, then manufacturing the burner will be free. The most expensive spare part in the burner design is the refrigerator compressor, which can create a pressure of 2 to 4 atmospheres.

The materials needed to construct the burner yourself are:

  • Fuel tank with heating element, which does not operate constantly, but only when necessary to heat the fuel;
  • 2nd tank for collecting waste that did not flow into the nozzle;
  • Copper tube for supplying pressure, it can be taken from the same refrigerator;
  • Pipe for draining waste;
  • Oil pump from the tank, which collected unused fuel into the working tank;
  • The pipe is 2 inches in diameter, it is necessary for making the nozzle;
  • 2 inch tee;
  • Material for making the nozzle or assembled nozzle.

Once you have all these parts, you can start collecting.

Exhaust nozzle or Babington burner: drawings

To design a burner, the first thing that needs to be done is a nozzle that will spray the waste.

Self-made Babington oil-type supercharged furnaces are very simple in design, as evidenced by the drawings. Of course, in purchased models there may be automation, a ball controller, but the device itself does not change, but for homemade installation Still, you can’t do without a filter. How to do it gas installation or diesel on gasoline, you can find out from a special video. The operating principle and collection diagram will also be shown there.

As for the nozzle, it is done in this order:

  • You need to create a hole in the nozzle, but do not forget that the larger the hole, the greater the power of the burner;
  • The air supply channel must be made as smooth as possible, because the air flow is directed forward, namely into the nozzle tube, and not along its walls;
  • The optimal way to make a hole is not to use a drill, but to use a lathe;
  • The best option for an injector would be to have a jet of the required diameter.

After doing this work, we assembled the main part of the burner on the exhaust, which sprays oil into the burner. Heated oil flows through such a nozzle and is sprayed. Spraying occurs due to the intake of air. From the nozzle, fuel and air enter the burner pipe, and at the outlet of such a pipe a flame is formed. If we install such a burner in a boiler, we will get a cheap heat source.

Safety precautions: burner using a blowtorch

It may be dangerous to use if it is not installed correctly or if it is used incorrectly.

In order to protect yourself from fire, you must follow these rules:

  • The walls and floor of the room where the burner will be installed must be lined with metal or asbestos;
  • The fuel supply must be kept at a safe distance from the burner;
  • Oil leaks must be cleaned up promptly;
  • The electrical component of the burner must be properly insulated so that sparks do not fall into the oil spray zone;
  • The burner location should not be exposed to air or drafts.

Under no circumstances should the burner be left unattended while the nozzle is open.

Often, during seasonal oil changes in cars, problems arise with waste disposal. At the same time, many owners of personal plots would like to have a cheap source of heating for their home needs. A self-made waste oil burner helps solve both problems. A small investment in a simple project pays off in many years of fuel savings.

To save money, you can make a burner yourself

Operating principle and types of structures

Since any oil contains flammable substances, they can be burned. People have long been trying to make the most of this for their own benefit, but solving this problem is not so easy, especially if they try to burn used oil, which contains many additional components. There are three types of devices for this purpose:

  1. Ejection. Very efficient system. Excellent fuel combustion, high temperature, there are few harmful emissions, but it is almost impossible to do at home. In addition, not all fuels can be used without pre-treatment.
  2. Evaporative. The easiest to assemble from scrap material, but its effectiveness is low, there is a lot of waste and pollution. Additional equipment is required for ignition and smooth operation.
  3. Injection. Most acceptable option for production oil burner with your own hands. Relatively simple design, easy to maintain, unpretentious to fuel. The main disadvantage is the inability to use it in residential premises.

In this video you will learn how the burner works during mining:

Some craftsmen are trying to adapt it for heating by working out blowtorches, but most often such undertakings result in complex alterations and a complete abandonment of the original burner design. Most popular in recent years received a Babington oil burner.

Robert Babington patented his invention at the end of the last century using one of Murphy's laws - to do everything the other way around. Robert did not spray the fuel, blowing it out of the nozzle, I just tried to force air through the oil film. It produces an oily aerosol that burns beautifully. It’s not for nothing that they say that everything ingenious is simple.

A novice master can make such a burner if he has a garage or workshop with a bench vice and an electric drill. Having collected necessary materials and having prepared the tools, they make drawings of a waste oil burner or find ready-made ones on the Internet.

DIY making

Having collected everything you need in the garage, we begin step by step assembly liquid fuel burners. Even an amateur can do it with his own hands . For the work you will need the following materials:

  1. Steel tee DN50 for two-inch pipes.
  2. Spherical nozzle head. Use brass door handles, spherical nuts or similar parts.
  3. The nozzle is a steel tube with threaded ends. Length - 150−200 mm.
  4. Copper tube with a diameter of 10 mm for supplying fuel to the injector from the fuel tank.
  5. A metal tube with a diameter of at least 10 mm for the air duct.
  6. Threaded plugs for connections.
  7. Car or motorcycle fuel pump.

Don't forget about the materials we will need

Having collected everything necessary details, start assembling . To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. A small hole of no more than 0.3 mm is made in the hemisphere of the future nozzle.
  2. Attach the air duct tube to the hemisphere.
  3. Insert the hemisphere inside the tee and screw in the sealed threaded plug.
  4. Make a hole in the nozzle to ignite the burner.
  5. Screw the nozzle drive to the body.
  6. A copper fuel pipe is screwed on top.
  7. The other end is inserted into the fuel tank.
  8. The tank is equipped with a heating element for heating the fuel to 70°C.
  9. The fuel supply tube is wrapped around the nozzle to heat the fuel while the burner is operating.
  10. A compressor is connected to pump air into the nozzle during testing.

This is how you make an excellent burner with your own hands according to the drawings. For more reliable and safe work The device is provided with measuring sensors and additional parts that will increase the efficiency of the device.

When using a homemade burner, there are usually increased requirements for compliance with fire safety rules. Important to remember:

  1. Do not leave a working nozzle unattended.
  2. It is prohibited to install the equipment in a residential area.
  3. To heat the heating main boiler, a special room is usually made without flammable coating on the walls, ceiling and floor.
  4. To increase operating efficiency, heavily contaminated waste is enriched with clean oil.
  5. They are constructing in the boiler room reliable ventilation for removal of gases and smoke after fuel combustion.
  6. Conduct regular maintenance and check the reliability of equipment.

At correct use a homemade burner will last for many years. The savings from using this type of heating are obvious, because the used oil has already been paid for, and if not for the homemade firebox, it would have to be disposed of.

By making such a simple device, the owner kills two birds with one stone: he saves on fuel and on the disposal of harmful liquid.