Polymer compositions for wood stabilization. Wood stabilization

Why do they stabilize wood? Some people make various jewelry, some make souvenirs, but the main category of people who are interested in stabilization are primarily those who are passionate about self-production knives. The equipment for stabilizing wood, which we will consider in this article, will be useful for anyone who wants to master this art at home, and perhaps later turn it into a hobby or a profitable business.

But before we start making equipment, let's answer this question:

“What characteristics does wood get after stabilization?”

Let's list the main ones:

  • high density, hardness and strength;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to wet environments;
  • UV resistance;
  • resistance to short-term exposure to fire;
  • resistance to grease, dirt and organic solvents.

It turns out that wood that has undergone the stabilization process acquires characteristics that make it possible to create products from it that are practically unaffected by time and external influences.

Stabilization of wood makes the latter unusually beautiful, and the use of special dyes emphasizes the structure of the wood, bringing artistic originality to the products. Here are just some examples:

But enough lyricism. If you are on the pages of this, then you have probably already heard about stabilized wood. Today we will create equipment for these purposes, and in subsequent lessons we will get acquainted with the basics this process and we’ll do something already.

It is quite possible to make it from a minimum set of materials, sometimes a three-liter jar and a vacuum pump for preserving food or a water filter are enough. I have collected for you some photographs of vacuum chambers from open sources. Look at the gallery, many of the presented specimens are quite suitable for this purpose:

Oh, by the way, while I was collecting photos of homemade vacuum chambers on the Internet, I discovered one of our first works, made back in 2012 - see this yellow milk can - we started with this! From plastic pipes There was also our craft, but it didn’t work for long, but the can served for more than two years.

Please note that in almost all photographs there is a vacuum compressor - this will be the most expensive part of creating your complex if you plan to do this seriously. Otherwise even car pump, only it will need to be converted to pump out air, which is very simple - write in the comments if relevant, I’ll take mine apart and show you how to do it.

Second required part- This is a system of a valve and a check valve that allows air to be pumped out of the container and does not allow air to get back. This design is easy to assemble. Ingredients in the photo:

  • valve
  • check valve
  • union
  • adapter
  • rubber gaskets
  • plumbing thread
  • tightening nuts
  • sealant

Anticipating your questions, I will say that similar system It was on our camera for three years and was used almost daily. But in lately started to poison us and we decided to completely send our camera for preventative maintenance, disassemble it and reassemble it.

These parts are assembled in this sequence and attached to the lid of the container that you are going to use to stabilize the tree:

The brass check valve features an arrow design. During assembly, this arrow should be directed in the direction of movement of the pumped air (in our case, up).

We attach a vacuum pressure gauge or vacuum gauge to the same cover (you will need to know whether your design works or not). During assembly, do not forget to wrap fum tape or plumbing thread around all threaded parts of the structure, and additionally coat all connections with sealant. The end result should be something like this:

Yes, we didn’t spare the sealant)), but it won’t be superfluous.

Let's leave it for a day, it's better not to rush - let the sealant harden. Tomorrow we will check our system for functionality. And she looks like this:

Equipment for stabilizing wood at home

Remember that yellow can at the beginning of the article. We didn’t go far from milk - the same can was taken as the basis for the vacuum chamber in this photo, but only from a milking machine). Its volume allows us to stabilize three to five kilograms of wood at a time, which fully satisfies our needs.

Well, to be honest, a more functional and presentable unit is currently being assembled, photos of which I will share a little later.

That's it, we'll wait until tomorrow and check. Write all questions in the comments. I will answer quickly.

Anacrol-90, is an impregnating composition based on dimethacrylic polyester, which at a temperature of (95±5) ºС quickly polymerizes to form a thermosetting polymer. This composition was developed to seal micropores and microcracks, preventing internal corrosion in products made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals produced by casting or powder metallurgy. At the same time sealing process occurs inside metals, no film is formed on their surface; excess composition is removed by dipping into water (15-25 ºС).

However, high penetrating ability, non-shrinkage polymerization and the final properties of the resulting polymer, namely its high strength and chemical resistance, combined with operating temperatures from -60 ºС to +180 ºС, have made very interesting application Anacrol-90 and for wood stabilization/preservation.

Stabilized wood

Stabilized wood, in itself, is very interesting material. Processed Anacrol-90wooden blanks become an order of magnitude more durable (withstand dynamic loads perfectly), resistant to various biological damage, moisture resistant, not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, and most importantly... acquire a completely different appearance. By stabilizing wood, you not only improve its physical and chemical properties, you make it much more durable, but you highlight and emphasize the structure of the tree itself, its unique beauty, which people love and appreciate so much. You can enhance the effect obtained by using dyes of various colors, which will make your product more unique and attractive.

An undoubted advantage of stabilized wood is that many soft woods, which are not suitable for many types of processing, but at the same time have an unusually beautiful pattern and texture, after stabilization become hard and suitable for creativity.

Also, stabilized wood is perfectly processed: there will be no chips, cracks, delaminations, and when polished there will be no “hairiness”. And of course high quality"gloss" that appears during grinding and polishing.

And most importantly, stabilized Anacrol-90 the wood feels like it remains the same wood, and not a piece of “frozen” polymer.

Methods for stabilizing wood with Anacrol-90

Wood stabilization process Anacrol-90,includes two stages: impregnation and subsequent heat treatment. Now, in more detail about each of them.

*The information provided below is the generalized experience of people who have been impregnating wood for many years, have achieved excellent results and shared their experience on the forums: http://popgun.ru and http://forum.guns.ru.

Requirements for workpieces for stabilization

Before moving on to the description of the stabilization process, let me remind you of the requirements that must be placed on wooden blanks in order to obtain a high-quality result. The impregnation process is the process of penetration of the solution (in our case Anacrol®-90) into the pores of the material, respectively, if the pores are “closed” (with water, resins, salts), the composition will not penetrate into them, and if they are too large (about 0.5 mm), then it will not “stay” there.

The main requirement: the tree must be as dry as possible. The recommended thickness of the bars is no more than 40mm.


The impregnation method can be chosen depending on what kind of wood you will be working with and how much time you have to process it. There are three ways in total, let's start with the simplest and most accessible.

"Natural impregnation"- V in this case, blocks of wood (Karelian birch, bog oak, porous cap, etc.) are immersed in a container with Anacrol®-90(entirely, for this you can use a “weight”), while impregnation is carried out naturally, thanks to the capillary effect. The process takes 1.5-2 weeks, the tree stops absorbing the composition and the “ready” bars sink. However, it is better to monitor “absorption” using scales, since some samples may not “sink” due to physical properties the tree itself or the presence large quantity"closed" pores. During the specified time, almost any tree is soaked to its full depth.

The undoubted advantages in this case are the simplicity of the process and the almost complete absence of equipment costs, the disadvantage is the impregnation time.

"Vacuum impregnation"- for this impregnation method you will need a vacuum chamber (we will consider its options below). The wood blocks are completely immersed in a container with Anacrol®-90 and placed in a vacuum chamber. Next, we pump out the air, and the composition, due to the abundance of air escaping from the bar, begins to “boil.” We wait for the end of the “boiling” process, after which, in a vacuum, we keep the block for another 30-60 minutes. We return atmospheric pressure and, without removing the block, keep it in Anacrol-90 another day.

The impregnation time is reduced to one day, while the requirements for the vacuum installation are not high, as are the costs for it, however, best result, gives the following method.

"Vacuum impregnation using excess pressure"- this method, due to the initial costs of vacuum installation, the most expensive, but allows you to quickly and efficiently obtain stabilized wood, even “hard” wood. So:

1) Wood blocks are completely immersed in a container with Anacrol-90 and placed in a vacuum chamber.
2) We pump out the air (residual pressure is about 0.015-0.025 atm), the composition begins to “boil”
3) We wait for the end of the “boiling” process and keep the bars for 15-30 minutes.
4) We reset the vacuum to atmospheric pressure, after which we create overpressure(about 4-5 atm.)
5) Wait for 30 minutes and release the pressure to atmospheric pressure.
6) Repeat points 2 to 5 two to three times.
7) We control (by weighing) the impregnation of the bar (often it simply “sinks”).

Important! After impregnation, do not remove excess solution with a rag, napkin, etc., Anacrol-90 has a high penetrating ability, therefore, when you try to wipe it, it will “go away” into rags.

And don’t forget, initially, the composition was developed for impregnating metal, which allows (if necessary) to process assembled metal/wood products (the same knives). Excess composition is removed from the metal surface by dipping into water (15-25 ºС).

Curing of the compositionANACROL-90 (heat treatment)

Heat treatment of workpieces can be carried out in two ways:

1) In boiling water(or industrial oil) - the impregnated blanks are tightly wrapped in stretch film (cling film) and placed in hot (boiling) water (95±5) ºС, where they are kept for about 1-2 hours (for metal products: 20-30 minutes, without film).
2) In the drying chamber(for example: oven, oven) - the impregnated workpieces are placed in an oven heated to 120-140 ºС. Highly porous (loose) wood must be wrapped, for example, in a baking bag; this procedure is necessary to prevent the leakage process Anacrol-90. Drying lasts from 2 to 4 hours, the process ends when the wood stops “hovering” and there are no wet spots.

Important! If the temperature regime is violated (for example: the workpieces were placed in an oven heated to 90-95 ºС), the polymerization process will not occur properly, the composition will be like “rubber”. If you try to correct the situation in the future and subject the workpieces to repeated heat treatment, this will lead to nothing, the composition will remain the same.

Application of dyes

For coloring Anacrol-90, fat-soluble dyes are used (in our company you can purchase dyes in five colors: red, yellow, green, blue, black). To obtain other colors, it is recommended to mix the dyes until dissolved in the composition.

  • Dosage of dyes approximately (0.001 - 0.1) g per 1 kg Anacrol-90, no more, otherwise the whole mass will be dark and not piercing with light!
  • For testing, you can add dye to the tip of a knife the size of half a pin's head.
  • Add the selected dye to the desired saturation in portions of 0.01 g of dye per 1 kg Anacrol-90.
  • Mix with a drill and attachment for at least 5-10 minutes after each addition of dye.
  • Dyes can be mixed with each other to obtain the desired shade.
  • When packing and mixing the dye, wear gloves, goggles and a respirator!
  • Harmful for breathing, avoid drafts (so as not to scatter throughout the room)!
  • It is almost impossible to remove dyes from clothes!
  • You can wash your hands and face with alcohol or acetone.
  • Store the dye in a closed plastic bag without access to air (to prevent moisture from entering) at normal temperature.

Important! The amount of dye added affects the stabilization process; the more dye added, the higher the temperature in the drying chamber should be.

Vacuum installation options

In this section we will touch on the options homemade installations for impregnation of wood using vacuum and excess pressure.

The simplest, most accessible and in an inexpensive way there will be a purchase, for example, of the following kit:

SLUM (a jar with a lid from the IKEA store) and the VAKS system (vacuum canning device), which includes: a pump for vacuum canning NVR-3 and lids KVK-82. Can price, per at the moment, is about 150 rubles and, somewhere, 350 rubles - the VAKS system.

To create a vacuum, you can use a special container: a desiccator (with a tap). The price (depending on the manufacturer, material, size) varies from 1500 to 13000 rubles.

The next most popular are AQUAPHOR filter housings. The design of the housing allows you to create both vacuum and excess pressure without any modifications. The wiring in their upper part is “ideal” for this. The price, depending on the size, varies from 5,000 to 11,000 rubles. However, the housing is only part of the installation. To create a vacuum and excess pressure you will need: vacuum pump, compressor and “body kit” (fittings, hoses), as well as pressure monitoring devices (for example: RGGL pressure and vacuum gauge).

Vacuum pumps- there are many options here, as budget ones we can offer the following: vacuum pump Z 1.2 B Mini (VPBW-1S) - price from 1500 rubles; vacuum pump Z-1.5 (VPA 115) - price from 2200 rubles; vacuum pump VE115N (product: VALUE) - price from 3200 rub.

Compressor- you can use car ones (Vitol KA-U12050 "Hurricane" - price from 1200 rubles; Kachok K90 N - price from 1500 rubles, etc.), however, to connect them to a 220V network you will need one more device: a Dayton 220V - 12V converter with a cigarette lighter socket 15A (price about 4000 rubles

If you want to save (including on electricity), then you can use it as a universal device (replaces both a vacuum pump and a compressor). Komovsky vacuum pump- this device can still be found on sale, the price starts from 4000 rubles. This device allows us to create vacuum and excess pressure exactly in the range we require.

Examples already assembled installations can be viewed on the forums http://popgun.ru (in the topics: “wood stabilization option”, “and again stabilization/drying wood”)

Important! For more economical use of the impregnating composition Anacrol®-90, as well as in order to increase the service life of the housings of your installations (for example, plastic filter housings are destroyed upon contact with Anacrol®-90) we recommend using additional containers (for example: plastic bottles from drinking water). These containers are filled with Anacrol®-90, wooden blanks are stacked, after which they are placed in a vacuum chamber.

Application options industrial installations we did not consider it, because firstly, they have a fairly high price (a vacuum chamber costs about 60,000 rubles, a pump-compressor - from 20,000 rubles) and secondly, in order to use this equipment for stabilizing wood, it is necessary will be finalized.

Anacrol-90. Storage conditions. Security requirements.


Anacrol-90, to prevent spontaneous polymerization, must be stored without access sunlight, at temperatures from +5 ºС to +25 ºС (short-term, up to +35 ºС).

Temperature during transportation: from -40 ºС to +35 ºС.

During storage, contact is not allowed Anacrol-90 with metals or particles of metals or alloys getting into the manufacturer’s containers with the impregnating composition. Anacrol-90, poured into a working container or container during use, must be stored separately, because when it is poured back into the manufacturer's container, dirt may enter it and a polymer may form, which will make the composition unsuitable for further use. Guaranteed shelf life - 1 year.

Security requirements

During storage and operation, the composition Anacrol-90 doesn't highlight harmful substances in concentrations dangerous to the human body. In accordance with the classification according to GOST 12.1.007, the impregnating composition Anacrol-90 belongs to low-hazardous substances of class 4.

Anacrol-90 not explosive, but it burns when introduced into a fire source. Near the place of work with Anacrol-90 The presence of open flames and sources of sparking is not allowed. Work must be organized in accordance with the requirements fire safety according to GOST 12.1.004 and PPB 01-03.

Fire extinguishing media: air-mechanical foam, carbon dioxide, powders or sand. It is not recommended to use water-foaming agents and water. When extinguishing large spills, use foam, PSB-3 powder; for small lesions - carbon dioxide, PSB powder.

Renderingfirst aid in emergency situations

After inhalation exposure Anacrol-90 - fresh air, peace, warmth.

For oral exposure (ingestion): drink plenty of water, activated carbon, saline laxative. When hitting skin and into the eyes - remove contaminated clothing, wash skin with soap and water, and rinse eyes with plenty of water. In all cases, further seek medical help.

P. S.

I would like to add that in order to obtain a high-quality and stable result, it is necessary to follow the stabilization technology and everything is important here: what type of wood you impregnate, the size of the workpieces and their quality, the amount of added dye, the time and conditions of impregnation, temperature conditions, subsequent grinding and polishing.

These are subtleties, but they are usually kept secret; they are what ensure high-quality results.

Good luck to you in your exciting business!

How to stabilize wood aslan wrote in July 25th, 2018

Today I would like to show you how we stabilize wood in two colors.

All stabilization equipment can be purchased from the Chinese.

We will need:

1) Vacuum chamber with lid

2) Vacuum pump

3) And the polymer itself for stabilization, we use anacrol + dyes

We will stabilize it in two colors - blue and red. Pour anacrol into the container and add red dye. For 1 liter of anacrol you need 10 grams of dye. Mix everything thoroughly.

Then we completely place the block in the liquid so that it does not float up, you can press it down with a weight. We turn on the vacuum pump and create a vacuum in the chamber to release air from the bar and fill it with anacrol.

Since we are stabilizing in two colors, first we need to soak the bar in red anacrol for about half, this is 30 minutes.
While the bar is soaking, we take another container, pour anacrol and add blue dye. Stir also thoroughly.

After 30 minutes, turn off the vacuum pump, restore the pressure in the chamber and take out the bar, wipe it and place it in another container with blue anacrol. We turn on the vacuum pump again and now wait an hour and a half for the block to be completely soaked.
After an hour and a half, turn off the vacuum pump and check the bar; if it sank in the liquid and does not float up, then everything worked out and the bar is completely saturated. If the bar floats, then we leave it in the liquid overnight; there is no need to turn on the vacuum pump, let it soak on its own.

When the block stops floating, take it out and wrap it in cling film.
Anacrol hardens at 90-100 degrees; the polymerization process can be carried out in an electric oven, oven or in boiling water. I cook bars.
Bring the water to a boil and place the bar in it, cook for 40 minutes.

After that, we remove the film, sand it to remove excess anacrol, sand it, and this is what we get in the end:

And here’s what it looks like as a knife handle after polishing:

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This technology allows you to create unique materials with high technical and aesthetic characteristics. Let's find out how to stabilize wood at home, what compounds are needed for this, what technologies are used to carry out this operation.

Stabilization process: what is it?

This type of processing is nothing more than preservation. This is conservation, if only because the main goal of this process is to preserve the highest possible decorative and aesthetic properties of wood and at the same time increase strength and hardness.

Wood stabilization is the filling of the pores of the material with special compounds that can harden or have the ability to polymerize. Various oils, paints and varnishes, polymers, and resins are used as impregnations for such processing.

That's enough complex process, but if you approach it with maximum responsibility and perform all the actions described in the technology, then there is a chance to get a very hard wood with an amazing design.

Benefits of stabilization

Stabilized wood differs significantly in its properties and characteristics from ordinary wood. After such treatment, density and hardness increase, and resistance to temperature and humidity changes improves. Additionally this material acquires a lot of other useful properties.

Wood stabilization makes it possible to reduce the wood's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Such polymerized wood can withstand even short-term heating at open fire without losing its unique characteristics. This natural material after processing by special technologies becomes impenetrable to various oils and organic solvents. And finally, the most important thing that the stabilization process gives the tree is its excellent decorative qualities. Such wood is much lighter and easier to process.

Why do you stabilize a tree?

Any type of wood, even durable and expensive ones, such as oak or, say, ash, is somehow influenced by various destructive factors and influences. Thus, wood often wears out, when exposed to moisture it can become deformed, absorb moisture or dry out. Wood stabilization helps preserve and improve all the qualities of wood and prevent its wear and tear.

Polymerization technologies

In order to obtain as a result quality material, it will take a lot of time, money and effort. It is especially difficult to get the right one temperature regime, vacuum, as well as the required level of pressure, but without observing all these parameters, wood stabilization becomes impossible.

At the first stage, you need to choose the right material. Often these products will be subsequently used for the manufacture of various decorative details, so you should choose only those breeds that have a beautiful and aesthetic texture. It could be hardwoods wood - birch, maple, elm, chestnut,

Next, the selected pieces need to be soaked various compositions. There are several types and methods of impregnation. So, for small thin workpieces, cold impregnation is suitable. Hot impregnation is also used - this is boiling or soaking the workpiece in a hot composition. When these compounds are heated, their consistency changes to a more liquid one and gains better penetrating ability.

The vacuum method is also widely used - many people use it at home. So, the workpiece is placed in a special chamber, from which the air is then pumped out. Along with it, the air contained in the wood also leaves the container. Next, wood stabilizing compounds are poured in, which will very easily fill all its pores.

Another way to preserve wood is impregnation under excess pressure. The composition is poured into the container and the workpiece is placed there. This container is then placed in a special chamber where excess pressure is created. As a result, air escapes from the workpiece, and the solution occupies all the pores.

Next is the polymerization process. The workpiece is thoroughly dried at certain temperatures. There are some compounds that harden on their own. Stabilized wood becomes heavier, acquires a more aesthetic appearance and color, and acquires new properties.

But at the same time, wood fibers do not change their characteristics. They are, as it were, reinforcing, giving the entire workpiece an expensive and noble appearance.

Stabilization of wood with "Anacrol" at home

This is a popular technology that is most often used for preserving wood at home. This technology involves the presence of a vacuum installation. To assemble it, you need plastic containers, taps, pipes, as well as a compressor and a vacuum pump. All this will definitely be found in the garage home handyman. To control the pressure, you definitely need a pressure gauge. For drying, you can use a convection oven or a powerful oven.

The blank can be a plate of dry wood, let it be, for example, poplar. The prepared plate should be no more than 30 mm in thickness, and the length should also not be long. Anacrol-90 will be used as impregnation. The size of the workpiece was chosen to make it easier to impregnate.

First of all, the workpiece is placed in a container with the composition so that the solution completely covers it. Next, you need to create a vacuum in the flask until bubbles stop forming. Then you need to let the solution brew - this will take no more than 20 minutes. After this, it is necessary to create excess pressure in the flask using a pump and compressor. The pressure level should be from 2 to 4 atmospheres. Then they take a break of 30 minutes, and then the whole process is repeated again.

You need to repeat until the piece of wood begins to sink. When the bar has sunk, the process can be stopped. Now all that remains is to dry the piece of poplar in the oven at 100 degrees.

After drying, the workpiece will become much denser and will be much better polished. And if you add any dye to Anacrol-90, you can get a unique design. You can also find a colored composition on sale.

Stabilization with epoxy resin

The whole process is identical to the version using Anacrol, however, the composition will be epoxy resin diluted in alcohol for better fluidity. Minus epoxy resin- the fact is that it polymerizes for a very long time, and in a vacuum it can even boil. But, despite all the difficulties and shortcomings, the result will exceed any expectations.

Today on sale you can find imported polymers for stabilizing wood with different fluidity. The most liquid of them are perfect for this purpose.

A simple way to stabilize

This technology involves impregnating wood with oil. Flaxseed, hemp, nut, even tung oil will do. At the same time, ordinary sunflower does not have the necessary qualities. The whole technology boils down to the fact that the workpiece is placed, say, in linseed oil for 10-14 days. But experts recommend using the vacuum method.

Stabilization technology from the masters of the Solovetsky Monastery

As you know, this monastery was built of wood. Over the centuries, some elements of the buildings of the monastery block have not been adversely affected by the atmosphere, moisture and time. Some details even violate all the laws of physics. But everything turned out to be very simple - it’s salt.

In order to perform the stabilization procedure using this method, you will need water and salt. So, you need to prepare a bucket of water and a tablespoon of salt for each liter. The salt must be dissolved in water, the preparations should be placed there and cooked for two hours. When the water stops producing foam, the wood is ready. All that remains is to dry the workpieces.

Wood stabilization is a processing method that gives wood greater strength and improves its decorative qualities, while preserving its natural pattern.

After processing, the wood receives:

  • High density;
  • Hardness;
  • Resistance to changes in ambient temperature and humidity;
  • Complete immunity to ultraviolet rays;
  • Ability to withstand brief heating open flame without losing yours quality characteristics and without being deformed;
  • Impermeability to various oils;
  • Resistance to organic solvents;
  • Magnificent decorative properties— stabilized wood lends itself well to manual and mechanical processing.

This type of wood processing has a second name – conservation. This name is justified because the main goal of this process is to preserve the best decorative qualities of wood while increasing strength and hardness. This effect is achieved by filling the pores with a special substance that has the ability to harden. Used as impregnation various types oils, most often linseed, as well as varnishes, paints, polymer impregnations and resins.

Due to complete impregnation with the coloring solution, the stabilized wood is painted not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Coloring can be natural or using different colors.

To obtain high-quality stabilized material, you will have to spend a lot of time, money and a lot of work. It is quite difficult to create the necessary temperature conditions, vacuum and a certain level of pressure at home, and without this it will not be possible to carry out stabilization.

The first stage of work is to select the right material. Usually they stabilize wood with a beautiful texture and shimmer, in particular, these are burls of deciduous types of wood: birch, maple, elm, chestnut.

The next stage is impregnation. There are different types and impregnation methods:

  • For workpieces of small thickness, cold impregnation is used;
  • Hot impregnation is soaking or cooking in hot impregnating compounds. As is known, when hot they acquire a more liquid consistency, fluidity and penetrating ability increase significantly;
  • Vacuum method - air is pumped out from the chamber in which the workpieces are placed, and the air that is in the wood itself comes out with it. Then a solution is poured in, which easily fills the freed pores and capillaries of the wood;
  • Impregnation under the influence of excess pressure - a stabilizing solution is poured into a special container and the workpiece is placed in it. The container, in turn, is placed in a special chamber and excess pressure is created in it. In this case, air comes out of the workpiece, and the solution takes its place.

Vacuum method

Hot way

The final stage is polymerization. This is achieved by thoroughly drying the workpiece at a certain temperature. Some special compounds have the property of self-hardening. Treated wood becomes much heavier, its color changes significantly, and the new properties it acquires as a result of processing are more reminiscent of the properties of a polymer. However, the wood fibers practically do not change their qualities; they seem to reinforce the polymer composition, giving the entire workpiece the appearance of a noble wood species.

Use stabilized wood to make unique crafts self made. The use of such wood in the manufacture of knife handles is very common, especially for exclusive options.

Methods for stabilizing wood at home

Stabilization using Anacrol-90

For preservation, you will need the impregnating composition Anacrol 90, which hardens at an air temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. First you need to assemble a vacuum installation, for which you will need: large plastic containers, taps and tubes, a vacuum pump and compressor, as well as a pressure gauge to determine the pressure force. To dry the workpiece, you can use an oven, convection oven or a special oven.

Stabilization of wood with Anacrol-90 with the addition of color pigment

As a blank, take a plate of dry deciduous wood, for example, poplar. The thickness of the plate is no more than 3 cm, the size also should not be large - our task is to completely saturate this blank with anacrol, and when large sizes this is much more difficult to do.

The process itself is as follows:

  1. Place the workpiece in a flask with anacrol so that the entire workpiece is covered with the solution;
  2. We create a vacuum until the air bubbles stop releasing;
  3. Let the solution settle for about twenty minutes or a little less and then create excess pressure in the flask. To do this we use a compressor and a pump. The pressure should reach 2-4 atm;
  4. We take a break for half an hour and repeat the whole process again.

Based on the state of the workpiece, we look at how many times these steps need to be repeated. The completion of impregnation can be judged by whether the workpiece sinks or not in the water. If it sinks, then the impregnation was successful.

Further processing consists of completely drying the workpiece, which is placed in an oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. The dried workpiece does not contain wet spots.

As a result of this processing, our workpiece will become denser and much better accept polishing If you add colored pigment to anacrol, you can get an interesting colored pattern. You can purchase colored types of anacrol, then you don’t have to do magic with pigments.